‘Train wreck’: Tony Abbott slams Labor’s ‘economic self-harm’ over energy debate

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Australia’s energy system is becoming a “slow-motion train wreck”, says former prime minister Tony Abbott.
    “We have been running our electricity system, not to produce affordable and reliable power, but to reduce emissions for the best part of a decade and a half,” Mr Abbott told Sky News host Peta Credlin.
    “This idea that we should rush to get rid of gas, rush to get rid of coal, when the rest of the world is hungry for our gas, hungry for our coal, it is an act of economic self-harm.”

ความคิดเห็น • 103

  • @ironsonic4102
    @ironsonic4102 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +20

    So true. Bye Labor

  • @nicholastaylor8154
    @nicholastaylor8154 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    It's got so ridiculous that it's now cheaper for me to burn wood to heat my house than gas and electricity

  • @petercunningham-fl4mf
    @petercunningham-fl4mf 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

    Ideologically driven. Forgot the people. Vandals.

    • @Ernst12
      @Ernst12 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      When one thinks about it, Labor and the Greens always want to be off on some silly tangent virtue signalling to minority groups, pushing the woke neo-Marxists agenda and it some of the politicians are seriously engaged doing their best for the electorate otherwise they know that Australia is drowning in debt, that the inflation is sticky and that the RBA has also given subtle warnings about it being 'home-grown inflation' . But Labor and the Green don't care about this at all and they are so immersed with their own ideological obsessions throwing money at every problem instead of encouraging and managing affairs by spending tax money prudently and wisely as well as improve efficiencies and management practices across the public sector.
      It seems they will have none of this and the focus is on meeting targets set by the UN, throwing tax money around like confetti and making inflation, the economy and the quality of life per capita much worse. If one adds to this the dysfunctional state Labor governments and the local councils that are not too stellar in their behaviour and management, this country is going downhill fast unless we can vote out the current crop and give other politicians a change to manage things better.
      Unfortunately, with this crippling debt even if Labor and the Greens are thrown out of office, the damage in enormous, the new government will be massive constrained having to pay a high interest rate on servicing the debt instead of spending money on the services that hardworking Australians are deserve. It is also very sad that the young people will suffer massively because of the mess that Labor and the Greens have created but unfortunately the young people seem to be hooked on Labor and the Greens because they are told at school that we need to have socialism or something of that style.
      The young people should also be told that a democracy stands for individual freedom, freedom of speech, and achievement of personal aspirations and wealth as a product of hard work. The problem is Labor, and the Greens are constantly fighting class wars and they are attacking those who have done well. This is something for the young Green voters to think about/

  • @peterbrown4943
    @peterbrown4943 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    Not only a self inflicted mess. Albanese and his clowns can’t see the mess.

    • @rob6543
      @rob6543 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Very true he believes in climate change it laughable we are the richest country in the world and we can’t even use it

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      They are colluding with ridiculous and economically destructive popular delusions.

  • @davannaleah
    @davannaleah 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    An exercise in politics with Australia's future in the balance

  • @actualfacts1055
    @actualfacts1055 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    We need coal for longer if not forever if nuclear doesn't get up.

    • @GeoGeo451
      @GeoGeo451 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Are you under the impression we will have enough nuclear to replace coal ???

    • @actualfacts1055
      @actualfacts1055 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@GeoGeo451 I am under the impression that renewables need to be backed up by either coal, gas or nuclear or a combination of all three, even Labor admits that.

    • @GeoGeo451
      @GeoGeo451 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @actualfacts1055 I was under the impression that Gas plants would be used to back up renewables because you can ramp it up and down quickly. Seems like the Nuclear idea is just pie in the sky political rubbish ?? It's like people don't even know what the current and future grid demands are going to be, but still have strong options with no actual facts

  • @YvonneCrean
    @YvonneCrean 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Tony Abbott good man sadly missed in LNP

  • @Ernst12
    @Ernst12 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    It is impossible to have a constructive, rational, adult and informed discussion with Labor and the Greens on energy and for this reason my suggestion for the LNP is not to waste any energy debating the topic with Labor and the Greens, just let them get on with whatever makes them happy . Instead the LNP might get more results if it spends its energy informing the voters of the facts, the costings, the safety issues and the future of nuclear. In this way the silly argumentation of Labor and the Greens will just fade out in the background.

    • @troywallace322
      @troywallace322 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Well said 👍

    • @GeoGeo451
      @GeoGeo451 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      How much nuclear do you think we will need in the grid ??

    • @Ernst12
      @Ernst12 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@GeoGeo451 Whether it is nuclear, gas or coal or whatever can provide reliable electricity, we need reliable backup to the full level of Australian electricity demand and currently, if you check the NEM site, its a little more than 60 GW. The reality is that when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing the renewables put out zero or close to zero energy.
      One only has to look at the NEM site to see that during the wind-lulls and lack of sunshine, the renewables are barely making up 10% of the total demand.
      If one cares to download the insolation dataset from BoM, let's say for Melbourne for data from 1990-2023 (say), import this into Excel and create a pivot table showing the years and the years and months of the year. With the months of the year it is possible to determine the seasons and once the insolation in kWh/m^2 is averaged over the seasons, one will find that the insolation during the winter season is half that of the summer season, the spring is a little better than the Autumn but both are down as well. This means that during the winter the PV solar installations will only produce half the amount of energy and thus the 82% penetration is effectively halved.
      However, there are other flaws such as the entire renewable infrastructure needs an over-build factor of around 6 (not just 82%) in order to all the extra electricity to shove around the country if in one or the other place there is no wind or sunshine, not to mention EV charging, H2 production according to Labor, industry, desal plant operation, the operation of the snowy 2.0 scheme and the electrified heating and transport.
      However, it gets even worse. In order to keep the frequency and the voltage steady, massively complicated control is needed to switch in or out parts of the network at the milli-second level to exactly match in real-time the demand and supply to stop the network from collapsing causing a major brownout.
      This problem will get worse as the diversification of the renewables is increased and the physical geographic dispersion increases.
      The fact is the renewables with baseload backup to meet the full demand is required.
      As the backup is required whether we use the current Labor band-aid approach by demonising the investors, discouraging them to invest but the Labor comes crawling on its knees to beg for extra gas or coal or whatever to be injected to keep the system running. How stupid is this?
      As back is required whether Labor likes it or not, it makes a lot of economic sense to build backup (that will give 100% utilisation of capital expenditure) first and then build the renewables around this if it makes any sense at all. In case of nuclear it would not make any sense to emit CO2 and ruin the country-side just to have intermittent expensive renewables.

  • @tonybritten2447
    @tonybritten2447 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Albo is not a prime minister he's a activist

  • @zacbarnett7783
    @zacbarnett7783 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    A funny thing happened on the way to tyranny !!!...
    I lease the house that I live in, the house that is my home. I've been living in this house for fifteen years without problem. I've recently received a demand from the real estate agent that manages the property demanding that I allow a new bi-yearly "safety inspection" of the property. "All" of the power points must be made accessible to an electrician contracted by the real estate agent so the wiring can be checked and all of the ducted heating vents and any gas appliances in the house must to be made accessible to a plumber contracted by the real estate agent so a "carbon monoxide" test can be done. At first glance to the ordinary person these demands might sound halfway reasonable, dodgy, but reasonable, because it's a "safety" issue, afterall. Upon deeper analysis it becomes apparent what sort of a scam, a rort and an outrageous imposition and invasion of privacy this demand actually is. Firstly, the contractors are not from the real estate's agent's office, they are complete strangers to me, "two" people I've never met in my life that demand access to every power point and heating vent in every room in the house. This means that a lot of/most of the furniture, including the refrigerator, freezer and washing machine must be moved to give these strangers access to do their "tests". I live alone and am getting older and I'm unable to move some of the heavy furniture or the refrigerator, freezer and washing machine by myself, which means I will have to get 'somebody' to come to the house to help me move everything...I am told by the real estate agent that this is a legal requirement that I'm obliged to accept... This demand isn't put upon people who own their homes, but only applies to powerless 'tenents' and the 'renters' of properties who aren't able to refuse...I was concerned and worried that there might be a safety issue in my home so motivated by my concern I did an internet search looking for the official statistics of how many people died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Australia every year and whether hospitals had their beds full of people suffering carbon monoxide poisoning and what I discovered was shocking. Over the twelve year period between 2006 and 2018, approximately 24 deaths were attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning, 2 people a year and most of the deaths put down to carbon monoxide poisoning were suicides. I did a similar check to see if houses were burning down all over the country from faulty wiring, this search revealed similar statistics. Summing up...Every two years I'm obliged to comply with the above impositions, I'm obliged to accept the shameless violation of my privacy and not only that, but I'm obliged to pay for the 'privelidge', because the costs of these phony inspections will be passed on through the property owner to me, the renter. This is not just "discriminatory" because it only applies to renters, but it is nothing but an oppressive, tyrannical abuse of human rights.

    • @Martinoconnor-du6lc
      @Martinoconnor-du6lc 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      they want to test it they can move it. tell them you have a heart condition.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Indeed. The same argument can be made against the utility of climate action. More people are dying from both hypothermia and heat stroke because they don’t have cheap reliable electricity for heating and air conditioning.
      The only people who appear to be benefiting from climate action are the owners of renewable energy companies who are receiving massive taxpayer funded subsidies.

  • @ministerofemergencies1809
    @ministerofemergencies1809 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I asked Labor and the Greens political party how renewables provide base load power. They never replied. I wonder why? LOL

  • @johngeier8692
    @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    We need to withdraw from the Paris Accord and use the most economical energy resources available.
    Worldwide, trillions of dollars have already been spent on “climate mitigation “ with little benefit to anyone except renewable energy companies and their shareholders.
    It would be more productive to focus on alleviating poverty by providing cheap reliable energy and natural disaster mitigation.
    Due to soaring energy costs and blackouts in several countries many people are unable to afford electricity for either heating or air conditioning.
    The massive misappropriation of taxpayers money and resources into uneconomical and unreliable renewable energy projects needs to be stopped.

  • @GreatBritain1957
    @GreatBritain1957 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    This idea that we should rush to get rid of gas, rush to get rid of coal, when the rest of the world is hungry for our gas, hungry for our coal, it is an act of economic self-harm. - YEP

  • @scubaaddict
    @scubaaddict 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    and it take one hail storm to take out a whole solar farm. not to mention there also been huge issues overseas with spontaneous glass breakages on solar panels due to heat and weather fatigue.

  • @grumblesmudie3141
    @grumblesmudie3141 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    While I don't think net zero is a bad idea my problem is when I'm going backwards While politicians have had 3 big pay increases for failing to achieve positive results. Instead it seems under Labor's leadership our emissions appear to have increased just like our cost of living.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Net Zero is prohibitively costly, impractical and totally unnecessary. It is economically destructive delusional insanity.
      It has the counterproductive effect of increasing deaths from both hypothermia and heat stroke because poor people cannot afford electricity for either heating or air conditioning.
      The beneficial effects of carbon dioxide emissions are also being largely ignored by politicians and the media (greening of the planet with increased agricultural yields, reduced winter heating costs, fewer deaths from hypothermia and postponement of the next glacial maximum).

    • @emmentkr16
      @emmentkr16 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thats one thing I have noticed. No matter how tough the average Aussie is doing it, politicians are always on easy street. Who is serving who?

  • @conchitadesousa365
    @conchitadesousa365 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Stubborn, stubborn, stubborn this government ís stubborn, going far behind their goals, thinking that "abracadabra" they have everything here, on time and with the litium an h2 projects they're in a risky area....

    • @edmurks236
      @edmurks236 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Living in the past of their socialist Uni days.

  • @user-pn9lb8sr2p
    @user-pn9lb8sr2p 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Maybe Albozo will have another plan??😢

  • @bundariau874
    @bundariau874 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    How's that repeal of 18C going Tony?

  • @gurumarra
    @gurumarra 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Here here bring back Botsy!

  • @tbonemc2118
    @tbonemc2118 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bring back Abbot as Prime Minister.
    The establishment hated him because he was no limp wristed push over.
    He'd be about the only reason to vote for coalition.

  • @alancotterell9207
    @alancotterell9207 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    When subsidies are removed from a car industry - 'shit happens' !

  • @user-du8kd3sn8n
    @user-du8kd3sn8n 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I seem to recall his first budget being the biggest ever train wreck. A masterclass in right wing for the rich ideological nonsense. We all remember it

  • @ralphmogridge8364
    @ralphmogridge8364 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Are you calling it out as a former Coalition PM that Aussies voted you out, or in your capacity as a highly invested SkyNotNews board member??

  • @kallekas8551
    @kallekas8551 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Abbott and Credlin having a discussion is inappropriate, as was their sexual relationship when he was PM. Unbelievable…😂

  • @junebaldwin5352
    @junebaldwin5352 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Australian didnt understand why you were releaved of being prime minister .now we understand guys .the eu wanted puppets not real grown ups

  • @desking8065
    @desking8065 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    We all know about Abbotts shortfalls. Once a liar always a liar. That is where Abbott went. And his adviser was o so supportive.

  • @N0oN3XD
    @N0oN3XD 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The Bush administration gave their word that the Ukraine would not be apart of NATO

  • @stman63438
    @stman63438 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Please come back and lead one nation to government. You said climate change is crap, you and most people know it as well. That’s how you won the leadership last time until you got knifed by your own party. Come on be our Nigel Farage, Trump. This country is stuffed if we don’t get someone who can stand up for and cares about the people.

  • @rob6543
    @rob6543 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    We are the richest country in the world 1% that’s 1% so they say use our resources, start standing your ground no to this rubbish

    • @kallekas8551
      @kallekas8551 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      When is Australia the richest country in the World?🤣😂🤣

    • @rob6543
      @rob6543 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@kallekas8551 with our natural resources coal gas oil use what we have we export it but don’t use it,

    • @kallekas8551
      @kallekas8551 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@rob6543 Yeah! Sorry I took it out of context. Norways oil is state owned and controlled, the Norwegians are very wealthy. It’s a shame we didn’t do something similar here.😞

    • @rob6543
      @rob6543 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@kallekas8551 no need to be sorry one good thing about sky we are all able to have a say , kind regards rob

    • @kallekas8551
      @kallekas8551 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@rob6543 Cheers! Take care. Regards Karl

  • @Didigetitwrong
    @Didigetitwrong 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    OMG Tonny Abbott!

  • @vincentburrowes9243
    @vincentburrowes9243 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Tony Abbott once commented that "Climate Change is Crap". The insurance companies do believe in climate change, and they are charging you big time for it.
    Just check the price increase in home insurance premiums over the past 10 years.
    Why because we have had a rapid increase in catastrophic weather events in the past 10 years.
    Due to the increase in the cost of premiums in the past 10 years some folks can no longer afford to insure their homes.

    • @Ernst12
      @Ernst12 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      The home insurance has little to do with what Tony said about climate change and one remark does not tell the whole story of what he is on about. This is not about climate change but rather getting CO2 emissions down. The climate change part is not controlled by us but rather by the big emitters in the northern hemisphere. Just think of how many side remarks Labor has made that were off in some way. I think that the house insurance policies have increased because of the claim payout (yes that's true) but also because of the increasing home invasions that Labor doesn't want to do anything about. I recall talking to an insurance agent some time ago about contents insurance and it turned out that the contents insurance increased drastically not because there were too many claims but just to suck more money out of customers to increase profitability in other parts of the insurance sector. I aske the agent if the insurance level is related to risk and the answer was no, it is a flat fee for providing a service and this new attitude is one of the reasons we are getting ripped off.
      It's the same with the utilities and the councils. They rip us off by imposing massive fixed charges and layer upon layer on top of the basic fixed charge for all sorts additional costs. After this comes the variable charge which leads to the situation that if the 'variable' consumption is low, the fixed charge is still high.
      The massive inefficiency and mismanagement, waste, misallocation of resources, stuff-ups and so on by the public service, the councils and government charges are the major cause of inflation and of course one can add the energy transition and excessive government spending that all adds to inflation. Inflation is ruining the wealth of all Australians their retirement savings all because governments are incompetent of managing the economy and this applies particularly when Labor and the Greens rule - they are just hopeless with anything to do with the economy.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Over 10 trillion dollars has already been spent worldwide on climate mitigation efforts with little benefit to anyone except renewable energy companies and their shareholders.
      If would be more productive to focus upon the provision of cheap reliable energy to alleviate poverty and natural disaster mitigation.
      Liberal democracy is economically self destructive. People keep voting for more government and more government handouts until the economy collapses. This unfortunate flaw in liberal democracy could be alleviated by restricting voting to qualified taxpayers.

  • @paulchilds9137
    @paulchilds9137 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The Lucas Heights nucl ear reactor is tiny. It could never be used to generate electricity. Lucas Heights has had several radioactive leaks. New housing has got closer and cloer to Lucas Heights and new residents want it gone. when it goes the land will not be able to be used again. Imagine what a big reactor could do.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Generate safe reliable power for several thousand homes and businesses.

    • @troywallace322
      @troywallace322 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@johngeier8692Correct 😊

  • @alancotterell9207
    @alancotterell9207 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The door should be slammed shut behind Tony Abbott. Labor's energy policy has been undermined to save Dutton from being replaced. The cynicism of the Coalition takes priority over common decency.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Labour’s energy policy is based upon the same 3 ridiculous and economically destructive popular delusions as Germany’s.
      It is economically destructive delusional insanity.
      The coalition has also been highly irresponsible in allowing this economic vandalism to start in the first place. Mr Morrison brought a lump of coal into parliament and he then embraced the insanity of Net Zero. The feckless ALP then doubled down upon it.

  • @bretloyd8097
    @bretloyd8097 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Oh look, its T Abott talking to his former boss. . . . .

  • @turnerfamilyinozi
    @turnerfamilyinozi 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Abbott talking to his former chief of staff? Is it just my good self that believes this might be a soft ball interview?

    • @Hyper_Vaccinated
      @Hyper_Vaccinated 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Evidence of your claim, please.

    • @bretloyd8097
      @bretloyd8097 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Talking to HIS former boss you mean.

    • @turnerfamilyinozi
      @turnerfamilyinozi 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Hyper_Vaccinated I just asked questions.

  • @trickyboy1517
    @trickyboy1517 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    "..... an act of economic self-harm.” This from a London born former PM who tripled Australia's national deficit in his 2 years at the helm.

    • @TrickyBoy1517.
      @TrickyBoy1517. 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Just messing about, guys ;)

    • @trickyboy1517
      @trickyboy1517 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@TrickyBoy1517. Is this the only way you know how to get attention is it? Your childhood must really suck.

    • @johngeier8692
      @johngeier8692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Take a look at the US debt clock.
      The problem is almost ubiquitous in the Western world. It represents a fundamental failing of liberal democracy. People keep voting for more government and more government handouts until the economy collapses.

    • @trickyboy1517
      @trickyboy1517 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@johngeier8692 I'm sure you are a model North Korean citizen.

  • @Didigetitwrong
    @Didigetitwrong 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I think Sky news days are numbered.

    • @soulsurvivor8293
      @soulsurvivor8293 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      One can only hope. Honestly, they are one of the most prolific root causes of our seemingly endless blight of useful idiots.

    • @Martinoconnor-du6lc
      @Martinoconnor-du6lc 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      abc, and sbs are. the public is getting sick of propping up these woke commo propaganda machines.

    • @lloydsingline340
      @lloydsingline340 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Just for some comic relief away from the issues created by Labor I tuned into RN Breakfast on the ABC.I wasn't disappointed .- it was focused on Julian Assange's deal.Nothing on rising inflation and the cost of living while I was there.DISGRACEFUL!This sham of a national broadcaster should be defunded!!At least SKY does not receive $1.1 billion in taxpayers money.

    • @Didigetitwrong
      @Didigetitwrong 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @thetallpaul Well thats the way the political system works, but I think they will get one more term.

    • @Didigetitwrong
      @Didigetitwrong 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@lloydsingline340 Cheap power Cheap cost of living, you need a time machine back to the 50s for this when the west owned most of the world.
      It doesn't anymore.
      We live on the driest continent on earth and produce a lot of our drinkable water via reverse osmosis this is costly and will only get more costly as the population grows.