A top 10 favorite deck list from you would be cool. Triple blood sounds fun. I'm a f2p guy, so I only have 2-3 meta decks, but I do enjoy your content.
I was thinking about doing it, but I think it is reasonable to do it as soon as the new expansion or mini-set comes out. I am still in a process of figuring out when and how to do it though =)
The biggest buff this deck has is you can play Frozen decor in a mono blood deck. Thanks shaman tourist. You know I think these tourist cards like Pain priest all those cards designed for demon hunter. Sasquawk a shaman card but painted green. The new miniset shaman gets a card that lets U have hunter cards.Turbulus
Well, blizzard gives us a huge variability of the decks now. Before, there were less playable archetypes and now the meta is about a possibility to play all classes as all of them kind of have strong decks.
@@DaddySuplex Я конечно не претендую, но думается мне всё же, что колоде не хватает какой-то уникальной механики для большей уверенности. Чего-то вроде Моргрейна или Хелии, может быть раскопки от Всадника. А то нас ведь тоже может откронтролить какой-нибудь Рено Друид или Рено Воин, Чума ДК или Контроль Прист со своим воровством и генерацией ресурсов :)
The video portrays 30 games, with the stats of 19-11 on high legend. The stats will be much higher on lower ranks as people make much more mistakes there. You talk about BBU archetype, which is different. You can win or lose against any deck at specific points, but what important is that it works in the long run.
A top 10 favorite deck list from you would be cool. Triple blood sounds fun. I'm a f2p guy, so I only have 2-3 meta decks, but I do enjoy your content.
I was thinking about doing it, but I think it is reasonable to do it as soon as the new expansion or mini-set comes out. I am still in a process of figuring out when and how to do it though =)
The biggest buff this deck has is you can play Frozen decor in a mono blood deck. Thanks shaman tourist. You know I think these tourist cards like Pain priest all those cards designed for demon hunter.
Sasquawk a shaman card but painted green. The new miniset shaman gets a card that lets U have hunter cards.Turbulus
Well, blizzard gives us a huge variability of the decks now. Before, there were less playable archetypes and now the meta is about a possibility to play all classes as all of them kind of have strong decks.
А план на победу какой у этой колоды? Чем выигрывать мы собрались? Иной раз возможности всё откронтролить ведь недостаточно ...
Razzle-Dazzler, minions on the board, Cheese, Primus, Yogg, weapons discovered, etc.
@@DaddySuplex Я конечно не претендую, но думается мне всё же, что колоде не хватает какой-то уникальной механики для большей уверенности. Чего-то вроде Моргрейна или Хелии, может быть раскопки от Всадника. А то нас ведь тоже может откронтролить какой-нибудь Рено Друид или Рено Воин, Чума ДК или Контроль Прист со своим воровством и генерацией ресурсов :)
The video portrays 30 games, with the stats of 19-11 on high legend. The stats will be much higher on lower ranks as people make much more mistakes there. You talk about BBU archetype, which is different. You can win or lose against any deck at specific points, but what important is that it works in the long run.