Why NO ONE Plays: Nilah | League of Legends

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 701

  • @raystimphil8280
    @raystimphil8280 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1814

    Nilah's biggest problem is that rather than giving her a base kit that fits Botlane and let her be her own thing, they used her passive to jerry-rig her into a role she doesn't fit in, and if you try to build her the way that is intuitive given her kit, you are punished by her unique scalings.

    • @shadenym5094
      @shadenym5094 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +109

      That was the whole point of the champion lol, they wanted a skirmisher marksman. Obviously it would've been much simpler if they wanted to just make her another bruiser

    • @kevingriffith6011
      @kevingriffith6011 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +89

      IMO the biggest problem with her is that they designed her to be a late game scaling hyper-carry. If they made her strong early/mid and had her fall off late then I think she'd work out just fine, but she's got to compound her inability to farm effectively without taking damage with her terrible early game. She'd make a great bridge to the world of skirmisher botlaners, which is something we need if Riot is going to keep putting marksmen in top/mid/jungle.

    • @D00ML0RD1
      @D00ML0RD1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      ​@@shadenym5094 the problen is they took the turning into a bot laner super hard on her scalling but dint give her a kit that plays nice with most supports. H
      She also is the only bot laner that can get flat hard coutered by picks. Cait+ poke support shut her down period theres no plating it dafe to get through your just fed

    • @shakeemsymonds7362
      @shakeemsymonds7362 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      My main issue is how team dependent she feels. I don't feel comfortable playing her into a melee comp where we need range, into a selfish support (lux/zyra/brand) because you don't get any extra healing to deal with poke, and I hate playing her with poke comps because you get cc'd and die the second you engage for your team.

    • @oishiich.4814
      @oishiich.4814 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      On paper she would have been a great jungler too but all of those tailored jerry rig scalings just make her so bad at anything but ADC, and even then.

  • @raduraiescu2477
    @raduraiescu2477 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1297

    The thing that let Nilah keep all the broken parts of her kit is the fact that no one plays her

    • @D00ML0RD1
      @D00ML0RD1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +78

      Exept nothing in her kit is actully broken.
      Her xp seems busted but it barely makes up for the fact she can be forced of her farm
      Her heal powerup req certain supports to work
      Her q dmg requires 4 items before its a threat
      Her dash seems op but really arnt do to her atk ranges shes either in there or not
      Her Dodge has a high cd and dosnt last long
      And her ults is her 1 way outside of items to self heal and scales off the number of enemys it hits.
      Ya she has probaly one of the strongest late games but even that has its counterplay.
      Her cit scale locks her i to subpar items for her playstyle

    • @beigaming8403
      @beigaming8403 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      2.5 second/longer than jax e = doesn't last long@@D00ML0RD1

    • @joaobrito2653
      @joaobrito2653 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +51

      @@D00ML0RD1her W is absolutely a broken ability and so is her Q. Have you read her Q ability? That shit is overloaded as fuck, and I’m a Nilah player myself. And it doesn’t require 4 items before it’s a threat, it’s already a threat at 1 item. Most people just don’t even know what the champ does and also max the wrong ability first. You are supposed to max E first but most people max q because they can’t read

    • @D00ML0RD1
      @D00ML0RD1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@joaobrito2653 ive played her shes git no dmg tell wat larer out aide of a vert good matchup she loses lane

    • @phanthanhlam6612
      @phanthanhlam6612 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      ​@@D00ML0RD1lol just because a champ have counterplay does not mean they are balance, by your logic then every champ is balance then, none of them has ever been broken because they all have counter, CHAMPS THAT CONSIDER UNBALANCE BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO GOOD IN WHAT THEY DO. she only need 2 items to be a threat, 4 item above is like omega threat, her Q is overloaded as f*ck. Her W effect is insane, and her ult is a super ult, it's not the healing that make it strong, it's the fact that her ult is a gigantic zone that group enemy in one place for a wombo combo set up, her ult is one of those ult that just strange up win the combat for you if you land a good one

  • @oneofthe12sionmains70
    @oneofthe12sionmains70 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +341

    They have a champ with melee range, fast autos, multiple dashes, high turret damage, a skirmisher type of defensive W and a high damage sustain ult. They took that champ and decided she wouldn’t do damage with her Q or have sustain unless you built crit then also decided that she only has a passive if you force her ADC. Rito did what they always do with champs that go outside the role they “belong” in except this time her “role” was so incongruous with her kit they had to destroy her other roles before she even launched

    • @HSE331
      @HSE331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Good. No other lane wants to face something as disgusting as that. She makes Vayne look tame.

    • @Underground_89
      @Underground_89 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      @@HSE331if you’re gold peak maybe

    • @HSE331
      @HSE331 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      @@Underground_89 Don't care. Champs don't have to be OP to be nasty to play against. Look at Illaoi and kangsante.

    • @MangaGamified
      @MangaGamified 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      That's why Valve always has the better philosophy in 'carry' roles, BKB & Satanic makes sure they can do something² in a teamfight other than dying.
      ²by context.

    • @AnonimoUno-i4p
      @AnonimoUno-i4p 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      she is perfect fo the Laneswap meta G2 is trying to push in

  • @Mmoll1990
    @Mmoll1990 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +363

    Yone players can take what they know and apply it directly to the uninstall button.

    • @jadenmoon5065
      @jadenmoon5065 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


    • @williamfphelps
      @williamfphelps 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Caught me off guard! 😂

  • @GuardianGrarl
    @GuardianGrarl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +140

    Nilah is a refugee from Inside Out who's emotions were all burned to death except Joy.

  • @pengdaw2nd
    @pengdaw2nd 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +185

    Wild Rift completely axes her bonus EXP passive and changes her bonus heal and shield passive to just lifesteal based on crit, akin to Nasus, so she can actually get good value out of an engage support, plus, Wild Rift only need 4 items for 100% crit chance instead of 5, so Nilah gets going faster, and she has the option of building stuff like Guardian Angel or something.
    Funnily enough this also lets her thrive in the Jungle, I have no idea why.

    • @ZedCoal-ul6qm
      @ZedCoal-ul6qm 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      They Axed Jungle Nilah, she deals reduced damage to monsters now 😅

    • @blazichaos7181
      @blazichaos7181 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +40

      Honestly, Kinda interested in Vars doing a video on some of the changes some champs get in Wild rift compared to their PC counterparts. Ive seen a few that are apparently pretty different, like Teemo having a combat roll. Might be interesting to contemplate the changes in design and how it might effect League if they ported said changes over (its not 100% of course, a mobile game HAS to have vastly different controls compared to a normal PC game but still would be an interesting analysis)

    • @ervinmendoza5939
      @ervinmendoza5939 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You can jungle nilah it just takes more time to get going

    • @roboxenogaming2047
      @roboxenogaming2047 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@blazichaos7181 would agree with that too, but we will definitwly need to wait

    • @gyrozeppeli00
      @gyrozeppeli00 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      wildrift is an entirely different game with different balancing so something that works on mobile maybe wont on pc, see: pyke wildrift for example, he is whatever in the real league but with training wheels on, everyone has nightmares about him

  • @Shimadacat
    @Shimadacat 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +351

    The issue is that Nilah is balanced around her passive, which gives bonus XP. This means the rest of her kit must be designed around the fact that she is *intended* to miss minions and XP. Remove the bonus xp passive, and suddenly you free up the rest of her kit to give more; more range, longer counterstrike, more damage, etc.

    • @P.H691
      @P.H691 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      The fun part is figuring out what replaces her passive.

    • @Shimadacat
      @Shimadacat 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      @@P.H691 Indeed a fun challenge, but you could literally have the bonus shielding and healing passive as a full passive. Don't forget she gets that on top of her bonus XP, LOL.
      Honestly, were I the one designing a melee ADC (this next part's a ton of yapping because I'm into game design, you can ignore it), I would have made a character, something like a hunter, with a bow and a knife, prioritizing skillshot auto attacks as your ranged attack, and who could slowly close in on a target to deliver an executing blow with a melee attack. Now this is, in a sense, not a truly melee range character, but let's be real--melee ADCs don't work in the current bot lane meta. You would need to rework the entire lane if you wanted something like that to be fair.

    • @vo1ce147
      @vo1ce147 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Welp if I learn something from nilah wild rift just make her passive to be the current passive on her Q (lifesteal on crit) plus old bt and there you go nilah just out of botlane and become mid / top / junggler, on top of that wild rift still have 25% crit rate so yeah she better in wild rift as non botlane.

    • @luiz_aso
      @luiz_aso 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      @@Shimadacat you just described Samira LOL

    • @allykat5931
      @allykat5931 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Or jayce​@@luiz_aso

  • @AirWeezy
    @AirWeezy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +104

    Ya as a nilah main you right I even feel unstoppable with a soraka or sona support

    • @Aaron-cs3xl
      @Aaron-cs3xl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      Nothing is quite as fun as duoing as Soraka with Nilah

    • @robinwallace5019
      @robinwallace5019 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I prefer taric have fun trying to kill that

    • @vergilrose851
      @vergilrose851 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      imo yuumi is even more fun

    • @dicorockhimself
      @dicorockhimself 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      i also love the Nami/Nilah

  • @antarath517
    @antarath517 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +194

    It tends to lead to the most atrocious 1-6 grind, but Nilah/Renata is insane once you both hit your 6 spike. Suddenly you've got the most insane engage and peel and you start getting big damage too.

    • @noishfanboy1141
      @noishfanboy1141 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +35

      As someone who has been the Renata on a nilah Renata bot duo I will say that you are right.
      Early game is quite miserable but holy shit when you as Renata get your peel and when nilah gets to scale it's actually ridiculous. All of Renata's abilities are designed around being able to help an incredibly powerful auto attacking carry and nilah is basically the pinnacle of that in the lategame.

    • @abaren730
      @abaren730 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      I would like to also suggest Nilah/Yuumi.
      1-3 is unplayable but it’s surprisingly hard for damage to stick after first back. At 6 you become basically a bruiser and once Yuumi gets Moonstone you’re actually unkillable.
      Main downside being acknowledging that Yuumi exists, but it’s pretty fun to face roll into a full team with 0 life steal and come out with full health and 3+ kills.

    • @pasztesnik
      @pasztesnik 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      The best support with nilah is sona. that healing from w is insane and super combo from ults

    • @molloch5995
      @molloch5995 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Nilah swain is also very fun. Exspecially if swain builds unending despair. Just chill beside him in the ult and you basically habe a perma heal for each other.

    • @dicorockhimself
      @dicorockhimself 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nilah/ nami is a very good combo and nami can help out of the early game pain. also you still get the very nutty 6th

  • @itsnotpan.
    @itsnotpan. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    She's literally my key to climbing ranked along with Jinx. When she is ahead she snowballs like crazy.

    • @Thomas-sy1xh
      @Thomas-sy1xh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@itsnotpan. Yeah people here tried it once, wasn't easy, "NILAH DOESN'T WORK" those same people will blame anyone else but themselves for not being able to escape "elo hell"

  • @ender4101
    @ender4101 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +302

    Ironically, Nilah is my comfort pick for adc. I usually feel vulnerable and not very strong with conventional marksmen.

    • @munchiemunchie5226
      @munchiemunchie5226 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +58

      It feels like everything you can get from Nilah, you get from Samira but better.

    • @Astonthepunk
      @Astonthepunk 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +29

      @@munchiemunchie5226I prefer nilah’s macro test more than Sam’s micro tests. She’s just easier to execute compared to Sam while still getting good results

    • @SaiKisaragi
      @SaiKisaragi 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Ironically, every time I play her, I just die. I just feel really vulnerable and uncomfortable with Nilah c:

    • @ender4101
      @ender4101 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@munchiemunchie5226 I did try Samira beforehand. She is fun, but I didn't enjoy her as much.

    • @ender4101
      @ender4101 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@SaiKisaragi That's a shame. She's really a blast. Weird to get used to, but for me, the effort was definitely worth it.

  • @tonyle4551
    @tonyle4551 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +57

    I definitely agree with your points of Nilah needing the supports to know how Nilah works. I’m a Nilah main in Master elo, most players in that elo know how Nilah works. Her lvl 2 spike at 8 minions instead of 9 or lvl 3 at 3 waves instead of 3.5. So people usually play around that, both enemy and your support.
    The main issue arises from her not being a blindable adc. If shes against a heavy cc comp or long range poke comp or a double range matchup bot, its going to be a hard time. So you usually would need to see the enemy team comp before picking her. However with the swapping introduced in champ select, adcs, sups, and jg usually go first, so you dont see the full enemy comp b4 picking.
    And newly in S14 with the grubs, supports liked to roam up for it leaving you and the enemy adcs to stare at each other bot for awhile. So your exp passive isnt being utilized until they come back.

    • @noppakovat
      @noppakovat 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I always forget about her passive. :

    • @ahrae4730
      @ahrae4730 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You summed up pretty much everything

  • @penguinspy3478
    @penguinspy3478 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +70

    Nilah is like the Kayle of botlane, if that makes any sense 😂

    • @Shutaisei1
      @Shutaisei1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Yep that’s a really good way of putting it

    • @cameronsmiljan9374
      @cameronsmiljan9374 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I always thought of her as Melee Samira tbh

    • @orimoreau3138
      @orimoreau3138 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      AD Diana

  • @StonedDragons
    @StonedDragons 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    Love the ol' cheese comp of Nilah and Taric, you just play super aggressive into the enemy and win hard due to the extra sustain and once tarics ult comes online, the two together produce an insane amount of damage mitigation.

  • @anthonypalumbo1057
    @anthonypalumbo1057 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I don't think I had any idea what Nilah's abilities did before this video lol

  • @snekwashere
    @snekwashere 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +60

    As a nilah main I’ve been waiting for this for so long

    • @Leahs_Dad
      @Leahs_Dad 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      There are dozens of us

    • @bocconom
      @bocconom 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So what are your preferences for support? As support main I am truly curious as I have never supported a Nilah once.

    • @duneraxd
      @duneraxd 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bocconom I have over 50 games with nilah with 70% wr and the best supports to play with nilah are swain , camille , maokai

  • @filiptruty6367
    @filiptruty6367 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Unrealated info from a Soraka OTP: Soraka Q gives her HoT (heal over time) effect.
    Nilah gets healed whenever Soraka's Q HoT ticks which is like 6-8 visually times and if Soraka uses her W that HoT effect is given to the target as well. The noise that Nilah's passive effect makes when Soraka heals herself with Q so Nilah gets a heal combined with Nilah heals from Soraka QW so Soraka gets healed is truly by far the funniest thing and noise I ever wittnesed in my 14 years with league 😂😂😂

  • @hellfrozenphoenix13
    @hellfrozenphoenix13 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +69

    I think her main fix will be a simple mini rework, making the healing part of her passive more useful universally. Maybe a way to make her heal herself more so she doesn't require a specific, other champ to make work.
    I like the idea of shaking up whats allowed in each lane, but they need to be careful how they do it. I still find Pyke an annoying mistake of champ, but I think his existence is good. It shows a willingness to shatter whats normal an what isnt.

    • @morr6591
      @morr6591 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      They did that in wild rift. Her passive is just ” after an attack crits heal for 20% of the damage, over heal gives a shield insted”
      She don’t need an enchanter and works fully on her own. For better or for worse.

    • @DaviVolpi437
      @DaviVolpi437 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And she still is the less picked adc in the game people where using her a lot in jungle bcs she was working better there then came the huge nerf on her dmg to jungle monster i tried her on mid and the small lane plus too much poke she is not good there and toplane is still a problem and as an adc she only feels usefull with 6 items together with the sup problem plus all adc having a huge range and you with a trynda range makes the her really unfun to play in general everithing is against you

    • @hellfrozenphoenix13
      @hellfrozenphoenix13 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @morr6591 that's a nice start. I still think they need to give her more. For example: better base stats. The compromise for being ranged is less stats, and she is not ranged, so she should have better base stats imo. That or make her able to gain more sustain from her abilities (although that can be risky as well if too good early, if can be too much late). The issue overall is treating a Melee champ like a ranged champ. She isn't, so don't treat her as such. It's akin to treating Urgot like a normal ADC. He's a juggernaut first, and that takes priority for how he's balanced.

    • @DaviVolpi437
      @DaviVolpi437 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@hellfrozenphoenix13 and that is the problem in wild rift also her early is still bad but late game if allowed she can easy 1v1 a mundo if she is full build and heal a ton her problem in botlane is her "time" i think early game too bad it takes too long to get to a good point with her but when you get to that good point she is too good but her too good comes too late they shoulf balance that i think takes a bit of her late game and put in her early mid she is too much of a problem in general

    • @hellfrozenphoenix13
      @hellfrozenphoenix13 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @DaviVolpi437 yep! They need to straighten out the power curve for her, let her actually have a chance to survive early game but not make her oppressive late game.

  • @arkokroeger9799
    @arkokroeger9799 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Anecdotal evidence but the first time I played her in Aram I was so puzzled. "Wait, isn't she a bot laner? Why is she melee?"
    Usually I am very bad with champs that require commitment to work, which is why I like to play Lillia or a classical ADC.

  • @lowestofthelow.
    @lowestofthelow. 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    I play Nilah botlane a lot with my partner who mains soraka, the moment I have to play to with another support that synergies even a tiny bit less the difference in my ability to survive fights or have meaningful impact is night and day.

  • @o_psicopato
    @o_psicopato 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    i play kayle top, aurelion mid and nilah bot, im all about that endgame baby

  • @francenkovcan5211
    @francenkovcan5211 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    12:44 Nilah can become a more frequent pick if they introduce more melee bot laners, since once critical mass of such characters is reached, they will all go form niche picks that aren't exactly worth it to master, to a main stay
    it's kind of similar to what Genshin's Navia has to deal with, there aren't enough DPS characters that take up half a rotation to do their damage to compliment her, which lowers her meta viability, because the only other character that fills that role is Ningguang, and she is trash due to being a 4* Geo DPS, also known as the second worst possible combination of attributes a character can have in Genshin, only behind 4* Physical DPS units

  • @hurriflame375
    @hurriflame375 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That thumbnail is very nice! I like how it’s more focused and neat

  • @GlowyVelvetCake
    @GlowyVelvetCake 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    As a Nilah player I took that personally

    • @rydervp
      @rydervp 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      bot stole your comment and got 5x the likes😜

  • @95metalstorm
    @95metalstorm 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's been a minute since I've watched your videos. But it reminded me why I used to binge them in the first place! Gonna replay alla them while gaming yeeeehaw

  • @ashilexx
    @ashilexx 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    as a mid lane main from s13, she was easy to learn after I tried learning other roles with the new map changes. i didn’t mind her weak early game bc i like to play a very safe laning phase. putting her with a enchanter support is fs the best way to maximize her kit. during late game, i was able to dive and kill a whole enemy team with a yuumi support!

  • @khalaf_alrashidy
    @khalaf_alrashidy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Unpopular opinion as 300k nilah main :
    Nilah could be a great jungler if they buff her in many ways :
    - more dmg on jungler monster + drakes
    - more resistance from their dmg
    - buff her when she is near water
    Because nilah thematic + lore
    Fit very well in the jungle !
    She knows baron nashor and she slays legendary monster's and demons
    And her abilities depend on water
    She will have something similar with diana on ganking ( lvl 6 )
    Also she will not take much xp
    When ganking and pushing waves
    And can give her allies move speed + ghost + dodge auto/reduce magic dmg
    So she can really be playable as jungle with her currently passive !
    Or if riot want to change her passive
    She can be a good top laner
    Because her dmg on towers is insane
    But that will make her unbalance
    As ADC and will change her alot
    So i prefer if riot buff her as jungler
    Because that will be alot easier
    And will fit her lore accurately 🔥

  • @josuegonzalez553
    @josuegonzalez553 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    as somone who plays every lane i love playing nilah mainly because i was a kat main so i enjoy here dashes and she was the champion that finally got me to play adc since this was the only lane i didn't wanna play since it's play style wasn't really enoyable to me well at least until i got her and started to play her and it was crazy i won my first 5 games in a row either way im just yapping now just wanna say she is very fun and i kinda hope she never becomes meta because she is basically my only adc well her and zeri she is fun too.

  • @solastrr
    @solastrr 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love how theres some people on youtube literary speak for a huge community in a right way just by oberserving the situation. Great content man

  • @e_wok1487
    @e_wok1487 หลายเดือนก่อน

    She's super fun, I just got into league but have around ~300 hours in Smite, ADC has been my favorite role ever since I started playing mobas. It's so refreshing to play such a unique take on it. If they can rework her to keep her uniqueness while making her better suited for the role, that would be amazing.

  • @Blu_Moon_Owl
    @Blu_Moon_Owl 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I have two friends that duo together with me as a third friend. When they both lane together their most successful picks were Nilah/Yuumi. They were unstoppable if they did well in lane. Crazy not a lot plays Nilah than your usual bot champs

  • @guifdcanalli
    @guifdcanalli 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nilah biggest problem is that she is meele with ADC stats
    Her resistances and HP scaling are low and she has only one defensive skill, making her as fragile as any ADC while having no range advantage
    Also being meele gives her broken stats over items and runes, Riot keep those interactions such as Bork, Conqueror or eclypse and although it looks nice Nylah doesnt need those broken stats on items as most of her Power comes from crit items that doesnt change from meele to ranged
    Also she is a nightmare to kite, having to land your Q every 3s to do anything on a fight is honestly ridiculous

  • @ginger_queen8108
    @ginger_queen8108 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    as a supp main, i actually rly like nilah! the champs i play all have some kind of heal or shield so i get value out of that, plus if im playing as a super squishy enchanter like soraka, its nice to have someone who can engage bcuz ur not entirely giving up ur lane pressure. its sad she isnt played more tho. like u said, if u and ur support know what ur doing u can steamroll botlane ez pz

  • @Reidster27
    @Reidster27 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    @Vars, at around 5:30 minutes, you're comparing chanpions that are all in the class. While Nilah does not function like normal ADCs, wouldnt you compare her to Samira often? Melee options, w immunity, e dash, AOE R? Her Q even has an AOE component. Being a recent ADC main swap, I've compared those 2 often.

    • @dicorockhimself
      @dicorockhimself 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ironically samira counters nilah

    • @rosediomond4661
      @rosediomond4661 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@dicorockhimselfI think you mean the other way around?

  • @punklingyt
    @punklingyt 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who has mained ADC for a decade, I found Nilah to comfortably fall into my lineup because, despite seeming like she is a foreign entity, she has a very close sibling in bot lane named Samira. I play a ton of Samira, not as much as Vayne, but enough to understand the ins and outs and her kit is essentially button for button the same.
    Q to deal damage, just a line instead of Samira's melee swipe. Use it during dash to get a free (almost) guaranteed hit.
    W to avoid damage when you're getting focused
    E to dash into the enemy team or out of a bad spot
    R when surrounded to win the game

  • @hazelnutporcupine
    @hazelnutporcupine 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Honestly, i love how not all champions are meta like nilah zoe and more if theres any, this just shows how the champions vary and every one of them is unique. Mastering off meta champions are what make the game and the characters challenging and unique!

    • @Thomas-sy1xh
      @Thomas-sy1xh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Right ? I feel the same way. I'd rather play what I love than what is the strongest meta ATM. Besides.. the growth in learning is unreal. Off meta stil beats 90% of players who will make enough mistakes to punish.

    • @hazelnutporcupine
      @hazelnutporcupine 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @ yupp!

    • @fishman21-f5b
      @fishman21-f5b หลายเดือนก่อน

      but when play rank

  • @Samuel-wl4fw
    @Samuel-wl4fw 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Nilah is one of / if not my favorite champion. I feel like a god fighting other marksmen lategame, and against melees in general. Tank fighting with passive lifesteal and armor pen is also great.

  • @lancercool1992
    @lancercool1992 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    as we know, there’s always 5 members to the four horsewomen

  • @cormactaylor9539
    @cormactaylor9539 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Before I watched this video I felt that Nilah was the adc that least relied on their support. You can be the one to enguage and your support will usually follow up. The most annoying thing is that you freeze with nilah far more that onther adc's and your support randomly breaks the freeze most of the time.

  • @dannycowgranados
    @dannycowgranados 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I love playing Nilah, you definitely need to do it with a duo. As long as the enemy support locks in a melee support me and my duo insta lock Nilah Taric, it’s a very oppressive lane and you can basically drain tank through everything

  • @jamesballard9964
    @jamesballard9964 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I knew this day would come :(, I just didn't know when. I love some Nilah.

  • @katama_1
    @katama_1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    FINALLY AFTER A LONG TIME. I remember the day I commented on one of your Twitter posts about this and it's now happening YIPPIE

  • @aidbotwoody939
    @aidbotwoody939 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I gotta be real I feel like a HUGE impact on her is that the character itself has been a victim of champion bloat. She doesn't quite FEEL as unique or grounded in the setting as previous champions because she's from a new region but it doesn't feel like Riot actually cares about her lore so she doesn't connect as well in that regard. Her personality is also a bit of a challenge because I don't think she quite has the unique appeal that you get from champs like Illaoi, or Kled, or old Aurelion; its not terrible or anything but it can't carry her in the way that some champions manage. I'd say its the combination along with a relatively high skill floor and many of the issues you mentioned that's all combining to really hurt her popularity. Unlike a champion such as Qiyana who's personality can be so genuinely unpleasant but still hold a small player base because her mechanics are genuinely exceptionally fun to play and execute. Nilah fits along with the cast of Yasuo, Yone, etc, of somewhat faceroll champions but lacks the popular trope, carry capacity, and frankly brain-off gameplay that the archetype really thrives on which means that the only reason to play her is mechanics and her only "broken" mechanics are essentially just down to duoing.

  • @Magisean11
    @Magisean11 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Every time you post a “no one” plays I get the sudden countercultural urge to play the hell out of them, so thanks for the Ls my guy 😎

  • @trafalgarlaw8373
    @trafalgarlaw8373 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The struggle is that she has all these major problems, and things you have to know and play around as the Nilah, while praying your support knows what they're doing,
    And then, when you do all that successfully and can use your strength lategame... suddenly everyone complains that Nilah is broken, no-skill etc.
    Well, the lategame 1v3s, 2v5s and pentakills make up for it.

  • @EddyConejo
    @EddyConejo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I've been playing Nilah and I feel like the hardest thing to pick up is knowing when to go in and learning her trading patterns. She's so fking strong once she gets a couple of items but that's because she pretty much HAS to be in range of everyone to do her thing, while building no defensive items. Also her laning is hard, especially against champions that want you to go in on them like Karma, Thresh, Alistar, etc; or long range marksmen like Ashe and Jhin.

    • @RetroRoarKnight
      @RetroRoarKnight 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trading? Whats that? (nilah main here)

  • @kirb1430
    @kirb1430 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    her passive should gain a shield when a nearby champ CCs an enemy, gives her more synergy

    • @paultru8600
      @paultru8600 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I picked her up lately she is so op but none plays her so rito doesn't nerf she has a similar play style as Samira both EQ and can all in at early levels but nilah feels more difficult to deal with when she gets ahead cause the. She has 3 lvls ahead everyone or if she behind she can easily catch-up she isn't feast or famine like samira I'd say she is Samira but better

  • @Sharkenjoyer862
    @Sharkenjoyer862 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Real ones know this is THE pick for when someone steals your samira

  • @dcd3lt4
    @dcd3lt4 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    4:10 Vars: ADC mains
    My hear: AD Semens 🤨🤨

  • @BraveLilToasty
    @BraveLilToasty 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really like how they made Nilah in Wild Rift. While not absolutely perfect, it gets rid of the trash passive she has and allows her to be played in jungle.

  • @azizkash286
    @azizkash286 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    Nilah is one of many riot's failed champions. But in this case failed in a bad way not failed as in being broken like yone samira and others

    • @munchiemunchie5226
      @munchiemunchie5226 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I mean I don't think Samira is broken, I think Nilah is what they were going for with Samira but then they doubled down.

    • @cil_tv
      @cil_tv 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She's such a meh champion in everything she is. Meh appearance and design, meh lore, meh kit. She isn't much of anything. Also her voice is annoying

    • @gusionproplay6412
      @gusionproplay6412 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      based opinion @@munchiemunchie5226

    • @gaston3905
      @gaston3905 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She has the highest win rate bot…

    • @esriku
      @esriku 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Nah i love Nilah

  • @Superstar6196
    @Superstar6196 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    As a Samira main, Nilah was an interesting experiment to me when she first came out because she felt so similar but nilah somehow being even more supp dependent is the reason i couldn't put her in my adc rotation

  • @Thomas-sy1xh
    @Thomas-sy1xh 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nilah is very strong with the right knowledge. You can do a ton of dives without taking damage at all if you play it right. Nilah early game is crucial to understand you need to scale. Punish those that overextend and have patience. Which is a key word here.. if you get your first items, man..

  • @Kheirongale
    @Kheirongale 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ironically Riot trying to rotate ADC meta is like an all you can eat restaurant changing the dishes at the counter. Different foods for those hungry solo laners to feed on, and not get bored of killing the same champs

  • @malaklu9159
    @malaklu9159 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a top main she is my go to if i get autofilled adc, the playstyle is definitely familiar, you just need to communicate what you need with your support, if they are any good they catch on pretty quick

  • @noksura6312
    @noksura6312 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nilah is a solo laner with parts of her kit taking power in a duo lane... very good design as always.

  • @OG_Fireflare
    @OG_Fireflare 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I decided to main her a month before the last season ended. Never had as much fun AND success on botlane. It's a bit delicate to make your support understand to play around you though :,)

  • @fergusonmobile1812
    @fergusonmobile1812 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I learnt Nilah and I thoroughly enjoy playing her. I’ve already got 23 penta kills this season alone on her and ranking up is so easy because I 1 shot the enemy team late game. You just need to farm well and be confident enough in your ability to scale to let a dominant matchup win early without killing you so you are still able to maximise your gold.

  • @ML-kb7il
    @ML-kb7il 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @metrux321
    @metrux321 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I mean, as she is? No, she'll never be meta, and if she does somehow get there, she'll get turbo nerfed like ryze used to be. No, to make her work as something "reliable" you'd need to change one or several aspects of her. Which can probably be done, but I don't know riot has any interest in that.

  • @xav9269
    @xav9269 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video should go viral.

  • @LSephiroth
    @LSephiroth 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You left off the biggest downside to Nilah: Being a lategame hypercarry in a world where games end in 15 minutes because League players have no mental fortitude. You've got the best damage at full build? Congrats, you'll never see that.

  • @phichultes1
    @phichultes1 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Vars could tou judge my rework idea?
    - Auto attacks (ADJUST): she should have only her Q cone ranged attacks as AA and she can move while attacking, so she can have more room to trade with other ranged champions.
    - Passive (NEW): each 6 whip slash hits (auto attacks, Q and Ultimate) towards enemies, she gain a temporary barrier that could stack into a certain limit. Exceeding barrier will be converted to heal
    Another possible implement: If has nearby allies, her passive barrier and passive heal will be share/divided for all of them.
    - Q : same
    Empowering: more range and brief stun all the enemies hit in the area
    - W (NEW): same , but she use only in herself and gain temporary attack speed.
    Passive: absorb some enemy damage dealt to her, converting into energy to her orb, empowering her Q
    - E: same (but change her q interaction animation... Instead a wave could be a whip slash)
    - R (NEW): a violent whip slash sequence in a rectangular or cone shape, that damage all enemies in area. It has a long range and she could move during the cast. Each hit per enemy counts as 1 whip slash. After cast she gain temporary attack speed. Can be interrupted by CC abilities.

  • @SirLANsalot
    @SirLANsalot 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    HOWEVER once you DO figure out and pick up Nilah, she is very fun and very strong. She is very matchup dependent however, if shes matched against most of the long range ADC's, shes going to lose. She can win/beat most mid to short ranged ADC's, but her weakness are long range ones like Cait. Also her support is important (as outlined) but the support she is against is also key. Shes a good champ, but far too narrow in what matchups she wins.

  • @euvericetv755
    @euvericetv755 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the three houses music is crazy

  • @KD-_-
    @KD-_- 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nilah launch was nuts. I watched one 1v1 a jax who had an item and a half and multiple levels on her by standing still and pressing every button. Most 200 years shit I've ever seen.

  • @TheNitrean
    @TheNitrean 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my experience. Nilah works better with an engage or poke support than enchanters. Regardless of what you do in the lane you will get poked out if you just cs. So going on the offensive and going for the kill is more efficient than trying to farm under turret. Nilah is really strong early and late but has a massive dip in the midgame

  • @BooelGaymes
    @BooelGaymes 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    funny how "attempt to be something she fiscally can't" is literally her lore

  • @kevinperez5439
    @kevinperez5439 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i beg to differ with nilah not having any other champion in the bot lane to be transferred what you know onto. she's actually a close samira clone as they have the same E-Q combo that initiates fights and close distances, as well as their W skills giving them immunity and last longer during team fights and samira actually has the option to be melee and have a slightly stronger dmg output than when she is using her gun. even the build i go for is the same, even the rune pages. but the crazy thing is that samira gets badly countered by nilah lol.

  • @Iasgo
    @Iasgo 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Leaving the explanation aside, I always thought that the reason people didn't play with Nilah is because they expected a role breaker champion like Senna or Pyke, instead she came as a niche champion like Ivern or kindred who need to play by their own rules to achieve success.

  • @harleqynn1250
    @harleqynn1250 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Samira was the first champion that I truly fell in love with playing - when Nilah was revealed, I was super excited because I thought she could be my backup for when Samira was banned... but when Nilah released it just felt like she was the far lesser version of something that was already doing just fine...

    • @gokushivum
      @gokushivum 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yeah, it is the same thing. I would think that I would love to play Nilah because she is a late game hyper carry, but she kinda feels souless compared to playing Samira. It also feels like I can't even have her as a backup because I need to permaban Nilah because she is by far the most horrendous matchup against Samira, it feels like if I play against Nilah as Samira, I just lose, there is nothing I can do because her W just straight up makes Samira useless.

  • @justanordinaryKite
    @justanordinaryKite 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I will say, with the new crit changes, she's a lot more relevant! Now you hit your full potential at 4 items instead of 5 or 6, and you become relevant significantly earlier.

  • @huntinghunter1001
    @huntinghunter1001 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I duo bot lane with Nilah and my sup spams Pyke. In low elo, it’s the freest lane combo ever if Pyke spam engages

  • @notlazyturtle
    @notlazyturtle 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I main mid and jungle, but when playing with friends i was sometimes forced into adc role, nilah was absolutely perfect for me

  • @cookiesarelikeaboss
    @cookiesarelikeaboss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Vars, I enjoy your champion analysis videos like these, they’re great 👍🏻 I wanted to say my one gripe with them is the title “Why No One Plays”. I know you clarify in your videos that you don’t actually mean “no one” plays them, but viewers still unconsciously remember the title - “No One Plays”. The issue is that players start to get the false impression that there’s no one worth mentioning who plays the champion, while in reality there are players playing them - however few there may be. I believe what you’re doing (unintentionally) is leading to players discounting the validity of Niche Champions and their players. I think that this is the kind of thinking that started jokes like “there’s only 5 Asol players total”, which led to the Aurelion Sol gameplay rework where the champion’s kit was completely scrapped to the dismay of many Mains/OTPs; in favour of making the gameplay digestible for everyone else who thought that the old kit was bad and “No One Plays” him. I believe in an effort to respect the players who enjoy Niche play styles and champion kits, you should change the name of your series from “Why No One Plays” to “Why it’s Niche” (or something like that) moving forward. Again, great videos keep it up 😊

    • @cookiesarelikeaboss
      @cookiesarelikeaboss 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don’t mean to tell you how to make your content, I just think the change of title would alleviate misconceptions. Labelling the players of these champions “NO ONE” makes them non-existent in the minds of the community, and that’s bad because then they’ll think no one would be affected if the champions gameplay is scrapped completely. By changing your title to reflect that these are “Niche” you support the importance of variety and uniqueness in the game which keep League interesting. Riot can always make new champions players want to see instead of homogenizing the ones they have and disregarding the existence of Niche Players.

  • @IzayoiRabbit
    @IzayoiRabbit 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the problem is that nilah also needs her support to stick by her side but in current league the support leaves for vast portions of the game to secure both grubs and roam which hurts nilah even more than most other adcs unless shes ahead enough to 1 shot the enemy adc

  • @onnivinpelzel6368
    @onnivinpelzel6368 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nilah is an incredible split pusher AND has absolutely insane team damage.
    She's only bad if literally nobody on your team does their job.
    If your support isn't getting farm trades and going 1 for 1 on spells, you're at a disadvantage to begin with no matter who you're playing as or against.
    If you leave her unattended by mid game she'll walk right through towers even if she's behind and if you send anybody except the VERY strongest duelists she brutally stat checks them or just walks away.
    The first time she wins a duel in sode lane the game is over. She'll be at full health by the end of the wave, they'll have to send someone else to defend the side lane, and now your team cross-maps them for everything they've got

  • @HexedTempest
    @HexedTempest 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah, she seems to be destined to this rut she's in like you said, but what makes it worse, she knows this but is forced to be happy about it ...

  • @mokamokasusuama
    @mokamokasusuama 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nilah + Senna is such an OP lane I am honestly surprised its not meta

  • @TheRealSimeon
    @TheRealSimeon 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really want to see a Nilah ult and then an Illaoi ult right after her. Imagine!

  • @matthewdavis3421
    @matthewdavis3421 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In my experience, the main thing holding Nilah back is her passive. Because of that bonus healing/ shielding, support players will alter their picks to try and get more value out of that. This is a trap. Not only do supports, because they're unfamiliar with Nilah lane, pick champs to increase her passive value, but they tend to do this despite not being well versed at those champs themselves. It's great that they are thinking about stuff like this, but as I said, it's a trap. She needs engage support, not healing and shielding. She has adequate sustain to deal with some pretty rough matchups on her own, between Q and early life steal (and conqueror in fights), so the support providing heals and shields is just redundant.
    What really helps is engage support. Someone who can go in with her and set her up. She has no cc outside her ult, so something to help her stay in range is great. If the support goes in too, her W has more value, and that is much more important than getting bonuses off her passive. What that passive does do, however, is give her an easy level lead. It's pretty rare that she's pushed off out of xp range, and every minion last hit is bonus shared xp. You know who likes xp leads? Melee engage champs.
    Nilah is actually decently strong early compared to enemy ADC. Every time I pick her up again, it's like "hooooly shiiiiiit, why am I not playing this more".

  • @vannoah
    @vannoah 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I love this champ but I’m also a deranged mofo that learnt adc by playing kayn bot in s10 when I opted him. And nilah just played like kayn did where u chill untill u get a wave bounce or an opportunity to all in. It’s fun and I love it

  • @ch113d3
    @ch113d3 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I feel like Nilah is statistically meta already and her being a sleeper pick only helps. I get so many botlane duo's that basically have no respect for my dmg or its scaling so by the time they realize that i can 1/4 their health with a Q it's already way too late and Ive slammed the lane no problem. You can play around poke and you can still have massive presence 3 items deep. She's definitely not in a bad place at all I think its legit just a community diff overall

  • @Draco0100
    @Draco0100 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Solo q Nilah here! I think you nailed all of my issues with her. I picked her up when I was autofilled, and got lucky enough to get invested. I had played her before, but its really insane how important her item spikes are.
    Collector allows her to fight in bot, navori is her wave clear and dmg, and shieldbow allows her to make plays and team fight. Without 3 utems, shes near useless unless played well.
    Sadly, my opinions not the best since I peaked g2 and just climbed back to gold after years of not caring, but I think this video describes her perfectly. I think shes super fun, and worth trying to master, but the necessity for a good support to get her to 3 items so she can carry is highly understated. She NEEDS to survive and farm. She can do bot lane. Riot did make a champ that can pull it off, but the effort is nuts.

  • @garrettpullen9740
    @garrettpullen9740 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Another amazing breakdown video Vars. No one does it better than you

  • @meliiodas4456
    @meliiodas4456 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Because her normal long range is situational. You can only activate it if the first skill hits. For and adc range is very important. Thats why trist and cait are most picked.

  • @PhoenixSaturn
    @PhoenixSaturn 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    In Wild Rift Nilah is a jungle skirmisher like Yi. Riot could rebalance her there and she'd probably find more success.

    • @bibule
      @bibule 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I haven’t seen anyone play Nilah jungle in wild rift tho

    • @s1imosha
      @s1imosha 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      ​@@bibuleher top players are al junglers, but she is very situaitunable (idk of i wrote this right) pick.

    • @FeiFongWang
      @FeiFongWang 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      They actually nerfed her jungle, making her basics do basically no damage to monsters. Of course, they *would* have to nerf her despite already being weak, because she is a complete balance nightmare like Samira. Both of them are just ult bots that can 1v5 easily, or completely useless champs who can literally contribute nothing.

    • @werst9
      @werst9 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      As a monster hunter youd think shed be a jungler anyway

    • @DavidGlendaleArdenaso
      @DavidGlendaleArdenaso 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yet another "fun detected, remove fun" moment from rito@@FeiFongWang

  • @ThefirstGuardianYT
    @ThefirstGuardianYT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As a yone yasuo 2 trick I picked up nilah on pbe before he release and she immediately became one of my best champs I already had adc experience from playing aphelios

  • @thuythanhvongu
    @thuythanhvongu 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My favorite champ, I like the feeling of rushing into the middle of the enemy team

  • @FlaminVictini
    @FlaminVictini 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    great video but small correction: her dashes are not free target, you need to have an enemy or ally unit in range to click on in order to use it

  • @kevingriffith6011
    @kevingriffith6011 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    What really kills me about Nilah is that she *didn't* have to be this way. She's two things right now: skirmisher marksman and a late-game hyper carry... but you can have a skirmisher marksman that isn't a late-game hyper carry. She could have easily been the midpoint between a traditional marksman and a bruiser botlaner: kind of like botlane Jax but actually designed for the role.
    If she was strong early-mid and fell off toward the late game then it'd be a whole different story: She'd make a great complement to marksman top/jungle/midlaners who have the late game DPS part covered while having her own niche in the botlane.

  • @joriandekievit9478
    @joriandekievit9478 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Interesting you release this now, just as Nilah suddenly appears in half my games. I hadn’t seen her for ages and now she is suddenly picked or banned every other game

  • @SquidBow
    @SquidBow 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As someone who played adc when I still played league I absolutely hated playing against nilah. It always felt like she got all the broken parts of a skirmisher without any downsides. Thank God she had a small pick rate

  • @xVibra
    @xVibra 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is that Tales of Symphonia music playing in the background? Reminds me of one of the dungeon themes. It sounds so familiar.

    • @eduardocardenasmoreno6705
      @eduardocardenasmoreno6705 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      dwellings of the ancient gods, its from the game fire emblem three houses

    • @xVibra
      @xVibra 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@eduardocardenasmoreno6705 Oh yeah, you're right.

  • @pheonix5524
    @pheonix5524 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    love how you say that "will nilha ever be meta?" and the next week she is the top adc at 56% wr in all ranks

  • @SouvyL
    @SouvyL 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Vars! I've been watching you for a long time and I was waiting for this video for the longestttt time, as a Nilah main, thank you. I was afraid you were gonna mention how she should get nerfed into the ground because of her godlike late game.. She's my favorite champion and she will always be meta in my mind ^_^

  • @essen_es
    @essen_es 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This video made me finally pick nilah as my main adc and you guys aren't kidding about feeling like a god late game.

  • @Seveneris
    @Seveneris 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How is this compared to the Nilah on Wildrift? Her kit there is reduced such as xp and healing on her passive as well as other effects on skills such as Q other effects. Would it be best to say that its the more balanced version or much weaker if ported to pc?

  • @sareku8491
    @sareku8491 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    another example that shows how Bot lane understanding each others champions is so important is the story of Yuumi, literally the champ with worst win rate in the release and this si because even if it the most basic champions without brains that exist is so weird to adapt when you always have another player in your lane and know it's just comething attached to your body
    PD outside of the theme: And for me this case would be always the example of why it is better for riot to see proplay to make balance changes, because if it was for the results SoloQ that thing would ended up really buffed

  • @jackfelt1983
    @jackfelt1983 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Her biggest issue is when you use E to get away…and then both uses get used on the same person with little to no movement