Tsalung Practice-Ninefold Expulsion of Stale Vital Energy- Alan Wallace

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Tsalung Practice Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche Gangtey Gonpa
    Ninefold Expulsion of Stale Vital Energy (rlung ro dgu shrugs)
    Visualize the central channel, right roma channel, and left kyangma channel as hollow. Afflictive, impure vital energy flows through the base of the ring finger, so block that with your thumbs, pressed against the base of those fingers, forming the vajra fist. Those two channels come from the eyes, behind the ears, and down. The baby finger and index fingers are raised a bit above the others.
    The breath exhaled through the right nostril is the vital energy of anger, the breath exhaled through the left nostril is craving energy; and the breath exhaled through both nostrils is the energy of delusion. Visualize the anger energy as white, the craving energy as red, and the delusion energy as grey, the color of smoke.
    Block the left nostril with your right index finger, and inhale through the right nostril, visualizing the blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas coming in as pale blue energy, entering the right channel and going down below the navel. As you breathe out through your left nostril, visualize the energy as red, symbolizing craving. That is the first of nine cycles, and you repeat that twice, thus completing the first triad of the ninefold expulsion.
    Block the right nostril with your right index finger, and inhale through the left nostril, visualizing the blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas coming in as pale blue energy, entering the left channel and going down below the navel. As you breathe out through your right nostril, visualize the energy as white, symbolizing anger. Do that three times, thus completing the second triad of the ninefold expulsion.
    Breathe in through both nostrils, visualizing the blessings of the buddhas and bodhisattvas coming in as pale blue energy, entering the left and right channels and going down below the navel. As you breathe out, visualize the grey energy coming up through the central channel. At the end of the final exhalation, forcefully breathe out through your nostrils, expelling the last bit of the stale, impure energy, while extending the fingers of both hands resting on your knees. Rest awhile, and then gently inhale and hold the breath in your belly.
    There are peaceful and wrathful vital energies, and those seeking to develop śamatha and to stabilize their minds should lead a relaxed way of life and cultivate peaceful energy. It’s important to relax the channels and energies, for this will make the mind more relaxed and cheerful. Such people should normally breathe through the nostrils, not through the mouth (except while practicing Dzogchen meditation). For the sake of one’s health and for realizing primordial consciousness, it’s best if the breath is exhaled through the left nostril, and that brings good cheer to the mind. If the breath is exhaled through the right nostril, that’s associated with anger and with illness, which makes the mind unhappy.
    Do this in the morning and evening and if possible once during the midday. The respiration in the morning and evening is generally a bit longer, while during midday it is shorter.

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @gyanw9612
    @gyanw9612 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    very refreshing to do this before a meditation session. the description of the technique starts at 4:25

  • @ttakamiorama
    @ttakamiorama ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Lama Alan, this was so helpful and useful, I appreciate this instruction deeply :)

  • @gyanw9612
    @gyanw9612 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Once you have watched the video it's useful to have a text description for reference until you have the technique memorized. There is one on this page meridian-trust.org/video/tsalung-practice-ninefold-expulsion-of-stale-vital-energy/

  • @squamish4244
    @squamish4244 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good energy healers can balance out one's energy in a far more powerful way for beginners - and even for advanced practitioners in some cases. The man who has helped me with my severe kundalini syndrome has also worked on monks and other long-term meditators.

    • @user-wf4nl2yy8x
      @user-wf4nl2yy8x 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      May I ask more of the practice done?

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@user-wf4nl2yy8x Mental and emotional obstacles manifest as energetic obstacles and can be addressed as such. "Energy follows thought" as they say. Good healers know how to 'move' energy around and balance and clean out chakras and other aspects of your subtle energy system that are out of whack. Chakras that are too wide open can be shrunk, chakras that are too narrow can be expanded etc.
      More generally, awareness is the ultimate healer, so healers bring their awareness to places in your body that are gummed up or trapped and release obstacles or heal problems that way.
      The skill of the healer is very important as is the method used. Reiki is not a good method and often messes people's energy up and leaves them feeling worse. People trained in chi kung and prana healing are usually better, and then there are levels of expertise built on that. But there are other methods that are effective as well.
      To pick a mundane but dramatic example, I once burned my hand grabbing a motorcycle exhaust right before I went to see my healer. He did something up at my shoulder and my hand felt tingly, and the burn shrank visibly and remarkably in about five minutes. It's partly a matter of helping your body carry out its natural processes. It wants to fix itself, but doesn't know how.
      This guy is an amazing energy healer: www.easternhealingarts.com