thanks for the colonies, thanks for imperialism thanks for the slave trade that went on for 500 years thanks for raping the african continent, thanks for selling arms to yemen thanks for the British empire, thanks for the apartheid era, etc etc
I'm a Christian and I'm siding with the Pakistani Muslims. Christianity is a lot closer to Islam than Hinduism , atleast Islam considers Jesus to be a prophet and the promised Messiah 🏴✝️🇵🇰☪️
I’m 52 and grew up in Birmingham, UK. I remember my thoughts about the changing face of my community. I noticed that many of those immigrants who had arrived from a variety of countries that had very different values and standards than our own. Spitting openly in the street was a particular offensive occurrence, and something that I had very rarely seen. Littering, was another problem. A few examples of the decline in working class communities that wasn’t just the blame of the aforementioned. I knew then that we were creating a nightmare scenario for ourselves in the very near future. I believe that I was the last generation to have a slight notion of the way Britain felt like. Of course, it is far too easy to find yourself wrapped up in nostalgic and wishful thinking, but it’s absolutely laughable to suggest that mass, unregulated, unsubstantiated, and reckless policies that have led to an unprecedented influx of immigrants. The multitude of different cultures and races that have religious beliefs, which are vehemently opposed to our own Christian values, as well as the religion of their fellow immigrants from different parts of the world. The world is multicultural and always has been. Even when residing in our own nations we have been at constant war with each other. Why do we think that making us live in closer proximity to one another will have a different outcome. I am not a racist, just a realist. I simply want to live with likeminded people who share the same beliefs, aspire to live by the same social standards and values that are quintessentially British. Why do so many people come here from the worse places on earth and systematically attempt to alter the very same things that initially enticed them. It’s no accident, or magic trick that made this country the way it is. It was the sacrifice made by our ancestors who paid for it with their blood, sweat, and tears. In so many cases they paid the ultimate price. With the benefit of hindsight. How many would choose to do it again.
@@sugarbertie1143 Thank you, my friend. If you really want to depress yourself further. Watch the many episodes of "Jack Hargreaves" and weep for what was. A mist prevails throughout the land. Transparent guise, light of hand. Sleep-walks through unguarded realms. Has no kin, no former life, no proven stock, a wayward wife. Devours the blind, discards the weak. Consumed it's tail, it bore no feet. Decaying fang beyond digest. No reprieve to lay to rest. A notion gone beyond demise. A frail salute to what was mine. Kemper Boyd. 1998.
@@dendemano Poignant poem indeed sir. I harp back to when I was growing up in the 70s as a young lad on a council estate. Not a care in the world, no threats from dangerous terrorists, or dodgy folk with an agenda. We all looked after each other. I had a couple of Ugandan friends at school who were great lads, all got very good jobs locally and we all got on. Our mum and dad let us play out on our bikes or on the 'rec" and we knew most folk on the estate as their parents all worked locally and we all had the same upbringing and some of us all liked the same things. Great times. I wouldn't know anyone on there now only a couple of my own friends from school who still live there. The rest are a mix of God knows who. The community has gone. We even had s Bobby doing his beat on the estate as there were two police houses. You darent put a foot wrong then as he'd be at your door or your dad would give you a clip before the cop did!! And we all called our elders Mr and Mrs 'so and so'. I still do it now all these years later if they're still alive. Old habits die hard but I thank God we lived through better times. They can't take that from us!!
There isn't a least or worst problem, there is one major problem. Different cultures are trying to uproot from the horror they live in and plant themselves into one they can't integrate with or don't want to. They pack all their rubbish and bring it with them and expect us to welcome them under pain of being called names.
@@jerribee1 Sharia police are probably a lot more switched on than Leicestershire's finest (or any other UK police force come to that). Mind you, difficult that most certainly is not.
Muzlims and Hindus/Sikhs have lived peacefully for centuries First they lived together peacefully in Gandhar region( today's Kandahar) and then the region became Afghanistan, Then they lived together peacefully in Indus region and then the region became Pakistan, Then they lived together peacefully in Bengal and then the region became Bangladesh. they are living peacefully in India and in Leicester.....
Police were far stretched for the Queens funeral . Hence why they had to call more backup and reserves from other neighbouring forces. Surely they could have done things differently which alot of people have correctly have stated in this forums let's see what their initial investigations and findings are?
@Neria Wolf she will be suggesting they use acid attacks , that is the way she rolls. How is she still an MP and being vote for ? Just goes to show the colour of your skin is the only thing that matters to some voters .
@@thomasrobert4654 I was there mate, at places like Blackburn and one or two closer to home. And I was at the huge FLA march in London 2017. Didn’t do us much good though, but we’ll be back, we have to be!
Liker all Mayors, this man earns a six figure salary and we can be certain he doesn't live anywhere near the areas involved. Asking him questions like, "Do you think it will be all right?" is as good as handing him cash in an envelope. ASK POINTED QUESTIONS! How much money do you make (to pretend everything is fine)? Do you live in any of these areas? Given that you don't, why should anyone care what you have to say? etc etc etc.
Sikhs are wonderful people! Remember that! Some of the nicest people you will meet. It doesn’t alarm me when I see a Gurdwara, or a Hindu temple. I like to leave the U.K., but there’s nowhere good to emigrate to. The world’s gone mad, Trudeau is single-handedly fucking up Canada!
To be fair, it's the other way around. Islam hates anyone that does not believe or contradicts it. Other people / religions simply dislike this, for obvious reasons. It's the most evil ideology I've ever known (but it's peaceful, of course).
No, the rest of us all now that child sexual exploitation is wrong. We don’t all idolise our “prophet mohamed”, you know the one one that married a 9 year old girl. No place in our society for such backwards thinking. We criticise other countries for human rights records yet let them run smock in our own cities
Its my humble request to britishers. Please save your rich country from extreme islamists. Once they will outnumber, then they even don't fear to stab or behead anyone.
israel - Muslims vs jews mayanmar - Muslims vs Buddhist India - Muslims vs hindus Europe - Muslims vs Christians China - Muslims vs Han Chinese middle east - Sunni vs other Islamic sects.
I live in Derbyshire on the border with Leicestershire. There’s a reason our house prices are being driven up by people fleeing places like Leicester, Nottingham and Birmingham. Personally I’m not even comfortable driving through parts of Leicester.
Stay away! It's a complete ghetto nowadays despite what this idiot says. I'm from Leicester but am genuinely gutted with what it has become. The thing I fear the most is that the county (which is mostly quite nice) will go the same way eventually.
I have been for the last 40 years, but I'm all out of "rejoicing" now. I'm amazed that multicultural Britain has failed. The notion of having as many different people from as many religious, cultural, and racial backgrounds and expecting it to be a success is as stupid as me saying that I had ever rejoiced. From the age of 10, in 1980. I knew what the outcome would be, and unfortunately it is, just that. An absolute disaster of our own making. It appears that 10 year old school boys make the best policy makers.
It's nothing to do with muslim immigration where do you pluck this news from ? It's all about British values if you want to be a citizen of this country accept it. In islam it teaches muslims to follow the law of the land not to acquire their own beliefs and create an Islamic revolution.
The mayor of lecister has given one of the funniest interviews....'no these guys aren't from abroad their from Birmingham ' 🤣. This new reporter is really contributing to fear mongering not news reporting.
It’s a puzzler…when Britain was 1-2% immigrant we were one big happy family (thanks to maximum suppression of dissent)…now we’re up to 20% turd world, the new natives can freely express themselves.
Leicester city is multiculturally segregated, just take a walk around and see. Leicester is in the top 10 most dangerous city’s in the UK to live, violent and sexual assault being Leicesters most favoured crimes, at 40% of total crimes reported in the last 3 years.
Goans? Goans are catholics and in my experience those few that are here are extremely well integrated. We all know what this is about. It’s the same sectarian issues that resulted in partition plus Kashmir and increasingly radicalised religious politics imported from the subcontinent. Mike and the Mayor floundering about trying to pretend this is not what everyone can see it is.
@@changjiclare30 People are more tend to fight in Indian vs Pakistani thing. Less likely if they are From Same State. But Yes ,Wide Conflict cant be ruled out for long.
Goan Catholics or Hindus. Goan fuck off, I say.ogf We were better as a Protestant society. Now we have every heathen and idol worshipper. Papists included
Its got a lot to do with Leicester now ,Its their city , Allah bequeathed it to them ,the Hindus are in the way, The invaders are all young fighting age men
@@kenward6306 Your naivety is your nemesis despite your claim to have "lived there for many years." You surely must know what can be had from such places?
Back in the 80's I worked for Tesco as a stocktacer. We went to Leicester and northampton to evaluate the stores even then the locals said they was no go area's were the police wouldn't go
Ethically cleansed by you not wanting to integrate with others is what we call in English dictionary ,' hypocrisy ' Learn to integrate and from that we can learn from one another.
Portuguese speaking Goans are predominantly Catholic and they have nothing to do with this. They don't identify with any of these religions.Most have either emigrated to the EU or Australia.
In India - (Hindu, Buddhists, Jain , Christians )vs Muslim China - Atheists Vs Muslim Myanmar - Buddhists vs Muslim France - Christians vs Muslim Israel - Judaism Vs Muslim America - Christians vs Muslims Egypt - Parsi Vs Muslim Iraq - Muslim Vs Muslim can see a common problem there , eh?
If you had this behaviour in Kashmir, for example, between a bunch of catholic and protestant Irish 'lads', they would be dealt very differently I reckon....
Peter Soulsby is your typical fluffy headed mayor who is detached from the real world. This is the guy who thought bicycle lanes would stop Covid spreading across Leicester
The British people were not given a choice in Blair's immigration project or to "rub the noses of the right in it" of high levels of immigration. The British people were not consulted in any way and NO British government has ever been given a clear mandate from the British people to permit high level of immigration. This actions undermine the first principles of democracy to the point where we have to admit that we do not have true democracy in the UK, what we have is 'manipulated democracy' which is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate from a dictatorship.
It's weird because they forget where they live, we not in Pakistan or India. I think they should be deported for there show of disrespect for our country, these don't help,they destroy. I'm just saying ☝Please Don't respond if your a race baiter, it's really boring 😴
“Y’know, Y’know, Y’know….” So irritating. We don’t actually know because the mass media is hiding the issue. You were supposed to be informing us you plank. Learn some public speaking techniques more fitting with your role as mayor.
Of course they should instead of hiding behind the race card. Get em rounded up and get em locked up. Laws are laws, want to follow the rules of their culture pop them all on a plane, theres plenty of those countries that will welcome them with open arms. They Don’t get the cushty life there though do they.
Also did find they arrest countless men, who were all armed, one even with a firearm, and the police let them out on a bail. What a joke Leicester police are.
Sir Peter Soulsby, sounds just like most in authority within the UK. Namely, as much use as a wet fart. "Cross section of those arrested...." A more insightful comment would have been reporting what ideology these "young lads" followed.
Don’t have people on who don’t care and are afraid to tell the truth, get the people who are in the middle of it and get the real answer but there lies the problem they don’t want us to know
There are Indians (mostly Hindus) with Portuguese passports in Leicester, and also Muslims from outside Leicester coming into Leicester along with Muslims already from Leicester. Make what you want of the rest of the story but this is where the people hail from
@@fjtpersian6566 not true, they lot further north than Goa, union territory, close to Gujarat. And they are clashing with Muslims from inside and outside of Leicester coming to Leicester
@Unique videos from EG Does your dad know you're on the Internet speaking to strangers? I mean, the undeserved overuse of laughing emojis on every one of you're own comments makes one assume you're a 12 year old girl. Not joking. Also the fact you think someone is "obsessed" because they watched a 10 minute video and noticed a verbal trait is flawed logic. Not joking. You know?
Multiculturalism is great with vastness and richness of all lives something different to learn to accept and understand one another as fellow human beings. The problem only derives when one or the other fail to recognise one another beliefs or practices and to enforce or portray the other as the inferior or wrong, Or as the villan.
in the 60s and 70s a wave in Indian (Hindu/Sikh) immigrants, refugees from the African colonies came to Leicester. Through their own hard work, tenacity and grit, they built up the Golden Mile (no govt handouts in many cases). An area that generated large revenue in Leicester. Most adapted to western value without losing their heritage. Their children were put through university with and emphasis on values of respect, honesty and education. Their children became part of a middle class. Over the last 10-20 yrs a certain other demographic infiltrated the area whikst the original immgrant moved out. Now we see this happening...i think we can establish who the problem group is. I am disapointed in the Hindus for allowing themselves to be caught up in this.
@@rickkarsan4491 mirpuris are a big issue would have been better to have educated paks from places like Lahore in uk would have been a lot different. Also how did they come in last 20 years into Leicester? I thought they moved to the uk in the 60s and 70s?
What happened when India gained its independence from Britain in 1947 ? Almost immediately, civil war broke out, resulting in the partition of the nation and the creation of Pakistan. The ethnic tensions from that subcontinent are now established here too. Thank you.
In a British Country, how is this eve allowed? If people want to come here and cause trouble.. then ask yourself should you be here? Celebrate UK when they win. That is homeland.
I genuinely fear for the future of this country. Not looking good.
For what it's worth millions feel the same. A tragedy plays out. Cultural propaganda at work.
We are the auther of our own misfortune
This is a taste of what is to come
the country has less than 10 years before it is taken
@@Mikebuster could you elaborate re. the mechanics of this takeover please
So the mayor takes absolutely no responsibility, what a surprise!
Same old tripe …imagine if they were white.
Blame the police. Can't blame whitey.
He is scared sxitless! Can you blame him?
This needs to be stopped swiftly and efficiently NOW! They need to make an example of this or itll get way worse
Perhaps our new King will do something.
As someone from Leicester I’m glad people outside the city finally realise we are not this massive diverse utopia the media has made us out to be
I agree, we have same issues here in Birmingham, fighting in asian comunities been going on for months.
All part of living in modern Leicester, eh?
"It's just a few hundred." Spineless bxlloxks, again and again.
Best of luck to you.
I never for a minute thought Leicester was…it’s all hidden by msm. Same goes for the dirty pervs in Oldham, Telford etc
Thanks for the mass uncontrolled immigration 👍🏻
Tony fk blair and the labour party
thank the israeli’s for that
thanks for the colonies, thanks for imperialism thanks for the slave trade that went on for 500 years thanks for raping the african continent, thanks for selling arms to yemen thanks for the British empire, thanks for the apartheid era, etc etc
So much for free speech. Delete comments all you want TH-cam it makes no difference what so ever 🤡🌎
stop passing the buck, you let it happen.
Mayor of Leicester is doing a bad job of watering it down
Remember, "dieversity is our strength" disagreing with this mantra will not be tolerated.
Diversity except Islam is heaven 💯
Britain is not a White country! It is white majority but not a white country! Wake up and smell the coffee ☕!
If I were one of the good citizens of Leicester, I wouldn’t be confident having this guy as Mayor.
No, we're not.
To quote Rowan Atkinson in Not The Nine O'Clock News:
"They gave Leicester to Pakistan"
Means new home of trrst breeding
They have to understand, we can do this not only in India but anywhere in the world if we wanted, they should behave..
Jai Sri Ram
@John Zeb What's wrong in being indian?
The fact is that they hate each other and always have done.
What is the religious split of the 18 arrested. Why did the police stand by when Muslims attacked a Hindu temple?
Can you imagine if it had been a mosque being vandalised. Coppers would have arrested every perpetrator.
16 Hindus 2 muslims.
Lies don't work in UK. UK is run by law. It's not India mate.
hey bloody fvking you think england is india stpd? no one will protecting your religion here,
@@janepearson2450 ......look at the casual clothing of the police!
Muslims vote en bloc. So much more cost effective to ignore it
I’ll be supporting the Hindus for sure. At least they respect western values
Still perverts do
I'm a Christian and I'm siding with the Pakistani Muslims. Christianity is a lot closer to Islam than Hinduism , atleast Islam considers Jesus to be a prophet and the promised Messiah 🏴✝️🇵🇰☪️
@@Rydonittelo Not much of a Christian if you don't understand the bible's position on this.
@@Rydonittelo you are trojan horse
I’m surprised that they don’t have a Muslim mayor, I expect that will change soon?
will be a rabbi soon
@@Armed-Forever you just highlighted the real problem who are behind everything that goes wrong
@@Armed-Forever and what grounds do you have for making that ridiculous statement?
@@lesterbeedell9725 London our capital city has.
@@lesterbeedell9725 The grounds for the claim is anti semitism.
I’m 52 and grew up in Birmingham, UK. I remember my thoughts about the changing face of my community. I noticed that many of those immigrants who had arrived from a variety of countries that had very different values and standards than our own. Spitting openly in the street was a particular offensive occurrence, and something that I had very rarely seen. Littering, was another problem. A few examples of the decline in working class communities that wasn’t just the blame of the aforementioned. I knew then that we were creating a nightmare scenario for ourselves in the very near future. I believe that I was the last generation to have a slight notion of the way Britain felt like. Of course, it is far too easy to find yourself wrapped up in nostalgic and wishful thinking, but it’s absolutely laughable to suggest that mass, unregulated, unsubstantiated, and reckless policies that have led to an unprecedented influx of immigrants. The multitude of different cultures and races that have religious beliefs, which are vehemently opposed to our own Christian values, as well as the religion of their fellow immigrants from different parts of the world. The world is multicultural and always has been. Even when residing in our own nations we have been at constant war with each other. Why do we think that making us live in closer proximity to one another will have a different outcome.
I am not a racist, just a realist. I simply want to live with likeminded people who share the same beliefs, aspire to live by the same social standards and values that are quintessentially British. Why do so many people come here from the worse places on earth and systematically attempt to alter the very same things that initially enticed them. It’s no accident, or magic trick that made this country the way it is. It was the sacrifice made by our ancestors who paid for it with their blood, sweat, and tears. In so many cases they paid the ultimate price. With the benefit of hindsight. How many would choose to do it again.
Shut up ,you people have destroyed many countries in the world in past ; don't be moral policing here
Brilliant points.... And amazing perspective 👍👍
Well said my friend. I second that 👏
@@sugarbertie1143 Thank you, my friend. If you really want to depress yourself further. Watch the many episodes of "Jack Hargreaves" and weep for what was.
A mist prevails throughout the land.
Transparent guise, light of hand.
Sleep-walks through unguarded realms.
Has no kin, no former life, no proven stock, a wayward wife.
Devours the blind, discards the weak.
Consumed it's tail, it bore no feet.
Decaying fang beyond digest.
No reprieve to lay to rest.
A notion gone beyond demise.
A frail salute to what was mine.
Kemper Boyd. 1998.
@@dendemano Poignant poem indeed sir. I harp back to when I was growing up in the 70s as a young lad on a council estate. Not a care in the world, no threats from dangerous terrorists, or dodgy folk with an agenda. We all looked after each other. I had a couple of Ugandan friends at school who were great lads, all got very good jobs locally and we all got on. Our mum and dad let us play out on our bikes or on the 'rec" and we knew most folk on the estate as their parents all worked locally and we all had the same upbringing and some of us all liked the same things. Great times. I wouldn't know anyone on there now only a couple of my own friends from school who still live there. The rest are a mix of God knows who. The community has gone. We even had s Bobby doing his beat on the estate as there were two police houses. You darent put a foot wrong then as he'd be at your door or your dad would give you a clip before the cop did!! And we all called our elders Mr and Mrs 'so and so'. I still do it now all these years later if they're still alive. Old habits die hard but I thank God we lived through better times. They can't take that from us!!
And we keep letting them in
'WE' !
There isn't a least or worst problem, there is one major problem. Different cultures are trying to uproot from the horror they live in and plant themselves into one they can't integrate with or don't want to. They pack all their rubbish and bring it with them and expect us to welcome them under pain of being called names.
It wouldn't be so bad if it was just being called names, but you stand a very real chance of dying if you say the wrong thing.
You'll soon need guns.
Why cant you name instead of doing both sideism
@@jerribee1 or at the very least losing your livelihood.
some of them helped create that horror
Leicester is the new Kashmir.
If it was … there would be a Hindu & xtian ethnicide..
If you think that's the case than get ready for Hindu and Christian
genocide..... As was the case in Kashmir in 90s.
Man.. This mayor is talking like these kinds of tensions just pass like a seasonal flu. What a waste of time this interview was.
Another clueless idiot
Some were from Birmingham so it is not all that bad haha, basically what he was saying.
The police are on top of this!! Wonderful quote from the Mayor of Leicester, Does he watch Alice in Wonderland regularly?
I'm trying my very, very best not to laugh at the Leicester mayor's quote...... and failing very, very miserably. 🤣😅🤣😅.
He means the Sharia Police.
@@01matthewc he called violent disorder. A nuisance.
@@jerribee1 Sharia police are probably a lot more switched on than Leicestershire's finest (or any other UK police force come to that). Mind you, difficult that most certainly is not.
@@susanbishop5228 He's trying his best not to upset the political apple cart.
Muzlims and Hindus/Sikhs have lived peacefully for centuries
First they lived together peacefully in Gandhar region( today's Kandahar) and then the region became Afghanistan,
Then they lived together peacefully in Indus region and then the region became Pakistan,
Then they lived together peacefully in Bengal and then the region became Bangladesh. they are living peacefully in India and in Leicester.....
At no point did he condemn the violence or say those involved will be prosecuted and there is no room for hate.
Well…this is no suprise…wtf did you think would have happened. The local history is being drowned out…such a shame.
Just saw a clip of the Hindu temple being attacked in Leicester by Muslims while the Police just stand by?
Police were far stretched for the Queens funeral . Hence why they had to call more backup and reserves from other neighbouring forces. Surely they could have done things differently which alot of people have correctly have stated in this forums let's see what their initial investigations and findings are?
I was victorious with terror- Mohammad quoted in the haddith of Bukhari
@@clivebaxter6354 you are victorious with your slanted lies. Are you reading a book " an idiot guide on how to read upside down ".?
The local MP blames the Far Right.
The thing is it's the far left who have encouraged them to come here for years and tried their best to stop them being sent back.
@Neria Wolf Exactly.
Who Don't?.
They look like Trump supports to me. Joe Biden approves this message.
@Neria Wolf she will be suggesting they use acid attacks , that is the way she rolls. How is she still an MP and being vote for ? Just goes to show the colour of your skin is the only thing that matters to some voters .
We are going down the toilet like Sweden, it needs sorting out ffs.
where were you all when the EDL were marching on our streets where were you all then?.
I was there mate, at places like Blackburn and one or two closer to home. And I was at the huge FLA march in London 2017. Didn’t do us much good though, but we’ll be back, we have to be!
Please ban book which teach and promote concepts like
jihad, maal-e-ghanimat, kafir-momin, tahrush, harem, jaziya
jahannam, jannath, gilma, houris
al-taqiyya, al-twarya, al-kitman al-muruna
darul aman - darul harb - darul islam
nikah, muta'a, talak, halaala , rajm,
Liker all Mayors, this man earns a six figure salary and we can be certain he doesn't live anywhere near the areas involved. Asking him questions like, "Do you think it will be all right?" is as good as handing him cash in an envelope. ASK POINTED QUESTIONS! How much money do you make (to pretend everything is fine)? Do you live in any of these areas? Given that you don't, why should anyone care what you have to say? etc etc etc.
Bang on the money!👌
Spot on mucker
Sikhs are wonderful people! Remember that! Some of the nicest people you will meet. It doesn’t alarm me when I see a Gurdwara, or a Hindu temple.
I like to leave the U.K., but there’s nowhere good to emigrate to. The world’s gone mad, Trudeau is single-handedly fucking up Canada!
Fidelito is the worst thing ever to happen to Canada.
not so, but the white man has grown cowardly for sure, apart from the ukranians and the EDL of course, the rest are even scared of being called names,
@@jerribee1 agreed. But of course the lefties think that Fidel Castro is a rebel fighting for good and equality.
As a British person I agree. I've got wonderful friends who are Sikh, they are very patriotic and loyal people. And I've also got good Hindu friends.
They are very clean people.
Always seem to be just out of the shower
Could of sworn Islam is the religion of peace? Hindus have been here longer and they actually love the country
Does any faith like the Muslims?
To be fair, it's the other way around. Islam hates anyone that does not believe or contradicts it. Other people / religions simply dislike this, for obvious reasons. It's the most evil ideology I've ever known (but it's peaceful, of course).
I lived in the Middle East for years and had enough to last me a lifetime! 😏
No. No one like them
No, the rest of us all now that child sexual exploitation is wrong. We don’t all idolise our “prophet mohamed”, you know the one one that married a 9 year old girl.
No place in our society for such backwards thinking. We criticise other countries for human rights records yet let them run smock in our own cities
Its my humble request to britishers. Please save your rich country from extreme islamists. Once they will outnumber, then they even don't fear to stab or behead anyone.
This is going to happen in all towns sooner than you think
Still think we’re not being replaced, Mike?
Mike is a clown but lives in Londonstan so watching he’s own back
Critical thinking skills are not in Mike's domain.
Mike is clueless
Mike doesn't deny we're being replaced but he thinks it's weird that you would care lol
Mike Graham is an Anywhere. He can fuck off when things get really bad.
israel - Muslims vs jews
mayanmar - Muslims vs Buddhist
India - Muslims vs hindus
Europe - Muslims vs Christians
China - Muslims vs Han Chinese
middle east - Sunni vs other Islamic sects.
Endor- Muslims vs Ewoks
The answere is to return them home for the sake of us all
Terence Oaks= a blooming great cannon would be a better idea they will never be sent back there's more coming . A cannon is the way to do it!
I live in Derbyshire on the border with Leicestershire. There’s a reason our house prices are being driven up by people fleeing places like Leicester, Nottingham and Birmingham. Personally I’m not even comfortable driving through parts of Leicester.
Stay away! It's a complete ghetto nowadays despite what this idiot says.
I'm from Leicester but am genuinely gutted with what it has become.
The thing I fear the most is that the county (which is mostly quite nice) will go the same way eventually.
Rejoice in diversity, the joys of a multicultural society 🤣😂🤣😂😅
I have been for the last 40 years, but I'm all out of "rejoicing" now. I'm amazed that multicultural Britain has failed. The notion of having as many different people from as many religious, cultural, and racial backgrounds and expecting it to be a success is as stupid as me saying that I had ever rejoiced. From the age of 10, in 1980. I knew what the outcome would be, and unfortunately it is, just that. An absolute disaster of our own making. It appears that 10 year old school boys make the best policy makers.
Rivers of blood.
now the Queen is gone, it's gloves off. Not only for the press but for the sleeper cells. Very, very scary. This is just the start.
did your men march with the EDL?.
The mayor says they are lads causing a nuicance, is he reading the Beano from the sixties?
His favourite cartoon is the Basra Street Kids.
Theres not an issue with general immigration in this country.
The issue is muslim immigration.
It's nothing to do with muslim immigration where do you pluck this news from ? It's all about British values if you want to be a citizen of this country accept it. In islam it teaches muslims to follow the law of the land not to acquire their own beliefs and create an Islamic revolution.
This Uddin guy literally wrote what they do. Thats why they want Muslim women in Burqa 's everywhere.
@@fermanuddin5509 but they dont do they
This is just the start! Been saying this for a long time!!
"The police are on top of it" hahahaha
Only if they got mis-gendered 🤣
The Glanconer............There was probably a police helicopter overhead!
Why has it been going on for three weeks then?
Sick to the back teeth of this!
but will your men fight?
The mayor of lecister has given one of the funniest interviews....'no these guys aren't from abroad their from Birmingham ' 🤣. This new reporter is really contributing to fear mongering not news reporting.
🤣 listen yeah us brummies don't won't no piece of it. I ain't even got a clue what's going on there
They're your typical peeky blinder types.
He seriously doesn't have a clue Do little.
Where Islam goes, it destroys
It’s a puzzler…when Britain was 1-2% immigrant we were one big happy family (thanks to maximum suppression of dissent)…now we’re up to 20% turd world, the new natives can freely express themselves.
Sounds like a cover up to me. The religion of peace has struck again!
The beginning of the end
Of Britain 🇬🇧
Send the KINGS GUARDS IN ! you wouldn't see any scenes like that then . If those guys in RED came stomping down the street that MOB would scarper .
Not a bad idea....At least use the Army or a water cannon !
Yes. Divert some of those Queens guards that were at the funeral to Leicester to sort out these pricks !
Send the Kings Hosiers in, then they can 'sock it to em'!
Pakistan Peaceful are responsible on this !
Leicester city is multiculturally segregated, just take a walk around and see.
Leicester is in the top 10 most dangerous city’s in the UK to live, violent and sexual assault being Leicesters most favoured crimes, at 40% of total crimes reported in the last 3 years.
Goans? Goans are catholics and in my experience those few that are here are extremely well integrated. We all know what this is about. It’s the same sectarian issues that resulted in partition plus Kashmir and increasingly radicalised religious politics imported from the subcontinent. Mike and the Mayor floundering about trying to pretend this is not what everyone can see it is.
Excuse me, Goans are Majority Hindus then Catholics
Not all Goans are Catholics. We have many Hindus and quite a few Muslims here. And they don't fight with each other!! 😂
@@changjiclare30 People are more tend to fight in Indian vs Pakistani thing. Less likely if they are From Same State. But Yes ,Wide Conflict cant be ruled out for long.
Goan Catholics or Hindus. Goan fuck off, I say.ogf
We were better as a Protestant society.
Now we have every heathen and idol worshipper. Papists included
The goans who are immigrants in west are mostly Christians though and they assimilate because Jesus guides them rightly.
According to the bbc it was because of cricket
It was muslims attacking Hindu temples.
Its got a lot to do with Leicester now ,Its their city , Allah bequeathed it to them ,the Hindus are in the way, The invaders are all young fighting age men
White's should side with the Hindus
The one's with a Portuguese passport are Catholics and come from Goa. I know because I lived there for many years.
Could've bought a "passport" in a backstreet bazaar.
@@apollomemories7399 don't think so, you have to prove Portuguese heritage to gain the passport.
@@kenward6306 Your naivety is your nemesis despite your claim to have "lived there for many years." You surely must know what can be had from such places?
@@rcc8506 I Understand that. The point I was making was the level of fraudulent passports and also qualification certificates that are available.
Just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty more of this to come. Thanks Tony Blair, Thanks Boris.
" A few young lads" do you mean thugs mate?
Back in the 80's I worked for Tesco as a stocktacer. We went to Leicester and northampton to evaluate the stores even then the locals said they was no go area's were the police wouldn't go
Ye, a few hundred people - not much.
Just closed your eyes, cover up, nothing to see 🤦
I was ethnically cleansed from newham east London in year 2004 moved up north. Now it’s time again to think where to move to
Ethically cleansed by you not wanting to integrate with others is what we call in English dictionary ,' hypocrisy '
Learn to integrate and from that we can learn from one another.
Well all be on the Orkney islands at this rate mate!! 🤔
Not this country anymore
Portuguese speaking Goans are predominantly Catholic and they have nothing to do with this. They don't identify with any of these religions.Most have either emigrated to the EU or Australia.
Well what are they doing here then?
Yuup only catholics hve most of Portuguese passport thn Hindus who r coming with visas
@@lewis123417 It's a false rumor
My thoughts exactly. All the Goans I know are catholics and extremely well integrated.
@@Splash-nr8ot doesn't change the fact that these are a bunch of foreigners fighting in the street. Send them back to wherever they came from
India - (Hindu, Buddhists, Jain , Christians )vs Muslim
China - Atheists Vs Muslim
Myanmar - Buddhists vs Muslim
France - Christians vs Muslim
Israel - Judaism Vs Muslim
America - Christians vs Muslims
Egypt - Parsi Vs Muslim
Iraq - Muslim Vs Muslim
can see a common problem there , eh?
You have to except these things are a part of the wonderful "diversity" that makes our country so enriched 😊
"Besides the few hundred ethnic young men every things fine"
Immigration is the pride of our nation, I have no idea where We'd be without it....Nice to know the Mayor is on top of the situation...
If you had this behaviour in Kashmir, for example, between a bunch of catholic and protestant Irish 'lads', they would be dealt very differently I reckon....
"the police are on top of it"
.... meanwhile back at cloppa castle...
Leicester last week, somewhere else another time perhaps.
It's the Islamic community who are the problem here....! What is he on about?
Peter Soulsby is your typical fluffy headed mayor who is detached from the real world. This is the guy who thought bicycle lanes would stop Covid spreading across Leicester
I'm on minute 3 and he hasn't Said the official regime line of diversity is our strength
The mayor is part of da problem
It's always the same old story. Why are they here?
We've never had any problems from Hindu's or Jewish people in this country.
The British people were not given a choice in Blair's immigration project or to "rub the noses of the right in it" of high levels of immigration. The British people were not consulted in any way and NO British government has ever been given a clear mandate from the British people to permit high level of immigration. This actions undermine the first principles of democracy to the point where we have to admit that we do not have true democracy in the UK, what we have is 'manipulated democracy' which is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate from a dictatorship.
It's weird because they forget where they live, we not in Pakistan or India. I think they should be deported for there show of disrespect for our country, these don't help,they destroy. I'm just saying ☝Please Don't respond if your a race baiter, it's really boring 😴
Can't wait for the Albanians to visit Leicester .....
Liam Neilson is not far behind . !
The Mayor is so far removed from any of this trouble, like a first world war General.
Haigh comes to mind hence the poppies
“Y’know, Y’know, Y’know….” So irritating. We don’t actually know because the mass media is hiding the issue. You were supposed to be informing us you plank. Learn some public speaking techniques more fitting with your role as mayor.
Should police being doing more to ease tensions?
Weres the dogs , riot police if that was football fans they batons would be out in minutes 🙄
They should be cracking skulls
No, I think wandering around like fairies is absolutely ample...
@@imbonkers3629 Exactly! Protected species! Can freely abuse young girls and the cops turn a blind eye! 😏😏
Of course they should instead of hiding behind the race card. Get em rounded up and get em locked up. Laws are laws, want to follow the rules of their culture pop them all on a plane, theres plenty of those countries that will welcome them with open arms.
They Don’t get the cushty life there though do they.
Also did find they arrest countless men, who were all armed, one even with a firearm, and the police let them out on a bail. What a joke Leicester police are.
Deport Deport Deport
Who kept/keeps voting for political parties into power which all want more immigration?
Not me!
He said how the police stoped it ,the officer that pulled the lad of the guy on the floor should have been arrested and not just moved away .
I totally agree. Something fishy going on!
Sir Peter Soulsby, sounds just like most in authority within the UK. Namely, as much use as a wet fart. "Cross section of those arrested...." A more insightful comment would have been reporting what ideology these "young lads" followed.
plenty more recrutes rolling up on kent beaches daily
Don’t have people on who don’t care and are afraid to tell the truth, get the people who are in the middle of it and get the real answer but there lies the problem they don’t want us to know
Multiculturalism that isn't integrated properly is extremely dangerous....
David Cameron
There are Indians (mostly Hindus) with Portuguese passports in Leicester, and also Muslims from outside Leicester coming into Leicester along with Muslims already from Leicester. Make what you want of the rest of the story but this is where the people hail from
Hindus and Catholics too. Goans basically.
Goans with Portuguese passports are mainly Catholic and doubt they will be involved.It’s mainly extremist Hindus with the backing from the RSS .
@@fjtpersian6566 not true, they lot further north than Goa, union territory, close to Gujarat. And they are clashing with Muslims from inside and outside of Leicester coming to Leicester
Hindus are not the problem, it is slims..
We are helping British by making them leave.. British don't need more slim people.. here Hindu is needed.
More BS from these 2 people... Get to the point.... Tony cuenca
What is the point.
We all knew this would happen but the Politicians wouldn’t listen.
Multiculturalism and diversity will tear this Country apart.
No it wouldn't. If their was no multi culturalism in this country it would have been dead long time ago.
I've never heard so many "you know'" in a ten minute conversation.
i know🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You know when your obsessed with a news channel 😭😭
You know!! cause you noticed that many you knows in the video 🤣🤣🤣
@Unique videos from EG sound logic.
Just joking.
I Was just....
@Unique videos from EG Does your dad know you're on the Internet speaking to strangers?
I mean, the undeserved overuse of laughing emojis on every one of you're own comments makes one assume you're a 12 year old girl.
Not joking.
Also the fact you think someone is "obsessed" because they watched a 10 minute video and noticed a verbal trait is flawed logic.
Not joking.
You know?
It's momin vs kofir, now it's hindus then it will be you.
multiculturalism at its best 🤣🤣🤣
Multiculturalism is great with vastness and richness of all lives something different to learn to accept and understand one another as fellow human beings. The problem only derives when one or the other fail to recognise one another beliefs or practices and to enforce or portray the other as the inferior or wrong, Or as the villan.
in the 60s and 70s a wave in Indian (Hindu/Sikh) immigrants, refugees from the African colonies came to Leicester. Through their own hard work, tenacity and grit, they built up the Golden Mile (no govt handouts in many cases). An area that generated large revenue in Leicester. Most adapted to western value without losing their heritage. Their children were put through university with and emphasis on values of respect, honesty and education. Their children became part of a middle class. Over the last 10-20 yrs a certain other demographic infiltrated the area whikst the original immgrant moved out. Now we see this happening...i think we can establish who the problem group is. I am disapointed in the Hindus for allowing themselves to be caught up in this.
Whos been the demographics in the last 10-20 years?
@@vavavroom4001 large influx of mirpur Pakistani's
@@rickkarsan4491 mirpuris are a big issue would have been better to have educated paks from places like Lahore in uk would have been a lot different.
Also how did they come in last 20 years into Leicester? I thought they moved to the uk in the 60s and 70s?
When people asked where I live I never say Leicester too ashamed
What about when they won the Premiership, Karen?
Peter Soulsby has it 100 percent right. Its Pakistanis from Birmingham
What happened when India gained its independence from Britain in 1947 ? Almost immediately, civil war broke out, resulting in the partition of the nation and the creation of Pakistan. The ethnic tensions from that subcontinent are now established here too. Thank you.
And more arrive on a daily basis.
Living in Burton on Trent, I wonder if the rot will spread. Shouldn't India and Pakistan keep its problems and gripes in their own countries?
Same can be said about Bandit and Racist forefathers....Why the hell they had to export their racism garbage to other countries.
In a British Country, how is this eve allowed? If people want to come here and cause trouble.. then ask yourself should you be here? Celebrate UK when they win. That is homeland.