I just wanted to say thanks for making this song. I did 20 years as a Navy Corpsman; 12 of those years with the Marines all 4 Divisions each in a different conflict. I've seen way too much. When I joined I tried hard not to loose my identity, but once I earned the name DOC, I never looked back. I now teach the new Doc to be, and I still proudly answer to Doc! So thank you from a Doc.
I,m a Australian Soldier. Two tours of East Timor, One Tour Iraq, and one tour Afghanistan. I,m a medic. Thank you. I have never heard a song that has brought me to my knees as much as this one has. Not only have me made me realise that we, the medic, play a very important roll, but you have taught me that I did everything I could to save the ones I lost. To me you are my hero. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Please keep writing, and singing.
My greatest honor was to be called "Doc" by the infantrymen who I stood with and thought of as heroes. Nothing gives me more pride than time spent as a soldier through not only the fun times but the hard. I love all my brothers from the 502nd Infantry, those who still live and those who are not among us any longer.
+Josüe H My greatest Honor was also being called "Doc" by those tanker boys, and I was in during peacetime so I can only imagine your feelings. Thanks for your service, Brother.
2nd inf. squad leader, "old man" I wouldn't give a billion dollars for my medics and corpsmen. you will never know how we felt about you guys, from sunburn, skin tags, dear john letters, to missing limbs. you were the best America had.
This song says a lot to all of us who were FMF Corpsman in the field with the Corps. Words fail me... Served from 1969 to 1991. Thanks Walker - McGuire!
Even as I start med school, I'd rather be "Doc" than Dr. But, life happens and I don't get to work as Doc anymore, and the best way for me to honor them is to live the best I can. They died for me to have this opportunity.
Someone posted this on my timeline yesterday, I was in the middle of cleaning my car, and sweating, this song gave me goosebumps. Army medic 15.5 years, 2 time combat vet, married to a 14.5 year army medic catastrophically wounded in 2010. We both love this song, it's so poignant, and captures all the emotions that you feel when you look at your broken brother, and know all you can do is make them comfortable. Thank you!
My husband and I both served as "Docs" in the Navy for 20 years! I was honored to be amongst these unsung heroes. Thank you for shining a light on all my brothers and sisters!
Please little man you have no place to tell anyone to get out of this country. I am too the one called doc and my duty was to save those i could, it was to be with my marines. You, call of duty doesnt count and if you served then you know damn well you have no right to tell anyone to leave this country.
How do you know everyone that listened to this song is in America? America is not the only country with honorable people that put their lives on the line for freedom. American is not the only country with great freedom. Most wars American soldiers fight in are in countries on the other side of the world. They really aren't fighting for America's freedom for the most part. If they are American that dislike this song, soldiers fought for their freedom to dislike this song. The freedom to not have gratitude for their freedom.
Thank you for telling the story of what us "doc's" go through into a song. I haven't cried this hard in years. This song brought back so many memories. Some good and some bad. But for the first time in a long time, they weren't as bad as they used to be. Typically I lay awake at night and wait for the ghosts to come. The ones that I couldn't fix or save. The pain I hold from looking into their eyes and telling them "I got you brother, you're gonna be fine." Then feel their body go limp. You guys nailed it...thank you
Holy Fuck..... This gave me chills. Thank you, Brotha. I was a Corpsman for 5 years-lost my leg in Afghan. My Marines are Heroes. I have brothers that were or are Corpsmen as well
Just passed my first test in phase two to become a combat med tech, thanks for your service. I've still got 5 months go before I pass, but I already enjoy the training.
just remember, the fallen are never gone if we speak their name, so keep speaking it, and no man has ever stood taller than when he has knelt down to help others. and DOC, Thank you.
Sweet Caroline doc are close thing to god in battle for us was tanker unit got hit my comfort was seeing our doc running up I knew I be fine cause rule one for doc is they try to cheat death rule #2 is never accepted death tell your doc thanks from soldier
Heard this for the first time on the radio this morning and it almost brought me to tears. This song is beautiful! My boyfriend is a Navy Corpsman and hes my hero! I couldnt be more proud of him! Love the song and I know he will too :)
damned, brothers, now that is a medic man's song.... as one to another, thank you. respects to the medics dedicated to life, and prayers to the families whom lost, a salute to my medic brothers and a silent toast to those we could not save. be well and at peace. mykel hawke, sf medic sends
Ive recently made friends with a couple medical responders, and when I asked one of them what song best describes him, he sent me this. It touched me in feels I didn't know I had. I'm so proud of anyone like him, and all medics around the world. Keep up the good fight and know you'll all be heros to me.
I have a huge respect for men and women in the military and I want to thank you all for your service. This song is very deep and I tear up every time I hear it. “Youll never know the heartache of looking a grown man in the eye, and when he asks am I gonna make it, you gotta lie...” that kills me every time because I don’t know if I could do it...
Guys you will never know how much this song has helped me out today. I've had a lot going on but this song just made me repicture everything. It's not over and I really appreciate it. Much love brothers.
You can depend on very few facts in a war...one being when the call comes out Doc will answer or die trying literally die for his Marines and his Marines will protect him at all costs too. God bless our docs. Semper Fi.
My Chemistry teacher is a corpsman and he told us some of his story's and they were fascinating and i want to thank all men and women in the service or has been
To all my brothers and sisters out there who served as a "Doc", anyone holding this title knows that it is with them for life no matter what they do, it is a part of them and will be for the rest of there lives. Ret. Navy HMC
Every time I hear this song it takes my mind back to a place over seas that scared me more than anything else, but showed me the man I was. That place was where I learn who I was as a doc and made me truly understand who I was to the men I was with, and this song captures that moment in my mid perfectly.
One of My Co-workers was a Corpsman. We talked everyday and I just listen to his story about the lives he saved and the hell he had to serve in. I share this song with him and I never seen a grown man cry before.
@@redskinfan1993 no thank him. Docs are a gift from god. Especially our navy docs. That’s who I’ve served with and they’ve never hesitated to help anyone in need
as someone who severely dislike country music in all its forms as a former medic for 10 years I had said this is one of the best songs ever in a long time thank you for your Artistry and your ability to express the inexpressible
as a BN and BDE surgeon I relate to this song immensely. Fortunately, I never saw combat but during 3 deployments I had the fortune to take care of some true warriors. Always Ready! DOL!
matthew Kuhnle - The medics and Corpsman treat them on the battlefield within the platinum 10, but it’s surgeons like you with FST and CSH that do your surgical magic that save lives, that we are unable to perform. Stabilize them and get them to Germany. We are nothing without the each others. I worked in the Baghdad & Balad many years ago, and I seen God work through the hands of those doctors and save lives that I didn’t think would make it. You guys are a gift from God in the combat zone. Much love respect Sir 🙏🏼
Jibbin Cat you're a fucking idiot. I'm a Sgt in the Marine Corps. I have worked with a ton of Docs and we call them Corpsmen. No one gives a flying fuck about the fucking Army. Y'all are stupid as fuck. The only thing you have that we don't is numbers and money and that's because we don't fucking need it. Take your stupid fucking opinion and shove it up your boot ass.
Jibbin Cat you're a fucking idiot. Have fun being another number in the bullet sponge Army. Hope your trauma-shears manage to find their way into your eye socket one of these days, fuckface.
Jibbin Cat who the fuck are you? You call yourself a medic even though you don't know the most basic shit. They do call corpsman "doc" and they do see combat training. You're making yourself look like a fool and a fake.
this song has helped me and made me realize the purpose why i made it even when he didnt the hardest part is always lying to your best bud tellin him he'll be fine knowing he wont make it home still tears me apart combat medic vet
ccody28 thank you for your service! I am so sorry to hear about your buddy and everyone else you served with that didnt make it home. It is heroes like you that motivate me everyday and that make me want to join the navy as a corpsman. Thank you!🇺🇸
Serving as a Navy Corpsmen was a great honor. The men and women I worked closely with are true heroes, patriots, and selfless. I am proud to call them my brothers and sisters. This video is a great tribute to them! I love it
So I was a medic for six years. I got medically retired in 2012 and my guys still know they can call me anytime they need. My greatest accomplishment was being called "Doc". It is very true that it's a brotherhood I would lay my life down for my family and I know they would do the same. Thank you for this song.
First I would like to say Thank You to the men and women who protect this country. My wife and I have twin boys James and William. Both of my boys are joining the military. William leaves Oct 5 this year to become an Army Medic and James is leaving shortly thereafter as a Navy Corpsman. I heard this song and I had tears running down my cheek. I couldn't be a more proud father.
91B Combat Medic here 1994 - 2001...... 3 / 502nd from 1995-1998 ......Widowmakers, Strike and Kill, Five Oh Deuce!! Too many lost even in peace time. Even though it pains me to recall the days that I wished I could have done more for those that paid the ultimate sacrifice, I am reminded that we ALL served together for a greater purpose; one united goal, and that we ALL were willing to make that sacrifice so many have. Thank you for this song Walker McGuire!! SOLDIER MEDIC!!
Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear this song. US Army Medic 98-02. Amazing that even during peace we still carry the wounds of the pain of this song. Had many times "training" went wrong. Always felt wrong that medic was the first word out of their mouth, even before OMG or Mom.
I see 21 people don't appreciate the men that save lives. This song was very inspiring. Having a older brother in this field makes, me appreciate this song so much. You don't know the struggles these brave men and women go through to protect you 21 people who thumbed thus down. Smh!
When does this song hit iTunes or stores id love to buy a copy and would be a great way to support our troops and let these walker and the guys to keep up what they're doing. God bless
My friend sang this for a veterans day ceremony in JROTC in November last year. She passed away this year in April. This song holds a special place in my heart ❤️ miss you always Annie.
Just got back from the field to finish my training to be a combat medic for the Army, and I'm from Blue Grass Kentucky, and this shit hits to the heart with all my fears.
I was an Alpha gator 91A ..25 years ago. My first born son is also an Alpha gator 20 years later. My second born son is a 68W M6, like his older brother, but not an Alpha Gator. So that others may live..
Vietnam Combat Medic, 67-68-69. US ARMY PA, CW4, MC, USA Ret. The tears rolled down my face! What a great Song! It says it all! God Bless and you brought tears and a smile that I needed so much! I was at my very best when I was their DOC! Charlie Mike, Doc Out!
The only song I ever heard that explains Military Medic’s, US Army, US Marine Corps, Navy & British Army. I never want to have to shout CORPSMAN! It would chill me to my bones. God Bless those angels with red crosses on their arms.
I was a pipeline back in 2016 and when i graduated field med in march 2017 a buddy showed me this song and said every corpsman should know it. October 2017 was my first experience seeing what happens in Iraq... Honorable discharge as of march 2024. Now working on my masters and phd to be a therapist to help other with their mental health because who helps the healers... Song has gotten me through some tough times to remind myself that I'm alive and not alone. Keep yalls heads up and stride towards greatness. 2/7 Gunfighters weapons platoon, rah 🖤 shoutout to 1/7 as well 🌠🌌
The best award I ever earned was for my 2ID grunts on the DMZ in Korea in 1989 to call me Doc, not doc. I was a on temporary duty, the grunts tried to pull strings to keep me and get rid of their medic. Also I was born & raised in Kentucky this song speaks to my heart.
I served in the Swedish army as a medic combat. Love this song, nu tears rolls down every time im listening to this song. Big thanks to you guys. Love it.
This song was played at my graduation from 232d Delta Company Class #30-18 as an Army Combat Medic. I'm from Bluegrass Kentucky and hadn't heard this song before that day. Such a beautiful song that sent tears rolling down my face! Thank you!
Big D and Bubba I hope you don't mind I posted this on Facebook. the Corpsman that kept my ass alive while we were over there I dedicated it to him and Mr. McGuire you go some great talent and thank you for this song to say to a man I respect what I couldn't.
I was Senior Corpsman for 2/8 Wpns back in 1998. At 2/8 from 97-01. Around 2003, I had a shore tour at the time, and the embedded reporter interviewed your BN Commander at An Nasiriyah. He said "There's a new sheriff in town ...and it's Americas Battalion"....totally motivating to see. Semper Fi // Doc
This song was created through the CreatiVets program. We fly combat vets to Nashville to write with songwriters in order to share their stories. If you need to chat or reach out to us to get anything off your chest let me know. Richardcasper@creativets.org
This song is so beautiful and makes me cry every time. So powerful and not many people will ever get to understand that pride or emotions it brings. Perfectly said and beautifully sang.
i have been a medic in the Army for the majority of my adult life. I remember the first times my tankers called me Doc. Ill never forget it. I have lost brothers and sisters and think of them daily. This song really hits home. I have always focused on making sure my brothers and sisters make it home. There have been times I failed and times I have succeeded. But the fact is, I remember them all. I hope that none of our "baby medics" or corpsmen endure what we have had to endure already.
This should have so many more views. Should be spread more, so the ignorant civilization we live in can see what our men, and women go through. Its men like these that stand tall before the devil that make me want to serve when im of age.
I started out as a Medic; Fort Sham, Foxtrot 232nd Medical Battalion under Famous Amos, Toniel A. Amos, SFC one each. He was going through some hell in late '93 when he trained me, and I consider him a mentor, a good man. I was in the Reserves as a Medic, and when I got to my Reserve unit at Fitzsimmons in October '93 I found out they were ate up like a soup sandwich and decided to go Active Duty. Unfortunately, I had to re-class and decided to go with the Cadillac of the Sky, the best Medevac helicopter you could get, one that I had training on as a Medic, the UH-60 Blackhawk. I became a maintainer and Crew Chief, got my wings and enjoyed working on those. It's funny that my Combat Medic training was three weeks less than my Blackhawk training. I tried to go Flight Medic, but I was told I had to make E5 before I could, and points for Blackhawk Crew Chiefs were 798/800 the entire time I was in. After I got out I had more use for my medical training, but I soon found out I should have memorized Patient Assessment better -I missed my EMT-B for the State of Texas by 3 points, all three on PA- if I wanted to become an EMT pretty much anywhere. Not that I didn't push the issue and try, but I found out I had better uses working for Sikorsky and, eventually, Boeing with my Blackhawk skills. I saved three lives since '97, after my family and I came home from Germany, and I'm grateful for the experience I've had with all of my training. Unfortunately, I still have nightmares about a lot of stuff that happened in Bosnia-Herzegovina in '96. Some of my buddies from over there don't suffer the same issues I do, at least not yet. I was one of COMIFOR's Crew Chief's, proud to serve; anyone who knows the acronym knows the stories. Thank you for this fantastic song.
I served as a Combat Medic in Army. I'm sitting here crying and thinking about those I served with, lost some! God bless each of you who served, my Brothers and Sisters in Arms
This is one of my favorite songs, I may not be a medic, but I'm there for those the medics couldn't save. To my brothers and sisters, thank you for helping me defend America. To those I helped get back home, rest in peace.
Love this song. Being a Combat Medic and being called "Doc" (3/75 Ranger Regt) was by far the toughest, proudest and most rewarding job I have had...outside of being a dad to 3 boys of course, not better or worse, just different and equally rewarding. God Bless all the medics and Corpsmen past, present & future and the men and women that continue to serve this great nation. Sua Sponte & RLTW!
After my 14 years as a Combat Medic after getting my 1st Harley & 3 wrecks in 3 months a Brothers Old Lady nicnamed me "Docreckless" and after that thats what I am know as but the pride & pain that I have behind that name I carry heavily always for those that made their way home under old Glory as I walk on the ground in my home town . Thank You Walker for this song !! Doc reckless
Great Song, I tried to buy it on Itunes but not there yet hopefully soon, I visited a VA hospital a few days ago and a former Army Medic asked if I could play this song for him, me and fellow Vet go a few times a week and serve coffee and play Acoustic Guitar for the patients there, he really liked this song, after hearing it don't know if I'll be able to learn it my best singing days are far behind me, just do the best I can for my fellow Vets and families, anyway just thought I let you know how much folks appreciate your music.
I was a Combat Medic in the United States Army, and I have tears rolling down my face listening to this. Thank you, this is 1 of the best songs ever.
Thank you for your services. I also love this song !
Michael Altizer I've never served and this song makes me cry every time. Thank you for your service, man.
Thank you sir. I cant say how thankful I am. I am getting shipped out in a couple of days. Its my turn to protect you while you sleep. Thank you
@@Jason-se2fy Alpha 232 2009
Michael Altizer thank you for your service. I'm glad you made it home
I just wanted to say thanks for making this song. I did 20 years as a Navy Corpsman; 12 of those years with the Marines all 4 Divisions each in a different conflict. I've seen way too much. When I joined I tried hard not to loose my identity, but once I earned the name DOC, I never looked back. I now teach the new Doc to be, and I still proudly answer to Doc!
So thank you from a Doc.
I,m a Australian Soldier. Two tours of East Timor, One Tour Iraq, and one tour Afghanistan. I,m a medic. Thank you. I have never heard a song that has brought me to my knees as much as this one has. Not only have me made me realise that we, the medic, play a very important roll, but you have taught me that I did everything I could to save the ones I lost. To me you are my hero. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Please keep writing, and singing.
Stuart McGregor anzacs are some of the hardest boys there are. Get some
Been a Corpsman for 9 years, currently serving in Okinawa. This song gives me the chills every time I hear it. BZ guys
My brother was in 1/8 he absolutely loved you guys but he said you were basically marines lol
Same here: HM8404 late Sixties early Seventies.
My greatest honor was to be called "Doc" by the infantrymen who I stood with and thought of as heroes. Nothing gives me more pride than time spent as a soldier through not only the fun times but the hard. I love all my brothers from the 502nd Infantry, those who still live and those who are not among us any longer.
Stitch them up mentally and physically, fight like a lion... cant save them all, but you can love them all.
Josue Herrera 1/502 Bco Medic 2001-2009. Respect and Love to all my boys past present and future.
+Josüe H My greatest Honor was also being called "Doc" by those tanker boys, and I was in during peacetime so I can only imagine your feelings. Thanks for your service, Brother.
2nd inf. squad leader, "old man" I wouldn't give a billion dollars for my medics and corpsmen. you will never know how we felt about you guys, from sunburn, skin tags, dear john letters, to missing limbs. you were the best America had.
HOOAH Brother thank you for your service ! 81-91 11B
THANK'S "DOC" FOR SAVING MY LIFE . VIETNAM 1967 ( DMZ ) 3/4 MARINES ...................
fuck yea 3/4 Darkside Doc here
Welcome home brother.
Semper Fi brother
Welcome Home Brother Doc Mosier
3/4 Darkside
This song says a lot to all of us who were FMF Corpsman in the field with the Corps. Words fail me... Served from 1969 to 1991. Thanks Walker - McGuire!
You guys are badasses!
I was a Combat Medic for The U.S. Army. Thank you for this song.
+Jimmy Morales Hell yea brother
As a Combat Medic who served in Kunar Province Afghanistan, Thank You for sharing this song!!!----3-61 CAV
Well, Doc, this beaten and broken grunt wants to thank you for your service. ~SGT JRH
@@BlastersandBladesPodcast you too brother!!
Even as I start med school, I'd rather be "Doc" than Dr. But, life happens and I don't get to work as Doc anymore, and the best way for me to honor them is to live the best I can. They died for me to have this opportunity.
Best of luck to you Nick Ramsey in your endeavors, Brother!
Someone posted this on my timeline yesterday, I was in the middle of cleaning my car, and sweating, this song gave me goosebumps. Army medic 15.5 years, 2 time combat vet, married to a 14.5 year army medic catastrophically wounded in 2010. We both love this song, it's so poignant, and captures all the emotions that you feel when you look at your broken brother, and know all you can do is make them comfortable. Thank you!
+Karen Matayka Til Fiddler's Green
@@pullurslip Til Valhalla.
From an infantryman. Thanks to the docs for making my friends comfortable. It sucks pulling security and just listening to them go.
My husband and I both served as "Docs" in the Navy for 20 years! I was honored to be amongst these unsung heroes. Thank you for shining a light on all my brothers and sisters!
Thanks doc
When he ask you if I’ll make it .. and you gotta lie .. that hits close to home . Shit haunts my dreams still .
Any person that gave this song a dislike can get the hell out of America. Disliking this song should count as treason.
cherry popins true that
Please little man you have no place to tell anyone to get out of this country. I am too the one called doc and my duty was to save those i could, it was to be with my marines. You, call of duty doesnt count and if you served then you know damn well you have no right to tell anyone to leave this country.
How do you know everyone that listened to this song is in America?
America is not the only country with honorable people that put their lives on the line for freedom.
American is not the only country with great freedom.
Most wars American soldiers fight in are in countries on the other side of the world. They really aren't fighting for America's freedom for the most part.
If they are American that dislike this song, soldiers fought for their freedom to dislike this song. The freedom to not have gratitude for their freedom.
Amen brotha
Thank you for telling the story of what us "doc's" go through into a song. I haven't cried this hard in years. This song brought back so many memories. Some good and some bad.
But for the first time in a long time, they weren't as bad as they used to be.
Typically I lay awake at night and wait for the ghosts to come. The ones that I couldn't fix or save.
The pain I hold from looking into their eyes and telling them "I got you brother, you're gonna be fine." Then feel their body go limp.
You guys nailed it...thank you
Holy Fuck.....
This gave me chills.
Thank you, Brotha.
I was a Corpsman for 5 years-lost my leg in Afghan.
My Marines are Heroes.
I have brothers that were or are Corpsmen as well
battle corpmens... respect brother
DocPegLegRed Fuck yea Corpsman.
god bless you, my brothers an 0311 and he always says how much he loves you guys
Doc you’re as much as a hero as the damn crazy mother fuckers like us you cared to
Ex British Army Combat Medical Tech here
Respect to all who served
Just passed my first test in phase two to become a combat med tech, thanks for your service. I've still got 5 months go before I pass, but I already enjoy the training.
Greetings and salutations from an American cousin from across the pond.
U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman (Fleet Marine Force).
From an old grunt medic, THANK YOU GUYS! I cried, and remembered.
just remember, the fallen are never gone if we speak their name, so keep speaking it, and no man has ever stood taller than when he has knelt down to help others. and DOC, Thank you.
Awesome song. My brother, Navy Corpsman, David "Doc" Cedergren left this earth 10 years ago today and this song reminds me of him. God Bless You!
My son is a Navy Corpsman! Thank you so much for this song! You guys are AWESOME!! Bravo Zulu!
Coming from a Military family, this song gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes!! Absolutely beautiful song!!
Beautiful...MY son was also a "DOC".. 3rd ID.20 years and now Retired.
Sweet Caroline doc are close thing to god in battle for us was tanker unit got hit my comfort was seeing our doc running up I knew I be fine cause rule one for doc is they try to cheat death rule #2 is never accepted death tell your doc thanks from soldier
Heard this for the first time on the radio this morning and it almost brought me to tears. This song is beautiful! My boyfriend is a Navy Corpsman and hes my hero! I couldnt be more proud of him! Love the song and I know he will too :)
I'm so proud of my combat medic and everything he stands for.🇺🇸
Nessomaticus thank him from tanker a doc keep me alive
damned, brothers, now that is a medic man's song.... as one to another, thank you.
respects to the medics dedicated to life, and prayers to the families whom lost,
a salute to my medic brothers and a silent toast to those we could not save.
be well and at peace. mykel hawke, sf medic sends
SF CPT yeah not medics, gtfo with that shit.
Zondares it is about medics sir. This title is earned by the best
Zondares devil dolphin for life
Jacob Stroud Kill
Ive recently made friends with a couple medical responders, and when I asked one of them what song best describes him, he sent me this. It touched me in feels I didn't know I had. I'm so proud of anyone like him, and all medics around the world. Keep up the good fight and know you'll all be heros to me.
I have a huge respect for men and women in the military and I want to thank you all for your service. This song is very deep and I tear up every time I hear it. “Youll never know the heartache of looking a grown man in the eye, and when he asks am I gonna make it, you gotta lie...” that kills me every time because I don’t know if I could do it...
Here's to you, Doc Rodriquez. You saved my life, before you lost yours. Until Valhalla! ~JRH
Guys you will never know how much this song has helped me out today. I've had a lot going on but this song just made me repicture everything. It's not over and I really appreciate it. Much love brothers.
Just lost my brother Doc Blake Pickel a few weeks ago. Love this song!
You can depend on very few facts in a war...one being when the call comes out Doc will answer or die trying literally die for his Marines and his Marines will protect him at all costs too. God bless our docs. Semper Fi.
♡ just lost a dear friend and medic. We played this at his funeral. Love and respect to all the Docs out there.
My Chemistry teacher is a corpsman and he told us some of his story's and they were fascinating and i want to thank all men and women in the service or has been
Thanks for this song. Love it. I’m no hero. I just served with them
Doc G
As a combat medic of 31 years, this is me.
To all my brothers and sisters out there who served as a "Doc", anyone holding this title knows that it is with them for life no matter what they do, it is a part of them and will be for the rest of there lives. Ret. Navy HMC
They used to call me Doc too. 2nd Mar Div.
you are always doc no matter if your still serving or not
Wes Parish oh yeah.. SEMPER FI
Hell yea broth 3/2 No shit
Welcome back doc
Devil doc !!
Thank you. Former HM2
From this doc's heart (6 yrs service as Army medic and LVN), thanks for this song!
Every time I hear this song it takes my mind back to a place over seas that scared me more than anything else, but showed me the man I was. That place was where I learn who I was as a doc and made me truly understand who I was to the men I was with, and this song captures that moment in my mid perfectly.
no man stands taller than when he kneels down to help others.
RIVER_CITY_TACTICAL who is this quote from?
dont know who originally said it, think I saw it on a shirt somewhere
One of My Co-workers was a Corpsman. We talked everyday and I just listen to his story about the lives he saved and the hell he had to serve in. I share this song with him and I never seen a grown man cry before.
Tell him rah for me please
@@Xavieus Thank you sir
@@redskinfan1993 no thank him. Docs are a gift from god. Especially our navy docs. That’s who I’ve served with and they’ve never hesitated to help anyone in need
@@Xavieus I will sir and Thank all Docs for me and for my friend..Till Valhalla
I'm in love with a man who was a "Doc" for 20 years. To me he's still a hero.
as someone who severely dislike country music in all its forms as a former medic for 10 years I had said this is one of the best songs ever in a long time thank you for your Artistry and your ability to express the inexpressible
as a BN and BDE surgeon I relate to this song immensely. Fortunately, I never saw combat but during 3 deployments I had the fortune to take care of some true warriors. Always Ready! DOL!
matthew Kuhnle - The medics and Corpsman treat them on the battlefield within the platinum 10, but it’s surgeons like you with FST and CSH that do your surgical magic that save lives, that we are unable to perform. Stabilize them and get them to Germany. We are nothing without the each others. I worked in the Baghdad & Balad many years ago, and I seen God work through the hands of those doctors and save lives that I didn’t think would make it. You guys are a gift from God in the combat zone. Much love respect Sir 🙏🏼
Corpsman are the closest thing we have to God here on Earth.
Jibbin Cat okay. No. Marines love our docs. We call them Doc or Corpsmen. Get out of here with that weak ass shit.
Jibbin Cat you're a fucking idiot. I'm a Sgt in the Marine Corps. I have worked with a ton of Docs and we call them Corpsmen. No one gives a flying fuck about the fucking Army. Y'all are stupid as fuck. The only thing you have that we don't is numbers and money and that's because we don't fucking need it. Take your stupid fucking opinion and shove it up your boot ass.
Jibbin Cat you're a fucking idiot. Have fun being another number in the bullet sponge Army. Hope your trauma-shears manage to find their way into your eye socket one of these days, fuckface.
Jibbin Cat who the fuck are you? You call yourself a medic even though you don't know the most basic shit. They do call corpsman "doc" and they do see combat training. You're making yourself look like a fool and a fake.
James Swanson Semper Fi! Couldn't have said it better myself.
Omg, thus song gives me chills!!!,...absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!
this song has helped me and made me realize the purpose why i made it even when he didnt the hardest part is always lying to your best bud tellin him he'll be fine knowing he wont make it home still tears me apart combat medic vet
ccody28 thank you for your service! I am so sorry to hear about your buddy and everyone else you served with that didnt make it home. It is heroes like you that motivate me everyday and that make me want to join the navy as a corpsman. Thank you!🇺🇸
ccody28 doc some time you comfort us even when you know it’s lie you doc our gods to us
Makes me think of two guys at my church. One was an Army medic and the other was a Corpsman. God bless those men.
Thanks. HM3 Doc Clayton. FMF - Vietnam 1967,1968.
Great song man. I wrote you about a year ago to let you know and it stands true today. - veteran medic, 101st, 1/506th
Hey brother I served with Able Co. 1/506th in Afghanistan 2008-2009
I'm a medic serving in the 101 right now and trying to go flight medic
I etsed in 07 right after ramadi
Great group. Proud I served
You were at COP and Corregidor! I worked with your Shadow element
Jessie Venable I was at the FOB of Coor
Loved my guys and still know all of them to this day like the back of my hand. Respect is earned not given. Airborne!
Damn right, airborne all the way! 1-91 CAV 173rd Airborne Brigade, 12-15, senior line medic to Senior treatment medic
Serving as a Navy Corpsmen was a great honor. The men and women I worked closely with are true heroes, patriots, and selfless. I am proud to call them my brothers and sisters. This video is a great tribute to them! I love it
Brings tears to my eyes everytime, but I keep coming back. Love Walker Mcguire!! Keep the great tunes rollin guys.
So I was a medic for six years. I got medically retired in 2012 and my guys still know they can call me anytime they need. My greatest accomplishment was being called "Doc". It is very true that it's a brotherhood I would lay my life down for my family and I know they would do the same. Thank you for this song.
First I would like to say Thank You to the men and women who protect this country.
My wife and I have twin boys James and William. Both of my boys are joining the military. William leaves Oct 5 this year to become an Army Medic and James is leaving shortly thereafter as a Navy Corpsman. I heard this song and I had tears running down my cheek. I couldn't be a more proud father.
where angels and demons fear to tread, there you'll find a corpsman dead.
It's actually "where angels and Marines fear to tread, there you'll find a Corpsman dead". But it works either way.
Two people you don't piss off: Doc and the cook. God bless Doc. I'd be lying if this didnt move me....
and supply
Beans, bullets and bandages!
haha. Ah yes. Supply too. Good point!!
91B Combat Medic here 1994 - 2001...... 3 / 502nd from 1995-1998 ......Widowmakers, Strike and Kill, Five Oh Deuce!! Too many lost even in peace time. Even though it pains me to recall the days that I wished I could have done more for those that paid the ultimate sacrifice, I am reminded that we ALL served together for a greater purpose; one united goal, and that we ALL were willing to make that sacrifice so many have. Thank you for this song Walker McGuire!! SOLDIER MEDIC!!
xobehtedistuO isnt combat medic 68W? They mustve changed it. Thank you for your service
This song floored me, how are you fellas not famous. I fell apart hearing this. Thank you.
Walker McGuire "They Call Me Doc"******Amazing Ty for sharing!
Callie McGuire Ty for the likes!
Jim Nichols Ty for the like!
Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear this song. US Army Medic 98-02. Amazing that even during peace we still carry the wounds of the pain of this song. Had many times "training" went wrong. Always felt wrong that medic was the first word out of their mouth, even before OMG or Mom.
I see 21 people don't appreciate the men that save lives. This song was very inspiring. Having a older brother in this field makes, me appreciate this song so much. You don't know the struggles these brave men and women go through to protect you 21 people who thumbed thus down. Smh!
I swear im always cutting onions when these kind of songs come on. I should stop cutting onions in my car while im driving.
When does this song hit iTunes or stores id love to buy a copy and would be a great way to support our troops and let these walker and the guys to keep up what they're doing. God bless
Yeah! Dude I want to buy this song so bad! Absolutely love it
As a Marine Infantrymen doc is our best friend . Being called doc is something to be proud of .
My friend sang this for a veterans day ceremony in JROTC in November last year. She passed away this year in April. This song holds a special place in my heart ❤️ miss you always Annie.
Just got back from the field to finish my training to be a combat medic for the Army, and I'm from Blue Grass Kentucky, and this shit hits to the heart with all my fears.
+Guy Smith That's a Bravo Bulldog
+cct2015 Alpha gator to bravo bulldog
I was an Alpha gator 91A ..25 years ago. My first born son is also an Alpha gator 20 years later. My second born son is a 68W M6, like his older brother, but not an Alpha Gator. So that others may live..
Delta Dragon here. Soldier Medic. Warrior Spirit.
Delta dragons! I’m here now, in whiskey phase, 6 weeks until Christmas leave and then I come back to go to bullis and I’m done
Heard this on WTF nation radio on memorial day and it brought tears. I love this song, and I know not to piss off a doc.
I can never thank you enough Doc.
Vietnam Combat Medic, 67-68-69. US ARMY PA, CW4, MC, USA Ret. The tears rolled down my face! What a great Song! It says it all! God Bless and you brought tears and a smile that I needed so much! I was at my very best when I was their DOC! Charlie Mike, Doc Out!
The only song I ever heard that explains Military Medic’s, US Army, US Marine Corps, Navy & British Army. I never want to have to shout CORPSMAN! It would chill me to my bones.
God Bless those angels with red crosses on their arms.
This should be number one on all the charts!
I was a pipeline back in 2016 and when i graduated field med in march 2017 a buddy showed me this song and said every corpsman should know it. October 2017 was my first experience seeing what happens in Iraq... Honorable discharge as of march 2024. Now working on my masters and phd to be a therapist to help other with their mental health because who helps the healers... Song has gotten me through some tough times to remind myself that I'm alive and not alone. Keep yalls heads up and stride towards greatness. 2/7 Gunfighters weapons platoon, rah 🖤 shoutout to 1/7 as well 🌠🌌
The best award I ever earned was for my 2ID grunts on the DMZ in Korea in 1989 to call me Doc, not doc. I was a on temporary duty, the grunts tried to pull strings to keep me and get rid of their medic. Also I was born & raised in Kentucky this song speaks to my heart.
To my boys of the 1/1/1... Doc loves ya ! Semper Fi gentlemen...
I served in the Swedish army as a medic combat. Love this song, nu tears rolls down every time im listening to this song. Big thanks to you guys. Love it.
This song was played at my graduation from 232d Delta Company Class #30-18 as an Army Combat Medic. I'm from Bluegrass Kentucky and hadn't heard this song before that day. Such a beautiful song that sent tears rolling down my face! Thank you!
An amazing song right here. Thank you all who serve and I can't wait to serve next to you men.
Big D and Bubba I hope you don't mind I posted this on Facebook. the Corpsman that kept my ass alive while we were over there I dedicated it to him and Mr. McGuire you go some great talent and thank you for this song to say to a man I respect what I couldn't.
proudest time of my life was to be a navy doc thank you for this song it is amazing.
I can’t talk for everyone but I know for us if you ever messed with our doc you picked a fight with the lot of us, man the fun times
I was with 2/8 wpns co, CAAT plt. We had four corpsmen in our platoon. Five of them got purple hearts in An Nasiriyah.
I was Senior Corpsman for 2/8 Wpns back in 1998. At 2/8 from 97-01. Around 2003, I had a shore tour at the time, and the embedded reporter interviewed your BN Commander at An Nasiriyah. He said "There's a new sheriff in town ...and it's Americas Battalion"....totally motivating to see. Semper Fi // Doc
This song was created through the CreatiVets program. We fly combat vets
to Nashville to write with songwriters in order to share their stories.
If you need to chat or reach out to us to get anything off your chest
let me know. Richardcasper@creativets.org
tgapel fuck yea 2/8
tgapel fuck yea 2/8
tgapel fuck yea 2/8
Retired 8404 here. Thanks for the smiles and tears!
This song is so beautiful and makes me cry every time. So powerful and not many people will ever get to understand that pride or emotions it brings. Perfectly said and beautifully sang.
Best job ever!
When my guys started calling me "doc", I was and still am honored. I miss it every day.
I served for 4 years this hits so close to home thank you for speaking for those who cant
i have been a medic in the Army for the majority of my adult life. I remember the first times my tankers called me Doc. Ill never forget it. I have lost brothers and sisters and think of them daily. This song really hits home. I have always focused on making sure my brothers and sisters make it home. There have been times I failed and times I have succeeded. But the fact is, I remember them all. I hope that none of our "baby medics" or corpsmen endure what we have had to endure already.
I'll never forget this song, thank you!
Doc Shannon
first of the first
B co 2nd Plt Dirty Deuce
This should have so many more views. Should be spread more, so the ignorant civilization we live in can see what our men, and women go through. Its men like these that stand tall before the devil that make me want to serve when im of age.
I started out as a Medic; Fort Sham, Foxtrot 232nd Medical Battalion under Famous Amos, Toniel A. Amos, SFC one each. He was going through some hell in late '93 when he trained me, and I consider him a mentor, a good man. I was in the Reserves as a Medic, and when I got to my Reserve unit at Fitzsimmons in October '93 I found out they were ate up like a soup sandwich and decided to go Active Duty. Unfortunately, I had to re-class and decided to go with the Cadillac of the Sky, the best Medevac helicopter you could get, one that I had training on as a Medic, the UH-60 Blackhawk. I became a maintainer and Crew Chief, got my wings and enjoyed working on those. It's funny that my Combat Medic training was three weeks less than my Blackhawk training. I tried to go Flight Medic, but I was told I had to make E5 before I could, and points for Blackhawk Crew Chiefs were 798/800 the entire time I was in.
After I got out I had more use for my medical training, but I soon found out I should have memorized Patient Assessment better -I missed my EMT-B for the State of Texas by 3 points, all three on PA- if I wanted to become an EMT pretty much anywhere. Not that I didn't push the issue and try, but I found out I had better uses working for Sikorsky and, eventually, Boeing with my Blackhawk skills. I saved three lives since '97, after my family and I came home from Germany, and I'm grateful for the experience I've had with all of my training. Unfortunately, I still have nightmares about a lot of stuff that happened in Bosnia-Herzegovina in '96. Some of my buddies from over there don't suffer the same issues I do, at least not yet. I was one of COMIFOR's Crew Chief's, proud to serve; anyone who knows the acronym knows the stories.
Thank you for this fantastic song.
This song still gives me a good cry. Thank you. They called me Doc. (2009-2019.)
Combat flight medic 82nd Med. Hooah!
I served as a Combat Medic in Army. I'm sitting here crying and thinking about those I served with, lost some! God bless each of you who served, my Brothers and Sisters in Arms
This is one of my favorite songs, I may not be a medic, but I'm there for those the medics couldn't save. To my brothers and sisters, thank you for helping me defend America. To those I helped get back home, rest in peace.
Met these guys a few times
At a small venue they played at in our small little country town
Love this song. Being a Combat Medic and being called "Doc" (3/75 Ranger Regt) was by far the toughest, proudest and most rewarding job I have had...outside of being a dad to 3 boys of course, not better or worse, just different and equally rewarding. God Bless all the medics and Corpsmen past, present & future and the men and women that continue to serve this great nation. Sua Sponte & RLTW!
FMF 8404..."doc" 1st Mar Div out of Camp Pen. I have finally found a song that fits me. It brought me to tears. good song!
After my 14 years as a Combat Medic after getting my 1st Harley & 3 wrecks in 3 months a Brothers Old Lady nicnamed me "Docreckless" and after that thats what I am know as but the pride & pain that I have behind that name I carry heavily always for those that made their way home under old Glory as I walk on the ground in my home town . Thank You Walker for this song !! Doc reckless
Great Song, I tried to buy it on Itunes but not there yet hopefully soon, I visited a VA hospital a few days ago and a former Army Medic asked if I could play this song for him, me and fellow Vet go a few times a week and serve coffee and play Acoustic Guitar for the patients there, he really liked this song, after hearing it don't know if I'll be able to learn it my best singing days are far behind me, just do the best I can for my fellow Vets and families, anyway just thought I let you know how much folks appreciate your music.