My grandparents lived happily as farmers in Palestine...and in 1948 they were forced to leave their land or face rape and killing on the hands of European Zionists Jews who were already traumatized by Nazi Europe... I feel I gained many amazing skills and values from my ancestors and I shall honor their heritage and continue to speak the truth about the colonisers who invaded our land and continuing to ethnically cleansing our people.
Thank you for sharing this. ❤ Understanding and feeling your own ancestry and respecting the ancestry of other traumatized people, such as the trauma of the Jewish community, is a beautiful basis to start healing trauma in the world.
Thank you!
Thank you! The final point about feeling nothing is very important to me, and you explained it very clearly.
My grandparents lived happily as farmers in Palestine...and in 1948 they were forced to leave their land or face rape and killing on the hands of European Zionists Jews who were already traumatized by Nazi Europe...
I feel I gained many amazing skills and values from my ancestors and I shall honor their heritage and continue to speak the truth about the colonisers who invaded our land and continuing to ethnically cleansing our people.
Thank you for sharing this. ❤ Understanding and feeling your own ancestry and respecting the ancestry of other traumatized people, such as the trauma of the Jewish community, is a beautiful basis to start healing trauma in the world.