At 01:38, the intended passage might be shown (or is this merely easier because its gradient is downwards at a hill - the camera lens glare is problematic). But it is interesting that the more mature ones appear to prefer the most sturdy looking fence span. (You may have seen those videos showing rescues of moose/deer/horses hung up in fences or tree crotches - those who aren't, I presume, are eaten up.)
"C'mon! You can do this! Don't think about it, just do it. Just jump already."
-Last Bison
I always wondered if bison could jump fences. It doesn't seem natural to them. And that yearling, lmao at his frustrations
so there was one smart buffalo.....who found the way around !!lol
And after they get over there are they gonna jump back across lol. And some high tensil electric would solve that problem
One Bison jumped a higher fence to show the baby bison the one it could go under.
knowing this is a migration path. what person thought of the idea of not creating migration openings?
At 01:38, the intended passage might be shown (or is this merely easier because its gradient is downwards at a hill - the camera lens glare is problematic). But it is interesting that the more mature ones appear to prefer the most sturdy looking fence span. (You may have seen those videos showing rescues of moose/deer/horses hung up in fences or tree crotches - those who aren't, I presume, are eaten up.)
Indian gaur can jump 7 feet fence