The Japanese Emperor couple are such outstanding. They deserve to be loved by people all over the world. The Japanese people must treat them better than others. 雅子皇后 is 100% new women, but she is trying hard to follow the Japanese public opinion which to be a traditional Japanese queen. It is difficult to her. I hope that 德仁天皇 can keep the words his vow: protecting the 雅子皇后, and all Japanese people should also understand and love and then help 雅子 become the perfect queen in the world. please!
Greetings from Indonesia to the Japanese emperor. You & the empress are very polite & smiling leaders. Be happy for his imperial chariot. May Japan & Indonesia become closer in friendship.
Wow, so the imperial train is in the station waiting for the Emperor and Empress So railway personnel having done their job is lined up and security officers don't know where the Imperial couple are?
Great video, they are the only Emperor and Empress left in the world and they have just left a daughter go through marriage. I think the Moon godess would elevate a princess to be an Empress on the loss of her father. I cannot question a godess, only the people of Japan can, and they let a Princess go?
天皇皇后両陛下の 優しいお顔立ちを拝し奉り、感無量で御座います。
1ヶ月前からお召し列車が走ることは分かっていたので とりあえず東京駅でお見送りの様子を撮ってみました。試運転の様子も撮っているので良かったら見てくださいね。
@おう 僕もそう思います。ポエムだけ言っていればいい一族なんてね
天皇陛下 万歳!
The Japanese Emperor couple are such outstanding. They deserve to be loved by people all over the world. The Japanese people must treat them better than others. 雅子皇后 is 100% new women, but she is trying hard to follow the Japanese public opinion which to be a traditional Japanese queen. It is difficult to her. I hope that 德仁天皇 can keep the words his vow: protecting the 雅子皇后, and all Japanese people should also understand and love and then help 雅子 become the perfect queen in the world. please!
Greetings from Indonesia to the Japanese emperor. You & the empress are very polite & smiling leaders. Be happy for his imperial chariot. May Japan & Indonesia become closer in friendship.
一度 両陛下を「ななつ星」に乗せてみたい。
そう思いますしそれにふさわしい車両だと思います DF200に日章旗が掲げられている光景は是非とも見てみたいものです
今は原宿からのお召し列車の発着は難しくなっていると思います。 山手貨物線は埼京線 湘南新宿ライン 成田エキスプレスなど頻繁通るのであまり余裕はないと思います。
Wow, so the imperial train is in the station waiting for the Emperor and Empress So railway personnel having done their job is lined up and security officers don't know where the Imperial couple are?
Great video, they are the only Emperor and Empress left in the world and they have just left a daughter go through marriage. I think the Moon godess would elevate a princess to be an Empress on the loss of her father. I cannot question a godess, only the people of Japan can, and they let a Princess go?
天皇陛下はもっと威張っていい。 ヘコヘコしないでいい。