Politikonan semper a priminti pero poko a wordu cumpli. Nan tur ta papia pero sanicolas lo keda mane ku e ta te ora un politiko ku bala (cual tin poko) hasi otro. Hopi jammer
To the person(s) who made the call to build an exercise park for residents and didn’t consider the idea of constructing an afdak over the exercise equipments, you are incompetent. Deterioration of objects happen at a faster rate because of the arid climate in Aruba, and individuals should be able to exercise in the shade not the freaking sun
24ORA, boso no por bula un drone riba refineria y duna nos un tour pa nos wak con e tereno ta mustra y kiko tur tin eyriba?
Politikonan semper a priminti pero poko a wordu cumpli. Nan tur ta papia pero sanicolas lo keda mane ku e ta te ora un politiko ku bala (cual tin poko) hasi otro. Hopi jammer
Blo papia papia
anto jaburibari no ta muchu mas leeuw..
Cuanto ba page speed
To the person(s) who made the call to build an exercise park for residents and didn’t consider the idea of constructing an afdak over the exercise equipments, you are incompetent. Deterioration of objects happen at a faster rate because of the arid climate in Aruba, and individuals should be able to exercise in the shade not the freaking sun
Oti Serli Mar will fix this!! Vota PPA!!
Blo kritica. Duna un idea pa mehora
Speed di con avp no juda abo ta gana cu nan 8 anja
Pesei bo tin stop di papia coy loco abo mes a gana cu avp 8 anja di con mike de meza no a hasi nada habri bo boca