You can increase the profit quite a bit by just going with crystalline/aoe hunting while only minority decreasing exp/hr. Also when you figure in the longer hunt, it almost equals out considering this place is a decent hike for refill. Can easily cap a 2-3hr hunt
Session: 00:15h Raw XP/h: 1,412,843 XP/h: 2,119,263 Balance: 13,242 Killed Monsters: 52x elder wyrm 150x wyrm Thats results on 440 RP no preys no summon, respawn cannot keep up with me, and heres my question, how its possible that u having much better results on lower lvl while im doing exactly as you showed on video? after 30 mins i have 1,2kk exp gain.
I don't know, but I find it hard to believe that respawn can't keep up at 1.4kk raw. I have always been able to do much more than that here across multiple vocations without ever running out of respawn. At 1.8kk/raw+ is where respawn rate starts to come into play.
Nobody has that high magic level on paladin without spending money. So this information about exp/hour is inaccurate. Ordinary player on level range 250 rp has mostly 26/28 mlvl.
Zakladam ze masz na mysli palek vs EK. Nie, lepiej gralo mi sie EK. Strasznie irytuje mnie w Tibii blokowanie cooldownu auto-attackow przy uzyciu itemkow (run), dlatego w sumie nie lubie grac palkiem. Ale co poradzisz. Jak skonczy mi sie content na palka (pewnie 500+~) to pewnie magiem pogram.
@@Kusnierr chodziło mi że dist bez imbu i eq 106. Ogólnie mam drugi poziom imbu dla 2x mana leach 2x life leach, dorzuce jeszcze energy protection + cryt na łuk. Eq: zoan h, prismatic armor i legi no i dorzucam plasma amulet i ring. Myślisz że ogarnę z jakimś w miarę rozsądnym expem?
A ok :) No to mysle ze dasz rade, ale co do expa to watpie. Mysle ze raczej bedzie kiepsko, bo te wyrmy uciekaja. Sprobuj moze bedzie Ci sie podobac. Ale np. taki Exotic Cave czy jakies edron hero napewno bylyby lepsze.@@Bwojt94
You can add a charm now: fatal hold. That does not make them run away at low health
Yep, absolutely, apply Fatal Hold on Wyrms and this respawn becomes much better.
You can increase the profit quite a bit by just going with crystalline/aoe hunting while only minority decreasing exp/hr. Also when you figure in the longer hunt, it almost equals out considering this place is a decent hike for refill. Can easily cap a 2-3hr hunt
Went there on 247 rp, did around 2,1kk on 150%. But need to watch on health when boxing. Peak was 2.6kk with summon
Session: 00:15h
Raw XP/h: 1,412,843
XP/h: 2,119,263
Balance: 13,242
Killed Monsters:
52x elder wyrm
150x wyrm
Thats results on 440 RP no preys no summon, respawn cannot keep up with me, and heres my question, how its possible that u having much better results on lower lvl while im doing exactly as you showed on video?
after 30 mins i have 1,2kk exp gain.
I don't know, but I find it hard to believe that respawn can't keep up at 1.4kk raw. I have always been able to do much more than that here across multiple vocations without ever running out of respawn. At 1.8kk/raw+ is where respawn rate starts to come into play.
Can u make 1 guide to poi plagueseal to pally?
I haven't tried it, but will add it to my list, thanks.
Nobody has that high magic level on paladin without spending money. So this information about exp/hour is inaccurate. Ordinary player on level range 250 rp has mostly 26/28 mlvl.
Fajniej Ci sie gra palkiem niż RP?
Zakladam ze masz na mysli palek vs EK. Nie, lepiej gralo mi sie EK. Strasznie irytuje mnie w Tibii blokowanie cooldownu auto-attackow przy uzyciu itemkow (run), dlatego w sumie nie lubie grac palkiem. Ale co poradzisz. Jak skonczy mi sie content na palka (pewnie 500+~) to pewnie magiem pogram.
@@Kusnierr Dzięki za odp, to tym ekiem swoim jeszcze pykasz czy sprzedałeś?
Stoi na offline od roku. Moze kiedys wroce :) I chce go nadal miec aby nagrywac filmiki jak jakis nowy content bedzie itp@@emilskowronski5296
Hej. Dam rade rp 215 lvl 28 mlvl 106 dist(bez eq imbu itd.) ?
Bez imbue raczej nie, na takim lvl potrzebujesz imbue wszedzie albo mozesz conajwyzej mini rosha czy culty bic pod kase.
@@Kusnierr chodziło mi że dist bez imbu i eq 106. Ogólnie mam drugi poziom imbu dla 2x mana leach 2x life leach, dorzuce jeszcze energy protection + cryt na łuk. Eq: zoan h, prismatic armor i legi no i dorzucam plasma amulet i ring. Myślisz że ogarnę z jakimś w miarę rozsądnym expem?
A ok :) No to mysle ze dasz rade, ale co do expa to watpie. Mysle ze raczej bedzie kiepsko, bo te wyrmy uciekaja. Sprobuj moze bedzie Ci sie podobac. Ale np. taki Exotic Cave czy jakies edron hero napewno bylyby lepsze.@@Bwojt94