The kids are his but it does not rule out infidelity. The man is not crazy if he misunderstood it was because of certain things that are questionable. Whats needed is a polygraph test. Still i respect the man for apologising.
I thought so too, vamhanya, there is no smoke without fire, the way the mother was confident about the paternity is the same way the father is confident about infidelity😷
This man should be appointed Minister of Love Affairs, the way he does stock-taking in every detail about his wife kana Mahommed Mussa doesn’t check receipts like that 🙌🏽
I like how confident women answer question: what if result shows that the child is not the father's child. answer: hapana zvakadaro whatsoever, mwana/vana ndevake, period. Such women make us proud👍🏼👍🏼
Aiwa mai vakatamba vakachenjera that's all. that gentleman had his reasons to feel insecure and have doubts given the way he narrated the incidences. I would feel the same if it was my case. Asi the maturity of that gentleman yakandiinspire hudzamu hwemashoko bravo
Excly this man z rlly suffering ...... Yes the de children ndevake and dis woman akangwara plus kune protected sex ...anenge achiziva kut vana ndevake tts y anga ane confidence but shz playing games
unfortunately there is no way of testing infidelity, but Mwari vave nababa ava he seems to have been verbally abused for long. just because vana ndevake doesn't dismiss the damage caused. to the son of this man take him and take care of him he needs emotional comfort yakasimba. he can not be crazy to say all that he said and its unfortunately nyaya zhinji dzakaitika vangori two.
Very true ....this man z not mad He is rlly suffering a lot ...peopl are just judging from the results yes vana ndevake doesn mean mukadz haasi kuita magames
Baba ava is being abused apa arikuhurirwa. Mai ava was careful pakusaitiswa vana nezvikomba but she is not innocent pa infidelity.....pple should not force this couple to get back together otherwise baba ava vanofa nestress.
@@mugambiwatonderai5424 Unomboona maDNA shows ava Mugabe here kana kuti angoriwo madokureva havo. This man harasses his wife. Suffers from paranoia. And kana yakubata unoita zvaita Bamboo ava
I love how the lady's family went to support their daughter although the husband's side was also supposed to be there,thumbs up to the Father for the wise words,Mr Mugabe keep up the good work of giving people peace of mind
Indeed the wife's family supported their own however i feel the father was biased on his comment , ''kushoresa ivo nemhuri yavo so so '' My thinking is , he thought of going through this process because he had gathered some doubts in the marriage. So mukwasha was right to take this initiative to exercise his right to knowing the real truth. Nyaya kuzobuda kunze it means the two have failed to resolve the issue between themselves.
The man knows what he is saying, only that on many episodes, vanhu vanoramba kuti hazvina kuitika. proof inozonetsa since zviri zvinhu zvaitaurwa kare. Yemazita iyo mai vangoramba havo but baba vanoziva zvavari kutaura.
Um with you ...this man z not mad he really knows what he z saying .....yes the children ndevake bt the wife z doin games ....plzz peopl dont just conclude cz he doesn hve solid proof
This show is informative, after all have been done and said the cheaters can stil escape all they have been doing. One can be promiscuous and the child will come out to be of the alleged father. Mhosva yake yekuita gumbo mumba yotopera
Maybe the age difference contributed to the problems this couple faced. Varume musaroore vakadzi vadiki kwamuri munofa nekufungira. I felt pity for the man, it was him against the whole clan
This man is not making up things ,infedelity must not be judged according to paternity results. There are many ways to avoid pregnancies,family planning is one of them. Some how I feel this man is telling the truth.
Of course the kids are his but it doesn't need a rocket scientist to see kuti mdhara ari pama1!!! When he was addressing her aiti 'ava' but she called 'iwe'! Might judge wrongly but explanation yavo pamunhu akatakura bucket it's neither here nor there!!!! If it was trivial as she wants everyone who cares to believe, what was the point of discussing it like she did? Moms iyo pane basa, itsotsi rinoba but risingabatwe, I hope mdhara anawo makwati (whatever it is) ambopinda kuma'testis' 😂😂😂
Baba ava vanoshusha full stop.Vanga vakunyepera kudzungaira yet he didn’t have any evidence all his accusations don’t make sense at all.What an interesting episode Thank you Mr Mugabe.
The major contributor for family distraction is usually family members. Why would this guy's (father) first born took him to his house for a year away from his wife? And why would this lady's (wife) relatives come in numbers for her defense as if vanoswera nemwana wavo pese pese?
The wife is too younger than this men. So the man feel unsecured. The wife is too clever than the man but the man too soft but clever in heart. We thank you me mugabe
This show brings out the importance of getting both sides of the story 1st b4 coming up with a conclusion. Iyi yanhasi inonetsa coz ukanzwa umwe neumwe achitaura unomunzwira tsitsi. But manje, the man has no proof of infidelity n paternity has been established.After listening to evri1 ataura, ndoona hangu sekuti baba ava vanorwara kungoti hatizvioni nekuti havanhongi mumabin. He needs help. I'm not a professional zvangu nezvemental health but umm vanoda kubatsirwa ava.
Very true baba ava nofunga ndivo vaka cheater and he is covering his games by falsely accusing this woman or he is a psycho path,he is hallucinating everything
Listening to this story Tinashe,i suggest you beef up your game by adding inonzi Lie Dectective Test.Reason being zvatsanangurwa nababa ava i feel kuti zvaizoda kuzadzikisa ne test iyoyo so that mashoko and actions dzinenge dzisingabude paDNA result dzigone kutsingirwa sekuitika and kutaurwa kwazvinenge zvaitwa.
26:08 mhai :zvinhu izvi ndakazviita 2019 August, asi vakazozvitaura 2020 T. Mugabe (the DNA) man : Asi zvakaitika mhai : kwete Chokwadi ndechipi mhai???
Huuu saka iwe you mean watadza kunzwisisa chavanga vari kuti chakaitika here apa? She said yes zvakaitika kuti vakabatsirwa kutakura zvinhu zvavo vari mu town
She meant that " ndirikunzi ndakazviita muna 2019" but feya baba ava havaite kugarika navo. Dai vasina havo kuroora. Mukadzi wavo akafa nebroken heart coz baba ava vanorwadza aah
Something along the same lines as this case happened to a couple known to me but there was no paternity issue. The man from nowhere alleged that his wife was having extra marital affairs. He would even describe seeing the wife with a man. One of the incidents involved having to go to the Police to view a traffic camera footage but the man's allegations were disproved. I had the opportunity to speak with him. He would recite the allegations as if he was reading from a book. He was called for a mental/psychological evaluation at the hospital but he refused. These episodes of the allegations come and go although they are now becoming fewer and fewer.
From what I’ve gathered in the comments section , tiri kufungira kuti baba ava is delusional but ndingopawo 2 cents dzangu 😊, my father was in a similar predicament 20yrs ago, he married a young wife and went to work in Bots and the wife (step mother) would do time here in Zim and time in Bots, tainzwa runyerekupe rwekuti she’s dating other men etc… come to find out 5 yrs after she had her first child ( who we thot was my father’s) only to find out mwana haasi wedu 😰, my father nekuda young wife vaisada kuteerera vanhu and also people were saying my father is delusional and vanochengera just like that man, so in all fairness this man anenge ave kuita seanopenga but alas !
I am with you ....this man z not lyng at all this women akangwarisa uyo ...yes vana ndevake hake bt this women z playing games ....baba avo rlly needs help he z suffering
Unfortunately you can't use your father's story as standard to judge others. Most men become insecure when they habmve big age gaps nevakadzi vavo.....not just second wives or stepmoms. Mai ava vari pabasa better leave him
I thought bota details dzikupihwa namdhara ava I thought zvotaurwa nevechidiki chete kkkk apa Tinashe on this episode you didn't have to ask but you were informed 🤣🤣🤣about bota nasekuru
This is what happens when someone is too insecure.Ndivo vanhu vasingade kuti vakadzi vashande Ava the fact that he was deported leaving his wife behind made him feel like a failure ,so he thought she might choose the nephew over him.Why was he hesitating about Semen tests,seems like he had no confidence when he was asked if he wanted them to go for tests.His insecurities made her wife' s life a living hell.Dai muzukuru wavaitaura Naye nezvemurume akavatakurira kuenda kuna4th anga aripo maybe he would have proved one of them wrong.M sure most of ladies can relate kunyanya iyo yekuti munhu akubatsira kutakura obva atanga kusvitsa mashoko erudo and you can discuss such things with nephews Kana vanabmnini that doesn't mean you are loose but it happens.The guy is miserable.No need for them to get back together.He really tarnished his wife's image.
Baba Ava vainge vasisavimbe mukadzi but all his stories ndedzenhema izvi kazhinji zvinoitka kana murume aroora mukadzi mudiki kwaari haana haigadzikane,the main issue Baba avo bonde ndorava kunetsa mumba Umu,Im experiencing the same issue always accused nyaya dzandisina kuita, and it pains a lot unogara mumba macho rudo rwapera kare,I can feel the pain that lady experience,I'm in the same situation
Iyo its a red flag. From the narrative of the made, haangatadzi kufungira nekuti ma red flags acho akawandisa Peter na John example haiitwe from nowhere.
A whole village can't tell kuti baba varikurasika njere? I'm shocked that people don't know early signs Alzheimer's disease. Five minutes into his story l could tell kuti zviri mupfungwa chete but not real. Wish he could get help before it gets really bad.
right! after hearing this I can tell that this man has some mental health issues and it can only go downhill from here unless medical help can be found
He should've kept the "lumps" for testing also kuti vana ndevavo hazvireve kuti mukadzi haana kuhura maybe they protected the sex havasi vakadzi vese vanozvarira zvikomba but vachihura chaiko
l understand this woman, being in a relationship whereby you are black painted by yo partner to the whole world and those who hear his side already make conclusions on you cz he will be having innocence in the way he talks is quite heartbreaking, then because you are bold, confident and stand your ground people think you are disrespectful, if you have never been in this woman's shoes then you wouldn't understand her bitterness. Emotional abuse is the worst 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽 aTezvara maita basa, the wound will never heal, its easy to say sorry kana uriwe atadza, this guy will never change, psychos will always look for other things or stories to make you look bad! lf all women had strong fathers like atezvara who stand by them against these emotional abusers we call husbands 😒
@@barbaramungofa5900 you are naive .. That type of men ndivo vanopedzisira nekuponda munhu. He is insecure in himself and paranoia has seymtbin dangerously. Before you know it he will even suspect mufundisi of cheating with his wife.
yes vana vanogona kunge vari vabab avo but pachokwadi chaicho mai vakangwarisa avo ini handivachenesi zvangu kakungwarisa kavo ndekechihule hule ako,,,,,kuhura vakahura zvavo
Why are this woman’s eyes always closed. How are we supposed to see if she’s telling the truth. There is no smoke without fire but what I know is that this woman was doing something.
kana mai vakamboisa gumbo kunze vakaita zvakangwarira coz havana kuita mwana. and her confidence dzekut hakuna result inozoti wana hawas wababa ava dzaratidza kut vari kuziva zvavari chaizvo pasina kupokana. thanks mai vangu. ava ndinovati mai vangu ava ndisina kunyara
This covers all the bota questions ever asked on this show! When you think sexual content would come from the younger generation here you are grey headed adults spilling it all
Of course vana ndevasekuru asi that doesn't rule out kuti mai vanobuda mumba avo. Hapana munhu aobvuma chihure asina kubatwa red handed. There is no flame without fire! Baba vaionawo maCheating tendencies emumwe wavo avo and that should not be ignored!
Tingangoda hedu ku assumer kuti baba ava vari delusional but ko vanongoita delusional kana vaakumukadzi chete sei? The kids are his but mai ava could have also done some hanky panky especially ku Botswana kwataurwa uko. Baba ava should have done other things to gather his evidence kana ma accusations avo ari true…kana ku trya ku recorder his wife mentioning other peoples names vari ku hope and he should have raised the issue kare yekuti mkadzi akataura zita remumwe murume during the deed…I don’t understand kuti hope dzinozobata sei iwe wanzwa zita ra John uripakati peku kisser munhu🙈
Yes. Some people due to jealous can be delusional about their partners. Usually very dangerous and can harm their partners in that context. I note an age difference in this couple, he might be insecure sexually.
An old man dragging his wife into all this because haatembi munhu. This happens mostly when a woman stand her ground mumba and works better than murume, baba ava was intimidated nemukadzi akarongeka. Vandibhowa all these years making this woman's life a living hell, constructing nyaya dzekumama
People are mistaken for paternity yevana nekubuda panze kwamai.if kune ma tests vaigona kumaita.seems like she is clever nekusaita nhumbu for those men but akangwarisa mukadzi uyu.and for vana yes we salute ehe ndevababa ava
The kids are his but it does not rule out infidelity. The man is not crazy if he misunderstood it was because of certain things that are questionable. Whats needed is a polygraph test. Still i respect the man for apologising.
you are the only person with some common sense on pa comment section
I thought so too, vamhanya, there is no smoke without fire, the way the mother was confident about the paternity is the same way the father is confident about infidelity😷
Guy is delusional
On point! This man can not just cook up all these stories he narrated . There is some truth in his story.
@@innocenthapazari8699 i think so too.
Team Yellow never Disappoints. Husband aida kuTester mwana 1 madam vakati ngatiTeste vese vana, I love her confidence
Baba vanonetsa ava
asi mai vakangwarisa
Ko kana vakahura vachiita withdrawal method yataurwa apo ? Kusaita mwana wechikomba hazvirevi kuti havana kuhura!
This man should be appointed Minister of Love Affairs, the way he does stock-taking in every detail about his wife kana Mahommed Mussa doesn’t check receipts like that 🙌🏽
Kudakwashe ka🤣🤣🤣
With a wife like this any man would become army ,fire brigade and detective.
She is a nijapisi … this one
@@jadechipo2873 Aitei chataona, that man is not reliable, zvese zvaataura hapana chinotaurwa neane pfungwa dzinoshanda mushe
Kuda 🙌😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ndachema
This man is in fire ......anofa achifamba ....kusava nemkadzi akavimbika idambudziko guru chairo....
Pakaipa. Mdara aripama 1
@@nellysanas04.97 Yah ...vanhu varikuona kunge mdara anochengera asi chokwadi ndechekuti mukadzi uyo ipfambi yemakoko chaiyo....
I like how confident women answer question: what if result shows that the child is not the father's child. answer: hapana zvakadaro whatsoever, mwana/vana ndevake, period. Such women make us proud👍🏼👍🏼
I thought that too until Season 2 Episode 6 Goromonzi. "Hamuna kurara?" 🤣
Tezvara anerudyire avekuda kupiwa mari. Tsotsi ya baba .
we cannot dismiss kusavimbika kwaamai. baba ava havapengi
Aiwa mai vakatamba vakachenjera that's all. that gentleman had his reasons to feel insecure and have doubts given the way he narrated the incidences. I would feel the same if it was my case. Asi the maturity of that gentleman yakandiinspire hudzamu hwemashoko bravo
Haaa I believe there is more to this story..Murume uyu haangangogadzirire nyaya dzese idzi..There is no smoke without fire..
Excly this man z rlly suffering ......
Yes the de children ndevake and dis woman akangwara plus kune protected sex ...anenge achiziva kut vana ndevake tts y anga ane confidence but shz playing games
unfortunately there is no way of testing infidelity, but Mwari vave nababa ava he seems to have been verbally abused for long. just because vana ndevake doesn't dismiss the damage caused. to the son of this man take him and take care of him he needs emotional comfort yakasimba. he can not be crazy to say all that he said and its unfortunately nyaya zhinji dzakaitika vangori two.
Very true ....this man z not mad
He is rlly suffering a lot ...peopl are just judging from the results yes vana ndevake doesn mean mukadz haasi kuita magames
Very good analysis. Infidelity is not confirmed by paternity test. This old man is not crazy as other people would want to potray
Baba ava is being abused apa arikuhurirwa. Mai ava was careful pakusaitiswa vana nezvikomba but she is not innocent pa infidelity.....pple should not force this couple to get back together otherwise baba ava vanofa nestress.
I strongly feel the woman is innocent 😌 rough iyo kusvotwa veduwee unenge warwadziwa
Varume tikafirwa ngatiroorei vakadzi vezera, vechidiki ava Simba rinoita shoma tikatanga kufungira. 2. Zvimaporofita izvi siyanai nazvo zvakafanana neguhwa harivake musha. 3. Amai ihure - vakawanda muri kudaro. Hure rinoti testa vana 2 iwe uchida kutesta 1 zvinorevei? Confidence. Dzinobvepi? Kana uchiziva kuti wakachena.
Baba ava vakafumuka kutaura chokwadi. Dzimwe nyaya unotaura uchidzora tsvimbo. Pane vana apa. Respect your wife and your children even muchirambana
Vanogona kunge vaihura but vasingayite nhumbu Saka anenge achitoziva baba vevana hence the confidence
Hure rakangwara harife rekaitira chikomba mwana
@@mugambiwatonderai5424 Unomboona maDNA shows ava Mugabe here kana kuti angoriwo madokureva havo. This man harasses his wife. Suffers from paranoia. And kana yakubata unoita zvaita Bamboo ava
Mudhara is too clever full of intelligence but i can see kuti akurohwa chokuseri na moms kkkkkkkk age wise
@@mukanya5836 That old man is clever, you can tell from his narration kuti haana kupusa. amai avo vakachenjeresa avo
I love how the lady's family went to support their daughter although the husband's side was also supposed to be there,thumbs up to the Father for the wise words,Mr Mugabe keep up the good work of giving people peace of mind
Hama dzemurume hadzina kuuya coz vanozviziva kuti ibenzi 🤣
Indeed the wife's family supported their own however i feel the father was biased on his comment , ''kushoresa ivo nemhuri yavo so so '' My thinking is , he thought of going through this process because he had gathered some doubts in the marriage. So mukwasha was right to take this initiative to exercise his right to knowing the real truth. Nyaya kuzobuda kunze it means the two have failed to resolve the issue between themselves.
The man knows what he is saying, only that on many episodes, vanhu vanoramba kuti hazvina kuitika. proof inozonetsa since zviri zvinhu zvaitaurwa kare. Yemazita iyo mai vangoramba havo but baba vanoziva zvavari kutaura.
Um with you ...this man z not mad he really knows what he z saying .....yes the children ndevake bt the wife z doin games ....plzz peopl dont just conclude cz he doesn hve solid proof
I totally agree.
This show is informative, after all have been done and said the cheaters can stil escape all they have been doing. One can be promiscuous and the child will come out to be of the alleged father. Mhosva yake yekuita gumbo mumba yotopera
Baba avo is deluded he is insecure dangerously toxic.
Even though vana vabuda vari vababa avo, asi Mai avo chipfambi vaiita havo.
Amai awa kungwarisa kwawo wanenge gogo Musami nyoka🤣🤣🤣🤣
Iwe ndatombonetseka kuti munhu uyu ndakambomuwanepi vakafanana nagogo musami venyoka vaya face yavo nekungwarisa😩😩😩😩
Haunyepi ndazvionawo
vakuchinatso hura manje,kkkkk
Shuwa nenhema dzinenge dziripo sagogo🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sisi Wakachena wapei ma love nema likes, look at her keep up. Gulez❤️❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌👌👌👌
Maybe the age difference contributed to the problems this couple faced. Varume musaroore vakadzi vadiki kwamuri munofa nekufungira.
I felt pity for the man, it was him against the whole clan
True ipapo munhu ngaatanhe dzaanosvikira.
Aiwa six years difference ishoma mai vane 48baba 54
@@georgephiri7839 kikkkk problem baba vakweguriswa nerushusho which makes him look and behave much much older.....
We need Lie detector tests as well
Please Mr mugabe
Zviriko here wangu
It’s not 100% accurate otherwise it would have been in use already in courts. Hell! It’s not even more than 0% accurate, in my opinion
@@teedzainyamudeza7268 I have disliked your comment but it’s not showing
@@loganAFC 😂😂😂
@@loganAFC why. Try to refresh and then dislike
This man is not making up things ,infedelity must not be judged according to paternity results. There are many ways to avoid pregnancies,family planning is one of them. Some how I feel this man is telling the truth.
Not really based on commumication and the willingness of the woman to go thru all test even of suspected semen the woman knows what she was on about
Condom rinoshanda kwazvo
Thank you
@@blessingmapiku9831 ah hamemo hachima mileage kana vafakazi,
Ok.. good results… but Yoh, amai vane bapu kani veduwe! Hmmm baba vari pama one thousand!
Mukadzi uyu akuvhundutsvira why ? Ngaasapopota kana asina mhosva
Mrume uyu akura but nhema dzakawandisa ndaona zvichikonzegwa neruchengera. Ruchengera gunokonzera kufungira
Dr Marriage thanks
T. Mugabe
This man 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nyaya dzacho so 🙌🙌🙌 it's alwys about "tichitamba zvebonde, tichitamba zvebonde"
vanenge vanoridisa, bonde chete ndonyaya yavo
Bonde vanorida asi simba dololo 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Murume elder vachirikutamba bonde😅
Sando kuna vatezvara haa vanobvarura nyaya simple and straight forward ndaona mukwambo atota kushaya remuromo chairo kungwarisa kwese hwaaa.
Of course the kids are his but it doesn't need a rocket scientist to see kuti mdhara ari pama1!!! When he was addressing her aiti 'ava' but she called 'iwe'! Might judge wrongly but explanation yavo pamunhu akatakura bucket it's neither here nor there!!!! If it was trivial as she wants everyone who cares to believe, what was the point of discussing it like she did? Moms iyo pane basa, itsotsi rinoba but risingabatwe, I hope mdhara anawo makwati (whatever it is) ambopinda kuma'testis' 😂😂😂
Wise words from the father. Mukwasha kukundwa kugeza navatezvara
This man is not crazy mai ava varikuramba zvese ,vana chero vari vababa but mai ava kuhura vakahura zvavo
Vaka ngwarisa umm
Mmmm Mai ava
True he is not crazy.Baba vakaroora hure ravo but kuti varirambe hazviite cz vakambofirwa nemukadzi wekutanga.shem vari kushungurudzwa
I chokwadi ichocho
Taura hko
ummm Mai ava varikupa bota vakawanda stock yakanyatsotorwa nemo nemo nababa ava 🤣🤣🤣🤣.Vana ndevababa asi bota bota ririkudyiwa nevakawanda
VaMugabe nyaya yemaDNA's iyi. Now we get to hear nyaya dzevabereki vedu dzema bedroom shenanigans detail by detail. Mati todiiko🙆♀️😂
Kikkikii pakaipa kani
Kkkk ndaperwawo vanoridisa bota
vakadzi tisadaro veduwe , respect hairwadze kumurume wako nomatter watadzirwa zvakaita sei
Vana vanogona kubuda vari vana a ava asi Mai ava kujola vakajola zvavo ,baba vaneumboo asi hauna proof chete kunevanoteerera nekunzwaa
Amai ava vakatopinda pinda, type yacho ndatoiona
Am with you ipapo @Beke pangashaikwa zvapo proof asi baba vari kutsanangura nyaya kwazvo vane kupinda pinda chete mai ava
I have listened to this man only..... but this man knows what he is talking about,and l honestly think the wife played this guy............
Same here. I think he was played but just that our society ino support vakadz kunyanya yet sometimes we will be in the wrong
U can never pa team iri dear
The most sexually explicit episode, if this was said in english yoo ‘hanzi ndakaiswa nekumashure’😂😂🥴
Baba ava vanoshusha full stop.Vanga vakunyepera kudzungaira yet he didn’t have any evidence all his accusations don’t make sense at all.What an interesting episode Thank you Mr Mugabe.
True ndishushai shaiye akambo rorerei mukadzi kudiki .
Mushushi mukuru!
This man is articulate. He describes every detail with precision, huuh!
He is like me. The way I remember ma details is crazy😂
Pastor thank you very much for your verses
Hohohohohoo Mai wanonakirwa zvisizvo awo kkkk madzimai purizi panguwa yebota chimbomirai kufunga zvema ex enyu munosvitswa kwa Mugabe nazvo izvoo but Mai awo hmmm hawana kuchena zvawo nyaya dzacho dzawandisa
The major contributor for family distraction is usually family members.
Why would this guy's (father) first born took him to his house for a year away from his wife?
And why would this lady's (wife) relatives come in numbers for her defense as if vanoswera nemwana wavo pese pese?
the woman's family really supported her, they had confidence in her
probably wanted to look into mukwasha's eyes after results
@@ttfam8742 I don't think that was necessary though, getting too much involved in other family's issues usually worsens the situation.
This man knows what he is talking,
True. Mai ava vane zvavakamboita chete which started all this. But variko zvekare vanhu vanotoona zvisipo sezviripo and agoto beliver chaizvo chaizvo.
The wife is too younger than this men. So the man feel unsecured. The wife is too clever than the man but the man too soft but clever in heart. We thank you me mugabe
This show brings out the importance of getting both sides of the story 1st b4 coming up with a conclusion. Iyi yanhasi inonetsa coz ukanzwa umwe neumwe achitaura unomunzwira tsitsi. But manje, the man has no proof of infidelity n paternity has been established.After listening to evri1 ataura, ndoona hangu sekuti baba ava vanorwara kungoti hatizvioni nekuti havanhongi mumabin. He needs help. I'm not a professional zvangu nezvemental health but umm vanoda kubatsirwa ava.
Vakaroyiwa nematswana ikoko kubotswana
Well said! He is indeed a mental case
@@mavismwanyanya3059 i second you
Very true baba ava nofunga ndivo vaka cheater and he is covering his games by falsely accusing this woman or he is a psycho path,he is hallucinating everything
Listening to this story Tinashe,i suggest you beef up your game by adding inonzi Lie Dectective Test.Reason being zvatsanangurwa nababa ava i feel kuti zvaizoda kuzadzikisa ne test iyoyo so that mashoko and actions dzinenge dzisingabude paDNA result dzigone kutsingirwa sekuitika and kutaurwa kwazvinenge zvaitwa.
26:08 mhai :zvinhu izvi ndakazviita 2019 August, asi vakazozvitaura 2020
T. Mugabe (the DNA) man : Asi zvakaitika
mhai : kwete
Chokwadi ndechipi mhai???
Huuu saka iwe you mean watadza kunzwisisa chavanga vari kuti chakaitika here apa? She said yes zvakaitika kuti vakabatsirwa kutakura zvinhu zvavo vari mu town
She meant that " ndirikunzi ndakazviita muna 2019" but feya baba ava havaite kugarika navo. Dai vasina havo kuroora. Mukadzi wavo akafa nebroken heart coz baba ava vanorwadza aah
Ahewa ini ndazvibata vanga vchingozama kut zvekuenda kutown kwavakaita just like that incident happened in 2019
Kkkkkkkk rakaita nemacondom zimai iro, mai vari kutungamirirwa nemweya wetsvina demon harivhure maziso.mai needs deliverance evil spirits toments her
Haaa still uyu mkadzi uyu haaite, anokuuraya ne stress, akadhakwa uyo and anotongohura hake, musiye shamari.
Mukadzi uyu itori hure, l hope baba ava havadzokere ikoko
The lady is very confident the end was already known, the man is getting older faster than his usual age
I thought so
Kkkkk true varikunyepa
Hes lying hes over 54 like he said mmmm kadhara aka so
Thought as much
Yea ..depression
Ndamunyarira this man. Couldn't say i am sorry kuna vatezvara after vataura mashoko makukutu akadai. Benzi remunhu. Humbleness inongodiwa
Haa Mai ma1 baba avo iiiiii minister of love chaiyo nyway nice program.chero matinyima live nhs
Something along the same lines as this case happened to a couple known to me but there was no paternity issue. The man from nowhere alleged that his wife was having extra marital affairs. He would even describe seeing the wife with a man. One of the incidents involved having to go to the Police to view a traffic camera footage but the man's allegations were disproved. I had the opportunity to speak with him. He would recite the allegations as if he was reading from a book. He was called for a mental/psychological evaluation at the hospital but he refused. These episodes of the allegations come and go although they are now becoming fewer and fewer.
From what I’ve gathered in the comments section , tiri kufungira kuti baba ava is delusional but ndingopawo 2 cents dzangu 😊, my father was in a similar predicament 20yrs ago, he married a young wife and went to work in Bots and the wife (step mother) would do time here in Zim and time in Bots, tainzwa runyerekupe rwekuti she’s dating other men etc… come to find out 5 yrs after she had her first child ( who we thot was my father’s) only to find out mwana haasi wedu 😰, my father nekuda young wife vaisada kuteerera vanhu and also people were saying my father is delusional and vanochengera just like that man, so in all fairness this man anenge ave kuita seanopenga but alas !
Thts true wangu moms iyo yakangwarisa tht man is right. Only she was clever not to get preg
Yes it happens pakuti mudhara akura and he becomes more jealous zvakare ne young wife yake,Yaaa bota vaikwatisa zvavo Mai avo kkk
I am with you ....this man z not lyng at all this women akangwarisa uyo ...yes vana ndevake hake bt this women z playing games ....baba avo rlly needs help he z suffering
I am believing him zvangu
Unfortunately you can't use your father's story as standard to judge others. Most men become insecure when they habmve big age gaps nevakadzi vavo.....not just second wives or stepmoms. Mai ava vari pabasa better leave him
I thought bota details dzikupihwa namdhara ava I thought zvotaurwa nevechidiki chete kkkk apa Tinashe on this episode you didn't have to ask but you were informed 🤣🤣🤣about bota nasekuru
This show needs to include lie detector tests too coz some of these stories are on another level
That's not reliable, that's why it's not even admissible in court most times
It's a generational curse isingade ma marriages ari long lasting. Kutaura zita remurume mudream shows kuti ispiritual husband inenge achirara naye muhope uyu ofunga kuti arikurota chikomba. Panoita spiritual husband hapana settled home
This is what happens when someone is too insecure.Ndivo vanhu vasingade kuti vakadzi vashande Ava the fact that he was deported leaving his wife behind made him feel like a failure ,so he thought she might choose the nephew over him.Why was he hesitating about Semen tests,seems like he had no confidence when he was asked if he wanted them to go for tests.His insecurities made her wife' s life a living hell.Dai muzukuru wavaitaura Naye nezvemurume akavatakurira kuenda kuna4th anga aripo maybe he would have proved one of them wrong.M sure most of ladies can relate kunyanya iyo yekuti munhu akubatsira kutakura obva atanga kusvitsa mashoko erudo and you can discuss such things with nephews Kana vanabmnini that doesn't mean you are loose but it happens.The guy is miserable.No need for them to get back together.He really tarnished his wife's image.
Thank have said it all
but the wife admitted to flirting with other men . Can you blame him? She gave him the motive.
The man is terrible..
Mai ava vanemoto pakuvava vanovava no respect to her hubby hanzi wa
@@marthadzonga2745 respect kumunhu Ari kukunyepera inobvepi
Ma incident acho akawandisa🙆♀️
I miss my people vemu comment section palive chat 😖😞😣where is live chat.this was going to be fun neteam comment section 😂😂😂
Nhai hako ndamboti asi phone yangu yafa kkkk
I missed too kkk
Ngatiitei kA
Tiripo Pano 😂😂
I think vaitira kuti ti fast forwader 1hr23minutes dziripo..yakareba kudarikA yasekuru mupostori vakaramba havana kudya bota
Baba Ava vainge vasisavimbe mukadzi but all his stories ndedzenhema izvi kazhinji zvinoitka kana murume aroora mukadzi mudiki kwaari haana haigadzikane,the main issue Baba avo bonde ndorava kunetsa mumba Umu,Im experiencing the same issue always accused nyaya dzandisina kuita, and it pains a lot unogara mumba macho rudo rwapera kare,I can feel the pain that lady experience,I'm in the same situation
Kkkkk musawanikwa nemadhara, ane jealous
Baba magona kutaura murume uyu akakanganisa chaizvo kana ruvengo rwapinda harugoni kubuda, thanks tezvara mataura chokwadi pachena
Tinashe no one can replace you because haaai dzimwe nyambo dzaunombonzwa kaa, l can not can
Mwari akusimbise Tinashe. Nyaya dzauri kusangana nadzo hadzizi dzevana vezera rako 😨😨😨😨😨😨
Shame zera rababa ava ndanzwa tsitsi apa he seems to be very cool
Forgiveness and reconciliation sevaviri vakagonana uye garai muchibudirana pachena pamafambire enyu uye amai vaite moyo munyoro nekuti baba vava munhu atikure
Example ya John and Peter 🚩🎌🏁
Iyo its a red flag. From the narrative of the made, haangatadzi kufungira nekuti ma red flags acho akawandisa Peter na John example haiitwe from nowhere.
A whole village can't tell kuti baba varikurasika njere? I'm shocked that people don't know early signs Alzheimer's disease. Five minutes into his story l could tell kuti zviri mupfungwa chete but not real. Wish he could get help before it gets really bad.
right! after hearing this I can tell that this man has some mental health issues and it can only go downhill from here unless medical help can be found
He should've kept the "lumps" for testing also kuti vana ndevavo hazvireve kuti mukadzi haana kuhura maybe they protected the sex havasi vakadzi vese vanozvarira zvikomba but vachihura chaiko
Excly thank you ......peopl ar judgng cz of the results bt this man z not mad at all he knws wht he z saying
I hure mukadzi uyu see how she is talking closing her eyes
Thank you father in-law nedzidziso yakanaka kudai mashoko enyu ane udzamu , ane nzeve anzwawo
He now has to Ripa va tezvara, how I love the shona culture
Mu relationship mukangoshaya trust chete zvese zvafa. Ukafungisisa pazvinhu zvese zvinoitwa nemudiwa wako hapana kwamunoenda zvechokwadi
The longest programme since its inception. Baba avo vari normal here. Stock taking yavo yandityisa. Hanzi l have the spermatozoa speciman
Dude that knocked me out madala is mad
Havana kukwana ava
Hesi mkoma Norest
Umm baba ava is suspect. I agree with you
Strong words from vatezvara....
Ummmmm asi matauriro amai ava palive chaiyo vakafita kushusha team handinzwarwo
Ey mai vanotaura nemurume wavo seiko ava ..kuzvininipisa even hazvo varikunyeperwa kwakakosha..but kujola l think vakajola
l understand this woman, being in a relationship whereby you are black painted by yo partner to the whole world and those who hear his side already make conclusions on you cz he will be having innocence in the way he talks is quite heartbreaking, then because you are bold, confident and stand your ground people think you are disrespectful, if you have never been in this woman's shoes then you wouldn't understand her bitterness. Emotional abuse is the worst 👐🏽👐🏽👐🏽 aTezvara maita basa, the wound will never heal, its easy to say sorry kana uriwe atadza, this guy will never change, psychos will always look for other things or stories to make you look bad! lf all women had strong fathers like atezvara who stand by them against these emotional abusers we call husbands 😒
Very true
I actually think she's the one who's abusive and just playing victim
@@barbaramungofa5900 you are naive
.. That type of men ndivo vanopedzisira nekuponda munhu. He is insecure in himself and paranoia has seymtbin dangerously. Before you know it he will even suspect mufundisi of cheating with his wife.
You are right imhondi iyo
Hawaite kani kuita kunge student's companion kasoro kachena wakadii kuita PhD
Mudhara ngaakwegure mushe Uyo ,and mudzimai atotindivara nekuda kwerushusho ,I won't blame her
Uuuu zvakaoma zera rababa ava mjolo had no limits sure👐
Bota rakawoma haro tararira vanhu varikunetsana nenyaya yebota
Mashoko makukutu kubva kuna baba vane nzeve dzekunzwa vanzwa thank you baba
Please Mr Mugabe kana baba vauya nemakwati mozotiudzawo result re Infidelity 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Cameraman thank you for a brief commercial break yeshiri,i loved it🤗
Aah nhamo yekuroora ka sweet sixteen 😂😂😂😂. Haiwa!!! Comrade ibenzi ava. A Mugabe muri kunyurura ma stupeti aya kupiko????😁😁
she is 46 and him 54 squareeee
54 yrs ne 46 hapana sweet sixteen apa vakaenderana baba vanenge vakutorwara
Baba vanoshusha ava
Wise words from maiguru. Atezvara vagona.
Zvisingaite ndingaonde yhuuu
Yaaaa zvakawoma kuhurirwa nemukadzi
yes vana vanogona kunge vari vabab avo but pachokwadi chaicho mai vakangwarisa avo ini handivachenesi zvangu kakungwarisa kavo ndekechihule hule ako,,,,,kuhura vakahura zvavo
Mai vanoshaisha kunakirwa ava. Kuita bota uchisheedza mazita.
Baba vanogona kutaura nyaya ava. The whole time was engaged and entertained
I like Tinashe's line of questioning 👌
Zvangu amai vakati ndarota muchipondwa, mai vane mafanisi ava kkkkk
He poses questions like Cambridge
Hanzi makwande Aripo here titeste haaa pakaipa
@@cathrinejomeya1695 😂😂😂😂😂 yah Tinashe mivhunzo yake so
@@cathrinejomeya1695 😁😁😁🤭
Amai is too clever...and baba vaisataura nekutya amai nekuti sekuona kwangu amai she too talkertive and baba vaitogara mujeri nekutya amai
Why are this woman’s eyes always closed. How are we supposed to see if she’s telling the truth. There is no smoke without fire but what I know is that this woman was doing something.
Akambovharirwei maziso ..dziri nhema dzababa ava vakutopengaka
I thought kuti ibofu
Hmmmm baba vanotaura zvakadai pajekerere haii kwete mhani...chero kukanzi mai havasi straight vangaudza muzukuru nyaya yekupfimbwa kwavo here??ava baba vakaoma havo zvino match yemudzimai wavanaye ma1
Chero vana vakaita vemdara uyo mai ava vakafita kupakura bota chaiko 😁😁😁😁
Kkkkkkkk yaaaaaah ndavaonawo
@@mirriamdube5162 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ko nhaimi zvavanenge bofu wani mai avo?
kana mai vakamboisa gumbo kunze vakaita zvakangwarira coz havana kuita mwana. and her confidence dzekut hakuna result inozoti wana hawas wababa ava dzaratidza kut vari kuziva zvavari chaizvo pasina kupokana. thanks mai vangu.
ava ndinovati mai vangu ava ndisina kunyara
What a humble man
Thanks 👍 sisi hamuna kutinyadzisa vana ndevabamukuru
This covers all the bota questions ever asked on this show! When you think sexual content would come from the younger generation here you are grey headed adults spilling it all
Of course vana ndevasekuru asi that doesn't rule out kuti mai vanobuda mumba avo. Hapana munhu aobvuma chihure asina kubatwa red handed. There is no flame without fire! Baba vaionawo maCheating tendencies emumwe wavo avo and that should not be ignored!
Tingangoda hedu ku assumer kuti baba ava vari delusional but ko vanongoita delusional kana vaakumukadzi chete sei? The kids are his but mai ava could have also done some hanky panky especially ku Botswana kwataurwa uko. Baba ava should have done other things to gather his evidence kana ma accusations avo ari true…kana ku trya ku recorder his wife mentioning other peoples names vari ku hope and he should have raised the issue kare yekuti mkadzi akataura zita remumwe murume during the deed…I don’t understand kuti hope dzinozobata sei iwe wanzwa zita ra John uripakati peku kisser munhu🙈
🤣🤣🤣kurota vachikisa kohn
Yes. Some people due to jealous can be delusional about their partners. Usually very dangerous and can harm their partners in that context. I note an age difference in this couple, he might be insecure sexually.
Words said by father are priceless...kufungidzira munhu hazvisi right. Have concrete evidence before tarnishing other people's image
Baba ava ka inyaya yekukura😂😂😂😂 confusion yacho yawanda
Tezvara padzidziso haaa bigop mudhara , wise words, mukuwasha ibenzi
An old man dragging his wife into all this because haatembi munhu. This happens mostly when a woman stand her ground mumba and works better than murume, baba ava was intimidated nemukadzi akarongeka. Vandibhowa all these years making this woman's life a living hell, constructing nyaya dzekumama
People are mistaken for paternity yevana nekubuda panze kwamai.if kune ma tests vaigona kumaita.seems like she is clever nekusaita nhumbu for those men but akangwarisa mukadzi uyu.and for vana yes we salute ehe ndevababa ava