I 100% agree with Morgan on the first story. As a girl I see how manipulative the ex is being and OP’s bf needs to draw boundaries and not enable her to
The first story truly proves that men live in a different reality than women. As soon as I heard the part where the ex asked to walk down the aisle with OP’s bf my alarm bells went off. You can 100% trust your partner but still want them to set good boundaries. If she has already flirted with him in the past then there are clearly still feelings on her end and she is being catty. It’s truly bonkers that Justin and Morgan’s dad didn’t see that and could only focus on trusting your partner🤣
100%. Do me and my partner laugh at people who try to come on to us bc we love and trust each other so much? Yes. Do we keep these people at a distance at the same time bc they don't respect our relationship? Absolutely.
Me personally, I wouldn’t make an issue of it & I wouldn’t expect him to move everyone around for one day. They’re walking down the aisle…. Thats it. I would definitely have enough trust in my partner to not care about stuff like this. Girls can be malicious & intentional but like they said, I should be able to put my man in any room and not bat an eye.
I’m 100% with you on the first story, Morgan! Trust is so important, but so is respect and boundaries. Girls definitely have a special intuition about other girls intentions.
Yeah mutual boundaries in a relationship are important, but you can't enforce your boundaries on other people by assaulting them. That's called abuse. Imagine if the genders were reversed in the story about the girlfriend pulling her boyfriend out of the strip club by his hair. Would you still think it was okay? It's bizzare to me that no one is acknowledging how unacceptable it is to do that to your partner (or anyone). Not respecting their partner's wishes doesn't justify abuse. It means you should just break up with them.
The boy’s take on the first story has me SO FRUSTRATED. Why are we as women always being told we’re “insecure” for setting boundaries? I 100% agree with Morgan’s take!!!
@@_ChantalBI personally don’t think asking for something to change, such as avoiding a person you get weird vibes from, is controlling. Now saying “You are going to do xyz.” And manipulating your relationships entire lifestyle to avoid that, is controlling. Some people will take any chance to say a partner is controlling even if it isn’t a wild ask.
@husky8204 it kinda is controlling to ask someone to avoid another person who you get a weird vibe from. The op also herself said she has insecurity issues overall
@_ChantalB well let's all flirt with people while we are in a relationship then. Where does it stop though? If you can't even set a boundary without being called insecure?
First story: boyfriend lacks boundaries. The fact the ex is still comfortable to make teasing and flirtatious moves is because he hasnt confronted her and said knock it off.
Thisssss!!!!!! Sidebar, Morgan dumping on the girl for most of that I feel was misguided. It's all on the boyfriend to step up and set and enforce those boundaries.
I am a Genx and I wholeheartedly agree with Morgan and I have been with my husband for 20+ years and he would never allow this type of situation to continue to happen@@TwoHotTakes
Morgan was right, the first story angered me. Just how they were (not Morgan) so dismissive of OP's feelings and attributed them to "insecurity". The boyfriend is an A-hole for not being like "Uh, yeah right I'm gonna walk the isle with her" and shut it off instantly.
AGREED! It was really frustrating and borderline upsetting how they kept essentially blaming the OP for feeling disrespected by the other girl and kept trying to make it about trust and her failing to trust her partner instead of her partner RESPECTING HER and how his behavior was enabling disrespect toward her. And this kind of rhetoric is used a LOT to invalidate women when their partners are emotionally cheating on them-“You don’t trust me” and “You’re being insecure.” Even phrases like “you can’t control other people” when referring to disrespect are basically the cousins of “that’s just how she is.” “Don’t rock the boat” aka “shut up and internalize it so I’m not inconvenienced.” Ugh I’m getting fired up again😤
Especially cause they were like "she might be insecure and the other person doesnt mean bad" which even ignoring intent (which we all saw as bad anyways), it doesnt matter. Respect and boundaries dont have to be voluntarily disrespected for you to point them. Its about what you believe is appropriate.
Bro Jerry was kinda misogynistic ngl. He kept implying that OP was being delusional and insecure. In what world are we supposed to blindly trust a partner without questioning anything? That's what's actually toxic. I can't believe he just kept on disregarding OP like that.
@@venecianita5013 I mean even if the OP is misinterpreting it, we don't know that. Where is the evidence? This is why we often have to put trust in every story that comes in, because that's all we have. Going the extra mile to cover the possibility that she was lying is weird.
6:24 Sorry but this story is a really bad example. The man *did* do something wrong-he ignored his wife’s boundaries and went to a strip club, breaking her trust. The moral can’t be “you gotta have trust” but then tell a story where the man breaks his wife’s trust and say he “did nothing wrong”
violating your partners boundaries is ABSOLUTELY wrong and this mindset is why women nowadays are staying single and not settling for scumbags that don't respect their partner, it's such a prevalent mindset to just call the woman insecure "like a compass needle always finds north a man's accusing finger with always find a woman" or something like that, it's never on the man for being disrespectful it's always women for being "so touchy and oversensitive"
Yep, 100%. I am a man, and I *do not* understand strip clubs at all, but that part is immaterial. If my wife was uncomfortable with anything relating to my relationship with any other woman, then that needs to be addressed so that she can feel comfortable. I need to trust that she may be seeing something I am not, and trust that she is the person I know and respect and love. I know she is not delusional or cruel, and so if she says something is making her uncomfortable, then there *is a reason.* If that means I need to cut them out? Done. That has never happened in my entire relationship up to this point though, because I maintain normal boundaries just out of respect for her anyway. That does not mean I am not friends with women, but it does mean that I am not going to let them randomly flirt with me either.
I don't think the first girl is being crazy or insecure. It's not about her thinking that the boyfriend is going to cheat its more about how the girl is being disrespectful knowing its hurtful to the girlfriend. It's disrespect that the boyfriend is allowing and enabling. That's the issue.
Exactly. And even if he was more supportive, things can happen that aren't his fault that could destroy his gf. Like at the bachelore/tte parties, he could ignore the ex completely. But the ex could come up, sit in his lap and kiss him. Even if he jumps up and gets outta there...its done. Damage is done and it's all because the ex is malicious and bf didn't respect his gf and her feelings/concern. Like, just respect boundaries and prioritize your partner. Not hard
Story one is a perfect example of how guys dont always understand how toxic women work. I fully agree with Morgan on this one. Women can be sooo shady and I feel like the ex-girlfriend was being disrespectful to their relationship.
For the first story, you are allowed to have boundaries in a relationship. Having boundaries doesnt mean you automatically fully distrust someone. Also, trust is something that will not always be fully there and needs active work when in a relationship. He can affirm the trust she has in him by accepting her boundary, ignoring her feelings will only confirm her trust "issues" towards him and that girl.
I agree it doesnt mean you automatically distrust someone just like it doesn't mean you're insecure. Just because you trust your man doesnt mean its ok for him to let someone disrespect your relationship😂
About story one: “if the roles were switched then suddenly it would be okay” no it wouldn’t!! 😭 I hate it when guys try to act like there’s a double standard where there is none. Is it really so crazy to just not want someone constantly flirting with your partner right in front of your face? Lol it doesn’t matter what gender anyone is
Honestly, it's comments like this that have made me a little sus of Justin's attitudes and views toward women over time. There's something deep-seeded there that I wish he'd unpack.
This comment is exactly what I was looking for. That was such a problematic response from him, and it was totally an invalidating type of argument that had no place in the conversation
1000% on Morgan's side on the first story! Listened this morning on Spotify and ran to the comments the second I saw this was uploaded here haha - boundaries and trust are so important, and it's hurtful for OP's bf to not consider how this may make her feel
It’s so frustrating that the whole conflicting part is that the ex is purposely wanting to walk down with her ex!!! Why do the guys think that’s something normal and not a controllable factor???
100 % with Morgan on this one . The writer can trust her partner but not trust the other person and her intentions and just not want to engage her relationship in that situation. Her boyfriend needs to set boundaries with that girl. And ensure his partner feel comfortable with what is going on given their history and the fact this girl has been disrespectful. Also a married man going to a strip club against his wife’s wishes is wrong. That man was 100% crossing boundaries and disrespecting his wife for his own entertainment/ enjoyment and that’s disgusting and has nothing to do with trust at all.
Thank you! I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that about the strip club thing! Tbh I had to pause on this story and come find the comments to make myself feel less crazy
@@venecianita5013agree. he has some strange takes on relationship boundaries and I find it odd how he references his past girlfriend (highschool through college I believe) would’ve been the love of his life if he didn’t cheat on her. just an interesting point.
Morgan is 100% right on that first story. You can completely trust your partner and be disrespected by someone outside my relationship, it doesn't mean that my partner will cheat with them, it means that the other person has no respect for the both of us being together. If I was on the bf's shoes, I would find it my responsability to set boundaries on that friend and make it very clear that there is a limit in our interactions. The girlfriend has the right to having that limit put. The friend is not entitled to treating the bf however she wants to, he's in a relationship, she has to respect that and recognize her place in his life, his friend, not his girlfriend anymore. You can't control the world, but it is necessary to ensure that we qnd our loved ones are being respected.
The step dad story got me. My mom passed when I was 16... just a few months after my baby sister (her 10th baby) was born. My dad remarried many years later... I will admit I wasn't 100% thrilled with my dad getting remarried in general. But I remembered a conversation I had with my mom before she passed.. I don't know how it was brought up, but for some reason my mom wanted to to know that if anything were to happen to her she would want my dad to get remarried... she would want us to have a mother figure in our lives if she couldn't be there. My step mom had never been married, nor did she have any other children. I joke that our family situation is a bit reminiscent of The Sound Of Music. My step mom had her own memories of my mom, as she taught myself and several of my siblings in middle school before moving 1000 miles away. I don't exactly know much about how the relationship started between my dad and step mom, except that it was long distance for the majority of it. She has never tried to replace my mom... she loves and cares for all 10 of us through sickness, health, and emotional trauma. She talks about my mom often... on mother's day every year we celebrate her, because she IS a mother. Our Mother's Day tradition (per my step mother's request) is to go as a family to my mom's grave. We clean it up, plant new daisy's, & hang some new wind chimes (mom's favorites). Afterwards my step mom picks a place and we go to lunch ❤ The way my step mom honors my mom has always made me believe that she was handpicked my mom for our family.
Story 1, I’m not walking down the aisle with someone who 1. flirts with me when they know I have a partner 2. makes my partner uncomfortable. The request was already out of pocket. For the first time, Justin & Morgan’s dad are pissing me off. They’re ignoring her point & hyper focusing on trust & that’s not what this is about. It’s about respect. The boyfriend needs to request otherwise.
Trust and respect are different things. Trusting someone does not mean u let them disrespect you, because that is strange not only to you but to other people seeing your relationship, and if someone does not respect your relationship you DO NOT engage with that person because you respect your partner. There is also a limit to things. Morgan is so Right. Men clearly live in another world than women.
Many years ago i was dating this guy. We went to a fancy restaurant and he started flirting with the waitress. It not only pissed me off but also the waitress. So she turned it around on him and she started flirting with me 😂🤣 she started whispering in my ear and her and i started giggling. The look on his face 😮😂 i ended that relationship soon after.
The 1st story, yes you can trust your partner... But another thing in relationships is respect. If someone is acting inappropriately towards me, I would shut it down out of respect for my partner. It doesn't have anything to do with him trusting me or not.
I was listening on Spotify and had to come to the TH-cam to gov my take on the first story- Morgan was 100% right. I feel like if your partner expresses how someone makes them uncomfortable for VALID reasons it’s your responsibility to set boundaries with that person. Asking to walk down the aisle with an ex is a huge red flag and definitely malicious intent.
I agree with Morgan on the first story! Women can tell when something is going on. There’s little subtle micro aggressions or mannerisms that we pick up on.
Story 2: I just want to say kudos to the writer for having that level of self-awareness. There are lots of kids, even at that age, who would act on those feelings without even understanding where they come from. Meanwhile, the writer not only understands themself well enough to know why they are feeling what they are feeling, but has the maturity to handle those feelings without putting them on other people.
If you express to your partner several times that someones behavior towards them is making you uncomfortable the ball is in his court to address it. I don't think it's insecure to want your partner to prioritize your comfort and confidence in the relationship, over avoiding an awkward conversation with an ex about boundaries.
oof sometimes Jerry's takes give me the boomer ick 😂 I live with my 70 yr old father in law and they don't always seem to empathize with women when they bring up micro aggressions.
That "never do a job for the money, do it because you love it" BS sounds like it's coming from someone who's had a pretty comfy life and doesn't understand that a lot of people need to do jobs they don't love because they need money to live.
My sons father passed away in his sleep. I have found a wonderful man that steps up in every way for my son and the other 2 children my husband left behind (my step kids) and Morgan sobbing and say "you don't get that lucky teice" is exactly how I feel every, single, day.
Trusting him has nothing to do with not being disrespected. That's what that post was. Not a trust post. A disrespect post. She was disrespecting you, your relationship, and him. Talk to him. Calmly. If he doesn't work to change the situation, he is also disrespecting you and your relationship. That means he isn't completely invested.
I guess difference between men and women because I'm 100% with Morgan on the first story. You can be confident and your partner and still not want to deal with the disrespect.
100% agree with Morgan on the first one - MAINLY because she is allowed to have things she’s uncomfortable with - if this is a boundary that she feels is being crossed repeatedly and said boundary is not shared by him, then it’s obviously not a good fit and they need to break up.
Morgan: explaining how the principle of the story is the boyfriend doesn’t respect his partner by not even protesting when someone else flirts with him and that’s not super healthy- The boys: NuH uHHHHHhhhHH Like it’s not about trust why wouldn’t you be uncomfortable with someone else Flirting with you when you’re in a relationship? Especially when you know how much it affects your partner? Also not the boys cutting Morgan off when she’s trying to explain I can’t- 😭
The amount of times Jerry+Justin were interrupting Morgan was actually starting to frustrate me😅😅and it really felt like even if they had nothing to say or add they just wanted to talk to hear their own voices… lmao a hard watch for sureee
On Morgan's side for story 1. At that point it feels like blatant disrespect towards the girlfriend. I have a shit load of guy best friends and I go above and beyond to not even truly consciously, have boundaries with them and especially when they have a girlfriend because I know how girls can be and at the end of the day I don't want their girlfriend thinking I'm one of those kind of girls
Morgan is 100% in the right in the first one. The boyfriend knows that she has questioned that girls and his relationship. He should’ve set a boundary knowing how his girlfriend feels. The girl is blatantly disrespectful towards the girlfriend by flirting with him while he is in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if he’s not going to play into it, simply because someone is disrespecting your partner you need to set a boundary. A simple “I have a girlfriend, stop flirting with me”
Also agree with Morgan in the first story. I feel often times in society the gf/wife's feelings get pushed aside to accommodate everyone else first and essentially they are accommodating for the ex gf. It is just disrespectful and it's really not that complicated to keep them apart and if it stirs up drama it's not the gfs fault but the ex gf because she's probably the only one who would have an issue with it. There has to be boundaries put when someone is crossing lines. Unfortunately if it stirs drama it will get blamed on the gf which again shows how her feelings go last. This narrative in general in society needs to stop I see it all too often and with time leads to separation/divorce because either the wife gets resentful or the husband ends up cheating because lack of putting up boundaries to begin with.
This is “Father” , first of all note. I never claim to know Best!, I claim only to kniw Something. I’m certainly not her to prove Morgan or any of my listeners “Wrong”, Im a dad and I’m make myself availably to all of you simply to give you my thoughts on a canvas of a safe space. I base my opinions on only my 66 years of living through some good and bad times, and what I have experienced navigating on my own situation, and many of the my peers that I’ve come in contact with over the years. These suggestions. are presented to all of to process and apply or not to your own situation. So it is very possible that my processing doesn’t work for you. It’s only for you to consider and then discard if it does not apply to you. I will reiterate I do not know everything. In fact, the older I get the more I find that I don’t know anything, but somewhere in the middle there or something and that’s what I’m working with. Much love and respect to all of you dad/Jerry
Morgan you are 100 percent right in your take on first story. The bf has to respect his girl's feelings. If she is uncomfortable, he has to stir the pot.
49:15 PLEASE go to your daughters school and let them know what’s going on. I work in a school and we help parents and family’s like yours CONSTANTLY! It surprises me how much schools actually are able to do to help out the families.
same with her school. at the very least they may have a food pantry available to her. also if she’s american she should to the FAFSA and put that she’s homeless and they may be able to alleviate all her school costs with a pell grant. that won’t happen until fall 24 but still. also she could reach out to her local clerk of court and comptroller and see if they have resources for families or some programs she could ask about
My thing with the first story is that the girl asked to walk with him. It would be different if the bride and groom had a certain order they wanted their friends to stand in, but to ask and then be like sure. Nah. I just got married in October and our best man is dating one of my bridesmaids so they didn’t walk with each other, but they also didn’t care because they knew we wanted our people to stand in a certain order.
I’m sorry but the first story.. they both dismissed Morgan’s point which was, is OPs partner considering his girlfriend’s boundaries (and respecting her) above all else? She can be the most trusting person in all the world, but if he considers her boundaries, he would KNOW what the answer to the solution was before even asking. The point is not at all “you can’t control others”, my thoughts the entire time is she is not wishing to control anyone, she’s (passively) establishing a boundary
Regarding the Shelter Story: When I was a teenager, I spent two years homeless and had to live a few months in a shelter with my mother. They're awful places to be, and it's easy to go into a dark headspace because you're often surrounded by such misery plus I swear half the rules in shelters are designed to make you feel even worse. But honestly it sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders and you're doing what you need to do to improve you and your daughter's life. I'm an adult now, and I don't resent my mom for the time spent in the shelter. I understand it was a necessary step in getting us somewhere more stable. Just keep focusing on what you need to do, and try not to beat yourself up over it. Remember that being in a shelter is only temporary. You're doing great.
My fiance has a child with an ex. I have no issues with her or her being around. I understand I signed up for that when I got with someone with a kid. However, she has crossed boundaries and tried to mess with our relationship and "get with" my fiance since we've been together. He's always shut it down appropriately. Doesn't mean it's okay to let her boundary stomp because I trust him. So we've made rules about her coming into our home when I'm out of town. It's not necessary and she's been disrespectful of our relationship before. It's not insecurities, lack of trust etc. Your SO should be standing up for your boundaries.
Morgan hit it on the head with the first one. I don't think Jerry and Justin understand the nuances of how women can treat each other, they're really justing considering the basis of "will he sleep with her or not". This girl is testing boundaries. Even if she doesn't want him back, she wants him to "pick her" by seeing if he will allow her to hurt his girlfriend. Even if he doesn't sleep with her or go back to her, he is foolishly complicit in an ex continuously showing disrespect to his partner and by extension, to him. She knows exactly what she is doing and it is working. The boyfriend should ask himself why is he okay with being used as a means to disrespect and hurt his girlfriend. And OP should ask herself if she is okay with a partner who is so spineless as to be complicit in someone else trying to hurt her. Edit: It's wild how fast the boys switched up to "your partner needs to have your back" in Story 4.
I really do not like how Morgan’s father is basically saying that this woman is overly emotional and jealous? Like no it’s just disrespectful af no thank you 15:35
40:30 “some people don’t believe in that”(referencing rehoming a dog) Let me tell you a story. The story of my MIL who didn’t believe in rehoming dogs because it was “betraying” them. -My MIL owned a high energy hound dog in her tiny apartment. The dog was an anxious wreck, destroying the apartment, furniture and doors, howling at all hours, afraid of all visitors and especially aggressive towards children. -My husband and I offered to take the hound to our house. We live in the countryside and she would’ve had fresh air and room to get that energy out. -MIL refused. Stated she “loved” the dog too much to give her away. -Time passed and the hound got worse, biting two family members in that time. -Then the day came when she bit a visitor badly enough to draw blood. -MIL was forced to euthanize her. So because of laziness and refusal to rehome the dog, she is now dead. “not believing” in rehoming a dog is stupid and selfish. A dog deserves to be in a home that loves and suits them. Rehoming isn’t the issue here.
First story: As someone who's friends with multiple exes, i would *never* insist on walking down the aisle with them, *especially* if they had a partner while i was single. I have zero interest in any of my exes, but I don't want to be misinterpreted by their partners, so i go out of my way to include their partners in the conversation and welcome them into the friend group. OP is justified in being suspicious of the ex, that just isn't normal ex-turned-friend behavior.
i love how the boys in story 1 didn’t see the red flags. what a testament to the stories of endless flirting for ages, the boy just thinking its kind and being kind back, and not knowing until he straight up asks if they want to have sex. emotional affair be damned apparently. totally fair to set boundaries because clearly flirting not being a red flag is sooooo weird
First story: hell yeah Morgan said all the things. Hit all the points right spot on. As long as this girl is acting reasonably, he needs to maintain the respect as well.
That’s not the case it’s no different flipped. They both need a mutual respect and men are sometimes so blind to ladies ways.. haha I don’t get how they have such a blind spot for that stuff.
Just here to also say I agree with morgan on the first story. 😂 But... OPs boyfriend still wanting to pursue a friendship with a girl who is obviously still infatuated with him is the issue. She needs to communicate that to her boyfriend. If he isn't open to a compromise with their relationship, then it's time to think about leaving. I agree.. you can't control other people, but you can have an open conversation with your partner and create *reasonable* boundaries.
I am 100000% with Morgan on the first story. It would feel disrespectful for my partner to not tell this other lady to "look, can you please back off? Your behaviours with examples A, B and C make my partner feel uncomfortable. I would appreciate if you would stop". Why can't he say that? That isn't stirring the pot, this lady started it and he is just standing up for himself and his partner! Totally agree with Morgan, made me so angry that story - lol!! It isn't about trust, it is about RESPECT.
fully agree w/ morgan on the first story. cheating isn’t the only way to disrespect your partner! it’s not about if the op trusts her boyf, it’s the fact he lets this ex flirt with him (esp knowing that it had been an issue in the past) w/out doing anything ab it.
1st story- with their history and a girl’s intuition i think Morgan is onto something. Why ask to walk down the aisle with an ex? Even if you are friendly, flirting with an ex who is in a relationship and the boyfriend not stopping it therefore allowing it would be a breach of respect and the unwritten contract you have in a relationship to me. I love how story 5 the person says they hate hearing it will get better and Morgan said it like 4+ times lol
Completely agree with Morgan on the first one. Sorry but the "man mentality" on that one blew my mind lol If this was me I would have 100% said to the bride/groom "dont want to walk down the isle with my ex that doesnt respect my relationship and our boundaries". Every woman here knows 110% why that girl asked to walk down the isle with her ex bf, doesnt take much to read between the lines there lol
You guys are great!! I just watched a two hot takes episode titled no words from two years ago. I wanted to put this down before I forgot. I had a divorce party this year in 2023. It was the most amazing thing, and so many of my friends came. It was themed good versus evil, and most of my friends were evil. Lol Happy 100 🎉🎉❤
I am with Morgan on the first story 100%! We as women have a certain intuition and we can sense the bad intentions of others. It’s not about not trusting your partner, it’s about basic respect. It is Black and white- respect toward your partner’s boundaries and comfort. Walking down the aisle with a bridesmaid who makes your girlfriend feel uncomfortable is not worth jeopardizing your relationship.
Exactly!! As a man I wouldn’t even feel comfortable with a girl flirting with me while I have a girlfriend. Especially if my girlfriend was uncomfortable with it. It’s not that she doesn’t trust her partner. It’s that she doesn’t want someone disrespecting her relationship. 😭
I think dad was being a bit too defensive in story 1. Maybe something was hitting home? For himself or someone he knows? Regardless its up to the bf to set CLEAR boundaries with an EX GIRLFRIEND. Regardless of them being friends, there should be extremely clear boundaries. If she keeps feeling insecure about something he should want to do what he can to make her feel at ease.
@@mollyroderick6020yeah I’ve never been able to relisten to Two Hot Takes episodes with him in it because I feel like his hard dismissal of a lot of things ends up making it feel like he’s invalidating Morgan’s perspective too often and I just don’t wanna listen to a podcast where an older man is undercutting a young woman’s perspective, regardless of their actual relationship to one another
1st story: To me, it comes down to respect. The ex is blatantly disrespecting OP and her relationship, and her boyfriend needs to establish firm boundaries with her if the friendship is to continue. I wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect my SO, and I expect them to do the same for me. Simple as that.
Ooooooo first story got me spiraling cause I went through something similar but mine turned out pretty damn bad lol. I had a gut feeling so I didn’t trust it, I didn’t like it, and I had a reason not to. My ex was paired with her ex for a wedding who she co-parented a cat with… said she was just friends and they had the same friend group so it had to be that way. I loved her and decided to push my boundaries aside even though I wasn’t comfortable. Turns out they were definitely fucking and even were trying to rehash the relationship the whole time!!! So, it’s definitely a tough situation. But I don’t think him disregarding her feelings and using the “she wasn’t my type” as an excuse is pretty weak.
The first story I’m with you Morgan , this really shows how men can truly be blind to how us women feel. It’s not an insecurity thing, it’s a boundaries type thing. If something you’re doing really makes me uncomfortable then they should respect me enough to not do it. And I’m really having a hard time getting through this hot take with Jerry. He’s completely missing the point and is chalking it up to oh OP’s just “insecure.” No, that’s not what that is. It’s called wanting boundaries.
The first and the fourth story are touching on the same principal about respect. But the response from the guys are so different. 100% agree with Morgan.
I'm a bit split on the first story. On one hand, I agree with Morgan that honestly boundaries do need to be respected when you're dealing with friends in relationships. Usually when I'm about to do something with a friend in a relationship that could toe a boundary (going out to eat alone together, doing a steamy scene in D&D, staying over at one another's place), my first immediate question is "is your partner okay with this?". I do this because frankly I don't want to be the source of tension in anyone's romantic relationship. I've lost friendships that way when I was younger and it's not fun. On the other hand...frankly? I don't think OP trusts her boyfriend as much as she claims she does. She says she does, but her actions do not line up with that at all. I think she desperately wants to paint this other girl as the bad guy to her relationship when she's not the actual problem because that's an easier fix than not trusting your partner. Whether its out of an insecurity or she's picking up on signs she doesn't want to acknowledge- not sure. Just... yeah. I think she doesn't trust her partner and that's going to be an issue.
agreed. i don’t think op trusts her bf fully, but all that aside, even if she DID fully trust him, that ex is being blatantly disrespectful imo and either the ex and or the bf need to read the room on that
They will be in a situation(bachelor party) that involves alcohol and people who support them get back tgt. You can't trust that situation. Asking to walk down the aisle with him is just a hint. Nobody need to pain the others girl a bad guy. She is the bad guy. She disrespect their relationship.
As someone who super loves their step dad and so clearly remembers that moment where it clicked that he didn't want to take my dad's place (as I was a daddy's girl), but wanted to be supportive as well as my parents. It's not the best memory for anyone but he was there when I most needed him (and has been a lot!). He's become especially more important to me since unexpectedly loosing my Dad this year.
For the mom in the shelter! When my mom was In a shelter with two of us children for a few days I was probably about 8 I don’t even remember it! The only reason I know it happened is because my mom told me it did. It will get better. Maybe she will remember it maybe she won’t but all she needs right now is you. It will get better all that matters right now is that you guys are safe happy and healthy. ❤
SLP here and the career has been totally worth it for me. Right now jobs are plentiful across many fields, but the economy was down when I first graduated and I was so grateful to work in a field with great job security! There are just never enough SLPs at least in my area. Sure there are income limits, but there are in many fiends. Keep looking for that right job once you graduate!
11:24 hell no I don’t want to be with a guy to thinks it’s okay to entertain a girl even if he’s not flirting back. he’s still giving her the attention she wanted knowing she’s been trying to get it. 😂 Especially if he was sleeping with her like obviously you liked her physically at one point. She can have him if he thinks it’s crazy to feel this way. She wants to play pretend like she’s back with him.. no thanks 😭
And if he’s this defensive about keeping the ex around, he could very well be flirting back when OPs out of the room. Like she had to know she could get away with it somehow
I’m with Morgan on the first story! It definitely seems that way. I didn’t even see Jerri and Justin’s side until they pointed it out but I was with Morgan from the very beginning before she said anything!
😭😭😭🖤 I just wanna give the step dad girl a huge hug.. I so hope she hears this.. i have/had the same issue as a kid and 🥺 gosh its just so tough.. and yall handled it with such grace 🙏🏻 And bebe girl you better get into creative writing! Cuz you have some TALENT! 🥲 such a bright smart girl. Happy Holidays to all 🖤
Sometimes I need my fiance to listen to these takes just to make sure I’m understanding it right. When he starts giving my phone a funny look, I know I’m not the only one who thinks the story or the takes are awful.
I truly felt when jerry said, “keep the faith”. No I’m not going through an unfortunate situation as the woman in the story but I’ve been anxiously waiting to hear back from a job I really really really want. I’m extremely nervous and I am constantly reminding myself to be strong in my faith but I absolutely am still freaking about a little bit. Hope everything works out for the OP in that story ❤️
Yes Morgan!!!! Nailed the first story!!! 👏👏 If there were anyone openly flirting with me, knowing I was in a committed relationship, I would take that as not only disrespectful to my partner and relationship, but also to myself. I would set boundries immeaditely because they clearly aren't being a 'good friend' 🙄 If that dude doesnt set boundries then he is directly disrespecting his girlfriend.
Just listening on Spotify and I 100000% am with you Morgan! You can trust your partner but still not trust the other person. And there is a level of respect that goes into it too. Aaanndd!! You were spot on when you said you KNOW how girls are. Men can be so oblivious to these things. Thank you for standing your ground!!
The brother stealing story: she needs a non-compete w/NDA. He can’t be trusted. If he decides to get greedy after things settle down, he may do it again. Their family doesn’t know what he’s like without the mask he hides behind when he’s around them. He’s sneaky.
I 100% agree with Morgan on the first story. As a girl I see how manipulative the ex is being and OP’s bf needs to draw boundaries and not enable her to
Yes girl thank you! 😂❤
i was listening to this on spotify, and im like i gotta see the youtube comments so glad ppl are siding with mogran's take
The first story truly proves that men live in a different reality than women. As soon as I heard the part where the ex asked to walk down the aisle with OP’s bf my alarm bells went off. You can 100% trust your partner but still want them to set good boundaries. If she has already flirted with him in the past then there are clearly still feelings on her end and she is being catty. It’s truly bonkers that Justin and Morgan’s dad didn’t see that and could only focus on trusting your partner🤣
I came here to say this!! Literally proves that we know women, and men are freaking oblivious 😂
100%. Do me and my partner laugh at people who try to come on to us bc we love and trust each other so much? Yes. Do we keep these people at a distance at the same time bc they don't respect our relationship? Absolutely.
It's mean girl behavior and they don't get it
I literally thought the same thing!! It’s crazy how men and woman have totally different points of views 😂
Me personally, I wouldn’t make an issue of it & I wouldn’t expect him to move everyone around for one day. They’re walking down the aisle…. Thats it. I would definitely have enough trust in my partner to not care about stuff like this. Girls can be malicious & intentional but like they said, I should be able to put my man in any room and not bat an eye.
I’m 100% with you on the first story, Morgan! Trust is so important, but so is respect and boundaries. Girls definitely have a special intuition about other girls intentions.
Yep!!!! With Morgan here ❤❤
Yeah mutual boundaries in a relationship are important, but you can't enforce your boundaries on other people by assaulting them. That's called abuse. Imagine if the genders were reversed in the story about the girlfriend pulling her boyfriend out of the strip club by his hair. Would you still think it was okay?
It's bizzare to me that no one is acknowledging how unacceptable it is to do that to your partner (or anyone). Not respecting their partner's wishes doesn't justify abuse. It means you should just break up with them.
@@maggiedk Wait did the girlfriend hit him or something? I feel like I missed something with your comment bringing up abuse
@@maggiedkthis wasnt apart of the first story- this was just jerry's side note.
@@shaylevene6754 sorry, I was talking about Jerry's anecdote about his friend's girlfriend pulling her bf out of the strip club by his hair
The boy’s take on the first story has me SO FRUSTRATED. Why are we as women always being told we’re “insecure” for setting boundaries? I 100% agree with Morgan’s take!!!
Because it's not a boundary when you're trying to control someone else.
@@_ChantalBI personally don’t think asking for something to change, such as avoiding a person you get weird vibes from, is controlling. Now saying “You are going to do xyz.” And manipulating your relationships entire lifestyle to avoid that, is controlling.
Some people will take any chance to say a partner is controlling even if it isn’t a wild ask.
@husky8204 it kinda is controlling to ask someone to avoid another person who you get a weird vibe from. The op also herself said she has insecurity issues overall
@_ChantalB well let's all flirt with people while we are in a relationship then. Where does it stop though? If you can't even set a boundary without being called insecure?
First story: boyfriend lacks boundaries. The fact the ex is still comfortable to make teasing and flirtatious moves is because he hasnt confronted her and said knock it off.
Sidebar, Morgan dumping on the girl for most of that I feel was misguided. It's all on the boyfriend to step up and set and enforce those boundaries.
Exactlyy?? Like just break up if you don’t care about your girlfriends boundaries
@@jewels2128I mean some of that is definitely on the girl.
Father does not know best lol. I am on Morgan's side with the first story.
Hehe that’s why we call it father knows something., sometimes the millennials know what’s best 😂
I am a Genx and I wholeheartedly agree with Morgan and I have been with my husband for 20+ years and he would never allow this type of situation to continue to happen@@TwoHotTakes
Morgan was right, the first story angered me. Just how they were (not Morgan) so dismissive of OP's feelings and attributed them to "insecurity". The boyfriend is an A-hole for not being like "Uh, yeah right I'm gonna walk the isle with her" and shut it off instantly.
AGREED! It was really frustrating and borderline upsetting how they kept essentially blaming the OP for feeling disrespected by the other girl and kept trying to make it about trust and her failing to trust her partner instead of her partner RESPECTING HER and how his behavior was enabling disrespect toward her. And this kind of rhetoric is used a LOT to invalidate women when their partners are emotionally cheating on them-“You don’t trust me” and “You’re being insecure.” Even phrases like “you can’t control other people” when referring to disrespect are basically the cousins of “that’s just how she is.” “Don’t rock the boat” aka “shut up and internalize it so I’m not inconvenienced.” Ugh I’m getting fired up again😤
Especially cause they were like "she might be insecure and the other person doesnt mean bad" which even ignoring intent (which we all saw as bad anyways), it doesnt matter. Respect and boundaries dont have to be voluntarily disrespected for you to point them. Its about what you believe is appropriate.
Bro Jerry was kinda misogynistic ngl. He kept implying that OP was being delusional and insecure. In what world are we supposed to blindly trust a partner without questioning anything? That's what's actually toxic. I can't believe he just kept on disregarding OP like that.
And why is Justin stuck in "it's not an ideal world". Morgan's right, no it's not an ideal world, but you try to achieve the closest thing to it!
@@venecianita5013 I mean even if the OP is misinterpreting it, we don't know that. Where is the evidence? This is why we often have to put trust in every story that comes in, because that's all we have. Going the extra mile to cover the possibility that she was lying is weird.
6:24 Sorry but this story is a really bad example. The man *did* do something wrong-he ignored his wife’s boundaries and went to a strip club, breaking her trust. The moral can’t be “you gotta have trust” but then tell a story where the man breaks his wife’s trust and say he “did nothing wrong”
Exactly right!!!
violating your partners boundaries is ABSOLUTELY wrong and this mindset is why women nowadays are staying single and not settling for scumbags that don't respect their partner, it's such a prevalent mindset to just call the woman insecure "like a compass needle always finds north a man's accusing finger with always find a woman" or something like that, it's never on the man for being disrespectful it's always women for being "so touchy and oversensitive"
Yep, 100%.
I am a man, and I *do not* understand strip clubs at all, but that part is immaterial. If my wife was uncomfortable with anything relating to my relationship with any other woman, then that needs to be addressed so that she can feel comfortable. I need to trust that she may be seeing something I am not, and trust that she is the person I know and respect and love. I know she is not delusional or cruel, and so if she says something is making her uncomfortable, then there *is a reason.*
If that means I need to cut them out? Done.
That has never happened in my entire relationship up to this point though, because I maintain normal boundaries just out of respect for her anyway. That does not mean I am not friends with women, but it does mean that I am not going to let them randomly flirt with me either.
I don't think the first girl is being crazy or insecure. It's not about her thinking that the boyfriend is going to cheat its more about how the girl is being disrespectful knowing its hurtful to the girlfriend. It's disrespect that the boyfriend is allowing and enabling. That's the issue.
Exactly. And even if he was more supportive, things can happen that aren't his fault that could destroy his gf.
Like at the bachelore/tte parties, he could ignore the ex completely. But the ex could come up, sit in his lap and kiss him. Even if he jumps up and gets outta there...its done. Damage is done and it's all because the ex is malicious and bf didn't respect his gf and her feelings/concern.
Like, just respect boundaries and prioritize your partner. Not hard
Yeah I agree.
Story one is a perfect example of how guys dont always understand how toxic women work. I fully agree with Morgan on this one. Women can be sooo shady and I feel like the ex-girlfriend was being disrespectful to their relationship.
For the first story, you are allowed to have boundaries in a relationship. Having boundaries doesnt mean you automatically fully distrust someone. Also, trust is something that will not always be fully there and needs active work when in a relationship. He can affirm the trust she has in him by accepting her boundary, ignoring her feelings will only confirm her trust "issues" towards him and that girl.
I agree it doesnt mean you automatically distrust someone just like it doesn't mean you're insecure. Just because you trust your man doesnt mean its ok for him to let someone disrespect your relationship😂
About story one: “if the roles were switched then suddenly it would be okay” no it wouldn’t!! 😭 I hate it when guys try to act like there’s a double standard where there is none. Is it really so crazy to just not want someone constantly flirting with your partner right in front of your face? Lol it doesn’t matter what gender anyone is
No exactly. He literally jumped to that as a defense and I’ve seen so many dudes say that like you WANT to be oppressed so badly.
Honestly, it's comments like this that have made me a little sus of Justin's attitudes and views toward women over time. There's something deep-seeded there that I wish he'd unpack.
@@autumn3000same like. idk the guy but …
This comment is exactly what I was looking for. That was such a problematic response from him, and it was totally an invalidating type of argument that had no place in the conversation
Oo I thought I was the only one@@autumn3000
1000% on Morgan's side on the first story! Listened this morning on Spotify and ran to the comments the second I saw this was uploaded here haha - boundaries and trust are so important, and it's hurtful for OP's bf to not consider how this may make her feel
story 1 - 1:42
story 2 - 15:52
story 3 - 32:00
story 4 - 42:10
story 5 - 49:11
story 6 - 59:58
story 7- 1:11:58
story 8 - 1:20:30
story 9 - 1:28:28
story 10- 1:42:36
story 11- 1:56:55
Thank you💖💖
Thank u ❤
Thanks queen 🫶🏻
You the real MVP
You guys y’all can fast forward and then it allows you to click on a story you want to listen to
Morgan fighting for her life for the woman in the first story shows us that she's a girl's girl❤️
It’s so frustrating that the whole conflicting part is that the ex is purposely wanting to walk down with her ex!!! Why do the guys think that’s something normal and not a controllable factor???
100 % with Morgan on this one . The writer can trust her partner but not trust the other person and her intentions and just not want to engage her relationship in that situation. Her boyfriend needs to set boundaries with that girl. And ensure his partner feel comfortable with what is going on given their history and the fact this girl has been disrespectful.
Also a married man going to a strip club against his wife’s wishes is wrong. That man was 100% crossing boundaries and disrespecting his wife for his own entertainment/ enjoyment and that’s disgusting and has nothing to do with trust at all.
Agreed! N Just because the partner isn’t actively doing the disrespect, enabling the disrespect is still crossing a line tbh
Thank you! I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one thinking that about the strip club thing! Tbh I had to pause on this story and come find the comments to make myself feel less crazy
I feel like father knows something has an issue respecting partner's boundaries, kinda like if im ok with it you cant no be ok with it type vibe.
@@venecianita5013agree. he has some strange takes on relationship boundaries and I find it odd how he references his past girlfriend (highschool through college I believe) would’ve been the love of his life if he didn’t cheat on her. just an interesting point.
Morgan is 100% right on that first story. You can completely trust your partner and be disrespected by someone outside my relationship, it doesn't mean that my partner will cheat with them, it means that the other person has no respect for the both of us being together. If I was on the bf's shoes, I would find it my responsability to set boundaries on that friend and make it very clear that there is a limit in our interactions. The girlfriend has the right to having that limit put. The friend is not entitled to treating the bf however she wants to, he's in a relationship, she has to respect that and recognize her place in his life, his friend, not his girlfriend anymore. You can't control the world, but it is necessary to ensure that we qnd our loved ones are being respected.
why was i getting heated on the first one knowing morgan was right!!! its crazy to me that men just Do Not Get It.
100% agree with morgan on the first story and so does my boyfriend. this is not a binary situation, it’s not just about the trust, it’s about respect.
The step dad story got me. My mom passed when I was 16... just a few months after my baby sister (her 10th baby) was born. My dad remarried many years later... I will admit I wasn't 100% thrilled with my dad getting remarried in general. But I remembered a conversation I had with my mom before she passed.. I don't know how it was brought up, but for some reason my mom wanted to to know that if anything were to happen to her she would want my dad to get remarried... she would want us to have a mother figure in our lives if she couldn't be there.
My step mom had never been married, nor did she have any other children. I joke that our family situation is a bit reminiscent of The Sound Of Music.
My step mom had her own memories of my mom, as she taught myself and several of my siblings in middle school before moving 1000 miles away. I don't exactly know much about how the relationship started between my dad and step mom, except that it was long distance for the majority of it.
She has never tried to replace my mom... she loves and cares for all 10 of us through sickness, health, and emotional trauma. She talks about my mom often... on mother's day every year we celebrate her, because she IS a mother. Our Mother's Day tradition (per my step mother's request) is to go as a family to my mom's grave. We clean it up, plant new daisy's, & hang some new wind chimes (mom's favorites). Afterwards my step mom picks a place and we go to lunch ❤
The way my step mom honors my mom has always made me believe that she was handpicked my mom for our family.
I wish you and your family eternal happiness! So sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing!!
Story 1, I’m not walking down the aisle with someone who 1. flirts with me when they know I have a partner 2. makes my partner uncomfortable. The request was already out of pocket.
For the first time, Justin & Morgan’s dad are pissing me off. They’re ignoring her point & hyper focusing on trust & that’s not what this is about. It’s about respect. The boyfriend needs to request otherwise.
the first time 😂 welcome to the club
Yeah it was annoying
this was my first experience with morgans dad and ahhhh
I wonder how they would feel if their wives ex boyfriends pulled this crap.???
Trust and respect are different things. Trusting someone does not mean u let them disrespect you, because that is strange not only to you but to other people seeing your relationship, and if someone does not respect your relationship you DO NOT engage with that person because you respect your partner.
There is also a limit to things. Morgan is so Right. Men clearly live in another world than women.
You are so right! Morgan was right on!!
Many years ago i was dating this guy. We went to a fancy restaurant and he started flirting with the waitress. It not only pissed me off but also the waitress. So she turned it around on him and she started flirting with me 😂🤣 she started whispering in my ear and her and i started giggling. The look on his face 😮😂 i ended that relationship soon after.
Could NOT make it past 12 minutes into this episode. How do these men live in such a different plane of existence?
The 1st story, yes you can trust your partner... But another thing in relationships is respect. If someone is acting inappropriately towards me, I would shut it down out of respect for my partner. It doesn't have anything to do with him trusting me or not.
I was listening on Spotify and had to come to the TH-cam to gov my take on the first story- Morgan was 100% right. I feel like if your partner expresses how someone makes them uncomfortable for VALID reasons it’s your responsibility to set boundaries with that person. Asking to walk down the aisle with an ex is a huge red flag and definitely malicious intent.
Omg first story, YES MORGAN. 100% agree!! She’s disrespecting the relationship and regardless of trusting your person the ex needs to be put in check.
I agree with Morgan on the first story! Women can tell when something is going on. There’s little subtle micro aggressions or mannerisms that we pick up on.
Story 2: I just want to say kudos to the writer for having that level of self-awareness. There are lots of kids, even at that age, who would act on those feelings without even understanding where they come from. Meanwhile, the writer not only understands themself well enough to know why they are feeling what they are feeling, but has the maturity to handle those feelings without putting them on other people.
If you express to your partner several times that someones behavior towards them is making you uncomfortable the ball is in his court to address it. I don't think it's insecure to want your partner to prioritize your comfort and confidence in the relationship, over avoiding an awkward conversation with an ex about boundaries.
This. She’s not insecure for having a boundary. If he dosent like that boundary he can gtfo
oof sometimes Jerry's takes give me the boomer ick 😂 I live with my 70 yr old father in law and they don't always seem to empathize with women when they bring up micro aggressions.
this bc i already know this episode is going to annoy me so bad i might have to skip it lol
@@crashtatti it's a compilation of past stories from different episodes so you won't be missing anything lol
Because they just honestly don’t have that much respect …
Wow feel like the first part of that was extremely rude tbh
That "never do a job for the money, do it because you love it" BS sounds like it's coming from someone who's had a pretty comfy life and doesn't understand that a lot of people need to do jobs they don't love because they need money to live.
My sons father passed away in his sleep. I have found a wonderful man that steps up in every way for my son and the other 2 children my husband left behind (my step kids) and Morgan sobbing and say "you don't get that lucky teice" is exactly how I feel every, single, day.
He also toasts my late husband. Holy shit the deeper in story 2 I get the more I sob.
Trusting him has nothing to do with not being disrespected. That's what that post was. Not a trust post. A disrespect post. She was disrespecting you, your relationship, and him. Talk to him. Calmly. If he doesn't work to change the situation, he is also disrespecting you and your relationship. That means he isn't completely invested.
I guess difference between men and women because I'm 100% with Morgan on the first story. You can be confident and your partner and still not want to deal with the disrespect.
100% agree with Morgan on the first one - MAINLY because she is allowed to have things she’s uncomfortable with - if this is a boundary that she feels is being crossed repeatedly and said boundary is not shared by him, then it’s obviously not a good fit and they need to break up.
Morgan: explaining how the principle of the story is the boyfriend doesn’t respect his partner by not even protesting when someone else flirts with him and that’s not super healthy-
The boys: NuH uHHHHHhhhHH
Like it’s not about trust why wouldn’t you be uncomfortable with someone else Flirting with you when you’re in a relationship? Especially when you know how much it affects your partner? Also not the boys cutting Morgan off when she’s trying to explain I can’t- 😭
The amount of times Jerry+Justin were interrupting Morgan was actually starting to frustrate me😅😅and it really felt like even if they had nothing to say or add they just wanted to talk to hear their own voices… lmao a hard watch for sureee
I can’t believe the lack of comments on story 2, I almost cried multiple times listening to that one
On Morgan's side for story 1. At that point it feels like blatant disrespect towards the girlfriend. I have a shit load of guy best friends and I go above and beyond to not even truly consciously, have boundaries with them and especially when they have a girlfriend because I know how girls can be and at the end of the day I don't want their girlfriend thinking I'm one of those kind of girls
Morgan is 100% in the right in the first one. The boyfriend knows that she has questioned that girls and his relationship. He should’ve set a boundary knowing how his girlfriend feels. The girl is blatantly disrespectful towards the girlfriend by flirting with him while he is in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if he’s not going to play into it, simply because someone is disrespecting your partner you need to set a boundary. A simple “I have a girlfriend, stop flirting with me”
Also agree with Morgan in the first story. I feel often times in society the gf/wife's feelings get pushed aside to accommodate everyone else first and essentially they are accommodating for the ex gf. It is just disrespectful and it's really not that complicated to keep them apart and if it stirs up drama it's not the gfs fault but the ex gf because she's probably the only one who would have an issue with it. There has to be boundaries put when someone is crossing lines. Unfortunately if it stirs drama it will get blamed on the gf which again shows how her feelings go last. This narrative in general in society needs to stop I see it all too often and with time leads to separation/divorce because either the wife gets resentful or the husband ends up cheating because lack of putting up boundaries to begin with.
On 1st story ,father dont know best. He is pissing me off.😂😅 . You go girl morgan!🎉
This is “Father” , first of all note. I never claim to know Best!, I claim only to kniw Something. I’m certainly not her to prove Morgan or any of my listeners “Wrong”, Im a dad and I’m make myself availably to all of you simply to give you my thoughts on a canvas of a safe space. I base my opinions on only my 66 years of living through some good and bad times, and what I have experienced navigating on my own situation, and many of the my peers that I’ve come in contact with over the years. These suggestions. are presented to all of to process and apply or not to your own situation. So it is very possible that my processing doesn’t work for you. It’s only for you to consider and then discard if it does not apply to you. I will reiterate I do not know everything. In fact, the older I get the more I find that I don’t know anything, but somewhere in the middle there or something and that’s what I’m working with. Much love and respect to all of you dad/Jerry
Morgan you are 100 percent right in your take on first story. The bf has to respect his girl's feelings. If she is uncomfortable, he has to stir the pot.
49:15 PLEASE go to your daughters school and let them know what’s going on. I work in a school and we help parents and family’s like yours CONSTANTLY! It surprises me how much schools actually are able to do to help out the families.
That was my thought too!!
same with her school. at the very least they may have a food pantry available to her. also if she’s american she should to the FAFSA and put that she’s homeless and they may be able to alleviate all her school costs with a pell grant. that won’t happen until fall 24 but still. also she could reach out to her local clerk of court and comptroller and see if they have resources for families or some programs she could ask about
My thing with the first story is that the girl asked to walk with him. It would be different if the bride and groom had a certain order they wanted their friends to stand in, but to ask and then be like sure. Nah. I just got married in October and our best man is dating one of my bridesmaids so they didn’t walk with each other, but they also didn’t care because they knew we wanted our people to stand in a certain order.
Sobbing hysterically over the second story ❤
The second story was the best! I love a wholesome tear jerker. So happy that family found each other!
I’m sorry but the first story.. they both dismissed Morgan’s point which was, is OPs partner considering his girlfriend’s boundaries (and respecting her) above all else? She can be the most trusting person in all the world, but if he considers her boundaries, he would KNOW what the answer to the solution was before even asking. The point is not at all “you can’t control others”, my thoughts the entire time is she is not wishing to control anyone, she’s (passively) establishing a boundary
That really irked me how they kept talking over her-😭 and just disregarding whatever she was saying
Regarding the Shelter Story: When I was a teenager, I spent two years homeless and had to live a few months in a shelter with my mother. They're awful places to be, and it's easy to go into a dark headspace because you're often surrounded by such misery plus I swear half the rules in shelters are designed to make you feel even worse. But honestly it sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders and you're doing what you need to do to improve you and your daughter's life. I'm an adult now, and I don't resent my mom for the time spent in the shelter. I understand it was a necessary step in getting us somewhere more stable. Just keep focusing on what you need to do, and try not to beat yourself up over it. Remember that being in a shelter is only temporary. You're doing great.
My fiance has a child with an ex. I have no issues with her or her being around. I understand I signed up for that when I got with someone with a kid. However, she has crossed boundaries and tried to mess with our relationship and "get with" my fiance since we've been together. He's always shut it down appropriately. Doesn't mean it's okay to let her boundary stomp because I trust him. So we've made rules about her coming into our home when I'm out of town. It's not necessary and she's been disrespectful of our relationship before. It's not insecurities, lack of trust etc. Your SO should be standing up for your boundaries.
Morgan hit it on the head with the first one. I don't think Jerry and Justin understand the nuances of how women can treat each other, they're really justing considering the basis of "will he sleep with her or not". This girl is testing boundaries. Even if she doesn't want him back, she wants him to "pick her" by seeing if he will allow her to hurt his girlfriend. Even if he doesn't sleep with her or go back to her, he is foolishly complicit in an ex continuously showing disrespect to his partner and by extension, to him. She knows exactly what she is doing and it is working.
The boyfriend should ask himself why is he okay with being used as a means to disrespect and hurt his girlfriend.
And OP should ask herself if she is okay with a partner who is so spineless as to be complicit in someone else trying to hurt her.
Edit: It's wild how fast the boys switched up to "your partner needs to have your back" in Story 4.
Well said!!
I agree with Morgan on the 1st story. It's about respect, even if it's innocent and all fun.
I really do not like how Morgan’s father is basically saying that this woman is overly emotional and jealous? Like no it’s just disrespectful af no thank you 15:35
Morgan's take on the first story was spot on & I was yelling at the guys through the screen 😂
Tbh Jerry rubbed me the wrong way with a few of his takes this episode
Jerry gives me the ick.
Ngl that’s why I don’t watch father knows something even tho I’m a big THT fan
@@byamba9835 honestly, like I don’t mind a devils advocate but he is just hella stubborn and close minded.
@@hhill_03at some point/ during this ep i was like “hmm i really don’t like him.”
@@hhill_03 Yeah this is the vibe I got. That he's narrow minded and unwilling to see that not everything is black or white
Definitely with Morgan on the first one. Idk how those “boys” don’t see it. It’s basically 2024
40:30 “some people don’t believe in that”(referencing rehoming a dog)
Let me tell you a story. The story of my MIL who didn’t believe in rehoming dogs because it was “betraying” them.
-My MIL owned a high energy hound dog in her tiny apartment. The dog was an anxious wreck, destroying the apartment, furniture and doors, howling at all hours, afraid of all visitors and especially aggressive towards children.
-My husband and I offered to take the hound to our house. We live in the countryside and she would’ve had fresh air and room to get that energy out.
-MIL refused. Stated she “loved” the dog too much to give her away.
-Time passed and the hound got worse, biting two family members in that time.
-Then the day came when she bit a visitor badly enough to draw blood.
-MIL was forced to euthanize her.
So because of laziness and refusal to rehome the dog, she is now dead. “not believing” in rehoming a dog is stupid and selfish. A dog deserves to be in a home that loves and suits them. Rehoming isn’t the issue here.
First story: As someone who's friends with multiple exes, i would *never* insist on walking down the aisle with them, *especially* if they had a partner while i was single. I have zero interest in any of my exes, but I don't want to be misinterpreted by their partners, so i go out of my way to include their partners in the conversation and welcome them into the friend group. OP is justified in being suspicious of the ex, that just isn't normal ex-turned-friend behavior.
i love how the boys in story 1 didn’t see the red flags. what a testament to the stories of endless flirting for ages, the boy just thinking its kind and being kind back, and not knowing until he straight up asks if they want to have sex. emotional affair be damned apparently. totally fair to set boundaries because clearly flirting not being a red flag is sooooo weird
First story: hell yeah Morgan said all the things. Hit all the points right spot on. As long as this girl is acting reasonably, he needs to maintain the respect as well.
That’s not the case it’s no different flipped. They both need a mutual respect and men are sometimes so blind to ladies ways.. haha I don’t get how they have such a blind spot for that stuff.
Just here to also say I agree with morgan on the first story. 😂
But... OPs boyfriend still wanting to pursue a friendship with a girl who is obviously still infatuated with him is the issue. She needs to communicate that to her boyfriend. If he isn't open to a compromise with their relationship, then it's time to think about leaving.
I agree.. you can't control other people, but you can have an open conversation with your partner and create *reasonable* boundaries.
People like Jerry who take on other people's kids with such compassion are next level of humanity ❤ you all deserve silly socks!
jerry: let me help w your argument **goes on an unrelated mini rant**
“No one gets this lucky twice” I’m LOSING it over here 😭😭😭
I am 100000% with Morgan on the first story. It would feel disrespectful for my partner to not tell this other lady to "look, can you please back off? Your behaviours with examples A, B and C make my partner feel uncomfortable. I would appreciate if you would stop". Why can't he say that? That isn't stirring the pot, this lady started it and he is just standing up for himself and his partner! Totally agree with Morgan, made me so angry that story - lol!! It isn't about trust, it is about RESPECT.
fully agree w/ morgan on the first story. cheating isn’t the only way to disrespect your partner! it’s not about if the op trusts her boyf, it’s the fact he lets this ex flirt with him (esp knowing that it had been an issue in the past) w/out doing anything ab it.
1st story- with their history and a girl’s intuition i think Morgan is onto something. Why ask to walk down the aisle with an ex? Even if you are friendly, flirting with an ex who is in a relationship and the boyfriend not stopping it therefore allowing it would be a breach of respect and the unwritten contract you have in a relationship to me.
I love how story 5 the person says they hate hearing it will get better and Morgan said it like 4+ times lol
Jerry / Gerry def is a lot / outdated on some of his opinions imo lol 😂 I’m like where r u going with that buddy
As someone who lost both parents, I can relate to story number 2. It's not replacing them, it's bringing in someone new to add to your life.
I’m with Morgan 100% on the first story. Father knows nothing 😭
Completely agree with Morgan on the first one. Sorry but the "man mentality" on that one blew my mind lol If this was me I would have 100% said to the bride/groom "dont want to walk down the isle with my ex that doesnt respect my relationship and our boundaries". Every woman here knows 110% why that girl asked to walk down the isle with her ex bf, doesnt take much to read between the lines there lol
You guys are great!! I just watched a two hot takes episode titled no words from two years ago. I wanted to put this down before I forgot. I had a divorce party this year in 2023. It was the most amazing thing, and so many of my friends came. It was themed good versus evil, and most of my friends were evil. Lol
Happy 100 🎉🎉❤
wholeheartedly agree with morgan in the first story.
I am with Morgan on the first story 100%! We as women have a certain intuition and we can sense the bad intentions of others. It’s not about not trusting your partner, it’s about basic respect. It is Black and white- respect toward your partner’s boundaries and comfort. Walking down the aisle with a bridesmaid who makes your girlfriend feel uncomfortable is not worth jeopardizing your relationship.
Exactly!! As a man I wouldn’t even feel comfortable with a girl flirting with me while I have a girlfriend. Especially if my girlfriend was uncomfortable with it. It’s not that she doesn’t trust her partner. It’s that she doesn’t want someone disrespecting her relationship. 😭
I think dad was being a bit too defensive in story 1. Maybe something was hitting home? For himself or someone he knows? Regardless its up to the bf to set CLEAR boundaries with an EX GIRLFRIEND. Regardless of them being friends, there should be extremely clear boundaries. If she keeps feeling insecure about something he should want to do what he can to make her feel at ease.
Story 2 was too cute. I loved the little moment that Morgan and dad had for it 💕💕
I wish the energy would've been the same on story 1 as Morgan's dad being all fired up on the dog story 😪
Just here to say Morgan was so righht about story 1 and Jerry was being so close minded and aggressive……
Jerry is always close minded I feel. Also usually has bad takes on things imo. I cannot watch father knows something most of the time because of it
@@mollyroderick6020yeah I’ve never been able to relisten to Two Hot Takes episodes with him in it because I feel like his hard dismissal of a lot of things ends up making it feel like he’s invalidating Morgan’s perspective too often and I just don’t wanna listen to a podcast where an older man is undercutting a young woman’s perspective, regardless of their actual relationship to one another
@@thylionheartI’m glad I’m not the only one who has felt this way…..
@@mollyroderick6020same. I cant always watch his videos beacuse of his takes sometimes 😅
@mollyroderick6020 yeah, I've had to slow down watching FKS because of this exact reason, it can be very frustrating
1st story: To me, it comes down to respect. The ex is blatantly disrespecting OP and her relationship, and her boyfriend needs to establish firm boundaries with her if the friendship is to continue. I wouldn't allow anyone to disrespect my SO, and I expect them to do the same for me. Simple as that.
Ooooooo first story got me spiraling cause I went through something similar but mine turned out pretty damn bad lol. I had a gut feeling so I didn’t trust it, I didn’t like it, and I had a reason not to. My ex was paired with her ex for a wedding who she co-parented a cat with… said she was just friends and they had the same friend group so it had to be that way. I loved her and decided to push my boundaries aside even though I wasn’t comfortable. Turns out they were definitely fucking and even were trying to rehash the relationship the whole time!!! So, it’s definitely a tough situation. But I don’t think him disregarding her feelings and using the “she wasn’t my type” as an excuse is pretty weak.
The first story I’m with you Morgan , this really shows how men can truly be blind to how us women feel. It’s not an insecurity thing, it’s a boundaries type thing. If something you’re doing really makes me uncomfortable then they should respect me enough to not do it. And I’m really having a hard time getting through this hot take with Jerry. He’s completely missing the point and is chalking it up to oh OP’s just “insecure.” No, that’s not what that is. It’s called wanting boundaries.
The first and the fourth story are touching on the same principal about respect. But the response from the guys are so different. 100% agree with Morgan.
I'm a bit split on the first story. On one hand, I agree with Morgan that honestly boundaries do need to be respected when you're dealing with friends in relationships. Usually when I'm about to do something with a friend in a relationship that could toe a boundary (going out to eat alone together, doing a steamy scene in D&D, staying over at one another's place), my first immediate question is "is your partner okay with this?". I do this because frankly I don't want to be the source of tension in anyone's romantic relationship. I've lost friendships that way when I was younger and it's not fun.
On the other hand...frankly? I don't think OP trusts her boyfriend as much as she claims she does. She says she does, but her actions do not line up with that at all. I think she desperately wants to paint this other girl as the bad guy to her relationship when she's not the actual problem because that's an easier fix than not trusting your partner. Whether its out of an insecurity or she's picking up on signs she doesn't want to acknowledge- not sure. Just... yeah. I think she doesn't trust her partner and that's going to be an issue.
agreed. i don’t think op trusts her bf fully, but all that aside, even if she DID fully trust him, that ex is being blatantly disrespectful imo and either the ex and or the bf need to read the room on that
I agree.
Thank you. Yes i think the same
They will be in a situation(bachelor party) that involves alcohol and people who support them get back tgt. You can't trust that situation. Asking to walk down the aisle with him is just a hint. Nobody need to pain the others girl a bad guy. She is the bad guy. She disrespect their relationship.
As someone who super loves their step dad and so clearly remembers that moment where it clicked that he didn't want to take my dad's place (as I was a daddy's girl), but wanted to be supportive as well as my parents.
It's not the best memory for anyone but he was there when I most needed him (and has been a lot!).
He's become especially more important to me since unexpectedly loosing my Dad this year.
For the mom in the shelter! When my mom was In a shelter with two of us children for a few days I was probably about 8 I don’t even remember it! The only reason I know it happened is because my mom told me it did. It will get better. Maybe she will remember it maybe she won’t but all she needs right now is you. It will get better all that matters right now is that you guys are safe happy and healthy. ❤
SLP here and the career has been totally worth it for me. Right now jobs are plentiful across many fields, but the economy was down when I first graduated and I was so grateful to work in a field with great job security! There are just never enough SLPs at least in my area. Sure there are income limits, but there are in many fiends. Keep looking for that right job once you graduate!
First story: Men's brains are built different like srsly. I'm with Morgan.
Though I cackled like a witch at how they're sooo heated 😂😂
Story 1.... why isn't anyone holding that girl accountable? Why isn't she being told to knock it off?
11:24 hell no I don’t want to be with a guy to thinks it’s okay to entertain a girl even if he’s not flirting back. he’s still giving her the attention she wanted knowing she’s been trying to get it. 😂 Especially if he was sleeping with her like obviously you liked her physically at one point. She can have him if he thinks it’s crazy to feel this way. She wants to play pretend like she’s back with him.. no thanks 😭
Right??? Like he’s not flirting back but he’s still allowing it to happen and doesn’t have a problem with disregarding his girlfriend’s feelings. 🚩
And if he’s this defensive about keeping the ex around, he could very well be flirting back when OPs out of the room. Like she had to know she could get away with it somehow
I’m with Morgan on the first story! It definitely seems that way. I didn’t even see Jerri and Justin’s side until they pointed it out but I was with Morgan from the very beginning before she said anything!
😭😭😭🖤 I just wanna give the step dad girl a huge hug.. I so hope she hears this.. i have/had the same issue as a kid and 🥺 gosh its just so tough.. and yall handled it with such grace 🙏🏻
And bebe girl you better get into creative writing! Cuz you have some TALENT! 🥲 such a bright smart girl. Happy Holidays to all 🖤
Morgan I hope you have a wonderful relaxing week! Take care of that mental health 🥳🥳🥳
Sometimes I need my fiance to listen to these takes just to make sure I’m understanding it right. When he starts giving my phone a funny look, I know I’m not the only one who thinks the story or the takes are awful.
Jerry 🤣🤣🤣
"She could be a friend of yours!"
Morgan: "And of course, witchcraft!"
".... she will not be a friend of mine."
I truly felt when jerry said, “keep the faith”. No I’m not going through an unfortunate situation as the woman in the story but I’ve been anxiously waiting to hear back from a job I really really really want. I’m extremely nervous and I am constantly reminding myself to be strong in my faith but I absolutely am still freaking about a little bit. Hope everything works out for the OP in that story ❤️
i hateeee when they interrupt morgan ;( even tho she does it to guests sometimes too lol it triggers me
Yes Morgan!!!! Nailed the first story!!! 👏👏 If there were anyone openly flirting with me, knowing I was in a committed relationship, I would take that as not only disrespectful to my partner and relationship, but also to myself. I would set boundries immeaditely because they clearly aren't being a 'good friend' 🙄 If that dude doesnt set boundries then he is directly disrespecting his girlfriend.
I agree with Morgan on the first story. Trust is important, absolutely. However, there is no trust without respect and boundaries.
Momma in the shelter: sending you big hugs ❤ I’m not sure when you initially sent your story in but I hope things are better.
Wish we could do a go fund me for her. People who are fighting to make a better life for themselves and their children deserve support. Sending love.
Just listening on Spotify and I 100000% am with you Morgan! You can trust your partner but still not trust the other person. And there is a level of respect that goes into it too. Aaanndd!! You were spot on when you said you KNOW how girls are. Men can be so oblivious to these things. Thank you for standing your ground!!
The brother stealing story: she needs a non-compete w/NDA. He can’t be trusted. If he decides to get greedy after things settle down, he may do it again. Their family doesn’t know what he’s like without the mask he hides behind when he’s around them. He’s sneaky.
Happy 100 you have put so much in too both podcast I’m so proud of you!❤