The Beast of Gevaudan
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2024
- There are countless cryptids said to lurk in the wild places of the earth. But few have a string of real life murders attributed to solely to them, like the Beast of Gevaudan! In the late 18th century, this gigantic wolf-like animal was said to prowl the former French province of Gevaudan and attack man and beast alike, tearing their throats out and even severing their heads. So great was the hysteria surrounding this monster that King Louis XV sent hunters out to deal with it. But the question remains...just what WAS the Beast of Gevaudan?
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I love the snarling effects you used for the best in the background, you gotta tell me where you got them from!
Bonjour : J'ai vu les émmissions sur la bête du Gévaudan. 3 hybrides . Lettre du comte de Tournon.
« Mr Antoine et moi nous étant séparés pour tenir plus de pays, j’envoyais mon piqueur au bois avec mon limier, il détourna le vrai loup avec sa louve » (entendre par là la vrai bête avec sa compagne).
« Je fis avertir Monsieur Antoine d’être sur ses gardes, ce qu’il fit, je fis donc attaquer le fusil de Bruasc, ce jeune homme que je voulais procurer à Dupond, lui rata dessus à quatre pas, c’est-à-dire sur le mâle, voyant qu’il avait passé l’enceinte, je lui donnais mes chiens à deux heures après midi, qui le suivirent jusqu’à cinq avec une chaleur qui nous fendait, enfin ils se rebutèrent, le quittèrent et nous rejoignirent à 6 heures, le loup vint pour attaquer des petits bergers qui gardaient des vaches ; il trouva en sentinelle un nommé Rainchard, allemand, garde de Monsieur le Duc d’Orléans, qui lui lâcha un coup de carabine qui entra par la cuisse gauche et s’arrêta à l’épaule droite entre cuir et chair ; le loup gagna le pays et alla mourir à deux mortelles lieues de là, on le chercha trois jours inutilement, enfin un paysan le trouva sentant déjà mauvais, le porta à Saint-Flour, reçut la rétribution du Subdélégué » (Monsieur de Montluc), « dépouille son corps à la diable, lui coupe la tête et les oreilles jette son corps dans l’eau et s’en va faire la quête de village en village nous le savons.
On y envoie deux gardes, on rapporte la tête et les oreilles, on pêche son corps tout infecté, on oublie pas la peau » (sans doute obtenue par les perquisitions signalées par le rapport Magné de Marolles), « enfin tout nous parvient au Besset » (château du… où Antoine et ses hommes sont en résidence), « nous nous bouchons le nez, nous fouillons ce vilain corps, nous trouvons la balle, nous reconnaissons son pied, nous voyons que le gauche est usé en dedans (l’animal) ayant été blessé jadis à l’épaule ou à la jambe ; nous trouvons le côté du pied en dehors tout neuf. Nous l’avions reconnu pour être blessé en ce qu’il a appuyé à faux dans les endroits où nous pouvions en revoir, nous trouvons que son col est aussi gros que sa tête, que ses oreilles sont petites et larges, que son poitrail est prodigieux, que son poil est court et de la couleur d’un veau » (c’est-à-dire roux comme le confirme l’abbé Trocelier pour les vaches du pays), « qu’il a une raie noire sur le dos large d’un doigt » (10 à 11 cm environ), « que son pied est rond comme celui d’un mâtin » (chien mastiff, molosse, dogue) ; « enfin que c’est notre loup dévorant » (la vraie bête du Gévaudan), « nous ignorons si sa louve » (sa femelle aperçue par les piqueurs) « à des inclinaisons aussi meurtrières, c’est ce que le temps nous apprendra. » (Lettre du comte Hugues-François de Tournon-Meyre, veneur réputé du Vivarais étant venu au cours de l’été 1765 renforcer l’équipage de François Antoine pour ses chasses à la bête du Gévaudan. Transcription P.P.L. BERTHELOT 5/07/2021.) Nous pouvons voir sur son site Facebook : Amis qui aiment la Bête du Gévaudan de P.P.L. BERTHELOT, que le texte original écrit avec la plume, est bien scanné.Cette lettre se trouve bien aux archives nationales (Archives Nationales, Chartrier de Tournon, papiers personnels, 513AP/19, dossier 1).Les archives du comte de Tournon tout comme le rapport Magné de Marolles (BNF-Paris) confirment qu'il s'agissait bien de la vraie bête du Gévaudan et que ce n'était pas un pur loup puisqu'elle avait un pied de chien.
Il y avait donc bien plusieurs Bêtes tueuses avec du gène d’un chien mâtin, car un pur loup ne peut pas avoir un pied de ce style. « Dans cette lettre-rapport du comte de Tournon, ce sont les louvetiers (valet de chiens et valet de limier de l'équipage de la Grande Louveterie Royale voire les gardes-louvetiers) qui parlent. Ils donnent leurs avis sur ce qu'ils connaissaient le mieux ; autrement dit la comparaison, non pas avec un chien de ferme (un matin), mais avec un chien mâtin de leurs équipages dont la race était bien fixée à cette époque.
Ils chassent un loup, le porte-arquebuse François Antoine en a décidé ainsi, alors ils désignent logiquement cet animal ''loup'', mais son pied est comme celui de leurs mâtins d'équipage, celui d'un chien, pas un pied rond de loup » (Propos de Patrick Berthelot sur le site facebook : Amis qui aiment la bête du Gévaudan). Les propos qui suivent entre guillemets, sont également de Patrick Berthelot sur le même site : « Les autres témoignages provenant des chasseurs comme ceux de François Antoine, et qui étaient venus chasser des loups, n'y voyaient logiquement que des empreintes de loups. Quoi de plus normal que de trouver des empreintes de loups autour d'un cadavre dans un pays où il en existait autant ? Ensuite, il y a cette archive que j'ai retrouvée et décortiquée du rapport de l'équipage d'Antoine repris par le comte de Tournon, où les louvetiers (gardes et valets), évoquent la patte de la bête du Bois Noir (officiellement reconnue comme la Bête du Gévaudan) dotée d'un pied rond semblable à celui des mâtins qu'ils utilisaient à la vénerie. A l'ensemble, il faut ajouter un pelage roussâtre et court. Celui qui voit un simple loup là-dedans serait bien éveillé d'aller changer ses verres de lunettes de toute urgence ! » Après que Rainchard a tué ce chien mâtin croisé avec un loup, ou on peut éventuellement comprendre pourquoi Antoine a voulu par la suite tué également un loup, car c’était un loup entier et empaillé et non découpé en morceau qu’il devait ramener à Paris (pour être certain de toucher une prime). Mais ce loup des chazes empaillé en y regardant de plus près avait des côtes différentes des loups, ce qui permetté à l annimal de ce retourné sur lui même : seul les chiens du style Dog ont ce genre d'anomalie, donc c'etait encore une fois un chien croisé avec un loup, idem por la bête tué par Chastel. Et oui la science moderne répond à beaucoup de question. L'annimal de Chazes avait également provoqué quelques attaques car des blessures causé par l’homme sur l’animal étaient également présente et quelques personnes l’ont reconnu). Cette analyse MODERNE du rapport Marin qui suit, a permis d’établir la nature exacte d'une derniére bëte du Gévaudan. «Nous avions confiés ces notes au Museum d’histoire naturel de Paris, afin d’étudier la morphologie de la bête et de la comparé à celle du loup. Cette analyse complètement inédite, nous a permis d’établir la nature exacte de la bête du Gévaudan. La bête n’est ni une Hyène, ni un singe, ni tout autres animal exotique. »
Sa formule dentaire montre que cette bête est un canidé : « C’est un mâle de 109 livres (le poids normal d’un loup adulte.) Mais son museau est plus court que celui d’un loup, et sa tête plus large.
L’Arcade zygomatique surdimensionné laisse deviner une mâchoire particulièrement puissante, la crête du crâne et la taille des dents appartiennent au loup, mais la hauteur du profil et le stop du museau évoque incontestablement la morphologie du chien. De manière générale, l’avant du corps est proche de celui du chien, et l’arrière ressemble à celui du loup. Loin d’être une contradiction, la coexistence des deux morphotypes nous permet d’être affirmatifs. La bête du Gévaudan est donc un hybride entre un loup et un gros chien. Sans doute d’un chien Mâtin : ces conclusions sont confirmées par la tache blanche sur le poitrail de l’animal, et la grande longueur des griffes qui trahissent la domestication » (Fin des commentaires orales dans le grand documentaire de David Teyssandier : « La bête du Gévaudan autopsie d’un mythe -
I have been fascinated with this tale since seeing "Brotherhood of the Wolf" many years ago!🐺🦁👻
It was seeing that movie that opened me up to the actual story as well.
Me too! I especially love the French version with English subs. I had it on dvd for a long time, and now I keep a copy on my iPad. It’s such an amazing movie!
Me too! This one has always fascinated me
I've been fascinated with Monica Bellaciao since seeing that movie.
Looks like I'll ve looking into this movie. >:3
I love the detail of the bulls charging the animal to protect the woman herding them.
When the Director's cut for Brotherhood of the Wolf (Le Pact De Wolf in French) came out they included a bonus DVD with an interview with an Author of a book on The Beast of Gevaudan. After doing a lot of research he determined that The Beast was a wolf/dog hybred. The animal was trained by a member of a witches coven to kill the unsuspecting on the road or countryside. The reason the killing stopped briefly is that its owner/trainer was in prison. Once released though the Beast began to kill again until it was killed.
"Determined" isn't quite accurate - "theorized" is far more apt. These events tool place over 250 years ago, and there's no body of the animal to examine - Even the most compelling or well-reasoned theories are conjecture without physical proof.
@Madame Rosa I also suspect it could have been a striped hyena
That's funny. I saw a An investigative documentary that said it was supposedly a hyena that's of an extinct breed. And that it was probably owned by a nobleman.
@madamerosa1374easy to kill with bullets, this thing killed people for 3 years.
@@airmanfirstclass3535easily killed by bullets, wouldnt have took 3 years.
Kudos for your good french pronunciation, for one.
For two, what I find most fascinating is that the Beast of Gévaudan is possibly the only cryptid which existence is historically indisputable.
Medieval Art
Giving people getting their scalp bitten off the expression of someone who just realized they left the stove on since 476 AD
It’s really cool getting the lore. The show teen wolf used this story as a plot point. Pretty cool! Awesome work!
Being a hunter myself, I doubt it was a "normal" wolf. This thing was something else
I am a well seasoned outdoorsman myself and I wholeheartedly agree. The beast of gevaudan has been a small research project of mine for some time now. Between the accounts of the animal’s habits and the wounds of the victims, this matches with very few, if any, animals in the world. None of which are native to France. My hypothesis is that it was a canid like creature that was revealed after human expansion encroached on its home. We may never know now though, as it may have been the last of its kind.
I think you might mean a "modern" wolf. Wolves in the northern hemisphere might be afraid of people today but that wasn't always the case. Indeed, it's interesting to note that in rural India they pretty much behave the same way their northern cousins did in the past.
I think it might have been a feral dog or some type of wolf dog mix
Obviously it was a psychotic werewolf.
One of my favourite European stories! Love that you've covered it :)
AH! I heard of this story from a different channel, but I had hoped sometime you'd do this story as well. I usually learn more with this channel, than I do others at times. Not to say that the channel I heard this myth from originally did a bad job, they did good in their own right. I just appreciate learning more on a topic in general. Such as I personally did not know about the werewolf trials. I've heard, of course, of the witch trials but not werewolf ones. Always happy to watch, listen, and learn from your videos. Thank you!
We did a full episode on werewolf legends and their impact on the world at large last year! Check it out!
@@MythologyUnleashed Thank you so very much! I could have sworn I'd seen it. but maybe I missed it. Either way, I will for certain watch it! Werewolves are my personal favorite!
@@MythologyUnleashed who brought lions to the menageries in the first place? They didn't know or didn't searched?
Any hunter would determine if it was a cat or not.
Personally I always thought there were multiple beasts, some of the attacks were probably just ordinary wolves who's attacks normally would have been ignored but they were lumped in with the beast. There also might have been a cereal killer operating in the area. I think there likely was some kind of abnormal animal be it an escapee from a menagerie or some kind of wolf dog hybrid but it wasn't responsible for every attack.
a cereal killer? LMAO. Better hide your cornflakes
Love this story what a time to be alive. Being a part of a group who's hunting myths that truly did exist and was real enough to hunt and be hunted
The algorithm is working
Longer videos please I love all of them
I 2nd that
Just got done binging The Case Study of Vanitas; this creature is a huge part of one of the arcs!
Shamefully late to the comments on this one, but it deserves love - belated or not. :) This was an area of folklore that I was not previously familiar with, but as always, you did a fantastic job covering it. Great little plug at the beginning on the werewolf trials. That's an area of history that I think gets overshadowed by the witch hunts and trials, but is just as interesting (and tragic). You delivered a delightfully chilling final note on this video - perfectly fit the subject tone and atmosphere. Will definitely be coming back to this one for writing inspiration!
I think you’ve inspired me to start learning more about the Werewolf Trials!
@@hopefulstarfish7559 Glad to hear it! :)
But thanks to the show "Teen Wolf" the truth and identity of the Beast of Gevaudan is finally revealed, courtesy of Gerard Argent who's family ancestry is involved in hunting the beast down and he revealed that the Beast is in fact the older brother of his ancestor Marie-Jeanne Argent, (née Valet) a.k.a. The Maid Of Gevaudan, Sebastian Valet, and the reason for the Beast's identity to be both a mystery and unknown is because Marie-Jeanne punished him by via damnatio memoriae, and they erased everything about her older brother being the infamous Beast from burning every contract, letter, and document with Sebastien's name on them to repossessing his belongings, and even made-up different stories about the Beast of Gevaudan that I've just witnessed in this video as part of the damnatio memoriae punishment to ensure that every trace of his existence had been destroyed. But it's a shame that Marie-Jeanne didn't count on Marcel who planned to revive Sebastian and using damnatio memoriae as a form of reversal spell to help him remember who he is and what he has become before his death at the hands of his sister while creating and of course finding a suitable host for his spirit in the form of a genetic chimera and succeeded until Scott McCall killed him once and for all after with the same pike that Marie-Jeanne used to killed him now in the form of a sword-cane right after Lydia used her voice through via her Banshee Powers to separate The Beast's spirit from his host.
mate dont you realise thats a TV show
Great video, about the Beast of Gevaudan ! Can you make a video about, the Beast of Bodmin Moor or others phantom cats from the UK .
I did an biographical essay on La Bete in my Senior year in High School A+. I have so much fascination with its origin and the causation of it's existence. But the best part is it was real.
That was a good one! Loving your channel!
The story of the Beast carries a fair number of implications that play into various elements of folklore. The fact that Chastel used silver bullets to kill the "beast" contributes to both werewolf legend, given that silver is often considered holy and necessary to kill the supernatural, but also for part of the theory that the beast was a tool of a more human killer. And it would be the latter that I'd think would be most reasonable... and in fact I'd even think that the human controling the beast might well have been Chastel, himself.
For silver, while it can be fashioned into a bullet, lacks the destructive properties of a lead bullet, even a lead bullet of the mid 1700s, and at the same time it also is less accurate than a lead bullet of the time. The result of this is that the use of a silver bullet would require the hunter to get EXTREMELY close to the target to be sure he will hit a vital organ with said bullet. However, given the behaviors of wild animals, it would seem unlikely that Chastel could have shot a wild beast with a silver bullet at the ranges supposed for hunting a wild animal. A wild animal would be more prone to moving away, which would then play into the problems of a silver bullet as ammunition.
A domesticated or trained animal, however, would be less likely to move when approached, which would give Chastel time to aim and be sure that his bullet would hit something vital in the beast. This would then in turn allow Chastel to claim the prizes for finally dispatching the beast... a beast he may well have been involved in unleashing.
Even if this was true the question still remains, what did he unleash? All who saw the beast described it in fairly consistant ways and they don't sound like any common wolf or dog. And its power seems to be to great for your average animal in Europe besides the bear but it clearly wasn't a bear
@@brucejedilee5290 - That's a big part of the mystery. As surviving descriptions and images of "the beast" are not completely consistent with any potential candidate.
My best guess is that the animal used could have been an abnormally large Mastiff or Wolf-Mastiff hybrid that was breed and trained for engaging in these sorts of attacks. and that certain elements of the descriptions may have exaggerated in the heat of the moment.
@@SamuelJamesNary Possibly but the tail is one fearure all seem to agree on and such a hybrid wouldn't have a tail like that. My guess is that it was a wild exotic animal like a lion or a hybrid between a lion and another big cat, possibly a leopard or a tiger.
@@brucejedilee5290 - The tail is the sort of thing that I think would be the thing that is exaggerated. A survivor notes that the attack is savage and running on adrenaline makes things seem "bigger" than they in fact were. And there are other factors that would make the exotic big cat theory seem a bit much to me.
For one thing, the markings on a tiger or a leopard would be very distinctive, and while 1700s French peasants probably had never seen one, there have been enough mentions of them his histories and stories from explorers that they would note the details of a tiger's stripes or a leopard's spots... things that don't show up in the "beast's" description.
And at the same time, it needs to be remembered that the lion was not a totally unknown animal to Europe. Yes, by the 1700s the European Cave Lion was long extinct, as were the pockets in eastern Europe attributed to the Asiatic Lion had also died out, but that didn't remove knowledge of the big cat.
They'd been used heavily in the Roman games, which were a big part of the Barbary Lion's decline, and through the Middle Ages, they began to appear in the heraldry of various noble houses and figures. And many of these people had likely seen the banner of armies flying flags that would have a lion-like animal on them. In this, by the 1700s there would be at least some basic knowledge on what a Lion looked like... even if they didn't see them personally.
And there would also be the behavioral patterns of these cats to consider. For while they can be trained, and over time this can result in them showing behaviors not seen elsewhere... which Valmik Thapar notes in "Exotic Aliens" when comparing India's Asian Lions to the African Lions in the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya... they will still be relatively unpredictable and dangerous to work with at close range. And this has been noted that circus and zoo lions and tigers have attacked their handlers and keepers. And as such, I doubt one would just let Chastel come up close... on foot... and shoot it with a silver bullet.
And if this was one that wasn't trained and thus was more "wild," it would be even less likely to allow it. Lions and Tigers have both been known to attack those attacking them. Jim Corbett notes this in his hunt for the Champawat Tigress... in that his first shot that hit her was non-lethal and she was on her way to attack him when the final shot that did put her down was delivered. And while Leopards may not be as durable... a Lion or Tiger would be fairly capable of taking a few hits, particularly given the firepower of weapons of the 1700s.
And this would only further exaggerate the issues from using a silver bullet. Muskets of the time might have a larger caliber than what most hunting rifles would have today, but many lacked rifling in the barrel and would fire at a lower muzzle velocity than modern rifles. And with the fact that a silver bullet would be less accurate and less destructive than a lead bullet would only add to those dangers. Chastel would have needed to get extremely close to be able to fire one shot and kill the animal... Which I'd find unlikely even with a "trained" Lion.
@@SamuelJamesNary Back then people had an idealised view of a lion that doesn't often match with reality, a subadult or an adult with a small mane and rougher features wouldn't match the majestic image the common people had in mind. Also the story of how he killed the beast could be false. He might have used a regular bullet and it could have taken several hits or he just got lucky and hit it in the right spot with enough power. It could even taken a while before the wound killed it and he had to track down the body before bringing it in
The way this beast was described with reddish fur & black stripes & long thin tail & having a bone crushing bite, loud roar etc, I suspect it was a Bengal tiger.
If they could find where the body was dna 🧬 test it
It possibly could have been either a dire wolf or a cousin as fossils have been found in Eurasia. Dire wolves were large canines that stood between 3-5 feet at the shoulder and were 5-7 feet in length. The beast could have been a close relative of about the same size or the actual dire wolf. When someone is scared or they’re in flight mode, the brain can distort a memory making someone think they saw one thing but actually saw another. So a person being hunted by a large wolf can possibly think they are being hunted by a monster. All cryptids have some sort of factual basis. Like the Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, Chupacabra, among others. Some cryptids actually fit fossil descriptions to a T, meaning they look just like a prehistoric animal. Now, in my opinion, legends and myths do have a basis in reality but over time, like a giant game of telephone as most stories were told orally(speaking), things can get distorted or even change dramatically throughout time
So basically, this creature the beast of gevaudan is like a wolf or some what of a hyena? But overall, we really don't know what exactly what it is other than it's, a creature mythological creature that hunts without no fear or no mercy.
Most likely a large pack of nasty wolves
Probably a hybrid family of a wolf and some large dog breed, given that they didn't fear humans whatsoever.
Wow, so ancient Wolf-Dogs basically?
@@thalmoragent9344 that's my personal theory. Of course we're never going to know for sure.
@@Whitby_Abbeys_Ghost what are the chances of giant wolves fearing humans in a remote village?
Teen Wolf brought me here 💛😊
Apparent witnesses are saying it was larger than a typical wolf about the size of small horse, I'm wondering now if it could have been a Dire wolf, not as extinct as long as we believe it was, perhaps a small population of Dire wolves existed back during the 1600s? Not as unlikely as ppl may think 🤔 Than again maybe there is a more supernatural creature responsible. Unless we have advance technology like a looking glass to see back in time, we weill never know
Except Direwolf are not bigger than regular wolf, quite to the contrary they are similarly sized and definitely not as big as a small horse. They also lived mainly live in north american and eastern Asia is the westest part where we found Dire wolf fossile so it is really unlikely it was dire wolf.
The escaped menagerie theory is way more likely, it could have been a lion or a hyena.
And maybe even a few human profited of the panic to commit a few crime as well. Afterall if we take a look at the american gold rush we have records of people trying to hide suspicious death by blaming it on the harsh winter of the appalachian mountain which can be deadly.
Also it could simply be a big wolf, or even multiple big wolf. Something that is less know is that the beast of Gévaudan was hardly the only case of man hunting animal in france during this century, and well they all showed similar behavior, all the beast mostly targeted women and children which is a known man hunter behavior.
I prefer the multiple attacker theory. There are examples of Zoo animals teaming up with animals of other species. A lost zoo animal joining a wolf pack would just be possible. Similarly, human serial killers sometimes work in packs.
I find the Beast of Gevaudan to be a fascinating story and I've studied this one for a very long time. I have still not figured out what it was, and the best anyone can do is a guess. I believe that is what is so intriguing about the story. The best guess I can give would be (Maybe Spanish) War Dog. The Spanish mastiff had a weight of 240=to-270 pounds and stood 3 and a half to 4 feet tall, or at least the stories tell of this size. Ever seen the size of a Cane Corso? Celtic warriors used them, and they were larger than men. On Columbus 2nd trip he took to battle the natives with 20 Mastiff and a couple hundred conquistadors against thousands of natives. It is said that the sheer terror from just 20 dog's ripping men apart was what won them the battle. (I'm sure the black power rifles were a Boone also) Colombus said that ONE of the dogs was worth 15 of the soldiers and their bite was so powerful they could rip an arm from a man and crush a skull inside their massive jaw's. Those dogs were bread and trained for war, just imagine something so powerful, trained and smart in the countryside and the people have only been around average size dogs. The giant mastiff would have had rust colored fur, a black stripe down it's back, a bushy tail and if you look at the mouth it does look like a pig snout. It would have known what soldiers were and it would not have shown itself around soldiers. They would boil boar hide and wrap the war dogs in it, that boiled hide would have protected from the weaker black powder rounds fired at it and when the creature was taken down it was with a different type of rifle and a much more powerful bullet.
Pretty much the Jack the Ripper of animal attacks.
This tale is so fascinating! I hope to do something inspired by it. Again, I love this tale.
Since you did one about the beast of Gevaudan, could you do a video about another french creature called the tarasque?
I love the movie 'Brotherhood of the wolf.'
Another fantastic work from Mythology Unleashed!
I heard this tale before from a television mystery show but that reviews ends up believing the cause by a serial killer that used a tamed wolf in killing people. I doubt about that and it was mostly just your typical so-called scientific community that made biased propaganda in distilling the many factors behind it.
I'm open minded on the possibility towards the unknown. The Beast of Gevaudan is one of the unknown that made me curious about it. I doubt people in the past like late 18th century France could make stupid assumption or fabricated the story of a wolf-like monster that have made numerous killing over the region. With so much reports saying it's a creature that have characteristics of a wolf or similar to it. There's no denying that there maybe some things to it.
Modern study is just utterly ridiculous.
With the strong disbelief from the supernatural and anomaly. Experts would degrade such a tale just a case to a rabid murderer. What a hopeless pathetic excuse.
Well done! This one is Spo0o0ky 🖤
Most likely a combination of an escaped young male lion (don't have manes, more a dark stripe down the back which matches many descriptions), attacks from large European wolves which weren't uncommon, mass hysteria, and possibly a serial killer taking an opportunity.
Another lore to add to my collection
Must have just listened to the Powerwolf song.
"Immature male lion."
It would not have to be an immature male lion. Male lions may be known for their manes, but male lions do not always grow manes. 2 perfect examples are 2 male lions known as "the Tsavo man eaters." Believed to be brothers, they were dubbed "the ghost" and "the darkness" by locals and, like many of the other male lions in the region, did not have manes. They killed somewhere between 35-135 peopl, though the exact number will never be known since many of the people disappeared. They were killed in 189, and their bodies are still on display at the Feilds Museum in Chicago.
There was a movie inspired by their killing spree called "The Ghost and the Darkness" that came out in 1996.
this came up at the weirdest time, as I was just thinking about putting together a campaign centred around the Beast
Geralt: *Accepts Contract*
I remember this one. I always wondered if it was a species of wolf or a hyena.🤔
It wasn’t. It was something way more terrifying. A lycanthrope
@@alphathorsten5045 What's more likely, a particularly large and violent wolf or a werewolf? Come on.
@@smithsmith1956 only a monster could’ve committed such acts of barbarism.
@@alphathorsten5045 Have you seen how absolutely vile Hyena behavior is? And some wolves. You do know that both animals don't necessarily wait for their prey to die before eating them? Sometimes a$$ first. Animals and monsters are usually one and the same. They're operating off instincts.
@alphathorsten5045 it's called nature and only humans invited the idea of "barbarism", nature is nature and doesn't give a fuck. What happens just happens. That's life. Doesn't need to be a big spooky monster or devil behind something.
Have you done a video on The Man-eaters of Tsavo yet? The eyewitnesses of the reign of horror describe the lions as being male African lions, they were completely hairless or mainless and monstrously huge. They couldn't even estimate how many people these lions killed and ate. You can find The Maneaters of Tsavo in the Chicago Field Museum's webpage (when they were killed they were stuffed and sent to Chicago). And like Samuel stated at the end of the movie THE GHOST and THE DARKNESS..."...I dare you to look them in the eyes, and NOT be afraid."
This was a great video!
Has anyone seen the Beast of Geuvaudan episode from Animal X?
Yes. It was shit.
I don't know where to start with this to be frank... It was about two years ago during the winter. I honestly can't remember if it was a full moon either, anyway I went to take min pin out and take the trash. I put the trash in the dumpster then started to turn and seen this huge dog looking animal. it's head was bigger than mine by a lot and stood a little taller than me. ( I'm 5 foot 9 inches). I like dogs so I admired the animal while it rummaged thru someone's yard and trash. I told people about the sighting and they laughed it off. Starting to think I was hallucinating until this video came up and this gentleman described exactly what I saw. I live in the north east of America for and idea of placing this situation. The one I saw tho was white but the description this video gives is on point and very accurate.
Tldr: I believe I saw the beast of gevaudon
'Liked' and 'Subscribed'. 👍💖💖
And here I thought werewolf was bad news.
💛 all your videos mate 👍especially this one because it's about #Gevaudan.
The best bk is likely "The Gevaudan Tragedy: The Disastrous Campaign of a Deported 'Beast'," by Karl-Hans Taak. It's told as a mystery, w/graphs & charts showing when the beast attacked, males vs. females/kids, ages, time of year, etc. SPOILER! Mr. Taake surmises it was a young lion & able to bite thru neckbones (licking heads clean w/its abrasive tongue), which dogs/hyenas can't do. The beast also apparently attacked a man on a horse & couldn't be shaken off (aka a big cat), & acted as did the lions of Tsavo in its hunting behavior. Mr. Taak's ending is the scariest, however, saying that the beast had likely escaped from a traveling carnival as it migrated from a popular road frequented by such carnivals, & that the beast was just ONE example of such animals escaping & eating the townsfolk. He sited multiple incidents that never got the press this beast did. Mr. Taak sympathizes w/the beast, saying it was acting naturally & hunting as it would in its native land. He says it was never caught, & avoided all traps & poisons laid for it, & likely died on a highland many years later. It's a good read. Thanks for your video! :-)
Likely just a normal wolf pack which the French crown, eager to mend its reputation after its humiliating defeat in the Seven Years War, presented as a monster in order to *a)* make the efforts of its army in tracking the "beast" seem more daring and *b)* excuse that same army for its incompetence in putting an end to the attacks.
I remember that episode of monster quest.
This has got Dogman written all over it.
9:35 Coelacanth: Am I a joke to you people?
Why the heck didn't they have an artist draw or paint this beast after they killed it for historic purposes? Now we can only guess what it was. Maybe the truth was stranger than fiction?
To be fair, a lot of animals in medieval European artwork rarely looked quite like their real life counterparts. For example, horses. Sometimes they'd look like a horse, other times they looked alien!
@@MythologyUnleashed bro I'm not talking abstract art. You mean to say there were no realists artists in the 18th century?
Ans: of course there were.
The closet thing to a real werewolf.
It was a real werewolf.
I’m interested in all kinds of myths and legends regardless of were they come from but I seem to be in love with tails of monsters.
Maybe you should cover alaskan monsters. They're pretty interesting like the waheela or torngasuk
I enjoy your content, keep it up. 🙏🏽
This is one beast even Belle couldn't tame!
I’d like to know everyone’s thoughts on the identity of the bête de gevaudan!
Myth: I think it’s proof werewolves exist
Realistic: a person in a wolfs hide and using the beast as a cover up for a murder spree
The floor is now open
It is possible for a predator to evade detection during that time due to the lack of technology. Many animals would be wary of humans. If it was indeed a dire wolf, a bear dog or even a hyaenodon they would have been able to evade detection. I believe the only reason these animals would have started killing people and live stock would have been a decline in their normal food source. And as mentioned in the video, Gevuadan was a remote area in France. The only possibility due to the nature of the attacks and where the wounds on the victim were located, would be a hyaenodon since there is fossil evidence of this creature attacking the head and neck of its prey and with it’s jaw strength was actually capable of crushing or even decapitating its victims skulls
Can you add The Four Living Creatures, The Six Paired Winged Creatures and The Burning Living Many Eyed Winged Wheels as well as The Loch Ness Monster or Spleiciosaurus, Scotty the T-Rex, Speckles the Tarbosaurus and Patchy the Pacherhinosaurus, please?
Reminds me of Ralph from Rampage
Bonjour : J'ai vu les émmissions sur la bête du Gévaudan. 3 hybrides . Lettre du comte de Tournon.
« Mr Antoine et moi nous étant séparés pour tenir plus de pays, j’envoyais mon piqueur au bois avec mon limier, il détourna le vrai loup avec sa louve » (entendre par là la vrai bête avec sa compagne).
« Je fis avertir Monsieur Antoine d’être sur ses gardes, ce qu’il fit, je fis donc attaquer le fusil de Bruasc, ce jeune homme que je voulais procurer à Dupond, lui rata dessus à quatre pas, c’est-à-dire sur le mâle, voyant qu’il avait passé l’enceinte, je lui donnais mes chiens à deux heures après midi, qui le suivirent jusqu’à cinq avec une chaleur qui nous fendait, enfin ils se rebutèrent, le quittèrent et nous rejoignirent à 6 heures, le loup vint pour attaquer des petits bergers qui gardaient des vaches ; il trouva en sentinelle un nommé Rainchard, allemand, garde de Monsieur le Duc d’Orléans, qui lui lâcha un coup de carabine qui entra par la cuisse gauche et s’arrêta à l’épaule droite entre cuir et chair ; le loup gagna le pays et alla mourir à deux mortelles lieues de là, on le chercha trois jours inutilement, enfin un paysan le trouva sentant déjà mauvais, le porta à Saint-Flour, reçut la rétribution du Subdélégué » (Monsieur de Montluc), « dépouille son corps à la diable, lui coupe la tête et les oreilles jette son corps dans l’eau et s’en va faire la quête de village en village nous le savons.
On y envoie deux gardes, on rapporte la tête et les oreilles, on pêche son corps tout infecté, on oublie pas la peau » (sans doute obtenue par les perquisitions signalées par le rapport Magné de Marolles), « enfin tout nous parvient au Besset » (château du… où Antoine et ses hommes sont en résidence), « nous nous bouchons le nez, nous fouillons ce vilain corps, nous trouvons la balle, nous reconnaissons son pied, nous voyons que le gauche est usé en dedans (l’animal) ayant été blessé jadis à l’épaule ou à la jambe ; nous trouvons le côté du pied en dehors tout neuf. Nous l’avions reconnu pour être blessé en ce qu’il a appuyé à faux dans les endroits où nous pouvions en revoir, nous trouvons que son col est aussi gros que sa tête, que ses oreilles sont petites et larges, que son poitrail est prodigieux, que son poil est court et de la couleur d’un veau » (c’est-à-dire roux comme le confirme l’abbé Trocelier pour les vaches du pays), « qu’il a une raie noire sur le dos large d’un doigt » (10 à 11 cm environ), « que son pied est rond comme celui d’un mâtin » (chien mastiff, molosse, dogue) ; « enfin que c’est notre loup dévorant » (la vraie bête du Gévaudan), « nous ignorons si sa louve » (sa femelle aperçue par les piqueurs) « à des inclinaisons aussi meurtrières, c’est ce que le temps nous apprendra. » (Lettre du comte Hugues-François de Tournon-Meyre, veneur réputé du Vivarais étant venu au cours de l’été 1765 renforcer l’équipage de François Antoine pour ses chasses à la bête du Gévaudan. Transcription P.P.L. BERTHELOT 5/07/2021.) Nous pouvons voir sur son site Facebook : Amis qui aiment la Bête du Gévaudan de P.P.L. BERTHELOT, que le texte original écrit avec la plume, est bien scanné.Cette lettre se trouve bien aux archives nationales (Archives Nationales, Chartrier de Tournon, papiers personnels, 513AP/19, dossier 1).Les archives du comte de Tournon tout comme le rapport Magné de Marolles (BNF-Paris) confirment qu'il s'agissait bien de la vraie bête du Gévaudan et que ce n'était pas un pur loup puisqu'elle avait un pied de chien.
Il y avait donc bien plusieurs Bêtes tueuses avec du gène d’un chien mâtin, car un pur loup ne peut pas avoir un pied de ce style. « Dans cette lettre-rapport du comte de Tournon, ce sont les louvetiers (valet de chiens et valet de limier de l'équipage de la Grande Louveterie Royale voire les gardes-louvetiers) qui parlent. Ils donnent leurs avis sur ce qu'ils connaissaient le mieux ; autrement dit la comparaison, non pas avec un chien de ferme (un matin), mais avec un chien mâtin de leurs équipages dont la race était bien fixée à cette époque.
Ils chassent un loup, le porte-arquebuse François Antoine en a décidé ainsi, alors ils désignent logiquement cet animal ''loup'', mais son pied est comme celui de leurs mâtins d'équipage, celui d'un chien, pas un pied rond de loup » (Propos de Patrick Berthelot sur le site facebook : Amis qui aiment la bête du Gévaudan). Les propos qui suivent entre guillemets, sont également de Patrick Berthelot sur le même site : « Les autres témoignages provenant des chasseurs comme ceux de François Antoine, et qui étaient venus chasser des loups, n'y voyaient logiquement que des empreintes de loups. Quoi de plus normal que de trouver des empreintes de loups autour d'un cadavre dans un pays où il en existait autant ? Ensuite, il y a cette archive que j'ai retrouvée et décortiquée du rapport de l'équipage d'Antoine repris par le comte de Tournon, où les louvetiers (gardes et valets), évoquent la patte de la bête du Bois Noir (officiellement reconnue comme la Bête du Gévaudan) dotée d'un pied rond semblable à celui des mâtins qu'ils utilisaient à la vénerie. A l'ensemble, il faut ajouter un pelage roussâtre et court. Celui qui voit un simple loup là-dedans serait bien éveillé d'aller changer ses verres de lunettes de toute urgence ! » Après que Rainchard a tué ce chien mâtin croisé avec un loup, ou on peut éventuellement comprendre pourquoi Antoine a voulu par la suite tué également un loup, car c’était un loup entier et empaillé et non découpé en morceau qu’il devait ramener à Paris (pour être certain de toucher une prime). Mais ce loup des chazes empaillé en y regardant de plus près avait des côtes différentes des loups, ce qui permetté à l annimal de ce retourné sur lui même : seul les chiens du style Dog ont ce genre d'anomalie, donc c'etait encore une fois un chien croisé avec un loup, idem por la bête tué par Chastel. Et oui la science moderne répond à beaucoup de question. L'annimal de Chazes avait également provoqué quelques attaques car des blessures causé par l’homme sur l’animal étaient également présente et quelques personnes l’ont reconnu). Cette analyse MODERNE du rapport Marin qui suit, a permis d’établir la nature exacte d'une derniére bëte du Gévaudan. «Nous avions confiés ces notes au Museum d’histoire naturel de Paris, afin d’étudier la morphologie de la bête et de la comparé à celle du loup. Cette analyse complètement inédite, nous a permis d’établir la nature exacte de la bête du Gévaudan. La bête n’est ni une Hyène, ni un singe, ni tout autres animal exotique. »
Sa formule dentaire montre que cette bête est un canidé : « C’est un mâle de 109 livres (le poids normal d’un loup adulte.) Mais son museau est plus court que celui d’un loup, et sa tête plus large.
L’Arcade zygomatique surdimensionné laisse deviner une mâchoire particulièrement puissante, la crête du crâne et la taille des dents appartiennent au loup, mais la hauteur du profil et le stop du museau évoque incontestablement la morphologie du chien. De manière générale, l’avant du corps est proche de celui du chien, et l’arrière ressemble à celui du loup. Loin d’être une contradiction, la coexistence des deux morphotypes nous permet d’être affirmatifs. La bête du Gévaudan est donc un hybride entre un loup et un gros chien. Sans doute d’un chien Mâtin : ces conclusions sont confirmées par la tache blanche sur le poitrail de l’animal, et la grande longueur des griffes qui trahissent la domestication » (Fin des commentaires orales dans le grand documentaire de David Teyssandier : « La bête du Gévaudan autopsie d’un mythe -
Well you were right about giving chills this story really spoked me 😅 I wish they stuffed the body of the beast that way scientists could make DNA tests on it and figure out its identity
That sob was a werewolf
Werewolf see in teen wolf
Wouldn't it me crazy if something like a werewolf not in human turned into a wolf but like this or dogman was found to be real or even bigfoot
Dude, the beast was actually a werewolf. Most famous one in history.
Should be make werewolf hellhound cerberus fenrir wolf adlet werewolf beast bray road dog man lobison lugaru wereheyna kitsune anubis hulijing gumiho waheela dog boy Michigan dog man black shuck they have their story count down
The Unexplained on History provided an important clue (one I've been trying to explain but everyone clings to their idiocy) that said when they examined the beast's corpse, it was revealed to have 40 teeth! What animals have 40 teeth? I researched on it and found that:
1. Hyenas have 37
2. Lions and all cats have 32 (the same as us)
3. Wolves, dogs and bears have 42
That rules out ALL of them (even werewolves, as they would either have 42 or 32, or a combined 74)! The only animal I could find with that exact number is the hippo! No way, was this an escaped hippo (or any African species, since it couldn't survive the harsh winters in France, anyway!)
Perhaps andrewsarchus it looked like half wolf half hippopotamus with tiger stripes
That's assuming it survived, unchanged for millions of years; few mammal species had, for that long!
Me: I saw it! It was BIG! It was all hairy! AND IT ATE EVERYTHING!
Some guy: That’s horrible! *Eats everything on his plate*
Luke Spill nah its just *jean-jacques chastel* who contracted a *malnomen* thats all.
Townspeople: What are we going to do?
One guy: We should run for our lives.
One lady: We should call my nephew.
Some stupid guy: We should take Gevaudan, and push it somewhere else!
@@alphathorsten5045 some smart guy: That idea may just be crazy enough, TO GET US ALL KILLED!
Me: We should send somebody to go after it!
@@lukespillman1313 Marrie Jean Valet: I’ll catch your beast for ya. This is if you’re be willin to pay.
Father and son - suddenly those Powerwolf lyrics make sense. I always assumed that was a religious reference, given Powerwolf's common use of religious themes.
South central France?
There is one possibility that the beast was a wolf from the ice age called a Dire Wolf?
the most of myth ,creatures ,folklore or urban legend are similar in every part of the world and from the drawing or the tales we can see evey part has its own story to tale
Teen Wolf fans know the truth
Yes, we do.
Ah yes a documentary about *jean-jacques chastel* who is the beast of gevaudan after contracted a *malnomen* to become the beast himself.
One helluva name
The Case Study of Vanitas
I’m personally a firm believer the beast was a hyena
How can one hyena kill a hundred people?
@@alphathorsten5045 same
Can be said for a wolf or lion
A hyena doesn’t have a Lion-like tail with a tuft at the end.
@@creativefreedom9143 iv'e seen pictures of hynas with some unique tails and werewolf doesn't either but people are open to that option as well. at this point any theory is as valid till we find remains of the actual beast
It was an aardwolf
Yeah that def sounds like a premature lion from an escaped zoo or something
Im kinda late but what i think is there were more than one wolfs packs doing the killing lets say pack A and pack B . Now because of so many wolfs in the area we can say food is limited and because of that they would be eyeing farmers and there sheep and because of this pack A and pack B might be the hunter might have killed the alpha of pack A and bc of that the killing stoped
Who first heard about this beast in the anime The Case Study of Vanitas
Anyone else kept hearing Bruton's roar (from Disney's Dinosaur)?
I think it was a wolf/dog hybrid with a master just cause in the story the hunter said the beast stop infront of him why would it stop without attacking him unless the hunter was its master so it didnt attack it was trained to kill and obey its owner
Very useful companions however
Though we will never know what it was.
Must not give belly rubs.
It must be wolf zilla ❤️😳🐺
The lion theory sounds the most believable to me. I was thinking lion pretty much immediately from the descriptions of the witnesses. The long tail with the tuft of hair at the end sounds so lion to me.
So it’s basically a giant black wild dog with red eyes.
This sounds like a big cat that got loose from a circus or something. So does its targeting of females and children as they would have been seen as easy prey. It's possible it was a now extinct animal. There were types of canids and felines that have gone extinct in the last hundred years. It could have been something that's now gone but was set loose on accident then
alas we may never know what it truly was.
Sounds like an hyanodon
Description sounds like a male African Lion and to French people who would have never seen one it would look similar to a giant wolf !
Lykaon or hyaena .In my opinion Lykaon ( 40 teeths)
The beast most likely a tamed Stripe Hyena.