Lets talk about the biggest problem with MHUI, the developers (Rant)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.ค. 2024
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @Tokoza
    @Tokoza  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

    I forgot to address this point, but I would advise everyone to stop spending any money on this game. There's no point if cheaters can get away with it and outperform any efforts/income you put into the game. The developers don't deserve anything from us until we see proper action from them.

    • @K1ngG1no
      @K1ngG1no 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      been playing since the global launch never spent a single penny and i never will unless they actually start communicating with the community and add features and modes that give longevity to the game

    • @SunnyScout17
      @SunnyScout17 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      A lot of Kazoku that do spend (the club is NOT all spenders btw...) are trying to do chargebacks at this point due to how much time, effort, and money we put into the game to score high. What's the point when they let cheaters win?

    • @gamerbeast3616
      @gamerbeast3616 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      cant tell what pepole can do with their money

    • @prettyboyjontv
      @prettyboyjontv 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I agree it’s like every time I come to this list I see all these cheaters players on top and I’m like “what is going on” and why don’t they a not do anything about it? but it has to stop

  • @DRC3_YT
    @DRC3_YT 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    I feel all of this! Agreed! Too bad the devs literally have never once reached out to the content creators or community! I personally don't care if they reach out to me, but it would be nice if they talked to ANYONE or listened to ANYONE from the global side of the community.

  • @SunnyScout17
    @SunnyScout17 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

    It's disgusting that they didn't care at all to take out the cheaters. The cheaters are all over Arena right now and then you see right here. I even messaged them during the Festival on Twitter, pointing out that Ryo is the top actual player and looks like they didn't give a damn.

    • @Tokoza
      @Tokoza  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      It's so sad to see, but I'm very happy hearing you've been reaching out multiple times. We all keep it up, and they'll have to respond.

    • @nottibzu6945
      @nottibzu6945 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Tokozahey I hope u see this I got a question. Finished the arena season with top 3 and I thought u were supposed to get 260 gems or something like that but it’s been 3 days and we haven’t gotten our rewards

  • @HydrosImpact
    @HydrosImpact 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    They used to actually take out cheaters from Arena before Club Fest was added. Even if they spoofed damage to the servers to make it seem legit to the servers, the fact their Points, their BP, their Account Levels, all of it doesn't add up or make sense for them to be that high. Esp when the biggest of whales are JP players and even they cant legitimately get those kind of points. JP players don't really have this issue, the apps are still separate but the security and etc is all the same. But thing for Japan is iOS is more popular which is harder to do mods for generally.
    Also, we should be upset about this. But we should be respectful when sending in support forms cause otherwise the effort is meaningless. One problem that gets faced too is Global isn't seen the same as the JP version. Even though they are 1:1 no difference, JP players are always taken more serious than Global unfortunately. Doesn't mean we shouldn't try with sending in support forms in regards to the hacking/modding on Club Fest and Arena.

    • @SunnyScout17
      @SunnyScout17 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Hiro-san on JP (he's the #1 JP individual player) has made a post as well and is trying to reach out to the devs as well... so hopefully that helps.

  • @AnimalDelos
    @AnimalDelos 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Well said, Tokoza. All of us in UltraL have sent in support forms. I know I might not be as big a spender as some of my clubmates or some of those in Kazoku, but I've spent a not so insignificant amount of money on this game... especially when it comes to my fave chara who has a LOT of units...
    But if this isn't resolved... I think I'm done spending. Like, I don't care about the 200 gems at this point, that's like a $5 pack... but it's the principal... those of us who whale on games do so because we love the property/game, but in games with PVP/score/ranking elements because we like to 'flex'... it gives us dopamine... and how can we do that if hackers and cheaters are just going to be the only ones showed off? Like what's next CF gonna be? top 100 all hackers, top 30 clubs all 1/30 member clubs with 500 bajillion points? It's grossly pathetic... and to quote Joey Swoll at the devs "You need to do better."

  • @charlottie4u
    @charlottie4u 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    As a f2p, this angers me because I put in at least 30+ hours into club fest because I want the better rewards, and the 100 gems I lost for my individual ranking honestly means alot to me. This is the only gacha game I actually play, too, not to mention its one of my favorite animes, so it's hard to quit something I've played for a good year consistently and put lots of my efforts into. I thought I'd at least place 90-30 once the hackers were banned, but I ended up getting #101 instead. Im also a hardcore player, so seeing them do nothing about our problems we send them is js kinda sad.
    I thought they'd be the bigger people and ban them but I guess not, I dont believe they even took a glance at the leaderboards at all before they finalized them because if they did, they would've put two and two together to realize how unrealistic the top scores are compared to actual good players that put their time and efforts into the game. I'd probably still keep on playing, but if something like this happens again, I might have to move to other games. Again, really sad to see such carelessness from bandai. I hope they can do something about this in the future. 😭

  • @KazEditz
    @KazEditz 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    W tokoza

  • @Ry0zone
    @Ry0zone 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    Yeah this is an real issue for the game, it looks like the JP side is relatively squeaky clean of the hackers too on the club fest results so if feels like us globals got shafted. In my complaint I put in I made a big point that it's a massive non-incentive for spending because why spend on units if you can hack for free? The only thing stopping you at that point is your own morals. It's the most frustrating for those who scored within the top 30 or top 100 that got booted out of either respectively, as whilst it sucks I'm down at 19th, I at least got the appropriate rewards; but some have been kicked out and actually rewarded less because of this garbage. It's a massive integrity issue, and now that they've given out the rewards they've certainly got their work cut out for them if they want to try and fix this after everything. Such a shame as I think a lot of people actually enjoyed this club fest this time.

    • @SunnyScout17
      @SunnyScout17 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I even tried to point out to them on Twitter before fest was over that you and I were the top two genuine players and we can see that nothing was done with that. There's at least 19 people who got the top 30 rewards taken from them because of these hackers and I don't know how the MHUI Devs plan to resolve this. Hiro-san on JP posted his score and rank and he's 1st over there and it doesnt look like they have any hackers at all. I wonder if they didn't even bother to check global because JP was clean?

    • @Ry0zone
      @Ry0zone 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@SunnyScout17 I'd say probably so. There's no way with the leaderboard on global like it is that they looked remotely long at it at all. The hackers are extremely obvious, so it's a tell tale sign they just didn't really check it over. My best guess is an apology announcement that will have to lead to time to redo the rankings in global, then rehand out another set of the cf rewards to everyone so they are accurate to the real rankings. They can't exactly take back the previous rewards as some people have likely already spent some of them. That would be the best case scenario I think at least. It's going to be a lot of work for them though, and was very easily avoidable if they just checked slightly before? Hopefully they get to it as priority number one.

    • @SunnyScout17
      @SunnyScout17 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Ry0zone I just don't expect much from them at this point considering its been almost a week and still no comments from them.

  • @JustYuura
    @JustYuura 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The point you're talking about at about 8:30 was actually a thing. I played for a good few months when the game first released globally before taking a mulit-year break from it and you would definitely see cheaters in new VE Towers. It was by no means this bad, or the cheaters back then were simply smarter than these ones, but occasionally there were definitely some with very suspicious set ups reaching points higher than they probably should. A lot of this was also confirmed as I do remember getting bumped up in Tower rankings post ratings lock at least twice back then.
    Other than that I have nothing else to really add. Great video and points, now we can only hope our extended report campaign to have any impact on the devs at all.

  • @elonmuskrat_3172
    @elonmuskrat_3172 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You've explained this very well and i wholeheartedly agree. The fact that they got the high end rewards is frustrating. We could have gotten those rewards ourselves if they banned them before. I hope we get compensation for this, if they ever decide to do anything about it

  • @TvFilthyFank
    @TvFilthyFank 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Okay I know this has nothing to do with hackers, but I want to point out that, if you read nighteye’s climax battle data, there is not a single thing showing a healing factor, yet there is still a healing factor, and yes I know it says, behavioral patterns change, but at this point, climax battle is uneven, like oh, you can win against all for one, yeah sure, and gentle, and also best jeanist, with starter characters or general pool characters, but when it comes to nighteye, all might and re destro, you have to at least been playing for a year, and have spent at least over $50, to be able to have Lv 100 or higher Sr’s and UR’s fantasy or celebration characters, or just fully unlocked characters, but what is more of a problem is recruiting characters, the chances of getting a rare character or memory are too high, while UR and SR characters and memories are really low, now step up events are great, but you either have to spend all your time 100% VE tower and its challenges, spending all your time playing ultra arena, just to get gems, or spending money, and what if players don’t have the money to buy gems, or bundles?, welp, guess you’re spending time 100% VE tower, and playing Ultra arena until you have enough gems for one multi roll, and waiting every two to three weeks for a new event to come out, to get around 200 gems per mission set, I’m just saying that this game needs to be remodeled or just built up from scratch, because with how it’s going, and how it needs to be dealt with, this game needs a complete “overhaul”, more consistent features, and more consistent updates, because I cannot stand how pay to win is ruining this game!

  • @Shotohotodoroki
    @Shotohotodoroki 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Didn't notice this one. Thanks for bringing this to the gamers attention. This is actually sad cos the fun part is playing it and achieving it through hard work

  • @whoopsie321
    @whoopsie321 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Thank you for blasting em. Hoping we get the devs to see this and do something. So funny they say don't cheat in the club menu and they take like a week to tally the points and they still don't ban em 💀Also I have been saying it but its almost like the devs want the game to die slowly and its funny people say the game isn't dying and sure but its definitely not growing. Ima still play until the end but come on they gotta do something soon. I want nothing but the best for this game.

  • @abdoomahmud
    @abdoomahmud 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    It's sad to see it even when you're not affected (low ranking player here). I believe someone made a reddit post ranting about it too and provided some resources to report. Another one in the comments added screenshots to be added in any potential report

  • @shonsamuel28
    @shonsamuel28 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Wasn't aware of the situation, thanks for bringing it to our attention

  • @svstarfox_04
    @svstarfox_04 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    great vid tokoza, appreciate to hear the pure truth

  • @ElOmoGaming
    @ElOmoGaming 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    This is sad. I'm assuming the must be a language barrier because they never seem to reply on comment on the global version social media accounts. I also sent my report yesterday. I was planning to spend to continue summoning on the step up banner, but you're 100% right: what's the point?
    As someone who has purchased gem packs on the past, I've always given the feedback that gems are too expensive and rates too low at times. I don't plan to ask for refunds (yet), but if they keep the hackers around I won't think the game will survive. It will be either the hackers getting tired of ruining the fun for everyone, or the playerbase moving to another game that actually respects them.

  • @johnnyg4374
    @johnnyg4374 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    another problem with the game is how i keep get the app freezing every time im on ultra arena. that screw my score in club fest too, i've been having that trouble since 2 or 3 updates ago

  • @SpringyDinge89
    @SpringyDinge89 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Damn man, they literally have a week long break to review the rankings in club fest and yet they skip over the very clear cheaters. I guess that explains why they haven’t tried make any new content. What a waste.

    • @Tokoza
      @Tokoza  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Yeah it's sad too see, I'm hoping that this video and everyone reaching out makes them finally act. We deserve better

  • @user-hp8yu1yt6s
    @user-hp8yu1yt6s 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    How to increase Gem Hero?

  • @lilselig
    @lilselig 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Wait they update this game?? I thought it was only adding new characters and them changing pity for old characters to 200 😂 AND recycling the entire game over and over😂😂

  • @brettberenyi9840
    @brettberenyi9840 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Can you make a stock message for us to send to their help box, so we are all saying the same thing. Let us know if you quit making videos! If you quit, I quit!

  • @kenglostporing6001
    @kenglostporing6001 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    If see it, you'll know it's cheating. Because the score was unrealistically high when looking at the ID's BP which was very low and even scored higher than the top people in the Arena, but they gave out rewards. without any ban It looks very disappointing.

  • @Wkgaming21
    @Wkgaming21 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    People having to hack in a mobile game is just sad...ruining the fun for players who actully enjoy the game and care about it.....on a unrelated note I'm jealous of ur gold count 😂

  • @leafar72
    @leafar72 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Hey bro tokoza Im the one joining the club aha. What is your club number bro?

    • @Tokoza
      @Tokoza  13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Howdy!! 988 075 28