I am a frequent floater like you and sail solo 90% of the time. While I generally do B2B and acclimate to the motion and don’t need anything, I have found ReliefBand and the knock-off Emeterm version SO very effective at turning off nausea. It’s similar to your wrist bands except it electrically stimulates that spot. FDA approved effective. Highly recommend for those times the motion catches up with you!
I am a frequent floater like you and sail solo 90% of the time. While I generally do B2B and acclimate to the motion and don’t need anything, I have found ReliefBand and the knock-off Emeterm version SO very effective at turning off nausea. It’s similar to your wrist bands except it electrically stimulates that spot. FDA approved effective. Highly recommend for those times the motion catches up with you!
What slots were u playing when u won?!