Fangan Aud! (

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Me? returning back to my Routes?
    anyway, right, information!
    Gloria 'Glory' Jemuzu
    age: 29
    gender: Female
    sexuality: straight ally
    Personality: Gloria seems like your run of the mill party girl, being energetic, friendly, befriending everyone around her with her charming smile. but even with all of those loving qualities, Gloria is much more mature than others think. Gloria has a strong sense of Justice, and what's right or wrong, and she won't hesitate to call people out for it. Gloria is also very wise, telling random, deep advice when you need it. overall, Gloria, despite being bubbly, is honest. Brutally honest
    Ultimate: Marine Biologist
    I'm just skipping to secrets-
    Secrets: Gloria actually has multiple secrets. so I'll show em!
    1. wonder how Gloria got her strong sense of justice? well it's because she's a mother! that's right, Gloria is the Mother of two boys. one six year old boy and one four year old boy. as for her husband, they divorced, but they are on very good terms with each other.
    2. Gloria's family, past, present and future have a tendency to get stuck in atleast one killing game. One of her sons go through one killing game while her future grandchildren go through two-three of them
    3. Gloria has some pretty bad heart problems, that sometimes she needs to take medication for.
    Backstory: Gloria was part African and part Japanese. however she was born and raised in her African side of the family, living on a beach house and always spending every day in the ocean. because of this, Gloria formed a connection with the sea, as at the time, it was her only friend. One day however, her Japanese father came along, and took her away due to him winning a court case, forcing Gloria to live in Japan throughout her teenage years. Gloria felt like she'd been forcefully torn apart from her mother's side of the family, she lost them. because of this, Gloria turned back to the ocean, so much so that she became one of the best Marine Biologist this world have known
    Later on, Gloria fell in love, got married and had two boys. however, shortly after her second son was Born, Gloria and her ex husband divorced on good terms, taking turns to spend time with their kids. but after the divorce, Gloria struggled with money, causing her to having to work for some nearby gangs for extra. this lead Gloria learning how to weild guns and knifes only for protection reasons.
    Preferred role?: any one is fine, but I'd like her to be a main support, considering she'll probably be older than some of the other people there.

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