They made the jumping and were so professional to work with! Filip also helped me film some scenes (he had hurt his foot). Very fun project to work on. The Air Wipp team is amazing! I have a HD version in my profile and the original video you will find if you search for Academedia . I would love to film these guys again!
oh cool, any idea which camera would have high FPS?? because I need to get one. any suggestions?
what was the frame rate used??
They made the jumping and were so professional to work with! Filip also helped me film some scenes (he had hurt his foot). Very fun project to work on. The Air Wipp team is amazing! I have a HD version in my profile and the original video you will find if you search for Academedia . I would love to film these guys again!
i realy love to see that he did not flip off that building at the beginning ^^ but nice stuff ;)
that was cool guys real nice
200Fps ... SICK!!!
yeah i got one you can slow down a person that steps in water on the street or something
Can you tell me more about the 200fps cam used here? I know that are too much's your? name and price of the model?
It was 300fps , and i made the slowmo -> speed effect in aftereffects using timewarp.
what type of camera did u guys use for this clip??
0:25 wow Muy chido
doble Kong
the one tooks the elevator. xD
WOOO! 5/5
woow! nice
You would never use free running if you're trying to get someplace quickly. Sweet video anyway though.
nice tricks and edited well
awesome :)
To fucking sweet, I was just wondering what song that is? It would be very helpful...
haha fett nice :D!
Fett nice!
Ni borde dock fixat en timer som tickat ner samtidigt, skulle suttit lite mer press om de hann eller inte ;D
just in time
nice edit and sick moves
jaja cool :D ;) vryy cool
Well i was Filming it, so i think i know what framerate i was using. I put a HD version on my account as well.
Thanks Air-Wipp for doing this. :)
nice video guys !!!
veryy cool
nice vad använder ni för att redigera med?
nice slomo!!!
SIIIICK slowmo :)
i wonder how tutorials will look with 200+ fps...
they talk about an application that he is suppose to hand in in 3 minutes..
what do they talk about?
it was 200 it, read describtion
200 i think
and the girl was first... =]]
Wooow 5*****