great project idea!. been looking at doing something similar for just data logging -- ran into an issue with the gyro and my not understanding on how to grab correctly lean angle of the bike. if you have any input id love to hear it!
Do you have a link or tutorial so I can do this myself? I've always wanted to do an analog speedometer GPS conversion on some of my old cars. This is REALLY cool. I love arduino but I've never dabbled with GPS.
great project idea!. been looking at doing something similar for just data logging -- ran into an issue with the gyro and my not understanding on how to grab correctly lean angle of the bike. if you have any input id love to hear it!
Do you have a link or tutorial so I can do this myself? I've always wanted to do an analog speedometer GPS conversion on some of my old cars. This is REALLY cool. I love arduino but I've never dabbled with GPS.
FYI, Adafruit sells a wonderful GPS module for about $40 that's capable of providing 10 updates per second. Ideal for speedometer use.
I'm a total beginner to arduino. Do you mind sharing your code? Not trying to be lazy, just need a little direction. Thanks, and nice bike btw.
cool man.. this looks intimidating tho! Nice work!