Bye-bye Birdy! It was so emotionally draining to see a character die like that (when I played, anyway) ... very well written, if you ask me. I must warn you, now that you've officially met him, your hatred for Barney will grow rather quickly. Prepare yourselves! lmao.
18:03 At least he went out fighting 💪
18:03 Well he went down lik he would have wanted to go down and that was swinging
Hi friend, here for the support with a big like, have a nice day !!
Loved this. Great game and yet another on my list
Story on this game is so good, looking forward to the next one left a like.
Very nice my friend
Wow, that was quite the epic death scene!
Poor Nathan, that moment hits hard
18:03 Never go down without a fight!
I’ve only played the first 10 minuets of the game. It looks great!
wow this looks fun to play, might play it later after finishing current series
Bye-bye Birdy! It was so emotionally draining to see a character die like that (when I played, anyway) ... very well written, if you ask me. I must warn you, now that you've officially met him, your hatred for Barney will grow rather quickly. Prepare yourselves! lmao.
back again for poor ole Nathan.
That sucks. Kid went out there looking for something, and was suppose to be looked after other to die to zombies/mutants. Shame!
How are you liking the game?
I don't know why anybody would bother celebrating a birthday in this terrible world.