16:00 That infrastructure, maybe copied SG. 20:20 China leader always wasting money on decorations and soldiers, but never on promising on making the people's life up to standard. 26:00 Hanyu kun~ 27:16 怪叔叔追女孩子ww. 33:00 要慣啦,做取材工作職業。 35:00 China staff just do it as a job, heart numb, they don't care much about your feeling. But it is good to hear that in JP, the sample taking is soft /u\. 43:50 They used this phone for the start of SARS2 for patients in the hotel. 46:00 They trace the atthelts movementt and make sure they don't go out of the village. Which phone in China that is not tracked by China military office xD. 49:00 Reporter knows privacy and monitoring carefulness. 52:40 周大福 56:45 I think strange conversion too xDD. 58:00 Told you so ww. 1:01:00 That''s why the US reporters only able too get China Beer. 1:01:50 Cannot do anything other then stuck in the hotel and going to the Sports ground. But they do not do the same as the reporter as tourist. Stupid leader ww. 1:04:00 But the same Buffet everyday you will feel bored too. 1:06:35 It's Ok. Then what do you expect him to tell you when he is alone in the hotel. 1:08:40 Hei.....The company cannot pay for you. 1:10:00 辛苦您了Q_Q. 1:12:00 He can tell if she is JP 0_0!? 1:13:00 The same as HK. They put the money making shops on the G/F. But I don't like squeezing through the customers to get to the upper floor to the toys corner. 1:17:00 I miss the SG and HK Gintako. The only shop in SG that makes takoyaki skin Crispy. T-T 1:18:50 Majority of the Chinese customer are popular culture young people. 1:20:00 Yes, B/1., carpark too, no signal wifi signal. I am going to cry, I moved to Ireland, almost 10 yrs no see Japanese supermarket. 1:22:00 Reporter san, you can visit outside on the last day maybe : ).
20:30 のものは編鐘と編磬(中国古代の楽器)です。
16:00 That infrastructure, maybe copied SG. 20:20 China leader always wasting money on decorations and soldiers, but never on promising on making the people's life up to standard.
26:00 Hanyu kun~ 27:16 怪叔叔追女孩子ww.
33:00 要慣啦,做取材工作職業。
35:00 China staff just do it as a job, heart numb, they don't care much about your feeling. But it is good to hear that in JP, the sample taking is soft /u\.
43:50 They used this phone for the start of SARS2 for patients in the hotel.
46:00 They trace the atthelts movementt and make sure they don't go out of the village. Which phone in China that is not tracked by China military office xD.
49:00 Reporter knows privacy and monitoring carefulness.
52:40 周大福
56:45 I think strange conversion too xDD.
58:00 Told you so ww.
1:01:00 That''s why the US reporters only able too get China Beer.
1:01:50 Cannot do anything other then stuck in the hotel and going to the Sports ground. But they do not do the same as the reporter as tourist. Stupid leader ww.
1:04:00 But the same Buffet everyday you will feel bored too.
1:06:35 It's Ok. Then what do you expect him to tell you when he is alone in the hotel.
1:08:40 Hei.....The company cannot pay for you.
1:10:00 辛苦您了Q_Q.
1:12:00 He can tell if she is JP 0_0!?
1:13:00 The same as HK. They put the money making shops on the G/F. But I don't like squeezing through the customers to get to the upper floor to the toys corner.
1:17:00 I miss the SG and HK Gintako. The only shop in SG that makes takoyaki skin Crispy. T-T
1:18:50 Majority of the Chinese customer are popular culture young people.
1:20:00 Yes, B/1., carpark too, no signal wifi signal. I am going to cry, I moved to Ireland, almost 10 yrs no see Japanese supermarket.
1:22:00 Reporter san, you can visit outside on the last day maybe : ).
西洋人の言うことは必ずしも真実ではありません! 東洋人の知恵で考えてみてください!
哈哈 我觉得可以尝试一下 问题是日本的实力敢不敢去要 如果不怕挨父亲的毒打 你的主人美国也只是嘴里念几句自我安慰一下 你敢吗 那就让你的政府来叫