Hi, I’ve got a white 1010s which suddenly stopped working overnight, the power standby light no longer comes on and it makes a kind of noise the same as a HDD when in use so I unplugged everything and an connected power an noise starts again an it sounds like the noise is coming from CPU motherboard main chip under heat sink. Do you have any idea of fault and any possible repair or could it be caused by lack of power in faulty capacitor ?
Hi We dont recommend SSD upgrades for this box. Thats not to say it would not work, but with the age of the boxes now, we have not tested the upgrade and would see no real benifit in doing so.
Hi, I’ve got a white 1010s which suddenly stopped working overnight, the power standby light no longer comes on and it makes a kind of noise the same as a HDD when in use so I unplugged everything and an connected power an noise starts again an it sounds like the noise is coming from CPU motherboard main chip under heat sink. Do you have any idea of fault and any possible repair or could it be caused by lack of power in faulty capacitor ?
Yes it can normally be repaired, have a look at our website for this service. www.freesatspares.co.uk
Does the hard drive need formatting first or does the box do that itself?
For the Humax boxes, they can format them from the menus in the box itself
Hi will the box/software accept a SSD upgrade?
Hi We dont recommend SSD upgrades for this box. Thats not to say it would not work, but with the age of the boxes now, we have not tested the upgrade and would see no real benifit in doing so.