《靈命日糧》 - 身患絕症何去何從(第四節)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ม.ค. 2025
- 淑華被診斷了第四期癌症,經醫生的報告後,或許只得2年的壽命,但淑華不害怕死亡,因為從她第一次患癌的經歷中,她已學會了倚靠天父,也深信自己死後會回到天家。
Shuk Wah was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. According to the doctor's report, she may only have 2 years to live. But Shuk Wah was not afraid of death because from her first experience with cancer, she had learned to rely on Heavenly Father. She also firmly believed that she would return to heaven after her death.