Kitchen deep cleaning! How to refurbish kitchen equipment and remove cooking grease?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • If you are English viewer, please turn on the CC and choose English for subtitles, thanks for watching! Hello everyone, in today’s episode I will show you guys how we usually do routine cleaning in a professional kitchen. Hygiene in the kitchen is vital, not only for the customers but also for our working environment. So hygiene is also an aspect that a head chef must know and be responsible for. Usually, cleaning is required at the end of each working day. We normally use environmental-friendly detergent to clean the wok ranges, prep tables, sinks, and the floor. Deep cleaning of the kitchen is carried out once a week. We use caustic soda (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) solution to remove stubborn grease and stains. The key spots include the range hood and exhaust system, the drainage system, the stove areas, and other areas that are particularly susceptible to trapping grease and stains. This will keep the kitchen as sanitary as possible. But here I have to remind you that caustic soda is TOXIC. Make sure you are well protected and can ensure that caustic soda can be completely rinsed off before you use it. Our kitchen has a professional drainage system, so we can ensure that there is no caustic soda residue as long as we use a lot of fresh water to rinse.
    大家好,本期视频来给新工作室做一番深度清洁,并且也给大家介绍一下在专业后厨一般是如何做例行清洁的。后厨的卫生至关重要,不仅是对消费者负责,也是对工作环境的负责,所以卫生也是一个厨师长必须要了解并且负责的板块。一般情况下是每个工作日结束后都需要做一次清洁,主要使用无公害的洗洁精将灶台台面,打荷台,水池,地面等区域进行刷洗。然后一周进行一次深度清洁,利用烧碱(氢氧化钠 NaOH)水溶液的碱性和腐蚀性来去除顽固的油渍和污渍,重点清洁位置包括排油烟系统,排水系统,灶台缝隙等特别容易藏污纳垢的地方,这样就能最大程度上保持后厨的卫生。不过在这里提醒大家烧碱是有毒的,所以除非是做好保护和可以确保清洁之后可以完全将烧碱溶液冲洗干净之后再来使用,后厨都有非常专业的排水系统,所以深度清洁过后只要用大量活水冲洗就可以保证没有烧碱残留。
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