Indonesia's Exiles: Too Late To Return Home? | Insight | Full Episode

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 960

  • @hanadeflour
    @hanadeflour ปีที่แล้ว +461

    I really appreciate CNA for making this documentary
    As an Indonesian myself, I know our government tried to close our eyes from seeing what really happened in the dark past. But I believe a big country is one to acknowledge its own mistake to make better choices in the future, and we're still not there, yet.
    And lastly, we know who not to choose for the next president.

    • @3252A
      @3252A ปีที่แล้ว +18

      the problem is the war criminal are still in charge, if they admit their wrongdoings that means they shouldnt wield power, but they only care about power.

    • @Maxtime123
      @Maxtime123 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      Definitely NOT Prabowo. I don't want him to be the next president.

    • @kiddos5787
      @kiddos5787 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Do you mean was the dark past of you, not indonesia.

    • @henocksherlock3340
      @henocksherlock3340 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@kiddos5787Nah, but whatever

    • @verifeli
      @verifeli ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Meanwhile in Japan... 👀

  • @zeinwahab9986
    @zeinwahab9986 ปีที่แล้ว +273

    Bagi saya dan keluarga, yg memiliki kekerabatan dgn salah satu jendral yg menjadi korban 65 di lubang buaya. Yang juga punya keluarga yg jadi korban selama pembantaian setelahnya (rumahnya dimasuki, dituduh PKI, diseret, dan tak pernah kembali). Dan juga punya keluarga (adik laki dari kakek saya) yg dikirim oleh sukarno ke jerman timur utk belajar fisika nuklir. Beliau tdk berani pulang, menikah disana dgn wanita indonesia juga. Beliau baru berani pulang pertama kali ke indonesia di 98 setelah suharto turun.
    Beliau & istri juga sudah jadi warga negara jerman. Dan meninggal pun saat di jerman (jenazah di pulangkan ke indonesia).
    Bagi para exile yg meminta jaminan keselamatan, itu bukan tanpa alasan. Kolega yg dikirim bersama kakek saya saja dari 67 orang hanya 13 orang yg masih hidup krn menolak utk pulang (sama seperti orang orang di video). Yg memilih utk kembali saat itu, hanya kopernya saja yg sampai ke rumahnya.
    Saya & keluarga senang mendengar Pernyataan presiden jokowi, itu merupakan sebuah awal. Setidaknya sebagian dari ketidakadilan itu sudah hilang.
    Dan menurut saya, para exile & keluarga korban itu tdk berharap banyak. Hanya sebuah pengakuan, pelurusan sejarah dan permintaan maaf sudah cukup.
    Mau yg bersalah itu pemerintah orde baru, dan yg minta maaf reformasi itu tdk menjadi masalah. Krn bagaimanapun juga pemerintah reformasi lah yg menggantikan rezim orde baru.

    • @ErniJuliaKok
      @ErniJuliaKok ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Kemungkinan kita akan diperintah penerus Orde Baru he he he. Jadi perlulah itu hutang lama dihapusbukukan (tanpa bayar).

    • @yulusleonard985
      @yulusleonard985 ปีที่แล้ว

      Penduduknya masih sama, kemarin di RT di paksa menaikan bendera setengah tiang pas 31sep.

    • @dwicahyono4188
      @dwicahyono4188 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kata ahli Indonesia itu benar tidak kalau Angkatan Darat memang akan kudeta ya ?
      Mau ragu tapi katanya Pak AH Nasution benci Soekarno.

    • @pfidris
      @pfidris ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@yulusleonard985 yah 30 sept itu kan msl dukacita atas peristiwa penculikan dan pembunuhan 7 perwira TNI, yah sah2 aja urusan itu sih, ngapain dipermasalahkan? Yg jd msl kan ekses k blakangnya dr peristiwa tsb, dimana banyak org ditahan dan 'dihilangkan' krn tuduhan komunis atau simpatisannya tanpa proses pengadilan sama sekali, hal spt itu lah yg bikin org2 indonesia di luar negeri banyak yg tdk berani pulang dan menjadi exiles, msl itu yg hrs dibereskan dan di reparasi.

    • @yulusleonard985
      @yulusleonard985 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@pfidris Jadi kamu pro merayakan 30S? Kalau saya sih mending ngak. Saya males share WA yang mereka kirim, tapi intinya PKI itu menghasut jadi harus diberantas sampai ke akar2nya. Ingat harus di berantas sampai ke akar2nya, jadi penting itu pemberantasanya bukan prosesnya.

  • @Sickrepellent
    @Sickrepellent ปีที่แล้ว +236

    Sangat disayangkan banyak orang² berprestasi, loyal nasionalis dan disekolahkan di eropa bahkan rusia tapi dianggap komunis hingga tidak bisa ikut membangun bangsa malah diganti sama orang² yang korup selfish loyal ke penguasa yang asal bapak senang😭😭

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +44

      We kicked dutch and chinese descendants out in the 50's, we forbad our brilliant sons and daughters to return home in the 60's and we are yet to recover from the stvpidity of old order and new order till this very day... 😢

    • @crescentmono3344
      @crescentmono3344 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Now we sent our younger generation to study abroad, but they don't want to develop their own mother land, cause many reasons, and the desire to immigrate to the West. Money spent well

    • @ironheart8374
      @ironheart8374 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Ga ngaruh, ga bakal kepake jg. Rakyat kita kebanyakan lebih percaya dukun drpd dokter yg punya master degree wkwk

    • @Mario-tan
      @Mario-tan ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Kakek saya 4 bersaudara, 2 pulang ke tiongkok tahun 60. Setelah disana beliau menjadi dosen untuk Peking University, jurusan teknik Fisika. Fyi, peking itu bukan universitas sembarangan di tiongkok bahkan di dunia.
      Dan saya percaya masih banyak lagi orang" Tionghoa yang menganggap Indonesia adalah tanah airnya ingin merubah dan memajukan nya. Tapi diusir karena masyarakat nya masih banyak yang bodoh dan rasis.

    • @abcddef2112
      @abcddef2112 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Nasionalis ato loyal gimana? Tuh dia minta marxisme.

  • @ryerye9019
    @ryerye9019 ปีที่แล้ว +256

    Too many Indonesians are ignorant of this history. It's a dark period with many crimes and atrocities. There is also growing nationalism and intolerance in today's Indonesia. Only knowledge and awareness can prevent history from repeating itself.

    • @kelvindoang1228
      @kelvindoang1228 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      tbh most of indonesian know the history and most of them either dont care or secretly happy and proud about that, since even know chinese descendant here doesnt count as "pribumi" and with the economic gap between ethnic is high most people here blame chinese as greedy and deserve what coming to them

    • @danielles7766
      @danielles7766 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      They knew, they chose to ignore everything

    • @zevter1
      @zevter1 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Most indonesians know the history. Now, lets talk about the said native "pribumi" and chinese descendant "chindo". If only the pribumi try mingling to the chindo or only the chindo try to mingling to the pribumi. Then harmony wouldnt happen. Because of why ? only one group does the mingling. Now, are both pribumi and chindo already trying to mingle to each other ? Cause if both dont try to mingling to other group, and try to be as exclusive as they can be, hatred can easily rise cause you dont want to mingle.

    • @danielles7766
      @danielles7766 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      @@zevter1 You might want to check how pribumi and Chindos intermingle in Central and East Java. Your statement is totally invalid because you only saw Chindo population in Jakarta which doesnt share views and history with other Chindos across Indonesia. Another reason to add is because you chose to ignore the history of Chindo population in Jakarta, 3 genocide events throughout history since the Dutch colonization is enough to separate communities and people.

    • @zevter1
      @zevter1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@danielles7766 my statement is valid. Because for peace everyone in society have to contribute. If the pribumi dont contribute then that's the pribumi's fault. If the chindo dont contribute then that's the chindo's fault. Effort goes both way. I already stated that both the pribumi and chinese all have to mingle. If the chindo in jakarta already try to mingle to the pribumi but the pribumi still dont want it. Then that's the pribumi fault. Like u said, the chindo and pribumi in central and east java can live peacefully.

  • @ChinYeanOng
    @ChinYeanOng ปีที่แล้ว +385

    It's a good sign that the government is acknowledging its mistake. Not many government in this world have the balls to admit mistake

    • @abcddef2112
      @abcddef2112 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because most of these exile were leftist mostly students in eastern bloc countries, when the cia-backed right wing Suharto coup happened, relations with eastern bloc country worsen, while USA improved. The current ruling party is lead by mega (sukarno's daughter), so ofc because different regime more sympathetic to these exiles.
      Singapore isn't really innocent since Singapore was used as a base by BBC to publish propaganda and fake news in Indonesia. One of the most infamous, gerwani cutting general's genital.
      USA justified it as, Sukarno is moving to communist camp. So you will hear that often repeated. McCarthyism imported from USA, is still alive in Indonesia, albeit weakened.
      Admired Sukrisno considering, Dutch government knew full well what happened, and which side they supported in that coup.

    • @diawannoto
      @diawannoto ปีที่แล้ว

      this comunism purge (coup) was during Soeharto reign, approved by CIA, later he became presiden with some obscure letter saying he is to be president. put it simply it is Coup to remove Soekarno, by using PKI and later purge them after they fulfil their role.

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I would say the same about the Chinese government ABOUT XINJIANG like if Indonesians heard Chinese of mainland complain we would gladly complain back in their style as part of our tradition to make them understand how we feel. Even if it isn't completely similar

    • @abcddef2112
      @abcddef2112 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @Ekejhsh Most if not all victims in Papua conflicts are Indonesian.

    • @diawannoto
      @diawannoto ปีที่แล้ว +30

      @Ekejhsh lol.. west propaganda... for gold.. just like in ukraine...

  • @DeihanDzilky
    @DeihanDzilky ปีที่แล้ว +64

    *_Salut sama meréka yang udah puluhan tahun tinggal di Negara orang masih fasih & bisa mempertahankan keIndonésia'annya..._*

    • @SukacitaYeremia
      @SukacitaYeremia ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Sama! Aku salut juga! o7

    • @RollandGarros02
      @RollandGarros02 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Sebetulnya mrk malah yg sejak awal kemerdekaan...lebih terpelajar, lebih berkelas....😅

    • @raki13
      @raki13 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Tétapi saya mérasa bahwa ini adalah hal yang sangat ményédihkan térutama saat méreka diusir dari négéri sendiri dengan alasan yang tidak ada hubungannya déngan méreka😢

  • @tbnprathades1631
    @tbnprathades1631 ปีที่แล้ว +131

    As a Chinese indo. I remember as a kid, my mother would sometimes ask me to be careful when making a friend with what people here called pribumi. It's because of the fear that my family experienced during the 65 massacre and 98 mass attacks which both targeted the Chinese Indonesian community. Since this event happened not long before my birth the scars that my parents felt is still fresh. It took a while until my parents could heal from that experience. I still remember stories of how my parents were contemplating moving to hong kong along with my other extended family but chose to stay because it's their home.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It's the same for my grandfather who was jailed tortured and then bribed his way out of jail and fled to Germany never seen his family again. But the so-called activists group and people in this CNA documentary are not representing the real victims of New Order. This is just a group lead by a Sukarno idolator and Java Nationalist called Artien Utrecht. They are based in the Netherlands and they only represent a small group of Indonesians. Specifically a group of (Javanese) and Sukarno idolators that were studying abroad and then had their passport confiscated, that's all. Like that man Sungkono. Not the real most serious victims of the New Order regime and not Chinese Indonesian.

    • @ETS186
      @ETS186 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're Indonesian bro. Fck racist people

    • @ScufflesWaffles
      @ScufflesWaffles ปีที่แล้ว +1

      just like how the malays in malaya were warned about the chinese during the chinese communist insurgency era when the chinese plundered malay villages and massacred malays.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว +17

      ScufflesWaffles this is not about malays or chinese at all. The malay ethnic minority were also murdered by these pro republican/ Sukarnoists (Javanese) in Indonesia. This video is about a small privileged group of Sukarno-idolators living in the Netherlands who demand apologies for everything and anything. This group does not even include Chinese Indonesian.The real victims of 1965 remain silenced. These are Javanese and Indonesian PKI members/ NASAKOM affiliates tainted with their own SIN.
      I know them all personally. There's nothing sincere about what they are doing. They just want the PKI and communism to be rehabilitated in Indonesia. They are also part of a radicalised communist organisation in the Netherlands.
      Again: they do not represent the INNOCENT victims/civilians of 1965.
      It's all political gain for them.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว

      But these people are not the real victims in fact. They are hypocrites with a political agenda and tainted with their own SINS. They do not represent the INNOCENT victims of 1965.

  • @harrisafiari6938
    @harrisafiari6938 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Bagus sekali paparan film dokumenter ini. Ia mengungkap kepahitan di sejarah bangsa Indonesia. Harapannya, generasi muda Indonesia, sebaiknya tahu dan paham kepahitan masa lalu ini. Jangan terjadi hal spt ini.

  • @kilanspeaks
    @kilanspeaks ปีที่แล้ว +197

    We’re a huge country that spans the width from London to Tehran, with more than 300 ethnic groups with cultural backgrounds that’s just as diverse as our transcontinental nature. But one thing unites all of us: the inability to face the past, the lack of grace to deal with criticism, and the unwillingness to admit we were wrong. I’m sorry for all the children of of our motherland who’ve spent of much of their lives in exile. May you find peace wherever your future will be.

    • @dwiwahyuharyanto1986
      @dwiwahyuharyanto1986 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Lalu gunanya apa kalau yang makmur hanya jakarta dan sekitarnya

    • @fortpark-wd9sx
      @fortpark-wd9sx ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Good day, your country's military-political leadership picked the geopolitical correct side. Being aligned with the US and against the SU meant targeting Reds or alleged pro-Reds became a non-issue.
      Despite all the talk about a multi-polar world, the US-Western Globalist establishment largely decided on what was right and wrong. Over the past 30-35 years. people around the world were constantly reminded how supposedly evil post-1945 left-wing regimes were but what about post-1945 right-wing regimes?
      The South-Central American examples were a reminder being anti-Red qualified as part of the good guys. Even when the misdeeds of right-wingers were highlighted, it was done in a less prominent manner.
      Those who were deemed as "victims of communism" were venerated but victims of anti-communist purges were given much lower status or not considered as important.
      Maybe some reference to Argentina which made the mistake of falling out with the UK over the Falklands. Other than that , similar right-wing military regimes in South-Central America got little mention.
      The Western media avoided labelling Suharto as a dictator until after 1998. In earlier times, the Western media used the official term of guided democracy to describe the Suharto system.

    • @kosakata8632
      @kosakata8632 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@dwiwahyuharyanto1986 trus kenapa lo ga pindah jakarta aja? XD
      Jangan liat makmurnya doang, lo mau kaga jam kerja dan etosnya disamain? gw berangkat kerja subuh pulang sampe rumah jam 8-9 malem, sabtu minggu kadang gw masi belajar buat upgrade skill
      Kaga usah jauh2, liat aja anak JKT48 itu banyak yg SMP/SMA jam kerjanya udah dia atas lo

    • @dwiwahyuharyanto1986
      @dwiwahyuharyanto1986 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@kosakata8632 itu pulang jam 9 biasa buat admin, gak cuma jakarta. Pindah ke Jakarta? Gak akan banyak kadrunnya. Konser coldplay aja mau dibubarkan. Bukannya tambah maju malah mundur ke abad ke 7

    • @kosakata8632
      @kosakata8632 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ​@@dwiwahyuharyanto1986 admin pulang jam 9 tapi kompetensinya kan ya cuman gitu2 doang, kaga ada persaingannya sama sekali ya sama aja boong
      Kadrun mah cuman minoritas, ormas/aktivis pengganggu di kota manapun pasti ada dan ga bikin mundur juga. Lo mau pindah negara yg ga ada kadrun misal timor leste, vanuatu, papua new guinea, liberia ya tetep aja kere
      Klo kompetensi lo tinggi di kota manapun bahkan di negarapun lo pasti makmur, klo skill ampas mah mau pindah daerah bahkan negara tetep aja kelas bawah
      Kalo dr nama lo jawa kah? harusnya lo ga percaya alesan2 begituan, klo lo masih bingung maksud gw coba lo pelajari motivasi/prinsip jawa soal kerja keras/kehidupan

  • @choonhockong8215
    @choonhockong8215 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    The innocent Indonesian Chinese were badly treated under President suharto regime. He banned Chinese education, cultural practice, forced the Chinese to drop Chinese names etc.

    • @vgz579
      @vgz579 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ini Indonesia bukan Tiongkok🤣🤣
      Cepat minta maaf😡😡

    • @Sraived16
      @Sraived16 8 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @steph4922
      @steph4922 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@vgz579do you know about human right? I guess you're not educated ? 😅😅

  • @DuncanLeeSam
    @DuncanLeeSam ปีที่แล้ว +40

    as a malaysian borneo, i like how they talking in bahasa baku. i understand them very clear

    • @Dhekem
      @Dhekem ปีที่แล้ว +10

      That's how people used to talk in the old days. Before Sukarno&co rebranded BH Malay to BH Indonesia

    • @songlyrics6915
      @songlyrics6915 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      ​@@Dhekemsorry, what??? Sukarno and co rebranded Bahasa Melayu to Bahasa Indonesia? It was waaaaaaaay back in 1928, also the bahasa melayu that Indonesian use are rooted in Melayu-Riau. So technically, because Riau is a part of Indonesia we own the right to use, named, and so called "rebranding" it however we want

    • @baharm65
      @baharm65 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ⁠@@songlyrics6915hmmmm…Riau was in Indonesia back in 1928?

    • @negeriatasangin756
      @negeriatasangin756 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ​​@@baharm65 Malaysia only exists in 1957... Indonesia more older than Malaysia....

    • @motorola9956
      @motorola9956 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@baharm65It was under Dutch administration back then, under the name of Dutch-East Indies.

  • @pogogod6036
    @pogogod6036 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Indonesia today is relatively more open to talk about this topic. I am in my 30s and in my elementary school days (98-early 00s) we're taught PKI were the bad guys and Soeharto was the hero. Though I come to realize later that the reality isn't black and white and what happened in 1965 was a mess. I think we must acknowledge about our mistake as a new country in the past. I don't know how young Indonesians today are being taught about this topic at school, but we should look past beyond who's right or wrong and reach out to our unfortunate brothers and sisters who became the innocent victims of the incident.
    Sadly because of how we've been programmed about the incident, many Indonesians still have an unfavorable view toward the exiles and see them as "PKI" (which become one of the worst derogatory term in the country). Government all over the world do the same thing and control the narrative to their citizens, but the fact that our government ready to admit about the mistake is an important move toward the right direction.

  • @harukrentz435
    @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    IF they want to return then the gov should do everything in their power to make it happen. These innocent people deserve their own homeland.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      These Commies don't. Dont lets your Pity Blind you to the Horrors that could have come. Cambodia is a text book Example ehat happens when Commies Gain Power.

    • @CitizenCan
      @CitizenCan ปีที่แล้ว

      That's the point. Do you seriously think the Indonesian Government want them back? It is just lip service...

    • @zulucruz664
      @zulucruz664 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Well you think the same country who condemn a certain group of people who wanted to come home after being exiled for roughly 2000 years, would welcome them?

    • @henocksherlock3340
      @henocksherlock3340 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@zulucruz664Good thing it wasn't 2 millenia

    • @JohnSmith-vy7ck
      @JohnSmith-vy7ck 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Some of them have militant attitudes. Breeding ground for terrorism.

  • @gondala
    @gondala ปีที่แล้ว +72

    As indonesian, I believe the government has done the right thing to acknowledge about their mistake in the past. I believe it was part of Indonesian history. I agree if they can come back again to indonesia and live as normal person, but i disagree with the idea that some figures should brought to justice because of their crime. I think this idea is not productive because it would make another problem which make another tension between supporter of each side. I think, the best solution is, acknowledge the mistake, give compensation, and give indonesian citizenship.

    • @muhammadshalahuddin6886
      @muhammadshalahuddin6886 ปีที่แล้ว

      True, i mean look at their demand after the government admit their wrongdoing and offer reparations (restoring their citizenship or multi visits visa) they said its still not enough to payback their suffering during the soeharto era. Like the ones doing that (the 1960s) have been stripped from the government by the new government. Why they still asking for more than that lol. Ask apology from the orde baru not reformasi, by asking more than what the government has offered them makes them look like a greedy person thats trying to get leverage by playing the victim cards

    • @vindikurniawan1383
      @vindikurniawan1383 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "the right thing" my asss!!

    • @gondala
      @gondala ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vindikurniawan1383 yes, doing on your right ass.

    • @berserk9564
      @berserk9564 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vindikurniawan1383 yes your ass

    • @agustinusmaking4300
      @agustinusmaking4300 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The right thing?? Bro do some research on your country's histories!

    @IMBREISGAU ปีที่แล้ว +73

    The "Coup" is effectively in effect to this day. The word "Socialist" or "Communist" is still taboo, despite Indonesian, fundamentally adhere to some of its value, despite some of its value enshrined within Pancasila. I honestly don't know how these conflict between the exiles and the state could resolve, especially when they asked for a public apology which the country will never do because Soeharto's version of the history is *the* history each of us Indonesian must adhere to.

    • @hikashia.halfiah3582
      @hikashia.halfiah3582 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      And the demand of bringing the "criminals" to justice also impossible. Beside political reason, many of them are in high places or well connected. TBH, being anti-communist is already part of Indonesia national identity, you either accept it or conceal your belief if you are on the other side.

    • @ryerye9019
      @ryerye9019 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      The sad reality is that the Indonesian army has killed more of its own citizens than foreign invaders or colonial occupiers. They were trained by the Japanese who have a history of committing many war crimes in Asia. Indonesia would have been a more prosperous and stable country if there had between a peaceful transfer of power like with Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, and Hong Kong. That dark period really set Indonesia back. Military dictatorship has long lasting scars. For 41 years out of 78, Indonesia has been ruled by a military general, including SBY.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      With good reason. Its because of the Communist Purge that saved Indonesia. One only needs to look at Communism and Socialism actually being tried in Asia to see how horrible it is.

    • @mlxdc88
      @mlxdc88 ปีที่แล้ว

      2023, and there are still a lot of people who believe what Suharto did is for the good of the country, the effect of 32 years of propaganda 😢

      @IMBREISGAU ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@silverhawkscape2677 Nuance: Indonesia basically created by Communist/Socialist. Soekarno, Hatta etc. and much of the Revolutionary Student/thinker are adhering to Communist/Socialist value which uphold staunch Anti-Colonialization/Imperialization.
      Indonesia resistance to Dutch Kingdom is "Marx's idea put into practice".
      Communist purge doesn't save Indonesia from anything, 1998 reform saw to that, back to square one.
      Indonesia's Ideology is a Centrist Ideology which made by largely Communist/Socialist educated thinker but in regard to Indonesian culture (First Sila, Fourth Sila etc.)

  • @karapposain9479
    @karapposain9479 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    As an indonesian myself, it's not that we don't want to talk about this matters, but as of this moments, we are still afraid to talk about this honestly. There's too many activists who already talk about this and "magically" gone missing. Or worse we're gonna have to deal with UU ITE (information & technologies law). I'm just gonna say that we're currently looking at a more complicated matter than what it seems. We know all 3 of the sides of the stories, we all acknowledge the atrocities that has been done, we also acknowledge that this whole propaganda is wrong. But I just wanna say to the govt that it is not okay to show the whole propaganda movie without censorship to children in school as early as middle school every year. Please don't let the younger generation carry the whole trauma, I think it's fine as long as they know the severity of this matter. ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว

      "Gone missing".
      Who are they? No activists have gone missing for talking about this subject in the past 15 years, the average people just dont care because they think communism is stvpid (which is ironic considering those commie haters have the same commie mindset too in a way they want everything to be subsidized) 😂

  • @melaniemoka
    @melaniemoka ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Puluhan tahun di negeri orang tak bisa pulang tapi masih fasih bahasa indonya.. Woow😮😮❤❤

    • @st12nus17
      @st12nus17 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      biasa ah, smua org jg akan begitu klo sdh menguasai bahasa gak akan lupa dan tetap akan bisa fasih walopun dia berpuluh2 taon berganti bhs lain.

    • @RollandGarros02
      @RollandGarros02 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mrk org2 terpelajar juga...polyglot, mampu berbahasa bermacam2... Beda zaman skrg, bahasa Indonesia aja masih payah...😅

  • @mikechow5317
    @mikechow5317 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    There's always a dark side of leaders who want to gain power and rule a country. Extremists also want a share of power. When opinions differ, conflicts arise and lead to wars, civil unrest and riots. More often than not, commoners become innocent victims. Indonesia has gone through alot in the last 70 years. The younger generation would not recall the events of 1965/1966 or even in 1998 during the Asian Financial Crisis as they were probably not born then. But history cannot repeat itself - anymore - if Indonesia wants to move forward both economically and politically as a democratic nation. President Jokowi has made the right decision to apologise for the atrocities committed during the dark days of 1965/1966. After all, King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands apologised on behalf of his country for the excessive violence suffered by the Indonesians during their struggle for independence when he and his wife, Queen Maxima, visited Indonesia in March 2020.

    • @silverhawkscape2677
      @silverhawkscape2677 ปีที่แล้ว

      He shouldn't have. Commies don't deserve it because these same Commies if they were in his Position would have never Apologized for their atrocities.

  • @mozeschristian
    @mozeschristian 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Thank you CNA for the documentary, i hope many young Indonesian can get history from other side like this, not only from goverment and army naration

  • @MrRikkiPogi
    @MrRikkiPogi ปีที่แล้ว +17

    This is very educational. And expertly produced as well. The recent political history of Indonesia and the Philippines is almost parallel. Suharto and Marcos were reportedly the closest allies in Southeast Asia of the late 1960s-1980s. Both hated dictators. President Jokowi is an enlightened leader from what I am reading now....acknowledging the mistakes of the past. Ferdinand E Marcos, Jr., son of the dictator and current Philippine president, is engaged in revisionism of history denying the truth of the evils of his father's martial law regime.
    I enjoy reading and watching anything about Indonesian history and politics.

    • @Dhekem
      @Dhekem ปีที่แล้ว

      Tbh communism has always been a real threat in Indonesia and PKI had been instrumentalised by Sukarno in the years prior to 1965 (1945-1964) to kill ethnic minority leaders in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi even Maluku...except this is something literally noone in the current Indonesian government admits. They are whitewashing and making REVISIONIST history falsifications about it. In line with this documentary, it's a one-sided story. The 1965 episode was a revenge action for Sukarno's pogroms against ethnic leaders and for which he had instrumentalised the PKI.

    • @TLCTLC-cg6cm
      @TLCTLC-cg6cm ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jokowi what? He's just as bad as all the rest. A conman and puppet. Who had allied himself to Prabowo Subianto (a known warcriminal and Suharto's son in law).

  • @Andy0770
    @Andy0770 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Indonesia under Jokowi has more guts for admitting country's past misdeed seeking reconciliation, while in Malaysia right-wing Malays still fearmongering May 13 incident, to subjugate non-Malays.

    • @bukitkatilmp
      @bukitkatilmp ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Malaysia and Singapore eliminated communism about the same time. With the last vastage of communism during the 1970s. Do not confuse the elimination of communism with domestic politics today. They are not the same. The current situation is political and not ideological.

  • @srihariyanik1178
    @srihariyanik1178 ปีที่แล้ว +6


  • @aviecenakhatulistiwa4544
    @aviecenakhatulistiwa4544 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    00:03 Indonesian exiles accused of being communist sympathizers offered citizenship reinstatement by President Joko Vidodo.
    05:01 Indonesia's Exiles face persecution, imprisonment, and murder if they return.
    09:28 Indonesian exiles face challenges returning home
    15:21 Indonesia's Exiles: Too Late To Return Home?
    19:52 The United States funded a campaign to suppress the 30th September movement in Indonesia.
    22:52 Exiles' hope for returning home
    28:12 Indonesian exiles in the Netherlands, unable to return home.
    34:04 Indonesian exiles seeking restoration of citizenship and reconciliation with the past
    38:29 Indonesia's exiles face challenges in returning home
    44:07 Indonesia's exiles face political obstacles in returning home.
    Crafted by Merlin AI.

  • @SonyThamrin
    @SonyThamrin ปีที่แล้ว +9

    And now, the descendants of Indonesian diaspora abroad are becoming junior and senior football players for the Indonesian national team.
    They are playing in the U17 World Cup in Indonesia, and are playing in the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. They are struggling to restore the nationalism of their parents.

  • @SuarSatya
    @SuarSatya 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Sukarno descendant versus Suharto descendant is still on until now.

  • @ekowahyudiefendi7107
    @ekowahyudiefendi7107 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Actually i believe what is more sad is that we have not move on as a nation, it still have impacted much on the current culture and the people's way of thinking.

  • @ontowiryo4952
    @ontowiryo4952 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    in new era right now, many have return back, this country is making a lot of effort for this, there are also those who stay outside because they have already done so It's all about how they choose, we try to facilitate, we try to elaborate

  • @widhawanaryopradhita2966
    @widhawanaryopradhita2966 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Thank you CNA for this episode and investigation. This is treasure for us Indonesians! I personally respect the choices of those exiles, whether to stay away from Indonesian citizenship or to reinstate their original citizenship. Thank you Pak Jokowi for the seminal statement for the past.

  • @audieadia5349
    @audieadia5349 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If you're interested about Indonesia's dark past (im refering to the aftermath of communist genocide in Indonesia), i suggest you watch a beautiful docummentary directed by Joshua Oppenheimer called "The Act of Killing" and its sequel "The look of silence". The first docummentary shows what truly happened during the aftermath of Soekarno's exile from the lens of the people who did the killing. It's a very well crafted docummentary and it's available on youtube.

  • @NoName-ho3dx
    @NoName-ho3dx 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is really great insight on maybe the darkest time in Indonesia's History since Independence. Its a shame that even until today, people still easy to be led or encourage to hurt or hate their own people. The problem wasn't because of the Communist's Ideology, same like Imperialism, was it bad? The only reason the country that adopt it crumbles was because of Corruption again, corruption of power, money, and doing things just for the sake of their political group. When the era of Imperialism fall, people in the new era says imperialism is bad, when communism fall, people in the new era says communism is bad, it might not far in the future before the era of democracy fall and guess what, yes the people in the new era will says democracy is bad.... The important things was for us wasn't to avoid or hate certain ideology, it is to learn from past and don't repeat it again.....

  • @putriazzahra9139
    @putriazzahra9139 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    walaupun saya tidak lahir dan hidup pada zaman itu, saya tetaplah merupakan bagian dari bangsa Indonesia dan sudah seharusnya terbuka mata, hati, dan pikiran untuk terlibat dengan perkembangan kasus seperti ini. kita juga seharusnya mempertimbangkan dampak jangka panjang dari perbuatan masa lalu baik bagi korban maupun kepada para pelaku. keadilan dan pertanggunjawaban sangat penting untuk keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat kita. pelanggaran hak asasi manusia berat harus diadili tanpa pandang bulu, tanpa memandang waktu atau perubahan zaman karna ini adalah prinsip dasar dalam menjaga keadilan dan hak asasi manusia. cobalah untuk setidaknya memahami perspektif korban dan keluarga korban.

    • @Mario-tan
      @Mario-tan ปีที่แล้ว

      Upgrade otak dan empati dulu.
      Saya waktu masih tk berbelanja dengan ortu ada orang teriak depan muka "cina anjing, balik lagi ke negara lu sana" "cina penindas islam" dll.
      Bahkan saat kasus pilgub dki ahok kemarin, rasisme itu merambat ke mana".
      Sudah 25 tahun berlalu sifat tidak berubah, sedangkan tionghoa rajin belajar, kerja untuk melindungi masa depan nya agar masa lalu tidak terulang. Sedangkan masih ada orang yg carry over sifat dan karakter dari 25 tahun lalu. Memalukan !!

  • @Dhekem
    @Dhekem 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    So many Indonesian nationalists run hard to the Netherlands after so-called independence....knowing what happened after, they must have so many regrets believing the Javanese Dictators...😔😔😪

    • @OnionIlan
      @OnionIlan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Soekarno was half Balinese

    • @royanjunior9782
      @royanjunior9782 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@OnionIlan sukarno wasn't dictator

    • @sullivan6661
      @sullivan6661 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Dan china Malaysia menyesal hidup dibawah fasis Melayu 😂

  • @demitedan
    @demitedan ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Bangsa yang besar belajar dari setiap noda hitam dalam catatan sejarahnya dan berusaha agar itu tidak terjadi lagi. Gejala polarisasi nasionalis-agama yang muncul di tahun 60an kayaknya mulai nongol lagi nih

  • @lilytoh3580
    @lilytoh3580 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    In both Indonesia and Malaysua, it is always the hard working, peaceful Chinese who are bullied and killed for their success, especially in making their land productive, or are successful in their business enterprises, and in the seventies, the Chinese were raped and killed in Acheh, on an Indonesian island and the murders and rapes were hushed up in the press. In Malaysia, in the twenty-twenties, successful Chinese farmers were forced off their lands, government agents falsely claiming that the government need their lands and there were no compensations. Farmers who refused, find their crops destroyed and slashed; many farmers suffer fear, depression and there were a number of suicides as the farmers were left with nothing to compensate for their labour, fertilisers, water usage, fencing, farming tools, and hours of trials and frustration, pest control and costs.
    Quite often, when people are jailed without trials, they are murdered while in prison and these deaths are easily and falsely covered up as suicides. None of the prison deaths are ever investigated nor will any case be entertained. The culprits know this all along and will commit murders

    • @baharm65
      @baharm65 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Can you prove it its their land? Or they just plundering (i.e stealing) governmenr land without paying taxes?
      How many of them being jailed? How many of them got killed while in jail?
      Better back up you claim with facts…otherwise you are just a professional lier.

  • @cominghome9355
    @cominghome9355 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm indonesian and i dont want to live in indonesia at all because the govt here are soo corrupt to the point had me enough to contribute further for this country.
    Now, I'm on my way now to find a way to seek refuge to other country and completely change my nationality.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Gegayaan lo panjul masih pake pertalite, lpg melon, listrik pln, dan bpjs all while gak bayar pajak.... 😂 tapi bagus deeh cabut buruan enak beban subsidi pemerintah berkurang 😂😂😂

    • @AlishaBurrows-x3h
      @AlishaBurrows-x3h ปีที่แล้ว

      coba masuk pemerintahan, jangan korupsi dan jadilah contoh untuk tidak korupsi. berkontribusi lah untuk negeri. lari bukan lah solusi & setiap negara punya masalahnya masing masing

  • @426dfv
    @426dfv ปีที่แล้ว +81

    Will CNA Insider do an episode on Singaporeans who were exiles from Singapore?
    Singapore's Exiles: Too Late To Return Home?

    • @jameshue55
      @jameshue55 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      To Singapore, with love, already carries a very heavy message to the PAP office bearers.

      @UPIL.INDONESIA ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@jameshue55 😅 true. With love from PAP, really deep regret for the inconvenience.

    • @WarzoneOfficial22789
      @WarzoneOfficial22789 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cina yg terafiliasi elit global kek Singapura lebih berbahaya daripada Cina komunis daratan.

    • @mokhtaramran7041
      @mokhtaramran7041 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @leonardowynnwidodo9704
      @leonardowynnwidodo9704 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Did a similar event happen in Singapore?

  • @pargamonskaya1618
    @pargamonskaya1618 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Thanks to the CIA for this mess with their infamous "The Jakarta Method"

  • @bambangprayitno8585
    @bambangprayitno8585 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Sudahlah pak dan Bu di tempat tinggal anda sekarang tidak lebih buruk dari Indonesia yang sedang menuju ke era Neo orde baru. My. Fingers crossed always for you my friends, you are not an outcast.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว

      SAY WHAT AGAIN? 😂😂😂

    • @sirihsirih4938
      @sirihsirih4938 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sirihsirih4938
      @sirihsirih4938 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​Meanwhile S@rwo Edhie Wib0w0 the TNI General leading the socalled 'cleaning 0perations' and who has murd3r3d 3 million people is a Nati0nal Her0 in Indonesia-🇮🇩☠️💀

    • @momochiochiochi
      @momochiochiochi 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Lah baru di pemerintah sekarang berani meminta maaf dan mengakui mereka puluhan tahun sama aja ngebuang mereka 😂

  • @putugede5580
    @putugede5580 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I can't imagine how sad they are. Sent by their country to study abroad in order to build the country in the future, but in the end they could't return back and contact their family

  • @ernij409
    @ernij409 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Pengakuan harus dibarengi dengan dimasukannya fakta-fakta ini ke dalam buku pelajaran sejarah dengan harapan sejarah tidak akan terulang.

    @FWINAR ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Appreciate CNA Insider exposes this long unspoken issue. Thank you.

  • @SukacitaYeremia
    @SukacitaYeremia ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Mr. Mahfud MD, the minister who refused to apologize is a certified badass oldie. I hope he learns the consequences of his words there because even if he's a little brash, he can be quick to reevaluate and admit mistakes. He's a good bureaucrat despite sometimes throwing caution or tact out the window. I hope he redeems himself like Mark Rutte

    • @BrightestStar1023
      @BrightestStar1023 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Agree. I found him not wise and unemphatic for saying that. This forum that they held felt like a formality rather than inclination to address the actual issues.
      I found most politicians in Indonesia are arrogant when they’re in power.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mahfud came from religious bloc, if you knew history between the communist and religious blocs in Indonesia you'll understand why there was still little bit of disdain toward communism. I think Gus Dur was the only figure from religious bloc who was completely chill about communism, heck i remember when he threw an idea to revive communism in Indonesia in 2000 😂😂😂😂

    • @al_zaizal
      @al_zaizal ปีที่แล้ว +1

      not just him, many of party member from theis-democracy party have that kind of opinion.

    • @jerry_moo
      @jerry_moo ปีที่แล้ว

      By using the term "a certified badass oldie" you seem to have mischaracterized him in a positive light in the beginning, even though this might not be your intention. Also he's a good bureaucrat? The man does absolutely nothing from the moment he assumed his vice presidency.

    • @RollandGarros02
      @RollandGarros02 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      His former boss Presiden GusDur also the chief of NU intended to offer full apology and recognizition of 1965 victims ...but faced nationwide backlash. Mahfud was with him back then but lately he changed his stance....well, politician is what politician does

  • @mijnschatvita
    @mijnschatvita ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Salut for indonesian roots who are still speaks indonesian..

  • @gefyaqiilah6678
    @gefyaqiilah6678 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    really very sad what they were struggling in the past, and what they said, they still have indonesia in their heart 🥀

  • @taxol2
    @taxol2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Live where you’re treated fairly, and move on.

    • @valorzinski7423
      @valorzinski7423 ปีที่แล้ว

      The US would never leave Asians and Africans alone as long as they exist. I had to fight off CIA backed genociders back in 2020, that was only 3 years ago
      Only intergenerational full spectrum warfare against The West and the races that allied with them can bring about their defeat and true freedom for Asians

  • @dwicahyono4188
    @dwicahyono4188 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ooooooooo ternyata AD memang akan kudeta, saya baru tahu. Terimakasih CNA. Ternyata tujuan PKI bagus tapi caranya terlalu kejam.

    • @jnlui7283
      @jnlui7283 ปีที่แล้ว

      11 12 kek perang Korea. peran US sama Soviet bikin Korea pecah. yg patut disyukuri Indonesia ga jd kek Korea yg pecah. apalagi perang saudara sampe skrng

    • @Leon-dx4jc
      @Leon-dx4jc 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      yang merdekain indonesia aja PKI kalo bilang ulama itu hoax, alutsista tua indonesia itu bukti

    • @rickville8898
      @rickville8898 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@Leon-dx4jchoax matamu pki pki.. tabiatnya suka memutar balik fakta

  • @LaiChingLeong-p6i
    @LaiChingLeong-p6i ปีที่แล้ว +44

    CNA, there’s a film banned in Singapore called (To Singapore, with Love?) that filmed the lives of exiled Singaporeans. Can you do some research on that?

    • @426dfv
      @426dfv ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @mokhtaramran7041
      @mokhtaramran7041 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @D.P.617
      @D.P.617 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      lets see how long this comment lasts 😅

    • @LaiChingLeong-p6i
      @LaiChingLeong-p6i ปีที่แล้ว

      @@D.P.617 what do you mean?

    • @D.P.617
      @D.P.617 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@LaiChingLeong-p6i oh nothing, just want to see if cna dare to expose their dark past in their own country. if they dont like it , they can delete this whole comments. i reckon

  • @ulostempe
    @ulostempe ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To apologies is to be ready to admit Truth, only it's not suppose to be partial.

  • @andreastano7920
    @andreastano7920 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Thank you CNA for this special episode.

  • @Alre
    @Alre 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Honestly, I think people who were exiled before 2000, especially '98, should reconsider coming back for now. It might be wise to wait until after the presidential election and a bit longer due to setbacks in the human rights department 😢

  • @Kotak8
    @Kotak8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    While the predominantly Malay Malaysian gov still refuses to recognize killing of ethnic Chinese Malaysian in May 1969, namely the May 13 massacre.

  • @muhammadhanif4113
    @muhammadhanif4113 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    May the younger one reconcile and find the right truth so this tragedy not repeated.

  • @balsafarmers10
    @balsafarmers10 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My ex's dad was one of them and he is living in the Netherlands now getting older and older each day. And he never visited indonesia since then.

    • @AhamdMushaffa
      @AhamdMushaffa 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What you mean ex dad ?

  • @awequayzngs1780
    @awequayzngs1780 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Always too late ! Heavenly citizenship ❤ 👍

  • @Time4Peace
    @Time4Peace ปีที่แล้ว +15

    This video piece could have been better researched. Just a google search of the Wikipedia and declassified documents show how much US was directly involved in the failed 1958 coup against Sukarno and subsequent successful coup years later. The US was silent about the atrocities because CIA was directly involved with supplying of arms, advisory support and training of rebel commanders. President Eisenhower even ordered the coup by CIA and even American/Filipino pilots were directly involved in the 1958 coup.

    • @MsCorydorus
      @MsCorydorus ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Entire SE Asia would have fallen to communists that time. It was a turmoil time. Our view needs to take that into accord and perspective that time. SG would have been very different. There may not be even LKY and Singapore Story.

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว

      And I'm a moderate who consider Hamas a terrorist.Imagena what AN AVERAGE INDOENSIAN THINK WHEN THEY READ THIS AND UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING!

  • @youtuberelaxing5273
    @youtuberelaxing5273 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Dikirim soekarno tahun 1960
    Pengembalian hak warganegara 2023
    Itu berarti sudah 63 tahun
    Kalau usia mereka dikirim 25 tahun
    Artinya dapat ampunan di usia 88 tahun???
    Sangatttt terlambat

  • @mistervo8185
    @mistervo8185 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Hmmm ...kinda seems like that little known general suhata had alot to gain from that September 30 attack. Almost like he is the one behind the attack....

    • @yukiaditya7352
      @yukiaditya7352 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      He was. You can read on CIA now openly to be accessed documents about their influence in Indonesia behind Soeharto regime.

    • @firstnamelastname6071
      @firstnamelastname6071 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Facts. It's the most well-known play and strategy yet people are still blind.

  • @aidanross9489
    @aidanross9489 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    How could NKRI be sooo cruel??

  • @CitizenCan
    @CitizenCan ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Why would anyone want to exchange living in Europe for Indonesia?

    • @saintkun2708
      @saintkun2708 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      It's called nationalism, something your country doesn't have

    • @CitizenCan
      @CitizenCan ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@saintkun2708 Thank God my country is not obsessed with nationalism... nationalism is so outdated... it's a sentiment that had been used ad nauseum by dictators to justify their evil. Prime examples of this in our recent history are Nazi Germany, and 1990s Yugoslavia... It says a lot about a country when it still harps on nationalism, despite well-documented evils that had been caused in the name of nationalism...

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว

      I don't understand? Europe is GOING TO STAGNATE AND BE POORER. Indonesia IS GOING TO GROW AND BE RICH AND POWERFUL. Just look at britian now, before I was jealous,now I'm glad everything including food is cheap. Lol your statement is Soo funny no way the world stay the same. The world alwasy change, how else Europe gone form poor back water to rich conqueror criminals. Just kidding justified innovative explorer lol

    • @valorzinski7423
      @valorzinski7423 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Indonesia has been terrible since democracy due to the rise of crime and terrorism but I'd rather live in Indonesia in 2023 than Western Europe (way less violent crimes, way less terrorism, better economy, less drug addicts, less refugees)

    • @rickville8898
      @rickville8898 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@saintkun2708these Singaporean and Malaysian doesn't know nationalism is a thing not surprise tho

  • @sekars9724
    @sekars9724 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    sedih sekali. tidak boleh pulang ke negara sendiri. negara yang kita sebut rumah.
    sangat besar dan buruk dampak peristiwa berdarah G30S itu. jangan sampai terjadi lagi. itu adu domba antaranak bangsa kita sendiri. kita kan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Salinglah menghargai dan hidup damai di NKRI.
    generasi berikutnya punya peran mendamaikan kembali. apa yang sudah telanjur dan berbekas tidak bisa diulang lagi, tapi pintu perdamaian selalu ada dan terbuka.

  • @satriaamiluhur622
    @satriaamiluhur622 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I hope they stay there. Netherland is safer, has universal healthcare, and overall better living condition. Indonesia is too chaotic and polluted. Way too stressful here

    • @chila_skoo
      @chila_skoo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hanya dikota besar,

    • @taxol2
      @taxol2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      As they should. The Netherlands give them citizenship and shelter. One should only live where they’re treated fairly and move on.

    • @rifqimujahid4907
      @rifqimujahid4907 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@taxol2nederland is ethnostate

    • @krstlln
      @krstlln ปีที่แล้ว

      kau ndak faham belanda, sampai kau benar² ke sana, wahai katak dalam tempurung modal kuota ketengan. utk muslim indonesia fanatik bapuk kayak elu, elu pasti risih dgn prostitusi disana yang SANGAT TERBUKA dan malah disupport pemerintahannya.

    • @LynerxAurica
      @LynerxAurica ปีที่แล้ว

      I mean that's their decision to make. Better living condition doesn't make you change citizenship over night. These guys are old, what do you ezpect people who only have the end of their lives do? to get a piece of mind and nothIng else.

  • @lennyhardi3760
    @lennyhardi3760 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This day will never come, trust me...had waited forever. Whoever the president, this injustice and the hiatory will not be taught in the school and the juatice will mot be served.

  • @youxkio
    @youxkio ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yep, Prabowo is rolling back all the initial work for reconciliation by Jokowi. It will take many generations, all the involved generals in human rights violations to pass away, for something to start to heal the minds and souls of the Indonesian diaspora, across the world. 2050? Maybe.
    However, we have also to look at another perspective. Indonesia is today a country with a very active Muslim population with a tendency to close in over the other religious minorities, which can be another controversial barrier to accepting former victims' descendants to be admitted in Indonesia.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Prabowo and his family were once an exile too. His father ran away after the failed revolt of PRRI. Jokowi said enough is enough and gave pardon to everyone involved in both communist coups and PRRI revolt.

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว

      I disagree Those generals aren't criminals I don't want to live in a country where communism is like a religion it isn't as fulfilling. And disgusting honestly, absolutely DISGUSTING I would war to get rid of communism in Indonesia.

    • @suiro8455
      @suiro8455 ปีที่แล้ว

      Whut? Rolling back? Based on what fact?

    • @youxkio
      @youxkio ปีที่แล้ว

      Prabowo has strong links with the military and if he wins the elections we will witness the return of the nationalistic regime, centralized in the new Nusantara. He will impose stricter social rules to reduce the connections with the Chinese and increase relations with the US, Prabowo has too much-biased connectivity with the military and his thirst for concentrated power with crony elites will be inevitable. In line with global tendencies, Prabowo will also try to expand his tenure as President by changing the legislation on presidential mandates. This will bring many people to the streets and more people will be murdered, just like he did during Suharto's.@@suiro8455

    • @limmyk4943
      @limmyk4943 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@suiro8455 some Chinese-Indonesias have a terrible view of Prabowo because he was head of the military back in 1998 and a lot of us view him as the perpetrator of the massacres done to us.
      some of us associated him with Suharto a lot too so we're mostly actung on trauma.

  • @yumi9993
    @yumi9993 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    the next pressident after jokowi is the one who must apoligize to indonesia's Exiles,

    • @shoestring-budget08
      @shoestring-budget08 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Since Prabowo was part of Soeharto's family for some time, he MUST apologize

  • @ncoptwow361
    @ncoptwow361 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Better off in the Netherlands honestly

    • @freeagent8225
      @freeagent8225 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Its cooler😅.

    • @davidivory3234
      @davidivory3234 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      and no arab doctrines.

    • @krstlln
      @krstlln ปีที่แล้ว

      semua yang belum pernah kesana bilangnya juga gitu wkwkwkwwk setelah lama lama nyesel, sama buruknya dgn indonesia.

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@davidivory3234Christianity,Jews and Islam is all Arabic/Levant doctrine. Sorry but that's what we indonesians think is the source. But now all religion is Indonesia doctrine becuz some religious doctrine doesn't compensate culture and that's a big BS to us

    • @cahyanatresnam
      @cahyanatresnam ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@davidivory3234thats so true..and i am dreaming indonesia will soon leave this doctrin

  • @_oceanman
    @_oceanman 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why would you want to come back? A disjointed nation waiting for a spark to get violent.

  • @TLCTLC-cg6cm
    @TLCTLC-cg6cm ปีที่แล้ว +10

    What about the Papuans still being murdered by Indonesian army today? Maybe focus on whats happening today instead of 60 years ago. It's hypocrite to close your eyes and cherrypick on what human rights abuses should be addressed. Why no exclusive documentary about West Papua situation.

    • @glorious1133
      @glorious1133 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      are u talking about the separatist movement?

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@glorious1133 isn't it ironic how you call them terrorist or separatists when all they want it their Freedom. You are no better than the Dutch. In fact you are MUCH worse.

    • @TLCTLC-cg6cm
      @TLCTLC-cg6cm ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I am talking about Papuan exiles like Raki Ap, who's father, a peaceful Papuan civilian who was jailed and murdered by TNI.
      Why no documentary on all those Papuans who were murdered by TNI just so Jakarta can get their hands on Papua's natural resources and Grasberg goldmine.

  • @nine_millimeter
    @nine_millimeter 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ingatlah, sejarah diukir oleh sebelah pihak yang menang.

  • @sirihsirih4938
    @sirihsirih4938 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Don't forget to mention TNI general Sarwo Edhie who led the 1965 "cleaning operations" in East Java..and admitted to have killed 3 million people. Guess what, Sarwo Edhie is another so-called Indonesian "National Hero"🇮🇩☠️💀🤢

    • @geschmackj209
      @geschmackj209 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And father in law of Indonesia's former president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

  • @cilikponpon
    @cilikponpon 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    sbg warga keturnan di Indonesia yg dulunya juga dibatasi gerak gerik dan aktivitas normal nya, usul saya stay di sana aja, plg tidak lebih terjamin fasilitasnya dan disiplin masyarakatnya... di sini skrg bisa stress kena millenials termsk generasi instan Indonesia yg alamak ga jelas falsafah hidupnya

  • @hikashia.halfiah3582
    @hikashia.halfiah3582 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    43:25 On Prabowo. There was interesting tidbits that, when visiting a pesantren (islamic boarding school), he met a German student. Then they talk in Germans, but students around being young and a bit insensitive, remark "H**ler language!". But he tried to refute it and correct it to "language of Goethe, Einstein, etc." seemingly trying hard to correct the other students to not offend the German student.
    It may not mean much, but maybe it indicated that his human rights violation records was (mostly) motivated by nationalistic reason, and not for bloodthirsty-ness. And he did it because of his sense of necessary duty for people in his position. But because of exactly this that, even if he knows that it was a gross human rights violation, he would deem the pki purge as necessary and will never make any progress towards reconciliation if he win the election.

    • @danielles7766
      @danielles7766 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Too convenient of an excuse. Rule of law had already exists back then and even before he was even born

    • @kelvindoang1228
      @kelvindoang1228 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The fact you justify killing other people because he treat german student fairly is weird

    • @hikashia.halfiah3582
      @hikashia.halfiah3582 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@kelvindoang1228 You can say whatever, immoral, unjustified, or whatever. But I rather have this than a communist Indo. And I know for sure I'm not a minority in this.
      Note that, I'm not saying we should have Orba v2. No, his time is over, reformasi is a correct step. But what I'm saying is, if I were put in the same situation as Suharto, I would definitely do the same thing.
      G30S was a product of violent time and violent (pki) ideology. And it's not only one side with blood in their hands. It's both side. It just so happens one side just won so decisively. I would even argue that the winning side this time was the more benevolent of the two (or the less wicked, for you half-empty glass guys).
      Look, I support national apology for the human rights victims. What I don't support is some people who try portraying pki as victim, even further condoning its vile ideology. Reflecting current situation, it's like saying Israel don't have a right to self-defense against terrorist group.

    • @kelvindoang1228
      @kelvindoang1228 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@hikashia.halfiah3582 agree communism could go die somewhere else, but i dont know why chindo is assosiated with PKI since mostly communist root are poor / rural citizen which means mostly not chinese, but nowdays its synonym to hate chinese because they are communist

    • @hikashia.halfiah3582
      @hikashia.halfiah3582 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@kelvindoang1228 I'm really sorry for that. But I guess the association of chindo with pki probably because of mainland china ruled by ccp. It's sad that it happens. I hope we see ccp fall in our lifetime, and especially disassociation of chindo with communism. Indonesia would be much better with less racism and religious intolerance.

  • @kapk
    @kapk ปีที่แล้ว

    The rapidly changing geopolitics and disclosure of the Jakarta Method has made this possible to acknowledge after so long.

  • @idyudhaperdana8956
    @idyudhaperdana8956 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    L’historie se répète… previously when the PKI and supporters were in power, they pressed the religious group and the Government did nothing… In some region, it may dated back to 1946, like Social Revolution in East Sumatra for Malay people, they were under pressure until the PKI was disbanned… However, revenge really resulted no winners, especially when one in power, and the country and organs remained silent during the tragedy occurred…despite being raised by the previous system, of course they must play safe, including cut relationships with the defeated regime…

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      many of them were not even pki members or supporters they were students sent to eastern bloc countries to learn engineering, physics, and nuclear. theres a reason why after orba came to power our human development got slower because the smart people we sent abroad couldnt get back.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's like Sukarno idolators believe they hold exclusive rights to apologies..
      Who is going to apologize for the pogroms committed by PKI in the years 1946 until 1964. Sukarno literally instrumentalised PKI to kill ethnic leaders and any opposition to the Sukarno/Java regime.
      Those victims are COMPLETELY forgotten.
      Always the same Sukarno idolators who take word. I know this particular activist lead by Artien Utrecht in the Netherlands. They are horrible hypocrites. Not even the Chinese families that were tortured and jailed by Suharto are represented.
      Disgraceful this group of Sukarno idolators and Java Nationalists who only had their passport taken, that's all. They are fully HYPOCRITES.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This group of "activists" from the Netherlands are not who they pretend to be. Not the real hardcore victims of either of the Indonesian regimes. Both Sukarno and Suharto made atrocities against civilians. By great uncle was tortured and jailed. But not represented in this group at all. The group here are only a bunch of SUKARNO idolators from the Netherlands lead by Artien Utrecht a pure Javacentric Indonesian Ultra-Nationalist. It has Nothing to do with the real victims of the Jawa regimes or 1965.
      Only a few privileged SUKARNO idolators who had their passport confiscated.
      It's pure hypocrisy tbh.

    • @ab-mf5tt
      @ab-mf5tt ปีที่แล้ว

      Udah jelas ya video ini memang ditujukan untuk pencemaran nama baik Indonesia jadi ya wajar lah kalo mereka berfikir sepihak.

    • @queen84sasha
      @queen84sasha ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ab-mf5tt not sure. I do know that this group of Indonesian diaspora in the Netherlands lead by Artien Utrecht are obsessed with their VICTIMHOOD and demanding apologies from everyone.
      They have nothing better to do in life. They are professional sh*t-stirrers.

  • @OOO.892
    @OOO.892 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Itu masa lalu meskipun pahit,move on...skrg kita bisa menilai sejarah masa lalu mana benar dan salah, tetapi di masa itu adalah pilihan atau tujuan untuk memilih kemana arah politik indonesia, karna uni soviet dan china yg dkt dngan indonesia susah pasti lebih cenderung ke komunis dan rival komunis amerika liberal pasti tdk diam...indonesia berada di anatara komunis,liberal dan islam...kalau di balik, liberal yg berkuasa saat itu pasti ada maslah juga dri komunis dan islam yg bertentangan...jdi semua itu bagian dari sejarah di masanya semua org akan bertahan dan saling memperjuangkan karna merasa sama² dlm ideologi yg benar.

    • @wymmyw8744
      @wymmyw8744 ปีที่แล้ว

      lagian ga kepake juga sekarang perang ideologi.. china uda bukan komunis.. ekonominya kapitalis.. USSR ancur jadi russia.. memekrika menang perang dingin dan menjadi tirani.. trend geopolitik sekarang adalah development.. bagi2 teknologi.. pembangunan infrastruktur.. hilirisasi.. mencapai kemerdekaan ekonomi.. modernisasi militer dan melawan hegemoni amerika.. lu mo islamist, mo sosialist, mo komunis, mo demokratis.. apapun itu uda kebuka semua siapa dalang sebenernya.. dan situasinya saking mepetnya, hal2 tentang kebenaran pun harus disisihkan kalo tidak bisa support trend masa kini..

    • @OOO.892
      @OOO.892 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wymmyw8744 makanya gue bilang move on...sejarah masa lalu buat di kenang bukan buat di jadiin beban batin, apa lagi menuntut minta maaf dari pemerintahan

    • @vindikurniawan1383
      @vindikurniawan1383 ปีที่แล้ว

      These two comments are morons! Move on klo keluarga lu dibantai dan diusir tanpa ada penyelesaian yg jelas dan bahkan permintaan maaf! Tiba2 suruh move on! What the hell u say!

  • @iwinlee
    @iwinlee ปีที่แล้ว +14

    1965-66 Massacre is something most Indonesian wouldn't ever aware if not because of the present of the Internet... maybe as secretive as 1989 Tiananment Massacre for Chinese...

    • @halolalala
      @halolalala ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If not for going to studies in film major, and listening to my friend talking about movie The Act of Killing (2012), i would never know about the massacre.

    • @TheDexsword
      @TheDexsword ปีที่แล้ว

      The other problem aknowlegding it meant is saying that The USA is also in the wrong which they have been trying to prevent too.
      So yeah I hate it but if the otherside doesnt show support to do that then RIP.

    • @aswiran
      @aswiran ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Most? I doubt it because plenty people know just don't want to talk about it. More so if you talk on most devastated place where it happens, Java and Bali. Children and teens who experience it still live on age around 60 to 80 you know? Did you know the massacre is vary place to place which most devastated was on Java and Bali? outside of those two place kinda lukewarm such as NTT or Maluku

    • @iwinlee
      @iwinlee ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aswiran most young people wouldn't aware of it bro... yes, we aware of G30S, we aware of PKI being disbanded and declared as forbidden party... but nothing about the massacre, until the age of Internet...
      maybe some kids know the story from their elders, but strictly only what happen in their surrounding area... i highly doubt they aware about the scale of the massacre... moreover New Order era is the era of heavy news censorship...

    • @Jim_Colbert
      @Jim_Colbert ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Most knew about it but don't want to talk..
      My parent told stories about building not far from my house that long time ago used as what he call " kamp penyiksaan " where lots of pki members brought and tortured there..

  • @marinhopaais426
    @marinhopaais426 ปีที่แล้ว

    CNA Insider thank you very much for producing this highly informative and educative content. The high quality of your content is very much appealing. Your channel becomes increasingly interesting for 3rd and 4th generation Indonesian's that are living in Europe.

  • @comnixx1
    @comnixx1 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    🤗👏👏👏👍💪🙏 regards from 🇲🇾 with ❤️
    The ugly side of politics… with good leadership the peoples livelihood will prosper like the present one.

  • @merdek4792
    @merdek4792 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's a crime against humanity when the government took their citizenship. 😢

  • @yovi234
    @yovi234 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Jd inget Jeng Yah di Serial Gadis Kretek

  • @a.darmatanra5005
    @a.darmatanra5005 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ini cerita tentang kondisi kawasan Asean sedang di obrak abrik oleh luar (Alien). Kawasan Asean harus tetap waspada.

  • @sirihsirih4938
    @sirihsirih4938 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sarwo Edhie, the TNI general that also led the West Papua invasion and sham referendum Act of No choice in 1969. In which thousands of Papuans were forced to vote against their own independence or were slaughtered. 💀🇮🇩

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Referendum was mediated by the UN, supervised by representatives from US, the Netherlands, and Indonesia. So cut the cr^p with your imagination.

    • @sirihsirih4938
      @sirihsirih4938 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ​@@harukrentz435 in denial or just a hypocrite.. keep it up...your lies and hypocrisy are all getting exposed. Overpride and false history won't cover up the truth forever.

  • @DanielHYNg
    @DanielHYNg ปีที่แล้ว

    When those exiles have built their new lives outside Indonesia, it's very unlikely for them to return to where they belong.

  • @vk-zd7qq
    @vk-zd7qq ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Few years ago I was on a student exchange program to Indonesia. All students had to sign a document stating they would NEVER criticize the Indonesian government. Then all our passports were confiscated by Indonesian authorities for many months. Until the end of the program in fact. This never happened in any other country I studied and made me realize the kind terrible regime Indonesia has. It's worse than North Korea. I later discovered about all the other terrible things going on in that country. Especially about the military violence in West Papua.

    • @rae_48
      @rae_48 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A few years ago? Specifically what year? If it was in the 90s i still believe that because the soeharto era is a dark era for local Indonesian like me but if it's in the 2000s and 2010s we had alot more freedom on criticizing the government

    • @vk-zd7qq
      @vk-zd7qq ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@rae_48 sorry this exchange was definitely not during Suharto era no. Precisely 4 years ago. I think you are unaware of the things your Indonesian government does. Or worse is if you choose to deny them. But to me as a foreign exchange student I could tell the situation in Indonesia is far from normal or as they like to claim 'democratic'.

    • @ttnate30
      @ttnate30 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@vk-zd7qq Jokowi was the president since 2014

    • @ab-mf5tt
      @ab-mf5tt ปีที่แล้ว

      America only cares about natural resources that Papua has. They never cared about the well being of the people.
      America owned Freeport (mining company) until Jokowi took power and ended that colonial-esque contract. All of a sudden, "West Papua" movement was born.

    • @geschmackj209
      @geschmackj209 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Worse than North Korea??😂Lol. What a great lie. I mean I know this government is not perfect but to call it worse than North Korea is just a plain lie. Looking at your profile pic, I am actually not surprised where this comment is coming from😂.

  • @kaysmith8992
    @kaysmith8992 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's rare that I sit through a 40+minute video... excellent documentary. Besides the military there is also the formidable influence of religious groups in Indonesia - perhaps manipulated by the military but they also use the military for their own ends - for that reason I'm pessimistic about the old generation of exiles ever truly being accepted back in Indonesia.

  • @muhammadmurjani8721
    @muhammadmurjani8721 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    aku pernah melihat catatan departemen intelejen amerika aku lupa apakah fbi atau cia, aku juga lupa secara detailnya tapi yang pasti tentang pemberontakan pki, hal ini terletak di nomor pertama pada catatan. rasanya mereka lebih tau daripada buku sejarah yang kubaca dulu

    • @UnnamedLexicon
      @UnnamedLexicon ปีที่แล้ว

      Kudeta soeharto memang dibantu sama amerika buat ngebuat indonesia poros anti Komunis, dan mereka menang, Nyatanya meskipun diktator, amerika masih ngedukung soeharto bahkan pas invasi timor juga pertamanya didukung takut timor jadi komunis disana. Kalo ga salah ada berita ini ada di buku The Jakarta Method.

    • @dododododododoood
      @dododododododoood ปีที่แล้ว

      The Jakarta Method:

    • @iwaniskandar9282
      @iwaniskandar9282 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ya ialah... Mereka jg bermain

  • @KoyokCabe
    @KoyokCabe ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Unfortunately the quality of Indonesian political leaders from time to time short of characters that we can call them leaders of nations. Soekarno liked to flirt women, Soeharto was so corrupt, the nexts are also corrupt and established chronyism, only in Jokowi the hope of clean leader grows. But unfortunately the 3.5 millions of bureaucrats have been so rooted in the culture of corrupt system and it may take decades before the transformation to clean government can really happen. While the most threat is coming from the extremist of radical groups in religion. This is the biggest time bomb. The number and the influence that erupts in violence, intolerance, hatred and discrimination grows each day silently and obviously in each aspect of society, education, military, economy, political and this is the one that ultimately can destroy Indonesia!

  • @waknganu
    @waknganu ปีที่แล้ว +3

    condolences for the history that has been hidden for a long time just for the sake of power and i think this also happens in all parts of the world, whether in the past or at present, the fact is that history belongs to the winner therefore it removes the human element, even though we have goal of birth and life is only one... to share goodness with humans and all living creatures, love you all [rainz]

  • @aryang4488
    @aryang4488 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And yet racism, discrimination towards Indonesian Chinese still happening. Suharto is behind all this ideology. He not allowed Chinese language, courses, even name in Chinese. What a crook!

    • @royanjunior9782
      @royanjunior9782 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      there is no discrimination anymore now, and chinese indonesian can speak chinese and also in kalimantan hakka or kek is one of the regional language in singkawang

    • @sullivan6661
      @sullivan6661 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Get out from your cave dude 😎

  • @khorchunhai788
    @khorchunhai788 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Best Indonesian president ever

  • @edyhermawan269
    @edyhermawan269 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you

  • @polycadence8482
    @polycadence8482 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Lest anyone forgets, Sukarno and later Suharto were both encouraged to purge anyone suspected of pro-communism or ethnic Chinese, by then US administration culminating the deaths of some 3 million Indonesians. Look no further than Henry Kissinger who egged Sukarno/Suharto into the genocide.

    • @harukrentz435
      @harukrentz435 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Im not even sure what Kissinger has to do with this, and no Sukarno didnt encourage the purge he tried to stop it but too powerless and soon lost his power and life.

    • @polycadence8482
      @polycadence8482 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@harukrentz435 Evidently, you 're not very well read and highly ignorant too. Look up CIA papers covering that period. CIA was secretly pushing for the ethnic & commie cleansing then.

    • @juniopradana4003
      @juniopradana4003 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Sukarno allied himself with PKI, he did not hate the red side. It was all suharto's doing.

    • @newwayto2323
      @newwayto2323 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sukarno rather middle man so that why he sough balance of East supporter and West supporter . . . but both PKI and Soeharto want to broke that balance .... but the PKI makes move first and that attempt failed in result , Soeharto get rit PKI and Soekarno supporter (even he just Neutral side) , Because Soeharto was USA puppet he get rit ALL communist ideology from indonesia and even invade timor leste (suspected supported communist)

    • @jerry_moo
      @jerry_moo ปีที่แล้ว

      I believe the CIA was directly involved in the purge at the time, not yet Kissinger. Kissinger comes into play during the whole East Timor invasion tragedy.

  • @awequayzngs1780
    @awequayzngs1780 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    To forgive is divine and to err is human. To forgive but not to be forgotten. Blood is on the perpetrators' hand.

  • @riel5197
    @riel5197 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    i am amazed that even after decades far from home most of them still speak Indonesian perfectly.
    once all problem settled, i believe they can just come back and blend well in the country.
    now about the apology. it's just a matter of ego, it's better to just drop it.
    govt has acknowledged the event. that's good enough.
    to apologize? who's doing it? the people in govt? Mahfud is right, they are not the same people they bear no such guilt.
    but that does not mean they will be unfairly prosecuted. DN Aidit's son being safe in the country is all the proof needed.
    if they so pessimistic about it, then it wont be happening.

  • @zuoaihengaoxing
    @zuoaihengaoxing 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bagi sy, yg cmn dicritain ama bapak dan budhe. Waktu itu emang menyedihkan. Bpak pernah dituduh PKI, untung warga banyak yg belain. Lain nasib budhe (asli Kudus) yg dikirim belajar ke China. Ga bisa balik ke Indo. Sampai meninggal di sana karena kangker paru paru. Di akhir hayatnya dia kadang masih pakai jarik kl di rumah. Sy pernah visit budhe di Peking 2005, dia jd dosen bahasa Inggris. Di rumah masih dengerin keroncong , kaset wayang. Dia pasti kangen Indonesia.

  • @Dhekem
    @Dhekem 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If more wise and responsible person than Sukarno had run that damned country none of this would have happened. They should blame themselves for being stupid enough supporting such a bad leader.
    Indonesia can take its sick history all the way to the South Pole and stay there. Not Indonesia but JAWA instead. Then all of Indonesia will be free from all these Jawa Dictators at last.

    • @OnionIlan
      @OnionIlan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Indonesian here, Soekarno was not a Javanese dictator, his mother was Balinese and the parliament declared him president for life without his consent. Get your history right

    • @Sil2iconDreams
      @Sil2iconDreams 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@OnionIlan these kinds of people always make out the javanese as if they're the root of all of their problems in their life lol. they can't find a better scapegoat

    • @OnionIlan
      @OnionIlan 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Sil2iconDreams Alot of Javanese leaders are troublesome but it's not the entire ethnicity's fault I agree

  • @shoestring-budget08
    @shoestring-budget08 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As long as orde baru inner circle are still alive and involved in the government, forget about acknowledging the dark past

  • @sdnalyam
    @sdnalyam ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Unless the Indonesian government pays full compensation with compound interest and returns all property and jails those responsible plus confiscate all their assets then all they say is meaningless.

    • @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice
      @TheAnonymousKnightOfJustice ปีที่แล้ว

      Bruh you're words if the Indonesian public hears. Sounds like Afghanistan Taliban demanding Indonesia to follow their lead on their treatment of their men and women. ABSURDLY CRAZY AND LAUGHABLE.

  • @senjumo
    @senjumo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lucu melihat pernyataan seorang Prof., tidak mencerminkan seorang negarawan & manusia yg bijak dalam hukum, menolak meminta maaf dgn narasi lempar tanggungjawab ke pemerintahan sebelumnya (seolah-olah pemerintahan Soekarno dan Soeharto bukan negara Indonesia), tidak menunjukkan adanya empati kepada saudara sebangsa yg teraniaya berpuluh tahun. Manusia egois kalau terlalu banyak di negara ini akan sangat berbahaya untuk kehidupan Kebhinekaan, bibit2 konflik dan kerusuhan sepertinya memang di pelihara utk sewaktu2 di pakai di negara ini, dan korbannya selalu org2 yg di anggap "berduit" dan berseberangan dgn kaum / organisasi tertentu (bukan penguasa).

  • @rabiatuladawiyahz9380
    @rabiatuladawiyahz9380 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great, next, SG's very own exiles pretty please.

  • @tohapsimangunsong
    @tohapsimangunsong 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The descendants of the exiles is now playing for Indonesia in Asian Cup 2024.