Love seeing the experimentation. Never know until you try. In terms of suggestions, always make sure you sear the sides as well to get the fat seared. For the cast iron, I'd also recommend cooking in avocado oil or something like that, then butter baste. If the butter browns and blackens too quick, it can affect the flavor. So maybe add some butter towards the end and baste. Adding the butter during resting is also a good thing you did! Cheers!
Thanks. I think I’m going to try some tallow to see how that affects flavor. I also need to remember to sear the sides. It’s not something I typically but want to start.
I use lump charcoal. Put my coals on one side and the steak on the opposite side. This cooks it indirect and get it up to temp. Then to sear the steak I put directly on the coals. Edit: do the same for cast iron, let it get to temp in the oven then you can sear it on cast iron
Love seeing the experimentation. Never know until you try. In terms of suggestions, always make sure you sear the sides as well to get the fat seared. For the cast iron, I'd also recommend cooking in avocado oil or something like that, then butter baste. If the butter browns and blackens too quick, it can affect the flavor. So maybe add some butter towards the end and baste. Adding the butter during resting is also a good thing you did! Cheers!
Thanks. I think I’m going to try some tallow to see how that affects flavor. I also need to remember to sear the sides. It’s not something I typically but want to start.
I use lump charcoal. Put my coals on one side and the steak on the opposite side. This cooks it indirect and get it up to temp. Then to sear the steak I put directly on the coals.
Edit: do the same for cast iron, let it get to temp in the oven then you can sear it on cast iron
I need to try that method with charcoal. Move them to one side. I’ve even seen holders that help keep them together.