We use to say God does not repent. But due to mercy, God changes. From instant judgement in old testament to delayed judgement and granting us several chances.
It's either we had will to make choices or we were made without will at all. Without will, we would have been like robots. I believe you prefer the way you are, with the power of choice, than to have been made like a robot
We use to say God does not repent. But due to mercy, God changes. From instant judgement in old testament to delayed judgement and granting us several chances.
So, I can eat corn under the bridge without feeling shame due to Grace
If God want to be leading us, why didn't He make us like goats ? Why were we giving will to choose what we want ?
It's either we had will to make choices or we were made without will at all. Without will, we would have been like robots. I believe you prefer the way you are, with the power of choice, than to have been made like a robot
If God's knew man will fell, why didn't He fortify him before creation?
Possibly, what we are is the best dust, from which we are made, could produce. Some answers can only be provided adequately by Him