My Girl Is (Gone, Gone, Gone) by Chillawick, a Canadian rock band did reached to number 22 on the Billboard Top 40 Countdown in the USA, but reached to number 3 on the Canadian rock chart in late 1981 and early 1982. However it debuted this song on October 31, 1981 through January 16, 1982 on the Billboard Top 40.
My Girl Is (Gone, Gone, Gone) by Chillawick, a Canadian rock band did reached to number 22 on the Billboard Top 40 Countdown in the USA, but reached to number 3 on the Canadian rock chart in late 1981 and early 1982. However it debuted this song on October 31, 1981 through January 16, 1982 on the Billboard Top 40.
Celebrities was 29 years old in December 26 1981
Patrick Swayze
David Hasselhoff
Rosanne Barr
Christine Baranski
Celebrities was 45 years old in December 26 1981
Michael Landon
Alan Alda
Jim Henson
Burt Reynolds
Robert Redford
Wilt Chamberlain