+Giradox Yeah it's actually SHE who makes the entire show, everything else seems sufficient. That being said, I wish guys also took advantage of the stage, visual and special effects like some others did.
One of my most favourite entries ever, and I am so privileged to have been in that hall to experience it first hand!! This song brings back memories of a very wonderful holiday :)
That must have been extraordinary. The power of the performance coming through the tv screen was huge, so I can't imagine how strong it must have been to actually see it live.
Bojana was the queen of ESC that night! She spread a great message by saying that you don't need to weigh 40 kg to be beautiful! Her coming 10th place was great but she deserved to be in the top 5! All of Europe will be dancing to her song all summer! I never head of Bojana before but she has earned a new fan :-) Thank you Serbia for sending talented artists! Greetings from Sweden!
I always come back to this video just to remind myself of how amazing this song was. The atmosphere was out of this world. If there's one video to sum up pretty much was Eurovision is, it's this one!
It’s 2024 and this song is still Amazing after all these years! It was a pleasant surprise to see Bojana sing this song on Eurovision’s Instagram Page 🎉
Probably still one of the best Eurovision performances. Incredible. Heartfelt. Wonderful. I would have been mad she didn't get first if she wasn't second to Mans.
From 1:53 on, everyone was on there feet and jumping. That's how powerful her voice and music are. If I wasn't American, I would have hit that vote button like no other.
Still listen to this nearly 3 years later. Beautiful message, brilliant vocals, the audience reaction gives me goosebumps. Size of the singer is irrelevant - she slayed this performance and embodied the message of the song
Mila Kovac For me 3 points were too few ;P I think everybody think that, indeed..about the corruption of votes..Well, I also think that in the end music always wins.
Bravo Bojana!!! Ti si jedini pobednik. Daleko si ispred Svedske i po prikazima i po lajkovima na YT i najbitnije po svojim vokalnim sposobnostoma. Samo napred.
I should have given more votes to this song I really like it a whole lot upon listening to it more times. She's fantastic and this song is great! Great work Serbia from Australia =)
Draga moja zemljakinjo. Pozdrav iz Nemacke. Bilo kako bilo ovaj krelac iz Svedske nije ni cipele a ti okrene. Tvoj vokal ispred njegovog svetlosnim godinama. Moje misljenje da odavno nismo imali boljeg predstavnika!
one of the most positively influential moments in my life was hearing this song for the first time. and that same effect has come over me every time i hear it. Thank you to whoever wrote this song and to Bojana for performing it. it honestly changed my life and i'm so grateful for it. "Finally I can say 'yes i'm different and it's okay' beauty never lies"
E volim sto smo od rusa popusili "0" (krompir), samo radi ovih nasih rusofila. Uvek ce vam ga rusi suknuti kad god se budete nesto ndali od njih, ne samo u zabavi, vec uopste u svemu, zapamtite to za sva vremena! Hvala Crnogorcima, pravoj nasoj braci, kao i ostalim bratskim narodima iz bivse Jugoslavije!
Опростите нам браћа за такво гласање. Руси гласали за Боjaну, али су судије ипак одлучили другачије. Русиja воли Србиjу!💌 поздрав из Санкт-Петербургу :)
+Marko Markovic Ne lupaj gluposti, molim te, i ne mešaj politiku i istoriju sa jebenom Evrovizijom. Prvo, reč ''rusofil'' je izmišljena reč (od nekog koji verovatno ima IQ kao i ti, dakle manje nego što ti imaš zuba u vilici, a verovatno ih nemaš sve), a drugo, na evrovizijskom glasanju, ako nisi primetio do sada, presuđuje dijaspora. Ne dobija Srbija od Austrije ili Švajcarske 12 poena zato što nas te zemlje mnogo vole, nego zato što su tamo naši ljudi među najbrojnijim manjinama. A što se Rusije tiče, ona protiv nas nikad nije ratovala, već nas je naprotiv branila od fašizma onda kada nam je to bilo potrebno i bez njene vojske možda danas ne bismo ni postojali. A ako ti više voliš one koji su ti zemlju bombardovali 1999. god., ili one ''saveznike'' što su 1945. pogodili namerno porodilište u Beogradu i brojne druge civilne objekte, ili možda naciste koji su pobili hiljade ljudi na ovim prostorima, ti se onda zapitaj ne samo koliki ti je IQ, nego i da li si normalan. Bolje uzmi neku terapiju, umesto što jedeš govna pored jeftinog hleba.
Ponosni na Bojanu!!! Publika nas je podržala glasovima, ali budući da žiri ima moć 75% u odnosu na 25% publike, od dosta "naših" zemalja smo dobili ili ništa ili jako niske bodove. U svakom slučaju, BRAVO BOJANA!!!
She deserve more! I don't understand why we did not have points for Serbia in votes. But policy of eurovision did not stand between us! Russia ❤ Serbia
Can we all agree this is the Lizzo we deserve? Bojana is kind, genuine, and sincere. It is a shame, a word I don’t use, that Bojana doesn’t have the popularity she deserves. I’m watching in 2023, and Bojana is here to stay!
Čestitke, komšije! Odlično je sve, ne razumijem samo "napaćenu" komentratorku sa RTS-a (Duška Vucicnic, mislim da se tako zove). Onako anemično može voditi svako. Bez ikakvih impresija kad vaša zemlja dobije bod. Kod nas u Bosni komentator (Dejan Kukrić) poludi kad dobijemo 1 bod. Svaka čast Bojani i njenom timu. Pozdrav iz Bosne! (bili biste 9. da smo mi učestovali)
Eurovision Top Računaju se, nisi skapirao, ne čitaj svet i te glupe novine, već pročitaj na sajtu evrovizije, pa ćeš skontati da je bojana ipak na 10. mestu.
Dear Serbian brothers)) Sorry for our 0 points to your country) In televoting we gave you points, but jury didn't like that performance( And SO many great songs this year we can see at ESC that we even don't have enough points to give it to all our favorits. Anyway, Bojana is absolutely Queen! With love, from Russia
A beautiful song, a beautiful voice and so well performed. I was surprised that the performance didn't rate better, but for me - it won my heart. Thank you to Bojana and your team.
Najbolji vokal ove godine na ESC. Žao mi je što nismo dobili mnogo glasova, a realno smo imali sve predispozicije za pobedu. Bojana bila si odlična i Srbija u skorije vreme nije imala boljeg predstavnika
Must have watched this like 20 times now. This is why I love ESC. Serbia is one of my fav ESC countries for sure. And Ukraine, France, Iceland, Malta, Russia and Montenegro are usually great too. Love from Sweden
I swear everytime that I get back to see this performance it gives me goosebump evrytime! Her incredible voice, the whole performance, the simbolism, the ASL, even the final selfie, it's just perfection. A winner for me.
Ovo je bila neka namjestaljka, koliko je njih komentarisalo da su nam dali 12 poena,a naročito Rusi,Grci cak i Albanci, a mi na kraju deseti..? Ne daju Srbima da pobede odkad je pobedila Marija! Velika zahvala braci Crnogorcima za 12 poena :)
Crnogorski i Makedonski glasovi se ne racunaju zbog izostavka zirija, davali su poene samo po glasovima publike (sto bi trebalo biti 25% poena po pravilima) i sad smo 17...
Carley Vigil mislim da su rusi,grci i albanci glasali za vas...sigurno ste bili njima u topu 10...problem je urome sto žiri sve namješta i stavlja srbiju na zadnje mjest mislim bojana je na kraju zavrsila 24/27 po žiriju
nemacka kao clan velike petorke nemoze da ima 0 poena i austrija kao domacin takodje nemoze da ima 0 poena to se nikada nije dogodilo. a i tacno se videlo u finalnoj veceri da je namesteno posto je rusija vodila za vreme pola glasanja i odjednom samo svedska dobija 12 poena a i organizatori imaju celokupnu vlast nad glasovima.
Lana Del Rey This really shows, in a way, that the Albanians are SLOWLY, but surely, putting what happened in the past. about let's say, 10-15 years ago, this would never happen.
Bojana gave her all with this performance and it felt so authentic because she truly embodies the lyrics. To me this became an anthem after the 1:50 second mark when the audience connected with her. Regardless of the 10th position, it was energetic, meaningful and above all memorable. Thanks Bojana!
I think she were underestimated! She has a great voice, performance was incredible. She had to be at least in the top 7. I would give her 8 points, after Italy and Belgium. Don't know why people didn't like her... Greetings from Russia, brothers! And thanks for supporting Polina!
oOcitizenOo She was one of the victims of the jury voting. Same with Italy that should have won instead of the lame Swedish song. People like to vote with their hearts and thats great.
Bojana svaka cast,ubedljivo najbolja pesma na eurosongu...Pre su se racunali samo glasovi publike, a ne i ziri, koji ima odlucujuci uticaj na broj poena odredjene drzave..Cak i da publika da 12, a ziri 0, ta zemlja ne dobija nista, ako ziri tako odluci..Prema tome, mi tesko da cemo nekad pobediti opet, sve dok se sistem glasanja ponovo ne promeni tako da samo publika odlucuje..Trenutno je eurosong interesantan zapadu i ne predaje ga u ruke zemalja koje nisu dovoljno podobne..Podobne, po cemu? Odlucite sami..
Dejan Jagic Na zalost vec 2 ili 3 godine Televoting ima samo 25 % mogucnost da odluci a ziri 75 % .To vecina ne zna vec misli da je sistem 50.50 koji je bio od 2009 do 2012 ili 13/te . Taj sistem ide na ruku mocnijim i bogatijim zemljama jer ziri bukvalno sa 3/4 svojih glasova zapravo i odlucuje pobednika . Po TELEVOTING sistemu koji je bio do 2008 god.pobednik bi ubedljivo bila 1. ITALIJA(ciju pesmu ne volim nikako jer me smara bez obzira na kvalitet )a koja je sa preko 70 poena isped 3. SVEDSKE i 2. RUSIJE. SRBIJA je po ziriju na 24 /tom mestu sa nekih bednih 12 poena ako se ne varam od ukupno 27 zemalja .. :D Srecom za one koji ne znaju pa smo od Makedonije i Crne Gore dobili 12 odnosno 10 poena jer bi nas svakako i ziri iz okruzenja sabotirao ali zbog nekih nepravilnosti u crnogorskom i makedonskom ziriju uzeti su samo glasovi publike u obzir te smo se docepali tih 22 poena a sumnjam da bi sa glasovima zirija dobili od obe zemlje vise od 8 poena i ko zna koliko pozicicije nize.. Bog je bar malo pogledao i nagradio time Bojanu i Srbiju i devojci kao i celom timu svaka cast na odlicnoj prezentaciji i posle Molitve ovo je jedina nasa pesma koja mi se stvarno svidja .... Obzirom da zivim u Becu Bojana je bila ubedljivi favorit publike u Areni i dobila 10 poena od televotinga Austrije ali zbog sabotaze jos jednog a ovog puta i austrijskog zirija dobili smo nekih mrsavih 3 poena.. Devojka topovskog glasa kako je naajcesce nazivaju austrijanci je pokupila simpatije obicnog sveta i ucinila da se osecam ponosnim ! Puno srece Bojani u daljoj karijeri i zelim joj da nas opet predstavlja vec uskoro sa kvalitetnijom pesmom koju ce sama odabrati ! HVALA TI BOKICE I PLASMAN TI JE ODLICAN za malu Srbiju
Biljana Arsic Did you forget that there are over 40 % Albanians living in FYROM ? So you can stop crying because the Macedonians didn't vote for us,the Albanians in FYROM did.
Aleks Milan You are just plunker....all orthodox people should be happy cause once in the hystory was part of Bysanthium Commonwealth. I mean it is major part of your hystory, why u want to imagine some new version of it? Live that story to Game of Thrones, bro...
***** I am not cry bcz you dindn`t vote for us, i don`t care, I only say then we are all suprise for 12 points for Albana. But anyway, in Evrovision that is all placed.. .
Bojana was incredible, and those who criticised her because of her physical appearance don't have souls.
Felipe Welchz So true :)
People judge by their eyes.
Felipe Welchz You're gramar don't have a soul
***** Your* grammar* doesn't*
Tylantia God makes mistakes too.
Felipe Welchz So it seems :P
Can we just talk about when the crowd erupts in cheers during the chorus/drop bit
It gave me goosebumps ❤️
+Tom666 that was an amazing moment! There is a song like this missing this year. The whole crowd was jumping :D
ikr! in esc 2016 the crowd decently cheered the most (in my opinion) during the Belgian, French and Bulgarian performance
+bescTV and don't forget Sweden
TTM best moment ever
Still coming back to watch it in 2018.
Ohhhhhh I LIVE for it!
Someone who provokes such an euphoric reaction in the audience, could never be wrong!! Thanks for a great show Bojana!! It was fabulous!!
The song isn't the best, but MAN, she makes a performance out of it! One of my favourite entries from Serbia ^_^
+Giradox Yeah it's actually SHE who makes the entire show, everything else seems sufficient. That being said, I wish guys also took advantage of the stage, visual and special effects like some others did.
One of my most favourite entries ever, and I am so privileged to have been in that hall to experience it first hand!! This song brings back memories of a very wonderful holiday :)
ChrisSaysIt I still listening in my playlist...
That must have been extraordinary. The power of the performance coming through the tv screen was huge, so I can't imagine how strong it must have been to actually see it live.
1:50 the crowds reaction give me goosebumps every time
1:53 the moment Eurovision becomes a rave.
hungry4danish Ikr
@@lsgamertime This part makes me emotional. I'm not sure why.
@@venla5375 People from various countries united
Bojana was the queen of ESC that night! She spread a great message by saying that you don't need to weigh 40 kg to be beautiful! Her coming 10th place was great but she deserved to be in the top 5! All of Europe will be dancing to her song all summer! I never head of Bojana before but she has earned a new fan :-) Thank you Serbia for sending talented artists! Greetings from Sweden!
May not have done as well as we hoped but YOU ARE STILL MY #QUEEN
***** Thank you for loving our Bojana. :)
You have great videos by the way. I love gay TH-camrs
***** lol you're gay
***** What a freak you are!
Slobodan Nikolic Tako je brate. :)
Slobodan Nikolic ajde pali sad nakazo nemam ja sta sa tobom sad da pricam.
I think that she is underrated. She deserved better
She was too fat.. get over it
I still love to hear this song. What a voice this lady has.
She became one of my favorite singers.
We all have a Bojana Stamenov inside us who is willing to break free ! :D
I always come back to this video just to remind myself of how amazing this song was. The atmosphere was out of this world. If there's one video to sum up pretty much was Eurovision is, it's this one!
Serbia, always delivering a good show on Eurovision ♥!
It’s 2024 and this song is still Amazing after all these years! It was a pleasant surprise to see Bojana sing this song on Eurovision’s Instagram Page 🎉
My top 5 this year:
1. Georgia
2. Spain
3. Serbia
4. Italy
5. Latvia
Germany was one of my favorites too! 0 poitns? Ican't believe it.
Totally agree!! I had the same top 5, and Germany didn't deserve that 0 points at all.
I'm from Spain and I got really disapointed with the voting...
ErlGaGa Georgia!! :)
Sending a heart from germany 😘❤
ErlGaGa Dont forget Estonia.
Probably still one of the best Eurovision performances. Incredible. Heartfelt. Wonderful. I would have been mad she didn't get first if she wasn't second to Mans.
From 1:53 on, everyone was on there feet and jumping. That's how powerful her voice and music are. If I wasn't American, I would have hit that vote button like no other.
Still listen to this nearly 3 years later. Beautiful message, brilliant vocals, the audience reaction gives me goosebumps. Size of the singer is irrelevant - she slayed this performance and embodied the message of the song
I'm italian, I hoped she would win, but... well, Bojana has a new fan! She's beautiful, she's gorgeous!
***** Sorry TT
***** You deserved more for sure! I'd really love to buy a Bojana album, I hope she'll release one soon!
Laura P I voted for Italy and Montenegro )....and well 3 points was ok , i think that voting was corrupted...
Mila Kovac For me 3 points were too few ;P I think everybody think that, indeed..about the corruption of votes..Well, I also think that in the end music always wins.
Bravo Bojana!!!
Ti si jedini pobednik.
Daleko si ispred Svedske i po prikazima i po lajkovima na YT i najbitnije po svojim vokalnim sposobnostoma. Samo napred.
I should have given more votes to this song I really like it a whole lot upon listening to it more times. She's fantastic and this song is great! Great work Serbia from Australia =)
Bojana's song was one of my favourite songs for my top 10 and that's why Bojana is my 6th! Much love from Greece 🇬🇷❤🇷🇸!
still listen to this in 2021, this song is the no.1 in my heart
Draga moja zemljakinjo. Pozdrav iz Nemacke. Bilo kako bilo ovaj krelac iz Svedske nije ni cipele a ti okrene. Tvoj vokal ispred njegovog svetlosnim godinama. Moje misljenje da odavno nismo imali boljeg predstavnika!
what a powerful voice, really, one of my favourites :)
congrats from Portugal ;D
Filipa Macedo Ohhh obrigado, and we love Portugal and powerfull Marizzza!!!
one of the most positively influential moments in my life was hearing this song for the first time. and that same effect has come over me every time i hear it. Thank you to whoever wrote this song and to Bojana for performing it. it honestly changed my life and i'm so grateful for it. "Finally I can say 'yes i'm different and it's okay' beauty never lies"
I keep coming back to watch this performance and STILL think she should have won.
I remember watching this. I was finding this contest boring, up until this woman appeared; I was literally dancing in my seat.
What an actual BOP.
I dalje mi nije jasno kako smo na 10.mestu, a vajno smo bili favoriti
Glasanje uzasno
The oh-oh in the chorus makes it even sound even better!
So much energy and charisma! Bojana was AMAZING!
Back here to get some joy in coronavirus.... one of the best Eurovision performances ever! When the place erupts omg it's AWESOME
E volim sto smo od rusa popusili "0" (krompir), samo radi ovih nasih rusofila. Uvek ce vam ga rusi suknuti kad god se budete nesto ndali od njih, ne samo u zabavi, vec uopste u svemu, zapamtite to za sva vremena!
Hvala Crnogorcima, pravoj nasoj braci, kao i ostalim bratskim narodima iz bivse Jugoslavije!
Marko Markovic Ти си као увређена лепотица, која би хтела жилетом да исече лице да напакости свету. Ко те ј... и шта ти волиш.
Marko Markovic e brate da je jos takvih ko ti ne bi nam niko nista mogao.
Опростите нам браћа за такво гласање. Руси гласали за Боjaну, али су судије ипак одлучили другачије.
Русиja воли Србиjу!💌 поздрав из Санкт-Петербургу :)
Marko Markovic Ako dobijemo poene od neke zemlje to ne znači da nas ona voli, niti obrnuto.
+Marko Markovic Ne lupaj gluposti, molim te, i ne mešaj politiku i istoriju sa jebenom Evrovizijom. Prvo, reč ''rusofil'' je izmišljena reč (od nekog koji verovatno ima IQ kao i ti, dakle manje nego što ti imaš zuba u vilici, a verovatno ih nemaš sve), a drugo, na evrovizijskom glasanju, ako nisi primetio do sada, presuđuje dijaspora. Ne dobija Srbija od Austrije ili Švajcarske 12 poena zato što nas te zemlje mnogo vole, nego zato što su tamo naši ljudi među najbrojnijim manjinama. A što se Rusije tiče, ona protiv nas nikad nije ratovala, već nas je naprotiv branila od fašizma onda kada nam je to bilo potrebno i bez njene vojske možda danas ne bismo ni postojali. A ako ti više voliš one koji su ti zemlju bombardovali 1999. god., ili one ''saveznike'' što su 1945. pogodili namerno porodilište u Beogradu i brojne druge civilne objekte, ili možda naciste koji su pobili hiljade ljudi na ovim prostorima, ti se onda zapitaj ne samo koliki ti je IQ, nego i da li si normalan. Bolje uzmi neku terapiju, umesto što jedeš govna pored jeftinog hleba.
Huge respect and love from India. U are inspirational. "Yes i am different and it's Ok"
12 poena braco!
Ali makedonsko glasanje je namestaljka braco! Kad ne bi bilo to tako, dobili bi ste 12 od nama!
Makedonija vas puno voli! ZIveli!
This was my favourite song of Eurovision this year. So sad you didn't win, you totally should have. Love from Australia.
How does this not have millions of views? This was perhaps the best song I've ever heard! *dances* @ 1:53 :'(
My favourite 2015 Eurovision song!
I am from Australia.
Ponosni na Bojanu!!! Publika nas je podržala glasovima, ali budući da žiri ima moć 75% u odnosu na 25% publike, od dosta "naših" zemalja smo dobili ili ništa ili jako niske bodove. U svakom slučaju, BRAVO BOJANA!!!
Када сам видео колико публика скаче (1:54) стварно сам помислио да ћемо победити, али нема везе, Бојана је наш победник :)
Clearly the Crowds favorite in the Arena. Look at all those flags jumping up and down!
Pesma ima predivnu poruku i emociju,sto skoro nije niko imao na Evroviziji svaka čast-respect to Bojana,za SRBIJU si pobednica :)
In my opinion one of the best songs in the esc this year...my top 3 are latvia;serbia and italy :) regards from germany
This made me so proud. This song is one of our best songs on ESC. Love to see all these nice coments for our song.
I like the idea of going from the 'Ideal person' to the unique individuals. Great message!
Loved this catchy song, well done Serbia from UK x
Bojana was really the surprise that show
This song was one of my favs! With much love from Italy ^_^
She deserve more! I don't understand why we did not have points for Serbia in votes. But policy of eurovision did not stand between us! Russia ❤ Serbia
Can we all agree this is the Lizzo we deserve? Bojana is kind, genuine, and sincere. It is a shame, a word I don’t use, that Bojana doesn’t have the popularity she deserves.
I’m watching in 2023, and Bojana is here to stay!
Russia supports you, brothers and sisters!
candy boy Love you Russia
candy boy Russia give 0 to Serbia
Do you believe in this fake voting???? I don't!! Lots of my friends voted for Serbia and me too!!!
i know, this voting is fake.
Čestitke, komšije! Odlično je sve, ne razumijem samo "napaćenu" komentratorku sa RTS-a (Duška Vucicnic, mislim da se tako zove). Onako anemično može voditi svako. Bez ikakvih impresija kad vaša zemlja dobije bod. Kod nas u Bosni komentator (Dejan Kukrić) poludi kad dobijemo 1 bod.
Svaka čast Bojani i njenom timu. Pozdrav iz Bosne! (bili biste 9. da smo mi učestovali)
A što ne prvi???
Clumpnugget Montenegro zasto sto sa maksimalnih 12 poena koji bismo eventualno dobili od njih mogli bi da se pomerimo samo za jedno mesto???
ivan laonis Nažalost smo na kraju 17. mesto. Bodovi koje su nam Crna Gora i Makedonija dali se ne računaju.....
Eurovision Top Računaju se, nisi skapirao, ne čitaj svet i te glupe novine, već pročitaj na sajtu evrovizije, pa ćeš skontati da je bojana ipak na 10. mestu.
Edit Something Hvala i Bosni i Hrvatskoj ,Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori ,na podrsci i na glasovima.
Girl,for me u won!!!
Greetings from US
How on earth didn't they give this more votes?
This was my favourite song that year and Serbia were truly robbed but on the plus side at least they came 10th
This song is such a crowd pleaser I remember watching it and thinking : this has to be the winner! I was wrong but it's a winner for me.
What a voice, what a power, great song Serbia :)
regards from Poland ;)
This deserved more points imo. It was definitley in my top 5!
This song is so powerful ! Serbia you were amazing ! (I'm French)
She was the BEST!!!!!
1. Serbia
2. Israel
3. Russia
4. Georgia
5. Australia
how Serbia did'nt win is fucking beyond me. i voted for u Bojana and think ur performance was amazing.... love from Ireland :)
This one was so good! I absolutely love her voice! Greets from Belgium :)
best song really !!! greetings from switzerland
This should have won:((
Dear Serbian brothers)) Sorry for our 0 points to your country) In televoting we gave you points, but jury didn't like that performance(
And SO many great songs this year we can see at ESC that we even don't have enough points to give it to all our favorits.
Anyway, Bojana is absolutely Queen!
With love, from Russia
Beauty never lies. PERIODT.
One of my favorite performances of Eurovision. I love the body positivity in this!
A beautiful song, a beautiful voice and so well performed. I was surprised that the performance didn't rate better, but for me - it won my heart. Thank you to Bojana and your team.
Najbolji vokal ove godine na ESC. Žao mi je što nismo dobili mnogo glasova, a realno smo imali sve predispozicije za pobedu. Bojana bila si odlična i Srbija u skorije vreme nije imala boljeg predstavnika
You are an ESC DIVA, Bojana! 🇷🇸
We're all different and it's OK! ♥
This song deserves more credit than it's given for! What a performance, absolutely amazing!
Must have watched this like 20 times now. This is why I love ESC. Serbia is one of my fav ESC countries for sure. And Ukraine, France, Iceland, Malta, Russia and Montenegro are usually great too. Love from Sweden
So many memories... Almost 10 years... I am so sad that the time passes so quickly 😢
Albanians disliking faster than Eminem rapping
Albania gave her 2 points while greece and russia not even a point. Bye
So maybe albanians are not those who are disliking ;)
ShqipezZ 94 имали сте одличну песму, штета што је лоше отпевала
I swear everytime that I get back to see this performance it gives me goosebump evrytime! Her incredible voice, the whole performance, the simbolism, the ASL, even the final selfie, it's just perfection. A winner for me.
I love this song! Great Job Bojana and Serbia!
Ovo je bila neka namjestaljka, koliko je njih komentarisalo da su nam dali 12 poena,a naročito Rusi,Grci cak i Albanci, a mi na kraju deseti..? Ne daju Srbima da pobede odkad je pobedila Marija!
Velika zahvala braci Crnogorcima za 12 poena :)
Carley Vigil slazem se!
Crnogorski i Makedonski glasovi se ne racunaju zbog izostavka zirija, davali su poene samo po glasovima publike (sto bi trebalo biti 25% poena po pravilima) i sad smo 17...
Carley Vigil mislim da su rusi,grci i albanci glasali za vas...sigurno ste bili njima u topu 10...problem je urome sto žiri sve namješta i stavlja srbiju na zadnje mjest mislim bojana je na kraju zavrsila 24/27 po žiriju
TiannaVCT nece vam oduzet bodove..ebu je rekao
nemacka kao clan velike petorke nemoze da ima 0 poena i austrija kao domacin takodje nemoze da ima 0 poena to se nikada nije dogodilo. a i tacno se videlo u finalnoj veceri da je namesteno posto je rusija vodila za vreme pola glasanja i odjednom samo svedska dobija 12 poena a i organizatori imaju celokupnu vlast nad glasovima.
Мени је ово наша најбоља песма на Евровизији икада...
I meni, bolja mi je cak i od Molitve. Covek samo da se najezi kad je cuje..
Composer of this entry, Vladimir Graic also composed the 2007 winning entry Molitva by Marija Serifovic.
not gonna lie her performance made me tear up a little. amazing song amazing singer amazing performance!!
She's amazing! I liked Bojana so much. Her song deserves more points.. From Russia with love.
I'm so happy that Albania gave 2 points to Serbia ^^
Lana Del Rey Thank you Albania! Peace
Aljbanci i Srbi bratovi zauvek.
+Black Red what is your problem
danijela glogovac Albanija je najvise falsirala, slusate li vi muziku ili vam je uvek bitno nesto drugo?
Lana Del Rey This really shows, in a way, that the Albanians are SLOWLY, but surely, putting what happened in the past. about let's say, 10-15 years ago, this would never happen.
Bojana gave her all with this performance and it felt so authentic because she truly embodies the lyrics. To me this became an anthem after the 1:50 second mark when the audience connected with her. Regardless of the 10th position, it was energetic, meaningful and above all memorable. Thanks Bojana!
she had the best voice
This is an excellent song, one of the best in the contest (together with the Russian) and it deserved a higher position! Love from Greece..
I think its placement is about fair. Says no one but I will. A strong year with big favorites. Serbia was sadly not in the top ranking.
I think she were underestimated! She has a great voice, performance was incredible. She had to be at least in the top 7.
I would give her 8 points, after Italy and Belgium.
Don't know why people didn't like her...
Greetings from Russia, brothers!
And thanks for supporting Polina!
oOcitizenOo She was one of the victims of the jury voting. Same with Italy that should have won instead of the lame Swedish song. People like to vote with their hearts and thats great.
Nightcore World Pa umorna je ;)
Znam, ali bilo je bas nesigurno u pocetku. Mejdutim ovaj drugi deo je razvalila.
Beauty never lies.."Finaly I can say, I'm different and that's OK. Here I am" Hope that everyone who feel this way, can say this in public
01:54 , the moment when the ESC became a dance floor is magic ,the public follow the song and dance !
+Maxime Guibert I was there and it was the best feeling all night long! simply amazing!
Bojana svaka cast,ubedljivo najbolja pesma na eurosongu...Pre su se racunali samo glasovi publike, a ne i ziri, koji ima odlucujuci uticaj na broj poena odredjene drzave..Cak i da publika da 12, a ziri 0, ta zemlja ne dobija nista, ako ziri tako odluci..Prema tome, mi tesko da cemo nekad pobediti opet, sve dok se sistem glasanja ponovo ne promeni tako da samo publika odlucuje..Trenutno je eurosong interesantan zapadu i ne predaje ga u ruke zemalja koje nisu dovoljno podobne..Podobne, po cemu? Odlucite sami..
Dejan Jagic
Na zalost vec 2 ili 3 godine Televoting ima samo 25 % mogucnost da odluci a ziri 75 % .To vecina ne zna vec misli da je sistem 50.50 koji je bio od 2009 do 2012 ili 13/te . Taj sistem ide na ruku mocnijim i bogatijim zemljama jer ziri bukvalno sa 3/4 svojih glasova zapravo i odlucuje pobednika . Po TELEVOTING sistemu koji je bio do 2008 god.pobednik bi ubedljivo bila 1. ITALIJA(ciju pesmu ne volim nikako jer me smara bez obzira na kvalitet )a koja je sa preko 70 poena isped 3. SVEDSKE i 2. RUSIJE.
SRBIJA je po ziriju na 24 /tom mestu sa nekih bednih 12 poena ako se ne varam od ukupno 27 zemalja .. :D
Srecom za one koji ne znaju pa smo od Makedonije i Crne Gore dobili 12 odnosno 10 poena jer bi nas svakako i ziri iz okruzenja sabotirao ali zbog nekih nepravilnosti u crnogorskom i makedonskom ziriju uzeti su samo glasovi publike u obzir te smo se docepali tih 22 poena a sumnjam da bi sa glasovima zirija dobili od obe zemlje vise od 8 poena i ko zna koliko pozicicije nize.. Bog je bar malo pogledao i nagradio time Bojanu i Srbiju i devojci kao i celom timu svaka cast na odlicnoj prezentaciji i posle Molitve ovo je jedina nasa pesma koja mi se stvarno svidja .... Obzirom da zivim u Becu Bojana je bila ubedljivi favorit publike u Areni i dobila 10 poena od televotinga Austrije ali zbog sabotaze jos jednog a ovog puta i austrijskog zirija dobili smo nekih mrsavih 3 poena.. Devojka topovskog glasa kako je naajcesce nazivaju austrijanci je pokupila simpatije obicnog sveta i ucinila da se osecam ponosnim ! Puno srece Bojani u daljoj karijeri i zelim joj da nas opet predstavlja vec uskoro sa kvalitetnijom pesmom koju ce sama odabrati ! HVALA TI BOKICE I PLASMAN TI JE ODLICAN za malu Srbiju
12 points guarantee from Macedonia !!! love u brothers!
Nightcore World nooo! it is wonderful! excellent ! i love this song
Demy and for enemy 12 points...
Biljana Arsic Did you forget that there are over 40 % Albanians living in FYROM ?
So you can stop crying because the Macedonians didn't vote for us,the Albanians in FYROM did.
Aleks Milan You are just plunker....all orthodox people should be happy cause once in the hystory was part of Bysanthium Commonwealth. I mean it is major part of your hystory, why u want to imagine some new version of it? Live that story to Game of Thrones, bro...
***** I am not cry bcz you dindn`t vote for us, i don`t care, I only say then we are all suprise for 12 points for Albana.
But anyway, in Evrovision that is all placed..
My fav of the year from the UK
They had that crowd LIT
Я из России. Голосовал за наших сербских братьев!!!
***** voting is fake
I dalje se najezim kad god je cujem uhhhhhh
12 Points from Germany, this song is so amazing
This is definetly an underrared entry
Serbia should send her back to Eurovision 2018. It's just AMAZING!!!