This guy has an IQ of 160, seriously. And he applies his analytical talents in a constructive way. But he is up against a wall of ignorance, alarmism and a dangerous mix of religion and politics. "The madness of crowds"
@@wesleysaams448 not correct, if all your environmental parameters remain the same then this might be true, but as we've seen the global environment has become unstable, so any benefits are soon negated by water loss, heatstress, and frosts that are much more frequent than normal, moreover the nutritional value of food decreases as co2 goes up.
@@jonnyjonny2926 Everything is made by petroleum and transported by it You get rid of fossil fuels, you get rid of all modern technology all plastics are made by petroleum, including electric cars and the keyboard you are typing on All fertilizers are made with petroleum and transported to the fields using it all the plastics in the hospitals are made with petroleum all of the electricity is either made by natural gas oil or was manufactured using it including wind and solar If you want to live in a cave, be my guest but don't drag the rest of us with you
I love how Lomborg knows exactly how much the temperature will change given an expected level of carbon emissions. The ability of these long term climate models to predict temperatures 10, 20 and 30 years is near zero. There are too many known variables that we don't completely understand and too many unknowable factors. What is the likelihood that every country reaches carbon neutral targets and we have temperatures far different from what was expected after spending untold trillions while weakening economies along the way with crushing debt loads? What then? The answer is that people at someone point will not allow this death march to carbon neutrality.
Water vapour is like a blanket, the thicker you make it the more warming you get. CO2 is like a notch filter, it's already saturated so we now need too more than double it just to get a 1% increase in global warming for the co2 component or 0.05% of total global warming. Schwarzschild proved this 100 years ago.
Carbon (CO2) is fundamental for all life. Plants and all living things will die if we get under 150 ppm. we almost got that low, but now CO2 is going up and after my opinion, that is a really good thing. More CO2 means more food for the world's growing population. More CO2 means prosperity for more people and the more prosperity people get, the more they are able to take care of the earth. We can't go backwards, only forwards.
The energy sector has been building renewables backed by gas as backup, shifting to storage as backup in the medium turn. They are the ones with skin in the game. Renewable generation has been cheaper years now. This is driven by economics, not by politics.
The problem is, the politicians are not listening and are dashing head long over the cliff edge - just look at the mess the UK is in with energy as a result of terrible decisions around the dash for green, and it's now getting serious, and dangerous.
These issues are about interruptions to the fossil fuel supply, nothing to do with renewables. It would be _worse_ if, as you mob wanted, there were no renewables.
This is why we should be spending time, energy and cash to develop structures and strategies to lessen the impact from floods and droughts and the like.. our planet has, is and always ever changing
@@overworlder - You mean, of course, he says things that you disagree with. And also that you’re own arguments are so weak you have to smear him rather than argue with the excellent points he makes.
You heretic !! Don't you know this is a religious crusade, a jihad - not some silly scientific intellectual exercise! Get a grip, and recant thy sins...
The uk is trying to blame the Russian government for the gas shortage and not the shortage of wind that they've become so dependant on. Let this be a lesson for all electrical vehicles and putting all the eggs in the same basket. Let things evolve. And despite prince Charles being a hypocrisy king. I agree with him on hydrogen cars.
@@overworlder natural gas supply from Russia is a political football at the moment. The lack of wind has caused a temporary shortage of gas to generate electricity. Plus the Norwegian pipe is under maintenance Ultimately its just the oligarchs squeezing the peasants like the standard oil 100 years ago
@@anthonymorris5084 What about Microsoft and Netscape? Also, have you never heard the stories of "the carburator that allowed the average car to get 100 mpg"? Or "the man who invented a car that runs on water"? Some of those stories may have just been stories, but some of those innovations were squelched by the oil, gas and coal companies by either destroying the inventors reputation or buying up the patents and shelving them. Nicola Tesla's own patron destroyed his work and reputation when he discovered that Tesla wanted to have wireless energy distribution and his patron was heavily invested in copper wire.
Common knowledge for anyone with half a brain cell and an iota of self discovery. Simple and only relevant question: What are the costs and what are the benefits?
Two take home messages: 1. Trump was right about the Paris Climate Treaty (bad deal), 2. American current ideas - everyone drive electric cars is a poor idea - because the real question is: how do with make electricity and/or energy without pollution.
Bjorn, you missed the point of cleaning your plate as a child. We finished our plates because to waste food when blessed with an abundance was an insult to those "poor" countries/countrymen who had not been blessed with an abundance of food.
The problem with a CBA approach is that the cost of total ruin is not included. Any non-linear complex system may have run away feedback loops. So in the CBA the the cost can go to infinity. Hence, static analyses in the CBA framework need this aspect. I like Lunborgs paramagnetism but he fundamentally misunderstands the distributions of risk here. Also, fuel security is a huge part of this and Europe in particular have no hydrocarbons left. So they need to do something because they are highly exposed to tail risks/costs on this front also. Through this lens Europes approach is pretty rational. Also, part of innovation is deployment. Fossil fuels where supported in many cases in a similar way by state owned companies in their early days. Look at how the costs of solar PV has fallen, same with wind - both are now competing with fossil fuel on cost when built in the right places.
In the UK they want to remove gas central heating. However what the proponents of this move fail to highlight is that gas is the most efficient option and the associated costs to make the change is prohibitive to most of the public. Just wait until the true facts are revealed.
We also hear NOTHING about the massive cost of upgrading bridges, roads, andparking garages to handle the extra weight of EVs. Currently, the semi-trucks that haul all the food and products we buy are limited to 80,000 Lbs.that willnevergo away. We never hear about the life span of a wind turbine or solar farm. These things only last 20-25 years so before we even get to having carbon energy fully replaced we are tearing down old wind farms and replacing them. That is a cycle that will have no end. Today we depend on a never ending flow of oil. In the EV future we will be dependent on a never ending flow of turbines and panels from CHina. SO the dependency cycle never changes. The new Axis powers will be CHina, RUssia, India and Iran who will dominate coal and oil consumption while the rest of theworld is addicted to their "green energy" product. The dominant currency will shift to the yuan which the CCP manipulates dishonestly. Democracies and Republics will disappear. As the WEF recently told us you will eat bugs, own nothing and be happy
lol, he went for the money. Who funds him so lavishly? The right wing were falling over themselves to shovel cash at him. He tells them what they want to hear, they give him money.
Most governments and media and vested interest scientists have their fingers in their ears and saying "La LA LA La" when it comes to this kind of objective analysis. The best way to get this message through in the UK would be to back-channel it through Boris's girlfriend but she's already been bamboozled and colonised. Carl Sagan said that the longer people are bamboozled the harder it becomes for them to unbamboozle because it is simply too painful to abandon cherished, especially righteous beliefs.
Hmm. I think mr Lomborg is on to something here:) Been following him for years now and he just keeps getting more interesting - enough of this doom and gloom, let's invent some!
When Mr. Lomborg talks about New Zealand he forgets to mention that When You go CO2 zero policy You also have to stop importing EVERYTHING produced elsewhere that was made using fossile fuels - for example electric cars!
Much of the debate misses the point, i feel. We want a clean, pollution free planet if possible. Burning fossil fuels is more than about CO2 entering the atmosphere. And while I think some of the numbers are impressive over 100 years (for being too big or too small), if you rework the numbers on a per capita, per annum basis, you get a different picture. And if you divide Global population by NZ population, you gain a further perspective. Then overlay that with the quantum leaps in technology over the last 100 years, and its acceleration, and you can imagine other possibilities over the decades ahead, as Dr Lomborg does. Well, we don't know the future, but we can try to achieve clean waterways, clean oceans and seas and a clean atmosphere. CO2 may not be a villain, but pollution is. I do agree about the need for adaptability. I also think we can do more, to use that overworked cliche, to think outside the box. Such as....not to think about choices for the economy as a zero sum game. Instead of (in NZ) government forecasting that meeting carbon emissions will cost 16% of GDP, why not imagine it as adding 16% to GDP? And since when did official forecasts ever get the future right? We know they do their best, but extrapolation of the present is not the answer. By all means question proposals, by all means remain cynical and subject proposals to reality checks. Taking people with you requires visionaries, ones who know we don't have the answers....yet....but who challenge us to do so.
@@dsjjvfdjkdd True, but there's little r&d $$ going in to that technology while wind and solar continue to be promoted when they are not actually viable
"energy independence" was better for thecliate than th ecurrentpoliciy set of shutting down US production. We are still consumingthesame amount of fuels butnow they havetocoe from overseason fuel burning ships. ONE tanker from Kuwait tthe US burns 11,000,000 gallonsof fuel. Howis that better than pumping it thru pipe?
“According to models too sensitive to CO2” the cost is not worth the benefit.. so why?? When you include solar particle , cosmic ray and the global electric circuit forcing the models they show our future is for more extremes in weather in the short term but up to 20degc colder at high latitudes . Ice age .
No. Here is a video showing that orbital and solar mechanics are irrelevant in the time frame that is being forced by AGW. _Is an Ice Age Coming? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios_
The climate models have never matched observed reality in the past thirty or forty years. The models are consistently over-pessimistic, but the real climate refuses to obey the models. The Arctic ocean is still covered with ice every summer, despite regular predictions that it will be ice-free by 2005, 2013, 2014, 2020. Never happened yet.
@@overworlder - The IPCC report itself is not as alarmist as 95% of the press who read it. And several past editors of the report have criticised the reports’ methodology and conclusions.
Wealsoneed startegies that are intelligent about geo-politics. Shifting rapidly toturbines and panels simply hands the keys to the US economy to CHina. Heck, we don;t even know if there sufficent quantities of th erequired raw materials to build all this stuff. Most of the reserves we DO know about are control by CHina
If we in the developed countries do what the Alarmists want us to the easiest way to see what would happen is to look at Africa. It is ridiculous to way to solve the perceived problem by increasing the same major problems that Africa has to the rest of the globe. We have the economic resources to go the other way and instead cutting the already developed countries to the level of Africa (definition of Equity), it is to sensibly increase the level of living conditions and economic energy resources in Afica and other regions struggling to survive in turn bringing Equality and a quality of life similar to developed countries.
I am curious to see calculations pertaining to falling crop yieldsand reduced tree growth as CO2 is reduced. I also haven;t seenany plan toproduce a couple million electricians to install and maintain all this stuff. No one is talking about what happens to the US grid when you plugin 200,000,000 electric cars. a few million lawnmowers...etc. It's all about fear and emotions and throwing trillions of dollars intothe abyss but none has presented a PRACTICAL inplementation PLAN.
It will take decades to manufacture 200 million EVs. However if you look at the basic math, things aren't worrisome. The typical US car drives about 13,500 miles/year. At 280Wh/mile, that's 3,780 kWh/year. The US has about 2.5 trillion kWh per year in spare generating capacity - power we could generate but don't because there's no way currently to store it. That's already enough to handle over 600 million EVs. I think part of the problem is that anti-EV people think EVs consume far more energy than they actually do.
Australian agriculture is very adaptive...???? Industrial agriculture in Australia and anywhere else in the world can only exist with government subsidies. The way of the future is small local, multi cultural (as opposed to mono-cultural) agricultural business without the need for massive transportation and logistical costs. This increases bio diversity, decreases carbon emissions and much, much more! By the way this is not at fault of farmers, but people and governments who need to be educated on this! WE CAN'T EAT AN APPLE IN DECEMBER (or June for the people in the northern hemisphere)!!!... SIMPLE
The Queen of Denmark husband Prince Henrik speak fluent Vietnamese, his childhood memory spend in Vietnam with his father, he told Vietnam president Vietnam alway is his heart. Later on, he taught his children socialism values compassion and down to earth . Prince Phillip not even British but control the Buckingham Palace and turn the place into a War zone. That why Queen Elizabeth didnt visit Vietnam. The country full of tiger, lion, Leopard, crocodile and shark ministers ready for action. This is Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth husband . Vietnamese minister reply" I am the Emperor of Annam, now listen to what I say".
I am certain this man does not live in my world. This is not the biggest problem facing us and as for trade free around the world it is more likely that there will be food wars. But as always with cult predictions of doom and gloom they never manifest. Lets not live our short time here in fear and guilt.
The people in the comments here remind me why Q put humanity on trial in the first episode of Star Trek TNG. I want a science literate society who can wisely make informed decisions, but dang all you witch burners sure get in the way.
How about a Star Trek episode where Q puts climate zealots on trial for abandoning objectivity and critical thought. Generate a world where people aren't so gullible, foolishly believing that one side of this argument holds a monopoly on integrity, honesty, knowledge and science. Where fear mongering and guilt are no longer employed to push false narratives and support nefarious motives with displays of arrogant certitude.
This guy has an IQ of 160, seriously. And he applies his analytical talents in a constructive way. But he is up against a wall of ignorance, alarmism and a dangerous mix of religion and politics. "The madness of crowds"
So endless pollution is ok is it? Are you telling me that you're not even concerned about the effects of local pollution on your health?
CO2 is plant food
Less CO2 = less plant growth = less oxygen and less food.
@@wesleysaams448 not correct, if all your environmental parameters remain the same then this might be true, but as we've seen the global environment has become unstable, so any benefits are soon negated by water loss, heatstress, and frosts that are much more frequent than normal, moreover the nutritional value of food decreases as co2 goes up.
@Tor E. Bye fossil fuels are nearing an end what you going to do? Better sell your shares?
@@jonnyjonny2926 Everything is made by petroleum and transported by it
You get rid of fossil fuels, you get rid of all modern technology
all plastics are made by petroleum, including electric cars and the keyboard you are typing on
All fertilizers are made with petroleum and transported to the fields using it
all the plastics in the hospitals are made with petroleum
all of the electricity is either made by natural gas oil or was manufactured using it including wind and solar
If you want to live in a cave, be my guest but don't drag the rest of us with you
Mind blowing figures. Way too expensive in the cost benefit analysis, especially without any associated certainty.
From NZ John. I really can’t understand how you are not still in politics, one of the most sanest people in this part of the world.
I love how Lomborg knows exactly how much the temperature will change given an expected level of carbon emissions. The ability of these long term climate models to predict temperatures 10, 20 and 30 years is near zero. There are too many known variables that we don't completely understand and too many unknowable factors. What is the likelihood that every country reaches carbon neutral targets and we have temperatures far different from what was expected after spending untold trillions while weakening economies along the way with crushing debt loads? What then? The answer is that people at someone point will not allow this death march to carbon neutrality.
The only logic explanation is that they know people are not part of the equation 😲
Water vapour is like a blanket, the thicker you make it the more warming you get. CO2 is like a notch filter, it's already saturated so we now need too more than double it just to get a 1% increase in global warming for the co2 component or 0.05% of total global warming.
Schwarzschild proved this 100 years ago.
Carbon (CO2) is fundamental for all life. Plants and all living things will die if we get under 150 ppm. we almost got that low, but now CO2 is going up and after my opinion, that is a really good thing. More CO2 means more food for the world's growing population. More CO2 means prosperity for more people and the more prosperity people get, the more they are able to take care of the earth. We can't go backwards, only forwards.
Complete rubbish.
Please put a link to the entire video - thanks
Wonderful conversation and dialog.
Free people and private industries are innovative.
Policies on clim.... are all good and well "on paper."
The energy sector has been building renewables backed by gas as backup, shifting to storage as backup in the medium turn. They are the ones with skin in the game. Renewable generation has been cheaper years now. This is driven by economics, not by politics.
Maybe Barnaby Joyce and the Nations might be doing the nation a great service by asking how much climate policy is going to cost.
Meaningful points.
The problem is, the politicians are not listening and are dashing head long over the cliff edge - just look at the mess the UK is in with energy as a result of terrible decisions around the dash for green, and it's now getting serious, and dangerous.
These issues are about interruptions to the fossil fuel supply, nothing to do with renewables. It would be _worse_ if, as you mob wanted, there were no renewables.
Bjorn Lomborg has been talking sense for 20 years. Needless to say, those in power ignore him.
Where is the full video, put it in the links please?
You can watch the full interview here:
This is why we should be spending time, energy and cash to develop structures and strategies to lessen the impact from floods and droughts and the like.. our planet has, is and always ever changing
Correction ' NOT available' Sorry!
Why the warning on the video?
Because Lomborg is a fraud.
@@overworlder - You mean, of course, he says things that you disagree with.
And also that you’re own arguments are so weak you have to smear him rather than argue with the excellent points he makes.
The voice of reason . . . . thank you
Lots of questions there, but a positive, more realistic discussion nonetheless.
A key item left out of this discussion is will reducing carbon emission stop climate change?
You heretic !! Don't you know this is a religious crusade, a jihad - not some silly scientific intellectual exercise! Get a grip, and recant thy sins...
10:50-10:57, there's already a great source of energy that is safe, clean, and puissant. It's called nuclear power.
Tell the guys who used to live in fukushima or tjernobyle these new facts or talk to the guys mining uranium.
The uk is trying to blame the Russian government for the gas shortage and not the shortage of wind that they've become so dependant on.
Let this be a lesson for all electrical vehicles and putting all the eggs in the same basket.
Let things evolve. And despite prince Charles being a hypocrisy king. I agree with him on hydrogen cars.
A gas shortage is caused by a wind shortage? How does that work?
@@overworlder natural gas. Not petroleum or gasoline
Yeah I'm Australian. I understand the basics.
@@overworlder natural gas supply from Russia is a political football at the moment. The lack of wind has caused a temporary shortage of gas to generate electricity. Plus the Norwegian pipe is under maintenance
Ultimately its just the oligarchs squeezing the peasants like the standard oil 100 years ago
"The lack of wind has caused a temporary shortage of gas to generate electricity."
How does that work.
So the oil and coal companies are no longer going to squelch energy innovation like they've been doing for the last 80 years?
There isn't a capitalist alive that squelches innovation.
@@anthonymorris5084 What about Microsoft and Netscape? Also, have you never heard the stories of "the carburator that allowed the average car to get 100 mpg"? Or "the man who invented a car that runs on water"? Some of those stories may have just been stories, but some of those innovations were squelched by the oil, gas and coal companies by either destroying the inventors reputation or buying up the patents and shelving them.
Nicola Tesla's own patron destroyed his work and reputation when he discovered that Tesla wanted to have wireless energy distribution and his patron was heavily invested in copper wire.
Common knowledge for anyone with half a brain cell and an iota of self discovery. Simple and only relevant question: What are the costs and what are the benefits?
EU politicians listen to gretta who does not have things that you mentioned.
Two take home messages:
1. Trump was right about the Paris Climate Treaty (bad deal), 2. American current ideas - everyone drive electric cars is a poor idea - because the real question is: how do with make electricity and/or energy without pollution.
I like this guy. He's smart and he's not a fanatic.
Bjorn, you missed the point of cleaning your plate as a child. We finished our plates because to waste food when blessed with an abundance was an insult to those "poor" countries/countrymen who had not been blessed with an abundance of food.
The problem with a CBA approach is that the cost of total ruin is not included. Any non-linear complex system may have run away feedback loops. So in the CBA the the cost can go to infinity. Hence, static analyses in the CBA framework need this aspect. I like Lunborgs paramagnetism but he fundamentally misunderstands the distributions of risk here. Also, fuel security is a huge part of this and Europe in particular have no hydrocarbons left. So they need to do something because they are highly exposed to tail risks/costs on this front also. Through this lens Europes approach is pretty rational.
Also, part of innovation is deployment. Fossil fuels where supported in many cases in a similar way by state owned companies in their early days. Look at how the costs of solar PV has fallen, same with wind - both are now competing with fossil fuel on cost when built in the right places.
In the UK they want to remove gas central heating. However what the proponents of this move fail to highlight is that gas is the most efficient option and the associated costs to make the change is prohibitive to most of the public.
Just wait until the true facts are revealed.
We also hear NOTHING about the massive cost of upgrading bridges, roads, andparking garages to handle the extra weight of EVs. Currently, the semi-trucks that haul all the food and products we buy are limited to 80,000 Lbs.that willnevergo away. We never hear about the life span of a wind turbine or solar farm. These things only last 20-25 years so before we even get to having carbon energy fully replaced we are tearing down old wind farms and replacing them. That is a cycle that will have no end. Today we depend on a never ending flow of oil. In the EV future we will be dependent on a never ending flow of turbines and panels from CHina. SO the dependency cycle never changes. The new Axis powers will be CHina, RUssia, India and Iran who will dominate coal and oil consumption while the rest of theworld is addicted to their "green energy" product. The dominant currency will shift to the yuan which the CCP manipulates dishonestly. Democracies and Republics will disappear. As the WEF recently told us you will eat bugs, own nothing and be happy
President Kennedy did this challenge to go to the moon and it worked. Plenty of technology and science was developed which we use today.
Who else here knows Bjorn Lomborg from Jordan Peterson?
lol are you saying all these right wing 'media stars' are just different faces of the same beast bilking the base?
@@overworlder Bjorn Lomborg is "right wing" now? 🙄
I bet you consider anyone who's to right of Ilhan Omar as "right wing"
lol, he went for the money. Who funds him so lavishly? The right wing were falling over themselves to shovel cash at him.
He tells them what they want to hear, they give him money.
@@overworlder Meanwhile Gretta Thunberg tours the world using her allowance I guess.
@@anthonymorris5084 - St Greta of Thunberry floats on a cloud of self-righteousness. She disdains anything as petty as money.
Most governments and media and vested interest scientists have their fingers in their ears and saying "La LA LA La" when it comes to this kind of objective analysis. The best way to get this message through in the UK would be to back-channel it through Boris's girlfriend but she's already been bamboozled and colonised. Carl Sagan said that the longer people are bamboozled the harder it becomes for them to unbamboozle because it is simply too painful to abandon cherished, especially righteous beliefs.
Hmm. I think mr Lomborg is on to something here:) Been following him for years now and he just keeps getting more interesting - enough of this doom and gloom, let's invent some!
Some folks think solar can work
It works in the areas where the sun shines
Not where it snows or it's cloudy
When Mr. Lomborg talks about New Zealand he forgets to mention that When You go CO2 zero policy You also have to stop importing EVERYTHING produced elsewhere that was made using fossile fuels - for example electric cars!
Much of the debate misses the point, i feel. We want a clean, pollution free planet if possible. Burning fossil fuels is more than about CO2 entering the atmosphere. And while I think some of the numbers are impressive over 100 years (for being too big or too small), if you rework the numbers on a per capita, per annum basis, you get a different picture. And if you divide Global population by NZ population, you gain a further perspective. Then overlay that with the quantum leaps in technology over the last 100 years, and its acceleration, and you can imagine other possibilities over the decades ahead, as Dr Lomborg does. Well, we don't know the future, but we can try to achieve clean waterways, clean oceans and seas and a clean atmosphere. CO2 may not be a villain, but pollution is. I do agree about the need for adaptability. I also think we can do more, to use that overworked cliche, to think outside the box. Such as....not to think about choices for the economy as a zero sum game. Instead of (in NZ) government forecasting that meeting carbon emissions will cost 16% of GDP, why not imagine it as adding 16% to GDP? And since when did official forecasts ever get the future right? We know they do their best, but extrapolation of the present is not the answer. By all means question proposals, by all means remain cynical and subject proposals to reality checks. Taking people with you requires visionaries, ones who know we don't have the answers....yet....but who challenge us to do so.
Build nuclear power - job done
We've had a commercially viable solution for 60 years already
Yes, although I hear that fusion energy rather than fission is a much safer way to go.
@@lorellgingrich6603 Fusion power plants don't exist, and may not for a very very long time
@@dsjjvfdjkdd True, but there's little r&d $$ going in to that technology while wind and solar continue to be promoted when they are not actually viable
Yes agreed where will the money come from
"energy independence" was better for thecliate than th ecurrentpoliciy set of shutting down US production. We are still consumingthesame amount of fuels butnow they havetocoe from overseason fuel burning ships. ONE tanker from Kuwait tthe US burns 11,000,000 gallonsof fuel. Howis that better than pumping it thru pipe?
“According to models too sensitive to CO2” the cost is not worth the benefit.. so why?? When you include solar particle , cosmic ray and the global electric circuit forcing the models they show our future is for more extremes in weather in the short term but up to 20degc colder at high latitudes . Ice age .
No. Here is a video showing that orbital and solar mechanics are irrelevant in the time frame that is being forced by AGW.
_Is an Ice Age Coming? | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios_
The climate models have never matched observed reality in the past thirty or forty years. The models are consistently over-pessimistic, but the real climate refuses to obey the models. The Arctic ocean is still covered with ice every summer, despite regular predictions that it will be ice-free by 2005, 2013, 2014, 2020. Never happened yet.
@@28pbtkh23 - No, just read the IPCC report.
@@overworlder - The IPCC report itself is not as alarmist as 95% of the press who read it. And several past editors of the report have criticised the reports’ methodology and conclusions.
Wealsoneed startegies that are intelligent about geo-politics. Shifting rapidly toturbines and panels simply hands the keys to the US economy to CHina. Heck, we don;t even know if there sufficent quantities of th erequired raw materials to build all this stuff. Most of the reserves we DO know about are control by CHina
If we in the developed countries do what the Alarmists want us to the easiest way to see what would happen is to look at Africa.
It is ridiculous to way to solve the perceived problem by increasing the same major problems that Africa has to the rest of the globe. We have the economic resources to go the other way and instead cutting the already developed countries to the level of Africa (definition of Equity), it is to sensibly increase the level of living conditions and economic energy resources in Afica and other regions struggling to survive in turn bringing Equality and a quality of life similar to developed countries.
Don’t forget what the lost revenue means to the poor.
I am curious to see calculations pertaining to falling crop yieldsand reduced tree growth as CO2 is reduced. I also haven;t seenany plan toproduce a couple million electricians to install and maintain all this stuff. No one is talking about what happens to the US grid when you plugin 200,000,000 electric cars. a few million lawnmowers...etc. It's all about fear and emotions and throwing trillions of dollars intothe abyss but none has presented a PRACTICAL inplementation PLAN.
It will take decades to manufacture 200 million EVs.
However if you look at the basic math, things aren't worrisome.
The typical US car drives about 13,500 miles/year.
At 280Wh/mile, that's 3,780 kWh/year.
The US has about 2.5 trillion kWh per year in spare generating capacity - power we could generate but don't because there's no way currently to store it.
That's already enough to handle over 600 million EVs.
I think part of the problem is that anti-EV people think EVs consume far more energy than they actually do.
There are far to many unanswered questions to start tilting at wind mills with a rolled up trillion dollar bill for a lance
So is he saying that solar panels and wind turbines are not the answer ?
How could bulldozing every forest, jungle, desert and piece of farmland to lay hectares of solar panels be the answer to environmental destruction?
Australian agriculture is very adaptive...???? Industrial agriculture in Australia and anywhere else in the world can only exist with government subsidies. The way of the future is small local, multi cultural (as opposed to mono-cultural) agricultural business without the need for massive transportation and logistical costs. This increases bio diversity, decreases carbon emissions and much, much more! By the way this is not at fault of farmers, but people and governments who need to be educated on this! WE CAN'T EAT AN APPLE IN DECEMBER (or June for the people in the northern hemisphere)!!!... SIMPLE
The green agenda’s cost Benefit calculations are a disaster
what about getting rid of cane toads
The Queen of Denmark husband Prince Henrik speak fluent Vietnamese, his childhood memory spend in Vietnam with his father, he told Vietnam president Vietnam alway is his heart. Later on, he taught his children socialism values compassion and down to earth . Prince Phillip not even British but control the Buckingham Palace and turn the place into a War zone. That why Queen Elizabeth didnt visit Vietnam. The country full of tiger, lion, Leopard, crocodile and shark ministers ready for action. This is Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth husband . Vietnamese minister reply" I am the Emperor of Annam, now listen to what I say".
I am certain this man does not live in my world. This is not the biggest problem facing us and as for trade free around the world it is more likely that there will be food wars. But as always with cult predictions of doom and gloom they never manifest. Lets not live our short time here in fear and guilt.
The people in the comments here remind me why Q put humanity on trial in the first episode of Star Trek TNG. I want a science literate society who can wisely make informed decisions, but dang all you witch burners sure get in the way.
Who are the witch burners?
How about a Star Trek episode where Q puts climate zealots on trial for abandoning objectivity and critical thought. Generate a world where people aren't so gullible, foolishly believing that one side of this argument holds a monopoly on integrity, honesty, knowledge and science. Where fear mongering and guilt are no longer employed to push false narratives and support nefarious motives with displays of arrogant certitude.
Funny how nobody talks about the elephant in the room…overpopulation.
Yup. You want to stop climate change while simultaneously solving a myriad of other threats and issues? Stop having babies.
I expect the COP26 members will stick their fingers in their ears, and carry on with their mindless policies. Cynical or realistic?
This guy has nothing interesting to say at all. Oh well!
You clearly weren’t listening. Or maybe you’ve heard it all before?
Hahaha Not the cost! The money being made by some. Hahaha and who are they hahaha