there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
@@sleepyinterface8819 BINGO!! Yesterday the Big Bang, tomorrow afternoon the Big Crunch, rinse, repeat ... and humans are still fighting about "ideas" ...🤣🤣🤣🤣
The butterfly effect is when some egomaniacal primate singles out one butterfly among 28 billion buterflies, all flapping their wings at the same time in Brazil, and saying that this particular butterfly is to blame for a dust-devil in Australia 127 years, 6 months, 3 days, 12 hours 38 minutes and 12.9567831427 seconds opposed to any other butterfly which flapped it's wings in that moment in time. The Butterfly Effect is confirmation bias on the grand scale, randomly confusing cause and effect because no-one stops to ask if the flap of the butterfly's wing causes the change in the air current or if it is the change in the air current which is the reason that the butterfly chooses that precise moment to flap it's wing in a particular direction.
Unpredictability does not imply randomness. Notice that chaos theory only works where there is a pre-established set of rules, and those rules are determined by a conscious observer.
We do not know the rules. We are currently trying to figure them out by observation but it seems not everything can be observed and not everything can be observed objectively.
The “Laws of Nature” are EXCLUSIVELY the observations of humans. I believe that the entire Universe is Schrodinger’s Box; All possibilities existing simultaneously, in a state of infinite potentialities, until the very moment it’s observed. It is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the observer from an experiment.
The double split experiment and that other new one that came out recently using helium atoms proves light travels as a wave or particle until a conscious observer watches. It makes no sense I don't understand physics that well but I do know when they don't use a camera to observe the single light particle they shoot it goes through both slits creating a dissonance pattern and when it is observed it creates a single line meaning that conscious observers have an effect on the way light chooses to act. Interestingly enough it kind of confirms some of what the buddhist believe, that reality is generated from within and are thoughts, desires, and expectations have and effect on the world. That doesn't mean things we have no control over don't happen. It just means we always have the choice to choose how we personally react to everything and what we choose to attach ourselves to and what to ignore. A lot of people's reactions are formed by their parents friends family. Monkey see monkey do. Most people don't usually take the time to sit back and wonder why they react to the world the way they do. Got carried away I'm stoned. Reality may or may not be what any of us expect. It could all just be an illusion formed by our perceptions and state of mind. I mean every animal bug plant expirence a different version of reality whose to say ours is the ultimate true one. It's all subjective which is where Einstein comes in with his theory of relativity. Food for thought
There’s more than one butterfly in the world flapping its wings. The scariest thing about the universe is that our tiny little brains are capable of taking it all in. Imagine a brain the size of the Sun. Or a galaxy. Indeed, the entire universe could be one giant brain. Either way, we are all individually burdened with the weight of our own existence. Sometimes it takes getting really stoned to understand the heaviness of it all.
There's nothing heavy about it. What it comes down to is that we are different in life for love. Please read some of the realizations by such saints as Anandamayi Ma, Rabindranath Tagore or Jesus.
The drawback to that is that, even though you 'figure it all out' while hashed out to the shits, once it wears off you can't quite put your finger on it.
There was nothing “chaotic” about the chaos game at the beginning. You were following a set of rules that would obviously lead to the Sierpinski Triangle if you put some thought into it. The second game wasn’t deterministic as you were randomly removing a number, even though it was the first number, you’re still removing a random element. After watching the first two fails you lost me on this one.
Yes chaos usually flows on cycles where they form into fractals. It may have had a little quasi chaos but you can measure. The amount of chaos based on Lyapunov exponents.
3:00 your example is control disguised as chaos. You are marking in the middle of every roll. That is not chaos, that is a pattern. There is no other conceivable outcome.
It makes me sad I can't have deep conversations like this with my family because they don't understand/care about this . Can't believe I understand this stuff.🎉
I think, it is stretched a bit too far. In the triangle example, all the dots positions were pre-determined. The probability had nothing to do with them. It was only the choice of "which one first and next". Of course, after a number of repetitions you see all the pre-determined dots revealed with the pattern. You didn't need the randomness to produce that result. You might as well simply enumerate all the choices in simple order. It would be less amusing to watch, of course, but may be that is the whole point? It is not about a discovery of something new and yet unknown, but really about entertainment and amusement. What is more amusing to watch happening, that is "the discovery", I suppose.
My first thought. The triangle patterns 'appears', due to starting with 3 dots AND the 'rule' to roll the dice and move from the half way point to the next point by the rule of where to go based on what was rolled. I bet starting with more points would end up creating a very predictable pattern. That example doesn't sell it for me.
Thermodynamics and its laws are a good place to start to study chaos theory. Even though individual particles of a gas move randomly we can predict temperature, pressure, and volume. Keep in mind that the ontology of thermodynamics includes a caveat. Included in the analysis is the requirement of a quasistatic, adiabatic process. If you want a more humanistic idea of this you should read Issac Asimov and his Foundation series of books. The premise of the Foundation series relies on the “gas laws” of classical physics to sketch out the story.
I'm afraid you've got that completely wrong. I mean, what you say is correct but it's missing the point. The whole point about thermodynamics is that the tiny (or even quite large) differences don't matter, they all average out to well behaved phenomena. The point of chaos is that the tiniest differences matter massively and can lead to hugely different outcomes.
I understanding there is sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The epiphenomenon of order in the midst the thermodynamics is transitory whilst the final result is predictable. I must say that your posted video is very spot on and mostly complete, thank you for that.@@transientaardvark6231
Great food for the thinking mind. Adding new drawers to our cabinets of knowledge inside our minds. There's a lot of effort in the visuals as well; contributes to the video being of a higher standard. One room for improvement though, is to incorporate little silent voids, to process the presented information, and to prepare for what comes next. Plus, a rudimentary summary every now and then, to help each core piece of the theory to be stored, and to be stored in the right drawer.
What a nice summation of chaos theory! Love it. I believe it’s easier to envision all this when we remember that our reality is defined not in linear/causal 4D spacetime, but in the five dimensions of the quantum wavefunction.
Smart but agree there is no 'the' 5 Dimensions friend, fractal dimensions would surely go on toward infinity or to a return point possibly, until it all collapses back to fold into one
The quantum wavefunction is calculated in what Hawking called “imaginary time, at right angles to spacetime”. Everett said his Many Worlds exist within “a subspace orthogonal to spacetime”. Kip Thorne describes the “multiple branching 4D world tubes bending in the warped geometries of the tesseract” that a hypothetical 5D observer would see. The additional degree of freedom afforded by the fifth dimension allows for the probabilistic forms of chaos and causality that Schrödinger was envisioning when he said “I insist upon the view that all is waves”.
They are powerful theories. I don't feel the 5th dimension would 'see' the other dimensions unless it had a method of analysis, like we try to understand the quantum level, but it may be a realm experiencing more freedom. I agree with the warping within a tesseract but my knowledge of geometry and division denotes no end to the dimensions... Like 11th is highest... How exactly? Anyway we belong to a race that utilises nuclear energy for warfare so we don't deserve to know the 'secrets' of the Universe. We can't even be civil to each other.
"irregularity is a charecteristic property" isn't irregularity a measure of the complexity of an "algebraic surface" while charecteristic property refer to identification and classification system, particularly substances. my mind is blown btw, thanks OP! great work!
When people use quotation marks, it is imperative that what is between the marks is exact. Otherwise you could be accused of twisting a person's words or trying to manipulate the audience with lies.
This video is perhaps adequate at describing a layman's superficial understanding of the subject matter, but never really explains what the "terrifying theory scientists don't want to talk about" is, or why it is "terrifying". This is pretty much click bait drivel as far as I can tell, but with a quite a bit of effort put into it, so slightly better than most click bait drivel. I clicked it, so it worked.
Yes, you clicked it and it worked, but only because of the clickbait title, right? And you stayed because of the clickbaity language ("but trust me, it's way more serious than you think"... conspiracy, anyone?). And if there's so much effort in it, why does it start right away with the mistake of presenting the butterfly effect as a "probabilistic mode" when in fact it's an example for deterministic (i.e., *not* probabilistic!) chaos?
"Good job", "well done", "physicist", "have studied". Heard all that before. Déjà vu. Same questions to you too, therefore: Please do explain how the formulas and figures shown at 14:29 in the video clarify the narrative ("deterministic equations such as Newtons laws of motion do not always result in a deterministic universe"). In special, I would like to hear from you how the term in brackets, i.e. (t/T - x/λ), is derived in the formula at the top of the screen, center between left and right. As you can see, this term is being multiplied with E_k. How does it influence the result (i.e. the right side of the equation, 1/2 mv^2)? Also, please explain the role of the Δ symbol that occurs twice in the formula at the upper left of screen, and tell us how the large U-shaped object that's depicted middle right fits into the big picture. You've studied physics, so it should be an easy task for you.
This video really sets my mind at ease. Recently, I thought I have been losing mind but it's just that silly old synchronous events arising amidst a sea of randomess and me getting the privilege of watching it unfold before me.... Uh.... Thing.... 😬😬 Some schizophrenic people aren't schizophrenic. They are wired for a type of pattern finding that isn't very understandable for the average person and some of the smaller, simpler patterns that arise in the deterministic lens we usually see life through go right over their head, so to say, so of course their language sounds all mix and matched. They are thinking about really, really, big things and don't have time to break the train of thought and step back down into "normal" reality for whomever they are talking too. Unfortunately, this process gives rise to very, very vivid recurrences of memories and mixed ideals that manifest as audio hallucinations due to neural feedback loops with an amplifying or postive output so their neural "volume" is very high as dopaminergic imbalances start to cascade into chaotic patterns that they desperately try to get a hold of. If we could just learn to communicate with them better without drugging them, we could "lead" them back from psychosis whenever they get there. I walk between both lines of thought freely. Probabilistic and deterministic and am now at this point in my life rapidly developing an intuitive understanding of when and how to switch between the two given certain contexts. The cure to psychosis is not being afraid of subjective thought. We as the modern West fear subjective thought so much though.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah it's called the observer effect. Schrödinger's cat and all that. None of this is new. Einstein ushered in the quantum physical age. He famously said "God does not play dice" believing in a static universe and an unsplittable atom. Then they split the atom and Hubble laid bare the redshift in galaxies moving apart at various rates "The Hubble Constant". Einstein relented, god does indeed play dice. Probablism and determinism coexist in a Newtonian and Einsteinian universe. Shocking new science c. 1915.
3:20 Just because it's a random starting point, doesn't mean the system itself is random. There are inherent constraints due to the rules (pick the point that is halfway between the current point and one of three static points). Once the second point is selected, every other point is literally relative to (and constrained by) A, B, and C anchor points.
Wow but you have to be a really good drawer to make those lines so perfect like that. It's only works if you're a really good drawer or with a computer that does it for you.
Go see if you got a ruler you can measure it out and make sure the dots are the same distance apart and use the ruler as a straight edge to to make them straight I guess you could do with that way.
Plus, the scheme in which you play the chaos game is what makes the pattern: it's a wave function. Change the function and you get a different pattern.
4:16 the explanation is wrong, b/c computers usually cannot store decimal floating-point numbers *at all* . Instead, they use *binary* floating-point numbers, with digits after the point representing 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and so forth. A "double" is usually implemented as 64-bit IEEE binary floating-point number. This binary representation is completely deterministic, however b/c the format cannot precisely "store" the decimal digits specified after the decimal point, it's only an approximation (compare 1/2 vs 1/3, for instance -- try to write them down as binary floating-point as an exercise).
So with the fish... it's true that they will never all be in the exact same position with the exact same trajectory, inertia, momentum etc... BUT ONLY because of the limiter of time. Should the fish live forever and not age, they will 100% replicate the exact same situation infinite times. I'm not sure what the significance of this is but it's fun to consider.
The flap of the butterfly "can" cause a tornado half a globe away IF that flap, the "wind" of that flap was in some very improbable manner reinforced with other winds caused by other things, and if that flap was the initial snowflake in the big snowball which would be the eventual tornado at the end. BUT, that is very unlikely to happen.
Just because a butterfly flapping its wings has consequences around the world in a way that’s so complex we could never trace the cause->effect throughline, doesn’t mean it’s random or probablistic at all. Everything (in this regime) is still deterministic, but absurdly complex. True probabilistic behavior is something like radioactive decay, though since we don’t fully understand quantum physics at a conceptual level, it’s possible even this type occurrence has an as-yet unseen cause. You could sum up the current state of physics by saying we have two understandings of reality: one deterministic (relativity) and one probabilistic (QM). They cannot both be true, yet it appears to us that they are.
I could learn from this but every time I start following what’s being said a stupid advertisement add interrupts the program causing me to lose track . Wounder what all these laws say about those pictures that prove time travel is possible ? What kind of physics would that be ? It’s something that may never be figured out!
Where do we get any randomness? The only thing I can think of is the decay of a neutron into a proton. What happens is well described, but why it happens is not. It seems spontaneous and random. Ultimately, it is an up quark turning into a down quark.
Its because its a holograph universe, we are never allowed to go faster then the speed of load of the holograph=speed of light, we are not allowed to know why everything is posible but some things have less chance of happining, like crashing a car into a tree has a 99.9 % of more chance then uncrashing a car from a tree and the car undenting itself, this is posible but the chance of it happining is only a 00.1% and the chance of that low is that it wont happen in the whole life of the universe, the why is what makes it interesting, in the real reality out of this fake holographic life we built this game because the real reality is so boring with no changes,no caos,no death,no adrenaline, and we needed something that would make us feel fear,worry,love,etc. inmortalidad is more boring then we can remember, so we builted this holografic universe and started to play one life after another and here we are, of course you cant feel any emotions or it wont be fun if you remember that its a game right? So when we are in here playing we have no memory or its hard to access, to make it "fun" with emotions,just look at the ones in the lider places, if there was a real price to pay like hell when we die do you think they would go around starting wars,killing,etc., they know much more then we, one last thing to notice is the NPC los humanos sin alma o de relleno, estan por todas partes,familia,amigos,conocidos, estos su rostro se repite multiples veces por la poco varedad para la simulacion para elegir caracters, ellos los reconoces porque viven una vida sin cambios, no les importa nada, hasta parece que no sienten, solo trabajo-casa, no saben ni lo basico de como funciona la electricidad,technologia,etc., y cuando les explicas como te dicen sabelotodo o simplemente no te entienden,
Negative feedback loops usually provide stability. Positive feedback loops lead to destruction and chaos. However, the positive feedback loops are useful too when they are controlled. I wonder if the nature ever does it. In technology we use positive feedback loops in all kind of radios and signal generators (a resonance is a case of positive feedback) and in nuclear reactors, when a chain reaction is moderated. BTW, predator-pray loops used to be very stable until external environmental factors broke the stable conditions. Yes, it's another way of saying we broke it. However, even broken, destabilized systems can get back to equilibrium over time.
An interesting observation about the chaos game: Due to the nature of the ruleset you immediately limit the area in which dots can be placed, removing a ton of potential randomness from the get-go. Id say in this case specifically its not too surprising if you end up with something orderly.
F = MA is also based from working from a biosphere with a consistent gravity and air resistant speed reduction. Move into another area where the biosphere's gravity is different, or the "resistance" of the atmosphere changes. The outcome will change too. So F = MA is based on a stable earth biosphere. It needs a variable to acknowledge the difference between biospheres. For example, Mars, gravity and atmosphere resistances are different. As are Gaia's moons...
Probability breaks down at a certain point and determinism takes over as an event unfolds. Even if that transfer is only at a Planck distance in a Planck time away from the culmination of the event. Until then, some level of uncertainty still exists.
@@karlschmied6218 I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm referring to a real life event, such as picking up my phone. I'm not referring to a theoretical event or any math involved in the quantum mechanical realm. Real life doesn't rely on quantum mechanics, which is only our perception that we desire to measure and comprehend. In real life, uncertainties exist in the probability field only up to the moment that I have actually picked up my phone. At that point, the probability field collapses and the uncertainty pertaining to the completion of that specific event ceases to exist. Other uncertainties still exist relating to a wide array of other possibilities, but it's not going to be the same uncertainty.
I especially like the way this video explains facts we know which within the first minute or 2 led me to realize that a fractal can be used to extrapolate an unknown barrier or zone and some of its limitations because a fractal will yield a shape or geometry to deduce the disturbance of the constant before and after the zone of uncertainty - based on the rate of fractalization scalar from known zone to unknown zone in function and in ratio thereby deducing the geometry (such as past a black hole or other side of one or a singularity or white hole quantum singularity )
You made a mistake in the segment "Can you predict the future of our number?" It's totally predictable and there's no chaos about it. According to what was shown, multiplying by 10 and removing the integer portion, it creates a simple series: 0.123267203462345822542, 0.23267203462345822542, 0.3267203462345822542, ..., 0.542, 0.42, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0. etc. I can predict that millionth iteration is still 0.0.
That's exactly what i thought, keep multiply by 10, and remove the 1st number (ahead of the decimal point), and you hit zero pretty quickly. And after that it will always remain zero. How could this producer get this so wrong? Is this really 100% AI generated? If so, more fools will be created!
I now understand why a single dice is called a die. The thinking dead realm does "play dice." It's hissing gulping puffball is chaotic because you have no idea when it will kill you or when it will stop you from revealing it killed you. It is then you realize the uncertainty principle means, ultimately, what is symmetry. Well, the flashing complementary realm is not symmetrical because there is no conservation. The synthetics from the dead realm who quantum tunnel through lie they're real. So, the difference between a real fractal and an electric one is the real one doesn't want to kill you or use you as a battery. In this video they clearly squash the real fractals and electric fractals into one realm. They "renormalize." So, what the scientists are scared of, or should be, is that they've called zero pt mass and mass zero pt. The thinking part of the mass is what threw them because it is able to make light speed seem instantaneous through an energy exchange. That is the true illusion the real "illuminati" wants to bring to our understanding. Their conclusions are twisted. IOW, this should be that and that should be this.
I had the Butterfly wings principle been thought in a different way..... The loose nail of a horse shoe can cause the loss of a war and the loss of a kingdom...
We need to go back to r² and the three-dimensional physics of the Inverse Square Law. The spherical 4πr² geometry is key to this concept, based on Huygens' Principle from 1670, which states, "Every point on a wave front of light has the potential to create a new spherical 4πr² light wave." Each point on the curvature of the wave front can be considered a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction exchanging potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons. We experienced this as a continuously emerging probabilistic future 'time' with the spherical 4πr² surface acting as a boundary condition or manifold for the uncertainty ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π encountered in daily life.
In the Chaos Game 3 dot - the rule to get the (red, normal orientation) Sierpinski triangles is as stated - but what if you wanted to plot the white (inverted) triangles instead? What ruleset would plot those? Hmmmmm.....
Same rules. You just start from some point, that is white. For example in the middle area of the triangle. The rule just maps the "current point" of the whole triangle to a corresponding point in one of the ½ size triangles in each corners of the big triangle. With same color. And then you map that point and the next one etc. Randomness just decides the drawing order of the points.
But chaos is/can be 'ordered' by various governing circumstances too. Even the landslide initiated by the one seemingly random grain of sand (using this videos own illustration) is contained ,and it's movement governed/guided by a sluice or valley or gorge ,and the landslide terminates in a fanning out design when it reaches the pinch point of concrete buttresses at the end, and has lost the majority of it's initial momentum due to the leveling off of the steepness of the grade. Or as also mentioned, you could say the observer is unable to predict the position of a particle in space in spite of having some understanding of it's typical behavior with relationship to other particles in it's proximity, and rate of movement (excitation level), it's positive or negative charge etc. But if there is an understanding of the bounds/boundaries within which it exists (assuming they are not infinite/non existent or non quantifiable) then you actually could predict + or - to within X number of degrees of any particular boundary or point within the bounded area, where the particle would be located, even if your prediction lacked a satisfying degree of exactitude. And also as mentioned, repeating/recurring patterns ( the mentioned Mandelbrot effect) for the particles behavior would emerge over time allowing an understanding of the particles likely location if this/these patterns could be mapped on a sophisticated enough computer, again + or - to within x number of degrees of probability. It's the infinite number of variables that trip us up with regard to predictive outcomes that comes from the limitations of our computational powers and lack of information about all the factors in an eqution that are unknown/unknowable to us. I am glad of these 'unknowables'.. It is the magic dust of the universe.
I wonder, would you get the same result, with the triangles, if done by hand? Or, what if you had a computer with the ability to process things outside the standard defined variables? Love the video.
Could you guarantee the exact same hand motions every time at every level? Chaos(or unpredictability) does not exist as absolute, but as relative. What seems like chaos are things that we dont understand enough to fully see the path from cause to effect. Our minds are limited, not infinite. So our understanding of anything will always be limited and their always be some chaos to it(relative to our limited understanding). However, to a being that infinite understanding(which could only be God, who is infinite) then there wouldnt be any chaos from His perspective because he would have infinity perspective and infinite understanding. The point is, some things seem uncertain to us, but thats because of our comprehension and awareness limitations, not because of the nature of the phenomena itself.
For free will to exist, an I believe it does, on some level anyway, the system has to exist as a set of probable outcomes, that only become defined as now moves forward. It would still chaos, just contained within specific bounds. I think we see things in much the same way, just providing my interpretation. @@jonathanspivey437
@@jonathanspivey437 I think free will is chaos, but god has computing power to allow for choice (sometimes) that exists within a set of outcomes that are acceptable.
@3:42 I copied the number into an Excel spreadsheet. Due to limitations of precision in Excel, I could only enter 0.123267203462345 but, nevertheless, the flaw in your algorithm is demonstrated by Excel. The cell A2=A1*10-(TRUNC(A1*10)) is copied and recursed for 50 or so cells which eventually returns a diminishing value until zero. The only way this flaw does not manifest is if the original (true) random number has infinite number for digits.
Even E.T. said on several occasions that we do not understand what we are capable of doing, which is partly why they too live here on our planet with us. As some want to see our ascension up to the next level. Admittedly we have lots of faults as with many of the species that are tens of thousands of years ahead of us. Which I now hope will put things into perspective. Thank you for reading, and have a good night.
The Others have their faults, too, It is not quite THEY: golden and enlightened vs US: stupid and naval gazing (though yes). Weird things have happened. Some people are exploiting THEM. What we think as a "UFO" is sometimes an entire BODY that changes; sometimes it is a copy of a body or a vessel and such. There's so much to learn, it is like drinking from a hose
COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES The greatest detective story of all time! Who were the Anunnaki? Where was sun was born? Where did the light come from to create all coal, oil and limestone layers up to 12,500-feet thick. It could no come from the sun at Earth had a thick CO2 atmosphere. Earth is very unique indeed. Our solar system was born in Orion. After we left Orion Earth froze up for a billion or so years because space is cold and the sun didn’t burn as hot back then. At that time early Earth had one ocean and one continent with a 1000 PSI carbon dioxide atmosphere much like Venus has today. With such a thick 3000-mile deep atmosphere you wouldn’t see the sun. Our solar system was captured by Sirius A and B about 850-million years ago. Sirius B is the size of Earth but has 1.5 solar masses. It was the light from those objects that created all the coal, oil and limestone on Earth, not the Sun. The sun could not get through a 3000-mile-deep atmosphere. Alll that carbon dioxideis underground now in the form of coal, oil and limestone layers up to 12,500-feet thick. Sirius B is the size of Earth puts out more than 100 times the light of our sun in the UV spectrum. Sirius B is in a fifty-year elliptical orbit around the two-solar-mass Sirius A of 8 to 12 astronomical units. At 8 AU it could feed off Sirius A and put out more than 1000 times the light of our sun. One teaspoonful of Sirius B would weigh more than a city bus on Earth. The Anunnaki’s home planet is in the Sirius system. You need ORME gold, the white powder gold mentioned in Exodus to spray in your atmosphere to shield it from the harsh UV light of Sirius B. The Nephilim came to Earth 400,000 years ago to mine gold. They tried to get it out of seawater but that wasn’t enough for their needs so they moved to South Africa. They imported a race of smaller workers called Igigi to dig underground because the Nephilim are tall. Some are twenty-feet tall making it impractical for them to go underground due to cave-ins. Enlil was a hard taskmaster who worked many of the Igigi to death. His brother Enki was more kind causing friction between himself and his brother. Enlil starved 15,000 Igigi to death. Eventually they rebelled and sought refuge away from the mines. The Anunnaki/Nephilim needed workers to continue mining gold so they did genetic experiments using some of their own DNA. After many tries they created a subservient creature they called Adam. They needed a genetically compatible mate so they took part of Adam’s rib to clone Eve. Problems developed when humans became aware that the large beings were not gods but slave masters. Nakosh, on of the reptilian aliens raped Eve and she became aware of the knowledge of good and evil. She convinced Adam to get the Hell out of Eden. It was for their own safety that they departed Eden. The newly created humans were capable of mating with the other indigenous races living on the planet. The Nephilim or Elohim kept the knowledge of the white-powder-gold from the humans to limit their age to 120 years so they wouldn’t overpopulate the planet. Other problems arose when the Nephilim looked upon the fair human females and decided to mate with them creating the races of giants the heroes of old, the men of renown. Something had to be done. Once the Nephilim had enough gold they burned it into the white powder to take if off planet. It weighs nothing in that state and when heated it weighs less than nothing. Our Sun was leaving the vicinity of the Sirius at that time. The Anunnaki had to leave Earth and ship thei ORME gold to Niberu. The remaining eight Elohim on Earth started squabbling among them. They decided to separate each taking their human slaves to different parts of the Earth. One went to China, another to Tibet. Quetzalcóatl - god of winds and rain and the creator of humanity took his slaves and built pyramids in Central America. Huitzilopochtli - the supreme god of the Sun and war built pyramids and cities in the Amazon and roads connecting South America with Central America. A gigantic 239-meter high Chinese Pyramid in a Gigantic Forgotten Walled City of Shimao is located in the northern part of the Loess Plateau, bordering the Ordos Desert. Shimao is often referred to as “The Chinese Pyramid of Civilization,” because it is the largest late-Neolithic archaeological site in China. Dated to around 2000 BC. This Chinese pyramid structure was the base for a grand palace that sat on the flat top of the pyramid. This gigantic palace at the top of the pyramid was the size of 10 football fields or 861,112 square feet (80,000 square meters). It overlooked a walled city, which was 50 times bigger than the palace area. Recently, a garden pool where crocodiles were kept. Thoth built the Great Pyramid in Egypt. He wrote the 48 books of Thoth and the Tablet and taught the Greeks mathematics and healing. YHWH the un-pronounceable name of Moses God was responsible for monotheism of Christians and Jewish religion. He instructed Moses to take three million Hebrews slaves out of Egypt. They camped out in the wilderness for 40-years to kill off all the old religions. Moses fed the children the priest bread to purify their DNA. YHWH was an outcast and could not go to the Promised Land until the other Anunnaki/Elohim departed. He was a giant bird-like creature with a beak. Enlil decided to bring the Moon into orbit around Earth. To move it one simply started up the huge pumps moving the ocean inside off center of mass in the direction they wanted to go. Enlil realized that the resulting impact would cause world-wide floods and he only wanted to save most of the flora and fauna. Enki was forbidden to tell his son, Noah about the impending flood. Instead he drew plans for an Ark and a letter to Noah explaining the situation. Noah was a giant half man half Anunnaki/Elohim/Nephilim. The rest is history. It was little Sirius B that created most all the coal, oil and limestone on Earth, not the sun. When you are driving your car down the road or heating your house with electricity generated by a coal generating plant you are recycling stellar energy that did not come from the Sun! Humanity has been worshiping the wrong sun god for the last 4000 years. The ancient Egyptians knew we were in orbit around Sirius and based their New Year when Sirius becomes visible on the horizon. Book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES can be found on: or: and book stores around the world in China, Japan, Indonesia and Europe. 1000-foot tall pyramid in China.
Honestly this is a very informative video not only on the scientific side of things but in life like actual life ….I am a stock trader and the fractals part is spot on 😊
I was a little put off by his example of the stock market. He said, and I am paraphrasing, when a stock price changes, it causes people to buy or sell. Uh, the stock price changes BECAUSE people buy or sell. It's a market, stock prices don't change on their own. (although it may seem that way based on all of the shenanigans that go on in the background).
It's hypothetical, but also - not. You can't really prove it, I guess, but, since everything is "connected", you could say that the butterfly that caused a minor perturbation in the air, which then became (part of) a soft breeze, then, due to it colliding with some other breeze it creates a gust of wind. This gust of wind essentially becomes just wind, winds goes up when it eventually warms up, or goes down if it's cold, then there are pressure differences in the air or something, and you get a tornado, or even a hurricane. So basically, you could say that if that butterfly hadn't flapped its wing at that exact place, the tornado would never have formed.
You could also say that birds and planes also contribute to everything that has to do with air. Even you and I displace air with every movement we make. Ever noticed your breath in the cold? It's pretty curious how much our breath must expand every time we exhale.
It's a nice thought experiment. But in such complex systems with such a waste of variables you can't prove such claims. A scientific prove needs to be repeatable. How would you repeat such a situation. One with the butterfly and the other without it?
@@kpunkt.klaviermusik Such things are difficult to measure, I'm not even sure of what exactly you would have to measure in that scenario, the variables are very diverse, I assume. But that's the main key, knowing what to measure exactly, and how to do it. That's the only way to make sense of all the chaos. To order it. It's a paradox, though, since the chaos, in order to be measured, would have to be ordered first. Ordered in the sense that you understand why one event goes before or after another. Eventually, you would be able to tell the future. No more chaos... Haha. I suspect that this is as far as humans will go as to understanding the universe. Yes, we have hypothesis about the shape of the universe (geodic manifold) and if you couple that with the recent talk about "time crystals", it's exciting to think about the conclusion: the universe begins at the same time that it ends. A feedback loop. I'm just a layman, so my way of explaining all of this is very convoluted, but even the experts lose their minds about this topic, I think, haha.
@@kpunkt.klaviermusik An example of such measurable structures are fractals. What I meant with my comment about the shape of the universe is that it could be fractal in nature, but this is more of a philosophical point of view, since I can't really give you a reasoning, indeed. I do like the many worlds perspective on this matter, as well.
Because of chaos, determinism can have anomalies arise because of the indeterminate consequences that may unfold. Determinism is still at the whim of probability.
And everyone ignores the will. Life is in many ways what you make it. There are no limits if you understand the people around you and what moves them. But this is not the average human. Some were born to change the world.
I read James Gleick's book over a decade ago. Brilliant. I've always excelled in mathematics, and there are dimensions within geometry we have yet to understand. My interests shifted toward quantum mechanics afterword. There's a multidimensional universe all around us. Up until recently, all we've been able to see and measure - from our limited 3D perspective - is the little shining spheres all around us. We haven't even figured out gravity yet. You can't create gravity without understanding levity. Excellent commentary!
The emerging image of the Sierpinski Triangle reminds me of the double-slit experiment where a single photon is fired through the slits one at a time to create a pattern of light and dark bands.
Financial markets can also be explained by chaos theory because small changes, like news events or decisions, can cause big and unpredictable swings in prices. While we can spot patterns or trends in the market, it’s very difficult to make exact long-term predictions because the system is so complex and sensitive to little changes.
Exciting visual stimuli coupled with vocal delivery suggesting a tense suspense yarn almost make me fail to notice extremely poor logical continuity and flow. After seven minutes plus I've little idea what it's about. I think it's cotton candy crap, electronic monosodium glutamate, possibly composed by nonhuman. Kindly refund my wasted time
19:10 "Perfect predictability is probably an illusion." 🤔 I think this says more about the inadequacy of our mathematical system than the assumed lack of order in the Universe. "As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe, so the soul." [Hermetic philosophy]
This little tour of several branches of physics, in a well-written but roundabout way, reveals nothing a physics student at university doesn’t know. It’s fun to watch because of the fancy visuals (well done). In the end though that’s all it is - a surface level survey of many branches of physics, mathematics, game theory, chaos/complexity. You’d probably affect more people in a positive way if you bit off a smaller chunk of science and do a deeper dive (like Veritaseum). And the title is TOTAL CLICKBAIT, knock that off!
Chaos is small changes in initial conditions yield to larger changes later on…. However calculus measures the smoothness of a system the other side of that coin would be like the roughness of the system ie the fractality… in a chaotic system there are always patterns proven within in it… You see the physics still applies but we don’t have a hope in capturing every location and vector of an atom in a system. If could calculate we would have amazingly accurate forecasts… But calculating every atoms interactions in a storm would be mind boggling but we know the patter is quite real when a funnel cloud forms or it starts to rain.
While using F=ma to illustrate the predictability of Newtonian physics, most people totally ignore (i.e. assume the model is 100% accurate) that we cannot know, deterministically, with 0% error, any of the values. There is always measurement error -- and when we hide it behind assumptions, we can only fool ourselves. This also touches on the concepts of Schrodinger's cat thought experiment. Now, consider the entire known universe to be the cat (quantum superposition). Can we know the state of the cat/universe without opening the box? How many states can the cat/universe have?
& will each observing party get a different set of measurements, as is implied, at least to my understanding, when one considers that reality is malleable & mutable to each particular hyphe-dimensional slice of perspectives, a.k.a. reality is different depending on the expectations of probability for each individual. Science continues to ignore this fact, which is really not very scientific of them. You know what I'm saying, dogg??💫🔮🪄
@@Holographic-Stallions.X0 Scientists, like most humans, are very good at ignoring observations that do not fit into their model(s). Partly it is that we cannot recognize that which is outside of our "training" (to use an AI term), but a lot of it has to do with the fear that we face when we admit that we don't really understand it all. We prefer to remain infants -- trusting others to interpret reality for us.
That wasn't chaos. Try that point program again but this time your starting and ending points are random each time. That would be chaos. But as soon as you apply rules, you're no longer in chaos. The universe is chaos until observed because observation creates boundaries and rules for how things are/should be based on inmate bias, understanding, and capabilities of that observer. It's why the light slit experiment works and why quanta appear in multiple states until observed. Because of OUR limitations we can't observe the universe in it's true state so we grab at patterns to form boundaries for our experience which eventually appear as universal laws and facts. It stems from the fact that everything is the same one thing, and all of time is instantaneous (non-existent)
@@Nonononono_Ohno It may be a little esoteric (what theory of the nature of reality isn't?) but it's coherent and quite intellectually pleasing. I say thanks to @GtommyT for taking the time to put that one out there. We are seeking greater understanding and enlightenment, after all, or we're doing nothing at all.
@@awaben You have a strange view of coherence. If you really seek understanding, you might better want to consult a good physics textbook, instead of reading completely misunderstood and plain wrong comments under useless videos. As a starting point, I'd like to recommend the Feynman lectures.
@@Nonononono_Ohno I hadn't come on here for an argument. But I'm happy to give you a retort: You watched the same "useless" video I did, you responded to the same comment I did, you then proceeded to attempt to denigrate my having done so. Presumably you doing the same should be applauded. Tell me, how's that superiority complex working out for you? Seems like a timely moment to bust out a bit of Robert Burns: "O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An’ foolish notion" Bye, bye now.
@@awaben I'm sorry that I've hurt your feelings. However, videos like this one, and the above comment aren't doing science any favor. There are very good reasons for having a concept of passing time in physics. At first glance drivel like 'time does not exist', or 'the universe is chaos until observed' may seem very deep and enigmatic and therefore appealing to some people, but in fact it's just plain wrong. Subsequently it leads to even more completely wrong notions, like chaos being the reason for what we observe in the double slit experiment, or being the reason for the existence of quantum states. Science students who, when learning, come across this kind of nonsense often lose valuable time, which is why I occasionally point it out as what it really is. I hope that makes sense to you, and maybe it lets you understand my reaction to your comment a bit better.
10 หลายเดือนก่อน
Sierpinski: how is it "shocking"? If you trace all the edge points of the original triangle and generate every halving points, you get the inner triangle. If your repeat the process for the inner triangle, you get the next 3 sub-triangles, and so on. Therefore the process itself pretty much strongly related to the Sierpinski set. The only slightly interesting fact is that the original error (you are not selecting an edge point) is degrading over time, therefore the process attracted by the sierpinski set.
Random numbers from a computer are calculated by a formula applied to the time from the computers clock, and since it takes the same amount of time to do the operation, it is more deterministic than random, you could well expect to see a pattern.
Got a few seconds into it with the very professional, very polished voice and decided that this was probably not as cool or as slick as was presented in the title.
@0:08 "This may sound like a joke or something, but trust me..." Ah! You lost me there, mate. I don't even know you and you're asking me to trust you already?
@@Nonononono_Ohno Correct. The Butterfly Effect is simply a statement about the uncomputability of any complex, deterministic system beyond some relatively near horizon. However, the video makes that clear. You are constructing a strawman based on your own misunderstanding of what was being said.
@@donnievance1942 Your comment only shows that you have not been listening to, or understood, what is being said in the video. But I cannot blame you, with all that drivel. In the video we hear that "In the probabilistic mode, our universe unfolds with an element of chance. Small, seemingly insignificant events like the butterfly's wings cancascade into significant unpredictable consequences." This shows that whichever language model constructed this video erroneously "thinks" that the butterfly effect is "probabilistic mode". This is false.
Ugh, I followed the sequence of multiplying the random number and removing the first digit before the decimal. I didn’t get the same results. After the tenth or so time, it just kept getting shorter and shorter. I kept on until I was down to 2 digits from the decimal. Not exactly breaking any computer’s head. Did I get something wrong?
My first time taking shrooms was in a local state park. We took them early and watched the sun rise while we laid on some picnic benches underneath a pavilion. I looked down and noticed that there were small piles of confetti sprinkled all around, probably from a kids birthday party the day before. Then I began to notice something strange. My mind began to assemble the confetti into groups that resembled Mandlebrot sets. I can’t explain it, but to this day I believe that the throwing and settling of confetti is not random, but organized by nature because everything is in perfect order, whether hidden or visible.
I wonder if Chaos Theory is rooted in Pi ? In any base number system, binary, decimal and all the rest, Pi's extended form never terminates & produces irrational numbers, not repetitive number sequences, and extends onwards to numerical infinity
Interesting topic, nice video, like always, thanks Fexl! 🙂 We living beings and our planet is in danger... We have to take care about us, animals and plants, about the entire planet! What we have done to our planet and all living creatures over the last 200 years can only result in bad karma. We have to change our attitude and learn to really love and respect, everyone and everything... 💞
Uncertainty is measured by the level of the technology that measures it. The more advanced the technology the less the uncertainty. As with your triangles uncertainty becomes determinable over time and you universe is fixed into a pattern.
Such an elegant way to put it! Just for clarity: you would then agree that the universe would have a geodesic manifold shape? This would be exciting considering what I've heard about time crystals, I assume. It all seems so intuitive, but maybe we haven't been confronted with real uncertainty yet. I mean in terms of what we know about the laws of physics, and such. Recently I heard about an unusual sighting of a rare formation of galaxies, I think it was, and they said that from what we know so far about astronomy and/or cosmology, such a sighting should be impossible. It's kind of odd too that a layman like myself feels so close to knowing better about the nature of our reality than most people... ever have... in a sense. lol. This stuff is fascinating.
Our existence is everything, as well as nothing. In our 3rd universe there is an infinite amount of possibilities that have already existed, as well as nothing that has ever existed. This is just in the 3D existence that we're capable of understanding. When you get into the higher dimensions, like 4d, where time isn't a factor anymore, we'll start to understand more how everything is just everything.
Does quantum entanglement follow determinism or probabilism? I'm new to all of these awesome concepts, and am genuinely curious and not trying confound anything current...
Or reading a persons cryptic self description on a website that I never ever went on before, then communicating with the owner of that description and developing a conversation and ultimately going to her country and marrying her and now she is a senior VP in Family Wealth and Planning but before she was a Protocol and Public Relations officer in her own country making $100 a month. Just because she was bored and went on line and left a little description about herself, and I went there and everything changed. Just because of one event creating an opportunity, even as remote as it was, to have that "message in a bottle" read by somebody that she would have never met otherwise from a place 6000 miles away from where she lived.
if a flap of a butterflies wing could cause a tornado somewhere else in the world, i now suddenly feel bad for every time i have ever farted.
Top comment. lol
Put a cork in it...
Look out world, here comes hurricane Jimmy!! **squeaky fart**
Flexl: " Looks familiar, right? "
Me: " The Triforce, from Legend of Zelda! "
Flexl: " It is indeed the sierpinski triangle. "
Me: " Aw... dammit... "
Aka the super triforce
I thought so too😂
The creator of Zelda knew about the Sierpinski triangle.
there's a book called whispers of manifestation on borlest , and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal
Tell me more! Who wrote the book?
Click that bites 😉
So way are you not rich and powerful. May as well tell me about some magic God
@@louiscolborn6715Rewatch the video and you’ll have your answer.
umm i must say...if something working for someone it's not guaranteed it will also work for you so do it your own way if you can
Chaos is just an euphemistic term for man's extremely restricted ability to grasp infinity ...
You are infinitely correct 🤔
@@louiscolborn6715 NO. but nice word play fun have.
Totally agree! The seasons, days, months, they're all cyclic. We think the universe is also cyclic
@@sleepyinterface8819 BINGO!! Yesterday the Big Bang, tomorrow afternoon the Big Crunch, rinse, repeat ... and humans are still fighting about "ideas" ...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Expect next you'll claim we exist only in some computer program.
Scientists may not want to talk about it. But Mathematicians are more than glad to talk about it. 😃
No, they're not.. at what exact altitude does the horizon stop being horizontal...🌅🦧🎈🌛🤙
The study of large numbers
Engineers, too. Love the stuff.
That adds up 😂
@@Rafiki9112it's never horizontal, it's horizon-taly, as in almost-ish horizontal, ✨🤨😆
The butterfly effect is when some egomaniacal primate singles out one butterfly among 28 billion buterflies, all flapping their wings at the same time in Brazil, and saying that this particular butterfly is to blame for a dust-devil in Australia 127 years, 6 months, 3 days, 12 hours 38 minutes and 12.9567831427 seconds opposed to any other butterfly which flapped it's wings in that moment in time. The Butterfly Effect is confirmation bias on the grand scale, randomly confusing cause and effect because no-one stops to ask if the flap of the butterfly's wing causes the change in the air current or if it is the change in the air current which is the reason that the butterfly chooses that precise moment to flap it's wing in a particular direction.
U must have went to middle school I didn't mak it past 5yh grade u no some big words
So, this is someone that like to talk about them selves, and just thinks their smart?
Precisely. Made a decent movie though.
@@eddiehubbs9492 And you have obviously have no sense of humor.
I magine u philosophize about all the bad in the world but what do you do to help it
Unpredictability does not imply randomness. Notice that chaos theory only works where there is a pre-established set of rules, and those rules are determined by a conscious observer.
We do not know the rules. We are currently trying to figure them out by observation but it seems not everything can be observed and not everything can be observed objectively.
There does not have to be a conscious observer.
Laws of nature aren't determined or dependent on conscious observer.
The “Laws of Nature” are EXCLUSIVELY the observations of humans. I believe that the entire Universe is Schrodinger’s Box; All possibilities existing simultaneously, in a state of infinite potentialities, until the very moment it’s observed. It is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the observer from an experiment.
The double split experiment and that other new one that came out recently using helium atoms proves light travels as a wave or particle until a conscious observer watches. It makes no sense I don't understand physics that well but I do know when they don't use a camera to observe the single light particle they shoot it goes through both slits creating a dissonance pattern and when it is observed it creates a single line meaning that conscious observers have an effect on the way light chooses to act. Interestingly enough it kind of confirms some of what the buddhist believe, that reality is generated from within and are thoughts, desires, and expectations have and effect on the world. That doesn't mean things we have no control over don't happen. It just means we always have the choice to choose how we personally react to everything and what we choose to attach ourselves to and what to ignore. A lot of people's reactions are formed by their parents friends family. Monkey see monkey do. Most people don't usually take the time to sit back and wonder why they react to the world the way they do. Got carried away I'm stoned. Reality may or may not be what any of us expect. It could all just be an illusion formed by our perceptions and state of mind. I mean every animal bug plant expirence a different version of reality whose to say ours is the ultimate true one. It's all subjective which is where Einstein comes in with his theory of relativity. Food for thought
There’s more than one butterfly in the world flapping its wings. The scariest thing about the universe is that our tiny little brains are capable of taking it all in. Imagine a brain the size of the Sun. Or a galaxy. Indeed, the entire universe could be one giant brain. Either way, we are all individually burdened with the weight of our own existence. Sometimes it takes getting really stoned to understand the heaviness of it all.
It is what it is.
Say no to drugs, kids.
There's nothing heavy about it. What it comes down to is that we are different in life for love. Please read some of the realizations by such saints as Anandamayi Ma, Rabindranath Tagore or Jesus.
@@Ekam-Sat ... and Krishnamurti.
@@adamjosey1543 - Thank God for that! Can you just imagine if it wasn't? (what it was)
The drawback to that is that, even though you 'figure it all out' while hashed out to the shits, once it wears off you can't quite put your finger on it.
There was nothing “chaotic” about the chaos game at the beginning. You were following a set of rules that would obviously lead to the Sierpinski Triangle if you put some thought into it. The second game wasn’t deterministic as you were randomly removing a number, even though it was the first number, you’re still removing a random element. After watching the first two fails you lost me on this one.
Another Ai created channel?
Yes chaos usually flows on cycles where they form into fractals. It may have had a little quasi chaos but you can measure. The amount of chaos based on Lyapunov exponents.
❤❤❤❤ 💯
Do you mean that the number is random because the starting number was random?
It's not chaotic" because everything is in a wave, and the random comes into play, it all depends how you ride the wave .
3:00 your example is control disguised as chaos.
You are marking in the middle of every roll. That is not chaos, that is a pattern.
There is no other conceivable outcome.
It makes me sad I can't have deep conversations like this with my family because they don't understand/care about this . Can't believe I understand this stuff.🎉
A butterfly flapping its wings could just as easily prevent a tornado from occurring, as cause one.
So it's not worth worrying about
The most unpredictable thing is our mind and Supreme Consciousness lying within whole matter of Universe 😌
I think, it is stretched a bit too far. In the triangle example, all the dots positions were pre-determined. The probability had nothing to do with them. It was only the choice of "which one first and next". Of course, after a number of repetitions you see all the pre-determined dots revealed with the pattern. You didn't need the randomness to produce that result. You might as well simply enumerate all the choices in simple order. It would be less amusing to watch, of course, but may be that is the whole point? It is not about a discovery of something new and yet unknown, but really about entertainment and amusement. What is more amusing to watch happening, that is "the discovery", I suppose.
My first thought. The triangle patterns 'appears', due to starting with 3 dots AND the 'rule' to roll the dice and move from the half way point to the next point by the rule of where to go based on what was rolled.
I bet starting with more points would end up creating a very predictable pattern. That example doesn't sell it for me.
He used math to create a pattern! It's chaos!
@@oo7moses What do you mean? I don't see any chaos. It looks like perfect order instead. Very predictable order. What was the surprise to you?
@@AlexthunderGnum It was sarcasm!
It's kinda like: how many peas are in a pod true or false? 😊 How many basket balls does it take to get to the moon.
Thermodynamics and its laws are a good place to start to study chaos theory. Even though individual particles of a gas move randomly we can predict temperature, pressure, and volume. Keep in mind that the ontology of thermodynamics includes a caveat. Included in the analysis is the requirement of a quasistatic, adiabatic process. If you want a more humanistic idea of this you should read Issac Asimov and his Foundation series of books. The premise of the Foundation series relies on the “gas laws” of classical physics to sketch out the story.
Nuclear Bonds Good To Know ??? & So Fluoride In The Water By LAW ? Oh Why ??? & Schools ??? Lawyer Greed Law
I'm afraid you've got that completely wrong. I mean, what you say is correct but it's missing the point. The whole point about thermodynamics is that the tiny (or even quite large) differences don't matter, they all average out to well behaved phenomena. The point of chaos is that the tiniest differences matter massively and can lead to hugely different outcomes.
@@transientaardvark6231 Thanks for the info.
I understanding there is sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The epiphenomenon of order in the midst the thermodynamics is transitory whilst the final result is predictable. I must say that your posted video is very spot on and mostly complete, thank you for that.@@transientaardvark6231
thanks wade! you comment, too, is informative.
Great food for the thinking mind. Adding new drawers to our cabinets of knowledge inside our minds. There's a lot of effort in the visuals as well; contributes to the video being of a higher standard.
One room for improvement though, is to incorporate little silent voids, to process the presented information, and to prepare for what comes next. Plus, a rudimentary summary every now and then, to help each core piece of the theory to be stored, and to be stored in the right drawer.
What a nice summation of chaos theory! Love it. I believe it’s easier to envision all this when we remember that our reality is defined not in linear/causal 4D spacetime, but in the five dimensions of the quantum wavefunction.
5D quantum wavefunction? A quantum process can be described in any number of dimensions depending on the object or process under observation.
Smart but agree there is no 'the' 5 Dimensions friend, fractal dimensions would surely go on toward infinity or to a return point possibly, until it all collapses back to fold into one
The quantum wavefunction is calculated in what Hawking called “imaginary time, at right angles to spacetime”. Everett said his Many Worlds exist within “a subspace orthogonal to spacetime”. Kip Thorne describes the “multiple branching 4D world tubes bending in the warped geometries of the tesseract” that a hypothetical 5D observer would see. The additional degree of freedom afforded by the fifth dimension allows for the probabilistic forms of chaos and causality that Schrödinger was envisioning when he said “I insist upon the view that all is waves”.
They are powerful theories. I don't feel the 5th dimension would 'see' the other dimensions unless it had a method of analysis, like we try to understand the quantum level, but it may be a realm experiencing more freedom. I agree with the warping within a tesseract but my knowledge of geometry and division denotes no end to the dimensions... Like 11th is highest... How exactly? Anyway we belong to a race that utilises nuclear energy for warfare so we don't deserve to know the 'secrets' of the Universe. We can't even be civil to each other.
"irregularity is a charecteristic property" isn't irregularity a measure of the complexity of an "algebraic surface" while charecteristic property refer to identification and classification system, particularly substances. my mind is blown btw, thanks OP! great work!
When people use quotation marks, it is imperative that what is between the marks is exact. Otherwise you could be accused of twisting a person's words or trying to manipulate the audience with lies.
This video is perhaps adequate at describing a layman's superficial understanding of the subject matter, but never really explains what the "terrifying theory scientists don't want to talk about" is, or why it is "terrifying". This is pretty much click bait drivel as far as I can tell, but with a quite a bit of effort put into it, so slightly better than most click bait drivel. I clicked it, so it worked.
Yes, you clicked it and it worked, but only because of the clickbait title, right? And you stayed because of the clickbaity language ("but trust me, it's way more serious than you think"... conspiracy, anyone?). And if there's so much effort in it, why does it start right away with the mistake of presenting the butterfly effect as a "probabilistic mode" when in fact it's an example for deterministic (i.e., *not* probabilistic!) chaos?
Yes, and if anyone really listens to the video and ignores the tone of voice and fancy language, they'll find not much being said
@@sailingaristos2472 Sounds AI made..... And repedative.
Thank you for taking the time to make this video. This topic absolutely fascinating!
Good job, well done, guys! I am a physicist and have studied these phenomena, yet they do not cease to give me shivers and awe!
"Good job", "well done", "physicist", "have studied". Heard all that before. Déjà vu.
Same questions to you too, therefore: Please do explain how the formulas and figures shown at 14:29 in the video clarify the narrative ("deterministic equations such as Newtons laws of motion do not always result in a deterministic universe"). In special, I would like to hear from you how the term in brackets, i.e. (t/T - x/λ), is derived in the formula at the top of the screen, center between left and right. As you can see, this term is being multiplied with E_k. How does it influence the result (i.e. the right side of the equation, 1/2 mv^2)? Also, please explain the role of the Δ symbol that occurs twice in the formula at the upper left of screen, and tell us how the large U-shaped object that's depicted middle right fits into the big picture.
You've studied physics, so it should be an easy task for you.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. - John 13:35 NIV
@@Nonononono_Ohno He must have mixed up the Bible and his physics textbook
@@Nonononono_Ohno Thank you, sir
@@Ekam-Satwhat does that have to do with chaos theory?
This video really sets my mind at ease. Recently, I thought I have been losing mind but it's just that silly old synchronous events arising amidst a sea of randomess and me getting the privilege of watching it unfold before me.... Uh.... Thing.... 😬😬
Some schizophrenic people aren't schizophrenic. They are wired for a type of pattern finding that isn't very understandable for the average person and some of the smaller, simpler patterns that arise in the deterministic lens we usually see life through go right over their head, so to say, so of course their language sounds all mix and matched. They are thinking about really, really, big things and don't have time to break the train of thought and step back down into "normal" reality for whomever they are talking too.
Unfortunately, this process gives rise to very, very vivid recurrences of memories and mixed ideals that manifest as audio hallucinations due to neural feedback loops with an amplifying or postive output so their neural "volume" is very high as dopaminergic imbalances start to cascade into chaotic patterns that they desperately try to get a hold of.
If we could just learn to communicate with them better without drugging them, we could "lead" them back from psychosis whenever they get there.
I walk between both lines of thought freely. Probabilistic and deterministic and am now at this point in my life rapidly developing an intuitive understanding of when and how to switch between the two given certain contexts.
The cure to psychosis is not being afraid of subjective thought. We as the modern West fear subjective thought so much though.
Wow - what a great explanation. A complex topic that has been distilled down to 20m, a sign of brilliance. Excellent!
This is not a good explanation and this video appears to have about 30 minutes of work put into it.
@@SolidSiren Really? That much??
And I’ve never learned so much about fish in one video, so there’s that
@@JMazzaTaz 🤣
I love your channel mate! This blew my mind
best thing i've seen since melody sheep's museum of alien life 2. thank you so much . big respect
That was the best summary . You put words and explanation on something deeply felt
What about if consicious mind observing makes paterns and shapes out of the Chaos.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah it's called the observer effect. Schrödinger's cat and all that. None of this is new. Einstein ushered in the quantum physical age. He famously said "God does not play dice" believing in a static universe and an unsplittable atom. Then they split the atom and Hubble laid bare the redshift in galaxies moving apart at various rates "The Hubble Constant". Einstein relented, god does indeed play dice. Probablism and determinism coexist in a Newtonian and Einsteinian universe. Shocking new science c. 1915.
3:20 Just because it's a random starting point, doesn't mean the system itself is random. There are inherent constraints due to the rules (pick the point that is halfway between the current point and one of three static points). Once the second point is selected, every other point is literally relative to (and constrained by) A, B, and C anchor points.
Wow but you have to be a really good drawer to make those lines so perfect like that. It's only works if you're a really good drawer or with a computer that does it for you.
Go see if you got a ruler you can measure it out and make sure the dots are the same distance apart and use the ruler as a straight edge to to make them straight I guess you could do with that way.
The 3 dots in there positions all ready represent a triangle, so it will form many triangles .
If you understand geometry many things become obvious.
As long as the three points are not co-linear. It can be a very obtuse form of a triangle.
does that theory work lol... with that geogebra site ... do the same trick with 4 dots and you still get triangles :p~
Plus, the scheme in which you play the chaos game is what makes the pattern: it's a wave function.
Change the function and you get a different pattern.
It's actually 'their', but thanks for dropping by.
4:16 the explanation is wrong, b/c computers usually cannot store decimal floating-point numbers *at all* . Instead, they use *binary* floating-point numbers, with digits after the point representing 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and so forth. A "double" is usually implemented as 64-bit IEEE binary floating-point number. This binary representation is completely deterministic, however b/c the format cannot precisely "store" the decimal digits specified after the decimal point, it's only an approximation (compare 1/2 vs 1/3, for instance -- try to write them down as binary floating-point as an exercise).
So with the fish... it's true that they will never all be in the exact same position with the exact same trajectory, inertia, momentum etc... BUT ONLY because of the limiter of time. Should the fish live forever and not age, they will 100% replicate the exact same situation infinite times.
I'm not sure what the significance of this is but it's fun to consider.
so are these chaotic systems made possible by entropy?
Thanks for this brilliantly set out video essay! I've duly subscribed and liked!
The flap of the butterfly "can" cause a tornado half a globe away IF that flap, the "wind" of that flap was in some very improbable manner reinforced with other winds caused by other things, and if that flap was the initial snowflake in the big snowball which would be the eventual tornado at the end. BUT, that is very unlikely to happen.
Just because a butterfly flapping its wings has consequences around the world in a way that’s so complex we could never trace the cause->effect throughline, doesn’t mean it’s random or probablistic at all. Everything (in this regime) is still deterministic, but absurdly complex.
True probabilistic behavior is something like radioactive decay, though since we don’t fully understand quantum physics at a conceptual level, it’s possible even this type occurrence has an as-yet unseen cause.
You could sum up the current state of physics by saying we have two understandings of reality: one deterministic (relativity) and one probabilistic (QM). They cannot both be true, yet it appears to us that they are.
The best part of the video starts here: 20:39
I could learn from this but every time I start following what’s being said a stupid advertisement add interrupts the program causing me to lose track . Wounder what all these laws say about those pictures that prove time travel is possible ? What kind of physics would that be ? It’s something that may never be figured out!
there are localized effects that have no bearing on macro systems. I'm not worried about a tornado storm when a cloud of butterflies take wing
WOW!!! Fantastic lecture 🙂 I love it.
Where do we get any randomness? The only thing I can think of is the decay of a neutron into a proton. What happens is well described, but why it happens is not. It seems spontaneous and random. Ultimately, it is an up quark turning into a down quark.
Its because its a holograph universe, we are never allowed to go faster then the speed of load of the holograph=speed of light, we are not allowed to know why everything is posible but some things have less chance of happining, like crashing a car into a tree has a 99.9 % of more chance then uncrashing a car from a tree and the car undenting itself, this is posible but the chance of it happining is only a 00.1% and the chance of that low is that it wont happen in the whole life of the universe, the why is what makes it interesting, in the real reality out of this fake holographic life we built this game because the real reality is so boring with no changes,no caos,no death,no adrenaline, and we needed something that would make us feel fear,worry,love,etc. inmortalidad is more boring then we can remember, so we builted this holografic universe and started to play one life after another and here we are, of course you cant feel any emotions or it wont be fun if you remember that its a game right? So when we are in here playing we have no memory or its hard to access, to make it "fun" with emotions,just look at the ones in the lider places, if there was a real price to pay like hell when we die do you think they would go around starting wars,killing,etc., they know much more then we, one last thing to notice is the NPC los humanos sin alma o de relleno, estan por todas partes,familia,amigos,conocidos, estos su rostro se repite multiples veces por la poco varedad para la simulacion para elegir caracters, ellos los reconoces porque viven una vida sin cambios, no les importa nada, hasta parece que no sienten, solo trabajo-casa, no saben ni lo basico de como funciona la electricidad,technologia,etc., y cuando les explicas como te dicen sabelotodo o simplemente no te entienden,
Why or how did a part of my F comment translate to F spanish?
@@curiosorealidad8265there must be a glitch in that holopraphic universe..
Look.. it glitched a g in a p..
Negative feedback loops usually provide stability. Positive feedback loops lead to destruction and chaos. However, the positive feedback loops are useful too when they are controlled. I wonder if the nature ever does it. In technology we use positive feedback loops in all kind of radios and signal generators (a resonance is a case of positive feedback) and in nuclear reactors, when a chain reaction is moderated. BTW, predator-pray loops used to be very stable until external environmental factors broke the stable conditions. Yes, it's another way of saying we broke it. However, even broken, destabilized systems can get back to equilibrium over time.
An interesting observation about the chaos game:
Due to the nature of the ruleset you immediately limit the area in which dots can be placed, removing a ton of potential randomness from the get-go.
Id say in this case specifically its not too surprising if you end up with something orderly.
F = MA is also based from working from a biosphere with a consistent gravity and air resistant speed reduction. Move into another area where the biosphere's gravity is different, or the "resistance" of the atmosphere changes. The outcome will change too. So F = MA is based on a stable earth biosphere. It needs a variable to acknowledge the difference between biospheres. For example, Mars, gravity and atmosphere resistances are different. As are Gaia's moons...
Probability breaks down at a certain point and determinism takes over as an event unfolds. Even if that transfer is only at a Planck distance in a Planck time away from the culmination of the event. Until then, some level of uncertainty still exists.
No, uncertainty is a fundamental ingredient in quantum mechanics.
@@karlschmied6218 I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm referring to a real life event, such as picking up my phone. I'm not referring to a theoretical event or any math involved in the quantum mechanical realm. Real life doesn't rely on quantum mechanics, which is only our perception that we desire to measure and comprehend. In real life, uncertainties exist in the probability field only up to the moment that I have actually picked up my phone. At that point, the probability field collapses and the uncertainty pertaining to the completion of that specific event ceases to exist. Other uncertainties still exist relating to a wide array of other possibilities, but it's not going to be the same uncertainty.
@@the_proteus_void Ok now I know what you mean. But I could not see that in your first statement.
@@karlschmied6218 Understood. Sometimes thoughts come out as incomplete statements. I'm glad I was able to clarify.
@@the_proteus_void Thanks!
I especially like the way this video explains facts we know which within the first minute or 2 led me to realize that a fractal can be used to extrapolate an unknown barrier or zone and some of its limitations because a fractal will yield a shape or geometry to deduce the disturbance of the constant before and after the zone of uncertainty - based on the rate of fractalization scalar from known zone to unknown zone in function and in ratio thereby deducing the geometry (such as past a black hole or other side of one or a singularity or white hole quantum singularity )
You made a mistake in the segment "Can you predict the future of our number?" It's totally predictable and there's no chaos about it. According to what was shown, multiplying by 10 and removing the integer portion, it creates a simple series: 0.123267203462345822542, 0.23267203462345822542, 0.3267203462345822542, ..., 0.542, 0.42, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0. etc. I can predict that millionth iteration is still 0.0.
That's exactly what i thought, keep multiply by 10, and remove the 1st number (ahead of the decimal point), and you hit zero pretty quickly. And after that it will always remain zero. How could this producer get this so wrong? Is this really 100% AI generated? If so, more fools will be created!
Right? This made no sense. It made me think this whole video might have been made by AI.
your calculation appears to have precision rounding. the answer may differ with different levels of rounding.
American AI. Can't understand decimal system.
Very nice summary of the complex topics of Chaos Theory.
Fascinating description. Well done! This is very useful information
I now understand why a single dice is called a die. The thinking dead realm does "play dice." It's hissing gulping puffball is chaotic because you have no idea when it will kill you or when it will stop you from revealing it killed you. It is then you realize the uncertainty principle means, ultimately, what is symmetry. Well, the flashing complementary realm is not symmetrical because there is no conservation. The synthetics from the dead realm who quantum tunnel through lie they're real. So, the difference between a real fractal and an electric one is the real one doesn't want to kill you or use you as a battery. In this video they clearly squash the real fractals and electric fractals into one realm. They "renormalize." So, what the scientists are scared of, or should be, is that they've called zero pt mass and mass zero pt. The thinking part of the mass is what threw them because it is able to make light speed seem instantaneous through an energy exchange. That is the true illusion the real "illuminati" wants to bring to our understanding. Their conclusions are twisted. IOW, this should be that and that should be this.
I had the Butterfly wings principle been thought in a different way..... The loose nail of a horse shoe can cause the loss of a war and the loss of a kingdom...
That's a Todd Rundgren song..."For the Want of a Nail', but it gets to the point of 'what else could the answer be?'
& a loose tongue looses a girlfriend. 😢😅
We need to go back to r² and the three-dimensional physics of the Inverse Square Law. The spherical 4πr² geometry is key to this concept, based on Huygens' Principle from 1670, which states, "Every point on a wave front of light has the potential to create a new spherical 4πr² light wave."
Each point on the curvature of the wave front can be considered a potential photon ∆E=hf electron interaction exchanging potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter in the form of electrons.
We experienced this as a continuously emerging probabilistic future 'time' with the spherical 4πr² surface acting as a boundary condition or manifold for the uncertainty ∆x∆pᵪ≥h/4π encountered in daily life.
In the Chaos Game 3 dot - the rule to get the (red, normal orientation) Sierpinski triangles is as stated - but what if you wanted to plot the white (inverted) triangles instead? What ruleset would plot those? Hmmmmm.....
The Sierpinski triangle represents a pattern of eternal triangles within triangles.
Same rules. You just start from some point, that is white. For example in the middle area of the triangle. The rule just maps the "current point" of the whole triangle to a corresponding point in one of the ½ size triangles in each corners of the big triangle. With same color. And then you map that point and the next one etc. Randomness just decides the drawing order of the points.
But chaos is/can be 'ordered' by various governing circumstances too. Even the landslide initiated by the one seemingly random grain of sand (using this videos own illustration) is contained ,and it's movement governed/guided by a sluice or valley or gorge ,and the landslide terminates in a fanning out design when it reaches the pinch point of concrete buttresses at the end, and has lost the majority of it's initial momentum due to the leveling off of the steepness of the grade. Or as also mentioned, you could say the observer is unable to predict the position of a particle in space in spite of having some understanding of it's typical behavior with relationship to other particles in it's proximity, and rate of movement (excitation level), it's positive or negative charge etc. But if there is an understanding of the bounds/boundaries within which it exists (assuming they are not infinite/non existent or non quantifiable) then you actually could predict + or - to within X number of degrees of any particular boundary or point within the bounded area, where the particle would be located, even if your prediction lacked a satisfying degree of exactitude. And also as mentioned, repeating/recurring patterns ( the mentioned Mandelbrot effect) for the particles behavior would emerge over time allowing an understanding of the particles likely location if this/these patterns could be mapped on a sophisticated enough computer, again + or - to within x number of degrees of probability. It's the infinite number of variables that trip us up with regard to predictive outcomes that comes from the limitations of our computational powers and lack of information about all the factors in an eqution that are unknown/unknowable to us. I am glad of these 'unknowables'.. It is the magic dust of the universe.
I wonder, would you get the same result, with the triangles, if done by hand? Or, what if you had a computer with the ability to process things outside the standard defined variables? Love the video.
Could you guarantee the exact same hand motions every time at every level?
Chaos(or unpredictability) does not exist as absolute, but as relative. What seems like chaos are things that we dont understand enough to fully see the path from cause to effect. Our minds are limited, not infinite. So our understanding of anything will always be limited and their always be some chaos to it(relative to our limited understanding).
However, to a being that infinite understanding(which could only be God, who is infinite) then there wouldnt be any chaos from His perspective because he would have infinity perspective and infinite understanding.
The point is, some things seem uncertain to us, but thats because of our comprehension and awareness limitations, not because of the nature of the phenomena itself.
For free will to exist, an I believe it does, on some level anyway, the system has to exist as a set of probable outcomes, that only become defined as now moves forward. It would still chaos, just contained within specific bounds. I think we see things in much the same way, just providing my interpretation. @@jonathanspivey437
@@jonathanspivey437 I think free will is chaos, but god has computing power to allow for choice (sometimes) that exists within a set of outcomes that are acceptable.
@3:42 I copied the number into an Excel spreadsheet. Due to limitations of precision in Excel, I could only enter 0.123267203462345 but, nevertheless, the flaw in your algorithm is demonstrated by Excel.
The cell A2=A1*10-(TRUNC(A1*10)) is copied and recursed for 50 or so cells which eventually returns a diminishing value until zero. The only way this flaw does not manifest is if the original (true) random number has infinite number for digits.
Even E.T. said on several occasions that we do not understand what we are capable of doing, which is partly why they too live here on our planet with us. As some want to see our ascension up to the next level. Admittedly we have lots of faults as with many of the species that are tens of thousands of years ahead of us. Which I now hope will put things into perspective. Thank you for reading, and have a good night.
The Others have their faults, too, It is not quite THEY: golden and enlightened vs US: stupid and naval gazing (though yes). Weird things have happened. Some people are exploiting THEM. What we think as a "UFO" is sometimes an entire BODY that changes; sometimes it is a copy of a body or a vessel and such. There's so much to learn, it is like drinking from a hose
they'll go extinct early haha
@@JohnGrandlineNo worries you ll go "extinct" with them, worse is whats gonna come after
The greatest detective story of all time! Who were the Anunnaki? Where was sun was born? Where did the light come from to create all coal, oil and limestone layers up to 12,500-feet thick. It could no come from the sun at Earth had a thick CO2 atmosphere.
Earth is very unique indeed. Our solar system was born in Orion. After we left Orion Earth froze up for a billion or so years because space is cold and the sun didn’t burn as hot back then. At that time early Earth had one ocean and one continent with a 1000 PSI carbon dioxide atmosphere much like Venus has today. With such a thick 3000-mile deep atmosphere you wouldn’t see the sun. Our solar system was captured by Sirius A and B about 850-million years ago. Sirius B is the size of Earth but has 1.5 solar masses. It was the light from those objects that created all the coal, oil and limestone on Earth, not the Sun. The sun could not get through a 3000-mile-deep atmosphere. Alll that carbon dioxideis underground now in the form of coal, oil and limestone layers up to 12,500-feet thick.
Sirius B is the size of Earth puts out more than 100 times the light of our sun in the UV spectrum. Sirius B is in a fifty-year elliptical orbit around the two-solar-mass Sirius A of 8 to 12 astronomical units. At 8 AU it could feed off Sirius A and put out more than 1000 times the light of our sun. One teaspoonful of Sirius B would weigh more than a city bus on Earth.
The Anunnaki’s home planet is in the Sirius system. You need ORME gold, the white powder gold mentioned in Exodus to spray in your atmosphere to shield it from the harsh UV light of Sirius B. The Nephilim came to Earth 400,000 years ago to mine gold. They tried to get it out of seawater but that wasn’t enough for their needs so they moved to South Africa. They imported a race of smaller workers called Igigi to dig underground because the Nephilim are tall. Some are twenty-feet tall making it impractical for them to go underground due to cave-ins.
Enlil was a hard taskmaster who worked many of the Igigi to death. His brother Enki was more kind causing friction between himself and his brother. Enlil starved 15,000 Igigi to death. Eventually they rebelled and sought refuge away from the mines.
The Anunnaki/Nephilim needed workers to continue mining gold so they did genetic experiments using some of their own DNA. After many tries they created a subservient creature they called Adam. They needed a genetically compatible mate so they took part of Adam’s rib to clone Eve. Problems developed when humans became aware that the large beings were not gods but slave masters. Nakosh, on of the reptilian aliens raped Eve and she became aware of the knowledge of good and evil. She convinced Adam to get the Hell out of Eden. It was for their own safety that they departed Eden.
The newly created humans were capable of mating with the other indigenous races living on the planet. The Nephilim or Elohim kept the knowledge of the white-powder-gold from the humans to limit their age to 120 years so they wouldn’t overpopulate the planet. Other problems arose when the Nephilim looked upon the fair human females and decided to mate with them creating the races of giants the heroes of old, the men of renown. Something had to be done.
Once the Nephilim had enough gold they burned it into the white powder to take if off planet. It weighs nothing in that state and when heated it weighs less than nothing. Our Sun was leaving the vicinity of the Sirius at that time. The Anunnaki had to leave Earth and ship thei ORME gold to Niberu.
The remaining eight Elohim on Earth started squabbling among them. They decided to separate each taking their human slaves to different parts of the Earth. One went to China, another to Tibet. Quetzalcóatl - god of winds and rain and the creator of humanity took his slaves and built pyramids in Central America. Huitzilopochtli - the supreme god of the Sun and war built pyramids and cities in the Amazon and roads connecting South America with Central America.
A gigantic 239-meter high Chinese Pyramid in a Gigantic Forgotten Walled City of Shimao is located in the northern part of the Loess Plateau, bordering the Ordos Desert. Shimao is often referred to as “The Chinese Pyramid of Civilization,” because it is the largest late-Neolithic archaeological site in China. Dated to around 2000 BC.
This Chinese pyramid structure was the base for a grand palace that sat on the flat top of the pyramid. This gigantic palace at the top of the pyramid was the size of 10 football fields or 861,112 square feet (80,000 square meters). It overlooked a walled city, which was 50 times bigger than the palace area. Recently, a garden pool where crocodiles were kept.
Thoth built the Great Pyramid in Egypt. He wrote the 48 books of Thoth and the Tablet and taught the Greeks mathematics and healing. YHWH the un-pronounceable name of Moses God was responsible for monotheism of Christians and Jewish religion. He instructed Moses to take three million Hebrews slaves out of Egypt. They camped out in the wilderness for 40-years to kill off all the old religions. Moses fed the children the priest bread to purify their DNA. YHWH was an outcast and could not go to the Promised Land until the other Anunnaki/Elohim departed. He was a giant bird-like creature with a beak.
Enlil decided to bring the Moon into orbit around Earth. To move it one simply started up the huge pumps moving the ocean inside off center of mass in the direction they wanted to go. Enlil realized that the resulting impact would cause world-wide floods and he only wanted to save most of the flora and fauna. Enki was forbidden to tell his son, Noah about the impending flood. Instead he drew plans for an Ark and a letter to Noah explaining the situation. Noah was a giant half man half Anunnaki/Elohim/Nephilim. The rest is history.
It was little Sirius B that created most all the coal, oil and limestone on Earth, not the sun. When you are driving your car down the road or heating your house with electricity generated by a coal generating plant you are recycling stellar energy that did not come from the Sun!
Humanity has been worshiping the wrong sun god for the last 4000 years. The ancient Egyptians knew we were in orbit around Sirius and based their New Year when Sirius becomes visible on the horizon. Book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES can be found on: or: and book stores around the world in China, Japan, Indonesia and Europe.
1000-foot tall pyramid in China.
Well..this could be one explanation.
On the other hand..
Honestly this is a very informative video not only on the scientific side of things but in life like actual life ….I am a stock trader and the fractals part is spot on 😊
I was a little put off by his example of the stock market. He said, and I am paraphrasing, when a stock price changes, it causes people to buy or sell. Uh, the stock price changes BECAUSE people buy or sell. It's a market, stock prices don't change on their own. (although it may seem that way based on all of the shenanigans that go on in the background).
AI has access to the same info as you do.
@@jonh8488 You are correct sir.
There is next to no science in this video.
How about the “ClickBait BullShit Law of Inevitability”, shocking results! Absolutely Shocking!
This stuff is older than I am and I'm old. Scientists have been talking about it the whole time.
Interesting topic - perhaps a little bit too dramatically told - but absolutely gorgeous graphics - WOW ! Thumbs up !
So you’re saying trying to create a hurricane from my farts isn’t out of reach. 🤔 Challenge accepted.
a fartnado
Go down the Sharnado route and you could end up with a 5-arsed Fartnado . . . . or even an Infinite Fartnado.@@rich2fnrock
If the butterflies do have such a big effect what about birds and planes?
It's hypothetical, but also - not. You can't really prove it, I guess, but, since everything is "connected", you could say that the butterfly that caused a minor perturbation in the air, which then became (part of) a soft breeze, then, due to it colliding with some other breeze it creates a gust of wind. This gust of wind essentially becomes just wind, winds goes up when it eventually warms up, or goes down if it's cold, then there are pressure differences in the air or something, and you get a tornado, or even a hurricane.
So basically, you could say that if that butterfly hadn't flapped its wing at that exact place, the tornado would never have formed.
You could also say that birds and planes also contribute to everything that has to do with air. Even you and I displace air with every movement we make. Ever noticed your breath in the cold? It's pretty curious how much our breath must expand every time we exhale.
It's a nice thought experiment. But in such complex systems with such a waste of variables you can't prove such claims. A scientific prove needs to be repeatable. How would you repeat such a situation. One with the butterfly and the other without it?
@@kpunkt.klaviermusik Such things are difficult to measure, I'm not even sure of what exactly you would have to measure in that scenario, the variables are very diverse, I assume. But that's the main key, knowing what to measure exactly, and how to do it. That's the only way to make sense of all the chaos. To order it. It's a paradox, though, since the chaos, in order to be measured, would have to be ordered first. Ordered in the sense that you understand why one event goes before or after another.
Eventually, you would be able to tell the future. No more chaos... Haha. I suspect that this is as far as humans will go as to understanding the universe. Yes, we have hypothesis about the shape of the universe (geodic manifold) and if you couple that with the recent talk about "time crystals", it's exciting to think about the conclusion: the universe begins at the same time that it ends. A feedback loop. I'm just a layman, so my way of explaining all of this is very convoluted, but even the experts lose their minds about this topic, I think, haha.
@@kpunkt.klaviermusik An example of such measurable structures are fractals. What I meant with my comment about the shape of the universe is that it could be fractal in nature, but this is more of a philosophical point of view, since I can't really give you a reasoning, indeed. I do like the many worlds perspective on this matter, as well.
Because of chaos, determinism can have anomalies arise because of the indeterminate consequences that may unfold. Determinism is still at the whim of probability.
And everyone ignores the will. Life is in many ways what you make it. There are no limits if you understand the people around you and what moves them. But this is not the average human. Some were born to change the world.
I read James Gleick's book over a decade ago. Brilliant.
I've always excelled in mathematics, and there are dimensions within geometry we have yet to understand. My interests shifted toward quantum mechanics afterword.
There's a multidimensional universe all around us. Up until recently, all we've been able to see and measure - from our limited 3D perspective - is the little shining spheres all around us.
We haven't even figured out gravity yet. You can't create gravity without understanding levity.
Excellent commentary!
Don't forget chaotic attractors.
The emerging image of the Sierpinski Triangle reminds me of the double-slit experiment where a single photon is fired through the slits one at a time to create a pattern of light and dark bands.
Financial markets can also be explained by chaos theory because small changes, like news events or decisions, can cause big and unpredictable swings in prices. While we can spot patterns or trends in the market, it’s very difficult to make exact long-term predictions because the system is so complex and sensitive to little changes.
Click bait title - not watching this one.
You should. I've always believed this. I never knew it had a name. It just made sense to me.
Free will is imaginary.
Why? It’s really interesting! ❤
Despite the clickbait title it is very good
Exciting visual stimuli coupled with vocal delivery suggesting a tense suspense yarn almost make me fail to notice extremely poor logical continuity and flow. After seven minutes plus I've little idea what it's about. I think it's cotton candy crap, electronic monosodium glutamate, possibly composed by nonhuman. Kindly refund my wasted time
19:10 "Perfect predictability is probably an illusion." 🤔
I think this says more about the inadequacy of our mathematical system than the assumed lack of order in the Universe.
"As above, so below. As within, so without. As the Universe, so the soul." [Hermetic philosophy]
All systems tend towards chaos, yet new systems emerge from the chaos.
This little tour of several branches of physics, in a well-written but roundabout way, reveals nothing a physics student at university doesn’t know. It’s fun to watch because of the fancy visuals (well done). In the end though that’s all it is - a surface level survey of many branches of physics, mathematics, game theory, chaos/complexity. You’d probably affect more people in a positive way if you bit off a smaller chunk of science and do a deeper dive (like Veritaseum). And the title is TOTAL CLICKBAIT, knock that off!
Theory’s are always interesting to learn about.
“The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon for proper physics.
Chaos is small changes in initial conditions yield to larger changes later on….
However calculus measures the smoothness of a system the other side of that coin would be like the roughness of the system ie the fractality… in a chaotic system there are always patterns proven within in it…
You see the physics still applies but we don’t have a hope in capturing every location and vector of an atom in a system. If could calculate we would have amazingly accurate forecasts…
But calculating every atoms interactions in a storm would be mind boggling but we know the patter is quite real when a funnel cloud forms or it starts to rain.
Nicely explained yet will always remain mind boggling. Great visuals!
While using F=ma to illustrate the predictability of Newtonian physics, most people totally ignore (i.e. assume the model is 100% accurate) that we cannot know, deterministically, with 0% error, any of the values. There is always measurement error -- and when we hide it behind assumptions, we can only fool ourselves.
This also touches on the concepts of Schrodinger's cat thought experiment. Now, consider the entire known universe to be the cat (quantum superposition). Can we know the state of the cat/universe without opening the box? How many states can the cat/universe have?
& will each observing party get a different set of measurements, as is implied, at least to my understanding, when one considers that reality is malleable & mutable to each particular hyphe-dimensional slice of perspectives, a.k.a. reality is different depending on the expectations of probability for each individual. Science continues to ignore this fact, which is really not very scientific of them. You know what I'm saying, dogg??💫🔮🪄
@@Holographic-Stallions.X0 Scientists, like most humans, are very good at ignoring observations that do not fit into their model(s). Partly it is that we cannot recognize that which is outside of our "training" (to use an AI term), but a lot of it has to do with the fear that we face when we admit that we don't really understand it all. We prefer to remain infants -- trusting others to interpret reality for us.
That wasn't chaos. Try that point program again but this time your starting and ending points are random each time.
That would be chaos.
But as soon as you apply rules, you're no longer in chaos. The universe is chaos until observed because observation creates boundaries and rules for how things are/should be based on inmate bias, understanding, and capabilities of that observer.
It's why the light slit experiment works and why quanta appear in multiple states until observed. Because of OUR limitations we can't observe the universe in it's true state so we grab at patterns to form boundaries for our experience which eventually appear as universal laws and facts.
It stems from the fact that everything is the same one thing, and all of time is instantaneous (non-existent)
That the "triangle magic" isn't chaos, yes, agreed. But the rest is a *very* esoteric view, to say the least.
@@Nonononono_Ohno It may be a little esoteric (what theory of the nature of reality isn't?) but it's coherent and quite intellectually pleasing. I say thanks to @GtommyT for taking the time to put that one out there. We are seeking greater understanding and enlightenment, after all, or we're doing nothing at all.
@@awaben You have a strange view of coherence. If you really seek understanding, you might better want to consult a good physics textbook, instead of reading completely misunderstood and plain wrong comments under useless videos. As a starting point, I'd like to recommend the Feynman lectures.
@@Nonononono_Ohno I hadn't come on here for an argument. But I'm happy to give you a retort:
You watched the same "useless" video I did, you responded to the same comment I did, you then proceeded to attempt to denigrate my having done so. Presumably you doing the same should be applauded. Tell me, how's that superiority complex working out for you?
Seems like a timely moment to bust out a bit of Robert Burns:
"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion"
Bye, bye now.
@@awaben I'm sorry that I've hurt your feelings. However, videos like this one, and the above comment aren't doing science any favor. There are very good reasons for having a concept of passing time in physics. At first glance drivel like 'time does not exist', or 'the universe is chaos until observed' may seem very deep and enigmatic and therefore appealing to some people, but in fact it's just plain wrong. Subsequently it leads to even more completely wrong notions, like chaos being the reason for what we observe in the double slit experiment, or being the reason for the existence of quantum states. Science students who, when learning, come across this kind of nonsense often lose valuable time, which is why I occasionally point it out as what it really is. I hope that makes sense to you, and maybe it lets you understand my reaction to your comment a bit better.
Sierpinski: how is it "shocking"? If you trace all the edge points of the original triangle and generate every halving points, you get the inner triangle. If your repeat the process for the inner triangle, you get the next 3 sub-triangles, and so on. Therefore the process itself pretty much strongly related to the Sierpinski set. The only slightly interesting fact is that the original error (you are not selecting an edge point) is degrading over time, therefore the process attracted by the sierpinski set.
Like in Jazz🎺🎶, overcoming chaos comes from choosing🦉wisely,🤯improvisation in♾️the moment😂!
Random numbers from a computer are calculated by a formula applied to the time from the computers clock, and since it takes the same amount of time to do the operation, it is more deterministic than random, you could well expect to see a pattern.
I go outside with butterfly wings on every morning and flap my wings for hours. Neighbors are convinced I am to blame for everything.
Someone liked my comment... Clearly the wings are working.
Then stop it.
Got a few seconds into it with the very professional, very polished voice and decided that this was probably not as cool or as slick as was presented in the title.
@0:08 "This may sound like a joke or something, but trust me..." Ah! You lost me there, mate. I don't even know you and you're asking me to trust you already?
And only 20 seconds later comes the first mistake, the butterfly effect isn't "probabilistic".
@@Nonononono_Ohno Correct. The Butterfly Effect is simply a statement about the uncomputability of any complex, deterministic system beyond some relatively near horizon. However, the video makes that clear. You are constructing a strawman based on your own misunderstanding of what was being said.
@@donnievance1942 Your comment only shows that you have not been listening to, or understood, what is being said in the video. But I cannot blame you, with all that drivel. In the video we hear that "In the probabilistic mode, our universe unfolds with an element of chance. Small, seemingly insignificant events like the butterfly's wings cancascade into significant unpredictable consequences." This shows that whichever language model constructed this video erroneously "thinks" that the butterfly effect is "probabilistic mode". This is false.
Ugh, I followed the sequence of multiplying the random number and removing the first digit before the decimal. I didn’t get the same results. After the tenth or so time, it just kept getting shorter and shorter. I kept on until I was down to 2 digits from the decimal. Not exactly breaking any computer’s head. Did I get something wrong?
Where's the "Don't recommend this Channel" when ya need it ?
As soon as I heard the AI voice and saw this comment. 🏃🏾💨
My first time taking shrooms was in a local state park. We took them early and watched the sun rise while we laid on some picnic benches underneath a pavilion. I looked down and noticed that there were small piles of confetti sprinkled all around, probably from a kids birthday party the day before. Then I began to notice something strange. My mind began to assemble the confetti into groups that resembled Mandlebrot sets. I can’t explain it, but to this day I believe that the throwing and settling of confetti is not random, but organized by nature because everything is in perfect order, whether hidden or visible.
Every act is not random
How do u define perfect? According to whom or what?
What your mind believes isn't necessarily true.. there was this lsd'd guy who thought he could fly.. gravity proved him wrong.
There are no mistakes in this Universe.
Not even one molecule can be out of place... anywhere.
actually there is one somehow....
@@wesexpress3343 What about Neutrinos?
New information, can change everything.
I wonder if Chaos Theory is rooted in Pi ? In any base number system, binary, decimal and all the rest, Pi's extended form never terminates & produces irrational numbers, not repetitive number sequences, and extends onwards to numerical infinity
Interesting topic, nice video, like always, thanks Fexl! 🙂
We living beings and our planet is in danger...
We have to take care about us, animals and plants, about the entire planet!
What we have done to our planet and all living creatures over the last 200 years can only result in bad karma. We have to change our attitude and learn to really love and respect, everyone and everything... 💞
You got all that from ... wait ! ......Wow !
Uncertainty is measured by the level of the technology that measures it. The more advanced the technology the less the uncertainty. As with your triangles uncertainty becomes determinable over time and you universe is fixed into a pattern.
Such an elegant way to put it! Just for clarity: you would then agree that the universe would have a geodesic manifold shape? This would be exciting considering what I've heard about time crystals, I assume. It all seems so intuitive, but maybe we haven't been confronted with real uncertainty yet.
I mean in terms of what we know about the laws of physics, and such. Recently I heard about an unusual sighting of a rare formation of galaxies, I think it was, and they said that from what we know so far about astronomy and/or cosmology, such a sighting should be impossible. It's kind of odd too that a layman like myself feels so close to knowing better about the nature of our reality than most people... ever have... in a sense. lol. This stuff is fascinating.
This is the "formation" I was talking about.
@@ritishify sounds about right.
If you ever see a turtle on top of a fence post, it’s a safe bet that it didn’t get there by itself. The more you know….
I don’t get it
And when we cancel out Infinities on either side of an equation we ignore an infinite amount of factors.
0:01 brazil mentioned
⚽️ 🏟 🕺🕺
@@harshalsharma19 aeeee, aqui é brasil!!!
WHat would stock trading be then there are different people trading everyday and at different time and amounts ?
Click bait.
it's basically all we've got now
How so Stev?
@@mrx1278 you cannot sell anything now without lying about what it is you are actually going to get for your time or money...
@@stevenmoore3480 oh....
@@mrx1278 It's nonsense.
Our existence is everything, as well as nothing. In our 3rd universe there is an infinite amount of possibilities that have already existed, as well as nothing that has ever existed. This is just in the 3D existence that we're capable of understanding. When you get into the higher dimensions, like 4d, where time isn't a factor anymore, we'll start to understand more how everything is just everything.
Bad spam bot. Get outta here.
???? What
Does quantum entanglement follow determinism or probabilism? I'm new to all of these awesome concepts, and am genuinely curious and not trying confound anything current...
Clickbait bullshit.
I take it you're not a physicist.
@@teresaboone893 I take it you enjoy clickbait titles.
Fr bro it’s making me think that if I move a stick then the world will end💀
Or reading a persons cryptic self description on a website that I never ever went on before, then communicating with the owner of that description and developing a conversation and ultimately going to her country and marrying her and now she is a senior VP in Family Wealth and Planning but before she was a Protocol and Public Relations officer in her own country making $100 a month.
Just because she was bored and went on line and left a little description about herself, and I went there and everything changed. Just because of one event creating an opportunity, even as remote as it was, to have that "message in a bottle" read by somebody that she would have never met otherwise from a place 6000 miles away from where she lived.