Backup plan for comet collision... Everyone sit comfortably, lace your hands behind your head,bend at the waist placing your head between your knees and... Kiss your butt goodbye. I know its old (Thank you Richard Pryor, rest in peace) but, oh so fitting.
Chocolate sauce in comets - that confirms my theory of a universe filled with sweets. Jupiter is a big ball of fudge, and Saturns rings are made from a vast amount of sprinkles.
I don’t think you need to worry about a comet coming and destroying earth man can do that. I don’t think other planets would want us we can’t look after the one we have.
Comets are in general bodies of disconnected masses held together by frozen water and other frozen liquids. In order to become a comet a mass must have a aphelion distance which is nine times greater than its perihelion distance. It can be greater than this but not less. When comets pick up speed in their fall toward the Sun , they lose internal gravitational impetus. Their surface material becomes unglued gravitationally and is redistributed as a following tail. When the enter the sweet zone the ice thaws into in some cases water and permeates the cracks and crevasses of other solid material. When it freezes it breaks this material intro smaller bits of matter and this results in an extension of the tail. But on each perihelion passage it looses some mass through evaporation and velocity speed of the outermost tail points. Thus most comets become smaller with each orbit and this changes their period. Halley's comet loses about four days on each orbit
It’s astounding to note that a seemingly rational show called ‘Naked science’ would utterly hide the fact that the sample returning capsule had a crash landing, due to failure in opening of the parachutes at the important moments of atmospheric entry. Therefore, some amongst the planetary science community also supports the idea that the aerogels could be contaminated with terrestrial dust instead.
Comets are objects which orbit the Sun with varying periods but they must have an aphelion distance which is at least nine times their perihelion distance. It can be greater and in most cases is but this is the minimum distances involved. Comets develop tails because as their speed increases their internal gravity decreases in force. Their surface material can no longer be held to their surface mass and becomes srung out as a tail behind the head of the comet .Most comets have a large component of water as ice mixed into the body of material comprising the comet at aphelion. At perihelion this ice is thawed into water and when it is refrozen it breaks up additional solid material into smaller pieces. Also on every perihelion passage some small part of the total mass is lost through centrifugal actions. Mass determines orbital configuration and every comet is losing some amount of time as a period on each orbit. Eventually one of two things will occur to a comet. One is it will lose so much mass that it cannot retain an integral mass as an individual mass and it on its final orbit the individual pieces crash into the Sun. Secondly it falls below the minimum requirements of a comet status as to its aphelion and perihelion distances and its tail recollects onto its surface and it become just an object, often mistaken as an Asteroid , orbiting the Sun at some distance from the Sun.
@20:00 "Short period comets, some are nearly 600 miles across... thats bigger than New York City" Thats the distance from Northern border California to southern border California. Someone wasn't thinking or fudged a few numbers here..
Always wondered why we couldn’t put a telescope & transmitter on a passing asteroid or comet. Sit back and enjoy the information gathered on its journey.
Seeing the KT boundary, (the worldwide debris layer), is on my bucket list. Your visual of the comet impact 65 million years ago - mind blown. It really happened
Your comment reminded me of and if they ever let us have fun again you need to go to an NHRA Drag or a NASCAR race, trust me you're a natural. LIVE! It doesn't work on TV
You don't believe there are such objects? In the vastness of the universe and, indeed, the vastness of our own solar system pretty much guarantees such a thing.
@35:00 "Instead of wasting money going into space and colonizing other celestial bodies to preserve our SPECIES we should just stay and fix Earth!" oh brother.
go ahead, use your imagination since it is the only place where space flight is ever possible, anyway. LOL...moving comets....ROFL...Mars atmosphere...LOL...hihihihihihihihihihihi, pleeeeaaaaase, stop...ROFL
@@jenisbetzke6228 -- Okay, look... All he did was ask a not so crazy question, and base his thought on the not so crazy idea that comets can and sometimes do influence and either extinguish or create a planet's biosphere. Regardless of how improbable the idea is, there's no point in being a dick about it. So... to loveminis, the main problem with that idea is the fact that Mars doesn't have much of an atmosphere to begin with. While comets often do contain the "seeds of life" as it were, they don't bring an atmosphere with them. Mars would need several oceans worth of water in order to even begin developing an atmosphere capable of sustaining the life that might be contained within those comets.
@@thebonesaw..4634 Some people just love to be miserable.... pretty sad they not only don't believe in any of this stuff, but also waste their time watching and commenting its seriously some next level sadness >_
@@Didi_Meow_Records -- You know... I honestly hadn't noticed the bit about "space flights only existing in your imagination" bullshit. If I'd known that moron was a flat earther, I would have given a completely different response. Although, more than likely, as we're dealing with someone without an ounce of scientific knowledge... he/she/whatever wouldn't have understood it.
Mars, on paper at least, sounds like a good idea, especially when it comes to potental terraforming ... But given the colossal impacts even a modest, 2 mile wide, comet can do to a planet roughly the size of Earth, Mars, itself, is still too small ... A much better idea is Juipiter snd/or Saturn. They have much bigger gravitational influences than a small body like Mars, Earth, or Venus. In fact, the Schumacher-Levy 9 collisions on Jupiter, way back when, would have been seriously destructive on the inner rocky planets. In fact, the icy debris, from comets, and other galactic icy bodies, may actually help replenish the gradually weakening rings around it ...
What a magnificent achievement! Thanks for helping me understand how water arrived on earth, and how our molecules were transported from their origin to earth. If all mater comes from nuclear fusion, it stands to reason that upon ejection from a supernova it coalesced into clusters whilst travelling at enormous speed away from its origin in what we call Comets.
It's theory and not fact, another theory is water ice crystals being absorbed while the earth was forming and slowly being released and condensing to create the atmosphere as the earth was cooling. 2nd theory is far more believable due to the absurd amount of comets required for earths water.
Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !" Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ." Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!" Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..." Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!" Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky." Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction." Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"
I have so much respect for these engineers tech people and scientists the rocket's and spacecraft they design are top notch and it gives us a better understanding how we humans got here and how the universe was formed so a massive 👍🏻🇬🇧✌🏻
There's asteroids that come from direction of the sun, they can arrive tomorrow NASA can get blindsided, and we don't know how massive they are. Plus there are asteroids that haven't been discovered yet so we don't know
At 27:35 talking about this supposed "comet life kit delivery service". What do we know about kits today. When you buy a car model kit for your child. Do you tell them to open it and wait millions of years for it to assemble itself? No! You give them the directions and help them to build it. Time can not build anything. To assemble a kit you require an assembler every time no exceptions! The parts mean nothing by them selves!
Check out Survival Beneath Yucca Mountain. It starts with an civilization ending asteroid but the bunker complex under Yucca Mountain is a sanctuary for fifty families.
The Iridium deposition. Follows much more closely to a volcanic event then a " strike ". Not to mention how North American fossil bed are representative of flood levels. Then there is the deuterium ratio is imbalanced between comet chemistry and the ocean
H2O is one of the most abundant compounds in the universe. Having said that, it usually isn't in its liquid form, so to a novice it seems rare, but in reality it's everywhere, even in our own solar system.
That's where life comes from it contain soil water carbon all the ingredients you need for life so can I be that life came from s comet that hit earth also it could have kickstarted a atmosphere
Hale -Bopp, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du, yeah-e-yeah Hale -Bopp, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du, yeah-e-yeah
Habke Nubai what is? The Oort cloud? It is very far away, though it is still gravitationally bound to our sun. And while Oort objects may take millions of years to complete an orbit, they're still orbiting.
@@cluckeryduckery261 yes, but to say it orbits our planet is very misleading. It orbits the solar system which is quite significantly different than what you implied.
Habke Nubai not really. There are short period comets that orbit the Sun much closer and might come around every couple centuries or so. Perhaps even more frequently as is the case with Halley's. We do get long period comets as well, that from a human perspective seem like one time events. And gravitational perturbations can send Oort cloud objects into the inner solar system. We know for sure this is going to happen in about 1.35 million years when the star Gliese 710 passes through our solar system at a distance of roughly 44 light days from our sun. It'll go right through the Oort cloud and is likely to cause an inner solar system bombardment that could last for millions of years. Edit: also, no comet orbits the earth. I never meant to imply that they did. There are thousands of near earth objects, yes. But those don't actually orbit us and they are mostly small asteroids.
@@cluckeryduckery261 Cluckery Duckery right. I get that. But what I disagreed with was the statement that trillions of comets are orbiting Earth. It's simply not accurate.
I'm not falling for these "cosmic intimidation tactics" Like the Man Here says, they've been flying around for over 5 billion Years..I've had No problems. They don't Scare Me. LOL!!
Ikr like I have that it's not scary that planets and the sun have been there for billions of years and it's cool facts but trying to intimidate is dumb
Two speeding bodies, with rotation involved, don't leave round circles as an impact mark....they leave big marks like the one on the bottom of South America.
The only way we as a species can deal with the permanent threat of comets crossing earth's orbit, is to establish a space elevator program. Using fuels to get to a rocket to save our species is very highly technologically advanced labor intensive work and prone to political subversion for weapons programs, and not ecologically sustainable during a heavy bombardment period from a passing star event.
You think building a space elevator WON'T be prone to political subversion? Do have any concept of the impossible physics to overcome and the huge amount ofresources (including fuel) involved in building one? The entire human race and every country could be put into building it full time and it still wouldn't be done by the time the first comet arrives. The whole project itself would be a gigantic impossible debacle. Even if we did, could you please explain how it would help defend against one comet let alone a bunch. Makes no sense whatsoever. You would still need to fire some type of craft from the top of it to intercept the comet anyways. Or is your proposal to construct the elevator all the way to comet itself? Oh and nothing would be sustainable during a heavy bombardment period. Especially a space elevator.
@@judgegixxer How about you stop spraying toxic waste out of your face and actually analyze what the man is saying. A space elevator is a platform in space that is connected to the planet via a cable. OP isn't the first guy to think of elevators, and those who really thought about it have found that the GDP of Germany would be sufficient if not more that what would be required. So the impossible cost thing is a load of literal trash you heaved through the hole in your brain because you are stupid. As for the impossibility of the task itself, the job would be rather easy. It's literally a platform in space. That's it. It would akin to building another ISS. Very easy and very possible to modern tech. So far, it does not seem you cannot do anything but pour uselessness from your only orrifice not clogged with crap-encrusted lies. And the usefulness of such a platform during a comet event? Easy. It can send huge payloads into space without the rockets required for normal launch. Use what little brain hasn't been afflicted with stupid to figure out what comes next. Moral of the story: If you don't know what you're talking about, shut your vomit-hole. Sincerely Some kid on the internet that happens to have extensive knowledge on the subject of space travel.
Wouldn't it be logical to consider, what ever crashed in to earth 200 million years would have crashed into other celestial bodies (once which revolve around Sun) in our solar system 🤔
Just one issue. Evidence for this is the KT boundary. they find fossils before but not during or after. If this theory is true the the boundary itself would be the mother load of fossils world wide. All dinosaurs were wiped out by this impact and the years following yet the boundary which depicts this time frame world wide is devoid of the extinct fossils world wide.
Always wondered that myself, we would atleast find bones yes, unless the impact was that devastating that it incinerated everything but ive never heard someone mention this, even then theyd find large deposits of organic ash in the layer
@sc00typuff Really? What is ash if not minerals. The kt boundary is void of fossils. not my word but science's words. Also they say that much of the extinction took place because the sun was blotted out. Which means what? Rapid cooling and slowed decomposition. Here the thing about theories. They are theories period. They sell them to the public as fact. If disputed they adjust the theory and sell that as fact. They make it up as they go and sell it as fact. They know shit!!! It's guess's many competing theories.Fact is ash is minerals because all organic matter is burned out. As such the KT boundary is the place to look for fossils if the theory they have been selling as fact is for decades is true. Either hot and dry or cold and dry slows decomposition and the ash fall facilitates rapid burying of the remains anywhere and everywhere with minerals devoid of organic matter.
@sc00typuff You have it backwards. Fossils are the result of Catastrophe because the main requirement is the covering of the fossil before nature can deteriorate and destroy the remains. Floods, landslides are catastrophe. As a matter of fact the best quality fossils were covered so quickly as to preserve skin texture. ash from a volcano locally wouldn't be a whack different then the fallout from a asteroid or comet. Either way the majority of fossils are found in the layer de-marking the catastrophe that took their lives. IF a paradigm shift is needed to understand history then EVERY theory is EQUAL! none can be dispelled because it's just a matter of shifting more or less.
Water is essential to our type of life. But why do scientists always say it is for any type of life? Long ago people thought there is no life 6 miles down in the ocean because of the enormous pressure, but life exists there.
soon as we get the religion folk out of the way we can advance our science to the point to do something about it. till then we just have to hope nothing is coming our way.
@sote ful right now and years past the USA is and has been falling behind on science advancements. Religion is not big on science as it goes against their beliefs. Over 50% of USA identify as religious, These people (not all but enough) vote against giving money to the sciences. They have no interest in it and place that money elsewhere. The primary point on topic is NASA. Their budget is horridly short for what they need or should have. Russia is more actively involved in An asteroid that at one time was thought it might hit the earth off the coast of Ca. or perhaps mainland. They approached us about a joint effort to do something about it. We should not be looking to Russia to lead our sciences.
There are many religious people who contributed to science. Your stereotype of religious people is wrong, and nowhere near 50 percent of USA claims to be religious. If anything people are claiming spirituality over religion. Contrary to the popular atheist belief science is not against religion and vice versa. It takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to believe a religion.
What an ignorant comment! You do realize that science advanced quickly in the last 100 years right? You also realize that up to 90% of the population identified as being religious before the 1960s right? And 75% before 1990? I'd also like to point out that the majority, if not all fields of science, were founded by Christians, not atheists.
That is one of the most idiotic statements ever made. In less than 2 centuries we have gone from cloth covered biplanes to walking on the moon to sending robots to a distant planet. How, exactly, is religion "hindering " anything?
That is literally the dumbest thing ever. If your child was in the street and a car is coming at him/her at 50 mph, would you stand by and trust in God and be ok with that, or do something? Fucking idiot!
@@joe-tn3rb your not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya... trust in god in all things cause hes in control.. he holds the keys to life and death and if someone is meant to die and its there time theres nothing you can do to stop it. And the point i am making is the way we stop all this wrath is to stop sinning. All destruction is a product of sin and and the wages of sin is death..
@@joe-tn3rb with your logic.. what your saying is someone needs to jump under an airplane and catch the nuclear bomb from dropping into yellowstone super volcano. idiot
Why did humans fear comets? Civilizations were around (end of last Ice Age) to witness a comet impact. The one that bottlenecked us down to about 10,000 on the planet. The excuse given in the video is laughable.
I have extensively researched comparative mythology and religion and there is no doubt about the Younger Dryas Impact "Theory". The last extinction was not 65 million years ago, it was 12,876~50 years ago, that is why we fear comets. See : From The Deep Ocean Above. It will take some time for the mainstream to catch on because it shows where all the believed metaphysical good and evil came from. I think many of the scientist know about it and they avoid it because they don't want to be associated with the profound implications.
i think comets are the Bee's of the cosmos. Hitting planets and spreading the ingredients for life to evolve. Some say most of the water on earth came from ice comet impacts. Without witch we would not be here
Tap the earths core geo energy by inverting polarities at the polar caps and increase field frequencey to high emp outward pulses it might create a naturel energy sheild for earth powered by earth 👍ur wellcome humans
If the comets were formed during the formation of the planets and "were then cast out by the gravitation of the newly formed planets" ....since when does gravitation cast things away from the objects with gravitation? Moreover, studies show that comets are eroding at a rate that precludes their being as old as planets.
Backup plan for comet collision... Everyone sit comfortably, lace your hands behind your head,bend at the waist placing your head between your knees and... Kiss your butt goodbye. I know its old (Thank you Richard Pryor, rest in peace) but, oh so fitting.
Chocolate sauce in comets - that confirms my theory of a universe filled with sweets. Jupiter is a big ball of fudge, and Saturns rings are made from a vast amount of sprinkles.
Just l👀at your Jamaica flag with added ganja leaf makes me think We like’s the same ting
Not skittles?
@@MsLovemar That too. In fact, everytime you see a shooting star at night, it's actually a shining skittle coming from outer space.
It's something unbelievable what we see and learn in this program. Nothin is there to compare to this program. I love it beyond anything else...
Ironic that the man who discovered the orbits of comets was also an original proponent of the hollow Earth theory.
I don’t think you need to worry about a comet coming and destroying earth man can do that. I don’t think other planets would want us we can’t look after the one we have.
39:35 from here they start listing options. I think calling Bruce Willis would be another, and the best option.
Too old
Comets are in general bodies of disconnected masses held together by frozen water and other frozen liquids. In order to become a comet a mass must have a aphelion distance which is nine times greater than its perihelion distance. It can be greater than this but not less. When comets pick up speed in their fall toward the Sun , they lose internal gravitational impetus. Their surface material becomes unglued gravitationally and is redistributed as a following tail. When the enter the sweet zone the ice thaws into in some cases water and permeates the cracks and crevasses of other solid material. When it freezes it breaks this material intro smaller bits of matter and this results in an extension of the tail. But on each perihelion passage it looses some mass through evaporation and velocity speed of the outermost tail points. Thus most comets become smaller with each orbit and this changes their period. Halley's comet loses about four days on each orbit
It’s astounding to note that a seemingly rational show called ‘Naked science’ would utterly hide the fact that the sample returning capsule had a crash landing, due to failure in opening of the parachutes at the important moments of atmospheric entry. Therefore, some amongst the planetary science community also supports the idea that the aerogels could be contaminated with terrestrial dust instead.
Comets are objects which orbit the Sun with varying periods but they must have an aphelion distance which is at least nine times their perihelion distance. It can be greater and in most cases is but this is the minimum distances involved. Comets develop tails because as their speed increases their internal gravity decreases in force. Their surface material can no longer be held to their surface mass and becomes srung out as a tail behind the head of the comet .Most comets have a large component of water as ice mixed into the body of material comprising the comet at aphelion. At perihelion this ice is thawed into water and when it is refrozen it breaks up additional solid material into smaller pieces. Also on every perihelion passage some small part of the total mass is lost through centrifugal actions. Mass determines orbital configuration and every comet is losing some amount of time as a period on each orbit. Eventually one of two things will occur to a comet. One is it will lose so much mass that it cannot retain an integral mass as an individual mass and it on its final orbit the individual pieces crash into the Sun. Secondly it falls below the minimum requirements of a comet status as to its aphelion and perihelion distances and its tail recollects onto its surface and it become just an object, often mistaken as an Asteroid , orbiting the Sun at some distance from the Sun.
It seems like they use the two, comet and astroid, interchangeably here.
@20:00 "Short period comets, some are nearly 600 miles across... thats bigger than New York City" Thats the distance from Northern border California to southern border California.
Someone wasn't thinking or fudged a few numbers here..
But it IS bigger then NYC in fact xDDD....FAR bigger but bigger :'D
There are 600 mile comets and comets the size of NY City.
Always wondered why we couldn’t put a telescope & transmitter on a passing asteroid or comet. Sit back and enjoy the information gathered on its journey.
Actually that sounds like a pretty good idea…even for safety reasons it’d be very useful, might detect things we cannot see
Love this stuff - can't wait to see better photographs of asteroid surfaces!
Look at the recent Israeli and Japanese mission photos. Great stuff.
My doctors have photos of my asteroids just before surgery.
Jesse G you probably don’t even know the difference
when they livesfream an impact I will not leave this screen again
Seeing the KT boundary, (the worldwide debris layer), is on my bucket list. Your visual of the comet impact 65 million years ago - mind blown. It really happened
Make sure you look at it though a set of Oakley Irridium sunglasses.
You get to see the biden/harris boundry. Way more devastating!
I hate clickbait bullshit
THAT may be a blessing in disguise
I see none
That beat in the first second of this video made my heart start racing 🤣
Your comment reminded me of and if they ever let us have fun again you need to go to an NHRA Drag or a NASCAR race, trust me you're a natural. LIVE! It doesn't work on TV On the channel there are 12 clips of meteor strike and formed minerals ???
Abby, you must get outside more 😉
Their comparison of some Kuiper belt comets of more than 600 miles across to the size of NYC makes me wonder about how much of show is scientific.
I thought the same, 600 miles across is like the north to south of England.
You don't believe there are such objects? In the vastness of the universe and, indeed, the vastness of our own solar system pretty much guarantees such a thing. there are rogue PLANETS that are flying around out there let alone comets.
Virgil Castaneda ...I’m not questioning whether rogue planets exist, just the assertion that NYC is 600-miles across
It's all speculation...
37:08 The meteor skipped on the upper atmosphere like a stone skipping across a pond. It was about the size of a bus.
i saw something like that in joshua tree in 2011 maybe..?
Scale can be hard for some folks.
28:04 dude talks like I do when my nose is stuffed. He's way more fascinating than the actual comet talk
this guy has done 20-40 voice overs for major tv programs like this one.
The Earth is covered with Carbon based lifeforms, other planets may be covered in life forms based on other elements.
This is such a great show thanks for putting this together for TH-cam. DRS.
He didn’t do it, the discovery channel did lol
@35:00 "Instead of wasting money going into space and colonizing other celestial bodies to preserve our SPECIES we should just stay and fix Earth!" oh brother.
You do know that we can do both.
Why not push comets to mars. This would both give us practice moving them but also influence the mars atmosphere.
go ahead, use your imagination since it is the only place where space flight is ever possible, anyway. LOL...moving comets....ROFL...Mars atmosphere...LOL...hihihihihihihihihihihi, pleeeeaaaaase, stop...ROFL
@@jenisbetzke6228 -- Okay, look... All he did was ask a not so crazy question, and base his thought on the not so crazy idea that comets can and sometimes do influence and either extinguish or create a planet's biosphere. Regardless of how improbable the idea is, there's no point in being a dick about it. So... to loveminis, the main problem with that idea is the fact that Mars doesn't have much of an atmosphere to begin with. While comets often do contain the "seeds of life" as it were, they don't bring an atmosphere with them. Mars would need several oceans worth of water in order to even begin developing an atmosphere capable of sustaining the life that might be contained within those comets.
@@thebonesaw..4634 Some people just love to be miserable.... pretty sad they not only don't believe in any of this stuff, but also waste their time watching and commenting its seriously some next level sadness >_
@@Didi_Meow_Records -- You know... I honestly hadn't noticed the bit about "space flights only existing in your imagination" bullshit. If I'd known that moron was a flat earther, I would have given a completely different response. Although, more than likely, as we're dealing with someone without an ounce of scientific knowledge... he/she/whatever wouldn't have understood it.
Mars, on paper at least, sounds like a good idea, especially when it comes to potental terraforming ...
But given the colossal impacts even a modest, 2 mile wide, comet can do to a planet roughly the size of Earth, Mars, itself, is still too small ...
A much better idea is Juipiter snd/or Saturn. They have much bigger gravitational influences than a small body like Mars, Earth, or Venus. In fact, the Schumacher-Levy 9 collisions on Jupiter, way back when, would have been seriously destructive on the inner rocky planets. In fact, the icy debris, from comets, and other galactic icy bodies, may actually help replenish the gradually weakening rings around it ...
Science and technology is up my alley
What like a robotic suppository?
What a magnificent achievement!
Thanks for helping me understand how water arrived on earth, and how our molecules were transported from their origin to earth.
If all mater comes from nuclear fusion, it stands to reason that upon ejection from a supernova it coalesced into clusters whilst travelling at enormous speed away from its origin in what we call Comets.
It's theory and not fact, another theory is water ice crystals being absorbed while the earth was forming and slowly being released and condensing to create the atmosphere as the earth was cooling.
2nd theory is far more believable due to the absurd amount of comets required for earths water.
"luckily today we have something the dinosaurs didnt, we're smart."
Velociraptor: "what, bitch?"
Ohio Against The World: Maybe we're smart enough to see a comet heading our way but we're not smart enough to do anything about it :-(
Velociraptors are dumb compared to humans.
Instead of catching a wave. Am catching a comet...
thanks for all the great videos and info
Nine planets damnit. I dont care if scientists say dwarf. Doesn't matter. Nine!
Thank you
@@christiejohnston6573 glad you feel the same.
Pluto even has a satellite .
it is a planet in my book also!
@@RhysapGrug indeed!
@@RhysapGrug that is true
Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"
Comet dust is what Santa uses to help the reindeer fly.
I don't know why but i've just read "Cum dust" instead of Comet dust XD
@@Clawd87 I hope you didn't just say that to a kid considering the original comment...
Ryan Van Huis
If he did so fucking what nigga
No bro thats cocaine
No its not thats stupid . are you stupud ?
Excellently put thanks. Yet another fascinating video.
This is now seriously outdated, but still a good intro to the science of comets.
That's what makes science great.
Nice video. It rocked my world.
old boy knows how to skip a damned stone, almost made all the way across!
drinking game when they say "back as coal" have a shot
12:43 i think their decomposing corpses supply enough evidence
"Luckily we're smart".... lol
So we think 😉🖖
@peace leader yes we are, 2021 hunger, wars for no reason, viruses killing millions, homeless, etc,etc... yes we're smart 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bless your heart 😘
@@Blackwidow77588 go cry to mommy.
@@floridaman6203 - Go tell your mommy you are childish, ignorant, and insensitive.
18:30. Does water multiply then? . Like mars? .
If they were cast out by are gravity, what stopped their travel and turned them around?
I have so much respect for these engineers tech people and scientists the rocket's and spacecraft they design are top notch and it gives us a better understanding how we humans got here and how the universe was formed so a massive 👍🏻🇬🇧✌🏻
The great destruction-creation dynamic of life.
Thank you Naked Science your updates are really interesting
Ok i will start to worry in 1 million years, thanks, i can sleep well every night again.
There's asteroids that come from direction of the sun, they can arrive tomorrow NASA can get blindsided, and we don't know how massive they are. Plus there are asteroids that haven't been discovered yet so we don't know
Yeah he's just talking from a statistical perspective. We can get hit in a week. It's possible.
Only an average figure. The big 1 can come tomorrow
At 27:35 talking about this supposed "comet life kit delivery service".
What do we know about kits today. When you buy a car model kit for your child. Do you tell them to open it and wait millions of years for it to assemble itself? No! You give them the directions and help them to build it. Time can not build anything. To assemble a kit you require an assembler every time no exceptions! The parts mean nothing by them selves!
38:30 starts speaking about earths defense against asteroids.
Saw a very colorful and beautiful one it had green and gold color on its tail
very excited for this late night journey, bless
Wonderful video...and the tsunami...almost a comet hit us...Jesus...💥💣💥🌎🌍🌏💥💣💥😰🚬😰
I am going to keep my 1974 comet.
You're a Maverick for sure
26:12... ok, but what was within the impact holes ?
So *that's* what it's like when worlds collide!
You can't decide so I'll be your guide
And one by one they will be hand chosen
Now this is what it's like when worlds collide
I hate it, every time, as he says... 8 planets. I miss Pluto :-s
whissie yea, how will we ever go on without pluto?? My gosh
Never fear! I have Pluto! He is a wonderful 65 pound puppy.
I don't care what they say. Pluto is still a planet.
I agree
Have you seen the pics of Pluto? There's a huge heart shape on the surface, Pluto loves us too!
@32:22 "...threw thousands of tons of dust into the atmosphere." Ummm....there is no atmosphere in space.
Check out Survival Beneath Yucca Mountain. It starts with an civilization ending asteroid but the bunker complex under Yucca Mountain is a sanctuary for fifty families.
There's no chocolate on comet?!!
You don't say!
The Iridium deposition. Follows much more closely to a volcanic event then a " strike ". Not to mention how North American fossil bed are representative of flood levels. Then there is the deuterium ratio is imbalanced between comet chemistry and the ocean
Where else would water come from, must be from COMETS or some chemical reaction
@ you said it mate "Amen" mathew fonger "would be alone in the desert with his tongue out praying for a "Asteroid"
@ You cannot demonstrate that God exists, let alone claim that he did anything.
H2O is one of the most abundant compounds in the universe. Having said that, it usually isn't in its liquid form, so to a novice it seems rare, but in reality it's everywhere, even in our own solar system.
2:45 Does anyone know what documentary this footage is originally from?
That's where life comes from it contain soil water carbon all the ingredients you need for life so can I be that life came from s comet that hit earth also it could have kickstarted a atmosphere
I agree 👍
Hale -Bopp, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du, yeah-e-yeah
Hale -Bopp, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du, yeah-e-yeah
I hate u. Now that songs stuck in my head at 3 AM
"Thousands of comets orbit around us..." yeah, no. With the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt, try TRILLIONS, not thousands.
Ahhh no. That is insanely far away.
Habke Nubai what is? The Oort cloud? It is very far away, though it is still gravitationally bound to our sun. And while Oort objects may take millions of years to complete an orbit, they're still orbiting.
@@cluckeryduckery261 yes, but to say it orbits our planet is very misleading. It orbits the solar system which is quite significantly different than what you implied.
Habke Nubai not really. There are short period comets that orbit the Sun much closer and might come around every couple centuries or so. Perhaps even more frequently as is the case with Halley's.
We do get long period comets as well, that from a human perspective seem like one time events.
And gravitational perturbations can send Oort cloud objects into the inner solar system. We know for sure this is going to happen in about 1.35 million years when the star Gliese 710 passes through our solar system at a distance of roughly 44 light days from our sun. It'll go right through the Oort cloud and is likely to cause an inner solar system bombardment that could last for millions of years.
Edit: also, no comet orbits the earth. I never meant to imply that they did. There are thousands of near earth objects, yes. But those don't actually orbit us and they are mostly small asteroids.
@@cluckeryduckery261 Cluckery Duckery right. I get that. But what I disagreed with was the statement that trillions of comets are orbiting Earth. It's simply not accurate.
Lots of hydrogen out there. Lots of oxygen too. Why not a big part of it being vapor that just hangs out until the earth cooled off.
Just imagine a comet hitting Yellowstone.
I'm with you! Screw it put it in between Yellowstone and the San Andreas fault line!
I'm not falling for these "cosmic intimidation tactics" Like the Man Here says, they've been flying around for over 5 billion Years..I've had No problems. They don't Scare Me. LOL!!
Ikr like I have that it's not scary that planets and the sun have been there for billions of years and it's cool facts but trying to intimidate is dumb
These folks love finding problem where there is none. So far so good, right?!
Two speeding bodies, with rotation involved, don't leave round circles as an impact mark....they leave big marks like the one on the bottom of South America.
The only way we as a species can deal with the permanent threat of comets crossing earth's orbit, is to establish a space elevator program. Using fuels to get to a rocket to save our species is very highly technologically advanced labor intensive work and prone to political subversion for weapons programs, and not ecologically sustainable during a heavy bombardment period from a passing star event.
You think building a space elevator WON'T be prone to political subversion? Do have any concept of the impossible physics to overcome and the huge amount ofresources (including fuel) involved in building one? The entire human race and every country could be put into building it full time and it still wouldn't be done by the time the first comet arrives. The whole project itself would be a gigantic impossible debacle. Even if we did, could you please explain how it would help defend against one comet let alone a bunch. Makes no sense whatsoever. You would still need to fire some type of craft from the top of it to intercept the comet anyways. Or is your proposal to construct the elevator all the way to comet itself? Oh and nothing would be sustainable during a heavy bombardment period. Especially a space elevator.
Dumb idea. The most logical place to build a space elevator is between the roof of your mouth and the inside of the top of your skull.
How about you stop spraying toxic waste out of your face and actually analyze what the man is saying. A space elevator is a platform in space that is connected to the planet via a cable. OP isn't the first guy to think of elevators, and those who really thought about it have found that the GDP of Germany would be sufficient if not more that what would be required. So the impossible cost thing is a load of literal trash you heaved through the hole in your brain because you are stupid. As for the impossibility of the task itself, the job would be rather easy. It's literally a platform in space. That's it. It would akin to building another ISS. Very easy and very possible to modern tech. So far, it does not seem you cannot do anything but pour uselessness from your only orrifice not clogged with crap-encrusted lies. And the usefulness of such a platform during a comet event? Easy. It can send huge payloads into space without the rockets required for normal launch. Use what little brain hasn't been afflicted with stupid to figure out what comes next.
Moral of the story: If you don't know what you're talking about, shut your vomit-hole.
Some kid on the internet that happens to have extensive knowledge on the subject of space travel.
Wouldn't it be logical to consider, what ever crashed in to earth 200 million years would have crashed into other celestial bodies (once which revolve around Sun) in our solar system 🤔
Just one issue. Evidence for this is the KT boundary. they find fossils before but not during or after. If this theory is true the the boundary itself would be the mother load of fossils world wide. All dinosaurs were wiped out by this impact and the years following yet the boundary which depicts this time frame world wide is devoid of the extinct fossils world wide.
Always wondered that myself, we would atleast find bones yes, unless the impact was that devastating that it incinerated everything but ive never heard someone mention this, even then theyd find large deposits of organic ash in the layer
@sc00typuff Really? What is ash if not minerals. The kt boundary is void of fossils. not my word but science's words. Also they say that much of the extinction took place because the sun was blotted out. Which means what? Rapid cooling and slowed decomposition. Here the thing about theories. They are theories period. They sell them to the public as fact. If disputed they adjust the theory and sell that as fact. They make it up as they go and sell it as fact. They know shit!!! It's guess's many competing theories.Fact is ash is minerals because all organic matter is burned out. As such the KT boundary is the place to look for fossils if the theory they have been selling as fact is for decades is true. Either hot and dry or cold and dry slows decomposition and the ash fall facilitates rapid burying of the remains anywhere and everywhere with minerals devoid of organic matter.
@sc00typuff You have it backwards. Fossils are the result of Catastrophe because the main requirement is the covering of the fossil before nature can deteriorate and destroy the remains. Floods, landslides are catastrophe. As a matter of fact the best quality fossils were covered so quickly as to preserve skin texture. ash from a volcano locally wouldn't be a whack different then the fallout from a asteroid or comet. Either way the majority of fossils are found in the layer de-marking the catastrophe that took their lives.
IF a paradigm shift is needed to understand history then EVERY theory is EQUAL! none can be dispelled because it's just a matter of shifting more or less.
9:44 Wow, 40 miles per second.
Or 200 times the speed of sound.
Let's just stick to the scientific standard:
NASA and their most prized most expensive item aluminum foil
And duck tape
Gold leaf on everything too.
Water is essential to our type of life. But why do scientists always say it is for any type of life? Long ago people thought there is no life 6 miles down in the ocean because of the enormous pressure, but life exists there.
soon as we get the religion folk out of the way we can advance our science to the point to do something about it. till then we just have to hope nothing is coming our way.
@sote ful right now and years past the USA is and has been falling behind on science advancements. Religion is not big on science as it goes against their beliefs. Over 50% of USA identify as religious, These people (not all but enough) vote against giving money to the sciences. They have no interest in it and place that money elsewhere.
The primary point on topic is NASA. Their budget is horridly short for what they need or should have. Russia is more actively involved in An asteroid that at one time was thought it might hit the earth off the coast of Ca. or perhaps mainland. They approached us about a joint effort to do something about it. We should not be looking to Russia to lead our sciences.
Yes! Just like Uncle Joe said!
There are many religious people who contributed to science. Your stereotype of religious people is wrong, and nowhere near 50 percent of USA claims to be religious. If anything people are claiming spirituality over religion. Contrary to the popular atheist belief science is not against religion and vice versa. It takes more faith to be an atheist than it does to believe a religion.
What an ignorant comment! You do realize that science advanced quickly in the last 100 years right? You also realize that up to 90% of the population identified as being religious before the 1960s right? And 75% before 1990?
I'd also like to point out that the majority, if not all fields of science, were founded by Christians, not atheists.
That is one of the most idiotic statements ever made. In less than 2 centuries we have gone from cloth covered biplanes to walking on the moon to sending robots to a distant planet. How, exactly, is religion "hindering " anything?
We came from the Comet ,maby are planet was destroyed ,and the piece Comet that hits the earth and we Rise again
I think humanity could destroy it's self and earth. before being hit by an asteroid or comet
Just saying😅
Communism and Islam are fighting for that daily.
That's so Kool ❤🎉
Not 8 planets, 9. Pluto is a planetoid, isn’t it? Aarrrgg😤!
Don't worry it's a dwarf planet
Pluto is Pluto. They can call it whatever they want. Makes no difference to Pluto. Or me.
Trust in God is how you stop them. Have faith in the father son and holy spirit is how we stop it.. stop sinning is how we stop them
That is literally the dumbest thing ever. If your child was in the street and a car is coming at him/her at 50 mph, would you stand by and trust in God and be ok with that, or do something? Fucking idiot!
@@joe-tn3rb your not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya... trust in god in all things cause hes in control.. he holds the keys to life and death and if someone is meant to die and its there time theres nothing you can do to stop it. And the point i am making is the way we stop all this wrath is to stop sinning. All destruction is a product of sin and and the wages of sin is death..
@@joe-tn3rb with your logic.. what your saying is someone needs to jump under an airplane and catch the nuclear bomb from dropping into yellowstone super volcano. idiot
AXIOMAXIOSA ok, see what that gets you.
AXIOMAXIOSA no idiot. I’m saying you should try to do something besides praying to something you have no proof exists. But you do you dumbfuck1
Can we call the channel: Simpleton Science ?
Awww, somebody's got a superiority complex how quaint...
If it gets a kids attention and that kid becomes the next Einstine what's the harm?😊
I hope we are ready when the next one is on course!
Why did humans fear comets? Civilizations were around (end of last Ice Age) to witness a comet impact. The one that bottlenecked us down to about 10,000 on the planet. The excuse given in the video is laughable.
I have extensively researched comparative mythology and religion and there is no doubt about the Younger Dryas Impact "Theory". The last extinction was not 65 million years ago, it was 12,876~50 years ago, that is why we fear comets. See : From The Deep Ocean Above. It will take some time for the mainstream to catch on because it shows where all the believed metaphysical good and evil came from. I think many of the scientist know about it and they avoid it because they don't want to be associated with the profound implications.
i think comets are the Bee's of the cosmos. Hitting planets and spreading the ingredients for life to evolve. Some say most of the water on earth came from ice comet impacts. Without witch we would not be here
Tap the earths core geo energy by inverting polarities at the polar caps and increase field frequencey to high emp outward pulses it might create a naturel energy sheild for earth powered by earth 👍ur wellcome humans
But dont worry its hapoened before humans were nearly wiped but they got thru it so no probs
Naked science I love you guys
I will count pluto is a planet for life ,idc
I too count Pluto as* a planet
They're not blacker than Wesly Snipes..
I am only here for the intro music 🎶🎵 🤩jk I watched the whole episode
Creationists left the chat.
I desperately wish they would...
A comet hit earth about 12,000 years ago and caused the biblical flooding that wiped out most of humanity.
93 flat-earthers don’t like this video.
12:43 to 12:51 The most savage line ever said
If the comets were formed during the formation of the planets and "were then cast out by the gravitation of the newly formed planets" ....since when does gravitation cast things away from the objects with gravitation? Moreover, studies show that comets are eroding at a rate that precludes their being as old as planets.
Yes, but does it blend?
You know the information is reliable when they don't even know the difference between a comet and an asteroid...
Please, deinterlace videos meant to be seen on TV before posting them on the Internet.
Seen this years ago it's old.