2nd set Alcaraz played too tentative, and let Novak attack his shots more, that's how he lost the 2nd set, should have been 2-0 up, and he would have won the match.🎉
What Djokovic is doing on a tactical, physical, and technical level at his age against a freakin monster of a tennis player like Alcaraz is unheard of. Djokovic truely is in his own league among the many legends this sport has seen.
@@BOZ_11 nah, I don't agree that he is fitter in his 30s. I would suggest you to watch some matches of Novak in 2011, 2015 and 2016... That was ultimate physical and mental peak of Djokovic and he was probably 50% better than he is right now. Especialy 2011 and first half of 2016, he was much more aggressive offensively than he is right now and despite that he was making much less unforced errors and he was definitely quicker than he is right now. That's the thing. People don't understand that peak Djokovic would defeat Alcaraz 6-0,6-0,6-1 in this match.
@ the problem is that the competition is much weaker not djokovic fitter . that s why nole still plays because this era doesnt compare with the era where they were big 3 plus murray wawrinka del potro and many others
Well Carlos hadn't played anyone decent until Novak. His first real test should have been Draper but he was injured. Whereas Novak played a 2 dangerous Czech players in Machac and Lehecka.
Astonishing performance from both players and a beautiful beautiful match as always. When it's Djokovic vs Carlitos it's hard to believe that it's not the final you're watching, very high level, very entertaining and Djokovic is just inspirational to say the least !
@@tuttifrutti17 i went back to sleep after second set this was one of the most boring match to watch alcaraz would lose against many players today thats crazy
What "beautiful beautiful" match have you seen, out of curiosity? Here I see one of (if not 'the') the greatest tennis players of all time and a young prodigy both not playing their best tennis at all. Far from it in fact, with many errors and many missed winners.
@@ciciuk3695 It's all in the strategy and how Djokovic stripped Alcaraz from his magic wand and didn't let him produce his magic, for me it was impressive how he adjusted his play and controlled the match!
@@moonchild9237 half of those are TEAM sports, they have TEAMMATES, Bolt just sprints in a straight line, no mind games there, same for Phelps, Fed and Rafa are great tennis players but that is it, in fact they were all great, but you didnt give ONE good example out of 12, try again
I dare anyone to even question the fact this man is the best of all time, at his age, the tennis he s producing, the mentality, the mental strenght is of another planet, you can like him or not, but he s unquestionably the best of all time
Dislike him personally, he's a tool, but i finally concede that he's probably the greatest player ever. I am not a big fan of the simplistic metric of who wins more slams, so if it was like +/- two slams, i'd say pick your favourite, but now he has a clear lead, and its true, being health conscious reaps its rewards in terms of longevity. When you factor in that Federer probably has the play style that maximizes longevity and that Novak has a brutally physical game, i have to say Novak gets the nod over Roger and .. well Nadal's unlucky because his best surface is only one of the 4 slams, and doubly unlucky because his build and physical game means its been cruel on his body. I've watched the tennis for decades and this has been the greatest era. Murray would have had like a dozen Slams and 7 AO's if it wasn't for one guy :P Novak his slightly better version. So he belongs in the conversation as a great and its nice to see him coaching here. But i feel like the new era of Sinner and Alcaraz is going to be intriguing too This is unbelievable. I thought Novak would get owned in the Olympics, and that Alcaraz was too good and too young. Nope. Same here, i thought the way Alcaraz was bossing the first set... nope. Makes you wonder, how much Djokovic is off his peak.
@@louiseosaur But Djokovic now is not his peak. Alcaraz should overtake him imminently (needs to work on his serve and tactics) but Djokovic is fighting age. Whether Alcaraz can reach the same level as Djokovic's prime... Maybe? If he has Sinner or someone to push him consistently
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have witnessed one of the most memorable encounters of the tennis history today. All breaths had been held for this blockbuster. There was everything. In each stage, the combat have escalated. Particularly, after Djokovic attained the second set. All borders and frontiers have been forced on the court, transcending the boundaries, watching the top-notch rallies, spectacular winner points and contending till the end. Both Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz, thank you so much for making us watch such a historic showdown.
Absolutely Mehmet, we witnessed rare greatness. Men spending his 38th year of life, outplaying super strong and talented 21 year old Carlos that we also appreciate. In such a demanding sport like tennis. Someone mentioned leBron james being fitter then Novak here. He spends only 30-40 minutes per game, playing two games a week usually. That's nowhere near Novak's level of fitness who plays for hours for a win. Often day after day. This win over Alkaraz is spectacular considering all the metrics. Thanks GOAT 👏
Alcaraz game is many levels above Djokovic but his tactics are very bad and he is still a bit one dimensional ballbasher, he needs slow the game and try diferent things against Djokovic
Novak Djokovic: The legend who never stops making history! With dedication, discipline, and unmatched strength, he continues to dominate tennis, embodying the ultimate definition of a super-athlete.
This match was another indication of why Nole is the best tennis player of all time. He got a guy who is 21 years old, who is 16 years younger than Novak, who already at that age has 4 GS, which is more than the legendary Murray, who plays modern, fast and atomic tennis. Nole won this match thanks to his very high tennis IQ, he served very well and the serve served him in important moments, he hit precise and powerful forehands and backhands, especially the forehand. I think he will take Zverev in the semi-final 3:0 because literally Paul didn't know how to finish the 2 sets won. To move like this at the age of 37 is out of the ordinary and I'm sure that his chances for the title are even higher than others thought. Congratulations to Alcaraz because he is truly a top tennis player, and above all a very good and cultured guy.
this match was another indication that tennis is dead . weakest era ever totally unatural that a 37 years guy injured can beat the peak of tennis at the moment easily in 4 sets . this shows how much tennis has fallen . djokovic is not even 70% as he used to be and still win easily . the competition is 0.
Non si può nemmeno dire che Alcaraz abbia giocato male, ma Nole oggi è stato perfetto in tutto, precisione, forza, visione del gioco e agilità. Non capisco come un quasi quarantenne possa muoversi come un ventenne e batterlo. Non ci sono parole.... 🫣
Fisicamente Nole dimostra dieci anni in meno. Ed ha una forza mentale pazzesca. Non mi è mai piaciuto e non mi piace ma è straordinario. Tanto di cappello
What Nole does, no sport remembers! Being a top athlete for two decades, at that age, says that he is the best athlete in the world since all sports have been played on the planet. Only evil and envious people can refute the words that go with his name - Novak Djokovic, the best athlete of all time! What is Nole doing... A sports phenomenon that has never existed before! Serbia, be proud, but also the region ex YU. Nole is open-hearted, welcoming wherever he appears in the territory of the former Yuga. Rejoice, Serbian people in the diaspora. We have a living giant! By the way i am Macedonian
That's not true if you count darts as a sport. Phil Taylor won 16 world titles, and there's only one of those each year. He also lost in the final a number of times too. Multiply that by 4 and you're looking at 64 Grand Slams. BTW, if you don't count darts as a sport, there are many other sports that would say the same thing about tennis.
Over the years, Djokovic has struggled with a psychological problem. In the most important matches with his biggest rivals, he chooses to play his safe game, which tightens his hand and things don't work out for him, but after some time in which he suffers, he realizes that this is not the way, relaxes, takes a measured risk and crushes his opponent! In this match, he didn't have to realize this moment, because the injury forced him to take risks and show the best of himself! Djokovic is a legendary warrior! He managed to stay in the match until the painkillers took effect and won - the goat! And as for Alcaraz - he is a very talented and good boy, but maybe he needs to change coach!
this is exactly why murray couldn't achieve what i thought he would. he stayed in safe mode. but boy, when he changed like djoko did in some matches he was amazing too. these little things make the difference between the great and the good.
Он само игра тенис. И за већину је то довољно. Ти највећи ривали, е за њих тај ниво није довољан. Тада, када је тешко, његова психа и менталитет праве разлику. Тако да нема он тих проблема, заправо је супротно. Против најбољих игра свој најбољи тенис. Српски менталитет, Инат у њему је снажан, веома јак. Али то што сте Ви рекли за данас је тачно. Након медицинског тајмаута је играо агресивније. Али опет говорити о његовој игри сада и последњих неколико година, Он маја месеца пуни 38 година. Он је деда у смислу тениса. Теорија четири генерације. Да нема Новака и да не побеђује, људи би рекли да Синеру и Алкаразу велика тројка не би могла ништа или да би били у истом рангу са њима. На почетку каријере је био превише агресиван, прилагодио је игру када је решио проблеме са алергијом, тада је могао да игра дуже, самим тим Новак од 2011 године игра маратон, док остали спринтају 100 метра или 1500м. Агресиван ритерн, дубоке лопте, а опет страшна дефанзива. Новак се мења у току меча, а да не причамо о променама током целе каријере. Звер која се зацементирала као најбољи свих времена. И сваком новом победом не уздиже само себе, већ и највеће ривале. Муче се са дедом Новаком, шта би радили против осталих великана које је Новак морао да победи да би само ушао у конверзацију за највећег тенисера свих времена. Инат је тежак за објаснити. Инна Царинна је дала леп пример : купиш карту за аутобус и онда се наљутиш на возача, и идеш пешака, у инат возачу аутобуса. Дакле Инат је када радиш нешто пркосно, често на своју штету. Зато се и каже у народу : ,,Инат је лош занат". Пример у кошарци, говорили смо дајте нам Американце или у фудбалу дајте нам Бразил да се играмо. Зато је и пала аустроугарска у Првом светском рату, Немачка у Првом и Другом, па НАТО пакт 1999 године. Попушио САД (США), и савезници само тако. 17 држава на малу Србију + терористи са блиског истока, муџахедини. Са нама су само били добровољци Украјинци и Руси, и то је све. Нису могли да пробију границу, наши спартанци, наши момци су задржали говна (Извините због изражавања). Када више нису могли план је био да крену тепих бомбе, ту би нам сравнали градове и побили цивиле. Већ су бацили касетне бомбе на Ниш, касетне бомбе су забрањене женевском конвенцијом. Председник Милошевић је спасио животе када је потписао мировни споразум. Новак је био дете када је све то било, пре тога ембарго, санкције, хиперинфлација. Професор у школи за месечну плату није могао да купи литар млека, а мало дете кући треба да једе. Што се Новака тиче његов отац је испричао причу када је Новак требао да иде на УС опен за јуниоре. Имао је негде 16-17 година тада. Требало им је за Новака и његовог оца Срђана 5000 долара. Тада је Новак био у тениском клубу Партизан. Председник клуба је до 2 дана пред пут рекао да ће он да обезбеди новац за трошкове. И два дана до пута им каже да немају и да морају да се снађу. Отац је већ платио аванс за карте, где да нађе, Он оде код Зеленаша. Исприча му да је Новак јуниорски шампион Вимблдона (ако се не варам), да је будућност спорта велики таленат. На шта га зеленаш пита колико и до кад му треба, Срђан одговори да му треба 5000 долара и то данас јер сутра већ имају лет. Зеленаш му одговори: "Код мене је камата 12% за тебе је 15% јер ти се жури". Како Срђан каже, прогутао је кнедлу, узео новац, кући се закључао у купатило и бејзбол палицом разлупао све. Али трпео је због свог детета. 3 сина 20 марака то је исто као 20 евра, стави на сто и каже то је све што имамо за целу недељу (недеља 7 дана, исто је недеља као седми дан у недељи). Жртва целе породице, само да обезбеде Новаку шансу да игра. Онда коначно Новак стиже на тоур, игра улази у топ 100. И мора да предаје мечеве јер не може да дише, алергије су гадне, ко их је имао зна. Федер и Родик га исмејавају због тога. Око Надала се ствара мит да је непобедив на шљаци. Новак каже да ако има добар сервис да коже да га притисне, и да диктира поене, и да не мора да игра нешто посебно да би га победио. Касније је то и доказао. Новинари су променили Новакове речи и опет га исмејавали. Све је то обликовало Новака у човека каквог је данас и наравно тенисера. Други не би могли да издрже. Звер, јебена звер. Зна да је најбољи, зна да заслужује да победи, али се пати и губи у мечу. Та психа и менталитет је његова борба са самим собом. Када победи себе, ту му више нико ништа не може. То је Новак Ђоковић.. Извините за овако дугачак коментар, желео сам само да Вам приближим Новакову психу, а не да Вас демантујем.
@@nenadmilosevic4002ajde da se dogovorimo kad ugasi Zverera da napises duzu verziju,samo bih dodao za Novaka da je i grobar svetskog tenisa s obzirom da je toliko mladih talentovanih tenisera ugasio,I dace bog da ih gasi Jos neko vreme,pozdrav
@@ManfredRS respect Andy for his achievements. To win a grand slam with those guys around is a big feat. And I'm sure he won more than the one. Also, maybe it is a stretch to call it big four. Still, he was up there.
@SabeTheApple I absolutely respect him, an astonishing player himself and a nice person who gave them run for their money occasionally. Still, Big 3 is Big 3, distinction is clear. I don't like MSM programming me what to think in order for mega businesses to sell more sports merchandise, is it Big 4, Lebron James greatest ever or some other stunt. Regards
I am not surprised that Djokovic won in terms of game intelligence, game experience, game intelligence. What surprises me is that Novak is almost 40 years old, he moves like he did in his 20s, even better. It is truly incredible. He may or may not be a champion, who knows, but the critical point is that when Novak wants, when he wants, he can defeat the opponent with his experience, regardless of his age and position.
No man, he's far from his best physical condition. I've been watching him for the last 15 years and it's almost hurt to watch how much slower he is these days
@@petarpetrovic8347 Exactly. He has moments of good movement. But he is nowhere near peak. But to compensate he is hitting much flatter and harder today. Thats what the greats do, they adapt their game
@@ZlatniPlast I am curious. Fonseca is great and u might be right, however its too early now....Milic I dont know but ty i will check him. Funny becuz I really also believe in Fonseca:)
@@georgigazeto4650 I believed in Fonseca a year ago, but now its obvious he has a big 3 sealing to hit. He can serve 215, has big second serve kick, monster forehand and big backhand he is quick and has already endurance for more than 3 sets. In 2 years he will be a monster on hard courts and clay, we shall see about grass...
Best athlete ever,period. How Novak draws on the field, and they say he's old, Novak can't do it :) I love little Carlos and every success you have will make me happy. And the bookies put the odds of almost 2,8 .4k in the pocket :* Love from Serbia
@@A_Proud_Serb Football is the most popular and competitive sport in the world. But even if we talk about individiual sports only, I would put Ali and Usyk over Djokovic.
@@LNLBDok, let's compare Messi's career to Djokovic's. Messi won 8 Ballon D'Ors in his career, he didn't deserved AT LEAST 2 OF THEM. I repeat this again, he didn't deserve at least 2 of them and I believe he deserved to win 5 Ballon D'Ors in his career. But let's give him one, let's say he has legitely 6 Ballon D'Ors. Djokovic has 8 years in his career where he ended up as the best tennis player in the world and unlike Messi who had his biggest rival Ronaldo, Djokovic in his career faced another 2 greatest tennis players of all time after him and one of thw greatest athletes ever and when Alcaraz finishes his career, there is a strong chance that he will be at least the best player after these three and who knows, maybe he can surpass Federer and Nadal because I don't believe his competition will be soo tough. Soo Djokovic is facing all top 4 players in this sport possibly and not to mention how corrupted tennis organization didn't allow him to play on 2 grand slam tours in 2022 when he was still fully healthy and in his prime. He wasn't able to compete at his favourite tour which he would easily win Australia Open and he wasn't able to play at US Open when he was again favourite. Even in 2020 when both Federer and Nadal were injured, because there was no way to stop him, they diswualified him from winning another slam. Soo in 2022 corruption mafia took possibly 1 or 2 grand slams aeay from Djokovic and took away one more year end number 1. Soo if these stats were more legit, realisticly Djokovic in toughest era of tennis history should've had 9 years end number 1 and Messi should've had 6 Ballon D'Ors
For those born at the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s, here is our Story; We witnessed Agassi, Sampras, Safin, Gustavo Kuerten Then came RF the elegance, Nadal the torero, Murray the no man down, Lewis, Nalbandian, Thiem, Wawrinka, Monfils, Delpotro, then Marvel The unbreakable wall, only man standing: NOLE
поздравляю Новака величайшего в истории тенниса, Карлос сопротивлялся как мог ,мне повезло что я вижу историю,,Павлодар ,это Казахстан, Великий серб мы стобой
What tennis should be. Two gladiators battling it out on the court. Both applauded and loved by the fans for their unmatched abilities. No one knowing who is going to take it. Both able to turn to the crowd and ask for more noise, for more support in their favour! And both obliged by a set of fans who could be swayed either way. Unlike when Fedal were around and Djokovic had to battle foe and public alike. Now you see what this man is truly made of. Props to the kid too. What a match!
Such matches are impossible to watch normally. Whenever Mr. Djokovic plays, we get excitement, tennis poetry and a little show. An athletic old man defeated the unimaginable acrobat of world courts (and probably his successor to the throne) and that while playing from the middle of the match without the first serve (!!!). Amazing. Will Mr. Djokovic recover from this grueling performance? I hope so, because I wish him “twenty-five”.
Sure, turned someone who had never won anything into a winner, he owes everything he achieved in his career to Murray. Nole was a low ranked player with zero hope of ever winning a trophy, then Murray came along.
He was cheated out of two US Opens he would've been favourite to win: one by Covid, the other by a ridiculous default decision for hitting a ball at a lineslady
Tennis itself is bigger than Novak, Fed, Rafa, Lava, Borg, etc, just like football is bigger than Pele, Diego, Leo, Kylian, Cristiano... So stop being naive & overemotional, for real...😊
The tennis that Djokovic can produce at almost 38 years is absolutely unbelievable😮
Alcaraz is a weak era player that wouldn't be Top 10 with Big 3 playing.
@@Outlandish0 He is nowhere near the big 3(what player is), but he would be 4th, 5th if he played in that era for sure, don't underestimate him
At 38
@@Outlandish0 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡
@@Outlandish0He would destroy prime Fed and prime Nadal, this is higher level game...
Imagine your 25th grand slam beating 1st 2nd and 3rd ranked players who are 15 years younger than you. Now that is a material for a blockbuster.
With all due distinctions, Steffi Graf's Roland Garros 1999 is the first thing that comes to mind. beating Davenport(2) Seles(3) and Hingis(1)
@domenicocutrone5338 but they weren't 15 years apart
She was 29 🤣 @domenicocutrone5338
@domenicocutrone5338may as well be a different sport
@domenicocutrone5338Seles would have beaten anyone for years without such crazy Graf' supporter....
Novak Djokovic seems like he is from another planet.
Sinner will bring him back to earth after he'll once again dispatch Novak in the final ! Sinner will become Novak's worst nightmare !
@@gabrielagent20 Bro he is 15 years younger
@@gabrielagent20 How many grand slams does Sinner have?
He is actor🤡
@@gabrielagent20No way, Siner will lose.
When I want to learn something about philosophy and mental strength, I always turn to Djokovic.!🇷🇸
God is powerfull
he could carry the biggest rock with smile
a fan of idiot's village philosophy, I see
@@USUG0 you see schit
@@USUG0 🖕that philosophy? 😡
Literally he won the 4th without his first serve, what a baseline battle that was
Yes totally deserted him, hopefully this comes back for semis and hopefully final
@Gauravkoolwal well, he was redlining at that stage... mentally, he never checked out tho and his tennis IQ won him the match!
2nd set Alcaraz played too tentative, and let Novak attack his shots more, that's how he lost the 2nd set, should have been 2-0 up, and he would have won the match.🎉
Yeah but tells more about Alcaraz than djoko, Alcaraz bottled yet again
@@pauljohnson6019we have a coach right here😂
I am blessed to be able to watch Djokovic still playing the game.
For me personally the greatest athlete of all time
As an athlete, lebron is far superior. Nonetheless, nole is the goat Allrounder in tennis.
@@chingeling86 superior in what sense? They play different sports. Strenght? Sure. Resistance? Let me doubt it
You're right, LeBron is superior when it comes to steroids and the millions of dollars he spends on various doping methods.
@@chingeling86 lol :)
Tennis and basketball are very different. Btw Jokić is better than James.😂
What Djokovic is doing on a tactical, physical, and technical level at his age against a freakin monster of a tennis player like Alcaraz is unheard of. Djokovic truely is in his own league among the many legends this sport has seen.
Alcarez is air to the throne but djokovic is the goat who is not ready to pass the baton yet
Imagine Djokovic prime playing Alcaraz... This would have been a massacre.
don't forget the drug-level
@@surgevincent4738 what abut sinner? I think sinner will rein alongside alcaraz but sinner will be more successful.
Calm down, dude, Alca is 16 (!) years younger than him... 21-yo Carlitos >>> 21-yo Djok, stats don't lie 😊
What a beast Djoker is
The greatest athlete of all time
@@hristijandimitrovski8664 weird how he's fitter in his 30s than 20s. The only man ever, in any sport. Obviously, a hyper responder.
@@BOZ_11 nah, I don't agree that he is fitter in his 30s. I would suggest you to watch some matches of Novak in 2011, 2015 and 2016... That was ultimate physical and mental peak of Djokovic and he was probably 50% better than he is right now. Especialy 2011 and first half of 2016, he was much more aggressive offensively than he is right now and despite that he was making much less unforced errors and he was definitely quicker than he is right now. That's the thing. People don't understand that peak Djokovic would defeat Alcaraz 6-0,6-0,6-1 in this match.
He was pushing 30 in 2016. He won 50% of his majors from 2018 onwards (15 years AFTER turning pro)
@ the problem is that the competition is much weaker not djokovic fitter . that s why nole still plays because this era doesnt compare with the era where they were big 3 plus murray wawrinka del potro and many others
In 10 or so years we will look back to the GOAT's carreer and be proud to say we witnessed it. 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
at this point he might still play lmao
Yes, we will look back and feel blessed that we got to witness the big three era (greatest era of all time).
@@jameskent9759 OBVIOUSLY, YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND the sentence well, the word GOAT is present here.
Yes, Hail Roger!
not the greatest of all time. keep living in your dreams..
Got the chills watching this one. Djokovic is truly one of a kind
he plays like an AI machine; low-risk, high fitness, high stamina and high-efficiency. (like Alcaraz)
Novak is a Gladiator! Simply incredible talent and player. Go Novak!
Novax is a covidatior 😂
Murray's expression at the end of the video, summed up how most felt. Unreal.
'This the type of shit he did to me' 🤣🤣
That's him realizing he was born in the wrong period of time lol If he played before or after the trifecta he would definitely have a lot more GC's
nah, he was just schooled by Lendl 😀
We witnessed Novak's masterclass and a lecture for youngsters out there. The Man - The Legend
Lol, yeah and then watch the youngster give the fake injury joke a tennis lesson in the finals if he even makes it.
At the start of second set winning predictor show 28% for Djokovic to win this match, what a beast he is !
Tako je bre, idemoooo ! 🇷🇸💪
those type of stats are nonsense
At one point odds were 8.00 on Djokovic
@@QueArghnot really. Do you want to put your money on it? 😁
Thats really an incredible achievement, that he won this. What a beast.
Incredible, extraordinary, never-ending Djokovic !!!!
Allez Novak, tu es le meilleur des meilleurs ! Bravo ! Greetings from Portugal.
I have no word. Incredible
Wow! I have to admit I thought Carlos was unbeatable this year at AO but the great Djokovic has proved me wrong! What a player, what a performance!
Well Carlos hadn't played anyone decent until Novak. His first real test should have been Draper but he was injured. Whereas Novak played a 2 dangerous Czech players in Machac and Lehecka.
He was very much beatable this match. So many unforced errors. Hopefully one day we’ll see a repeat of both him and Djok on peak form 🤞🏻
He is not human 🐐
He is Serbian!! 😅
He is human, but not human vaxxinat4d
He's faked injury again.😮
@@tennisfitapp where are all the other great serbian players?
@@BOZ_11 ask your mom she knows
I said that Djokovic doesn't have chance with Alcaraz because of his age, but he is still capable to fight with those young guys...Amazing athlete!
Astonishing performance from both players and a beautiful beautiful match as always. When it's Djokovic vs Carlitos it's hard to believe that it's not the final you're watching, very high level, very entertaining and Djokovic is just inspirational to say the least !
Alacaraz was not that good today... overall quite sloppy in this match.
@@tuttifrutti17 i went back to sleep after second set this was one of the most boring match to watch alcaraz would lose against many players today thats crazy
What "beautiful beautiful" match have you seen, out of curiosity? Here I see one of (if not 'the') the greatest tennis players of all time and a young prodigy both not playing their best tennis at all. Far from it in fact, with many errors and many missed winners.
Most people just comment without having watched. Your description is an accurate representation of the match, I felt the same. @@ciciuk3695
@@ciciuk3695 It's all in the strategy and how Djokovic stripped Alcaraz from his magic wand and didn't let him produce his magic, for me it was impressive how he adjusted his play and controlled the match!
Novak is the best athlete of all time, WOW
Pele, Diego, Zizou, Leo, CR7, Jordan, LeBron, Merckx, Bolt, Phelps, Fed, Rafa, NOVAK...
@@moonchild9237 half of those are TEAM sports, they have TEAMMATES, Bolt just sprints in a straight line, no mind games there, same for Phelps, Fed and Rafa are great tennis players but that is it, in fact they were all great, but you didnt give ONE good example out of 12, try again
@@moonchild9237 novak is on top on that list
@@moonchild9237Now read it the opposite way.🇷🇸
So happy and blessed to live in Novak Djokovic's era. Greatest of all time, no question!
I've been refreshing youtube all afternoon for this. Worth the wait.
I dare anyone to even question the fact this man is the best of all time, at his age, the tennis he s producing, the mentality, the mental strenght is of another planet, you can like him or not, but he s unquestionably the best of all time
not the greatest of all time. keep living in your dreams..
Dislike him personally, he's a tool, but i finally concede that he's probably the greatest player ever. I am not a big fan of the simplistic metric of who wins more slams, so if it was like +/- two slams, i'd say pick your favourite, but now he has a clear lead, and its true, being health conscious reaps its rewards in terms of longevity.
When you factor in that Federer probably has the play style that maximizes longevity and that Novak has a brutally physical game, i have to say Novak gets the nod over Roger and .. well Nadal's unlucky because his best surface is only one of the 4 slams, and doubly unlucky because his build and physical game means its been cruel on his body.
I've watched the tennis for decades and this has been the greatest era. Murray would have had like a dozen Slams and 7 AO's if it wasn't for one guy :P Novak his slightly better version. So he belongs in the conversation as a great and its nice to see him coaching here. But i feel like the new era of Sinner and Alcaraz is going to be intriguing too
This is unbelievable. I thought Novak would get owned in the Olympics, and that Alcaraz was too good and too young. Nope. Same here, i thought the way Alcaraz was bossing the first set... nope. Makes you wonder, how much Djokovic is off his peak.
Haha for now he’s the best. Alcaraz will surpass him.
@@louiseosaur But Djokovic now is not his peak. Alcaraz should overtake him imminently (needs to work on his serve and tactics) but Djokovic is fighting age. Whether Alcaraz can reach the same level as Djokovic's prime... Maybe? If he has Sinner or someone to push him consistently
I dare to question whether Djokovic is the GOAT of all sports...
The best to ever do it. No question...
So far Andy Murray keeps
His job!! 😅😂 🎉 amazing
everybody must love to watch playing Djokovic vs Alcaraz. What a match this was again!
Djokovic's longevity is simply incredible!!
It's as if Borg had played long enough to beat Agassi and Sampras at their peak in the 90s. I'm not sure everyone realizes that.
the best 37 yr old vs the best 21 yr old the game has ever seen .. epic match .. experience won today well done 👏
he will be 38 in 2 months
@@MMAandBoxingEnjoyer and????
Third en fourth set Djokovic was on his best so stable and deep forehand 😮👍
That's a GOAT's lesson. Nobody was in able to play such good tennis at 38, nobody will.
It's as if Borg had played long enough to beat Agassi and Sampras at their peak in the 90s. I'm not sure everyone realizes that.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have witnessed one of the most memorable encounters of the tennis history today. All breaths had been held for this blockbuster. There was everything. In each stage, the combat have escalated. Particularly, after Djokovic attained the second set. All borders and frontiers have been forced on the court, transcending the boundaries, watching the top-notch rallies, spectacular winner points and contending till the end. Both Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz, thank you so much for making us watch such a historic showdown.
Bro it wasn't that good lol
I remember better matches. A lot indeed.
Absolutely Mehmet, we witnessed rare greatness. Men spending his 38th year of life, outplaying super strong and talented 21 year old Carlos that we also appreciate. In such a demanding sport like tennis. Someone mentioned leBron james being fitter then Novak here. He spends only 30-40 minutes per game, playing two games a week usually. That's nowhere near Novak's level of fitness who plays for hours for a win. Often day after day. This win over Alkaraz is spectacular considering all the metrics. Thanks GOAT 👏
DJOKOVIC, Showing the best performance at the hardest moments!!
can't believe it! this is stratosferic tennis!!!!
He got Carlos by the balls. Djokers mental strength is the key for his GOAT Status.
Impressive performance by Djokovic.
Djocovid back to his old tricks again 😂😂
@@teragramlawrence2864 yeah, it's great to see that 👍😂
A classic Djokovic/Terminator performance
The _Serbinator_ bro
Two great players but Djokovic is amazing and like to see him win the Aussie Open!
die besten Athleten auf dem Planeten
Silence for everyone who was talking sh*t about Djokovic like “he got no change against Alcaraz” or “kick him out” 😡 🤫 🐐
A moment of silence*
Alcaraz game is many levels above Djokovic but his tactics are very bad and he is still a bit one dimensional ballbasher, he needs slow the game and try diferent things against Djokovic
@raxrax223 ok thanks, armchair tennis expert👍🏿😂😂!!!
@@raxrax223Djokovic is simply a better server, baseliner and better mentally
R u Tony Jones?
Che giocatore, straordinario.
Djokovic the best in the world
Congratulations from Tunisia
Novak Djokovic: The legend who never stops making history! With dedication, discipline, and unmatched strength, he continues to dominate tennis, embodying the ultimate definition of a super-athlete.
Djokovic is the GOAT! 🎉🇷🇸
Djocovid is the COVIDOAT
Hands down the greatest champion ever to grace this beautiful game Novak gosh this guy can raise his game to levels of a superhuman
This match was another indication of why Nole is the best tennis player of all time. He got a guy who is 21 years old, who is 16 years younger than Novak, who already at that age has 4 GS, which is more than the legendary Murray, who plays modern, fast and atomic tennis. Nole won this match thanks to his very high tennis IQ, he served very well and the serve served him in important moments, he hit precise and powerful forehands and backhands, especially the forehand. I think he will take Zverev in the semi-final 3:0 because literally Paul didn't know how to finish the 2 sets won. To move like this at the age of 37 is out of the ordinary and I'm sure that his chances for the title are even higher than others thought. Congratulations to Alcaraz because he is truly a top tennis player, and above all a very good and cultured guy.
I dont agree that he served well, but u re absolutelly right!
this match was another indication that tennis is dead . weakest era ever totally unatural that a 37 years guy injured can beat the peak of tennis at the moment easily in 4 sets . this shows how much tennis has fallen . djokovic is not even 70% as he used to be and still win easily . the competition is 0.
Non si può nemmeno dire che Alcaraz abbia giocato male, ma Nole oggi è stato perfetto in tutto, precisione, forza, visione del gioco e agilità.
Non capisco come un quasi quarantenne possa muoversi come un ventenne e batterlo.
Non ci sono parole.... 🫣
Fisicamente Nole dimostra dieci anni in meno. Ed ha una forza mentale pazzesca. Non mi è mai piaciuto e non mi piace ma è straordinario. Tanto di cappello
@pbonacina69 Anche a me non è particolarmente simpatico...
Sicuro non ti piace perke non e' vaccinato....😊😊
God must be pleased with something he's doing, my guess is monk mode SR.
In this game, tactically speaking, you can see and feel the impact of his new coach Andy Murray's touch! Bravo 🥎🎾
Great points from both players, incredible tennis. Djoko was superb.
What Nole does, no sport remembers! Being a top athlete for two decades, at that age, says that he is the best athlete in the world since all sports have been played on the planet. Only evil and envious people can refute the words that go with his name - Novak Djokovic, the best athlete of all time! What is Nole doing... A sports phenomenon that has never existed before! Serbia, be proud, but also the region ex YU. Nole is open-hearted, welcoming wherever he appears in the territory of the former Yuga. Rejoice, Serbian people in the diaspora. We have a living giant! By the way i am Macedonian
That's not true if you count darts as a sport. Phil Taylor won 16 world titles, and there's only one of those each year. He also lost in the final a number of times too. Multiply that by 4 and you're looking at 64 Grand Slams. BTW, if you don't count darts as a sport, there are many other sports that would say the same thing about tennis.
Macedonian... So, are you Greek? Because Macedonia is Greece
Absolutely outrages. And it's almost 38. Chapeau
Simply The Best - Better Than All The Rest..
( 37 ) Years & 8 Months - Young..
Over the years, Djokovic has struggled with a psychological problem. In the most important matches with his biggest rivals, he chooses to play his safe game, which tightens his hand and things don't work out for him, but after some time in which he suffers, he realizes that this is not the way, relaxes, takes a measured risk and crushes his opponent! In this match, he didn't have to realize this moment, because the injury forced him to take risks and show the best of himself! Djokovic is a legendary warrior! He managed to stay in the match until the painkillers took effect and won - the goat! And as for Alcaraz - he is a very talented and good boy, but maybe he needs to change coach!
this is exactly why murray couldn't achieve what i thought he would. he stayed in safe mode. but boy, when he changed like djoko did in some matches he was amazing too. these little things make the difference between the great and the good.
Он само игра тенис. И за већину је то довољно. Ти највећи ривали, е за њих тај ниво није довољан. Тада, када је тешко, његова психа и менталитет праве разлику. Тако да нема он тих проблема, заправо је супротно. Против најбољих игра свој најбољи тенис.
Српски менталитет, Инат у њему је снажан, веома јак.
Али то што сте Ви рекли за данас је тачно. Након медицинског тајмаута је играо агресивније. Али опет говорити о његовој игри сада и последњих неколико година, Он маја месеца пуни 38 година. Он је деда у смислу тениса. Теорија четири генерације. Да нема Новака и да не побеђује, људи би рекли да Синеру и Алкаразу велика тројка не би могла ништа или да би били у истом рангу са њима.
На почетку каријере је био превише агресиван, прилагодио је игру када је решио проблеме са алергијом, тада је могао да игра дуже, самим тим Новак од 2011 године игра маратон, док остали спринтају 100 метра или 1500м. Агресиван ритерн, дубоке лопте, а опет страшна дефанзива.
Новак се мења у току меча, а да не причамо о променама током целе каријере. Звер која се зацементирала као најбољи свих времена. И сваком новом победом не уздиже само себе, већ и највеће ривале. Муче се са дедом Новаком, шта би радили против осталих великана које је Новак морао да победи да би само ушао у конверзацију за највећег тенисера свих времена.
Инат је тежак за објаснити.
Инна Царинна је дала леп пример : купиш карту за аутобус и онда се наљутиш на возача, и идеш пешака, у инат возачу аутобуса.
Дакле Инат је када радиш нешто пркосно, често на своју штету. Зато се и каже у народу : ,,Инат је лош занат".
Пример у кошарци, говорили смо дајте нам Американце или у фудбалу дајте нам Бразил да се играмо. Зато је и пала аустроугарска у Првом светском рату, Немачка у Првом и Другом, па НАТО пакт 1999 године. Попушио САД (США), и савезници само тако. 17 држава на малу Србију + терористи са блиског истока, муџахедини. Са нама су само били добровољци Украјинци и Руси, и то је све. Нису могли да пробију границу, наши спартанци, наши момци су задржали говна (Извините због изражавања). Када више нису могли план је био да крену тепих бомбе, ту би нам сравнали градове и побили цивиле. Већ су бацили касетне бомбе на Ниш, касетне бомбе су забрањене женевском конвенцијом. Председник Милошевић је спасио животе када је потписао мировни споразум.
Новак је био дете када је све то било, пре тога ембарго, санкције, хиперинфлација. Професор у школи за месечну плату није могао да купи литар млека, а мало дете кући треба да једе.
Што се Новака тиче његов отац је испричао причу када је Новак требао да иде на УС опен за јуниоре. Имао је негде 16-17 година тада. Требало им је за Новака и његовог оца Срђана 5000 долара. Тада је Новак био у тениском клубу Партизан. Председник клуба је до 2 дана пред пут рекао да ће он да обезбеди новац за трошкове. И два дана до пута им каже да немају и да морају да се снађу. Отац је већ платио аванс за карте, где да нађе, Он оде код Зеленаша. Исприча му да је Новак јуниорски шампион Вимблдона (ако се не варам), да је будућност спорта велики таленат. На шта га зеленаш пита колико и до кад му треба, Срђан одговори да му треба 5000 долара и то данас јер сутра већ имају лет. Зеленаш му одговори: "Код мене је камата 12% за тебе је 15% јер ти се жури". Како Срђан каже, прогутао је кнедлу, узео новац, кући се закључао у купатило и бејзбол палицом разлупао све. Али трпео је због свог детета. 3 сина 20 марака то је исто као 20 евра, стави на сто и каже то је све што имамо за целу недељу (недеља 7 дана, исто је недеља као седми дан у недељи). Жртва целе породице, само да обезбеде Новаку шансу да игра.
Онда коначно Новак стиже на тоур, игра улази у топ 100. И мора да предаје мечеве јер не може да дише, алергије су гадне, ко их је имао зна. Федер и Родик га исмејавају због тога. Око Надала се ствара мит да је непобедив на шљаци. Новак каже да ако има добар сервис да коже да га притисне, и да диктира поене, и да не мора да игра нешто посебно да би га победио. Касније је то и доказао. Новинари су променили Новакове речи и опет га исмејавали.
Све је то обликовало Новака у човека каквог је данас и наравно тенисера.
Други не би могли да издрже. Звер, јебена звер.
Зна да је најбољи, зна да заслужује да победи, али се пати и губи у мечу. Та психа и менталитет је његова борба са самим собом. Када победи себе, ту му више нико ништа не може.
То је Новак Ђоковић..
Извините за овако дугачак коментар, желео сам само да Вам приближим Новакову психу, а не да Вас демантујем.
@@nenadmilosevic4002 😊
@@nenadmilosevic4002 pa ti si covece legenda, iskreno uzivao sam u citanju
@@nenadmilosevic4002ajde da se dogovorimo kad ugasi Zverera da napises duzu verziju,samo bih dodao za Novaka da je i grobar svetskog tenisa s obzirom da je toliko mladih talentovanih tenisera ugasio,I dace bog da ih gasi Jos neko vreme,pozdrav
Having been a Nadal fan my entire life, this is just a joy to watch. He's keeping the flame of the big four alive. Just wow man. Absolute respect.
What big four? It was just a media stunt to include Andy Murray (whom I respect). It's Big 3 and it will always be.
@@ManfredRS respect Andy for his achievements. To win a grand slam with those guys around is a big feat. And I'm sure he won more than the one. Also, maybe it is a stretch to call it big four. Still, he was up there.
@SabeTheApple I absolutely respect him, an astonishing player himself and a nice person who gave them run for their money occasionally. Still, Big 3 is Big 3, distinction is clear. I don't like MSM programming me what to think in order for mega businesses to sell more sports merchandise, is it Big 4, Lebron James greatest ever or some other stunt.
What a great game! Congratulations to Novak 👍👍
I am not surprised that Djokovic won in terms of game intelligence, game experience, game intelligence. What surprises me is that Novak is almost 40 years old, he moves like he did in his 20s, even better. It is truly incredible. He may or may not be a champion, who knows, but the critical point is that when Novak wants, when he wants, he can defeat the opponent with his experience, regardless of his age and position.
No man, he's far from his best physical condition. I've been watching him for the last 15 years and it's almost hurt to watch how much slower he is these days
@@petarpetrovic8347 Exactly. He has moments of good movement. But he is nowhere near peak.
But to compensate he is hitting much flatter and harder today. Thats what the greats do, they adapt their game
Simply amazing, no other words.
e' ancora imbattibile questo fenomeno d tenacia,classe e forza fisica.
This was super performance from the GOAT!
Djokovic shots were so deep he took away Alcaraz’s game
Great, unfortunately that won't work against Sinner !
@@gabrielagent20 no worries he ll find a way
No he wont! Sinner will crush him
Big Three is anotha level. Always said this and I dont believe that I will experience better tennis level in my life!
Fonseca will achieve that level. I highly believe that. Btw Im Serbian and Djokovic's fan. Also remember name Ognjen Milic (17yold).
@@ZlatniPlast I am curious. Fonseca is great and u might be right, however its too early now....Milic I dont know but ty i will check him. Funny becuz I really also believe in Fonseca:)
@@georgigazeto4650 I believed in Fonseca a year ago, but now its obvious he has a big 3 sealing to hit. He can serve 215, has big second serve kick, monster forehand and big backhand he is quick and has already endurance for more than 3 sets. In 2 years he will be a monster on hard courts and clay, we shall see about grass...
All time GOAT of all sports.
Incroyable Novak! 😳
Allez go a la finale djoko🙂
Djokovic is an absolute animal guy just isn’t human!
Човек који води рачуна о свом телу!!!
Only when pumping up juice in his system 😂😂
The best tennis so far at this Australian Open.
You must be blind. It was a good match but far from fantastic.
@@tuttifrutti17 He just said facts,no hate pls
Rune vs Sinner was much better but nevermind
Experience was key to winning today
@@Phillip-p1e Very true.
What a match. Novak is very good at 37 years old!
The Goat of all Goats, the King of the mountain, the wizzard, the Titan himself!
How is it possible at the age of 38 and that is not a team sport😮 Im Rafa fan but ı start to believe Novak is the greatest athlete of all time.
Ehh you know Rafa is not playing anymore lol really he hasnt for years
@@finnishinsider1569 closer to 38 then 37., but ok FEDAL
Enjoy, he will win grand slams at the age of 38 too😂😂😂😂@@finnishinsider1569
@@finnishinsider1569closer to 38 than 37
What a struggle, what a desire. Like he's in his twenties...
With 20 years of experience😁
The face expression of Murray at the end is just epic!
It's a mix of melancholy and a touch of sadness from no longer being able to compete.... you can see it in his eyes...
Djokovic is out of this world. Unbelievable. What a match!
Just Wow Djokovic!
At 37, he still gives his top opponents a one-set handicap. He is so generous!
Good joke, he won't survive if he loses the first set to Zverev, anyhow if he doesn't get the job done, Sinner will, absolutely !
He obv did it on purpose to mess with the kid, fake injury then runs like a gazelle
@FExpiate there are still actual adults lwho believe this bulshit. It's so hilarious how stupid a person can be 😂
Great tennis by both, such a pleasure to watch! Djokovic is incredible at 37 years old
Now what a match that was 😮
This is more, above and beyond
Best athlete ever,period. How Novak draws on the field, and they say he's old, Novak can't do it :) I love little Carlos and every success you have will make me happy. And the bookies put the odds of almost 2,8 .4k in the pocket :* Love from Serbia
The best is Messi.
@@LNLBD in football I agree. But it's a team sport.Just watch how many more GS Novak will take
@@A_Proud_Serb Football is the most popular and competitive sport in the world. But even if we talk about individiual sports only, I would put Ali and Usyk over Djokovic.
Floyd mayweather and djokovic are tied at number 1 for me
@@LNLBDok, let's compare Messi's career to Djokovic's. Messi won 8 Ballon D'Ors in his career, he didn't deserved AT LEAST 2 OF THEM. I repeat this again, he didn't deserve at least 2 of them and I believe he deserved to win 5 Ballon D'Ors in his career. But let's give him one, let's say he has legitely 6 Ballon D'Ors. Djokovic has 8 years in his career where he ended up as the best tennis player in the world and unlike Messi who had his biggest rival Ronaldo, Djokovic in his career faced another 2 greatest tennis players of all time after him and one of thw greatest athletes ever and when Alcaraz finishes his career, there is a strong chance that he will be at least the best player after these three and who knows, maybe he can surpass Federer and Nadal because I don't believe his competition will be soo tough. Soo Djokovic is facing all top 4 players in this sport possibly and not to mention how corrupted tennis organization didn't allow him to play on 2 grand slam tours in 2022 when he was still fully healthy and in his prime. He wasn't able to compete at his favourite tour which he would easily win Australia Open and he wasn't able to play at US Open when he was again favourite. Even in 2020 when both Federer and Nadal were injured, because there was no way to stop him, they diswualified him from winning another slam. Soo in 2022 corruption mafia took possibly 1 or 2 grand slams aeay from Djokovic and took away one more year end number 1. Soo if these stats were more legit, realisticly Djokovic in toughest era of tennis history should've had 9 years end number 1 and Messi should've had 6 Ballon D'Ors
For those born at the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s, here is our Story; We witnessed Agassi, Sampras, Safin, Gustavo Kuerten
Then came RF the elegance, Nadal the torero, Murray the no man down, Lewis, Nalbandian, Thiem, Wawrinka, Monfils, Delpotro, then Marvel The unbreakable wall, only man standing: NOLE
поздравляю Новака величайшего в истории тенниса, Карлос сопротивлялся как мог ,мне повезло что я вижу историю,,Павлодар ,это Казахстан, Великий серб мы стобой
Alcaraz vs Djokovic actually the most dramatically matches on tour
What tennis should be. Two gladiators battling it out on the court. Both applauded and loved by the fans for their unmatched abilities. No one knowing who is going to take it. Both able to turn to the crowd and ask for more noise, for more support in their favour! And both obliged by a set of fans who could be swayed either way.
Unlike when Fedal were around and Djokovic had to battle foe and public alike. Now you see what this man is truly made of. Props to the kid too. What a match!
Such matches are impossible to watch normally. Whenever Mr. Djokovic plays, we get excitement, tennis poetry and a little show. An athletic old man defeated the unimaginable acrobat of world courts (and probably his successor to the throne) and that while playing from the middle of the match without the first serve (!!!). Amazing. Will Mr. Djokovic recover from this grueling performance? I hope so, because I wish him “twenty-five”.
Novak the GOAT.
Novak the Great.
Not even a Djokovic fan, but I wish he could play at this level until 42 or 43. I know it's impossible, but It'd be so good to witness that.
Murray is a great coach
Sure, turned someone who had never won anything into a winner, he owes everything he achieved in his career to Murray. Nole was a low ranked player with zero hope of ever winning a trophy, then Murray came along.
@@fabribeijing Murygoat
@@fabribeijingWell, he had brilliant tactics which he never applied before, so YES! Murray has props to that for sure! And I am Serbian btw
@@fabribeijing good one
yes what would novak do without him.......🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapeau monsenieur djokovic!!!
The best of all time
The covid of all time
Call however you like, but from this point on many fans worldwide became his supporters. You can guess why...@@teragramlawrence2864
I've never seen Murray look so healthy and relaxed. He looks 20 years younger now that he's retired 😂
He's proven he's the GOAT. And the fact that he missed out of Covid-mandated grand slams he could have easily won... He's the master of tennis!
He was cheated out of two US Opens he would've been favourite to win: one by Covid, the other by a ridiculous default decision for hitting a ball at a lineslady
Yes, I remember him eating grass at Wimledon.
@@zencosuzuki8496 you don't eat grass when you are in the final and you lose my friend..
@ Then I bite my fingers:)
Can't even lie this was great
What's the point writing the words "Can't even lie" - seems unnecessary to me. What's wrong with just writing "This was great"?
Unbelievable game 🙌🏼
I think tennis should be called Novak Djokovic.
Tennis itself is bigger than Novak, Fed, Rafa, Lava, Borg, etc, just like football is bigger than Pele, Diego, Leo, Kylian, Cristiano... So stop being naive & overemotional, for real...😊
Yes, he also sent tennis into retirement, now they play the Novak Djokovic game.
It's Tony Jones, again.
Bravo 👏 👏 👏
You're absolutely right 👍🌟
Djokovic, the GOAT! From Romania, with love!
Железный Серб!!!молоток !
Incredible Djokovic! The old Lion is back..... going for an epic final with Sinner.....