It’s probably overwritten on the previous data. When you delete data it simply deletes the pointer to that data and when you add files to the same storage medium it simply makes a new pointer for it and overwrite the same storage memory area that has been deleted. So,Simply No. Unless you haven’t used that USB Drive after deleting.
Sir can it recovery my format Samsung sd card totally pls i need your help my sd card format by mistake. Which tools best for recovery data in kali linux
You do realize that cloud data is really data stored on someone else's servers, right? You cannot just access someone else's servers and run a recovery tool on it without their permission.
thank you for your effor pls make a video social media recover messeges
Will it work on phone also ??
No, but there are some specialized tools that could help you if you have root access on the device
This work in a live usb for recovery videos the other pc?
For 2 years ago can fiend my data ?
It’s probably overwritten on the previous data. When you delete data it simply deletes the pointer to that data and when you add files to the same storage medium it simply makes a new pointer for it and overwrite the same storage memory area that has been deleted.
So,Simply No. Unless you haven’t used that USB Drive after deleting.
Can help me how care over ?
@@irfanvora941So, we can't recover data on storage if the storage had been overwriten with other data, right?
Thanks bro
what if its a corrupt SD CARD?
make a video about social media massage recovery
Sir can it recovery my format Samsung sd card totally pls i need your help my sd card format by mistake. Which tools best for recovery data in kali linux
Sir can we recover cloud data plz reply
You do realize that cloud data is really data stored on someone else's servers, right? You cannot just access someone else's servers and run a recovery tool on it without their permission.
"permanently deleted files" really m8 :)