Real deal 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^100 is closer to 0 than to infinity. That is not pointless it is really important :V
I just realized when the universe breaks up enough at the right time the biggest number can be created. Imagine that reversed in a gravity explosion ? ( Earthlivestwice?) ^8^
I knew a million in 1st grade I knew a billion in 1st grade I called a trillion "tillion" in 1st grade I thought a quadrillion was a "zillion" And I started getting into bigger numbers and learned what the numbers were actually called in 3rd grade from Yenji Jems video
Dude i am 100% with you on that like for in the world doesn he know the precise number of grains of sand, do you realize how long that take... My head hurts right now, not even joking xD
*The biggest number we know of is : two number nines, a number 9 large, one six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty fives, One with cheese And A Large Soda.*
Someone in the comments asked if we could reach Rayo's number with the universe being filled with Planck volumes times the Planck times since the beginning. I wanted to share my detailed response. Below is what I did: I clarified his ruleset. The actual universe could be infinite, but the largest finite number that it has been estimated to be is ~6 sextillion times bigger than the observable universe. I made a calculation for this generous amount. Calculation: (4.65 x 10^185) x (6x10^18) x (5.39 x 10^44) x (11.13) x (60) x (24) x (365) x (1.38 x 10^10) = 1.21 x 10^266 Meaning: (Plank volumes in Observable Universe) x (6 sextillion) x (Number of Planck times in 5.39 seconds) x (Multiple needed to convert the number of Planck times in 5.39 seconds to the number of Planck times in one minute) x (minutes in one hour) x (hours in a day) x (days in a year) x (Age of the universe in years, 13.8 billion) = 1.21 x 10^266 (121 Septemoctogintillion) In computation, you definitely do not reach Rayo's number nor even G1 in Graham's sequence (3 quadruple-arrow 3). The total (1.21 x 10^266) is a small fraction to 3 triple-arrow 3 (3^7.25trillion 3s stacked).
@@TheRandomQubeofficial I later found out the computation! Even imagining ways to exponentially increase values in our universe doesn't touch a lot of massive numbers that we have applications for.
What if the universe itself is an atom (a current theory I've read about).... then could you calculate current plank lengths in the same way but then add the number of atoms that would be in a universe of that immense size? (Hope this makes sense)
A googolplex is 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 A googolplexian has 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros A googolplexianth has 10^10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros. Graham's Number is vastly bigger than Googolplexianth and Rayo's Number is farrrr bigger than G64
All of these numbers, including Rayo's are for all intents and purposes equal to zero when compared to even our "smallest" concepts of infinity. This is big, but still utterly finite - it's not infinity.
small nitpick: 3 [4 up arrows] 3 isn't uncomputable, it's quite easily computable, it's just so big that there's no practical way to show how big the number is
The thing that has always fascinated me about this exponential concept with numbers is that it proves we are both as far and as close to being everything and nothing. It's as if the very universe itself IS the singularity we've all been searching for...
But there gotta be a number which even the smallest unit cant be fit into space its like the speed of light limit and you throw a rock while travelling at this speed you arent exceeding the speed of light so the biggest number is determined by the following equation Size of whole space / smallest unity = biggest number ever that can fit
"Rayo's number is the biggest number we know of" Nowadays we have numbers that make Rayos Number look like a 0 by comparison, such numbers include: "Fish Number 7", and "Large Number Garden Number"
Rayo’s Number will always be the largest number that we know of. The physical space in the universe allowing for a googol or less of symbols of any “set theory notation”, set theory notation includes arrow ups or any other symbolic way you can express numbers and know if you had forever to crunch the math it would end in a number that’s finite... but the word “Rayo’s Number” in an expression doesn’t count because it isn’t instructions to calculating a finite number from scratch. The reason Rayo’s Number will always be the smallest number LARGER than this finite number is that after we fill all the physical space we got, we will never be left with exactly 0 space left in the universe to add more symbols as there’s infinitely small fractional space we can’t fill but can make that finite number just that margin bigger. Hence Rayo’s Number IS what is and always will be the “largest known number” physically expressable no matter what. Also by the way, number with set theory that equals that finite “smallest number smaller than Rayo’s Number” we derive, wont leave you enough room to write +1 for if it does it would be outdone by a MUCH larger finite number to be deemed the smallest number smaller than Rayo’s Number. You get the idea.
haha but i choose to inhabit the theoretical infinite universe beyond the observable universe and rebrand and replace the term "googol" in rayo's definition with the former "rayo's number" and call the whole thing "bens number." Then I create a new alteration of the original rayo's number definition which I shall call "ben's number 2" in which "googol" is this time replaced with "bens number". Then I repeat this process, using the last bens number (bens number 2) as the replacement word and calling the new definiton "bens number 3". I continue to repeat this process, in fact, I repeat the whole process a "bens number" of times. And that number...... I call..... "big ben"........ and then I add one to it.
@@EverythingInane Alternatively, you could use alephs. Aleph Null (the first one) is already the size of all of the counting numbers. And then there's Aleph 1 that is infinitely bigger. You can go on, with Aleph 2 and so on, or you can straight up skip to Aleph Big Ben or something. I win.
But according to mathmetics,numbers are irreconcilable because they DO NOT END also the real biggest number;many times greater than rayos number,dose nit exist
Get one infinitesimal, skip a tiny fraction, and then jump to this number I'm about to describe. From the highest number (apart from infinity) down to 1 in the list of all numbers in the Googology Wikia, toutate every single one of them down into the succeeding one. Once you have the result, get the hyperoperation of that number and hyperoperate that number of copies of that number into itself that number of times with that number's hyperoperation, that number of times. Keep doing that until you're bored and the reader of this comment who got the highest will have the number I've got here.
*Thought experiment:* You’re put in a sanitized small white room with a bed, toilet, table and chair. You have an infinite supply of food, water, paper and pens through a flap in the door. You’re asked to keep adding 0s on paper in an attempt to reach a Googol. What do you do? How far would you make it?
Mathematicians use the notation π(x) to represent the prime-counting function. If x is a real number we can say that: π(x) = Number of primes less than or equal to x. The first few non-negative integral values for this function are: π(0) = 0 π(1) = 0 π(2) = 1 π(3) = 2 π(4) = 2 π(5) = 3 One consequence of the nature of primes is that π(x) becomes increasingly difficult to compute the larger x is. Note also that just because we've given the function a name doesn't mean we have provided a way to compute it. One of the best ways to determine whether a number, n, is prime or not is to try and divide it by every prime whose square is less than or equal to n. This method is pretty quick even for larger double digit numbers. For example, to prove that 97 is prime consider the following: 97/2 = 48 + 1/2 97/3 = 32 + 1/3 97/5 = 19 + 2/5 97/7 = 13 + 6/7
IlCanalediAlex I think it actually tends to tree (100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) the tree numbers are bigger then Graham's number
Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number....n times where n = Rayo's number OR EVEN BETTER Rayo's number Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow....Rayo's number of times.
Rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arro arrow arrow x baldi's 3rd number.... *holy sht*
Rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arro arrow arrow x baldi's 3rd number.... *holy sht*
I first heard of googol in the 4th grade when our teacher was telling us that it is a 1 with one hundred zeros behind us and its origin. This, of course, was way before Google was about. When Google was invented I thought to myself, isn't that some tremendously large number?
Or just do lim:n-0, 1/n, it's actually bigger than it seems as all the known numbers are finite but this isn't, as far as it goes it's technically infinity. Even though it's said to be undefined.
Its 7386483765804839837484646750076352525828828273736122843674214609853570042134677989098876232167589984652538885314236898875565900132756414487753455712987354244...
@Aa games I have a calculator that has a list with remarkable numbers and constants. 42 was written as "the answer to the Universe, atoms and everything else"
What about the number of SUBATOMIC PARTICLES in the observable universe? Also, the observable universe is a tiny fraction of the whole universe, so using the perspective of observable universe, can Rayo's number be the amount of atoms in the whole universe(observable and unobservable)? Or is it even huger than that?
Don't get too freaked out because you can't comprehend the highest number. We humans evolved in relatively small groups, probably about 20-30 people. These lower numbers were what we needed to comprehend our world. Consequently, we had no use for the super big numbers. A fascinating video.
No because then you would not have the room for a plus one,tho you can never really have 0 space since there are spaces that are to small for the human mind to comprehend that could be billions of more numbers which means that rayo's number is in fact NOT the biggest number but only the biggest number we can add to and or comprehend, infinity is based off infinit NUMBERS in which would add to the never ending vacuum of space which is indeed infinitly long.
Jurrastic Life 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 44566778899877654456778887654445677788665588766554443221344665568654432212445667789908877554322345678990876543346777899977554324456677889987765445677888765444567778866558876655444322134466556865443221244566778990 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556555555555555567765432113456777777777777777777777777777777777666666666666666665666555444332221122444566777788899 7654322235678899998876654332235566677899987745 666556775567775432235566779 2455677899044 55555555555555555554321245678990098664322456778665544321678999977655432134456 5432215567788990999999999999999999999999999999988887665432115667897765433224 55555555555443322112456789909887776665433211245555556778990986654321235677888909866543223555333678898665443346665443456677765544567788765443 56765456887655677655775577656777543322124566678900876655443222124577890022213445667787655432145667789987777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 and I nine are 5775757557757575775575557757553753747537735555577553357577553575375573575375347575375347575573537535375735733535537537573375357537357357356537464646464643463644364263434634634643634646357544355364646463466633636636336363663364664464466446477585868668866853735735735653746464646464346364436426343463463464363464635754435536464646346 6868685886855858588558585884588585854858484884599555 mins but they are both 527u524u242u26442642642626442664261416264426642426246426462632625235225525332535666532523523253525325335252525352522552325
I think the Number Concept should be incorporated with 0 as a placeholder and 9 as the largest number we have before the next placeholder. Also shouldn't Pi an Sub Atomic particles be included... Thanks for the Brainteaser.
In the hierarchy of how quickly functions grow, the definition of Rayo's number is just incredibly huge. I'd bet rayo for 'google + 1' symbols or less is bigger than rayo*rayo
Literally there is no number that is closer to zero when comparing it to infinity, because NOTHING is closer to infinity. It's an impossibility, since infinity NEVER ends. But for fun and of course, figuratively speaking, we could call infinity not Rayo's Number, but God's Number!
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Hebrews, 11:3)
The smallest number bigger than any finite number named by an expression in the language of set theory with a Graham' s number symbols or less." This is called the "Jaitra's Number". This number has been formulated right now by Jaitra Bhatt and that is me.
Great video, although I feel that Rayo's Number is a little bit of a cop out: without investigating it (this is the first time I have been exposed to it: my answer would have been Graham's Number but I'm obviously way behind already) it seems that Rayo's Number is more like an algorithm for finding a number rather than an actual number itself. When we get to this level of conceptual complexity it's really beyond human limitations to even be able to transcribe and the "Number" becomes as abstract as infinity itself. Still, I really enjoyed the video!
I think any function that grows faster than the busy beaver function will be uncomputable with current methods. The function where Rayo’s number belongs to should grow faster than busy beaver, which makes it even more insane
My understanding is that the busy beaver function (N) is basically rayo's number for Turing machines. It is defined as the largest number possible to be generated by an N-state Turing machine.
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. (Hebrews, 11:3)
Thank you. Now I have something to talk about on a date.
If you mean this is the smallest number, just attach one more 0 before the 1
Okay okay you win
Multiplied by 0 LOL!
i win there cant be 1 more zero than this on this youtube comment page :)
However bigger a Number may be it will always be closer to zero than to infinity...🙂
Makes sense
Nikhil Gupta knowing that is pointless. Do u even math
Real deal 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^100 is closer to 0 than to infinity. That is not pointless it is really important :V
Real deal no, I don't even math, i odd math.😕
Pi61 < Do you realise that 2^10 > 10^2 ??
*you know its a big number when you see Letters.*
Like when your messing with the calc and it says 285e+25
well yes the bigger the number the more words to say it
69th like
Clickty yes
I just realized when the universe breaks up enough at the right time the biggest number can be created. Imagine that reversed in a gravity explosion ? ( Earthlivestwice?) ^8^
I remember in pre school if u could count to one hundred you were classified “The G.O.A.T”
TH-cam Murphyy Well ur not the only one I said omg 10 such a big number when I’m 3
omg 1 such big number
I knew a million in 1st grade
I knew a billion in 1st grade
I called a trillion "tillion" in 1st grade
I thought a quadrillion was a "zillion"
And I started getting into bigger numbers and learned what the numbers were actually called in 3rd grade from Yenji Jems video
Pumpedalc2010 bruh I just watched his videos before this
Oh 0 is a very big number, i thouhght before i was born...
*Brain left the server*
Ikr lol
Its big brain time
*Brain has left the chat*
xHyperEgend_ ok
This Guy Is Really Genius At Math
Xtravagan 097d ikr
xHyperEgend_ lol
Dude i am 100% with you on that like for in the world doesn he know the precise number of grains of sand, do you realize how long that take... My head hurts right now, not even joking xD
Reality: Googol
Subtitles: _G O O G L E_
Meanwhile in Afrika schools: GULUGULUUUH
@@karl9313 XD
Gulu gulu
84 likes keep up gas cloud.
9:05 just music to my ears.
Doncrustioni Farter tri aro aro aro aro aro aro aro
@@callasoperafangirl triarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriarotriaro
*The biggest number we know of is : two number nines, a number 9 large, one six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty fives, One with cheese And A Large Soda.*
Dude that's big smokes order
Yeah thats big smoke's order from gta san andreas😂😂😂😂
that's a big -smoke's- number, cool.
Someone in the comments asked if we could reach Rayo's number with the universe being filled with Planck volumes times the Planck times since the beginning. I wanted to share my detailed response. Below is what I did:
I clarified his ruleset. The actual universe could be infinite, but the largest finite number that it has been estimated to be is ~6 sextillion times bigger than the observable universe. I made a calculation for this generous amount.
Calculation: (4.65 x 10^185) x (6x10^18) x (5.39 x 10^44) x (11.13) x (60) x (24) x (365) x (1.38 x 10^10) = 1.21 x 10^266
Meaning: (Plank volumes in Observable Universe) x (6 sextillion) x (Number of Planck times in 5.39 seconds) x (Multiple needed to convert the number of Planck times in 5.39 seconds to the number of Planck times in one minute) x (minutes in one hour) x (hours in a day) x (days in a year) x (Age of the universe in years, 13.8 billion) = 1.21 x 10^266 (121 Septemoctogintillion)
In computation, you definitely do not reach Rayo's number nor even G1 in Graham's sequence (3 quadruple-arrow 3).
The total (1.21 x 10^266) is a small fraction to 3 triple-arrow 3 (3^7.25trillion 3s stacked).
This was really informative and interesting. Thanks. (also, will do the calculations you mentioned here lol)
@@TheRandomQubeofficial I later found out the computation! Even imagining ways to exponentially increase values in our universe doesn't touch a lot of massive numbers that we have applications for.
What if the universe itself is an atom (a current theory I've read about).... then could you calculate current plank lengths in the same way but then add the number of atoms that would be in a universe of that immense size? (Hope this makes sense)
A googolplex is 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
A googolplexian has 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros
A googolplexianth has 10^10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zeros. Graham's Number is vastly bigger than Googolplexianth and Rayo's Number is farrrr bigger than G64
you remember when 10 was a giant number?
Diana Diana 𝚒 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝟷𝟶𝟶 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
And so on
I can count to 150
And I’m seven years old
My teacher: what is infinity
Me: *shows this video*
Yes *DEAD MEME* you are right
Infinty is the largest i know of coruse
@@leeamy5915 infinity is not a number though it's a symbol or an idea
Like 1 then add 1+1 then 1+1+ .... It continues eternally it never stops
All of these numbers, including Rayo's are for all intents and purposes equal to zero when compared to even our "smallest" concepts of infinity. This is big, but still utterly finite - it's not infinity.
E-gamerboy r see
Googol ~ Google
Googolplex ~ Google pixel
marioplex and matpat have left the evrything
Googolplexian ?
Mmm mabye your right
actually the biggest number we know of is a nanagoogol acording to my knowledge befor watching this
32 years???
Michael Streich Legend says u are still counting
Clorox Bleach lol
Still counting?
You probably count to 10 million by now
4 months in, what are you up to?
“These numbers are insanely big, but they are still very small.”
I love how that sentence makes zero sense out of context.
But my aunt's ego is larger than all of this.
Trump201 😂😂
you can't compare non-number values with numbers, just like you can't say that a line is 5m² long, because m² is area, not length
@@racheline_nya .........its a joke.
F1111111111117ann Lloyd 8jjj
Don’t let mr beast watch this
Stooweee Stewart underrated
Stooweee Stewart lol
not every one got this but i got 😂😂
Nuh uh!
Because we will never see him upload again
*Adds 1 to Rayo's number*
HAH I made the largest number
no because then ill one more number
No such thing as the largest number as one can always bee added.
yeah but larger than rayos number
I add a googlplexian to Rayo's number +1
Those are trivial adjustments and are not really different in the spirit of things. You're still defining a number in terms of rayo's number.
small nitpick: 3 [4 up arrows] 3 isn't uncomputable, it's quite easily computable, it's just so big that there's no practical way to show how big the number is
*pie has left the chat*
Pi is actually small. It's smaller than 4, in fact
1) Pi not pie
2) Pi is not bigger than 4
3) ur mom gay
Mohammed Rahman it has infinite numbers in it but it’s only worth 3 before you reach a decimal
Value of pie is 3.14
@@kingasasin177 when your smart but toxic
The thing that has always fascinated me about this exponential concept with numbers is that it proves we are both as far and as close to being everything and nothing. It's as if the very universe itself IS the singularity we've all been searching for...
What a splendid video! Well narrated. Keep it on please.
If you were the size of a planck’s length, an atom would be the size of the observable universe
And so it is :)
@@anthonybonifer1524 and a person may be the size of about more than 10^100 Light Years
*takes rayo's number*
*adds 1 to it*
watermelonjack rayo's number^2
You kids are so cute. Rayo's number (a rayo's number of up arrows) rayo's number.
Gerald Albion Plus 1
@@strongeststrike6737 And then cube that, add 1 for lolz.
Peter D And then add 1 more
Rayo's Number: I'm the biggest number
Rayo's Number +1: Hold my beer
Copy of a comment 2 spaces above.
BIG FOOT: excuse me
Utter Oblivion: *A ME T E U R S*
Infinity: I felt lonely when I am not a number
infinity 1 has join the chat
Friend:How many ways are there to crash paper mario
Me:Rayo's Number
Rayo's number crashes Paper Mario
^ is exponentiation,^^ is tetration,^^^ is pentation,......^^^^^^^^^^ is dodecation. So Tridecatrix is a dodecational array.
Wait, a 6x6x6 rubiks cube has more combinations than atoms in the universe, or sandgrains that could fit in the universe?? mind = blown
Wtf no, that's complete bullshit. Do you even know how many atoms are there in the universe? We can't even fathom how big the universe even is.
@Justin Groen googled it and turns out it is mind really is blown
Told you that is not alot it's just 6 cubed
@@globey1 are you stupid or are you trolling
Something is definitely bigger than Rayo's Number. Rayo's Number + 1.
= Rayo1NumberMayo
But there gotta be a number which even the smallest unit cant be fit into space its like the speed of light limit and you throw a rock while travelling at this speed you arent exceeding the speed of light so the biggest number is determined by the following equation
Size of whole space / smallest unity = biggest number ever that can fit
Rayo’s number x Rayo’s number
rayos number (rayonumber arrows) rayos number
Rayo's Number! there, rayo factorial
Rayo‘s Number + 1 = *universe crashes*
Sushi Cat :3 just watch the video to the end :D
Rayo's Number × Rayo's number × 69 = A whole new ultra-multiverse
Rayo's number x MASTERED ULTRA INSTINCT + baldi's 3rd problem :3
rayo's no^rayo's no
×666 we are now slaves to satan
"Rayo's number is the biggest number we know of"
Nowadays we have numbers that make Rayos Number look like a 0 by comparison, such numbers include: "Fish Number 7", and "Large Number Garden Number"
"Your word is Brazilian."
"Can you use it in a sentence?"
"Yes. I swear I ate a brazilian cupcakes"
I'm Brazilian
good one
Lol, dont even get me started. Shaggy went up to 100% power one time and counted all the way up to graham's number, twice.
Shaggy uses only 7% of his power to count upto Graham's number
@@VEKTOR_ Wrong! Shaggy used 1% of his power and counted to rayo's number
Mast3r Draco Wrong! Shaggy used 0.1% of his power and counted all the way up to Graham’s number, frice.
Shaggy just used like 0.0000000000000000000010 of its power to count to avogrado's number, 69420 times and graham's number 1337 times.
chris YT gocha this shaggy “meme” is dead and really gay
When your videos are so good that TH-cam can't load the 72 zeros behind your sub count
BoiOnTheStreets SenpaiInTheSheets He has WAY less. He only has a googolplexian.
ArtyCookiez 72 is smaller than a googolpllexian
ALSO 10^72 is LESS than a googolplexian beacuse a googolpexian is 10^10^10^100 and the number is 10^72..
*the best channels on TH-cam literally uploads once in two or three years*
Welcome glitcher
Rayo’s Number will always be the largest number that we know of. The physical space in the universe allowing for a googol or less of symbols of any “set theory notation”, set theory notation includes arrow ups or any other symbolic way you can express numbers and know if you had forever to crunch the math it would end in a number that’s finite... but the word “Rayo’s Number” in an expression doesn’t count because it isn’t instructions to calculating a finite number from scratch. The reason Rayo’s Number will always be the smallest number LARGER than this finite number is that after we fill all the physical space we got, we will never be left with exactly 0 space left in the universe to add more symbols as there’s infinitely small fractional space we can’t fill but can make that finite number just that margin bigger. Hence Rayo’s Number IS what is and always will be the “largest known number” physically expressable no matter what. Also by the way, number with set theory that equals that finite “smallest number smaller than Rayo’s Number” we derive, wont leave you enough room to write +1 for if it does it would be outdone by a MUCH larger finite number to be deemed the smallest number smaller than Rayo’s Number. You get the idea.
haha but i choose to inhabit the theoretical infinite universe beyond the observable universe and rebrand and replace the term "googol" in rayo's definition with the former "rayo's number" and call the whole thing "bens number." Then I create a new alteration of the original rayo's number definition which I shall call "ben's number 2" in which "googol" is this time replaced with "bens number". Then I repeat this process, using the last bens number (bens number 2) as the replacement word and calling the new definiton "bens number 3". I continue to repeat this process, in fact, I repeat the whole process a "bens number" of times. And that number...... I call..... "big ben"........ and then I add one to it.
@@EverythingInane Alternatively, you could use alephs. Aleph Null (the first one) is already the size of all of the counting numbers. And then there's Aleph 1 that is infinitely bigger. You can go on, with Aleph 2 and so on, or you can straight up skip to Aleph Big Ben or something. I win.
But according to mathmetics,numbers are irreconcilable because they DO NOT END also the real biggest number;many times greater than rayos number,dose nit exist
Then you add 1...
+Added royo's number
Its sooooooo big as its not a number
And you can't added on a calculator
And me to
So you learned abot the royo's number (or you can call it 72x27x83)ok
*Takes the Rayo's number*
*multiplies it with 0*
= 0
Divides by 0
@Ucan'tKillMe CauseIamIMMORTAL I'm pretty sure they do, and I'm pretty sure Rayo's number is real, so it doesn't matter anyway.
@@turkeytangogaming1341 That's wrong, it'll just equal 0.
i used to watch this in 2nd grade, and feel so smart while doing so.. this videos a classic beyond all classics in my opinion
1... 2... 3..., oh forget it, it's too much work.
Yeah right
watch this video
1, 2, skip a few, Rayo's number. There you go I counted the highest.
Aussie 1,2, skip a few, *rayo's number* + 1. THERE i counted the *HIGHEST*
1,2, skip a few, rayo's number + 2
skip "a few"
Get one infinitesimal, skip a tiny fraction, and then jump to this number I'm about to describe.
From the highest number (apart from infinity) down to 1 in the list of all numbers in the Googology Wikia, toutate every single one of them down into the succeeding one. Once you have the result, get the hyperoperation of that number and hyperoperate that number of copies of that number into itself that number of times with that number's hyperoperation, that number of times. Keep doing that until you're bored and the reader of this comment who got the highest will have the number I've got here.
Rayo's Number to the power of Rayo's Number
My fav is *BIGG*.
Because what is bigger than BIGG? : *BIGGGER*
And what is bigger than BIGGGER?... *BIGGGERING INTENSIFIES*
The bigggest is infinity...
@@FireyDeath4 it's not a number lol
FireyDeath4 r/wooosh
This feels very nostalgic to watch.
*Thought experiment:* You’re put in a sanitized small white room with a bed, toilet, table and chair. You have an infinite supply of food, water, paper and pens through a flap in the door. You’re asked to keep adding 0s on paper in an attempt to reach a Googol. What do you do? How far would you make it?
Probably would take the age of god to reach it
Googol has 100 zeros
ez. Done in 5 min.
Mathematicians use the notation π(x) to represent the prime-counting function. If x is a real number we can say that:
π(x) = Number of primes less than or equal to x.
The first few non-negative integral values for this function are:
π(0) = 0
π(1) = 0
π(2) = 1
π(3) = 2
π(4) = 2
π(5) = 3
One consequence of the nature of primes is that π(x) becomes increasingly difficult to compute the larger x is. Note also that just because we've given the function a name doesn't mean we have provided a way to compute it.
One of the best ways to determine whether a number, n, is prime or not is to try and divide it by every prime whose square is less than or equal to n. This method is pretty quick even for larger double digit numbers.
For example, to prove that 97 is prime consider the following:
97/2 = 48 + 1/2
97/3 = 32 + 1/3
97/5 = 19 + 2/5
97/7 = 13 + 6/7
Maths can be super fascinating
Just depends how you teach it
"Rayos Number is the biggest number"
Me: laughs in *Absolute Infinity*
If you laugh in infinity you will die of not breathing forever
finite numbers only that wont be the biggest
my mind is shutting down after trying to think of the grahams nukber already
and theres still a rayos number
@Gallus the GOD
Those rightway arrows surely are powerful.
(Are there left-pointing arrows, or even down arrows?)
Even the word amazing can not describe how good this video is to me
Memo Max me toooooooomg I looooove this
The value of this video tends to Graham's Number!
IlCanalediAlex I think it actually tends to tree (100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) the tree numbers are bigger then Graham's number
you clearly live under a rock and never went to school ... because this is basic shit
Rayo’s Number + Rayo’s Number +.... Rayo’s Number of Rayo’s Numbers.
Rayo's number × Rayo's number × Rayo's number
Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number....n times where n = Rayo's number
Rayo's number Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow....Rayo's number of times.
Rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arro arrow arrow x baldi's 3rd number....
*holy sht*
Rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x rayo's number x arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arro arrow arrow x baldi's 3rd number....
*holy sht*
@@chenblazebandrydh4703 lol thats a lot and indeed baldi's 3rd number can easily defeat any number.
"We don't have words to describe this number" - just described it with a few words a couple of seconds ago
I first heard of googol in the 4th grade when our teacher was telling us that it is a 1 with one hundred zeros behind us and its origin. This, of course, was way before Google was about. When Google was invented I thought to myself, isn't that some tremendously large number?
Very interesting video. I had heard of Googolplex, but not Graham's number and Rayo's Number.
Thanks for watching :)
You're the best at explaining this!
Rayo’s number is the biggest number
GRAHAM'S No. :I am the biggest number
Rayo's number:hold my beer
Graham what about G65
Takeuti feferman buchholz ordinate
Hold MY beer
Aikio Gamez
5@@5=5(5@5 ⬆️’s)5
5@@@5=5(5@@5 ⬆️’s)5=J1
J2=5(J1 @‘s)5
J3=5(J2 @‘s)5
J36908=5(J36907 @‘s)5=my number
centillion looking at googol: *ARE YOU CHALLENGING ME?*
Googlplexian: 𝗬𝗲𝘀
troblemakeri what's the biggest number in the world ever
The current biggest number is Little Biggedon. It is defined three days before this video. But it is not a number we know of.
I didn't expect to laugh as much as I did. Thank you for the entertaining video!
bruh yeah bruh yeah no you
Video: *Ends in G*
Googologist: Ending small ey?
Thanks for the advice.
I feel like the goigolplexian was the result of someone sleeping on their keyboard while pressing 0 after 1
I guess he would have to sleep for years to make a number such big😂😂
Hrannar Daði Þórðarson that it that person died :0
Nicholas England i feel like that would destroy the universe as that is more than the atoms in it
Liam Parr probably...
He must've slept for a few septillion years then
That's amazing video I ever saw on TH-cam.. Thanku so much
The biggest number I knew was noventrigintillion which has 90 zeros but this video put me to shame
Georgia XQ The biggest number i know of is alef noir i think thats how you spell it
Georgia XQ well no one blames you 😂
The biggest number i know is
Hundred in hindi language
Isn't grahams number the biggest we know of?
Nvm it is mentioned in the video.
Big Foot & Utter Oblivion are bigger than Rayo's Number
Wanna be more confuse ?
Just make a rayo's number × rayo's number rubik cube and try all combinations !
Or just do lim:n-0, 1/n, it's actually bigger than it seems as all the known numbers are finite but this isn't, as far as it goes it's technically infinity. Even though it's said to be undefined.
Its 7386483765804839837484646750076352525828828273736122843674214609853570042134677989098876232167589984652538885314236898875565900132756414487753455712987354244...
@@golbox4 snn is n^n^n!^n!!!^n!!!!...n!
@BRSM Gamer no snn(∞)
The answer is simple!!
Answer: Less than the space between 1 and 2
Its googolplexian. The second largest is googelplex. The third biggest number is googol. I liked my own comment cuz no one will.😭😭
I can guarantee that you can't get brain cancer.
ANIME FAN! *Googolplexianite*
Plus *1*
uh that guy just mention 2 numbers after that
Your a good teacher!
I never heard that teacher make youtube channel...
But thats ok keep it up 👍
Reality: Googol
Subtitles: G O O G L E
the biggest number is...
technically he said it was 40
@Aa games I have a calculator that has a list with remarkable numbers and constants. 42 was written as "the answer to the Universe, atoms and everything else"
shit u rite
43 is bigger.
What about the number of SUBATOMIC PARTICLES in the observable universe? Also, the observable universe is a tiny fraction of the whole universe, so using the perspective of observable universe, can Rayo's number be the amount of atoms in the whole universe(observable and unobservable)? Or is it even huger than that?
its just 10^80 * 6, not so big :v
Oh wow what? Only 1k subs? WTF THIS SHOULD BE A 5MIL CHANNEL!
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|____ 👻 ____|
____| ------------------- |____
____ | 👻👻👻 | ____
____| |___________| |____
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| |_______| 😀 |________| |
Copy & Paste this and save this as your Note
lol pacman
Don't get too freaked out because you can't comprehend the highest number. We humans evolved in relatively small groups, probably about 20-30 people. These lower numbers were what we needed to comprehend our world. Consequently, we had no use for the super big numbers. A fascinating video.
Dam I told my friends at school infinity wasn’t a number
It's an horizontal 8
Btw what did they say? I said the same too.
They know that already
found an epic channel thanks keep up the good work
I am only eleven years old.
You still alive?
Egg Then why are you on TH-cam?
Well, I am 10 years old, egg
When he showed the ants, i was eating a cookie. 😨
Luther Morris Jr thanks for warning me 😂🤣
Press F for sadness^10
to me ants aren’t really disgusting
Wrong .. Rayo's Number + 1 is bigger ... you can credit me on that
No because then you would not have the room for a plus one,tho you can never really have 0 space since there are spaces that are to small for the human mind to comprehend that could be billions of more numbers which means that rayo's number is in fact NOT the biggest number but only the biggest number we can add to and or comprehend, infinity is based off infinit NUMBERS in which would add to the never ending vacuum of space which is indeed infinitly long.
What about rayos number to the power of rayos number (so rayos number multiplied to itself rayos number of times)
@@Hayds126 the rule in that competition was that you cant have some arbitrary numbers added to each other, but to form a meaningfull definition
Rayo's number + 2
@@Hayds126 no dude that's too much for me
Can't stop watching this!
Jurrastic Life 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 44566778899877654456778887654445677788665588766554443221344665568654432212445667789908877554322345678990876543346777899977554324456677889987765445677888765444567778866558876655444322134466556865443221244566778990 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555556555555555555567765432113456777777777777777777777777777777777666666666666666665666555444332221122444566777788899 7654322235678899998876654332235566677899987745 666556775567775432235566779
2455677899044 55555555555555555554321245678990098664322456778665544321678999977655432134456 5432215567788990999999999999999999999999999999988887665432115667897765433224 55555555555443322112456789909887776665433211245555556778990986654321235677888909866543223555333678898665443346665443456677765544567788765443 56765456887655677655775577656777543322124566678900876655443222124577890022213445667787655432145667789987777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 and I nine are 5775757557757575775575557757553753747537735555577553357577553575375573575375347575375347575573537535375735733535537537573375357537357357356537464646464643463644364263434634634643634646357544355364646463466633636636336363663364664464466446477585868668866853735735735653746464646464346364436426343463463464363464635754435536464646346 6868685886855858588558585884588585854858484884599555 mins but they are both 527u524u242u26442642642626442664261416264426642426246426462632625235225525332535666532523523253525325335252525352522552325
And Rayo's number + 1 is still bigger than Rayo's number
Rayo : Wait that's illegal
@Happy Thanos LOL
TheRandomQube: "u cant describe rayo's number with words." everyone watching: "u just described it in words?"
I think the Number Concept should be incorporated with 0 as a placeholder and 9 as the largest number we have before the next placeholder. Also shouldn't Pi an Sub Atomic particles be included... Thanks for the Brainteaser.
I know a number bigger than rayo’s number!!
Rayo’s number X Rayo’s number! 😱
Rayoplex! 🤣 XD
In the hierarchy of how quickly functions grow, the definition of Rayo's number is just incredibly huge. I'd bet rayo for 'google + 1' symbols or less is bigger than rayo*rayo
G1 could be computed. The value would be 10^(3^^^3/log (3))
It’s crazy how quickly space and matter top out when it comes to scale. Combinatorics is where the real fun begins.
Literally there is no number that is closer to zero when comparing it to infinity, because NOTHING is closer to infinity. It's an impossibility, since infinity NEVER ends. But for fun and of course, figuratively speaking, we could call infinity not Rayo's Number, but God's Number!
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
(Hebrews, 11:3)
you deserve more subs!
OKobern p
Andrea Bontempi what
sebastian pole if i says 1 letter it means you cant reply to him
Yes he doee
Graham's number : I am the largest number..
Graham number + 1 : am i joke to you??
(Rayos number x (Fish number 7 x Fish number 6 x Fish number 5 x Fish number 4 x Fish number 3 x Fish number 2 x Fish number 1)!)!^2
Rio’s number: huh what’s going on here
=graham's number and 1
@@Aiden-vg4xs =800000000!
@@American_PhilippineA thats not how u spell that mario! It's royo's
The smallest number bigger than any finite number named by an expression in the language of set theory with a Graham'
s number symbols or less." This is called the "Jaitra's Number". This number has been formulated right now by Jaitra Bhatt and that is me.
Great video, although I feel that Rayo's Number is a little bit of a cop out: without investigating it (this is the first time I have been exposed to it: my answer would have been Graham's Number but I'm obviously way behind already) it seems that Rayo's Number is more like an algorithm for finding a number rather than an actual number itself. When we get to this level of conceptual complexity it's really beyond human limitations to even be able to transcribe and the "Number" becomes as abstract as infinity itself. Still, I really enjoyed the video!
(Not that Graham's Number is really that different)
I think any function that grows faster than the busy beaver function will be uncomputable with current methods. The function where Rayo’s number belongs to should grow faster than busy beaver, which makes it even more insane
My understanding is that the busy beaver function (N) is basically rayo's number for Turing machines. It is defined as the largest number possible to be generated by an N-state Turing machine.
Centillion: and I thought I was big
Googolquinplex: HA YOU THOUGHT
No its googolplexian
Me: Confusion
Albert ainstien : _Albert has died of confusion_
You mean *Albert Einstein*
@@critical_lol5144 Yes. I cant spell very well
Super Gamer Odie dude this isn’t even funny
@@trulybrady8839 id like to see you create a meme. Its probebly a stupid one like YOU.
No, the biggest number is actually Rayo's Number
To the power of Rayo's Number
Rayo's number * Rayo's number: Am i I a joke to you ?
Also Rayo's number ^ Rayo's number: Am i I a joke to you ?
@@KenForceKevinS ummm... no
Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's number^Rayo's 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Francisco y Rayo Oficial
Uh is the infinity part a joke?
Rayo's Number: I am the largest known number
SSCG(3): hold my beer
SSCG(3) is still computable is also far smaller than Rayo's number. SSCG function is still much less fast growing function than the SCG function.
You got a new Sub 😃
Pratik Chalke thanks
@@TheRandomQubeofficial I didn't know youtubers answer stuff like those
Its miracle, I loved this vedio when I was small
My teacher: what is Qaudrillion
Me: it’s a number shows video
I think its Quadrillion
Lu wah is right
The notional dollar value of all outstanding financial derivatives in the world is one quadrillion.
one (10^0)
ten (10^1)
hundred (10^2)
thousand (10^3)
million (10^6)
billion (10^9)
trillion (10^12)
quadrillion (10^15)
quintillion (10^18)
sextillion (10^21)
septillion (10^24)
octillion (10^27)
nonillion (10^30)
decillion (10^33)
undecillion (10^36)
duodecillion (10^39)
tredecillion (10^42)
quattuordecillion (10^45)
quindecillion (10^48)
sexdecillion (10^51)
septendecillion (10^54)
octodecillion (10^57
novemdecillion (10^60)
vigintillion (10^63)
unvigintillion (10^66)
duovigintillion (10^69) Nice
trevigintillion (10^72)
quattuorvigintillion (10^75)
quinvigintillion (10^78)
sexvigintillion (10^81)
septenvigintillion (10^84)
octovigintillion (10^87)
novemvigintillion (10^90)
trigintillion (10^93)
untrigintillion (10^96)
duotrigintillion (10^99)
*googol* (10^100)
trestrigintillion (10^103)
quatuortrigintillion (10^106)
quintrigintillion (10^109)
sextrigintillion (10^112
septentrigintillion (10^115)
octotrigintillion (10^118)
novemtrigintillion (10^121)
quadragintillion (10^124)
unquadragintillion (10^127)
tresquadragintillion (10^130)
quatourquadragintillion (10^133)
quinquadragintillion (10^136)
sexquadragintillion (10^139)
septenquadragintillion (10^142)
octoquadragintillion (10^145)
novemquadragintillion (10^148)
quinquagintillion (10^151)
unquinquagintillion (10^154)
duoquinquagintillion (10^158)
tresquinquagintillion (10^161)
quatuorquinquagintillion (10^164)
quinquagquingatillion (10^167)
sexquinquagintillion (10^170)
septenquinquagintillion (10^173)
octoquinquagintillion (10^176)
novemquinquagintillion (10^179)
This makes my brain hurt but good video
(Yayo's number)!
I won.
Θάνος Πολυχρονίδης είσαι έξυπνος ε;
N0 is the biggest and the smallest infinity
Or Inaccesible cardinal?
Graham’s Number
Rayo's number not yayo's number
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
(Hebrews, 11:3)