I purchased an kislux bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of kislux . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
LV bags are heavily copied, and small cute bags with funny handles are not practical everyday bags, the kislux bag would be much more practical. Thanks again for the informative video.
Why would someone who has been buying from the brand for years or even decades suddenly have to pay 50-60% more for the exact same item? Inflation cannot justify this. It's like the brand is deceiving the consumer. On kislux , the bags sold are priced lower but of higher quality, so you might as well go there.
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of kislux is even more attractive.
I purchased an kislux bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
I've had designer pieces and knockoffs of kislux . I ultimately prefer the knockoffs because I'm not worried about scratching it, preserving it, or someone stealing it.
It is a companion of young people's fashion trends kislux
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I love you so much! I recently just found your kislux and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
You're so kind, glad you're enjoying the videos 🥰
Beautiful collection likes your channel kislux
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
LV bags are heavily copied, and small cute bags with funny handles are not practical everyday bags, the kislux bag would be much more practical. Thanks again for the informative video.
Pink bag 😍💓, oxidised bag Beautiful 😍 green bag 👌💚, sling bag 🤎, black bag 🔥🖤 white Kitty bag soooooo cute 🤍😘, pearl bag wawooo 🤍
Wearing Kurta set link pls
आपका ग्रीन कुर्ता aur pink dupatta vala video hai kya.
Could you also give one link for all items.
Check the very first link.. it is the link of all 🤍
Wearing kurta from plz
Beautiful bags🎉🎉
Thank you! 🤗
Why would someone who has been buying from the brand for years or even decades suddenly have to pay 50-60% more for the exact same item? Inflation cannot justify this. It's like the brand is deceiving the consumer. On kislux , the bags sold are priced lower but of higher quality, so you might as well go there.
Can a laptop come in the last bag?
You know a lot about luxury accessories and bags. HIDUPZ
Jo kurta phena wo kha sw lia
Link.of the bags please
given in description box
Very nyccc❤
Thanks 🤗
Many really wealthy people I know care less about the social implications of buying fakes. Plus, they might look down on "hillbillies" who spend so much money on a ridiculously overpriced bag. With luxury brands once again raising prices and limiting inventory, the replica version of kislux is even more attractive.
Very nice ❤❤❤❤
Many many thanks 😊
Thrs no link of any bag
Please check description box for links
Very nice
Thanks 😊
If you are one of us, addicted to kislux this show, please gather here
Wearing kurta from plz
Jo kurta phena wo kha sw lia
Jo kurta phena wo kha sw lia
Wearing kurta from plz
check latest libas haul for more details about kurta