So, the tractor has been 12V all along, right? You just changed the battery configuration from 2 6V batteries in series to 2 12V batteries in parallel, if I understood you correctly.
@@farmrigging4450 Thanks for the clarification. Somehow I got in my head when I read the title that you were converting a 6V system to 12V, which is not a trivial undertaking 🙂
on our 4430 we put the ground directly to the bolts at the back of the starter
So, the tractor has been 12V all along, right? You just changed the battery configuration from 2 6V batteries in series to 2 12V batteries in parallel, if I understood you correctly.
Yes, that is correct.
@@farmrigging4450 Thanks for the clarification. Somehow I got in my head when I read the title that you were converting a 6V system to 12V, which is not a trivial undertaking 🙂
Where are you located do you do work for other people 4630