That is pretty interesting. At this point, I would take half an engine. lol My friend had a 94 mustang gt and the engine wiring harness was damaged, leaving only power to two cylinders. It would actually still start and idle (kind of). Which was amazing. However as soon as you put any load on it would die. We found the harness was pinched between the engine and firewall and severed 6 of the power wires.
pcv check valve opens with vacuum it should rattle when you shake it or its bad and the slow chock is normal
Thank you for the feedback, definitely something was wrong with the pcv valve or line.
also treat the corvair as 2 engines it can run on 3 cylinders so half the engine may need more or less than the other side
That is pretty interesting. At this point, I would take half an engine. lol
My friend had a 94 mustang gt and the engine wiring harness was damaged, leaving only power to two cylinders. It would actually still start and idle (kind of). Which was amazing. However as soon as you put any load on it would die. We found the harness was pinched between the engine and firewall and severed 6 of the power wires.