I love Orangutan because they are more gentle than most of the human, and their mothers are loving, caring, and try to protect their offspring before last breath.
Their biological lack of fear of heights astounds me. From watching babies take their first climbs in Jungle School to seeing wild orangutans just do their thing. It’s incredible.
Un documentario bellissimo, una GRANDE BELLEZZA girata in maniera estremamente professionale e curata benissimo anche nei più piccoli dettagli. Le immagini parlano da sole permettendo anche a chi non parla inglese di godersi lo spettacolo di questo pezzo di mondo ancora intatto. Speriamo che tutto ciò venga preservato di fronte alla furia distruttiva dell'uomo......
Brilliant video. Mother Nature is exquisite and literally life- giving to us all. Yet we humans so often, purposefully or inadvertently, take advantage of it. Many, if not all of these animals are uncomfortably close to extinction. Because of humans 😑
Absolutely fascinating! Are orangutans the most intelligent primates in the animal kingdom? This episode of WILD ASIA from Real Wild explores this question and delves into the incredible intelligence of these amazing creatures. A must-watch for nature lovers
Most of us usually praise the works of photographers & editors, but I'd like to take this opportunity to express my admiration & approval on the ones done by an astute script writer & a convincing narrator w/ a full-throated baritone voice who're rarely if not at all commended for their contribution to the enhancement of excitement, intrigue, & thrill. They certainly deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. Nonetheless, thanks to them all concerned in the production, we could enjoy watching this singular doc. for free on TH-cam at the opulent comfort of our residence. Much obliged from California,,,,,(05/21/24)
@@indigoblue4791 Thanks for your warm & kind words! You have a marvelous day however you spend your day, & stay healthy for eons wherever you reside on!,,,,(06/09/24)
@@lizbotica2965 Thank you for your warm & kind words. I'm greatly flattered by your compliment. You have a marvelous day however you spend a day & stay healthy for eons wherever you reside on this planet.,,,,(07/21/24)
Ourangs have the capability for multi tool use and problem solving not as a group but amoung themselves that to me qualifies them as the most intelligent. Chimps hierarchy which leads to violent nature limits them from obtaining this.
i just can't believe this was made way back in '98- i graduated high school that year= 26yr ago= hopefully some of these amazing beings are still with us, delighting in fruit and friendship high above the jungle floor
Something so precious that evolved in such a long time is destroyed in a blink of a eye by humans that have no clue what they are doing to our precious nature .
Yes, they are the most intelligent primate, far more intelligent than us. We purchase water in bottles to drink, Orangutans don't. We work our lives away, Orangutans hang out in trees.
Thankyou for bringing back the best memories of living out there as a kid. The sounds the endless rain the orangutans even the dung beetles haha I remember it all so sensoryily and the Sumatran tigers and the baby orangutans were the cutest ever! My Texan friends family had one in their back yard in a cage it was albino not that I agree with that but still all part of my good memories watching it sneak in to the kitchen fridge for food in it's nappy haha too cute and those beautiful sun rises in that part of the world. Just thankyou. It's a beautiful world Takes away all the bad memories and thoughts.❤.
Those photographers must have endeavored & endured day after day w/ an infinite patience so as to capture these brilliant, unmissable, & almost indelible momentous footages one after another in the face of some adverse conditions. The post-production crew such as editors, audio men w/ that effective background music, an scriptwriter w/ one's researchers, a narrator, etc., they all also achieved a great job to enhance a wealth of thrill, excitement, & magnificence, but they did it so at the convenience of their studio in their own country, & that is the crucial disparity from the aforementioned cameramen. Nevertheless, thanks to them all in the production, we could enjoy watching it for free on YT. So my heartfelt thanks to you for this heartwarming & rewarding singular doc.. (10/02/24)
Nex to my dog I love orangutans in this order...family, my dog, orangutans, not humans. Humans should learn from orangutans. The wat the trat and love thier child, how loving they are i one another, how living they are to humans who treat them right. They don't try to hurry any one intentionally unless they hurt them. Humans are greedy, selfish, lyers, thief's, Hippocrates, and many other things. Some are humans are rapist and murders, and kidnappers. The more I know humans the more i love my dog and orangutans. God protect them all. ❤️😊
All wild life presentations must emphasise the need for appropriate living conditions, rhis usually means we need to consider caring for the environmen. We all know the life cycle of this amazing ape. I would love to be sure they will still be in the wild in time to come.
it is about the forest and its relationship between its plants and animals with the forest.. the great ape, the human of the forest, is part of the forest. Even if you take the orangutan out of the forest you cannot take the forest out of the orangutan❤
I believe humans are the most intelligent species of primate, but orangs are not only highly intelligent, they are also compassionate beings. I should have said "peaceful" but compassion is a precursor of peace.
Given that the average orangutan is better at being an orangutan than the average human being is at acting human, I'd say, yes, they are the most intelligent of the primates.
When they start building cars, computers, shopping malls, space rockets, smart phones etc etc then I'll agree with you, but until that time I'm going with humans as the most intelligent for sure
Older than many of the stars. what the hell he talking about, most stars are in the age range of 15-6 billion years old but i do love orangutans so i will stay calm
As we speak another 200 hectares of rain forest are irretrievably lost for palm oil production. And it can't be replanted. The Bornean and Sumatran jungles only have a light layer of topsoil and then it's basalt, and rocky outcrops. One good flood, cyclone, or tsunami, and the topsoil in the cleared areas will be washed to sea. As it is, the orangutans habitat is becoming destroyed so quickly that it'd probable in another 50 years orangutans will go the way of the thalacine..
Did he just said older than many of the Stars this man just said older than many of the Stars didn't he??? 😂😂😂😂 Most absurdly inaccurate fact this day has flung my way
And it just gets more hilarious. Please don't ever watch another video from this channel if you want to educate yourself and learn something because almost everything this man stated as fact is so far from factual
As soon as you think you can eat dinner while watching one of these documentaries, orangutan poop gets invaded by The exorcist. I'm not a picky eater but that's a stretch.
humans are usually considered the most intelligent primate in the animal kingdom meeting people from US/AUS/UK/EU might make you question that though 😂
watching films on how nature works in the absence of man, I can't help but believe that "climate change" is nature's way of ridding the planet of us. I'm reminded of how well off the earth and its animal life is after humans abandoned Russia's nuclear disaster site.
I love Orangutan because they are more gentle than most of the human, and their mothers are loving, caring, and try to protect their offspring before last breath.
4:19 Gibbons are a beautiful, sometimes funny creature as well
I like orang utans more than I like most people.
I agree 100%!! I have a front door mat that says “Animals Welcome, People Tolerated”. Humans ruin the planet while animals bring balance.
This is indo language
Ohh me to....the man of the forrest..
Beautiful creatures....
Sadly, your gonna be outta friends soon
@@dmimz7691 why.....i have a lot of friends, and i Hate people.... especially religious ones...those you cant Trust at all.....
Their biological lack of fear of heights astounds me. From watching babies take their first climbs in Jungle School to seeing wild orangutans just do their thing. It’s incredible.
I guess when you start anything at that age you have no fear as you get older ...they are built to live in the trees millions of years of evolution
Outstanding and interesting content. Thank you!
I have finally done it I have finally made cheese from my own breast milk it wasn't easy but I did it
Un documentario bellissimo, una GRANDE BELLEZZA girata in maniera estremamente professionale e curata benissimo anche nei più piccoli dettagli. Le immagini parlano da sole permettendo anche a chi non parla inglese di godersi lo spettacolo di questo pezzo di mondo ancora intatto. Speriamo che tutto ciò venga preservato di fronte alla furia distruttiva dell'uomo......
don't know about anyone else but I feel pretty small in this amazing world of ours!!
I feel like we are a parasite that destroys everything it touches..now everything on earth is suffering
Beautifully presented! THANK YOU!
Brilliant video. Mother Nature is exquisite and literally life- giving to us all. Yet we humans so often, purposefully or inadvertently, take advantage of it. Many, if not all of these animals are uncomfortably close to extinction. Because of humans 😑
Absolutely fascinating! Are orangutans the most intelligent primates in the animal kingdom? This episode of WILD ASIA from Real Wild explores this question and delves into the incredible intelligence of these amazing creatures. A must-watch for nature lovers
Thats true😊
Vielen Dank ein wunderbarer Film😊❤
Danke deutsche, Prost 🍻🍻🍻
@@KampungMajesticLife trinke nur Tee
Lovely production. Thank you for including beautiful & too seldom heard gamelan music in parts of the video.
Please will you stop yelling I can't hear myself think!!!
"Right turn, Clyde!' 😎
Thanks for the memory flash and laugh♡😂
Absolute CLASSIC!!
I Love these animals, Thank you for that!
They make great librarians
Most of us usually praise the works of photographers & editors, but I'd like to take this opportunity to express my admiration & approval on the ones done by an astute script writer & a convincing narrator w/ a full-throated baritone voice who're rarely if not at all commended for their contribution to the enhancement of excitement, intrigue, & thrill. They certainly deserve a pat on the back for a job well done. Nonetheless, thanks to them all concerned in the production, we could enjoy watching this singular doc. for free on TH-cam at the opulent comfort of our residence. Much obliged from California,,,,,(05/21/24)
Perfectly put! ☺️
@@indigoblue4791 Thanks for your warm & kind words! You have a marvelous day however you spend your day, & stay healthy for eons wherever you reside on!,,,,(06/09/24)
You're so right and very kind and quite a writer.
Above all, lets give glory to God, the author and creator of everything.
@@lizbotica2965 Thank you for your warm & kind words. I'm greatly flattered by your compliment. You have a marvelous day however you spend a day & stay healthy for eons wherever you reside on this planet.,,,,(07/21/24)
Rainforest have so many amazing animals living in them.
Ourangs have the capability for multi tool use and problem solving not as a group but amoung themselves that to me qualifies them as the most intelligent. Chimps hierarchy which leads to violent nature limits them from obtaining this.
Very intelligent animals
i just can't believe this was made way back in '98- i graduated high school that year= 26yr ago= hopefully some of these amazing beings are still with us, delighting in fruit and friendship high above the jungle floor
Something so precious that evolved in such a long time is destroyed in a blink of a eye by humans that have no clue what they are doing to our precious nature .
Need more Orangutangs in this video.
Yes, they are the most intelligent primate, far more intelligent than us. We purchase water in bottles to drink, Orangutans don't. We work our lives away, Orangutans hang out in trees.
You certainly aren’t smarter then a rock, that’s for sure.
@FrederickTheGrt you’re definitely one of the stupid ones
Nothing is stopping you from living like an orangutan, have at it if you believe life would be better living in a tree
I wish we could all just live in the jungle together and live for free like they do 😭
I see your thought level 😂
Thankyou for bringing back the best memories of living out there as a kid. The sounds the endless rain the orangutans even the dung beetles haha I remember it all so sensoryily and the Sumatran tigers and the baby orangutans were the cutest ever! My Texan friends family had one in their back yard in a cage it was albino not that I agree with that but still all part of my good memories watching it sneak in to the kitchen fridge for food in it's nappy haha too cute and those beautiful sun rises in that part of the world. Just thankyou. It's a beautiful world Takes away all the bad memories and thoughts.❤.
The end of days will just be us and Orangutans chilling, sharing a beer and a spliff.
the end of days will be anaerobic bacteria on the oceans floor. ☮️❤️🌏🌍🌎
Gorillas too. They're peaceful and patient, unless they feel threatened. Chimps are the evil ones.
The end of days will be exactly as in the planet of the apes for the humans😂
I love Wild Asia. Could you also upload Island Magic, Monsoon India God of Life, and At the Edge?
It's sad that Asians kill all their animals to eat and steal the babies to sell. Check out jungle school
I love orangutans. That's why i dont eat anything with palm oil. It destroys their habitat! Also, i gave up Sumatran coffee.😊
Me too! I do miss coffee from Sumatra but it's a small sacrifice for these magnificent beings.
No palm oil for me
I can understand why orangutans don't want to speak. People like what they want to hear not what you want to say.😂
Orangutan = People of the forrest. Didn't know 👍
Excellent video
This is just perfect.
Will you smell my bottom to see if it smells, I just farted and need to make sure I don't smell like poo
Super video, which shows us how awesome our God is, who created the whole Universe & ecosystem & humans with wisdom and love! 🙏❤
Great wildlife doco...one of the best I've ever seen
Fantastic. Thank you
A amazing film
@14:45 is identical to how my friend Jamal eats his fruit these are such human like creatures 😂
Such a cutie ❤
Those dung beetles could really get jobs as professional meatball rollers
Only if they don't handle dung first.
@@boardcertifiablequality control 😂😂
Those photographers must have endeavored & endured day after day w/ an infinite patience so as to capture these brilliant, unmissable, & almost indelible momentous footages one after another in the face of some adverse conditions. The post-production crew such as editors, audio men w/ that effective background music, an scriptwriter w/ one's researchers, a narrator, etc., they all also achieved a great job to enhance a wealth of thrill, excitement, & magnificence, but they did it so at the convenience of their studio in their own country, & that is the crucial disparity from the aforementioned cameramen. Nevertheless, thanks to them all in the production, we could enjoy watching it for free on YT. So my heartfelt thanks to you for this heartwarming & rewarding singular doc.. (10/02/24)
wow so incredible!!! also this is the first time I saw a leech and they are so majestic !!
Love my ginger cousins 🥰
6:48 so big monkey and I have channel monkey too but they are small monkey not to big that.
Orangutan dung so utterly fascinating
Watched videos of orangutan using tools! They master fire and there’s no telling how smart they could become.
Yes I personally think that they are My Brother's and sisters God that rain sounds awesome
All the animals in the jungle are my very good friends. I love them all.
Dung Beetles be like, 8:05 “Got my $h*t ball now it’s time to roll..peace”✌🏽…I’ll be here all week 🤣😂.
Jokes aside nature really is truly amazing.
Brilliant 😎👍
Con lười ươi Mẹ dẫn con đi ăn thật đẹp❤❤❤❤
Who can see the dog cloud 1:11 ?
Nex to my dog I love orangutans in this order...family, my dog, orangutans, not humans. Humans should learn from orangutans. The wat the trat and love thier child, how loving they are i one another, how living they are to humans who treat them right. They don't try to hurry any one intentionally unless they hurt them. Humans are greedy, selfish, lyers, thief's, Hippocrates, and many other things. Some are humans are rapist and murders, and kidnappers. The more I know humans the more i love my dog and orangutans. God protect them all. ❤️😊
Remember the show Orangutan island😊 I would watch that and Chimp Eden every day after work at 6 AM😊😊 good times
Orangutan jungle school also a good show. It's more recent. They looks adorable
One of my favorites animals
well documented
What is this chamagan fruit they mention in this video?
Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world 💕🥰
It is astonishing how fast these rain forests are being destroyed. Orangutans are my favourite ape species. Thank you for this outstanding production.
All wild life presentations must emphasise the need for appropriate living conditions, rhis usually means we need to consider caring for the environmen. We all know the life cycle of this amazing ape. I would love to be sure they will still be in the wild in time to come.
I enjoy story time.
Word of advice, if you have red hair do not go to an orangutan sanctuary, you will not have a good time 😂
There is a female that drives a golf cart around the zoo one hand on the wheel and one on the roof
Name suggestions for the gaboon viper are Goliath or El Jefe
Nice, but it's not about orangutans. They only feature for a small part of it.
it is about the forest and its relationship between its plants and animals with the forest.. the great ape, the human of the forest, is part of the forest.
Even if you take the orangutan out of the forest you cannot take the forest out of the orangutan❤
Boy my uncle June bug look just like a orangutan 🦧 😂❤
If the animals would except i would love to spend sometime there its a dream of mine
What choice do they have
I love you and thankyou po papa God
4:44 looks so fun!!!
Sumatra, in my neighbourhood. Why didn't I go there already?
what is the song when the tiger is hunting the monkeys
6:08 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I have long believed that the orang are the most intelligent of the wild apes
Who narrates this documentary?
What's an Orangutang? -- Orangutans might be more 'intelligent' than some people ....
Interesting video but not really about Ourangutans.
I believe humans are the most intelligent species of primate, but orangs are not only highly intelligent, they are also compassionate beings. I should have said "peaceful" but compassion is a precursor of peace.
Bonobos are amazing too.
Given that the average orangutan is better at being an orangutan than the average human being is at acting human, I'd say, yes, they are the most intelligent of the primates.
When they start building cars, computers, shopping malls, space rockets, smart phones etc etc then I'll agree with you, but until that time I'm going with humans as the most intelligent for sure
@@davidmellish3295 My take is that we confuse being clever as a species, with being intelligent as a species.
He said rainforest are older than stars
They are smarter than my coworkers.
Dey llooks liek preesadant Trumpe🫡 bebbes jeezus is mi keeng o keeng⛪️👼🌠👑
Older than many of the stars. what the hell he talking about, most stars are in the age range of 15-6 billion years old
but i do love orangutans so i will stay calm
Orangutan ….. Bahasa Indonesia … Orang = People, Hutan = Forest, Wild …. “People of the Forest”
Learning more about everything else than the Orangutan 😢
As we speak another 200 hectares of rain forest are irretrievably lost for palm oil production. And it can't be replanted. The Bornean and Sumatran jungles only have a light layer of topsoil and then it's basalt, and rocky outcrops. One good flood, cyclone, or tsunami, and the topsoil in the cleared areas will be washed to sea. As it is, the orangutans habitat is becoming destroyed so quickly that it'd probable in another 50 years orangutans will go the way of the thalacine..
Did he just said older than many of the Stars this man just said older than many of the Stars didn't he??? 😂😂😂😂 Most absurdly inaccurate fact this day has flung my way
And it just gets more hilarious. Please don't ever watch another video from this channel if you want to educate yourself and learn something because almost everything this man stated as fact is so far from factual
God bless
As soon as you think you can eat dinner while watching one of these documentaries, orangutan poop gets invaded by The exorcist.
I'm not a picky eater but that's a stretch.
humans are usually considered the most intelligent primate in the animal kingdom
meeting people from US/AUS/UK/EU might make you question that though 😂
Basically the entire Western world 💀
Man made music has destroyed such a magnificent video. What a shame. We need to hear just the sound of the forest. That is all.
Their having a good ol time hahaha 🤣🤣
Right turn Clyde.
This had little to do with actual orangutans.
Need documentation on a mouse deer
I see a beautiful person❤❤❤
watching films on how nature works in the absence of man, I can't help but believe that "climate change" is nature's way of ridding the planet of us. I'm reminded of how well off the earth and its animal life is after humans abandoned Russia's nuclear disaster site.
I thought humans were the most intelligent primate. But I could be wrong.