Please if you feel lost, confused, scared or whatever, please let me help you. I mean it, please just don't read this comment and ignore it. If you ever need anything feel free to contact me at I will gladly help you. Stay strong and please think about getting help in order to get better. If you're interested, even if it takes time to work, praying will help. You just have to believe. Stay strong and safe . You are loved il y a 1 semaine 1
The comment section of sad songs is the only place i can find people that actually care these days, Maybe cause we know how much we had to fight to be happy, how many sacrifices it took to be here.
Loneliest people are kindest, saddest people smile brightest and most damaged people are smartest, reason for that is that they don't want other people feel what they're feeling think before what you say and what you do!
because no one wants people to know they're sad. sharing the song as part of them is like announcing to the people your life are the lyrics. and in this world, so many people are sad to the fact people start to think its all fake. so we keep the real stuff to ourselves now.
Addiction has been the biggest struggle for me. It feels like we are programmed to need temporary substance in order to get through or see a brighter day. Drug addiction isn’t a choice. We are all addicted to something. Fixing yourself is a choice and it’s a constant fight for self love. I hope someone who needed to see this knows they are not alone and that people like us make this world a better place❤
I used to listen to this song a lot when i was going through depression. listening to it now after two years has made me realize that I'm in a much better place now.☺️
Jacob Dennis I just have a question: why are u here listening to a sad song?! Maybe u lost your smile... I'm sorry for that! Hope u find it again someday! ❤️
Jacob Dennis. Its the depth of that one line, anytime just think over it once... Which I believe u don't understand do u? A suggestion,for u, Shut the Bloody hell up. And get this straight into ur thick head.. if u don't understand anything or apply any logic to it, an idea keep ur thoughts to urself coz nobody here wants to know them.
Jacob Dennis. Also I'm sorry if my language was harsh but it's a fact. Sorry. I forgot the meaning of this song for a second there.. sorry. Hope all is good whatever may have happened.
This songs speaks much louder than your ears can hear. It touches a place that I locked away along time ago. I silently scream it from my mountain. My power is mine again.
my parents are getting divorced and me and my mom has to secretly leave my dad while he was a doctors appointment. my sister said we were going out to lunch, my dad came home to a note and we moved all my furniture along with my mother’s. now every time i go see my dad my house that i grew up in just doesn’t feel the same. ps, i never knew i was leaving my father. :(
To whomever that is reading this. You might fell down real hard today or yesterday and its ok to cry and feel vulnerable but most importantly is you dont give up. I want you to know that you are not alone. The night is always dark just before dawn. So pls pick up yourself and continue this fight! Stay strong everyone and most importantly is to never give up! Also to those who are fighting depression i want you to know that you are a brave warrior in life.
Unfortunately I come to this song as even though I'm in a much better place, I still love this song. Things honestly do get better. I thought of just giving up......tried once Anybody feeling down, please get help. You do matter to people whom love you. Even the ones that you don't think they do....
*1.4.2018* Here are over 10 thousand comments about our feelings and situations, where most of us can relate. I just want you all to know, whoever is reading this, that I love you. I'm not lying. I cried all night over 3 hours in my bed now, because I have many, many heavy problems on my mind. And it's right, that nobody understands me at home, so I listen to sad songs (thats makes me usually even sadder...). But when I read all those comments, I dont know, but I'm feeling understanded. I'm reading here so much love and hope from strangers helping other strangers, that it just makes me think that we're all the same. It somehow makes me feel better. I appreciate that and want to thank you, stranger, that you are alive. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :') Edit: Thank you so much for the kindness in your comments, you are all so special :)
I’m not suicidal, I’m not depressed, I don’t have anxiety. I have friends and family that love me. Yet I feel so alone. I know they love me, and I reassure that to myself. But sometimes I can’t help but doubt. I have serious trust issues with people I’ve known my whole life. I’m socially awkward to the point if I did make new friends with people they’d think I was ignorant or I was being rude. There’s times where I’ve been so quiet and never spoken to people, and watch them go off to talk to people who will communicate with them. And yet, every time my heart is still hurt by them leaving, even though I know it was my own cause. My mom died a little more than a year ago, and people have expected my grief to be gone by now. They tell me to be more confident and stand up for myself. And I do, I really do want to do that. But I just can’t. No inspirational or supportive words will get me to do that. And it’s breaking me more each day.
U need some decent mates to hang out with and ur never gonna get over losing it mam all u can do is learn to cope with it but know that she's always with u in ur heart ❤😊
I completely understand and sympathise. Have really good friends and family but I always end up feeling so lonely and unloved even now I know I'm not. I lost my granny last May and I am still grieving and I just can't find anyway to make the pain go away. I really hope everything is okay and you are safe. May God bless you and your family ❤️❤️
This message is for anyone who feels comfortable enough to vent if they need to. And whoever is reading this, I just want you to know, that you are loved, and that you matter! I know it might not always feel like it, but people would notice if you're gone. It might be dark right now, but it's going to be okay. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, someday it will get better. Someday the clouds will part and the Stars will shine once again for you.
The comment section is actually what made me stay. Thank you for sharing your storys with us. It really helped me through bad bad days. Its beautiful to see that some people still care. I love you all and stay strong. ❤️
Frumblerin I know late answer but girl. I had depression and cut my arms just because of a boy. I was nearly 1 Year heart broken but believe me everything makes you strong.
Frumblerin I really don't have the words to make any of what your going through better but I do have ears to listen if you want to talk about anything contact me on: Stay strong darling your amazing xx
I listened to this song 7 year ago, felt lonely, scared, the house didn’t feel like home, I didn’t have any hopes…now 7 years past I forgot those terrible times and I’m happy and I’m better then ever! Who ever reading this comment Don’t give up, your happiest day is in your future, be patient ❤️
@@Norguosanow- love is not a matter of gender, it's s matter of two hearts and feelings of two people. And being different is unique rather than being a common one. Be proud of who you are. You are beautiful the way you are. ✨✨✨✨❤️.
You scroll down these comments, read all these stories, you relate to it, you share it and you know you're not alone. Even if I'm not here to splash my sad stories online I just think it is really beautiful how so many of you found, deep in your depression and sadness, the courage to share it. You know it's a powerful song when it brings out people's pain and confessions. Go ahead guys, share it, don't be afraid or embarrassed, keep being that brave and amazing😄
isabella clowson keep going when I was 10 I already had tried to kms 5 times I'm 13 almost 14 and yes it still hurts I'm still here and if you ever need to talk I'm here I understand alot of stuff my Snapchat is halielowe5754 if you don't have sc just tell me
“you can’t hear me cry” it’s feels like i give everyone hints that i’m not ok and that i’m hurting inside but no one ever realizes because i’m no ones first choice
this song saved my life so many times.. crying myself to sleep trying to overdose.. This was the only thing that kept my peace when my mind was racing so bad💔… I pray for everyone that’s ever went that far in the dark n didn’t come out. ilysm❤️
Please don't try to overdose again... I hope you haven't, it's not the way, even if it seems like no other option is left. I'm really sorry about everything you've had to go through... Everything that's going on right now, you can heal from it, I promise you can. I was also in a bad place in life, tormented by severe anxiety from severe overthinking daily since 2023 November's end, it was absolutely intolerable, but as of right now, all of the bad parts of it have died down and whatever thoughts I do occasionally get, have been blocked out and muffled. It *can* get better, no matter how bad it is right now. What helped me personally, against my fight with anxiety, was praying. God is always ready to help anyone who calls on Him. He loves every one of us that He's created and can turn any situation around, no matter how bad it is at the moment. It might not happen momentarily but what I experienced, and have heard from others, is proof nothing is impossible. Call on Him if you're in distress, but I would never force anyone to pray, only do if you really want to. What has changed a lot of people's lives was accepting Jesus Christ, His Son, who was sent to die on the cross for everyone's sins, as their Lord and savior (so that nobody who believes in Him should perish but have eternal life after they die, a life without all of the pain and suffering this world has to offer.) (I mentioned that since there might be people who don't know who Jesus is) Accept Him only if you genuinely want to, forcing anyone to when they don't want to makes me uncomfortable.
Dear,parents people ask if I'm fine in say yes because I can't bring my self to ask for h4lp but I'm trying to give u signs stop asking and look into my eyes DO I LOOK FIInE stop asking and plz I'm b4gging u take the actions my body is to weak to face Sinereley,your daughter
Linda Monroy I honestly don’t know if you’re being serious or not. But if you are, please confide in someone. Anyone. It’s hard, but please, you need to. Otherwise everything you are will get worse. I didn’t ask for help, I bottled up everything, and then I finally told one of my closest friends that I was struggling with the loss of my mom. Just know, everything in the end will be alright. There are people who love you and want to help you. Life might have its ups and down, but it will get better.
@@firefly493 you are strong and u can fight this dont be scared to ask for help its the best help. i know it hurts but ull get through ti cos you are goof enough
Hearing this song for the first time today…it’s a great song. Got tears streaming as I type this…sometimes the words of others say exactly how we feel. This world we live in is so lost, so wrong…when is enough, enough? When you truly love someone…never…
This is... beautiful. There is nothing to describe what I feel as I scroll through these comments. To see the support given from stranger to stranger. It's a given that life often feels as if it is pitted against you, and sometimes, it is. But this page is an incredible reminder of how glorious we can be together. I feel ripped apart and somehow held together through the things written here. To find a place, finally, where we can relate our brutalities, and stand taller together, because that is what we are. We are stronger together and through what we might be pushed into, we fight our wars together. It is only other people who you can trust to lift the familiar dark veil of sadness and guilt. Suicide is what we feel we must do to rid ourselves of what we're going through, and no matter what the Bible commands, it is most definitely not a sin. It is what we are brought to after losing an everlasting battle with our own minds. For some, it doesn't get better. For lots, it will. But we must know in our minds that our source of comfort must come from the people whom love you unconditionally. United we stand, and united we shall stay. Never divided. You are all so beautiful, and I can't help but feel utterly in love with everyone who has written anything here. Don't forget that we're all here, to support, to love, to offer a dry shoulder. Thank you. To anyone and everyone who will listen to the voice of love.
We're in 2019. Depression doesn't want to go. 3 months ago the doctors told me i had a neuroblastoma. Be safe loves and try to enjoy life and smile no matter what
Ura Lipse Much love ❤️. You’re not alone ❤️❤️. You will overcome this because you’re strong brave and beautiful. We all have a purpose and we’re here on this earth to outlive it. I got you. We all got you. ❤️❤️
Telling a depressed person to be happy is like telling a baby to take care of themselves. Telling a suicidal person it will get better only presses the question: "when?" No one truly listens until someone loses a war with themselves and is lost to all. We who suffer from anxiety, depression, and other things, we stand together. We are united. NEVER are we divided.
Let me say this now, because what you wrote here is so enormously beautiful. You are right. We are stronger together and through what we might be pushed into, we fight our wars together. It is only other people who you can trust to lift the familiar dark veil of sadness and guilt. Suicide is what we feel we must do to rid ourselves of what we're going through, and no matter what the Bible commands, it is most definitely not a sin. It is what we are brought to after losing an everlasting battle with our own minds. For some, it doesn't get better. For lots, it will. But we must know in our minds that our source of comfort must come from the people whom love you unconditionally. United we stand, and united we shall stay. Never divided.
Lost Hope yes people broke so many other people their heart and still those people are trying so hard to help other people while they slowly break it really is sad but that’s how life is ...
ALEX Tintin it’s okay to be bisexuell just be yourself and don’t change yourself just for others it will only break your mind if you need to talk I got nearly every chat app and you can just add me if you need someone Snapchat+line +instagram : diaboloblood discord: diaboloblood#5242
I'm not depressed, I'm not suicidal, I'm not anorexic, I'm not anxious But I'm broken and drowning and I'm screaming, crying, begging for help but you can't see it because it's covered up with a smile.
Falling in love with my first love felt like finding a forever home for my heart. I believed in us with a devotion so pure, I was sure it could weather any storm. But as betrayal struck once, twice, and over again, it shattered not only my trust but the dreams I built around us. I kept trying to rebuild, yet every time, the foundation cracked deeper, leaving me with pieces too heavy to carry alone. What once brought me joy became the weight I couldn’t escape, and in that darkness, I lost pieces of myself. Healing feels like learning to breathe in a world where love was once my air, a quiet resolve to find strength where I once thought I'd only find hurt.
Five years ago I was a damaged kid. I was most likely depressed, borderline anorexic, bullied, and lonely. Sometimes I wondered why life was so wonderful if all it ever did was hurt. Today I'm in my final year of high school. I'm graduating. I've got wonderful friends, a loving boyfriend, a great family, and a future I can look forward to. Life does get better. Take it from someone who thought it never could.
@@laurapitner7573 well, first off remember that this is only a miniscule moment in your entire life. It won't last forever. Relish in that or take comfort in it. Either one works. Find your own style. You are your own person, don't let others take that away from you. You are worth so much, just because otherwise refuse to see it doesn't mean you hold any less value. Take time for yourself. It could be ten minutes of just laying on your couch, maybe an hour long bath with a crap ton of bubbles, maybe an entire evening of reading a really good book. Regardless, remember to take that time for your mental health. Don't put things off. No matter how tempting it is, don't do it. It'll only make you more stressed in the long run and it isn't worth it. Overall, just be you. Take pleasure in happy moments and rise above the less pleasurable moments. Don't let others bring you down, make them cower beneath your feet. You got this. I believe in you.
Ashlyn McCormick thank you. this means a lot but its hard to imagine that when your growing up like this. when your at the lowest point of your life and it feels like your only going to keep drowning.
This song helped me through really dark times x Things get better I promise you ❤ We're all just a bunch of humans with messed up feelings - but you're still alive, reading this comment. Well done!! Keep fighting ❤
Icutecupcake Icutecupcake your worth it every human being makes mistakes trust me I know..... but it gets better keep fighting just know I may not know you but I care about you I care about your life and I wish I could be your friend and just hug you keep fighting 💕
You know you’re damaged when you forget that you’re damaged... because you become so good at hiding it. Hiding your pain. That you sometimes can even fool yourself for a little while... but then the pain comes back...
My best friend killed herself two years ago... And she told me that everything was fine when I asked about her. I necessarily believed in his words, when everything was a lie. She wasn't well. Days later her parents found her dead on the floor of her room. And I remember she said how much this song said about our friendship. I could cherish her while I could. Ash, I love you forever. Thank you for being who you were.
Listening to this really makes you contemplate life, recount storms that blew into your life like tornadoes. But through it all, we all remain..... I'm so learning how to love life. Even through the pain. Shining like diamonds' and rollin' like dice.
It's easy to love someone when they're happy. What's hard is loving someone when they're crying on the bathroom floor at 2am because everything came crashing down at once.
My younger brother committed suicide last weekend by overdosing on something. He was found with headphones on, presumably listening to something. This is his youtube account. He made a playlist containing 6 songs that was edited the day he passed. This is one of the 6 songs. With the method he used, he was dead after about 30 minutes, probably unconscious around 12 minutes. I like to think that it was peaceful for him with his music on. I love you Myles, I'll miss you everyday for the rest of my life...
Don't give up, please. Hang in there, dear one. I know it's really hard now and it will be even more, in the days to come. Someday you will manage to smile without tearing up...much. So hang in there till then. Don't give up.
:( I am sending healing comfort over you way (((((HUGS))))) may your brother Rest In Peace! reading your situation gave me goose bumps. Your Brother is HOME now :(
This song brings us all together, I guess. I’m old enough to count the friends on my right hand. One of the few I had, was a pal I spent summers fishing with. He was struggling and I didn’t know it. He jumped off a bridge, and not even one over water, one that wasn’t representing anything for him. I helped his ashes into the lake he liked to fish in. RIP: Good Ray You made everyone else happy, but we couldn’t make you happy enough ❤️
depression = no reason why you feel how you feel anxiety = scared, afraid all the time social anxiety = loneliness, sadness, invisible, neglected, no friends, walking into a classroom and being scared, afraid of doing normal things a person would do, isolated, scared. *lonely* the reason why social anxiety can be more descriptive by me than the other two is because i have it, im not saying im depressed im just saying *i have it.*
Hello guys I just wanted to share with you. 3 years ago I remember listening to this song and feeling so much emptiness... At that time I didn't know why I was feeling like that. Some time later I started to self harm and stopped going out of home. When my mother saw how I act she sent me to a psychotherapeutist. Now I know that my problem was extremely low self-esteem. And today I'm listening to this song and I don't feel that horrible emptiness and senselessness anymore . Even if I still don't have real friends or bf and my family still doesn't accept me, I feel so happy. I'm starting to think that high and healthy self esteem is one of the most important things in life. I hope going to the psychotherapeutist can help you too if you struggle with low self-esteem. Just don't be afraid to change it
Sam Gartner Im SOOOOOO glad Sam that you are in a happy place now☺️ just remember that no matter that you are stronger than u can ever think of! Just trust in urself nd no matter what the circumstances NEVER GIVE UP! You are beautiful and have the ability to change the world!❣️ love yourself nd keep ur head held high as many people look forward to meet u!! Lots of love❣️
Kristi Meow yes... yes thats how people should feel. a friend of mine is depressed, i really wish she could say that, one day. bc.. no matter how many times we tell her she is beautiful, we care about her, et cetera, its her self-image that should change
You have no idea how much this means to me. I have depression but my mother doesn’t seem to remember that detail whenever I have my bad days. She says this to me all the time, trying to make me feel guilty about feeling bad. So thank you so much for making me feel valid. Thank you.
Heard this for the very first time 3 hours ago it had a blind siding effect and had to play it over and over it has definitely left a impression on me that won't wear off anytime soon.
To whoever sees this. Believe me I know it hurts. The pain is so strong it feels like your being torn apart. You feel so alone in the world and you feel like you only have yourself. Your angry and frustrated and just plain exhausted. I’ve been there. But i bet there is someone out there that cares about you. I do. I’m here if you need me. Your beautiful and strong. You will get through this. You are beautiful and strong. You are the strongest person I’ve ever seen. I love you and want you to be happy. You deserve love and happiness. Fight it. Fight for your future. Fight for what you believe in. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Never let anyone silence your voice. You can change the world. I love you so much. I’m always here if you need me.❤️
You literally have no idea how much i needed to hear this. I am a mom to a little girl and ive just really been struggling. Ive literally just been bursting into tears and pushing away from family i have no friends to rely on not that im weird it just seems im so depressed i cant keep up. I feel like killing myself on a minute basis
@@kerriwebster7333, we all hope about it. As I think, they would sometimes listen to this song and others like it to make themselves happier than at the moment. But I agree with your comment.
Oh, you can't hear me cry See my dreams all die From where you're standing On your own It's so quiet here And I feel so cold This house no longer Feels like home Oh, when you told me you'd leave I felt like I couldn't breath My aching body fell to the floor Then I called you at home You said that you weren't alone I should've known better Now it hurts much more You caused my heart to bleed and You still owe me a reason I can't figure out why Why I'm alone and freezing While you're in the bed that she's in I'm just left alone to cry You caused my heart to bleed and You still awe me a reason I can't figure out why You caused my heart to bleed and You still awe me a reason I can't figure out why Oh, you can't hear me cry See my dreams all die From where you standing On your own It's so quiet here and I feel so cold This house no lounger Feels like home
Society is blind They've seen our scars They've seen our pain They've seen us struggle They just don't want to help But little do they know, three words can help.*Are you okay?*
Ally, Exactly! Even the people around you such as family and friends can sometimes just ignore the pain you're going through. Everyones just concerned with their own lives. I think when he said "society is blind" he meant society turns a blind eye to other peoples struggles.
To everyone out there feeling depressed or suicidal, place your hand over your heart, feel that beating? It's called purpose, your alive for a reason. You woke up this morning and that's what matters, if you were born you're supposed to be here. You're still here, you still have purpose you can fight through whatever it is your fighting and even if it feels like no one loves you know that you have a father in heaven who loves your more than any human being ever could. (Even though a lot of people probably will not see this I hope it helps whoever does see it.) P.S. This is a great song ☺️
Young Queen's place your hand over your heart. Feel it beating? It means tour alive. Thats shall be the only thing that proves your still living some how.
if you are scrolling through these comments, reading about the pain that people go through, if you feel this way, if you feel you don’t belong in this world i want you to know that there are so many people that love you and care about you. you matter. i care so much about you. i hope you get better. i hope you find your happiness again someday. please, don’t take your life. i love you. i don’t even know you. stay alive. stay alive for me. stay alive for your family. for your friends. for yourself. please, please, please, stay alive. you are still here. you are reading this comment because you survived and you still are surviving. your heart is beating in your chest because you are alive for a reason, because you matter. you wouldn’t be on this world if you didn’t matter. we have to be united. we will get through this challenge together. whether you don’t want to take your life or you have already tried, we can help each other through this thing called life. i love you. you matter. i care. - lexi hi everyone i’m writing this a few weeks later and i’m so happy i helped so many people. it means more than anything to me, im serious. i wrote this when i was in the middle of my room crying, thinking of how much pain i was in, but more how much pain others are in. it’s always been a dream of min to become a psychiatrist and help people with things like depression. i hope you know that i am in no way a therapist and if you are severely depressed or suicidal please seek professional help! it’ll work wonders, i promise. just a week after writing this message that meant so much to people, someone very close to me passed away. i read through your comments and they help me so much. i love each and every one of you. have a good week, keep smiling!!💕💕
I appreciate taking your valuable time to make (some) people feel better,but you need (well not a single human being actually "needs" something except eat or drink to somehow survive.) to know that some people are naturally suicidal (like me, witch I tried to kill myself since I was 3 years old.) who just can't be helped,the only way for them to survive is that they need to get used to the feeling of not wanting to be alive is to ignore or shallow the felling... But to people who are not naturally suicidal can eventually escape thair deppresion by finding out that some people actually care about them or to relate by finding out that they are not alone. So who knows maybe your comment got people out of deppresion or really helped them...
MarVilKop i understand what you are saying. i never meant this comment to be something that cures people’s depression or sadness. it was written for people who feel they have nobody. it was written to show people that even strangers can love you, even if they don’t know you. i’m so sorry that you are going through these difficult obstacles in your life. i never meant for this to come across as me being a doctor and curing everyone. i just wanted to let everyone know that i’m always here to talk, whether they are going through a rough time or not. i hope you are doing well and i hope you feel better one day. i really hope i didn’t come across as rude. have a good rest of your day.♥️💕
sister is snatched I am truly sorry that you thought that you thought that you were thinking that you comment came of as rude..because you where not... And I should thank you for caring for other people because not that many actually do... And I well I did not know that you were a not a doctor (I cannot know those things) but comments and words really help people even by little so I should apologise the chanses of you taking the comment to offence.
MarVilKop i did not take offense from your comment. i just wanted to make sure nobody was thinking my comment was hurting anyone! thank you so much have a good day
I fell for him. We started getting close. But we got separated. He came back. I fell for him again. He fell for me too. But, time passed. He liked someone else. He needs her. He wants her. And... I'll never ever be her.
I dont know any of you or your story nor do you know mine but I just want to say. THANK YOU for your kind words to complete strangers. People like you make a difference, people like you make me think this world isnt as lost as it is. Its 😍😍😍😘
I left a comment here a couple years ago I was in the middle of depression I completely lost myself I hated myself I hurt myself on purpose because I thought I deserved it It's two years later I still have major flaws I need to work on I still have problems with myself I still need to find myself again But I am two years clean of harming myself That is a huge milestone for me The most fucked up thing is I'm only 14 now :( So to me : you got yourself out of a hard situation, you battled self hatred You should be EXTATIC with yourself because you're a fucking legend and I love you:) take it easy of yourself
Hey! I came to listen to this song again after years and I saw your comment. I hope you are still clean and you are wearing a truly pure smile! You are a beautiful soul! Keep pushing because one day you are going to look back at these times and realize you were harder on yourself than the pain actually was on you🤍
Mom has cancer... She's living at the moment, but I freaking hate my life when I see her battling and crying, I'm used to cry every single night and I still do, sometimes I think of s*****e or cutting but.....I just get scared of it....I always try to find a way to get rid of this ....bcuz that's a genetic disease in our family..... I hate talking to people,I hate going outside, I don't like having friends, I hate parties, I only used to spend my time stuck in my room 24/7..... I'm in love with being alone, I enjoy overthinking and analysing what's going on around me.....but this couldn't be shown to other people that they all think that I'm extremely introvert..... Yeah I admit it , I'm introvert.. ..and it's not that easy to be an open-minded person so you can make every single person satisfied.... ,,I honestly wish that mom could share her disease with me or give it all to me....but that's not possible.... Almost my friends don't know what I'm going through and that deep dowm I'm burning inside and that's killing me... Fighting off depression is not a simple task.,,,,,if it was, I would have done it already. Trust me when I say I am so tired of feeling like crap all of the time. I am actively trying to take steps to better myself and steal some of my life back from this depressive monster that has crept in like a black cloud raining over all of my thoughts and feelings...... The process will involve challenging my negative thought patterns, pushing myself to re-engage with things I used to enjoy, working to forgive myself for letting things get so out of hand and finding people I trust to be on my team. That’s why you are reading this. ..... So if you're reading I just want you to know that being alone is the main cause of depression ,and if you're depressed as me there's no way out..... Don't overthink everything..... Don't ignore people.... Try to be present in everything.... Try to find your loved people.... Try to share your feelings with your family and your friends.... Because if you start thinking about being suicidal absolutely are suicidal..... And you know the rest.... Edit: 07-09-2020 mom passed away... I don't care for those who say that I've just posted this comment for likes, so as long as you're not experiencing what I'm experiencing, you don't have the right to judge me. And thanks for all the support guys♥
"Are you okay?" "Yes" *No, I'm not* "I'm glad you're okay" "I’m always okay" *I'm not, I'm suffering* "Are you depressed?" "No, I'm fine. Why did you ask?" *Yes, I have no one to talk to. I feel worthless* *People need to understand that depression isn't just being sad, and having anxiety. It's something way worst. It's were you feel like you're the reason for everyone's madness, the reason they're angry, the reason they’re sad. You feel like someone's judging you constantly, you feel like people are laughing at you, you feel like people are talking (bad) about you. When you have anxiety, You'll know what depression is. The anxiety builds up more and more.. You cut, you try to commit suicide, you feel like you've lost your fight. No one understands you, no one gets you.. We feel traped inside this cage that has nothing but negativity in it. Depression isn’t something to make fun of, it’s something that needs to be taken seriously. That’s the best I can explain depression..* The world is so cruel now. Why can’t we just be nice and not mentally and physically hurtful? It’s not hard to give someone a compliment. You don’t have to mean it but you could’ve just made their day. I once was depressed but these two people helped me threw it. I know it’s hard to find someone but trust me..You will. Just know you’re worth it and you’re beautiful inside and out. You’re unique, not weird. 💜♥️ My Instagram is @Nayeli.twu if you need someone to talk to 💕 Edit: Thank you for the likes. I didn’t expect so many 💞
A quick message to everyone going throught a hard time: If you have depression/anxiety or simply aren't in your best days. Just want you to understand that you are free to talk and there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You are amazing the way you are and you deserve better. If people don't listen to you, someone will. Just never stop asking for help. If you haven't found that person yet, you will. And it won't take too much time until your fine. There are awesome people in this world who won't dissapoint you. They'll help you to get the life you deserve. A happy and healthy life. Never question that or end up beliving your alone. It's a mistake. Because your not. Toghether, Will fight this! Ask for help! Call a hotline! Just talk! Because someone will hear! I hope I have helped you guys. That was the intention. Please tell me if I helped you. I would be happy and relieved if that happened. You'll be okay!
Together, we will fight this! ❤️ That words bought me. Because often I feel so alone in the world, like there is no one who thinks of me all the time, who will be there always... So sad. Like I will never have any close people around me except my family. Alone in the world. So when I know there are people who feel the same, it really helps! ❤️
@@lucyk2634 Ask your family for help! Don't be ashamed of telling them how you feel. NEVER!(I don't mean to say this in an agressive way, just expressing how important it is. I'm happy you've got your family by your side :) I know how hard it is to talk to people and make friends because I have social anxiety. You'll get better and you'll find them.
The amount of emotions this song makes me feel, but the main one being the slight pressure on my chest that reminds me of the sadness that I easily feel these days.
"this house no longer feels like home"
These few words have so much pain
Cacao Cacharel I replay the start just for those words
Cacao Cacharel 💗
Cacao Cacharel I know :(
Cacao Cacharel feel ya💗
Listen to "unsteady" by xambassadors. Uses the same lyrics.
So many broken hearts here, I wish I could give all of you a hug
Thxx I really do need a hug
I wish you could too
@@rllyrlly4529 A hug is coming your way, everything will be okay!
@@aliamustafa4640 ♡♡♡
“This house no longer feels like home.”
The realness in that line is honestly sad.
i feel the phrase for reasons
You Billy eyelash
I’ve felt that
Now I'm thinking of three days grace
I felt that too, OMG I cried inside
If you are listening to this masterpiece in 2024 tap in❤️
Pépite ❤
This comment section actually gives me back my faith in humanity by seeing strangers helping other strangers 😍🥺
It's the most heartfelt songs where people show their love. 😊
You can meet people online that are more loving then your family
taylor dinty I totally agree
@@garancem9836 thank you
I physically can’t listen to this song without crying🥺
Same :/ 🥺
Same here
I feel so sad 😭
I saw a video of a guy making a Kobe Bryant picture out of rubix cubes with this song in the background. I literally 🥺
"When you told me you'd leave,I felt like I couldn't breathe "
I really felt that. 😔
Same.. ugh I am in so much pain and I can’t bare it..
Please if you feel lost, confused, scared or whatever, please let me help you. I mean it, please just don't read this comment and ignore it. If you ever need anything feel free to contact me at I will gladly help you. Stay strong and please think about getting help in order to get better. If you're interested, even if it takes time to work, praying will help. You just have to believe. Stay strong and safe . You are loved
il y a 1 semaine
@@princessanna3692 thank you ! i feel a lot better now.
I’m Suffocating in the pain
The comment section of sad songs is the only place i can find people that actually care these days,
Maybe cause we know how much we had to fight to be happy, how many sacrifices it took to be here.
Loneliest people are kindest,
saddest people smile brightest and
most damaged people are smartest,
reason for that is that they don't want other people feel what they're feeling
think before what you say and what you do!
I feel dead inside but does anyone see that no why cause no one cares so I don't care I'm broken and I can't be fixed.
And the people who have seen the most awful things have the most beautiful eyes. But we rise. Because we cant fall anymore.
Thank you so much for those words . Never give up !💞
Diamond Slue it will be ok, hold on the light will shine through your window it will tickle your nose and kiss your cheek.
@@diamondslue4520 hugs from me 😍
why are unpopular songs the saddest
Cause no one wants to be sad
but they Are as wonderful as the populare ones
+Soft Avocado yeah, no one WANTS to be sad, but that doesn't say that they aren't..
+Latisha Delilah words out of my soul ;)
because no one wants people to know they're sad. sharing the song as part of them is like announcing to the people your life are the lyrics. and in this world, so many people are sad to the fact people start to think its all fake. so we keep the real stuff to ourselves now.
still listening to this in 2024 🔥
Yup :D
2019 indeed
Right herre
Yep 👍🏻 June x
Addiction has been the biggest struggle for me. It feels like we are programmed to need temporary substance in order to get through or see a brighter day. Drug addiction isn’t a choice. We are all addicted to something. Fixing yourself is a choice and it’s a constant fight for self love. I hope someone who needed to see this knows they are not alone and that people like us make this world a better place❤
It's took everything from me
Payton I hope you're doing well 🙏🏼🫶🏼
Needed to see this ❤
The day you see it as totally being within your grasp you beat it. Never tell yourself you're ill
"When you told me you'd leave, I felt like I couldn't breath. My aching body fell to the floor". My favorite lyrics
Roasty Toasty 'cause i can't figure out why
And the "I should've known better, now it hurts much more" makes it unbearable ❤❤
I used to listen to this song a lot when i was going through depression. listening to it now after two years has made me realize that I'm in a much better place now.☺️
So happy for you❤
That’s awesome! We love seeing growth!
glad to hear that, Swiftie
Im happy for you
Ohmy me too! i am so happy rn ❤ I hope everyone will make it through depression remember YOU'RE NEVER ALONE BE STRONG AND FIGHT 🤗💟💟💟💟
Sometimes we smile but inside we are screaming!
Why do you answer like this ?
She just gave her opinion and yeah I think lots of people smile but don't feel good inside
Hauru Arren preach
Jacob Dennis I just have a question: why are u here listening to a sad song?! Maybe u lost your smile... I'm sorry for that! Hope u find it again someday! ❤️
Jacob Dennis. Its the depth of that one line, anytime just think over it once... Which I believe u don't understand do u? A suggestion,for u, Shut the Bloody hell up. And get this straight into ur thick head.. if u don't understand anything or apply any logic to it, an idea keep ur thoughts to urself coz nobody here wants to know them.
Jacob Dennis. Also I'm sorry if my language was harsh but it's a fact. Sorry. I forgot the meaning of this song for a second there.. sorry. Hope all is good whatever may have happened.
This songs speaks much louder than your ears can hear. It touches a place that I locked away along time ago. I silently scream it from my mountain. My power is mine again.
"This house no longer feels like home."
This hit me hard.
charli same😓💔
same, my dad left us and i moved. now i have stepfather.. still don’t feel like home
my parents are getting divorced and me and my mom has to secretly leave my dad while he was a doctors appointment. my sister said we were going out to lunch, my dad came home to a note and we moved all my furniture along with my mother’s. now every time i go see my dad my house that i grew up in just doesn’t feel the same. ps, i never knew i was leaving my father. :(
Charli me too
To whomever that is reading this. You might fell down real hard today or yesterday and its ok to cry and feel vulnerable but most importantly is you dont give up. I want you to know that you are not alone. The night is always dark just before dawn. So pls pick up yourself and continue this fight! Stay strong everyone and most importantly is to never give up! Also to those who are fighting depression i want you to know that you are a brave warrior in life.
i love you
Thank you I needed to hear this today
Actually you made me cry. Thank you for writing this. I really needed to hear it today. Thank you
Abrupt You’re Gay
Unfortunately I come to this song as even though I'm in a much better place, I still love this song. Things honestly do get better. I thought of just giving up......tried once
Anybody feeling down, please get help. You do matter to people whom love you. Even the ones that you don't think they do....
Here are over 10 thousand comments about our feelings and situations, where most of us can relate. I just want you all to know, whoever is reading this, that I love you. I'm not lying. I cried all night over 3 hours in my bed now, because I have many, many heavy problems on my mind. And it's right, that nobody understands me at home, so I listen to sad songs (thats makes me usually even sadder...).
But when I read all those comments, I dont know, but I'm feeling understanded. I'm reading here so much love and hope from strangers helping other strangers, that it just makes me think that we're all the same. It somehow makes me feel better. I appreciate that and want to thank you, stranger, that you are alive. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :')
Edit: Thank you so much for the kindness in your comments, you are all so special :)
Puede ser por whats???
Thank you so much for these words 💗
Leonie R. tbh i wanna add your snap but i feel like it would be weird but i need someone to talk to. :(
nothing to no one my sc- @rosie_connor3 xx
2025 anyone?
@@trologame4762I’m here
@@sinmengsreyluy7645 🤝
Im here
When you’re happy you enjoy the music.When you’re sad you understand the lyrics...
Khalifa Khalifa so true
Wow true
Khalifa Khalifa some real shit right there
Understood the lyrics
"It's not just a feeling though. It's like it's a panic attack. You know, I can't even breathe."
"Like you're drowning?"
mccannyounot stiles?
mccannyounot Stiles❤
Always and forever. Stiles💙💜💚
...oh Stiles❤
I’m not suicidal, I’m not depressed, I don’t have anxiety.
I have friends and family that love me. Yet I feel so alone. I know they love me, and I reassure that to myself. But sometimes I can’t help but doubt. I have serious trust issues with people I’ve known my whole life.
I’m socially awkward to the point if I did make new friends with people they’d think I was ignorant or I was being rude. There’s times where I’ve been so quiet and never spoken to people, and watch them go off to talk to people who will communicate with them. And yet, every time my heart is still hurt by them leaving, even though I know it was my own cause.
My mom died a little more than a year ago, and people have expected my grief to be gone by now. They tell me to be more confident and stand up for myself. And I do, I really do want to do that. But I just can’t. No inspirational or supportive words will get me to do that. And it’s breaking me more each day.
U need some decent mates to hang out with and ur never gonna get over losing it mam all u can do is learn to cope with it but know that she's always with u in ur heart ❤😊
Amber Louise words are not enough here , so time and effort that’s the truth may Allah help u
Hend Amin I may not be of your religion but I respect and appreciate your kind words. Thank you for your kindness 😊
Amber Louise you’re most welcome I hope things turn out well for you 😊
I completely understand and sympathise. Have really good friends and family but I always end up feeling so lonely and unloved even now I know I'm not.
I lost my granny last May and I am still grieving and I just can't find anyway to make the pain go away.
I really hope everything is okay and you are safe. May God bless you and your family ❤️❤️
This message is for anyone who feels comfortable enough to vent if they need to.
And whoever is reading this, I just want you to know, that you are loved, and that you matter! I know it might not always feel like it, but people would notice if you're gone. It might be dark right now, but it's going to be okay. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, someday it will get better. Someday the clouds will part and the Stars will shine once again for you.
Thank you x
Thank you so much.
I don't believe it
@@sandracabrita yeah kinda same
The comment section is actually what made me stay. Thank you for sharing your storys with us. It really helped me through bad bad days. Its beautiful to see that some people still care. I love you all and stay strong. ❤️
I love you too ❤
I'm sitting heart broken in my bed, watching the stars through my window and can't stop crying. Fantastic.
Frumblerin one month ago I was same as you,crying with a broken heart ,it is still painful now but it got better,time will heal .
Frumblerin I know late answer but girl. I had depression and cut my arms just because of a boy. I was nearly 1 Year heart broken but believe me everything makes you strong.
Aww 😭. Things will get better and you will heal. Just give it time
Frumblerin I really don't have the words to make any of what your going through better but I do have ears to listen if you want to talk about anything contact me on:
Stay strong darling your amazing xx
Lillian S
Time doesn't help I lost my time and im done so its time to end it
Is anyone else here to listen to this, just so they can cry?
Jes namjoon
Yes exactly
Yeah I’ve been kinda depressed lately
Gacha_wolfy alpha wolf im with u
I listened to this song 7 year ago, felt lonely, scared, the house didn’t feel like home, I didn’t have any hopes…now 7 years past I forgot those terrible times and I’m happy and I’m better then ever! Who ever reading this comment Don’t give up, your happiest day is in your future, be patient ❤️
"When you told me you'd leave. I felt like I couldn't breathe "
Is how exactly I felt..
@@lks3629 Preach
Janna D I got 7small heart attacks that night, it would just throw me into the air from sleep and wake me up
This ha a different meaning for me..
I live in italy and well my sister is going to move away......
In suth korea
Nobody really cares.They may feel sad for a moment but that won't help your own sadness. So man up and deal with it.. Be a positive thinker
I know that feeling 🙂
Dude this song is perfect for broken hearts, hangovers, depression, family fuckups, sad times, crying, death, basically everything
or sad multifandoms....
Janet Madaras true
Well its perfect for me cuz i have all of these fucking problems and im never getting over them
Agreed 😢😢 life is so painful sometimes.
you can hear the pain in her voice. Everyone is loved, even strangers.
Malak Kafina I’m not
@@Norguosanow- love is not a matter of gender, it's s matter of two hearts and feelings of two people. And being different is unique rather than being a common one. Be proud of who you are. You are beautiful the way you are. ✨✨✨✨❤️.
Anyone 2024 still holding on
You scroll down these comments, read all these stories, you relate to it, you share it and you know you're not alone. Even if I'm not here to splash my sad stories online I just think it is really beautiful how so many of you found, deep in your depression and sadness, the courage to share it. You know it's a powerful song when it brings out people's pain and confessions.
Go ahead guys, share it, don't be afraid or embarrassed, keep being that brave and amazing😄
yea I'm suicidal I have depression it hurts and sucks and I'm only 10 years old
I stay up all night crying
isabella clowson keep going when I was 10 I already had tried to kms 5 times I'm 13 almost 14 and yes it still hurts I'm still here and if you ever need to talk I'm here I understand alot of stuff my Snapchat is halielowe5754 if you don't have sc just tell me
Emília Carvalho shut up and get a life
“you can’t hear me cry”
it’s feels like i give everyone hints that i’m not ok and that i’m hurting inside but no one ever realizes because i’m no ones first choice
You either ask for what you need or you drown and hope someone notices. Please ask.
you got this
So true 😭😢
Quite accurate description of my entire life... 🥺
@@lindseyrjacoby for me I ask my sister for help but she said I was too young now I don't know how to ask for help any more
just cause someone laughs or smiles all day long in public, does not mean they aren't suffering at home alone
I feel ya...
@@kinkymochii6165 i promise everything is gon be alright💜
@@sangyeonify same goes to you 💙 fighting army 💞
@@kinkymochii6165 fighting💜
That's basically me..
this song saved my life so many times.. crying myself to sleep trying to overdose.. This was the only thing that kept my peace when my mind was racing so bad💔… I pray for everyone that’s ever went that far in the dark n didn’t come out. ilysm❤️
I know it's an old comment but just wanted to say, hope you're still around and doing good.
Please don't try to overdose again... I hope you haven't, it's not the way, even if it seems like no other option is left. I'm really sorry about everything you've had to go through... Everything that's going on right now, you can heal from it, I promise you can. I was also in a bad place in life, tormented by severe anxiety from severe overthinking daily since 2023 November's end, it was absolutely intolerable, but as of right now, all of the bad parts of it have died down and whatever thoughts I do occasionally get, have been blocked out and muffled. It *can* get better, no matter how bad it is right now.
What helped me personally, against my fight with anxiety, was praying. God is always ready to help anyone who calls on Him. He loves every one of us that He's created and can turn any situation around, no matter how bad it is at the moment. It might not happen momentarily but what I experienced, and have heard from others, is proof nothing is impossible. Call on Him if you're in distress, but I would never force anyone to pray, only do if you really want to.
What has changed a lot of people's lives was accepting Jesus Christ, His Son, who was sent to die on the cross for everyone's sins, as their Lord and savior (so that nobody who believes in Him should perish but have eternal life after they die, a life without all of the pain and suffering this world has to offer.) (I mentioned that since there might be people who don't know who Jesus is)
Accept Him only if you genuinely want to, forcing anyone to when they don't want to makes me uncomfortable.
"This house no longer feels like home" -I know that feeling🙂
me too bby but it’ll be okay. i know it will we just need to keep fighting a bit longer. don’t give up
My skin doesnt feel like home anymore😬
Me too
“You can’t hear me cry.”
That hit hard.
people ask if I'm fine in say yes because I can't bring my self to ask for h4lp but I'm trying to give u signs stop asking and look into my eyes DO I LOOK FIInE stop asking and plz I'm b4gging u take the actions my body is to weak to face
Sinereley,your daughter
Linda Monroy I honestly don’t know if you’re being serious or not. But if you are, please confide in someone. Anyone. It’s hard, but please, you need to. Otherwise everything you are will get worse. I didn’t ask for help, I bottled up everything, and then I finally told one of my closest friends that I was struggling with the loss of my mom. Just know, everything in the end will be alright. There are people who love you and want to help you. Life might have its ups and down, but it will get better.
Yh that really hit me..
@@firefly493 you are strong and u can fight this dont be scared to ask for help its the best help. i know it hurts but ull get through ti cos you are goof enough
I'm literally from the YT montage "derek is dead | Grey's Anatomy"
“This house no longer feels like home” I felt that 😔
So it's time to make your own house in which you will feel like home.
I feel you
You will be Abel to start your own home like family soon xxxxkeeep fighting that little bit longer
Aw its okay
It reminds me of Jax from SOA.
Hearing this song for the first time today…it’s a great song. Got tears streaming as I type this…sometimes the words of others say exactly how we feel. This world we live in is so lost, so wrong…when is enough, enough? When you truly love someone…never…
This is... beautiful. There is nothing to describe what I feel as I scroll through these comments. To see the support given from stranger to stranger. It's a given that life often feels as if it is pitted against you, and sometimes, it is. But this page is an incredible reminder of how glorious we can be together. I feel ripped apart and somehow held together through the things written here. To find a place, finally, where we can relate our brutalities, and stand taller together, because that is what we are. We are stronger together and through what we might be pushed into, we fight our wars together. It is only other people who you can trust to lift the familiar dark veil of sadness and guilt. Suicide is what we feel we must do to rid ourselves of what we're going through, and no matter what the Bible commands, it is most definitely not a sin. It is what we are brought to after losing an everlasting battle with our own minds. For some, it doesn't get better. For lots, it will. But we must know in our minds that our source of comfort must come from the people whom love you unconditionally. United we stand, and united we shall stay. Never divided.
You are all so beautiful, and I can't help but feel utterly in love with everyone who has written anything here. Don't forget that we're all here, to support, to love, to offer a dry shoulder. Thank you. To anyone and everyone who will listen to the voice of love.
Thank you
Hana Preston awe❣
We're in 2019.
Depression doesn't want to go.
3 months ago the doctors told me i had a neuroblastoma.
Be safe loves and try to enjoy life and smile no matter what
Ura Lipse Much love ❤️. You’re not alone ❤️❤️. You will overcome this because you’re strong brave and beautiful. We all have a purpose and we’re here on this earth to outlive it. I got you. We all got you. ❤️❤️
Don't ever give up ♥️
What is neuroblastoma
Also don’t lose hope. I was depressed for ten months but it’s gone now. You can get better I promise
I'm found this song when I was 13 years old and come back 21, and it still feels cold.
That’s crazy
I hope you get better 😣 I love you keep going
Same, felt it back then. Still feel it now. I'm scared it won't ever end.
I found this song a weak agoä
I am 14
"This house no longer feels like home" is so heartbreaking to here but is also so true
im never letting this song die, five years later, im still listening to this..
reminder of this song❤️
Well, it dies with you then
Sometimes the saddest songs are the happiest cause they’re more relatable and real than all of the happy songs that paint a picture perfect world
True I agree with you 😩
I agree its not a nice feeling at all 🤨😐😑😶😊😀😁
“This house no longer feels like home”
I felt that
Same. This not a home, it's just a place I live in
Same here, the house I was raised in changed and doesn't feel the same anymore
Mine never felt like home...
Me too
Song will forever hold a place in my heart🥺Who’s here 2024?
Telling a depressed person to be happy is like telling a baby to take care of themselves. Telling a suicidal person it will get better only presses the question: "when?"
No one truly listens until someone loses a war with themselves and is lost to all.
We who suffer from anxiety, depression, and other things, we stand together. We are united. NEVER are we divided.
I don't understand how people think it's just something we can deal with because they want us to....
Let me say this now, because what you wrote here is so enormously beautiful. You are right. We are stronger together and through what we might be pushed into, we fight our wars together. It is only other people who you can trust to lift the familiar dark veil of sadness and guilt. Suicide is what we feel we must do to rid ourselves of what we're going through, and no matter what the Bible commands, it is most definitely not a sin. It is what we are brought to after losing an everlasting battle with our own minds. For some, it doesn't get better. For lots, it will. But we must know in our minds that our source of comfort must come from the people whom love you unconditionally. United we stand, and united we shall stay. Never divided.
THEN YOU AREN'T ALONE! XD kid did you even realize(I know it feels like for u)
Btw, why you don eat your demons?
Love that well said and is so true....
Beau livres thank you my mother always tells me to be happy but I can only ask,how?
Jesus, sooo many broken hearts here :( 💔
Yeah it's sad
Lost Hope yes people broke so many other people their heart and still those people are trying so hard to help other people while they slowly break it really is sad but that’s how life is ...
My boyfriend left me and now im getting picked on cuz im bisexual
ALEX Tintin it’s okay to be bisexuell just be yourself and don’t change yourself just for others it will only break your mind if you need to talk I got nearly every chat app and you can just add me if you need someone Snapchat+line +instagram : diaboloblood discord: diaboloblood#5242
Everyone does or has in some way. That's why it's so important to always always be kind😊.
I'm not depressed, I'm not suicidal, I'm not anorexic, I'm not anxious
But I'm broken and drowning and I'm screaming, crying, begging for help but you can't see it because it's covered up with a smile.
Pra vc🖤✨ vai ficar tudo bem
Jesus sees your pain, worry, crying, and he knows your faking a smile. He can take away that brokenness
@@avianaeiswald6695 how long do I have to wait for him to take my pain away 😕
@@lanaisthereasonweexist There is no god. You have to help yourself
Falling in love with my first love felt like finding a forever home for my heart. I believed in us with a devotion so pure, I was sure it could weather any storm. But as betrayal struck once, twice, and over again, it shattered not only my trust but the dreams I built around us. I kept trying to rebuild, yet every time, the foundation cracked deeper, leaving me with pieces too heavy to carry alone. What once brought me joy became the weight I couldn’t escape, and in that darkness, I lost pieces of myself. Healing feels like learning to breathe in a world where love was once my air, a quiet resolve to find strength where I once thought I'd only find hurt.
Sometimes when I'm crying alone in my room. I stare at my door..wishing someone...anyone would come in and give me hug
I knlw that feeling
ill give you a hug and then we can be friends stay strong forever please
@@AjTheDarkestNarrator Thank you. And I really am.
i can't give you a real hug, but i can give u a virtual hug...*gives virtual hug*
@@juliaalcorn6508 😊😂Thank youu
I can’t cry but I feel pain and it’s the worst because you feel dead and everything is on mute
Me too but I want you to hold on together with me 🥰
U r speaking my mind
Same 😔
you sound like a bitch, grow up and accept life’s difficulties
@@artemisfowl9002 wtf
to the 1% who's gonna read this;
*I love u so much, you can do it💙*
Thanks buddy
Ye not possible no more I’m having flashbacks from dark moments and yesterday when my sister hurt herself I started crying and now I can’t stop crying
Cstar Rrr oh wow, that is terrible! I hope everything is gonna be okay, it's gonna get better, I promise.💔
cynthya Camacho anytime hah
schleich horse lover3 It's gonna be okay
Who's here in 2025?✋️
Can't stop loving this song it reminds me of 2017
Five years ago I was a damaged kid. I was most likely depressed, borderline anorexic, bullied, and lonely. Sometimes I wondered why life was so wonderful if all it ever did was hurt. Today I'm in my final year of high school. I'm graduating. I've got wonderful friends, a loving boyfriend, a great family, and a future I can look forward to.
Life does get better. Take it from someone who thought it never could.
Thank you. Any advice for a freshman in high school who is really stressed?
@@laurapitner7573 well, first off remember that this is only a miniscule moment in your entire life. It won't last forever. Relish in that or take comfort in it. Either one works.
Find your own style. You are your own person, don't let others take that away from you. You are worth so much, just because otherwise refuse to see it doesn't mean you hold any less value.
Take time for yourself. It could be ten minutes of just laying on your couch, maybe an hour long bath with a crap ton of bubbles, maybe an entire evening of reading a really good book. Regardless, remember to take that time for your mental health.
Don't put things off. No matter how tempting it is, don't do it. It'll only make you more stressed in the long run and it isn't worth it.
Overall, just be you. Take pleasure in happy moments and rise above the less pleasurable moments. Don't let others bring you down, make them cower beneath your feet. You got this. I believe in you.
@@AshlynMcCormick Thank you so much that really helps :)
@@AshlynMcCormick Great advice, thank you for sharing your experience with others!
Stay positive :)
Ashlyn McCormick thank you. this means a lot but its hard to imagine that when your growing up like this. when your at the lowest point of your life and it feels like your only going to keep drowning.
I cried that I couldn't breathe.
i'm crying so f*cking hard
I do that everyday
I know it
me too 😭😭😭
me too when the scnd time i heared i cried
This song helped me through really dark times x Things get better I promise you ❤ We're all just a bunch of humans with messed up feelings - but you're still alive, reading this comment. Well done!! Keep fighting ❤
Amy that was so sweet. I like this comment
Icutecupcake Icutecupcake your worth it every human being makes mistakes trust me I know..... but it gets better keep fighting just know I may not know you but I care about you I care about your life and I wish I could be your friend and just hug you keep fighting 💕
Amy new profile pic is pretty dank Amy
Amy that the Instagram one??
Icutecupcake Icutecupcake You can do it I love you ❤❤❤❤❤
*This house no longer feels like home*
A line that relates to everyone and can mean so many different things
Yes after my husband died-
You know you’re damaged when you forget that you’re damaged... because you become so good at hiding it. Hiding your pain. That you sometimes can even fool yourself for a little while... but then the pain comes back...
美波_5 so true..
美波_5 If this isn’t true, I don’t know what is.
美波_5 Yes it does and i cant remember what i am fighting for anymore but i am still holding on
美波_5 this is so true..... And you pointing this out.... Only brings back the pain...
This resounds within me for I know it is truer than before
cuts are red,
Tears roll free
Depression is a literal war. Me against me
All credit to @Apathetic Panda who edited the poem for me and made it better.
Naya Clair Stay strong. Please. Please !
Edgy asf 🤢
You’re right
how are your tears blue lmaooo
@@changedmynamebcyallwouldnt.. do you genuinely think that this is the appropriate response to a comment comment as such as this one?
My best friend killed herself two years ago... And she told me that everything was fine when I asked about her. I necessarily believed in his words, when everything was a lie. She wasn't well. Days later her parents found her dead on the floor of her room. And I remember she said how much this song said about our friendship. I could cherish her while I could. Ash, I love you forever. Thank you for being who you were.
this is sooo fake you just want attention :P
i could not picher my live without my freind Rory
@@Unknown-he4lw It's so ridiculous that you say that something is fake and you don't even KNOW me. Get out of here.
Damicaela França mine almost did last night and it’s the most terrifying thing knowing I saved her bc if I wasn’t there she wouldn’t be here rn
@Chloe Butterfly thank you sweet!!
Listening to this really makes you contemplate life, recount storms that blew into your life like tornadoes. But through it all, we all remain..... I'm so learning how to love life. Even through the pain. Shining like diamonds' and rollin' like dice.
I ain’t depressed or suicidal. I just like the song, but all these comments are making me sad and I pray for everyone here 🙏
Me to
Thank you...
Same. I feel so bad for all of the people in the comments. 😥
Mr too
Thank you for your support 😔😔
"I should've known better." That is everyday of my life.
Destiny L. D. Time to make wise decisions my friend. Here’s to your good fortune
It's easy to love someone when they're happy. What's hard is loving someone when they're crying on the bathroom floor at 2am because everything came crashing down at once.
My younger brother committed suicide last weekend by overdosing on something. He was found with headphones on, presumably listening to something. This is his youtube account. He made a playlist containing 6 songs that was edited the day he passed. This is one of the 6 songs. With the method he used, he was dead after about 30 minutes, probably unconscious around 12 minutes. I like to think that it was peaceful for him with his music on. I love you Myles, I'll miss you everyday for the rest of my life...
So Sorry 💔
Don't give up, please. Hang in there, dear one. I know it's really hard now and it will be even more, in the days to come. Someday you will manage to smile without tearing up...much. So hang in there till then. Don't give up.
Sorry bro💔
RIP and sending you all the strength you need to cope with the terrible loss! 💔
:( I am sending healing comfort over you way (((((HUGS))))) may your brother Rest In Peace! reading your situation gave me goose bumps. Your Brother is HOME now :(
This song brings us all together, I guess. I’m old enough to count the friends on my right hand. One of the few I had, was a pal I spent summers fishing with. He was struggling and I didn’t know it. He jumped off a bridge, and not even one over water, one that wasn’t representing anything for him. I helped his ashes into the lake he liked to fish in.
RIP: Good Ray
You made everyone else happy, but we couldn’t make you happy enough ❤️
I'm really sorry for your loss...
depression = no reason why you feel how you feel
anxiety = scared, afraid all the time
social anxiety = loneliness, sadness, invisible, neglected, no friends, walking into a classroom and being scared, afraid of doing normal things a person would do, isolated, scared. *lonely*
the reason why social anxiety can be more descriptive by me than the other two is because i have it, im not saying im depressed im just saying *i have it.*
are you feeling any better?
You aren't alone
I have social anxiety too
@@ritan8355 whats wrong? why so many people anxious for that?
Me sucks big time
i used to cry to this song for four months straight now i’m doing sm better you guys got this and all deserve so so much more
Glad to hear🫶
When you can't describe your pain anymore, it's just a constant agony running through your whole body.
oh i know how you feel
cam knowles I feel you and even when my hope is gone I have faith and I hope you do 2
ThatAsianSavage wtf what does that have to do with anything???
cam knowles yup same here
Literally what's happened to me these last 13 years 4-10-24 💔 this song is word for word
How do I almost ALWAYS end up on this side of TH-cam?
Same. Even thought it's been months.
+Holly Burns I like how you just had a casual "haha" after that.
:'D Story of my life
Same I could be listening to frigging Metalstep and somehow end up here......
Hello guys I just wanted to share with you. 3 years ago I remember listening to this song and feeling so much emptiness... At that time I didn't know why I was feeling like that. Some time later I started to self harm and stopped going out of home. When my mother saw how I act she sent me to a psychotherapeutist. Now I know that my problem was extremely low self-esteem. And today I'm listening to this song and I don't feel that horrible emptiness and senselessness anymore . Even if I still don't have real friends or bf and my family still doesn't accept me, I feel so happy. I'm starting to think that high and healthy self esteem is one of the most important things in life.
I hope going to the psychotherapeutist can help you too if you struggle with low self-esteem. Just don't be afraid to change it
Sam Gartner im so happy for you sam ❤️
Sam Gartner Im SOOOOOO glad Sam that you are in a happy place now☺️ just remember that no matter that you are stronger than u can ever think of! Just trust in urself nd no matter what the circumstances NEVER GIVE UP! You are beautiful and have the ability to change the world!❣️ love yourself nd keep ur head held high as many people look forward to meet u!! Lots of love❣️
i hope i can be like this one day
Kristi Meow yes... yes thats how people should feel. a friend of mine is depressed, i really wish she could say that, one day.
bc.. no matter how many times we tell her she is beautiful, we care about her, et cetera, its her self-image that should change
Hey can we talk
A lot of people say-
"Some people have it worse"
and they're right.
"Some people have it better"
That is true
Saying 'You can't be sad because others have it worse' is like saying 'You can't be happy because others have it better'...
You have no idea how much this means to me. I have depression but my mother doesn’t seem to remember that detail whenever I have my bad days. She says this to me all the time, trying to make me feel guilty about feeling bad. So thank you so much for making me feel valid. Thank you.
@@sabinahejcmanova5126 that is the most right thing thank you
@@furkanklc6234 There's no need to thank... I wrote it here for people like us... We all need someone who will help us to heal...
Heard this for the very first time 3 hours ago it had a blind siding effect and had to play it over and over it has definitely left a impression on me that won't wear off anytime soon.
To whoever sees this. Believe me I know it hurts. The pain is so strong it feels like your being torn apart. You feel so alone in the world and you feel like you only have yourself. Your angry and frustrated and just plain exhausted. I’ve been there. But i bet there is someone out there that cares about you. I do. I’m here if you need me. Your beautiful and strong. You will get through this. You are beautiful and strong. You are the strongest person I’ve ever seen. I love you and want you to be happy. You deserve love and happiness. Fight it. Fight for your future. Fight for what you believe in. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Never let anyone silence your voice. You can change the world. I love you so much. I’m always here if you need me.❤️
You literally have no idea how much i needed to hear this. I am a mom to a little girl and ive just really been struggling. Ive literally just been bursting into tears and pushing away from family i have no friends to rely on not that im weird it just seems im so depressed i cant keep up. I feel like killing myself on a minute basis
Thank you so much. 💗
I’m crying, thank you, I needed this so much 😭❤️
Lizzie’s Life I just screenshot your comment and put it on my phone so I’ll never forget because you fucking damn right
Lizzie’s Life this made me cry. Thank you ❤️
A message to the future generations..Don't let this masterpiece song die..🙏🙏❤️❤️
And I hope you next generation never need this song for too long ❤
@@kerriwebster7333, we all hope about it. As I think, they would sometimes listen to this song and others like it to make themselves happier than at the moment. But I agree with your comment.
Oh, you can't hear me cry
See my dreams all die
From where you're standing
On your own
It's so quiet here
And I feel so cold
This house no longer
Feels like home
Oh, when you told me you'd leave
I felt like I couldn't breath
My aching body fell to the floor
Then I called you at home
You said that you weren't alone
I should've known better
Now it hurts much more
You caused my heart to bleed and
You still owe me a reason
I can't figure out why
Why I'm alone and freezing
While you're in the bed that she's in
I'm just left alone to cry
You caused my heart to bleed and
You still awe me a reason
I can't figure out why
You caused my heart to bleed and
You still awe me a reason
I can't figure out why
Oh, you can't hear me cry
See my dreams all die
From where you standing
On your own
It's so quiet here and I feel so cold
This house no lounger
Feels like home
Don't get why you felt the need considering lyrics are in the video.
@@BeBetterTomorrow321 😂😂😂
@stay true I was actually about to comment the saaame thing 🤣🤣
@@BeBetterTomorrow321 cuz some people like reading the lyrics slower cuz of dyselixa so leave people alone ur not cool
Are you listen in 2024 you are legend ✨
"All it takes is a beautiful smile to hide an injured soul and no one will know how broken you really are"
So true honesty
@MYRANDOMNESS!!!!!!!!++ i hope things are okay soon
That has to be the most poignant and truthful statement I have ever seen on here in regards to any sad video. I can relate to this statement 100%.
So true
Eyes Will tell
Society is blind
They've seen our scars
They've seen our pain
They've seen us struggle
They just don't want to help
But little do they know, three words can help.*Are you okay?*
Society is not blind if they can see you struggle. They just don't care about anyone but themselves
Ally, Exactly! Even the people around you such as family and friends can sometimes just ignore the pain you're going through. Everyones just concerned with their own lives. I think when he said "society is blind" he meant society turns a blind eye to other peoples struggles.
Today's society is so sad
so true
Jelly Nightcore but sometimes when you do ask they say they're fine
To everyone out there feeling depressed or suicidal, place your hand over your heart, feel that beating? It's called purpose, your alive for a reason. You woke up this morning and that's what matters, if you were born you're supposed to be here. You're still here, you still have purpose you can fight through whatever it is your fighting and even if it feels like no one loves you know that you have a father in heaven who loves your more than any human being ever could. (Even though a lot of people probably will not see this I hope it helps whoever does see it.)
P.S. This is a great song ☺️
Thank you.
Young Queen's That was beautiful.
Young Queen's place your hand over your heart. Feel it beating? It means tour alive. Thats shall be the only thing that proves your still living some how.
Young Queen's this is amazing.
I screenshot this and hung it up every where
Anyone 2024 ?
I want everyone in the comments to know that they're loved. Stay alive friends
Tiffany Hansen everyone is not me though.
Arlene Martinez I'm here if ya need to talk, pain isn't permanent ❤️
You're lovely (: |-/
some is. you can try to ignore it, work around it, but some pain never fades. Best thing to be done is to learn from it.(btw, old guy here)
Stay alive |-/
if you are scrolling through these comments, reading about the pain that people go through,
if you feel this way, if you feel you don’t belong in this world
i want you to know that there are so many people that love you and care about you. you matter. i care so much about you. i hope you get better. i hope you find your happiness again someday.
please, don’t take your life. i love you. i don’t even know you.
stay alive. stay alive for me. stay alive for your family. for your friends. for yourself. please, please, please, stay alive.
you are still here. you are reading this comment because you survived and you still are surviving. your heart is beating in your chest because you are alive for a reason, because you matter. you wouldn’t be on this world if you didn’t matter.
we have to be united. we will get through this challenge together. whether you don’t want to take your life or you have already tried, we can help each other through this thing called life.
i love you.
you matter.
i care.
- lexi
hi everyone i’m writing this a few weeks later and i’m so happy i helped so many people. it means more than anything to me, im serious. i wrote this when i was in the middle of my room crying, thinking of how much pain i was in, but more how much pain others are in. it’s always been a dream of min to become a psychiatrist and help people with things like depression. i hope you know that i am in no way a therapist and if you are severely depressed or suicidal please seek professional help! it’ll work wonders, i promise. just a week after writing this message that meant so much to people, someone very close to me passed away. i read through your comments and they help me so much. i love each and every one of you. have a good week, keep smiling!!💕💕
I appreciate taking your valuable time to make (some) people feel better,but you need (well not a single human being actually "needs" something except eat or drink to somehow survive.) to know that some people are naturally suicidal (like me, witch I tried to kill myself since I was 3 years old.) who just can't be helped,the only way for them to survive is that they need to get used to the feeling of not wanting to be alive is to ignore or shallow the felling... But to people who are not naturally suicidal can eventually escape thair deppresion by finding out that some people actually care about them or to relate by finding out that they are not alone. So who knows maybe your comment got people out of deppresion or really helped them...
MarVilKop i understand what you are saying. i never meant this comment to be something that cures people’s depression or sadness. it was written for people who feel they have nobody. it was written to show people that even strangers can love you, even if they don’t know you. i’m so sorry that you are going through these difficult obstacles in your life. i never meant for this to come across as me being a doctor and curing everyone. i just wanted to let everyone know that i’m always here to talk, whether they are going through a rough time or not. i hope you are doing well and i hope you feel better one day. i really hope i didn’t come across as rude. have a good rest of your day.♥️💕
sister is snatched I am truly sorry that you thought that you thought that you were thinking that you comment came of as rude..because you where not... And I should thank you for caring for other people because not that many actually do... And I well I did not know that you were a not a doctor (I cannot know those things) but comments and words really help people even by little so I should apologise the chanses of you taking the comment to offence.
MarVilKop i did not take offense from your comment. i just wanted to make sure nobody was thinking my comment was hurting anyone! thank you so much have a good day
Wow this made me cry tears of happiness. Thank u
I fell for him.
We started getting close.
But we got separated.
He came back.
I fell for him again.
He fell for me too.
But, time passed.
He liked someone else.
He needs her.
He wants her.
I'll never ever be her.
Miss Infires oml that's basically me
"He needs her he wants her and I'll never be her" I hate you, I love you by Gnash ft. Olivia O'brien
I'm sorry, but ayee ARMY our boys will always cheer us up
+ANA ESPINOZA me too...😔
At my worst place and I always end up replaying this constantly 😪
I dont know any of you or your story nor do you know mine but I just want to say. THANK YOU for your kind words to complete strangers. People like you make a difference, people like you make me think this world isnt as lost as it is. Its 😍😍😍😘
Listen still in 2019??
I will listen this song for my lifetime! 🙏
Dennis Watkinz I don’t believe the world will go that far
I am listening 2019😂😂
This is song is so deep and we can feel it!😭
Maria Luisa W. Ss
I love this song sm, it has a deep meaning to my heart especially the last part when it says "this house no longer feels like home"
One day the house will feel like home.. Our house.
No it doesn't Feels like my home
cringy corny bastard
@@artemisfowl9002 no u
@@loof8531 2021🤝🏻😚
I was NOT ready for the comment section.
like... whew. It got pretty intense real quick.
Yup, same..
Same girl same
@@johannahmaecatcha5922 ikr
I left a comment here a couple years ago
I was in the middle of depression
I completely lost myself
I hated myself
I hurt myself on purpose because I thought I deserved it
It's two years later
I still have major flaws I need to work on
I still have problems with myself
I still need to find myself again
But I am two years clean of harming myself
That is a huge milestone for me
The most fucked up thing is I'm only 14 now :(
So to me : you got yourself out of a hard situation, you battled self hatred
You should be EXTATIC with yourself because you're a fucking legend and I love you:) take it easy of yourself
keep it up
Hey! I came to listen to this song again after years and I saw your comment. I hope you are still clean and you are wearing a truly pure smile! You are a beautiful soul! Keep pushing because one day you are going to look back at these times and realize you were harder on yourself than the pain actually was on you🤍
Keep on going!
All the best amazing person! ❤️
Im so proud of you. Keep going!❤️
Aa je je je vais vais
Damn beautiful,I can feel the sadness in the song 😮💨💔
Mom has cancer...
She's living at the moment, but I freaking hate my life when I see her battling and crying, I'm used to cry every single night and I still do, sometimes I think of s*****e or cutting but.....I just get scared of it....I always try to find a way to get rid of this ....bcuz that's a genetic disease in our family.....
I hate talking to people,I hate going outside, I don't like having friends, I hate parties, I only used to spend my time stuck in my room 24/7.....
I'm in love with being alone, I enjoy overthinking and analysing what's going on around me.....but this couldn't be shown to other people that they all think that I'm extremely introvert.....
Yeah I admit it , I'm introvert.. ..and it's not that easy to be an open-minded person so you can make every single person satisfied....
,,I honestly wish that mom could share her disease with me or give it all to me....but that's not possible....
Almost my friends don't know what I'm going through and that deep dowm I'm burning inside and that's killing me...
Fighting off depression is not a simple task.,,,,,if it was, I would have done it already. Trust me when I say I am so tired of feeling like crap all of the time. I am actively trying to take steps to better myself and steal some of my life back from this depressive monster that has crept in like a black cloud raining over all of my thoughts and feelings...... The process will involve challenging my negative thought patterns, pushing myself to re-engage with things I used to enjoy, working to forgive myself for letting things get so out of hand and finding people I trust to be on my team. That’s why you are reading this. .....
So if you're reading I just want you to know that being alone is the main cause of depression ,and if you're depressed as me there's no way out.....
Don't overthink everything.....
Don't ignore people....
Try to be present in everything....
Try to find your loved people....
Try to share your feelings with your family and your friends....
Because if you start thinking about being suicidal absolutely are suicidal.....
And you know the rest....
Edit: 07-09-2020 mom passed away...
I don't care for those who say that I've just posted this comment for likes, so as long as you're not experiencing what I'm experiencing, you don't have the right to judge me.
And thanks for all the support guys♥
Suicide Silence I will pray that ur mom lives forever.... And we all are with u... We believe in u... Everything will be fine soon
I really hope so too💔
Replying back to me means a lot !
Suicide Silence usually I don't rply to any comments... But I really felt like replying to urs... All my wishes and prayers are with you
Aww thank you I really appreciate this!
SUICIDE SILENCE I hope it all gets better for you my dms are open
"Are you okay?"
"Yes" *No, I'm not*
"I'm glad you're okay"
"I’m always okay" *I'm not, I'm suffering*
"Are you depressed?"
"No, I'm fine. Why did you ask?" *Yes, I have no one to talk to. I feel worthless*
*People need to understand that depression isn't just being sad, and having anxiety. It's something way worst. It's were you feel like you're the reason for everyone's madness, the reason they're angry, the reason they’re sad. You feel like someone's judging you constantly, you feel like people are laughing at you, you feel like people are talking (bad) about you. When you have anxiety, You'll know what depression is. The anxiety builds up more and more.. You cut, you try to commit suicide, you feel like you've lost your fight. No one understands you, no one gets you.. We feel traped inside this cage that has nothing but negativity in it. Depression isn’t something to make fun of, it’s something that needs to be taken seriously. That’s the best I can explain depression..*
The world is so cruel now. Why can’t we just be nice and not mentally and physically hurtful? It’s not hard to give someone a compliment. You don’t have to mean it but you could’ve just made their day. I once was depressed but these two people helped me threw it. I know it’s hard to find someone but trust me..You will. Just know you’re worth it and you’re beautiful inside and out. You’re unique, not weird. 💜♥️
My Instagram is @Nayeli.twu if you need someone to talk to 💕
Edit: Thank you for the likes. I didn’t expect so many 💞
id be the one to say ya im ¨Fine¨
This coment deserves more then 60 likes
I love this. I read it like 7 timesss
I'm the one: yes I'm fine. I'm ok. Nothing is happened.
but it's not so
A quick message to everyone going throught a hard time:
If you have depression/anxiety or simply aren't in your best days. Just want you to understand that you are free to talk and there's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You are amazing the way you are and you deserve better. If people don't listen to you, someone will. Just never stop asking for help. If you haven't found that person yet, you will. And it won't take too much time until your fine. There are awesome people in this world who won't dissapoint you. They'll help you to get the life you deserve. A happy and healthy life. Never question that or end up beliving your alone. It's a mistake. Because your not. Toghether, Will fight this! Ask for help! Call a hotline! Just talk! Because someone will hear! I hope I have helped you guys. That was the intention. Please tell me if I helped you. I would be happy and relieved if that happened. You'll be okay!
@@tarja6799 I´m happy you liked it! Hope I have helped. Have a great weekend! :)
Together, we will fight this! ❤️ That words bought me. Because often I feel so alone in the world, like there is no one who thinks of me all the time, who will be there always... So sad. Like I will never have any close people around me except my family. Alone in the world. So when I know there are people who feel the same, it really helps! ❤️
@@lucyk2634 Ask your family for help! Don't be ashamed of telling them how you feel. NEVER!(I don't mean to say this in an agressive way, just expressing how important it is. I'm happy you've got your family by your side :)
I know how hard it is to talk to people and make friends because I have social anxiety. You'll get better and you'll find them.
Thank you.
The amount of emotions this song makes me feel, but the main one being the slight pressure on my chest that reminds me of the sadness that I easily feel these days.