On Adam’s comment that it isn’t a hardcore rock crawler, that’s true as stock, but with my experience, it takes very little mods to get big performance. I’d say crawler gears, an Injora chassis, and axles, or something to get weight down low are the only necessary mods to get it up some really gnarly lines.
I have a black one and my son has a blue. We spent 6 hours today driving around loading stuff up in the beds/trailers and running some trails. A lot more fun than the Bronco and defender.
I grabbed one yesterday. Haven't spent much time with it. It is more stable than i expected looking so top heavy. I think with some weight down low, it will be great
Looks great rc crawler brother.I was the first to purchase walk out my local hobby shop with one of these.The blue one. I already have the low range gears installed. I love it.
I just picked up both of these for me and my 5 year old son. Im just getting back into rc again. Searched this truck after i got it. But years ago traxxas was always good to go with.
I love it, though mine I/m turning into a crawler. filled the tires w Kinetic sand, adding over 200 grams. Sold the square body, designing a very lcg light warthog type body to 3D print. A lcg custom battery mod. I'm ordering stainless steel low crawler gears tonight, plus more changes eventually. Good vid, i liked it.
Thank you, Adam, for all the great videos. Our family picked up 7 TRX4m's and have been loving them! We have 3 Broncos and 4 Defenders. :-) We watched quite a few of your videos before we bought anything and found them very helpful. Love all the videos about potential upgrades, too. We have lots of Injora wheels and tires and more stuff on the way. Personally, with how much you were impressed with this vehicle out of the box, I think it would be cool to leave it as Traxxas as possible with a few simple upgrades. 1. Crawler gears. 2. Brass rings (Traxxas 9780 and would probably need the 9781 satin beadlock rims...which would still be a pretty good look on that truck) 3. Pro Scale lights 4. 7mm Wheel hexes (9750X) 5. And of course you could highlight the BLACK version of the truck and get that all done at the same time! 😆 👊 It would be cool to see clips of this video alongside clips with the gently upgraded version. I would say to get the brass diff covers, but hey, combining the satin wheels with the visible brass... I dunno, man, that might not look so good! 😎 As far as next bodies? There are a lot of newer Jeeps, but what about Daisy's white jeep from the Dukes? I know the money is mostly made in the parts market, and I would think the bodies at $55-$70 a piece would be pretty good money grabs for Traxxas... I just wish they were a little more interchangeable. They need a quick release for the bumpers and everything to come off and on so after I get a couple hundred dollars of upgrades dumped into one of these little things, all I would need to do is get the body conversion kit and viola, I have a fully upgraded K10, or whatever else they come up with. Thanks for adding a ton of fun to the hobby!
Another great review. I'm trying to finish up a few other videos so i can get to this one. My review video will be coming out soon. I am excited to get this thing out and see what it can do. You talked about other High trail models coming out soon. I would like to see a Gladiator body on this longer frame. Maybe even a Yota body, but im not holding my breath on that one.
I picked mine up yesterday. It is a sweet rig. With it being taller it is more rolling prone, but I had set of the softest spring for the shocks. They worked perfectly the ride height dropped a bit. Great vid!!!👍👍👍
Hello, thank you very much for the excellent video and first analysis of this Traxxas novelty. Your analysis and opinion help me a lot when deciding to buy a unit of this car when it goes on sale in Spain. Although you like blue less, I think it's the color I would take because I don't have any blue in my collection, I think the next Hight Trail model that Traxxas will release in Trx4M will be the 1979 Blazer or Bronco and then the Ford F150 . Thank you very much and greetings.
Wow Adam! Those trucks look awesome! I may have to break down and buy a Traxxas afterall. Thanks for another great video, I appreciate the effort and time involved! Take care man!!
you made beautiful images. you can see so well what a beautiful and fun car it is. I also hope to be able to buy one soon in the Netherlands. they hit the store here October 15th.
Got one this weekend. First impression is it tips a lot more than the bronco trx4m but the height/tire size help it in some ways. I thought it would be better than the bronco but it’s pretty evenly matched (stock to stock).
Love the videos, i have a question though, since i havent bought one, what would i need to run the defender body aside from the body itself and the bumpers. Dose the high trail ues plastic extensions for the body to mount, or is it a longer metal rail on the car itself? And another thing, i see a trx4m 2 speed tranny online, but no reviews, possibly could help a lot of people out with a review 😉 Thanks, keep up the awesome videos
This'll be a really fun one with some mods. I over-did my Bronco, so I'll try to do a little less with this one. Probably not go brushless and just add a little weight here and there.
I would assume the F150 will be next , followed by maybe a mini sport , that would be cool. They could have just made a regular trx4m with a new body, but they actually made it a high trail , very cool.
I Had the same exact reaction as you did after testing this badboy out at my local rockgarden and streams i came in with very low expectations before filming i was like its gonna be very tippy and once i started filming and driving it around i was very surprised at its performance i had the same problem with the side hills but it did a couple of side hills preety well it did tip over a couple times as expected but it ultimately performed great imo i pit it against my fcx24 blazer with mods and it followed it through with ease it does need some weight downlow no so much for crawling but for stream crossings if u go to deep it will float up and capsize so some brass below should keep it from floating up other than that its a solid rig i love it
Im definitely getting me a red one! I really hope we get the Ranger next. Having them two side by side next to my FCX24 K5 would be so awesome! Great video as always!
Hi. Care to summarise the differences in Bronco, Defender and this Chevrolet? In not too technical detail, but how they perform differently. Getting the first proper RC for my kids, and wondering if I chose one for them, or let them chose based on just looks looks.
I'll do my best to do this concisely: Bronco is lower and lighter and will perform the best as an actual rock crawler. The defender is heavier and more tippy due to the scale body/accessories. The K10 has a longer wheelbase but is also lifted to accommodate the big tires and lifted truck aesthetic. Despite the height, I feel like the K10 high trail performs as good as the bronco and has massive curb appeal.
Any upgrades yet? I just got one and caught up on all your other trx4m builds but am curious if they would work as well for the high trail as they did on the bronco. I’m brand new to this world but have been having a blast with it and really need some performance gains but am wondering if I should build a different car because I mainly want to do tough crawling
You would have thought Traxxas would have step it up to compete with the FCX23 but they didn't. No two speed transmission and no portal gears and slow speed modulation not on the level of the FCX24. and still the dedicated battery. Looks nice though
Great review! This is definitely a truck getting added to my fleet soon hopefully. And I think it will be the ranger or older bronco next, though I am hoping they will eventually release mini versions of all the 1/10 crawlers they have
hey adam i got a trx4m and did quite some upgrades but i decided that my next upgrade is gonna be a lcg chassis so im interested in the injora kangaroo chassis but i couldnt find a vid of it so im asking if u can make one (if u do it will prob get a lot of views)
I was really waitin on this video, good job. Would you recommend the bronco over the hightrail for rockcrawling? A side by side comparison video would be siiiick! Greetings from Germany🇩🇪
love the high trail but they just roll way to easy .almost a design flaw even with mods side hilling is horrible more for kids than serious adults.love the redcat ascent dosent look as nice but oh well it performs much better great video thanks
I noticed less torque twist and the drivetrain seems a lot smoother than my stock Bronco. The suspension is great but sometimes the truck won't flex right away. Some situations would benefit greatly with crawler gears but you loose too speed
I think Traxxas blew it with this, I really do. They should have given it portals and a 2 speed. Price it at $200 and at that mark they would be eating fms’s lunch all day long. The body is glorious though.
Driving montage: 0:42
Overview and key features: 3:15
Performance tests: 7:58
Indoor course runs: 9:21
Final thoughts: 14:34
On Adam’s comment that it isn’t a hardcore rock crawler, that’s true as stock, but with my experience, it takes very little mods to get big performance. I’d say crawler gears, an Injora chassis, and axles, or something to get weight down low are the only necessary mods to get it up some really gnarly lines.
I have a black one and my son has a blue. We spent 6 hours today driving around loading stuff up in the beds/trailers and running some trails. A lot more fun than the Bronco and defender.
I grabbed one yesterday. Haven't spent much time with it. It is more stable than i expected looking so top heavy. I think with some weight down low, it will be great
Looks great rc crawler brother.I was the first to purchase walk out my local hobby shop with one of these.The blue one.
I already have the low range gears installed. I love it.
I just picked up both of these for me and my 5 year old son. Im just getting back into rc again. Searched this truck after i got it. But years ago traxxas was always good to go with.
I love it, though mine I/m turning into a crawler. filled the tires w Kinetic sand, adding over 200 grams. Sold the square body, designing a very lcg light warthog type body to 3D print. A lcg custom battery mod. I'm ordering stainless steel low crawler gears tonight, plus more changes eventually. Good vid, i liked it.
Thank you, Adam, for all the great videos. Our family picked up 7 TRX4m's and have been loving them! We have 3 Broncos and 4 Defenders. :-) We watched quite a few of your videos before we bought anything and found them very helpful. Love all the videos about potential upgrades, too. We have lots of Injora wheels and tires and more stuff on the way. Personally, with how much you were impressed with this vehicle out of the box, I think it would be cool to leave it as Traxxas as possible with a few simple upgrades. 1. Crawler gears. 2. Brass rings (Traxxas 9780 and would probably need the 9781 satin beadlock rims...which would still be a pretty good look on that truck) 3. Pro Scale lights 4. 7mm Wheel hexes (9750X) 5. And of course you could highlight the BLACK version of the truck and get that all done at the same time! 😆 👊 It would be cool to see clips of this video alongside clips with the gently upgraded version. I would say to get the brass diff covers, but hey, combining the satin wheels with the visible brass... I dunno, man, that might not look so good! 😎 As far as next bodies? There are a lot of newer Jeeps, but what about Daisy's white jeep from the Dukes? I know the money is mostly made in the parts market, and I would think the bodies at $55-$70 a piece would be pretty good money grabs for Traxxas... I just wish they were a little more interchangeable. They need a quick release for the bumpers and everything to come off and on so after I get a couple hundred dollars of upgrades dumped into one of these little things, all I would need to do is get the body conversion kit and viola, I have a fully upgraded K10, or whatever else they come up with. Thanks for adding a ton of fun to the hobby!
Another great review. I'm trying to finish up a few other videos so i can get to this one. My review video will be coming out soon. I am excited to get this thing out and see what it can do. You talked about other High trail models coming out soon. I would like to see a Gladiator body on this longer frame. Maybe even a Yota body, but im not holding my breath on that one.
I picked mine up yesterday. It is a sweet rig. With it being taller it is more rolling prone, but I had set of the softest spring for the shocks. They worked perfectly the ride height dropped a bit. Great vid!!!👍👍👍
that thing is so cool! They really did make that body perfect!
I grabbed 1 in red & love it 😂
Already upgraded it
Hello, thank you very much for the excellent video and first analysis of this Traxxas novelty. Your analysis and opinion help me a lot when deciding to buy a unit of this car when it goes on sale in Spain. Although you like blue less, I think it's the color I would take because I don't have any blue in my collection, I think the next Hight Trail model that Traxxas will release in Trx4M will be the 1979 Blazer or Bronco and then the Ford F150 .
Thank you very much and greetings.
I got the red for my son and the black for me... Absolutely love them!
Wow Adam! Those trucks look awesome! I may have to break down and buy a Traxxas afterall. Thanks for another great video, I appreciate the effort and time involved! Take care man!!
you made beautiful images.
you can see so well what a beautiful and fun car it is.
I also hope to be able to buy one soon in the Netherlands.
they hit the store here October 15th.
Looks interesting but I've already sunk way too much into my trx-4m bronco...plus I have the 10th scale high trail
I got the red one, definitely needs weight down below, a little wider wouldn't hurt also. All in all its a pretty good truck. Awesome video Adam 👍😁
Very thank you I've been looking forward to this video and I'm impressed
Got one this weekend. First impression is it tips a lot more than the bronco trx4m but the height/tire size help it in some ways. I thought it would be better than the bronco but it’s pretty evenly matched (stock to stock).
I think you're assessment is spot on
Love the videos, i have a question though, since i havent bought one, what would i need to run the defender body aside from the body itself and the bumpers.
Dose the high trail ues plastic extensions for the body to mount, or is it a longer metal rail on the car itself?
And another thing, i see a trx4m 2 speed tranny online, but no reviews, possibly could help a lot of people out with a review 😉
Thanks, keep up the awesome videos
They should of put the portals on it but it still has the slightly bent axles and still has the binding issue when turned all the way
This'll be a really fun one with some mods. I over-did my Bronco, so I'll try to do a little less with this one. Probably not go brushless and just add a little weight here and there.
I got the blue TRX4 Chevy...now i need this mini!😄
I got the Blue one, love the lines of the Chevy! I hope they bring out the Ford next!! Love the content thanks for fueling my new hobby 😂
I would assume the F150 will be next , followed by maybe a mini sport , that would be cool. They could have just made a regular trx4m with a new body, but they actually made it a high trail , very cool.
Ohhh a mini sport would be awesome
I Had the same exact reaction as you did after testing this badboy out at my local rockgarden and streams i came in with very low expectations before filming i was like its gonna be very tippy and once i started filming and driving it around i was very surprised at its performance i had the same problem with the side hills but it did a couple of side hills preety well it did tip over a couple times as expected but it ultimately performed great imo i pit it against my fcx24 blazer with mods and it followed it through with ease it does need some weight downlow no so much for crawling but for stream crossings if u go to deep it will float up and capsize so some brass below should keep it from floating up other than that its a solid rig i love it
Tires are really good on this truck
I like it , and you got so lucky on that climb !
Nice video. Great info. I’m getting one next weekend. Looks like what I did when I lifted my Bronco but I’ve got to make this Chevy a monster truck!
Man them trucks are sweet I wish someone would make a mid 80s square body Chevy that would be perfect 🤩
beautiful chevy truck climb on the top hill, the american flag on the background just love st first sight 🦅🇺🇸!!!
How does it compare to the fms blazer? Performance wise
Im definitely getting me a red one! I really hope we get the Ranger next. Having them two side by side next to my FCX24 K5 would be so awesome! Great video as always!
Thanks! I would love a mini ranger high trail as well
Just like my trx4 when I got it. I should really wait b4 I buy my next rc
Hi. Care to summarise the differences in Bronco, Defender and this Chevrolet? In not too technical detail, but how they perform differently. Getting the first proper RC for my kids, and wondering if I chose one for them, or let them chose based on just looks looks.
I'll do my best to do this concisely: Bronco is lower and lighter and will perform the best as an actual rock crawler. The defender is heavier and more tippy due to the scale body/accessories. The K10 has a longer wheelbase but is also lifted to accommodate the big tires and lifted truck aesthetic. Despite the height, I feel like the K10 high trail performs as good as the bronco and has massive curb appeal.
That thing did awesome. I think honestly just some extra weight up front and it should do even better.
@capecrawlers will the high body fit on the defender chasis?
It will not. They’ve extended the chassis on the high trail to fit the new bodies so you’ll get fitment issues on the defender or bronco
@CapeCrawlers thank you for the reply, I thought that's what I heard . Appreciate your content I enjoy watching your builds 👍🏻
TRX6M.... I no it's coming soon..👍
A TRX6M hauler would be my sons absolute dream come true!
What was that fire music in the beginning I need to find it
Any upgrades yet? I just got one and caught up on all your other trx4m builds but am curious if they would work as well for the high trail as they did on the bronco. I’m brand new to this world but have been having a blast with it and really need some performance gains but am wondering if I should build a different car because I mainly want to do tough crawling
The only thing I’ve done is motor and crawler gears. Otherwise I’ve left it completely stock!
You would have thought Traxxas would have step it up to compete with the FCX23 but they didn't. No two speed transmission and no portal gears and slow speed modulation not on the level of the FCX24. and still the dedicated battery. Looks nice though
I got it in red but I wanted the blue but I love it gonna need so wait for it ❤
I love the blue one ❤
Great review! This is definitely a truck getting added to my fleet soon hopefully. And I think it will be the ranger or older bronco next, though I am hoping they will eventually release mini versions of all the 1/10 crawlers they have
So you can’t mount the body on the regular 4m without a body extension?
Correct. The fender wells barely line up with this setup.
@@CapeCrawlers sad news as I was hoping for more body swaps with this chassis
Are there (better) alternatives in this size?
I have the scx24 and I'd wished I've waited because both mine have required warranty work and replaced motor on another and there not even outside
Can you do upgrades on the K10’s?
Sure! I haven't done anything because I really enjoy it as is. But when I do I'll document it.
Yo, favor to ask.. what’s the weight of the hard body only compared to the Fcx K5? Thx!
I would have to weigh it for you, but it feels lighter. The material is thinner and not as dense as the FMS
What’s the difference between the normal trx4m and the trx4m high trail
hey adam
i got a trx4m and did quite some upgrades but i decided that my next upgrade is gonna be a lcg chassis so im interested in the injora kangaroo chassis but i couldnt find a vid of it so im asking if u can make one (if u do it will prob get a lot of views)
I can look into it. The appearance kinda turned me off, but I've had a bunch of people ask for a review so it may be time to do so.
it was the same for my because the design isnt that awsome but it would be a good budget chassis i though
I was really waitin on this video, good job. Would you recommend the bronco over the hightrail for rockcrawling? A side by side comparison video would be siiiick!
Greetings from Germany🇩🇪
Yes, for pure rock crawling I would recommend the bronco. Although the High trail isn't far off!
Just What i Need to decide…Bronco or K10. But i Think i gonna use it for Trails too. Best regards from germany too
Are you using a phone or computer and camera to do your videos
I use my phone. It’s an iPhone 14 pro max
Only if you grabbed the matching 1/10 scale 😂😂
Seems odd theyd do another blazer when fms already did one. Think id rather the fcx18 lc80
Check out mn 111 looks great
There’s actually 3 colors…so far. It’s available in black as well.
Hells gate!! I’m impressed!!
Can you side by side compare it to the fms k5 blazer, visually and performance
No portal axes makes pour ground clearance... a big issue.
Crazy how easy it went up the gatekeeper so much easier than the LGRP comp rig
But I do love it I got it last friday
Comes in 3 colors. Red, blue and black
love the high trail but they just roll way to easy .almost a design flaw even with mods side hilling is horrible more for kids than serious adults.love the redcat ascent dosent look as nice but oh well it performs much better great video thanks
I owned if we’ll get a TRX6M. If we do it would be awesome!😁
I noticed less torque twist and the drivetrain seems a lot smoother than my stock Bronco. The suspension is great but sometimes the truck won't flex right away. Some situations would benefit greatly with crawler gears but you loose too speed
Im so pissed i bought the bronco a week before i found out this came out. Guess now i have to buy another one
my luck after I just picked up a fcx k5 blazer
You got the better truck!!
I think Traxxas blew it with this, I really do. They should have given it portals and a 2 speed. Price it at $200 and at that mark they would be eating fms’s lunch all day long. The body is glorious though.
Would love to see a two speed!
Wow so nice
Man your red one looks good. My hobby shop’s display was like a sun faded red. Not impressed
Bummer! Yes, our red is super vibrant
Man I gotta get one! Lol
Looked good til i saw in injora sticker
Why does everybody think it a good idea to play music on a running video?
It really need inner fenders. It looks silly.
Absolutely agree
Traxxas live chat are stright rude. Bet you won't make a video talking bout that.
I’ve never tried the chat function
No Jeep 😪, Your an American Brand, Land Rover is UK, Americans buy Jeeps.
I think Axial has a stranglehold on the Jeep license. Injora has a Jeep clone body that would fit though!
Are the wheel hex the same size as the scx24
Yes. Axles are different diameter but hexes are the same size.
i'm gonna wait for the k5 tho, i don't like the shallow bed.
Waiting for them to come out with the 1979 Ford F 150
This week I will work on opening mine hopefully 🤞🤞🤞🦾Work 1st 📣Yall have a super weekend
I hope they release the Ranger next!!!!🤘🤘🤘