LEE SIN is BROKEN if you do THIS
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#leagueoflegends #season14lol #guide #sinerias #streamhighlights #challenger #master #split2 #riotgames #synapse
Lee Sin Guide, Lee Sin Runes, Carry in Season 14, Sinerias, Season 14 Guide, Low Elo Climb, Season 14 Jungle Tierlist, Best Master Yi World, Sinerias, League of Legends memes, lol highlights, English League of Legends,
I love how you talk through EVERY MICROCOSM of thought that you have. Such a great way to help people learn to think for themselves when they are new in this game
high elo jungler explaining what they're doing is like Bob Ross when he was drawing - both make it look super simple and mention constantly how simple it is :D
Absolutely loved this video and think it's a great concept for a series even if you dont do it all with Lee.
The idea of taking a popular champ that isn't utilised correctly usually for macro and fundamental reasons in lower elos and showing how easy it is to still get results with them has the potential to massively help the community. This vid especially is brilliant with how often u missed some abilities and not focusing on the flashy insec which is what lee is most known for brilliantly shows the importance of simple gameplay that can translate to any champion.
Instead of unranked to masters could you do bronze to masters? I feel like unrank usually skips bronze silver and gold ranks
… it’s not rocket science. Bronze is Do the basic of fundamentals and ur economy is so much higher then everyone else so you steamroll
You can apply everything he does in unranked to masters to bronze
@@highnoon2844 In theory yes, but if you are able to play at that level, you wouldnt be bronze
@@SCIISeth no I mean, if he does play in bronze, it's not as if he is going to explain some new concepts. He's gonna use the same concepts he does in unranked to master. So these concepts are universally applicable.
You guys don't understand his concern. Unranked makes you play couple games and if you do well you can skip bronze, silver
So having the ability to play in bronze to start is different
13:47 Crazy kick. Nice Video Goat
Well done man, finally a useful lee sin video. As a 2M+ lee mastery player since he got released, I actually learned something here and confirmed a few things I was thinking all along when ppl were saying otherwise. Totally agree with 100% of everything you said. I also usually never comment on videos, but this one is gold. You explain everything including many small details which imo are very relevant. Your first mid gank, waiting before using abilities is sooo good with lee. Yours was a very good example that made me realize I don't do it as often as I should, even for W. So many enemies waiting for you to use Q to dodge it, while you auto-attacking them, before they realize they are going to die before you use Q. When you said "You are a peel champion", that is totally it! (late game though). One thing I noticed is that you used the cd reduction boots. I always buy merc treads. My thinking is that if you are getting slowed, its harder to get your aa on the enemy, therefore regenerating your energy. If you have no energy, you cannot use your abilities anyway. I will try it myself and see. It may also depend against who you are playing.
"I've never had a problem with Lee Sin in Gold 4 as a rank 1 challenger player" - I honestly love your general attitude; I just couldn't resist. I do wish you the best, this was just funny to me.
15:50 very nice lee sin impression
This was a great video and I rarely watch videos all the way to the end.
I love that you kept it simple with the fundamentals and didn't focus on flashy combos.
I also love that when you missed Qs you did not blame yourself and kept a light hearted attitude.
You did not turn on yourself for your mistakes.
u r the first youtuber when happening mistakes, showing how happy u r
i love the way you express the impartance of knowledage can lead to use a champ properly and keep winning
keep it up!
the fact that you are learning with us show the quality of the content
Considering myself to play more Lee sin now thanks Sinerias :)
LETS GOO lee sin vid from sinerias
Love the video! I would love an exemple from behind. You have 3 winning lanes in this vid. Lee sin from behind fall so hard its almost impossible to carry with 3 intin lanes
Hello mate just want to say thank you for everything you do!
Finished your course and I’ve been climbing with EZ. Much love brother
Really good video alot of helpful tips. Would be fun to see doing a series with lee sin!
bro you explain so well, thanks!
Definitely need a lee sin video
so truee I am an Aatrox otp I think Im pretty good mechanically but the lack of wave/item management, general fundamentals in the game kept in me gold
Thank you Sinerias the goat, as always, extremely helpful and informative jungle gameplay. By far the most valuable jungle player to watch.
Id really like an elo climb with lee sin, thanks for your quality content, sinerias
Unranked to master with lee sin souds great! love your videos man
Would love to see a lee sin only from unranked to masters
2:25 can't stress enough how much one extra person to rely on can affect the outcome of the game
Had a garen go even with aurora and gave him a good gank. He ended up carrying the game despite the mid lane having better kda but atrocious CSing.
I'd love to get like even the basic stuff like where to keybind the ward or pinkies to ward jump properly
Lee sin series would be cool
unranked to master lee sin would be amazing man
17:12 Perfect insec angle
sounds like casting chess here in this position
please do a iron - master using a different jungler every game, looping once you used every jungler. I think it would be interesting but it would also be funny seeing you struggle on champs you have barely played❤
He would hit master a long time before he's played all junglers
As the best lee sin low elo na , I approve this upload
Lee Sin - huge pick rate => unranked to diamond = Huge success. 👏
First of all Awesome... secondly, was like watching one of them auctioneers talking game instead of selling stuff in 100 mph.
8:47 fundamentals!!!!
Yes, more lee vids i BEG
Is there a reason you dont use smite, when you have 2 stacks of it? I always use 1 to clear faster or even both if no dragon or baron is up.
people are so suprised cause u keep ur q its rly smarter than it appear
can you make a video how to play (lee) in emerald? its unplayable
I wouldn't downplay how much mechanics matter on Lee Sin, but let's be honest...Lee Sin is a early game snow balling ganking jungler who has to read wave states constantly to even function as a champion...and then he falls off a cliff, so if you don't win early enough you have to know how to play a team fight for another win con. That's why he's bad in low ELO, people simply don't have the fundamental skill set required to play the champion, regardless of mechanics.
Synerias me I’m one of that I go diamond 2 with your yi and now I’m hard stiles esmerald 3 and swing 29 win on lee
Because in low elo people force the R flash for no reason
thank you bearded alois
I question using Conq on lee sin. He’s so bursty, get in and get out. I struggle stacking conq fully and i never get high use of it. Early game lee will just win fights, late game he can’t survive to stack conq even as full bruiser
Just watch the video. Look at all the fights he takes where there's like 3+ rotations of abilities. Imagine how shit the electrocute value would be compared to conq. Elec only makes sense if you build lethality
I cant win anymore. I had a 19 winstreak, then I lost and lost and lost and lost and now I am bronze 4. after my 19 win streak I was silver 3. this game is bs!
This only happens when your all other lanes are winning + a yasuo
Is not better do as first clear red,blu, Gromp ?
do the bronze to chally climb with lee sin
Can you show how to play riven jungle without extreme mechanics (like you did in this vid)?
Show us your reksai senpai
more lee sin plz
Genauso klingt mein Englisch auch xD Einfach wild als deutscher
Do belveth video King
I like the way he said Soraka 😂 zouGhaka
Lee Sin is in his weakest state he has ever been in.
How can you even ask if that was mechanical. The fact that you consider that not being mechanical just shows that this is of no help in low elo.
He did nothing mechanically difficult. Low elo focuses only on mechanical plays. They'll sit in practice tool and practice the most niche insec combos that you DON'T NEED, whilst not focusing or practicing core mechanics that apply to every champion.
@TimmehTRP for low elo the play was mechanically difficult.
I am constantly ahead in CS as jungler, but if you don't know how to teamfight in mid/late game, you will not climb.
Hence the fact that this was a difficult play.
17:18 - 1
unranked to master j4 pls :)
Yo ngl you sound like flula borg
as a PRO in LOW ELO (10yrs Iron ) i can confidently say that its not a personal skill issue its the team NOT KNOWING how to play the game. they don't know the rules no one and i MEAN NO ONE not one coaching vid out here is tell u about the BASIC rules. wtf wards are for when and why supp should roam, when to get dragon, macro, cs, why ur supp farming cs is bad, etc. i have had so many games of ppl not warding and blaming jg for getting caught out cuz they cant look at the mini map or building Viegar AD and asking if the Vanye is AD or AP. climbing is hard cuz its always 1v9 every game. u high elo str8 out the great have no clue how hard it is to be placed in bronze and iron for yrs and in a ranked game with someone who is Lv 34 acct blaming u for not bb sitting them and then leaving the game cuz and lose LP for regardless. or not ff'ing and 0-23 with no towers in 16mins. my MMR is sht so plz stop saying its the individual who sucks its a team game ppl don't know the RULES
I hope this is satire.
Brother if your a decade into iron,
Just quit at this point brother.
Iron is only for Children and People with disabilities.
If you can't climb to bronze, it's a you ishue.
I want to see you play
@snakeinabox7220 Not on the same account and been between Iron 4 and Bronze 1. I have had accts Perma banned, and I stop playing for a time. Now I'm back in it. But what YOU ppl fail to realize that down here in pits of hell. Is that this is a TEAM GAME. And now if u have 5 games under your belt you can go ranked. There is no 1v9 champ LoL dose a SHT job in telling ppl about micro and macro, wave control, wards, rotation etc. and while I'm doing all those things my is face checking a bush they saw the enemy go in. Can't jus blame me soly like I'm jus fkn off. And there are ppl like me genuinely stuck cuz of SHT PPl
Alois brought me here :)
Defensif boot better
no Q challenge xd
lot of bad and lucky plays, dont listen to this fool lmao
Sent this to my brother he is a Lee siin man and he seems to be smurfing with Lee in silver
just dont play lee sin
stop playing in submarine low. Every games are in silver gold, yeah easy to get 90%wr in low elo now play in diam elo
90% of all my games are in Emerald +
Stop backseating when you don‘t know what you are watching.
It looks like silver because with fundamentals you make diamond look like silver
I had a 85% winrate in Challenger and did reach Master Tier multiple times with 100% winrate. Do you really think the games will look different? 🤣
majority of league players are below diamond and its players below diamond that asks for help most guys like u ego is to big anyways so u think u dont need help..