So much of what Michael so poetically describes of Esalen runs parallel to decades of my own realizations & notions of how that land breaths as it contracts & expands under ones feet, eyes & soul. The sense of transitions begins way up north as the car rolls away from the madness of the Monterey peninsulas ever expanding strangle hold on the retail scene. Ones' whole personal experience begins to turn itself inside out as the road heads down the coast to Big Sur. One has an hour filled to the brim with eyes filling with gorgeousness. The open sea, the vistas onto coastal mountain ranges..then you arrive. To enter the grounds from the north , one does nearly a U-turn sharply off hwy.1 to enter Esalen. Automatically your body notes this swooping change onto a fresh path..& from there its a steep drop down to Esalen's check in gate. A beautiful vista of forest-gardens & sea immediately fills ones being.
Both Golf in the Kingdom and The Future of the Body, along with an interview with M. M. in GNOSIS (which I xeroxed - it was around 1988, my first year in gradual school in philosophy at the U. of Minnesota - Twin Cities - and gave to Prof. Jasper Hopkins, internationally recognized scholar of Nicholas of Cusa's "Dialectical Mysticism," while I was in his course on Cusa, also gave him copy of "The Crooked Golden River" chapter from GITK) have been big influences on me, prior to that I was lucky enough to study Philosophies of India in course taught by David White at Macalester, so there was some prep and great sympathies already in process... I will watch this video with great interest, thanks for posting it!
Micheal did us a favor creating Esalen Institute Wonderful to learn more
Great interview. Many thanks.
AWESOME interview with an incredible spiritual pilgrim and consciousness explorer Michael Murphy.
So much of what Michael so poetically describes of Esalen runs parallel to decades of my own realizations & notions of how that land breaths as it contracts & expands under ones feet, eyes & soul. The sense of transitions begins way up north as the car rolls away from the madness of the Monterey peninsulas ever expanding strangle hold on the retail scene. Ones' whole personal experience begins to turn itself inside out as the road heads down the coast to Big Sur. One has an hour filled to the brim with eyes filling with gorgeousness. The open sea, the vistas onto coastal mountain ranges..then you arrive. To enter the grounds from the north , one does nearly a U-turn sharply off hwy.1 to enter Esalen. Automatically your body notes this swooping change onto a fresh path..& from there its a steep drop down to Esalen's check in gate. A beautiful vista of forest-gardens & sea immediately fills ones being.
Both Golf in the Kingdom and The Future of the Body, along with an interview with M. M. in GNOSIS (which
I xeroxed - it was around 1988, my first year in gradual school in philosophy at the U. of Minnesota - Twin Cities - and gave to Prof. Jasper Hopkins, internationally recognized scholar of Nicholas of Cusa's "Dialectical Mysticism," while I was in his course on Cusa, also gave him copy of "The Crooked Golden River" chapter from GITK) have been big influences on me, prior to that I was lucky enough to study Philosophies of India in course taught by David White at Macalester, so there was some prep and great sympathies already in process...
I will watch this video with great interest, thanks for posting it!
Mk Ultra much?