One problem with carrying money outside a wallet, or in a separate money clip like that, or on the inside of the wallet, is you have to touch the bills every time you’re going to get a credit card or your ID. From what I understand, paper money carries lot of bacteria on it. So, you are exposing yourself to that bacteria too frequently, every time you use your wallet or money clip. I prefer a wallet that’s got a separate, enclosed compartment for bills, where I don’t have to touch them, unless I need to use the bills. Just a thought.
hey! .....i would suggest using rubber bands instead of these fucking clips.......i mean c'mon............these wallets holds bank notes as they are some kind of tokens or something
Last two look by far the most promising
Not really all money clips. More wallets
My choice is Ravean 👍
Use a paper clip
One problem with carrying money outside a wallet, or in a separate money clip like that, or on the inside of the wallet, is you have to touch the bills every time you’re going to get a credit card or your ID. From what I understand, paper money carries lot of bacteria on it. So, you are exposing yourself to that bacteria too frequently, every time you use your wallet or money clip. I prefer a wallet that’s got a separate, enclosed compartment for bills, where I don’t have to touch them, unless I need to use the bills. Just a thought.
LEO Y A i D E E.😁😁
wth how no comments
hey! .....i would suggest using rubber bands instead of these fucking clips.......i mean c'mon............these wallets holds bank notes as they are some kind of tokens or something