Joanne Herman yea like with the breakfast club...she was so frickin adorable and tbh didn’t look like herself when they changed her (the character not the actor)
Having met Elvira, I can honestly say she deserves the #1 spot. She is an incredibly good natured, kind and caring lady. She also has a wickedly funny sense of humour. Long may she reign over the night...
Jeremy Powell because there was never a Munsters least not one that I recall. I mean, yeah, if you're going to include TV characters, then yes. She deserves the top spot.
Jeremy Powell I did find a consideration however it didn't feature the original actress. If there had been a movie with the original cast of the show, then I could see the need for inclusion. But again, this is only including motion pictures not a TV series. The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas
No she does not. I personally think she should not be associated with any subcultures or genres of edginess. Just a manipulative, self-serving, spoiled putrid Poser who cops out. Someone like her what put an image problem to the subcultures and genres we follow and survived from persecutions like talk shows.
Gothic Kennedy 93 just because you don’t like someone doenst mean they’re not part of a subculture. and, in case you haven’t noticed, every single character in that movie has a shitty personality so you can’t not like one while also liking the rest
They were using her as an example of people they wouldn't be ranking🤡 They said "we wont be including any actresses that were under 18 at the time of filming, like Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice."
Kim Director, Fairuza Balk (Nancy Downs), and Danielle Harris were the most realistic portrayals of Goths on screen especially for the period their films were released in. They felt genuine and like the girls you went to school and concerts with, whereas someone like Elvira or Morticia, and mostly everyone else on this list just felt like fictional characters.
The making of goth subculture is from the Victorian Era when Sherlock Holmes novel was popular Emo started in the mid 80s in DC and the culture expanded from the 90s to the 2000s we have a love for Jack Skelelington and My Chemical Romance and Scene started in the early 2000s because Emo’s hated them because they ripped off our style and punk is still popular with leather and studs and spiked Mohawks
I'm so sick of the whole "no matter how much my parent/parent's damaged me, I'll always love them and they always loved me" trope. Or am I just being pessimistic?
That mom was not only super self centered she killed her daughter's boyfriend in the movie. And manipulates her daughter's one good foster mother into suicide because she was jealous foster mom was being an ACTUAL parent to that girl. Flawed is a nice word for her
i always find these entertaining but seriously, when is watchmojo going stop making "goth" countdowns? most of these "goth" characters are horrible stereotypes based on society's misinformation about goth. We arent all miserable teens who hate our parents. most of us are just people who enjoy goth music and hanging out with like minded people. people are often surprised to learn that im a normal person once they start talking to me, and its because horrible stereotypes that people judge us and think we're all devil worshiping freaks. Also, Lisbeth from the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was way closer to an actual goth than the remake yet still she would be better classified as a death rocker which is related to goth but not quite the same thing - just another goth bitching about misrepresentation in the media
Stokely and Kim will always have a very special place in my heart, they were the first „goth“ girls I ever saw (overall, not just in movies- I was around 10/11) I was addicted to them and they were a big Influence in finding my style around 1999/2000🖤
Christina Ricci-Wednesday adams Wynona Ryder- Beetlejuice, Girl interrupted Busy Phillips should’ve been on the countdown. She played an amazing role and the ending scene was powerful especially for a goth character. I have no idea why the girl in Urban Legend was in the countdown she didn’t have much of a role in the movie to begin with.
my favorite goth girl is on tv its abby scuco (pauly parrotte) of NCIS she looks gothic but she is the sweetest thing you would ever want to know and totally loyal to her friends
Next to Tony, Abby is my favorite character. She's what I imagine most goths being like...artsy, eccentric, full of attitude but not at all unpleasant.
I far prefer the Swedish movie, the whole thing is better and I think that includes Noomi. I suspect it's just being American that makes people think there is anything good in the US version.
Just an interesting fact for those who don't know.. Rooney Mara actually got her nipple pierced specifically for her role in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
I cant believe they left Fairuza Balk completely off this list. She is absolutely gorgeous. She was in The Craft and she played Vickie Valencourt in The Water Boy
As much as I love Elvira, she is a cheap imitation of vampira. The OG (original Goth) Vampira pioneered the genre. She hosted B movies which she joked about while they played. She'd end her show saying "unpleasant dreams" sound familiar?
That may be but Elvira is ten times more attractive. The list is hottest goth girls, not ugly ass facial prosthetics vampire girls. She may have had the body, but they made her face hideous.
Mark Seifert what? seriously? have you read the books? Noomi Rapace was not cast right.. Lisbeth is supposed to be petite and way more vulnerable.. have you watched both rape scenes? i dunno, i think Fincher doesn't get enough credit, he's known for his amazing book adaptations (fight club, Benjamin button, gone girl) and taking his time, too bad his version was released after because both versions started preprod around the same time.. ppl treat it like a remake when in fact it's two directors visions of the same book.. and it's a shame purists came in with preconceived misinformation.. they were both great and i love Noomi but Rooney Mara nailed Lisbeth.. nailed.. :)
Mark Seifert there is no "original" Lisbeth lol.. the og is in the books.. both movies were adaptations.. this is the kind of misinformation people who haven't event read the books just take for granite (see what i did there Morty?) and just regurgitate like it makes them cool to be a clueless purist.. i respect your opinion but express it right.. p.s i just love cinema and debating, not actually mad :)
Maila Nurmi was "The Original Goth Girl" way back in 1959's "Plan 9 from Outer Space". Her character "Vampire Girl" character inspired Elvira ! You also forgot Lisa Mari who played Maila Nurmi's character "Vampira" in the movie about the director who directed "Plan 9 from Outer Space" Ed Wood. P.S. In your list I believe Nancy Downs should be #2, she was "The Goth Girl" more than anyone on your list, outside of Elvira & 15 years before Lisbeth Salander . Speaking of Lisbeth Salander, you also forgot Noomi Rapace, from The Original "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Trilogy. She paved the way for the incomplete American version with the same name.
It’s weird but growing up Clea DuVall always resembled Pink to me lol that’s how I noticed her to begin with. I thought she was Pinks long lost sister 😂
When I was in my freshman year of high school they had five special days, like a field day, a day of sports tournaments, a day where you did nothing and still got A+'s... and a day where you could wear whatever you wanted. So, as I'm walking down the hallway looking at the girls in bikinis, underwear and pajamas, this one girl, who is sitting on the ground in the hallway, catches my eye. Picture a cross between Neve Campbell and Danielle Harris. She was wearing knee-high leather boots, thigh-high fishnets, a pleather mini skirt, a halter top, fishnet gloves... all of that good shit. I didn't create and seriously could not control the words that escaped my mouth, which were "Holy fuck..." I then proceeded to bump into someone else and fall over. First and only time I literally fell for a girl. That's where my obsession with goth girls started... or at least flourished.
+Amanda Sutton Maila Nurmi came up with the character Vampira when dressing up as Morticia Addams at a costume party apparently, so she was a bit of a copycat as well.
Amanda Sutton I'm so happy you brought Vampira up. Wonderful Maila Nurmi is too often forgotten, Elvira getting all the thunder. She's great, but she's no Vampira.
for the love of Rozz William, and Peter Murphy stop doing "Goth" related things based on looks. Just because they look alternative doesn't mean "Goth".
totally get it, but I think they're talking about rolls in movies. tbh they should have titled it somthing like "top goth inspired movie rolls" or somthing like that.
I knew there would be a comment like this. Spare us the No True Scotsman shit and stop taking the _goth_ label so seriously. It's so far removed from its origins that it hardly has any definitive meaning at this point.
funny how you list Rozz Williams considering he rejected the goth label and I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines that people who call themselves goth don't respect themselves.
Astrid Magnusssen Is one of my favorite characters ever! I'm so glad for see her in this list (She looked beautifully dark in the jail scene with her mom)
koffinkat666 to be fair, everyone has a type. some like nerds, some like preps, and some like goths. I wouldn't really even call it a fetish, just a preference for certain types of people.
"My people" Really? It's a subcultural group at best and a fashion trend at worst. Also teenagers finding certain girls hot isn't objectification. You may not have hit it yet but there's this stage in life called puberty...
Little Green Gamer a dying breed, unfortunately. I wouldn't say that alone can make a place boring, though. If that were the case almost every city or town I have been to would be boring. I do wish there were more of them, though.
At 2.23 you see a shot exemplifying one of the best things about the Addams movies - Morticia's eyes are often lit slightly more than the rest of her face. Love that attention to detail.
I agree. Delilah definitely was hot. I probably would have been stupid enough not to run away from her when she revealed she was taken over by aliens lol.
Most people have no idea of what goth is, they think " oh hey black clothes, must be a goth", and just completely neglect to develop any sort of insight into the actual subculture.
"Everyone has their own interpretation of what passes for Goth." Yeah, and that bullshit mentality is why there is stuff like Ghetto Goth, Gucci Goth and Health Goth (soon there will be Toddler Goth too, because Goth is what you make it, right?) No, please. Goth has a clear definition. If it wouldn't have one, then everything is or could be goth, thus rendering the term even more useless and meaningless than it already is. A Goth is simply someone who listens to Gothic music(or at least has a clue about it) and who may participate in the Gothic subculture, that grew out of said music scene. Just wearing black doesn't make you goth. Not wearing black 24 hours a day (yet listening to the music) doesn't mean you aren't part of the subculture either. I know it's an unpopular opinion, that sparks a lot of heated discussions and accusations of being elitist, gate keeping, evil, mean, even offensive. But let's not change facts to suit our worldview. You wouldn't tag everyone and everything under the sun "punk" either, so stop with this "Goth can be anything you want it to be" schtick. Or just acknowledge that Goth today has no meaning whatsoever, than being a fancy term to call yourself and make you appear edgy and "deep".
Elvira has something you don't see with many Goth girls personality humor and she's just fun just because you're goth doesn't mean you gotta be moody and dark have fun with it and that's why I love Elvira
Clicked on the video for Clea DuVall as Stokely from The Faculty. I knew she was gonna be number 10 😭 Better than an honorable mention though so oh well.
BTW I read all the books in the series and still think Noomi was closer to the roll, she also had to lose much weight for the roll, and Rooney is already quite skinny. Not to mention Noomi is Swedish. Noomi is much more muscular and boyish looking in this roll and that is how she was described by Stig Larsson. But Hollywood is a place where they once cast John Wayne as Genghis Khan... and again Rooney as an Asian? To name just a couple.Although I think both Mara sisters are gorgeous, Rooney's eyes drive me wild!
Some of these choices weren't even goth. Ginger from Ginger Snaps was more alternative than anything. Damn. Doesn anyone even care anymore about subcultures. How many goths on here get pissed when people confuse goth with emo or alternative. I hate it when people confuse me, a metalhead, for an emo kid. Someone even called me goth once. I don't even look remotely gothic. People need to educate themselves on subcultures. It's getting really annoying, the ignorance. And what song was playing on here btw? I liked it.
Metalkid1500 no you're not the only one. I've been a Metalhead since I was in Junior High(I'm almost 39 now). I hate it when people think I'm some kind of Hippster because I have long hair and a beard. Or worse yet they think I'm a Duck Dynasty fanboy.
Not many educated people are interested in labels really, especially searching what each label a human is. if its self expression then it is, we dont need to label every single human. Not everyone is interested in searching about labels either. you should chill and live and express yourself. not everyone will understand you nor you will understand everyone so dont get annoyed. peace
@Razen, for some people the label that comes along with a subculture gives a sense of identity, connection, and/or community that they don't necessarily get elsewhere. Also, the "subtle" dig at people who label themselves as whatever not being educated is extremely idiotic. You'll find a lot of educated people in the Goth community in a wide variety of fields. Sure, some people aren't interested in searching about labels, but considering this video was precisely about a specific subculture, WatchMojo could have at least bothered doing their research. If anything it's an act of intellectual dishonesty for them to label these characters as goth if they hadn't done their research in the first place. You should probably take your own advice and chill and let people live their lives how they see fit. The two other people in this thread have every right to be annoyed at shit that annoys them. Maybe if you understood even the slightest bit about what they were talking about you wouldn't look like such a dumbass. But sure, don't do your research about someone else's complaints, just spout off your own uninformed viewpoint. "Peace."
It's not a label, its a culture... and I'm pretty sure there is a whole field of study completely and utterly dedicated to the study of culture... Several in fact... So congrats on showing your lack of education.
Whoa where is Hela from Thor: Ragnarok in this?
right I actually really like this one just this just strengthen the attactraction to Gothic Beauty
This was made in 2016 poorly written character imo. She didn't need to be on the list
Where the hela is she?
I cant be the only one who thinks Allyson from Breakfast club was WAAAAAAAAY hotter before her makeup in the end?
she was. much more unique and beautiful
She and Emma Watson are like the most beautiful Celebs ever in my opinion. They also look the same.
she was pretty both times
Agreed af
I hate the whole "Oh, the goth girl cleaned up and is now a normie. HOW SWEET!" that so many movies impose on us.
Its so fucking stoopid
That's what I hated about breakfast club. I would have preferred she did the opposite.
Joanne Herman yea like with the breakfast club...she was so frickin adorable and tbh didn’t look like herself when they changed her (the character not the actor)
Piss me off
"Remember THAT girl in high school"....
Honey, I WAS that girl in high school! 😂
So was I..
Now I'm that girl in uni
Relatable AF
Same. I'm STILL her. It was not a phase 🤣
Those goth girls usually end up killing themselves
Having met Elvira, I can honestly say she deserves the #1 spot. She is an incredibly good natured, kind and caring lady. She also has a wickedly funny sense of humour. Long may she reign over the night...
She's still hot.
vampira was firs
I'm surprised Abby from NCIS didn't make honorable mention.
Michael Robbins she's tv, and this is a list for movies
Plus she is annoying
Did you read the "Movies" part of this description?
Michael Robbins
she deserves it😭😭
Too bad there was never an NCIS movie when she was on the show.
WatchMojo: "#9: Morticia Addams"
Me: "You would insult perfection with this form of slander?"
THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING!! I was just going through the comments to see if anybody said anything about it! Morticia is a GODDESS
Não entendi?
Fr tho. If she isn’t goth, no one is.
The original Morticia Addams should get more recognition.
Nichole Way this list only includes people in movies, not TV shows. otherwise I'd agree with you completely
your right, but who is number 1? this is why I hate watchmojo, Lillian Munster wasn't even given Honorable mention,...
Jeremy Powell because there was never a Munsters least not one that I recall. I mean, yeah, if you're going to include TV characters, then yes. She deserves the top spot.
Jeremy Powell I did find a consideration however it didn't feature the original actress. If there had been a movie with the original cast of the show, then I could see the need for inclusion. But again, this is only including motion pictures not a TV series. The Munsters' Scary Little Christmas
Morticia Adams is only number 9? WTF?
I was thinking the same her and Elvira are one in the same!
List failed as soon as I saw this.
Morticia is mainstream as fuck
Mainstream as fuck... ?
Morticia Addams should have been #1. :)
Or at least number 2.
Totally agree
And it should have been Carolyn Jones as Morticia
@@frogsoda yes I thought the exact same lol
Maria Pure light guidance yessss
Nancy from The Craft always and forever.
bitca222 I clicked on this video just to make sure she was in it lol
Yaass, she's my bae
"We are the weirdos, mister" Ah, yes. Love her! 😍
I would've put her at number 2. Once I saw Elvira I couldn't deny that. I used to watch Elvira.
Morticia should've been way higher on the list!
Erin Hoffman Certainly, the TV Morticia - but this list is only movies.
Nancy will always be number 1 for me! Fairuza Balk was such a cheery-creepy-psycho goth chick it literally scared me
where's Jade from Victorious
emo, goth, punk, scene, I don't give a fuck as long as her titties stay fat.
that's a tv show not a movie
1. That's a TV show.
2. Jade is not a goth; just an obnoxious bitch with too much makeup.
Bro that’s a tv show not a movie
@@PhoenixRising87 she was actually
...if Morticia Addams is an OG goth (and totally gorgeous) why is she only ranked #9? C'mon WatchMojo.
well said sir.
OG= Original
Samantha Raymond
That's what I said!!
you made a mistake tbh, there are plenty of blonde goths and it fits with the style pretty well.
Fr their was literally a blonde goth on the honorably mentions
I'm surprised Morticia didn't rank higher.
i'm surprised the original morticia wasn't on here or Vampira
Alejandra Del Toro same, this list sucks
the TV series Morticia was most gorgeous
with her GIANT eyes
RisingVictor yes, original Moticia was THE hottest! Well her and Elvira, aaaand Fairuza Balk...yummm!
Half the girls on this list are aren't even goth. Just stereotypes.
I know right 😂
Basic Goth Chick I guess I don't get the difference
Yeah this is more like “Hottest *Alternative* Girls in Movies” rather than specifically goth.
Says basic goth chick
Who weren't?
Janis deserves better than honorable mention. She was my favorite character in mean girls!
THANK YOU someone said it
She's more of an emo/grunge. And she is snarky, yet generally rather cheerful.
No she does not. I personally think she should not be associated with any subcultures or genres of edginess. Just a manipulative, self-serving, spoiled putrid Poser who cops out. Someone like her what put an image problem to the subcultures and genres we follow and survived from persecutions like talk shows.
Gothic Kennedy 93 just because you don’t like someone doenst mean they’re not part of a subculture. and, in case you haven’t noticed, every single character in that movie has a shitty personality so you can’t not like one while also liking the rest
@@romualdandrzejczak4093 no actually she is like 80s goth and a bit punk
I love Clea Devaull. She is such an underrated actress. I wish I could see her in more movies.
“We won’t be including any actresses under 18 at the time of their role”
Immediately mentions 16 year old Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice.
They were using her as an example of people they wouldn't be ranking🤡
They said "we wont be including any actresses that were under 18 at the time of filming, like Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice."
That was the way to sneak one in.
Kim Director, Fairuza Balk (Nancy Downs), and Danielle Harris were the most realistic portrayals of Goths on screen especially for the period their films were released in. They felt genuine and like the girls you went to school and concerts with, whereas someone like Elvira or Morticia, and mostly everyone else on this list just felt like fictional characters.
1.The Craft.
2.The Addams family. 3.The Breakfast Club.
4.The Faculty.
are such good movies to watch.
1% of the world knows what goth actually is.
TheHellraiser96 yes I agree. The craft is the only thing that I agree with really
t r u e
The making of goth subculture is from the Victorian Era when Sherlock Holmes novel was popular Emo started in the mid 80s in DC and the culture expanded from the 90s to the 2000s we have a love for Jack Skelelington and My Chemical Romance and Scene started in the early 2000s because Emo’s hated them because they ripped off our style and punk is still popular with leather and studs and spiked Mohawks
I'm so sick of the whole "no matter how much my parent/parent's damaged me, I'll always love them and they always loved me" trope. Or am I just being pessimistic?
No, you’re not the only one who finds it problematic
That mom was not only super self centered she killed her daughter's boyfriend in the movie. And manipulates her daughter's one good foster mother into suicide because she was jealous foster mom was being an ACTUAL parent to that girl. Flawed is a nice word for her
How about Tiffany from bride of chucky?
She’s more like a punk
Your name even reminds me of the movie: the song in it
Meh not much of a goth, More like an edge killer.
Do you like rocky horror too??!!!
i always find these entertaining but seriously, when is watchmojo going stop making "goth" countdowns? most of these "goth" characters are horrible stereotypes based on society's misinformation about goth. We arent all miserable teens who hate our parents. most of us are just people who enjoy goth music and hanging out with like minded people. people are often surprised to learn that im a normal person once they start talking to me, and its because horrible stereotypes that people judge us and think we're all devil worshiping freaks. Also, Lisbeth from the original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was way closer to an actual goth than the remake yet still she would be better classified as a death rocker which is related to goth but not quite the same thing - just another goth bitching about misrepresentation in the media
Sandra, what's up u look hot.
thank you dear.
I agree with u
Finally, someone who actually understands us goths!
Clea Duvall is how i knew i was gay...
Clea is amazing😍
Same lol
Go Girl !!!
Same honestly
Stokely and Kim will always have a very special place in my heart, they were the first „goth“ girls I ever saw (overall, not just in movies- I was around 10/11)
I was addicted to them and they were a big Influence in finding my style around 1999/2000🖤
Lilly Munster didn't even make the list.
Young Frankenstein I love you...
gah im too shy i have been following you for the rest of my life you didn't see i was hiding...
Young Frankenstein That's a whole different video on a Whole different chanel
the title says movies... why don't people get that?
Well, there were TV movies, so kind of fits the definition. Not exactly box office movies though.
There was Munster Go Home. So Lily was in a movie.
Christina Ricci-Wednesday adams
Wynona Ryder- Beetlejuice, Girl interrupted
Busy Phillips should’ve been on the countdown. She played an amazing role and the ending scene was powerful especially for a goth character.
I have no idea why the girl in Urban Legend was in the countdown she didn’t have much of a role in the movie to begin with.
Rainbow Harvest in "Mirror, Mirror" (1990). Brilliant look and character!
also remember Wynona Ryder in "Heathers" (1988).
Not "directly" goth, but interesting look and character with some exquisite gothic aesthetic.
Not even an honorable mention.
thaz my mommmm😩😭
my favorite goth girl is on tv its abby scuco (pauly parrotte) of NCIS she looks gothic but she is the sweetest thing you would ever want to know and totally loyal to her friends
Rick Smith I LOOOVE Abby
Next to Tony, Abby is my favorite character. She's what I imagine most goths being like...artsy, eccentric, full of attitude but not at all unpleasant.
darkruler64 exactly
come on guys abby is more emo then goth but alot on this list where emo and not goth
Elvira: pure goddess! And she still looks incredible still today😍
Girls always look good in black
Abel Mantor I totally agree! Black suits everyone
Especially black leather...*shiver*
Black is beautiful 🖤🎩
The only thing more beautiful than a pale girl clad in black is a black girl clad in black.
But Lisbeth isn't goth, she is punk
but goth and punk get along well... you can do some of both at the same time. Emo is just a newer word for mildly goth....
Beside, it's the wrong Lisbeth.
Kremisis, here here! Rooney Mari just looked wrong on way too many
@@KremIsis Yes! Finally someone in agreement! Only the Original made the character of Lisbeth awesome.....Noomi Rapace.
TV version of Morticia is way hotter.
I think Mojo thinks up a title, then just picks the first 10 they can find.
Isn't Selene from Underworld technically a goth as well?
yea I'd say so
dressing in black doesnt just mean goth
+sky0dragon according with watchmojo, looks like it's the only requirement.
Goth chicks like to look like they're vampires. She actually IS one. I don't think she counts.
Or kate beckinsales sexy character in van helsing
So glad they included White Oleander, one of my top three favorite films ever. Two of those are on this list oddly enough.
That girl from But I'm a Cheerleader was so hot
Hottest. I’m Sinead and I like pain.
That was another Clea Duval role ...
Lisbeth Salander Is Noomi Rapace (I know I've misspelled those names but I'm still right)
Yep, but its not the god one^^
JasonJMist I love your Tribe videos!
Noomi Rapace was pretty Gothic in like the first scene of the series lol
I far prefer the Swedish movie, the whole thing is better and I think that includes Noomi.
I suspect it's just being American that makes people think there is anything good in the US version.
JasonJMist Rooney Mara is not hot. You're thinking of her sister Kate Mara.
Say Soun you gotta be fucking kidding, ronney mara is fucking gorgeous what are you talking about?!
Youcan tell no one who worked on this list was a real goth...
Where are my fellow goths? 🖤⚰️💀🤘🏻
ryan leighton heeeyyyy
my top 3 goth crushes
Prototype Kaito really? Stokley is so gross and greasy? How can you get past the nasty hair?
1. Ginger Fitzgerald
2. Morticia Addams
3. Nancy Downs
Noomi Rapace is so much hotter Rooney Mara.
and I think it's the other way around xD
Hell yeah. Especially in Prometheus.
Rooney is gorgeous, but I would have gone with Noomi for this list also.
Tits out for me!!!
is it me or their names are close to anagrams? BTW my vote gors to Mara's take; seems like a more real char
Fairuza Balk
yep....she's amazing...
the hottest one by miles and miles!
Shes the best
My personal favorite.
Morticia Adams IMO is more deserving of a higher number than Elvira.
Just an interesting fact for those who don't know.. Rooney Mara actually got her nipple pierced specifically for her role in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.
and all her bruises are real...she is great.
majority of the chicks on here weren't goth... they just had the alternative style. also, Morticia should've been higher up ♡
Abby from NCIS is purfect for this list , why is she not on it 😞
No Fooling
From P. Murphy B. House
The Party Of the Firsts part
Crazy Metalchick because it's for goths in MOVIES, not TV.
It's in movies not tv!!!!!!!!!!
This list is completely Cliché.
natedogs212 h
I cant believe they left Fairuza Balk completely off this list. She is absolutely gorgeous. She was in The Craft and she played Vickie Valencourt in The Water Boy
As much as I love Elvira, she is a cheap imitation of vampira. The OG (original Goth) Vampira pioneered the genre. She hosted B movies which she joked about while they played. She'd end her show saying "unpleasant dreams" sound familiar?
She sued Elvira and lost
That may be but Elvira is ten times more attractive. The list is hottest goth girls, not ugly ass facial prosthetics vampire girls. She may have had the body, but they made her face hideous.
Could y'all do hottest goth guys?
Alice Graham yes wish the would goth guys are hot
Merton Dingle is the best X)
The original Lisbeth Salander played by Noomi Rapace was so much hotter then the Hollywood version ...
Mark Seifert what? seriously? have you read the books? Noomi Rapace was not cast right.. Lisbeth is supposed to be petite and way more vulnerable.. have you watched both rape scenes? i dunno, i think Fincher doesn't get enough credit, he's known for his amazing book adaptations (fight club, Benjamin button, gone girl) and taking his time, too bad his version was released after because both versions started preprod around the same time.. ppl treat it like a remake when in fact it's two directors visions of the same book.. and it's a shame purists came in with preconceived misinformation.. they were both great and i love Noomi but Rooney Mara nailed Lisbeth.. nailed.. :)
Mark Seifert there is no "original" Lisbeth lol.. the og is in the books.. both movies were adaptations.. this is the kind of misinformation people who haven't event read the books just take for granite (see what i did there Morty?) and just regurgitate like it makes them cool to be a clueless purist.. i respect your opinion but express it right.. p.s i just love cinema and debating, not actually mad :)
People are complaining too much, I love this list, not because it's stereo typed but because they tried.
I'm gonna keep positive!😊
Maila Nurmi was "The Original Goth Girl" way back in 1959's "Plan 9 from Outer Space". Her character "Vampire Girl" character inspired Elvira ! You also forgot Lisa Mari who played Maila Nurmi's character "Vampira" in the movie about the director who directed "Plan 9 from Outer Space" Ed Wood. P.S. In your list I believe Nancy Downs should be #2, she was "The Goth Girl" more than anyone on your list, outside of Elvira & 15 years before Lisbeth Salander . Speaking of Lisbeth Salander, you also forgot Noomi Rapace, from The Original "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" Trilogy. She paved the way for the incomplete American version with the same name.
Ginger and Nancy 🖤
"We are the weirdos mister."
It’s weird but growing up Clea DuVall always resembled Pink to me lol that’s how I noticed her to begin with. I thought she was Pinks long lost sister 😂
That is honestly fair.
Yes I said the same thing!
OH my god how could you choose Rooney Mara over Noomi Rapace
You should have more likes!
When I was in my freshman year of high school they had five special days, like a field day, a day of sports tournaments, a day where you did nothing and still got A+'s... and a day where you could wear whatever you wanted. So, as I'm walking down the hallway looking at the girls in bikinis, underwear and pajamas, this one girl, who is sitting on the ground in the hallway, catches my eye. Picture a cross between Neve Campbell and Danielle Harris. She was wearing knee-high leather boots, thigh-high fishnets, a pleather mini skirt, a halter top, fishnet gloves... all of that good shit. I didn't create and seriously could not control the words that escaped my mouth, which were "Holy fuck..." I then proceeded to bump into someone else and fall over. First and only time I literally fell for a girl. That's where my obsession with goth girls started... or at least flourished.
Rein Engel nice
I am honestly mad that Janis Ian wasn't number one
Elvira, unfortunately, stole most of her look and schtick from Vampira, a 1950's late-night horror TV hostess.
Amanda Sutton Elvira is a caricature of Vampira. The whole point of the Elvira character was to be a comedic ripoff of Vampira.
+Amanda Sutton
Maila Nurmi came up with the character Vampira when dressing up as Morticia Addams at a costume party apparently, so she was a bit of a copycat as well.
Amanda Sutton I'm so happy you brought Vampira up. Wonderful Maila Nurmi is too often forgotten, Elvira getting all the thunder. She's great, but she's no Vampira.
Elvira changed her look when producers didn't like her first look.
Amanda Sutton Yeah, Vampira was much more attractive (except for the weird eyebrows thing she did).
Where the fuck is Selene from the Underworld franchise? I'm gay but damn she's hot
GayGuy Gamez shes gorgeous😍😍😍
ooo0o0o0 that's my baby. you right where is she
But she's a vampire, not goth. That's why she's not on here.
GayGuy Gamez Does she even count as a goth
She's pale, introvert, wears black and kicks ass. She's a goth.
You have a list about goths in movies and don't even mention Heather Mooney from Romy and Michelle?
Man you guys are a joke.
What is remotely goth about her?
Fuck off, Toby 😏
for the love of Rozz William, and Peter Murphy stop doing "Goth" related things based on looks. Just because they look alternative doesn't mean "Goth".
totally get it, but I think they're talking about rolls in movies. tbh they should have titled it somthing like "top goth inspired movie rolls" or somthing like that.
I knew there would be a comment like this. Spare us the No True Scotsman shit and stop taking the _goth_ label so seriously. It's so far removed from its origins that it hardly has any definitive meaning at this point.
funny how you list Rozz Williams considering he rejected the goth label and I'm pretty sure he said something along the lines that people who call themselves goth don't respect themselves.
Why am I watching this
The universe is giving you message to turn goth ... GO ON DO IT 🖤
M Meghana
no i am it’s just i already know these girls
hey lol
Astrid Magnusssen Is one of my favorite characters ever! I'm so glad for see her in this list (She looked beautifully dark in the jail scene with her mom)
And Jennifer Tilly from the Bride of Chucky. Tiffany!!!
I ain't gonna lie. Damnnn, Elvira is hot!
Agreed, brah
***** I know right?
The Faculty is one of my fav sci-fi flicks, and yes there's lotsa hotness in it.
Wow I never realized what a goth fetish I had as a teen. So many movie crushes here.
Blair Witch 1? Nothing
2? She was really hot (for a weird character) as was the wiccan girl.
Don't objectify my people.......We are not to be fetishised.
koffinkat666 to be fair, everyone has a type. some like nerds, some like preps, and some like goths. I wouldn't really even call it a fetish, just a preference for certain types of people.
"My people" Really? It's a subcultural group at best and a fashion trend at worst.
Also teenagers finding certain girls hot isn't objectification. You may not have hit it yet but there's this stage in life called puberty...
Also where is LILY MUNSTER?!!??!
Shes not a goth, shes a monster. She doesn't just dress and wear elaborate makeup, I think it's just how she looks because shes dead.
You have a point, but she is still what people would conside goth.. She had that style.. Love her
***** YES if there ever was a tv goth/vamp list I would hope they would add her. :D
Technically goth didn't exist until the 80s since the music didn't exist until the 80s so there is no such thing as a pre 80s goth.
Tosh and Kim being listed made me so happy.
Noomi Rapace (original swedish Girl with the dragon tattoo) was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay hotter!!
I concur.
came here ti read this. thank you.
I third that.
I was 16 when The Craft came out and Fairuza Balk and Rachel True's shirts at 8:18 are STILL my fondest memory of the whole film.
Sarah from The Crow: City of Angels?
Nice pick but would feel wrong to find her hot
Proud to be a goth here 😜
Stay goth! ;) The place I live is boring because there aren't any goth women.
Little Green Gamer a dying breed, unfortunately. I wouldn't say that alone can make a place boring, though. If that were the case almost every city or town I have been to would be boring. I do wish there were more of them, though.
Little Green Gamer stay gothic pony boy!
Pat Eldridge me too
I need a goth to answer this. Would you consider May in the movie...May goth?
Half of these are not really "goth."
I see them as more Punk or 90s Grunge than Goth
I agree with seeing this girls as 90s grunge or alternative, just wearing black doesn’t make you “goth” lmao
many are more emo
Lol, most were punk or emo
Pretty hard to find a decent movie or show with a accurate one , if anyone knows of some good ones I’d like to know
My First Mister!!!! Thank you for adding J! Totally underrated movie, I don't know anyone else who has seen it.
At 2.23 you see a shot exemplifying one of the best things about the Addams movies - Morticia's eyes are often lit slightly more than the rest of her face. Love that attention to detail.
Clea Duvall was so hot in The Faculty
I loved "The Faculty." The fact that Stokely got taken over by aliens at one point made her even hotter to me LMAO. And Marybeth was hot too.
Delilah was hotter to me
I agree. Delilah definitely was hot. I probably would have been stupid enough not to run away from her when she revealed she was taken over by aliens lol.
WatchMojo, you definitely earned my view for showing 1 of many of my personal favorite types of the ladies~
Nancy Downs in the Craft reminded me that I was super gay when I first watched the film lol.
Faruza and Rooney are goddesses.
some of them aren't even goth
Everyone has their own interpretation of what passes for Goth. Some of these chicks would pass for emo before being considered goth.
rattlehead66666 my point exactly
Shawn Roan they're actresses..being a vessel for impersonating characters..
Most people have no idea of what goth is, they think " oh hey black clothes, must be a goth", and just completely neglect to develop any sort of insight into the actual subculture.
"Everyone has their own interpretation of what passes for Goth." Yeah, and that bullshit mentality is why there is stuff like Ghetto Goth, Gucci Goth and Health Goth (soon there will be Toddler Goth too, because Goth is what you make it, right?)
No, please. Goth has a clear definition. If it wouldn't have one, then everything is or could be goth, thus rendering the term even more useless and meaningless than it already is.
A Goth is simply someone who listens to Gothic music(or at least has a clue about it) and who may participate in the Gothic subculture, that grew out of said music scene. Just wearing black doesn't make you goth. Not wearing black 24 hours a day (yet listening to the music) doesn't mean you aren't part of the subculture either.
I know it's an unpopular opinion, that sparks a lot of heated discussions and accusations of being elitist, gate keeping, evil, mean, even offensive. But let's not change facts to suit our worldview. You wouldn't tag everyone and everything under the sun "punk" either, so stop with this "Goth can be anything you want it to be" schtick. Or just acknowledge that Goth today has no meaning whatsoever, than being a fancy term to call yourself and make you appear edgy and "deep".
So glad Clea Duval is on this list, such a great and underrated actress.
That Astrid girl gives more like a hippie/indie/outsider vibe
One character I think fits in hereis Enid from Ghost World. I don't think she's a stereotypical goth but she's definitely edgy!
Sara Sanders she was pretty and had a nice dam boody
Sara Sanders but she’s not goth
Samantha Donaldson she wore a leather jacket and colored hair in one scene that hardly makes her punk either.
Samantha Donaldson holy shit yeah I didn’t know exactly what she would be considered but hipster is definitely it
Elvira has something you don't see with many Goth girls personality humor and she's just fun just because you're goth doesn't mean you gotta be moody and dark have fun with it and that's why I love Elvira
Clicked on the video for Clea DuVall as Stokely from The Faculty. I knew she was gonna be number 10 😭 Better than an honorable mention though so oh well.
wish you did any girl, cause Wednesday Adams and Lydia Deets are great!
My fave ms mojo video to date
I would love to see Wednesday Addams
bro shes like 12,,,
Unfortunately there was no movie version of the adult Wednesday Addams series.
I had a life sized cardboard cutout of Elvira in my room when I was a kid and I still own the movie Mistress of the Dark. Oh my beating heart!
They may not make the best lists, but they really fuel my interest in movies by showing the most intriguing moments.
BTW I read all the books in the series and still think Noomi was closer to the roll, she also had to lose much weight for the roll, and Rooney is already quite skinny. Not to mention Noomi is Swedish. Noomi is much more muscular and boyish looking in this roll and that is how she was described by Stig Larsson. But Hollywood is a place where they once cast John Wayne as Genghis Khan... and again Rooney as an Asian? To name just a couple.Although I think both Mara sisters are gorgeous, Rooney's eyes drive me wild!
Some of these choices weren't even goth. Ginger from Ginger Snaps was more alternative than anything. Damn. Doesn anyone even care anymore about subcultures. How many goths on here get pissed when people confuse goth with emo or alternative. I hate it when people confuse me, a metalhead, for an emo kid. Someone even called me goth once. I don't even look remotely gothic. People need to educate themselves on subcultures. It's getting really annoying, the ignorance. And what song was playing on here btw? I liked it.
Metalkid1500 no you're not the only one. I've been a Metalhead since I was in Junior High(I'm almost 39 now). I hate it when people think I'm some kind of Hippster because I have long hair and a beard. Or worse yet they think I'm a Duck Dynasty fanboy.
Not many educated people are interested in labels really, especially searching what each label a human is. if its self expression then it is, we dont need to label every single human. Not everyone is interested in searching about labels either. you should chill and live and express yourself. not everyone will understand you nor you will understand everyone so dont get annoyed. peace
@Razen, for some people the label that comes along with a subculture gives a sense of identity, connection, and/or community that they don't necessarily get elsewhere. Also, the "subtle" dig at people who label themselves as whatever not being educated is extremely idiotic. You'll find a lot of educated people in the Goth community in a wide variety of fields.
Sure, some people aren't interested in searching about labels, but considering this video was precisely about a specific subculture, WatchMojo could have at least bothered doing their research. If anything it's an act of intellectual dishonesty for them to label these characters as goth if they hadn't done their research in the first place.
You should probably take your own advice and chill and let people live their lives how they see fit. The two other people in this thread have every right to be annoyed at shit that annoys them. Maybe if you understood even the slightest bit about what they were talking about you wouldn't look like such a dumbass. But sure, don't do your research about someone else's complaints, just spout off your own uninformed viewpoint. "Peace."
No one does care about subcultures. That's why they're subcultures...
It's not a label, its a culture... and I'm pretty sure there is a whole field of study completely and utterly dedicated to the study of culture... Several in fact... So congrats on showing your lack of education.
All goth chicks in these movies are so stunningly gorgeous. 😮😍😍😍😍😍👍
"That appearance conveys your complications" biiissh 😂