Sam Richardson in The Trail of the Hidden Ones - Part 2 | Relics and Rarities | Episode 2 Part 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 126

  • @mitchellsigalas6013
    @mitchellsigalas6013 5 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    They're all great. Love the show. But this guest and Ricky had an especially amazing game over this two parter. The way they described their components and casting / failures and successes made for a really immersing watch!
    Obviously huge credit to the GM. Deborah is clearly a master of her craft and the fun she brings to her table is infectious not just to her clearly delighted players but, also to the viewer as well!

    • @xMRxZEROx
      @xMRxZEROx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Could not agree more. I've watched several other D&D campaign series on TH-cam and this is hands down the BEST and most well produced, entertaining, and immersive show I've seen. Deborah is a stellar DM and everyone involved, including the guests, play the game in a satisfyingly serious way but still have fun and laugh. Super enjoyable. ⚡

    • @compgeek78
      @compgeek78 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Ya, I loved Xander in this one. The character he plays here is great and his portrayal of X in the VtM: LA By Night campaign is also so much fun! Xander is totally amazing!

    • @Heoz
      @Heoz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't know the Guest but I understand he was new to this, i Just looooved how he got into it. Loved it so much!

  • @Jalin3516
    @Jalin3516 5 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    This is my second time watching through this series and I'm enjoying it just as much the second time! Such a great collection of people, and I love the way the guests start off reserved and unsure, but by half way through they're kissing the dice and celebrating Crits with the group!!

    • @WhatsUpGazpacho
      @WhatsUpGazpacho 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This is my first time watching this and it's just magical

  • @whocareswhoiam6637
    @whocareswhoiam6637 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    I love Julia Dennis's face when she looks at Deborah talking, she's so in the story it's pretty cute

  • @Elnis888
    @Elnis888 5 ปีที่แล้ว +38

    I like the story. I love the DM. I really enjoy the characters, and the players are great. The set is gorgeous and the props are cool. The technical side (sound, lighting, filming, editing) seems top notch.
    This show is awesome!

  • @bravelilbunny3229
    @bravelilbunny3229 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    This set is SO COOL! It’s totally transformed from last episode, and the sunlight LED bay through the plants looks amazing!!!

  • @YouTubeChannelThing
    @YouTubeChannelThing 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Technically, all Incapacitated does is prevent a creature from taking actions or reactions. (It basically loses its turn.) That's different from Stunned, which comes with an assortment of other debuffs that are closer to how the umber hulk fight played out. Also, Hypnotic Pattern ends if the creature takes any damage. (It's more of a crowd-control spell, not save-or-die.) That being said, I think the GM made the right call in employing the Rule of Cool to give the bard a chance to shine and wrap the fight up quickly once it was clear that the party had the upper hand.

  • @Paul_TAG
    @Paul_TAG 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I'm loving it. Awesome DM, charismatic players and a wonderful adventure... Give me more! I want more!

  • @xMRxZEROx
    @xMRxZEROx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    LMFAO. I love this series. And I love when Julia Dennis (as Annabella in the show) casts Hypnotic Pattern in an episode. She always comes up with something goofy or fun for her image she's displaying. "Oozing caramel and peanuts everywhere..." 🤣⚡ #ILoveRelicsAndRarities

  • @adrianvaduva5674
    @adrianvaduva5674 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    i love the show and the amount of work going into production seems insane, hope it is a smashing success so we can enjoy it for a lot of time

  • @kevinoliphant3371
    @kevinoliphant3371 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Been playing D&D for 38 years and I must say Im really enjoying this show.

  • @charliescheirmann2926
    @charliescheirmann2926 5 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Just a few notes on the rules. That the players are doing which kind of holds them back.
    1. When a fighter uses action surge, they get two more attacks because they are taking another attack action. So he should get 4 attacks in total with an action surge.
    2. when a barbarian uses reckless attack, both of their attacks get advantage.
    3. when something is under the effects of faerie fire, everything that attacks it with an attack roll gets advantage, that would have gone for both the players and the umbra hulk.
    Hope this helps, sorry if it sounded snobbish :)

    • @Syndromesan
      @Syndromesan 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      And the character who casts faerie fire is able to choose which creatures are effected, not sure if he was actually choosing them or just thought that since they were in range they were also effected.

    • @krakkos99
      @krakkos99 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Syndromesan actually they choose what color the affected creatures glow in

    • @ralenldupuis1814
      @ralenldupuis1814 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Rules wise I counted at least a mistake a round (missed disadvantage, failure to apply class features, etc.), sometimes multiple. But let’s be honest here, in the end D&D isn’t really about the rules. It’s about creativity and having fun with equally nerdy, goofy, creative people. And on that count this entire thing was a rousing success. Gorgeous imagery, wonderful interaction, and an engaging, inventive storyline... It’s honestly amazing. Deborah’s just so good at the things that REALLY matter.

    • @xMRxZEROx
      @xMRxZEROx 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ralenldupuis1814 I agree so hard. Deborah is amazing as DM and all the cast play their characters so well. Lots of heart and love for the game in this series. Makes me wish I knew more people who played.

    • @Peter_Cordes
      @Peter_Cordes ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Syndromesan - Faerie Fire does *not* let the caster choose which creatures are affected or not; it's an AoE glitter cannon.
      But Veros and Beryl should have gotten Dex saves to avoid the effect, like the Umber Hulk attempted. Or Rikki could have at least tried to place the cube so only the umber hulk was in it, not them.
      > Each object in a 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10-foot radius.
      > Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the affected creature or object can't benefit from being invisible.
      Fortunately, high-stakes tough combats isn't where this series focuses, so the ton of mostly-minor rules mistakes (and a dose of poor tactics) don't affect the big picture much, and we still get the character RP.
      But in case anyone's wondering about how this combat could have played out differently following the 5e rules:
      Beryl's an Ancestral Guardian barbarian so hitting a creature lets her give it disadvantage on attacking anyone except her.
      (Her AC of 12 is lower than she'd have wearing no armor, with just Unarmored Defense for AC 10+0(dex)+3(con) = 13. Maybe she's wearing leather armor that lowers her AC?
      And her HP of 42 is a lot lower than average for a lvl5 barbarian with +3 Con, so it seems she got pretty unlucky with her d12 hit dice: 12+3 at first level plus 4x (1d12+3) averages 53.
      14:00 - Like (almost?) all creatures with extra stuff that happens on their attack, panther Pounce can only knock the target down if it hits. Since the initial attack missed, no need for a save. Since the Umber Hulk made the save anyway, no harm done.
      It should have had advantage because of Faerie Fire, though. Unless it averted its gaze, then FF just cancels disadvantage for a straight roll.
      Not sure what stats they were using for the panther; a regular panther has a -2 Cha save, and being a ranger companion doesn't change that to -1 unless there's a magic item we don't know about. A panther as the companion of a lvl5 ranger does have a +5 to hit modifier. (It also has a climb speed, so probably shouldn't have to roll to climb trees while carrying a small creature.)
      17:20 - Balm of the Summer Court is only a bonus action like Xander just said; Rikki can still take an action like casting a spell on his turn! I like that he describes what it looks like when casting a spell or using a class ability; I wonder if he got so wrapped up in this one that he made it sounds like something that would take his character's whole action. :P
      20:52 - Speed boost isn't part of the official release version of Balm of the Summer Court (XGE), only the temp HP part. Was this recorded some years before it went up on youtube, and they're using a UA playtest version of Circle of Dreams?
      Xander said it was a "new" subclass, but even the officially published version was in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (nov 2017), so is this game much older than the 2019 date it went up on youtube?
      Also, Balm of the Summer Court isn't a spell, it's a magical class ability. (It seems to be common for people to say they "cast" abilities, but it's rarer for people to actually call them spells.)
      22:00 - That potion was poison *immunity*, not just resistance like the Protection from Poison (2nd) spell? I thought Rikki was just giving narrative flavour to casting the spell, which is 1 hour non-concentration. Probably he was, but they mixed up the details of the poison protection.
      If Ionos were a level 8 ranger, Land's Stride would let him not take damage from non-magical thorns, but they're level 5 so that part is correct.
      26:36 - Becoming incapacitated (by the confusion effect) prevents concentration on a spell, so no, RAW the spell would not still be there. (The "conditions" section of the rules fails to mention this effect; it's only in the spell concentration rules that incapacitated is mentioned.)
      It is something the Umber Hulk "magically" does, according to the stat block, so gnome cunning advantage does apply. (Dropping faerie fire seemed tactically unwise in the dark where Veros and Beryl can barely see. Even without that, it's a great spell in a fight with multiple people making attacks. Or it would be if they remembered to use the advantage, and he hadn't splashed it on his allies, too. But if Beryl keeps going reckless, it'll have advantage on her anyway, and the light lets her see.)
      27:12 - Hypnotic Pattern is an incapacitate that breaks on damage. Against a single target, the worst time to cast it is when your other teammates are "ready to go" and the druid has already cast an AoE damage effect that will trigger on the creature's turn. Also, Beryl is on its back so she needs to save against it; no way to place the area so it'll include the umber hulk but not beryl. (Unless you pick a cube that's mostly underground, just sticking up into the umber hulk.)
      28:30 - Incapacitated auto-fails str/dex saves, but not Con.
      30:34 - Fluffy didn't attack this turn. I wonder if they checked the ranger rules and found out that RAW, Fluffy doesn't get to attack unless the ranger gives up one of their attacks. Otherwise IDK why he wouldn't continue to have Fluffy attack, instead of just getting ready.
      32:15 - incapacitated doesn't give advantage to attackers. Only Stunned and stronger conditions do that.
      Seemed like the DM and players were all ready for this combat to just be over, though, so that works.
      RAW, they could have all readied actions to do a burst of damage; break hypnotic pattern right after it loses a turn, except moonbeam...
      44:08 - Druids are proficient in Wis saves, so Rikki's bonus should be the same as proficient Wis skills like Survival (+7). The +4 is probably his Wis ability mod, forgetting it was a save not a check. Or looking at the wrong place on his character sheet, since he did it again for later saves.
      (Opposite of what often happens on Critical Role, where Matt asks for a check or for their ability modifier, and some of the players typically add their save modifiers; even when it's more than +5 so it definitely can't be an ability modifier.)

  • @madih7656
    @madih7656 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I love this series so much! Everyone is absolutely fantastic - can't wait for the next episode!

  • @GratuaCuun
    @GratuaCuun 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yessss. I love that she brought back the 4e term Bloodied. There are some things I wish they kept from 4e. New people wont even know about some of these things. Minions being the other.

  • @ScottofOakland
    @ScottofOakland 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Bunnicula?! Wow that takes me back! Awesome reference!

  • @karllangfield1331
    @karllangfield1331 5 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Bucket list item: game with Deborah Ann and the folks from R&R. This is a fun series!

    • @xMRxZEROx
      @xMRxZEROx 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Right?! I would LOVE the chance to play a campaign with Deborah as DM. She's so good.

    • @RAWatson1989
      @RAWatson1989 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would love a roulette episode where multiple people come in and giest for fun

  • @Hex545
    @Hex545 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    For everyone who sees the relics and rarities screen pop up every now and then, I'm pretty sure it's an issue with TH-cam which causes the first frame of the video to repeat throughout. It's happened on some other videos I've watched as well and is usually fixed if they reprocess the video.

  • @HectorLopezSM
    @HectorLopezSM 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is so good! Excellent group of players, and a really amazing DM.

  • @tadiniteriad8093
    @tadiniteriad8093 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The different lights kinda reminded me of the emotional spectrum in Green Lantern.
    Red for rage, yellow for fear, blue for hope, purple for love and green for will.
    Veros against the money bunny is a battle of will.
    Sexy bunny is love.
    Riki was rage.
    Annabelle faced fear.
    And the scoot brought hope (food) for the starving bunny family?

    • @skitch76cd
      @skitch76cd 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      At first I thought it was gonna be deadly sins-greed, anger, lust…doesn’t explain the hungry bunnies though.

  • @brownbruce27
    @brownbruce27 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This show is so good. Never stop making this show

  • @lynnlochlynn3731
    @lynnlochlynn3731 5 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    SO pumped for the new episode, but a quick note: the way you guys are titling your R+R episodes is *super* confusing.
    "Part 2" and "Episode 3" BOTH being in the title makes it seem like this is episode 3.2 - the second part of the third episode. When in fact it's not. It's the SECOND part of the SECOND R+R episode (if we are defining episodes by the full episodes on Twitch, distinct from each other so far by their guest cameo changing). For clarity, this episode should be labeled as Part 2 of Episode 2 - or if you really need to count the partial episode uploads to TH-cam as their own "Episode" on TH-cam, you would need to take away the "Part #" section and only refer to them by Episode number.
    I thought you mis-uploaded at first and only clicked the video to leave a comment - I hope other people looking at their sub box don't make the same mistake! R+R deserves to be seen by all interested nerds, Ms. Woll is paintin' worlds like Bob Ross.
    EDIT: Looks like G&S went back and retitled the R+R episodes so that the episode sequencing on TH-cam is clearer. Thanks so much, Geek & Sundry team!

    • @malinashardcoresven
      @malinashardcoresven 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I totally agree!

    • @MinTubeDk
      @MinTubeDk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      so seeing it only on youtube i am missing episodes of the show?.. great :(

    • @lynnlochlynn3731
      @lynnlochlynn3731 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@MinTubeDk If you're talking about the Twitch episodes I mentioned, don't worry - they will be delayed, but not missing or skipping any episodes. (In this particular case, it seems they just made the title of this video confusing, but this is in fact the next sequential video in the R+R series on TH-cam.)
      It looks like Geek & Sundry's current uploading MO (since their Alpha service powered down) is to upload their shows to TH-cam on a delay after they are aired live on Twitch. Think of Twitch like live TV/cable and TH-cam is like Hulu - you can catch the show on Twitch first, but rest assured that the fresh episodes will show up on TH-cam in time.
      EDIT: They just don't split the episodes up into parts on Twitch and air the guest cameo session in a single block, if that helps to clarify.

    • @clooliss6400
      @clooliss6400 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MinTubeDk no just getting them later

    • @kanki666
      @kanki666 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I guess you could just check the episode part and ignore the rest :)

  • @MRMCrawford1
    @MRMCrawford1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Wonder whats with the logo constantly popping back in for a frame like a subliminal message. Weird, but am enjoying the show!

    • @filnn
      @filnn 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hahaha! I thought that was my TH-cam app freaking out because I downloaded the video using the offline feature.

  • @lordgoatsnek3169
    @lordgoatsnek3169 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another lovely game. Really felt like I'm in the world. Brilliant effort from everyone involved.

  • @dmacartney
    @dmacartney 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Beryl for president! Love the style and obvious fun that everyone is having.

  • @oscarluna4268
    @oscarluna4268 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think using a craps whip (stick) is something the RPG community needs to adopt. Well done Deborah! :D

  • @ViperC84
    @ViperC84 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I really am loving the show! Deborah is super-imaginative as DM, the players engaged and enthusiastic, I really like the whole "guest player" concept! I just wish they knew the rules a bit better....

  • @yanndantagnan549
    @yanndantagnan549 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    i didn't play any table rpg for nearly 10 years now but i'm having a lot of fun with your videos! you're all looking like really great people, continue like this! thx from a french ex-player!

  • @MidoriChanOG
    @MidoriChanOG 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Timestamps & Possible Spoilers
    00:20 Cinematic Intro
    00:53 Game Begins + Umberhulk Battle Resumes
    01:53 "Suck On That You Big Rat!"
    03:23 "Eat It! Choke On It! And Digest It!
    04:23 Hold My Long Cigarette + Veros Humbled By "Simply Amazing" Disorientation
    05:20 Beryl's "Pack-Pocket Stone Cold Stunner"
    07:10 Deborah Ann Woll With The 4e Knowledge + Faerie Fire Is Clutch
    08:53 Annabella Humbled
    10:05 Umberhulk Says Hello With A Nat 20
    11:31 Ionas Humbled
    14:03 Mr. Fluffy Is A Cool Cat
    14:25 Umberhulk Disorientation Means Business + 2 Fighters Cover Their Eyes
    15:43 Circle Of Dreams Druid Introduction
    17:25 A Giant Rat + GO FOR THE SAUSAGE!
    19:39 A Dead Giant Rat
    21:21 Let's Go North
    25:40 Gnome Cunning OP
    29:45 Ionas Isn't Legolas
    31:35 Jasmine Bhullar Takes Away Tommy Walker's Dice
    32:39 Slaying The Umberhulk
    34:13 Harvesting The Umberhulk
    34:38 Red, Yellow, Purple, Green, Blue Lights
    37:19 Disappearing Lights
    39:37 Alternate Cabin Bunnies
    40:14 Frail Bunny Family + Scary Forms
    42:08 Money Bunny
    42:43 Sexy Bunny
    44:28 Annabella Spooked
    46:49 Smashing Charles Featherstone Chest
    50:00 Looting The Chest + Fire Gem + Fate Of Magnus
    51:51 Returning To Relics & Rarities
    52:45 Ionas Dramatic Exit + Game Ends
    Thank you Deborah Ann Woll, Tommy Walker, Jasmine Bhullar, Julia Dennis, Xander Jeanneret, Sam Richardson, and the Production Crew for the fun! ☮️❤️🍀☺️🎲

  • @s1nb4d59
    @s1nb4d59 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just loved sams dances,lovev to see him again,fun guy.

  • @RPG_Angie
    @RPG_Angie 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    39:00 You guys chose amazing music here and combined with perfectly matching sound effects for whenever an orb was touched.

  • @docnevyn5814
    @docnevyn5814 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You see five lights. "There are Four Lights!" J.L. Picard

  • @ikra-ua
    @ikra-ua 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Those are the best DnD games I ever seen.

  • @xxclokwerkzxx6438
    @xxclokwerkzxx6438 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know next to nothing about DnD but man I love this.... I'd love to actually play with ppl

  • @troubalore
    @troubalore 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Deb would run incredible Vaesen adventures.

  • @josh-cz3ey
    @josh-cz3ey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Reckless attack applies to all attacks on the turn.

  • @konstantinkoch6114
    @konstantinkoch6114 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    they are so un-maximized i love it xDD

  • @pudelinocacalat2951
    @pudelinocacalat2951 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is great, I hope it will continue into eternity!

  • @jonathonpolk3592
    @jonathonpolk3592 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Annabella should have told the rat to "GO FOR THE EYES, BOO!"

  • @ImprovisingFatherhood
    @ImprovisingFatherhood 5 ปีที่แล้ว +29


  • @captainpufen5064
    @captainpufen5064 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the fighter player, and the quemistry with the barbarian player is superb

  • @Pencliff
    @Pencliff 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this series so much!

  • @bobbykanae
    @bobbykanae 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love watching Deborah torment her players :D

  • @robertmeechan9131
    @robertmeechan9131 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Never played but really loving this :)

  • @ikeekieeki
    @ikeekieeki 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    such a charming story !

  • @Peter_Cordes
    @Peter_Cordes ปีที่แล้ว

    In case anyone's curious about how the 5e rules work:
    Going reckless gives you advantage on *all* your attacks for the turn. Fortunately Beryl still hit, and Deborah reminded her about rage bonus damage this time, since she missed it on some attacks last episode.
    Also, as an Ancestral Guardian barbarian, hitting a creature lets her give it disadvantage on attacking anyone except her.
    8:34 - Veros and Beryl should get Dex saves to avoid Faerie Fire. Or Rikki could have centered the cube so at least one of them wasn't in it. If the Umber Hulk is tall enough, he could put it over their heads. But probably not; orienting the cube so its centered above the umber hulk with one corner sticking down into its space (like an inverted pyramid) would work well.
    Still potentially a good move since it's dark, and it will already have advantage to hit Beryl this turn anyway since she attacked reckless. And maybe it'll keep its attention on the meat shields instead of the ranged attackers that aren't confused, so they can hopefully end the fight before anyone goes down.
    9:52 - Sleep doesn't scale very well with level: as an all-or-nothing spell, it often does nothing for level 5 characters, especially against one tough creature. The umber hulk had been "bloodied", but I got the impression from the DM that it wasn't much below half HP. An average roll on 5d8 is only 22.5, and the melee attackers did more than that. Fortunately the melee characters were still at full health so it didn't put them to sleep either, but I wouldn't be surprised if the umber hulk wasn't the lowest-HP creature in the area, unless Annabelle picked the target area better than Rikki.
    Still, trying to crowd-control in this circumstance (both melee characters Confused, and it's about to be the Umber Hulk's turn so it's ok to use something that breaks on damage) is a good plan, just not the right spell for the job. Hypnotic Pattern could have worked (if she could avoid incapacitating allies with it, although it does break on damage.)
    In episode 1 we saw Annabelle use Shatter on a single target; if she doesn't have any good non-AoE damage spells, maybe that's why she went for it?
    (Pretty clearly Julia is somewhat new to 5e and maybe TTRPGs, so the occasional swing and a miss is going to happen more often.)
    14:00 - Like (almost?) all creatures with extra stuff that happens on their attack, panther Pounce can only knock the target down if it hits. Since the initial attack missed, no need for a save. Since the Umber Hulk made the save anyway, no harm done.
    Also, I'm curious what stats they're using for the panther. Seems like it's a beastmaster ranger companion, but they're letting it attack on its turn without costing the ranger even a bonus action to command that. (Original 5e ranger beastmaster had pretty bad action-economy costs.)
    A regular Panther has +2 Str without athletics proficiency, but they added +4 for its athletics check last episode.
    A beastmaster companion adds the ranger's proficiency bonus to attack, and damage, but only to saves and abilities it's proficient in. A panther only has perception proficiency and stealth expertise, no special saving-throw modifiers. It has -2 Cha, so I wondered if they were using stats from a beefier cat that also has Pounce, like a Lion or Tiger which have Cha -1.
    A panther as the companion of a lvl5 ranger does have a +5 to hit (its +2 str plus the rangers +3 proficiency bonus, instead of a basic panther's own +2 proficiency bonus.)
    A lion or tiger has a +5 attack bonus on paper, so if they didn't apply the beastmaster adjustments then that would match. That wouldn't explain the athletics modifier, though, with lion and tiger having +3 Str.
    17:20 - Balm of the Summer Court is only a bonus action like he just said; Rikki can still take an action like casting a spell on his turn!
    Funny to see this narratively flavoured as a literal skin-cream balm, rather than the usual metaphorical meaning.
    20:32 - Beryl's AC should be 13 if she's not wearing armor, since she's a barbarian; 10 + 0 (dex) + 3 (con) = 13, which is already really low for a front-line character.
    Maybe she's wearing leather armor or something that lowers her AC even further and stops her from using Unarmored Defense? :(
    A breastplate would give her AC 14 + 0(dex) without interfering with any barbarian abilities.
    Since she didn't attack on the previous round, and didn't take damage, her rage would have ended. (The umber hulk went for the giant rat instead of any party members, so at least it contributed by taking a hit for the PCs. Beryl's HP total is quite low, 11 below average for 12+3 + 4x (1d12+3) = average 53 for a lvl5 barbarian with +3 Con.
    20:52 - Speed boost isn't part of the official release version of Balm of the Summer Court (XGE), only the temp HP part. Was this recorded some years before it went up on youtube, and they're using a UA playtest version of Circle of Dreams?
    Xander said it was a "new" subclass, but even the officially published version was in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (nov 2017), so is this game much older than the 2019 date it went up on youtube?
    Also, Balm of the Summer Court isn't a spell, it's a magical class ability. (It seems to be common for people to say they "cast" abilities, but it's rarer for people to actually call them spells.)
    22:00 - That potion was poison *immunity*, not just resistance like the Protection from Poison (2nd) spell? I thought Rikki was just giving narrative flavour to casting the spell, which is 1 hour non-concentration. Probably he was, but they mixed up the details of the poison protection.
    Rangers get to ignore difficult terrain in some cases but not this, so it was correct to cost Ionos extra movement. They can ignore it when travelling for more than an hour in favoured terrain, but not tactical movement running through instead of around briars. For that he'd need the lvl8 ranger ability Land's Stride, which lets you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain, and move through nonmagical plants without taking damage from their thorns. But they're only lvl5.
    24:40 - Deborah's ruling on this surprised me, ruling that it costs Beryl her whole turn (action) to get up on the monster's back. I'd have though this would be movement + grapple (costing one of her attacks). Using her bare hands instead of her axe is probably going to do less damage as well, so other DM's I've watched (like Brennan, Matt, or Aabria, or Jasmine herself years later) would probably have gone with the player on this to let them at least still make one attack for the turn, or figure out if they were going to create some effect other than damage with what they're going for. Bare hands would be unarmed strike, 1 + rage + str vs. 1d12 + same.
    Maybe Deborah's being more conservative here because Beryl's trying to use this to attack without having the umber hulk's eyes in her field of view.
    Overall I really enjoy Deborah's DMing, and one ruling I disagree with doesn't change that. Still, feels like a bit of a mis-step to me, especially with Jasmine's character not getting to do anything on her previous turn.
    26:36 - Becoming incapacitated (by the confusion effect) prevents concentration on a spell, so no, RAW the spell is not still there. (The "conditions" section of the rules fails to mention this effect; it's only in the spell concentration rules that incapacitated is mentioned.)
    > Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
    The umber hulk confusion effect is indeed magical, so gnomes do have advantage on it. "the umber hulk can *magically* force it to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, unless the umber hulk is incapacitated."
    Also, dropping Faerie Fire reminds me: they forgot to apply advantage for Mr Fluffy and Ionos's attacks. And for Veros, although if he was averting his gaze then it just cancels disadvantage.
    27:12 - Hypnotic Pattern is an incapacitate that breaks on damage. Against a single target, the worst time to cast it is when your other teammates are "ready to go" and the druid has already cast an AoE damage effect that will trigger on the creature's turn.
    28:30 - Incapacitated auto-fails str/dex saves, but not Con.
    Moonbeam is radiant damage, not fire.
    29:05 - Hypnotic pattern simply ends on damage, no save required. That's what Xander just read out loud. Deborah was thinking of other spells like Tasha's Hideous Laughter where damage does allow another save (with advantage), not automatically breaking the effect. Really easy to hear what you're expecting instead of what someone actually said, especially while also thinking DM thoughts about everything that's going on and the story that's coming next, not just this rule question.
    29:45 - The umber hulk is incapacitated, so even if Ionos could see its eyes, it couldn't force him to save against confusion. (But the characters maybe don't know that, so it makes sense they'd still be trying to avoid eye contact.)
    30:34 - I wonder if they checked the ranger rules and found out that RAW, Fluffy doesn't get to attack unless the ranger gives up one of their attacks. Otherwise IDK why he wouldn't continue to have Fluffy attack, instead of just getting ready.
    32:15 - incapacitated doesn't give advantage to attackers. Only Stunned and stronger conditions do that.
    Seemed like the DM and players were all ready for this combat to just be over, though, so that works.
    RAW, they could have all readied actions to do a burst of damage; break hypnotic pattern right after it loses a turn, except moonbeam...
    44:08 - Druids are proficient in Wis saves, so Rikki's bonus should be the same as proficient Wis skills like Survival (+7). The +4 is probably his Wis ability mod, forgetting it was a save not a check.

  • @deviousdelibird
    @deviousdelibird 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Like Ricky's flavoring of his Druid circle abilities!

  • @HomesteadDork
    @HomesteadDork 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The set is pretty awesome.

  • @LyrianFox
    @LyrianFox 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The single frame of relics and rarities one white that keeps popping up is indeed bothersome, but good show regardless. Story is most important overall, but I have to compliment G&S on the set, stage lighting and audio. It's a plus to have these elements of the show executed so well.

  • @WhatsUpGazpacho
    @WhatsUpGazpacho 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am 100% going to use that encounter in my games

  • @InanDante
    @InanDante 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    41:59 "...and you are terrified"
    "oh, yeah"

  • @flintenstein
    @flintenstein 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Annabella and take care of herself... and she'll take the yellow. YAAS 💛

  • @buboniczombie
    @buboniczombie 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Shoutout to the notification squad!

  • @Hathur
    @Hathur 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I only wish these were longer, maybe 2-3 hours long at least. Each episode currently feels like they get short far too early (i.e. it is very weird to have short DnD sessions cus it takes time to get things done)

  • @arronsmith4958
    @arronsmith4958 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I now know why I don't have a DM group, my gut reaction at 48:48 - "What do you do?" ....I wait 4 seconds....

  • @TunaSandwichify
    @TunaSandwichify 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Around 44min...did DAW just reference Bunnicula!? Hell yes!

  • @Noirbeast
    @Noirbeast 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Go for the sausage!!

  • @davidhoffman6595
    @davidhoffman6595 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Shove attack is a Str: Athletics vs Str: Athletics or Dex: Acrobatics to either push the target 5 feet or knock it prone.

  • @rozsek2353
    @rozsek2353 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    guys... i just love you. :)

  • @Paraldine13
    @Paraldine13 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had to lol when sausage was mentioned

  • @renclock
    @renclock 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good episode so far.
    Could hope for a more organized title like Relics and Rarities | Episode 2 - part 2 | The Trail of the Hidden Ones (feat. Sam Richardson). It's fine though. I'm just an organizing nut. xD

  • @TimothyWhiteowl
    @TimothyWhiteowl 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Faerie Fire: / 8:33 / Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined in light if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. The two party members were not given the opportunity to roll the save throw.

  • @slikshot6
    @slikshot6 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    can we rename the episode to episode 2 part 2? because its pretty confusing....

  • @davidhoffman6595
    @davidhoffman6595 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Reckless Attack affects all attack rolls made for the round.

  • @menacensobriety9942
    @menacensobriety9942 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    When Ricky used his Balm of summer court dice what ability allowed him to increase the speed of the person he used it on? One of my players is a Circle of Dreams Druid and I have never seen that

    • @matthewdecays8988
      @matthewdecays8988 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      The 5ft movement boost per die was when the subclass was Unearthed Arcana - it didn't carry through when it went 'live' in Xanathar's.

  • @carabus0354
    @carabus0354 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok can someone please help.
    I would love to watch the full game but cannot afford Alpha or twitch or whatever is required and now I am seeing part episodes and odd names, can you tell me this please.
    Can I watch them all on You Tube like I do critical role?
    Thanks. :)

    • @jeffreywells1832
      @jeffreywells1832 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Carabus 03 - AFAIK there have been three episodes total on TH-cam: Episode 1 The Haunting of Benthem Manor (1 part) and Episodes 2 & 3 (Trail of the Hidden Ones 1 and Trail of the Hidden Ones 2). It looks to me like they're planning on a regular TH-cam release.

    • @hardasanut
      @hardasanut 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      This seems to be the official Relics and Rarities playlist (which I got by clicking on the Geek and Sundry youtube profile link in the description under the video, then "Playlists", then found the link under "created playlists": < >
      It seems to already have all the guest interviews, so that might be a spoiler, and if you watch the guest interviews ahead of the ep you might also spoil some details from the ep, but whoever is managing the list seems to be inserting the episodes in story order and before the matching guest interview. The TH-cam release schedule for new episodes seems to be every Monday. Enjoy!

  • @ColorPositiveMovies
    @ColorPositiveMovies 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dead lights reference, nice...

  • @isobelmoody8328
    @isobelmoody8328 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why am I still being haunted by the image of those poor starving bunnies even though I know they were an illusion?

  • @AmayaNyxx
    @AmayaNyxx ปีที่แล้ว

    35:46 there are four lights!

  • @gregputnam7243
    @gregputnam7243 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is Xander's (blue hair) character? I understand he is a Gnome (maybe even Forest Gnome?) As a race but what is his class? Based on that Umber Hulk battle and last episode, he appears to use vials but he focuses on healing/ medicine checks but he fights with spells like Enhance Senses - Owl Wisdom and this episode he used Faerie Fire... So I am torn between Artificer because of the vials as his "component bag" but maybe the vials are his arcane foci for some magic class... Oh, wait! He used Druidcraft on the seed and he made Goodberries last episode so he is a Druid. Nevermind.
    So our party consists of Gnome Druid, (Race) Bard, maybe Human because of lack of Dark vision, (Race) Barbarian, and (Race) Fighter. The Fighter is obviously Tommy (pretty boy) because he used a shield last episode but he also uses two-handed weapons. The Barbarian obviously because of the Raging. Finally, the Bard because of Lute and Bardic Inspiration. Now all I need is Races

    • @ralenldupuis1814
      @ralenldupuis1814 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Greg Putnam Since the fighter also lacks dark vision, my best guess it’s: Gnome Druid, Human Fighter, Half Orc Barbarian, Human Bard. Honestly have only seen a few episodes though.

    • @edcuello3773
      @edcuello3773 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      He is a druid who casts spells like an artificer but that is mostly for flavor...

  • @elQueFaltaba
    @elQueFaltaba 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh! Nice Monday surprise ..

    • @elQueFaltaba
      @elQueFaltaba 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh, can't find Episode 2 ..

  • @LayllasLocker
    @LayllasLocker 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh man, is this crazy, but I would let that creature stare at that caramel and I'd just walk away. x]

  • @cem2163
    @cem2163 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Subliminal message at 7:50!

    • @arronsmith4958
      @arronsmith4958 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      didn't catch what you're throwing down at 7:50
      However I did spot something just past 11:01✨🦄✨

  • @xFreakZER0
    @xFreakZER0 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just wondering what version of a ranger was being used here

  • @gregoryward379
    @gregoryward379 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I thought reckless counted for all attacks?!?

  • @alaskawinter923
    @alaskawinter923 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Nice episode. Weird subliminal messages through out the show was kinda weird though.

  • @aldosalas2722
    @aldosalas2722 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can watch Julia forever and ever...such an angelic face/anime.

  • @mattwilcoxuk
    @mattwilcoxuk 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Go for the sausage... the guys “holy SHIT NO!” ... the ladies “oh, intestines obviously” ... ...

  • @roamingcelt
    @roamingcelt 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    What's up with the subliminal flashes of the logo? Trying to make us watch more? 😜

  • @imjustsaiyan86
    @imjustsaiyan86 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    is there no R&R today??

  • @billlandrith6431
    @billlandrith6431 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    DAW is a genious

  • @kd9749
    @kd9749 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Damn! Annabella gets dark!

  • @jesse1086
    @jesse1086 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    man wish i could get into D&D. unfortunately all my friends...they uhh...yeah i dont think theyd like it.

    • @tusharbhardwaj6963
      @tusharbhardwaj6963 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      dude theres a lot of communities online. None of my friends hold even the slightest interest so its what I did and its great dude. Try /r lfg on reddit or just roll20 website both have a lot games for beginners

  • @Elnis888
    @Elnis888 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    43:00 ... Jessica Rabbit?!

  • @dejaeviz
    @dejaeviz 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ? if incapacitated, doesnt monster lose DEX to AC ?

  • @quonomonna8126
    @quonomonna8126 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    should have upcast the sleep spell

  • @davidhoffman6595
    @davidhoffman6595 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fluffy should've gained advantage for flanking and the fighter should've gotten disadvantage for averting his gaze.

  • @Voriel87
    @Voriel87 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    warhammer does 1d8 not 1d6

  • @gregoryward379
    @gregoryward379 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel like the barbarian is role playing great but needs help on the mechanics.

  • @TheGIJew.
    @TheGIJew. 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @timothyherman7977
    @timothyherman7977 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    if you are going to break up the episode up into parts have a recap or upload the hole thing

  • @kaylamills2452
    @kaylamills2452 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The constant flashing of the white title screen is so annoying and gives me a headache. I already like the show, stop trying to brainwash me.

  • @hardino0311
    @hardino0311 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    The blonde girl in the middle clearly doesn’t understand meta-gaming. She is always trying to react to what she hears instead of what her character would know.

  • @Doomer253
    @Doomer253 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    For a improv guy Sam was boring as hell.

  • @HectorLopezSM
    @HectorLopezSM 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is so good! Excellent group of players, and a really amazing DM.