Do Humans Have Free Will? | Explained

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @emadshafik2509
    @emadshafik2509 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I am not Jewish , but I found this very engaging and insightful . Great job , thank you !

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It’s like creation is happening in the mind of God.
    God is thinking us into existence.
    God and his thoughts are like looking into a mirror. Where ONE becomes like two. So the ONE can experience itself.
    How else can ONE learn the color of ONE’s eyes.

  • @Avishai-rx3py
    @Avishai-rx3py 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Berakhot 33b:23-25
    And Rabbi Hanina said: Everything is in the hands of Heaven, except for fear of Heaven

  • @kingzippy01
    @kingzippy01 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    great piece!

  • @daffyf6829
    @daffyf6829 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I just cannot accept that the question about the existence of free will being asked from the perspective of Chinese leftovers in the fridge was anything but a choice.

  • @IandThou-wt2ui
    @IandThou-wt2ui 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can understand why you would want to think that. What do you do when you found out there were options you were completely unaware of? You did not know they were options. What then? Did you have free will then? If you are not all knowing, how can you be free to choose what you didn't know existed?

  • @onceamusician5408
    @onceamusician5408 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this is the kind of question that keeps you up at night? well it has done so for me but i know full well that we intellectuals are a tiny minority. most have never even heard of the question let alone been bothered by it.
    have you ever lived and worked with common working men.
    they do NOT bother with this stuff.

  • @UniversalistSon9
    @UniversalistSon9 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think the Christian interpretation of Genesis is kinda ignorant. Ok, so this all knowing God wasn’t Al knowing enough to predict and to be ready for not only Lucifer’s rebellion but also Adam and Eves “free will” to choose the fruit…nah, not logical. If God didn’t want sin, there would never been that tree in the first place. Throughout the Bible we can see that every time the imperfect ones are chosen by God, and I don’t think this is accidental either. God wanted and allowed sin and imperfections because through imperfections we can overcome obstacles and tribulations and in the end have a rapture of the spirit. We are animals with a dream for the skies, the kingdom of God is here amongst us and within us. This is why Jesus ate with the sinners, because all are divinely imperfect. He died to show us how much we must love one another, with our whole selves. Anyway, these are my thoughts about free will.

  • @mikey6214
    @mikey6214 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Humans ARE God’s free will.
    Everything is God’s free will having an experience.
    God and creation is ONE.

    • @MachaMongRuad
      @MachaMongRuad 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love the notion that creation is Gd experiencing Gdself 💜💜💜

  • @GuyDGazit
    @GuyDGazit 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    הַכֹּל צָפוּי,
    וְהָרְשׁוּת נְתוּנָה,
    וּבְטוּב הָעוֹלָם נִדּוֹן;
    וְהַכֹּל לְפִי רֹב הַמַּעֲשֶׂה.
    Everything is foreseen yet freedom of choice is granted, And the world is judged with goodness; And everything is in accordance with the preponderance of works.
    Pirkey Avot 3 15

  • @victortitimas6904
    @victortitimas6904 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I once wanted to buy myself a shawarma. I had money, but only on my credit card. Nevertheless, I went on the quest to get this delicious food.
    The result? One fast food was closed. Another one didn't accept credit cards, cash only.
    The last one ran out of the required materials. I live in a small city, so there aren't a ton of fast foods. I had to give up having the shawarma and had a pizza instead!
    It didn't depend on me at all!!!

    • @justg4898
      @justg4898 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Exactly - we make choices but only in the corners God do set
      And when he see that we choose responsible desisons he set the corners wider

    • @IandThou-wt2ui
      @IandThou-wt2ui 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      For Shavuot I planned to have cheesecake. I live where it is nearly impossible to find kosher cheesecake so I tried to order some shipped to me. The only place I knew of only sold cheese so I found some recipes on line and made my own. Maybe you can make some shawarma. There are lots of recipes online.

  • @paulfrankelphd
    @paulfrankelphd 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Who makes the best bagels!?! That's a truly important question -- Detroit Bagel!

    • @dawnemile7499
      @dawnemile7499 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Momtreal, Canada.

    • @BunnyWatson-k1w
      @BunnyWatson-k1w หลายเดือนก่อน

      Montreal bagels are best.

  • @PresidentChristopher
    @PresidentChristopher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Free will is a facet of consciousness. If consciousness is an element in itself, free will is possible. If consciousness is only a product made up of what makes us up, then free will is an illusion.

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Chris. Good point. If freewill exists, and were only an aspect of consciousness, then before ORGANIC life began, freewill must have been DETERMINED to begin to exist. But a freewill that is determined is a contradiction, therefore if freewill exists it has always existed and God must exist. Cheers, P.R.

    • @PresidentChristopher
      @PresidentChristopher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@philliprobinson7724 GOD, knowing each free will choice we will ever make, knows the outcome of everything.
      Every intervention of God in our lives made us, of our free wills, do what we did. ONLY in this way God can determine everything, but Calvinists have taken free will out of the equation, and in so doing their math doesn't add up correctly.
      Their equation is not accounting for ALL the variables.

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@PresidentChristopher Hi Chris. Hmmmm. I'm not so sure God knows everything in advance. What about when God changes his mind, such as in Jonah Ch 3, or when he regretted having made man and thus caused the flood? It seems to me that if God knew the outcome of everything in advance, he'd never have to change his mind.
      I wasn't aware that Calvinism was a branch of mathematics. I thought it was like Scottish Presbyterianism, but wearing hob-nail boots. 😄Cheers, P.R.

    • @PresidentChristopher
      @PresidentChristopher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@philliprobinson7724 I believe this is a personification. It is God's slowly revealing himself through the stories of the Bible in ways these aretards could understand.
      When God "changes His mind", I have to believe it really means this:
      God WOULD have killed all Israel, had not Moses begged God to pardon their sin, but since Moses did ask pardon for Israel, God didn't destroy Israel.
      And as God slowly reveals more and more of Himself, we find out God placed Moses there so He would have reason to NOT destroy Israel. God was speaking to these aretards using their primitive mythology and understanding of their gods, to slowly and eventually reveal Himself ultimately in the Person of Jesus Christ.

    • @Sauveguy
      @Sauveguy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes we have free will and God is inactive in our lives

  • @nolliebug
    @nolliebug 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Look it’s Becky, who has some thoughts on the nature of Omniscience 😉

    • @btbordo
      @btbordo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She understood the assignment!!

  • @SPQR748
    @SPQR748 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    First define will. Then define free. And you will see that only God has a free will. Only God is free to accomplish anything that he/she/it wills. Our will cannot be free because it is curtailed and modified and DIRECTED by God. And finally the scriptures tell us in Proverbs or is it psalms “The wanderers of a man are of the Lord. How therefore can he know his own way?”

  • @Aung1988
    @Aung1988 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It always comes down to we cannot understand everything and everything about God so let’s leave it at that.
    The praying mantis eyes are sophisticated but it’s just electromagnetic spectrum which we have a lot of understanding about. So I don’t understand why she thinks that’s a very smart example.

  • @Catholictomherbert
    @Catholictomherbert 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Does this lady have a what we might call a sense of direction of where she’s going with very in depth recording of tales and chronicles. I have no guilt among Jews. Maybe that’s my bias a just world hypothesis I want some folks to become more healthy in freakishness and everyday dullness of life.

  • @nobodyatall7039
    @nobodyatall7039 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Free will doesn't make any sense to begin with because every decision I make is based on some kind of motivation, yet I didn't choose to have those motivations, they're there because of nature and nurture and knowledge and experience, and so is every situation I face. It's not even coherent to describe a human decision that somehow exists independently of causality, so free will is just a total nonsense concept, you can't say it exists or doesn't exist because it doesn't even have a coherent definition and it can't.

  • @RickGreg-nt1nt
    @RickGreg-nt1nt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    God destroyed the earth because of the angels mating with women not because of humans. The only time he did want to destroy a portion of the earth because of humans he's talked out of it by Abraham. and they weren't jealous of Joseph's fancy coat, it was because he was the favorite son of their father and was braggadocious about it. He was basically the spoiled little brother constantly running around saying haha I'm dads favorite. and to make it matters worse he was right. It would be like if Jesus was walking around saying "do you know who my father is?" in fact its not until joseph learns to humble himself that bad things stop happening to him.

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi RickGreg. Well, actually, Jesus DID go about bragging about "his Father". He and his Father were "one" (The same), he said. And despite telling us to "pray quietly in our prayer closets" because those hypocrites who "pray openly and loudly in public places have had their reward" (Matt 6:5), the whole of Chapter 17 of John's gospel is a loud public prayer to "his Father" in order that men might be impressed. In talking about "hypocrites" Jesus seems to be leading by example. Cheers, P.R.

  • @darrenwalters9886
    @darrenwalters9886 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Well, the science, data and evidence say she's wrong.

  • @Mas72yo
    @Mas72yo 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    keep looking even deeper, you're almost there

  • @caty863
    @caty863 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    That consequence Vs punishment thing sounds to make some sense. I normally can't say this of most of philosophers' utterances. So, that's something

  • @PresidentChristopher
    @PresidentChristopher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    @0:18 - 19 she had a Spit Effect ARM.

  • @ready1fire1aim1
    @ready1fire1aim1 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The Problem of Free Will:
    Current issue: Tension between determinism in physics and the perception of free will.
    Theorem: Free will emerges from information-based decision processes in complex systems.
    Proof sketch:
    1. Define a decision process: D: I_in → I_out
    2. Complexity of D: C(D) = min{|p| : U(p, I_in) = I_out}, where U is a universal Turing machine
    3. Define free will measure: F(D) = C(D) / I_in
    4. For simple systems, F(D) ≈ 0 (deterministic)
    5. For complex systems (e.g., brains), F(D) ≫ 0
    6. Perception of free will emerges when F(D) exceeds a threshold
    This reconciles determinism with the emergence of apparent free will in complex systems.

  • @jimjoe9945
    @jimjoe9945 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Adam was made in God's image. Adam fell. We are from the seed of Adam the sinner, not the perfect sinless Adam. We must appropriate the sinless perfect nature of the next and only sinless man to walk the earth. Jesus (God incarnate) only perfect people will enter God's kingdom. So take the free gift of Jesus and live forever in unbelievable peace with your creator or spend eternity in torment which is VERY REAL. THE LAKE OF FIRE IS REAL. It was made for the devil and his angels, not man. God takes no pleasure when people refuse his FREE GIFT of salvation and end up in torment. There is great sadness. No works required because no works are acceptable. He saves us because he loves us. Salvation is ONE WAY from him to us. Grace( the gift we cannot earn and don't deserve). God answers the humble but resists the proud. Pride is the deadliest of sins.

  • @PresidentChristopher
    @PresidentChristopher 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I LOVE that she's got such long arms, with her long hair down and her hotness.

  • @nqx
    @nqx 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In Genesis 1, in the beginning, before creation, before there was light, most Bible translations say that God "hovered" or "moved" over the deep. The Hebrew word is marahepet. It means brooding, a verb, which means, "Think deeply about something that makes one unhappy." God knew all the suffering that was to come and what he would have to do on the cross. But in the next verse, God says, "Let there be light!" God chose to do this because he's sovereign and he can do whatever he wants, and he's going to make everything right in the end. Even though billions will go to hell because of their own choices, God will enjoy eternity with the countless billions who love him by their own free will. In regard to Joseph and his brothers selling him into slavery, God allowed this evil to happen to reach a better point down the road. Here's Joseph speaking to his brothers:
    As for you, what you intended against me for evil, God intended for good, in order to accomplish a day like this-to preserve the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20)
    We don't always understand why bad stuff happens at the time. But here's what's important: The only way to receive God's promise of eternal life and avoid the terrible fate of eternal destruction is through Jesus Christ our Lord. He suffered and died on the cross to forgive our sins that make us subject to hell. Once we accept Christ as savior, God wipes the slate clean, and we begin our new life in Christ. We continue to live our lives, doing our best in this fallen, rapidly dying world. We obey God's commandments, knowing that when we die, we're going to live forever with God in a place without evil. Peace to all, and regarding free will, I would like to share this: Feel free to ask anything.

  • @grybnyx
    @grybnyx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You might have included Baruch Spinoza, a Jew but not a theologian, who framed the question in terms of cause and effect, the system in which we are all inescapably embedded and which precludes the possibility of any free will whatsoever. His philosophy accords with modern physics perfectly. The moral and ethical ramifications of this view are paradoxically quite liberating.

  • @philliprobinson7724
    @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hi. If God is ALL powerful then we can have no freewill, because any freewill we had would subtract from God's power and freewill.
    If God did not have complete freewill, he would not be all powerful. If we DO have freewill, then God is not all powerful, and we must redefine God.
    If we are merely the unwitting agents of God's freewill, then we do not have our own freewill. But this does not mean everything is determined, it just means all freewill belongs to God, and being all powerful he/she can change his/her mind. Even in this case our thoughts could still be free, even if our ability to act upon those thoughts wasn't.
    It's also possible that we all have differing degrees of freewill, which is given to us by God in accordance with how humanely we've handled it in the past. I prefer this explanation because it fits with our notions of justice. Cheers, P.R.

  • @BunnyWatson-k1w
    @BunnyWatson-k1w หลายเดือนก่อน

    We have moral agency, not free agency. Free agency assumes no consequences for actions. That is not how God operates. We have moral agency, but there are consequences to our actions. God wants obedience from His children.

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If you believe gad is real than you have no Free Will because your gad has a Divine Plan for you and is also omniscient. Your life is predestined by your gad. what's the solution? believe in yourself and your family and leave magic and gad out of your life. Good luck.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Individuals have choices but we are part of a group and if you remain a part of that group then Jehovah already knows how that group will behave. God advises you as any good parent would but as in the case of Cain, he made rhe wrong choice and had to deal with the consequences. God knew he would but God still gave him a choice.

  • @Boulderman
    @Boulderman 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I go with the Rav but here is my added take. People that go through life unconsciously have no free will while those that live life consciously do have free will.

  • @Valti_gaming
    @Valti_gaming 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As 4 philosophical creator: we r it. Experiencing "reality" - so i guess no omniscent god exists.

  • @dawnemile7499
    @dawnemile7499 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You went wrong at #3. That's your free will. Who said that there was free will with no consequences?

  • @Rohit-jc2sm
    @Rohit-jc2sm 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This jewish videos lack one thing that is they never mention what torha say about free will insted its about what present day jewish modern person thinks.

  • @LexxysLifeDownUnder-kr8sb
    @LexxysLifeDownUnder-kr8sb 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The question is only interesting if you’re a deist? Are you kidding??? What a stupid stupid thing to say.

  • @Valti_gaming
    @Valti_gaming 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    As 4 yhwh - u should know by now, he's old jewish warrier storm "god".

  • @foreverfeminist3345
    @foreverfeminist3345 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The major question is do we have free will, and if we do... how are we to understand mankind’s choice between good or evil? What role does God play, if any? An interesting and unique novel by award-winning author Jerry Marcus approaches this question in "Escape from Heaven" - in which Moses and Jesus meet in Heaven, form a friendship and decide to work together for the sake of all humanity. Through a series of vignettes-as they observe ordinary people on Earth-Moses and Jesus have philosophical conversations about the concepts of free will, good vs evil, and the complexities of the human condition.

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi F.F. To be perfectly honest, Jesus and Moses would not have even been friends.
      Moses killed an Egyptian for flogging a Hebrew slave (Ex 2:11-15). Jesus on the other hand said "turn the other cheek" to accept another assault and accepted that slaves could be flogged (Luke 12: 45-48). A novel from an imaginative author who doesn't know the bible is irrelevant. Cheers, P.R.

    • @foreverfeminist3345
      @foreverfeminist3345 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@philliprobinson7724 A novel is a creative work of fiction. You might want to read the book before you get on your high horse and call the author irrelevant. In fact, in this book, Jesus learns from Moses that turning the other cheek is what is irrelevant.

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@foreverfeminist3345 Hi F.F. You're right, I haven't read it, but my "high horse" isn't exactly a Shetland pony. I understand that "creative fiction" has a genuine part to play in developing "what if" scenarios, especially in ethics, but it shouldn't replace scripture as a primary source. It's judging the ancients by modern contexts and can go "Life of Brian" all too easily.
      Please note I didn't say your author was irrelevant, I said that that particular novel was. Modern history gets mangled by similar imaginations, with David Irving saying the holocaust never happened, and there's another imaginative novel where Hitler wins the war. Your author is standing on shaky ground.
      I stand by my point. If the bible characters are portrayed as they actually were, Jesus and Moses would not have been close friends.
      Moses said to Pharoah "LET MY PEOPLE GO" (Out of slavery), but Jesus and Paul said, "SLAVERY DOESN'T MATTER".
      No happy families there, even the very best creative novelist can't bridge that credibility gap, they're at opposite ends of the spectrum. It has been argued by atheists that the whole bible is a work of creative fiction. I don't accept that, but it's easy to see why. Cheers, P.R.

    • @foreverfeminist3345
      @foreverfeminist3345 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@philliprobinson7724 Free Will is a beautiful gift, and I thank God every day and with great respect for that gift... As a mere mortal, I am also thankful, obviously in a very different way, for the US Constitution and its gift free speech-so creative authors to express their ideas in novels and ability to reach out to readers who enjoy their works of fiction. I also respect and thank you for commenting on my comment. And applaud the author of "Escape from Heaven," who wrote a novel that teams two important religious figures-who tried working together in Heaven, and who yearned to understand mankind's choice of good versus evil... All in a fervent desire to prevent another Holocaust on Earth. Indeed, I would call this award-winning and respected author prophetic, given the news we are faced with every day...

    • @philliprobinson7724
      @philliprobinson7724 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@foreverfeminist3345 Hi F.F. Thanks for that. After thinking about your comments, especially on free speech, I agree with you. it occurred to me that we need imaginative novels on religious topics because religions are very reluctant to scrutinize their own beliefs or consider other ways of thinking. Once they acknowledge just one "true prophet", his thoughts become a permanent bottleneck through which other people's thoughts must pass. If they don't, they're called "heresy", or "apostasy", and a witch hunt ensues (Ask Salman Rushdie). It's like a child growing up, but his parents refusing to buy him bigger shoes. (Yes, I know I'm too big for my boots. My high horse needs re-shoeing too! 😄)
      What we need today is a novel in which Moses meets Mohammed. Cheers, P.R.

  • @Valti_gaming
    @Valti_gaming 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bagles r carb incarnate😂

  • @YoussefChaabani-jh3tg
    @YoussefChaabani-jh3tg 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    hell and heaven both exists here and you choose what suits you the most.