Totally reliable little bit of kit, why do folks always turn a stove on like its a volcano! It uses loads of gas. I've had stoves with self ignition but tend never to use them, as soon as you think you dont need a lighter you may end up regretting not having a couple in your kit.
Love that stove - simple, robust, reliable 🙂. Thanks for the video, awesome!
Just bought this with a trail kit. Still don't know what to do next, but I'm so excited! :D
Nice review. I like those stoves. Good presentation. Well done. New follower here. Crow
Totally reliable little bit of kit, why do folks always turn a stove on like its a volcano! It uses loads of gas. I've had stoves with self ignition but tend never to use them, as soon as you think you dont need a lighter you may end up regretting not having a couple in your kit.
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