Different Versions:- Soviet Union:-th-cam.com/video/JDDHJLg-QsE/w-d-xo.html United States Version:-th-cam.com/video/UNhhaZHEiQs/w-d-xo.html France Version:-th-cam.com/video/0g_zLmtvGMY/w-d-xo.html United Kingdom Version:-th-cam.com/video/SN6rz_u0kSs/w-d-xo.html Russia Version:-th-cam.com/video/XhYw7qPvhaU/w-d-xo.html Germany Version:-th-cam.com/video/rddLltxyM30/w-d-xo.html Italy Version:-th-cam.com/video/fvRCnnUdRnc/w-d-xo.html Spain Version:-th-cam.com/video/43t4_hRR1XY/w-d-xo.html Portugal Version:-th-cam.com/video/T61grO6XyfE/w-d-xo.html Brazil Version:-th-cam.com/video/_CVO27AhS2E/w-d-xo.html Turkey Version:-th-cam.com/video/ZXSc5Gd87PA/w-d-xo.html Indonesia Version:-th-cam.com/video/aR7JaksoJb4/w-d-xo.html
Everyone talking about the inefficiency of the Italian army for ww2, when even in that war Italy fought bravery, and after that look how many war Italy fought and won
Purtroppo, finché fai tutto bene, nessuno ti critica, ma appena fai un errore stanno tutti lì a dire che non sai fare niente, mentre invece dovrebbero pensare alle LORO guerre perse.
Roman Empire is Italy. It was founded in Italy and the principal region/state was Italy. I don't understand why you foreigners want to delete our history
@@sigma_frenchie4075 romans were italics, Italians of today are italics, maybe someone from the North descends from Germans, but italians are descendants of the Romans. The rest of the Latin countries are descendants of romans too, but not as Italians, like Greeks are descendants of byzantine.
The problem would be how to represent all the medieval wars since Italians were divided into smaller states and fought a lot against each other. Sure when it was one or various Italian states against a foreign nation (think the battle of Lepanto) you could represent it as a war Italy was participating to, but the various wars between Guelphs and Ghibelines where Italians where on both sides? Or wars between the Italian marine republics.
Everyone is underestimating Italy but: - Fighting against Ethiopians were different. They had modernised European weaponary, using the advantage of mountainous region and guerilla warfere to ambush the Italian forces. Not including that the Italians had to maintance their supply lines and survive the Ethiopian's Hit and run tactic. They aren't some oogs tribes like the Zulu, smh. - Italy was a young Imperialist nation. During the 1860s to the 1900s, Italy didn't really involve in any war, simply because they couldn't. Most African Tribes already got colonised even before the "Scramble for Africa". Italy wasn't rich like UK, France or Germany. Going to Africa was already a trouble for them so going to Asia would be a nightmare. - Italy wasn't ready for both WW1 and WW2. Their young, inexperienced military cannot compete against veteran forces of the Germans or the Austrians. Same thing applies for WW2. Mussolini planned to join ww2 in 1945 but Germany rushed 5 years earlier. Infact, Mussolini was focusing in prospering Italian economy and their military reforms were just begun. - Italians lost many battles and wars, yes. There are many reasons for that. But you can't deny that the Italians soldiers fought bravely on the battlefield and achieved countless of victories.
@@historyofitaly4364 In realtà se studi bene i retroscena vedrai anche qualche chicca nella ww2, ad esempio quando Napoli sì liberò dall'invasione tedesca bloccandoli a Nord, dove c'è stata una gran resistenza
@@aled.9658 sisi assolutamente, la resistenza italiana ha liberato 128 città da sola e catturato almeno 80.000 prigionieri tedeschi secondo le stime alleate. E comunque l’Italia fascista o partigiana nella ww2 ha fatto parecchie cose eccezionali che però vengono volutamente trascurate
@@aled.9658 nulla di più fastidioso è quando noi italini veniamo volutamente trascurati. È uno schifo, abbiamo la storia più bella del mondo (non me lo sto inventando ogni articolo o ci mette al 1 posto o sul podio) e nella ww2 abbiamo avuto numerose vittorie e invaso molti paesi ma no dobbiamo sempre essere maltrattati ok
Im italian, and finally, the name and honor of my country has been restored after years of people on social media telling me how bad my country was in wars
As Italian I have to tell you that Italy became a Republic in 1946. So it’s wrong to use in your time line the Italian monarchist flag after that year.
@@gamename00 non è vero, solo durante le guerre abbiamo visto i momenti peggiori. Ma la monarchia è quella che ha unificato l'italia, senza l'attitudine ad aspettare che qualcuno si assuma la responsabilità tipica di qualsiasi apparato repubblicano. Io non sono contro la repubblica, ma non sopporto il garantismo e l'inefficacia di qualsiasi ente pubblico. Basta vedere per esempio alla lotta alla mafia, i poliziotti fanno, la magistratura con i suoi 50 gradi di giudizio e i suoi premi per "buona condotta" a persone che fino a ieri uccidevano senza scuproli rendono vano ogni tentativo, invece sotto la monarchia (e ad onor del vero sotto il fascismo) il prefetto Mori con il pugno di ferro e i metodi poco ortodossi è riuscito ad addormentare il fenomeno mafioso e a trasformarlo in una squadra d'azione a servire il fascismo.
1:43 Turkish Independence War is defeat for Italy and other countries. For another example, looking Soviet Revolution is successed and after that, USSR was born as a result. Like that, Turkish Independence War is successed for Turkish and as a result, Republic of Turkey and other +30 countries were born after that. This conclusion is a fact, can be approach like that.
formalizing the kingdom supported the Ottoman Empire but had given funds and weapons to the Turkish liberation front, that's why it says that Italy has won.
@@lambelet2990 but if you attention to the sides, Turkish National Movement represents Republic of Turkey, that against fallen Ottoman Government/Empire in de facto. I know and understand what you mean but there is a logical mistake in here.
@@burakyldrm6727 yes I know, the publisher of the video did not specify that Italy was officially on the side of the European coalition but actually supported your country, if you wanted to be correct Italy had to be marked together with Turkey.
People are saying: "but the Turkish indipendence was an Italy defeat", in fact, if you see, Italy was secretly helping the Turks, so yeah is an Italy victory
No It's not. When the French and Armenian forces defeated at Southeast of Anatolia and Greeks advance stopped at Sakarya (Battle of Sakarya) Italy is understanded they will not win that war. And they retreated from Anatolia.
There are still some stereotypes about italian army due to WW2, but overall in 150+ year of activity they actually didn't do bad. They suffered some bad defeat but also won some brilliant victories like against the ottoman empire. Overall, gg
I think it's not that much a case of sucking at war (despite bad commanders during WW1/2), but just that Italy didn't have yet the necessary industry and economy for those two wars, being so close to most major powers of the time. Italy managed to reach that industrial/economic status (overall comparable with Britain and France) after WW2, a bit too late for the majors conflicts of the first half of the 20th century.
Yeah, I also think the main reason Italy performed so badly was because it has practically been fighting non stop for 10 years, from 1935 to 1945. In 1935-1936 they attacked Ethiopia, from 1936 to 1939 they fought against Spain and in 1939 they conquered Albania. Compared to Germany who had years to prepare for WW2, Italy had spent a lot, really a lot of money on these military campaigns. Mussolini and his staff were pretty much aware of this, and in August 1939, when Hitler asked Italy to join him against Poland, the Italian HQ thought that the Italian army wouldn’t have been ready to fight until 1946-1947. At best, if you really want to push it, 1943. Thing is, due to the previous wars Italy lacked a lot of raw materials, so Italy could have even been the most industrialized nation on earth, but if you don’t have anything to work with…
@@quinvos57 EXACTLY...finally someone gets it right...they were completely depleted by the time WW II started, add to that the backstabbing Germans were the ones that dragged them into WW II by breaking the Pact of Steel giving Italy 3 years to prepare. AND, their Empire was larger than the Nazi's.
I know you hate us a lot, Italians. But I truly love your country and culture, we have to move forward and not looking back of our history. Like we did with Germany, love you Italia from France 🇮🇹🧡🇫🇷 Latins Brothers ✝️
I personally love South and Central France (they are such a nice guys) but I found north France, especially Paris, cringe because most of them think they are superior than everyone (maybe because they are more germanic than latins, but dk)
Italians are true warriors, and unmatched in hand to hand combat or mano a mano. ancient italian soldiers started the roman empire witch later expanded to other warriors within europe to join the roman empire. And lets not forget, The american special forces are currently training in italy learning from special op italian soldiers, in the italian alps, learning all about warfare in the snow.
Italy performed very well in the First World War but no one ever talks about it, it won the war first on 4 November 1918, paying the price for a lot of deaths and defeating the Austrians. many even think that the Italians lost the First World War but Italy had an important role in the victory of the Entente in WW1
thank you so much for this video, being Italian I really appreciated it. we are a strong and competitive state, everyone talks about ww2, where we didn't do good things, but somewhere else, we are a very strong state, with a lot of victories in war
We can say Italy was the "united states" of the ancient world with Roman empire. Then obviously, as physiological in all civilizations, there was a decline. If we talk about united Italy since 1861 there have been sensational defeats, but also great victories that have rekindled pride. I can mention the victory over the Austrian Empire in the First World War. Which represents the symbol of united Italy, let's say.
@@السيدبدر-ن5ج hai ragione, è proprio da falliti rompere le pelotas alla 7 potenza mondiale e non ricordare che il proprio paese ha una monarchia assoluta nel 21esimo secolo e che si mantiene solamente con il turismo e il petrolio.
If but Mussolini didn't go to war in ww2 i think we would have a better economy and less memes on the internet. This is what happens when you put your poitical belief above logic
During ww1 there was 24 divisions of Arditi special troops. Arditi was tasked by the objective of taking enemy trench and never retreat until reinforcements arrived. They was specifically trained to fight till they died in combat. And it was voluntary service. Now, 24 divisions of volunteers ready to fight the war till they die and never retreating. And you call this "being cowards"?
Funfact: the majority of Italian missions and wars during the republic period is still classified. That means that we don't know where Italy fought and against who during the last 70 years. Some leaks I read years ago said Italian army were deployed in more or less 40 different countries around the world but you know it's illegal (even for journalists) to take pictures or videos of the Italian army, so....
Sappiamo benissimo dove sono dispiegate le nostre truppe e gli assetti terrestri, navali o aerei che siano. La cosa cambia quando si parla di forze speciali di cui si conoscono solo le operazioni più famose in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia e Balcani. La segretezza riguarda loro e le azioni di combattimento a cui hanno preso parte le nostre truppe regolari negli ultimi 15 anni, poichè delle operazioni combat in Iraq e Somalia sappiamo già abbastanza. Dei bombardamenti aerei in Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan e Libia si sa ma ci sono voluti anni per scoprire le cifre e dettagli sulle operazioni.
@@lorenzo4408 Mi sono ricordato solo ora del tuo commento. Non è vero che in genere si conoscono tutti gli interventi militari italiani (che siano prima o dopo l'Afghanistan). O meglio, si conoscono gran parte delle operazioni più famose a cui hanno partecipato ma è tutto molto offuscato dalla politica di segretezza tipica italiana (che ci accompagna dal dopoguerra ad oggi). Della controguerriglia in Somalia, dell'intervento militare terrestre nei Balcani (i CC stavano a prendere a fucilate e distribuire dolciumi, secondo la stampa), degli effettivi scontri contro l'ISIS, delle operazioni nell'Afghanistan occidentale, del post-Nassyriah, le diverse operazioni per la liberazione degli ostaggi italiani (uno conosciuto di persona, recuperato dal GOI nel 2015 se non ricordo male) durante la guerra civile libica, per fare qualche esempio, si sa poco e niente. Mi ricordo anche l'assoluta impossibilità di trovare (al di fuori di qualche documento leakato) l'utilizzo delle FREMM in Libia contro l'ISIS (insieme alle operazioni post attacco missilistico libico...chi ci crede che abbiano interrotto l'intera mobilizzazione senza motivo?) o le operazioni in Congo (ci sarà un motivo per cui hanno cercato di rapire l'AMBASCIATORE italiano?). Anche del ruolo del GOI nella crisi dell'Achille Lauro si sa poco e niente, se non che l'intervento doveva essere inizialmente eseguito da DUE incursori, poi portato a 12 su pressione USA. Non sapere il background, gli effettivi, il numero di perdite, la logistica, le tattiche e le strategie utilizzate, il turnover delle truppe, il supporto locale ecc non può dare neanche minimamente un'idea di come e dove abbia combattuto l'esercito italiano. Etichettare le operazioni militari in cose generiche come "peacekeeping" o "supporto" o "advising" è tipico del modo di agire nostro. Si evitano polemiche e si evitano giustificazioni col pubblico. Ma si perde anche tanta credibilità a livello internazionale. P.S. Se invece tu hai delle fonti certe (quindi non discorsi da forum o blog), ti prego di scriverle così che possa informarmi. Perchè adesso come adesso, in inglese, italiano e francese non ho trovato praticamente nulla.
italy: actually won a lot of battle, with an army composed by braver soldiers who died for their country continuing to fighting on battlefied until their last breath. people who don't konw nothing about history: "ItAlY CoWaRdS"
While Mussolini held lot of power the king was still an important figure and many senior officers had ties with the royal family (like the infamous Badoglio) and couldn't be removed
For all the Turks spreading dis information...The Italo-Turkish or Turco-Italian War (Turkish: Trablusgarp Savaşı, "Tripolitanian War", Italian: Guerra di Libia, "War of Libya") was fought between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ottoman Empire from 29 September 1911, to 18 October 1912. As a result of this conflict, Italy captured the Ottoman Tripolitania Vilayet, of which the main sub-provinces were Fezzan, Cyrenaica, and Tripoli itself. These territories became the colonies of Italian Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, which would later merge into Italian Libya. During the conflict, Italian forces also occupied the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea.
No one has such misinformation about that one Italian boi, but let's talk about how they couldn't get in the ports and had to force deal by pressure of Western allies because of the certain Balkan wars that just started while the trapoli campaign lasted still?
@@hououinkyouma6136 What are you talking about turkeyBOI? in 1912. However, the vagueness of the text, combined with subsequent adverse events unfavourable to the Ottoman Empire (the outbreak of the Balkan Wars and World War I), allowed a provisional Italian administration of the islands, and Turkey eventually renounced all claims on these islands in Article 15 of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.[11]
Technically, Italy should be on turkish Side on the turkish independence war since they did support the National movement secretly because the lands that Italy was promised to get, were given to greece. You can see this in wikipedia too
It is an incomplete list, because contemporary Italian military history under the tricolor flag began in the Napoleonic era. The Italian armies of the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Naples participated in several Napoleonic campaigns, in Spain, Germany and Russia in 1812. Subsequently, the Kingdom of Sardinia which would later become the Kingdom of Italy in 1861, also fought the First War of Independence (1848) against the Austrian Empire (defeat), the Crimean War (1855), against the Russian Empire (victory), the second war of independence (1859) against the Austrian Empire (victory). The army of the Kingdom of Sardinia was the same army that later became the unitary army in 1861 but already in fact it was fought with the tricolor flag in the name of all of Italy. Also missing is the first Italian civil war, the so-called "Brigandage War" between the regular troops and the brigands of southern Italy (1861-1865) (Victory).
Sorry, but I have to ask you: what were your references for the flags? There are some major errors with those, especially the one at 3:27. Overall, great video! You really included every war of my country in a cool way
Now I understand why all countries wanted Italy divided in little states, because united Italy is unstoppable in war💪🏻💪🏻⚔️🛡️🔫🚀💣 true sons of Rome!!!!!!! 🔱
If you mean the shield on the Italian flag it's the symbol of house Savoy, the family of the kings of Italy, they abdicated and got exiled after ww2 so modern flag doesn't feature their symbol anymore
@@totoriinaa8145 I’m not talking about now I’m talking about their military history also most european nations don’t take part in having a strong peacetime army
imagine a legion of 10,000 rocky marciano. these were our ancestors. strong and hard as boulders. Then over the centuries we have become a people of artists, musicians. we repudiate war because we have done too much in the past. we want to be a country of painters, sculptors, architects etc. those who boast about wars is a sad person.
The VLORA REVOLUTION picture, picturing the VLORA ship, is incorrect: it refers to something happened the 8 of august 1991, during the Albanian revolution. In fact, during that day about 20.000 Albanians crossed the Adriatic sea heading Bari on that single merchant ship, called VLORA
@@alessandrocazzato865 the facts are everywhere! How many Albania's in are jailed and gangs? Also you are an Albanian, i have been in Italy and i never met someone who liked them
My God all this turks in the comments, Italy in the war didin't fought one battle and have no interest in doing so after WW1, same can be said of France and the UK, the mith of turkey defeting five nations is completley bs, ps italy supported the turks
Read about cilician campain. French army were defeated in urfa, antep and maras. After that their forces never recovered. French even cried for compensations. Brits just used the greeks as cannon fodder but greek army was just shit. British forces were trapped in istanbul. They had to negotiate with ataturk for a peacefull retreat of the british forces. After that the greeks went swimming. And then we have Italy. Masters of switching sides. WW1 pacts with germany and Austria. Oh no war is not going well bamm backstab. WWII well mussolini and hitler buddies. Oh no war is not going well. Bamm switch sides. Independance war Turkey: oh no war is not going well. Ah Turkey we support you man.
@@ayhanozturk1801 bruh masters of switching sides...kust to say but tuekey joined ww2 when europe was liberated...anyway italy didnt pussied out infact after ww1 italy wasnt in good relation with former entante and during the anatolian crisis the italian occupied territory was peacefully ceded to the tuekiah national movement in exchange for the guarantee of turkey to not claim the italian colonies in the agean sea...to be fair italy even secretly supported the turks of chadtaturk
Yes...and Not. I mean, officaly Italy is against the Turkish indipendence... but in reality, in secret the turks were helped by Italians for a matter of rivalry between the entente Powers, especially France.
Actually italy won the war even if they lost antalaya, italy had kinda bad relations with the entente powers since the missrespect of the london pact by the former Allies, soo they secretly helped and made a pact with the turks, in fact italy ceded antalaya but the agean colonies wich were a turkish claims
Figured the Italian war reference might be interesting: “Even in corrupt and degraded Italy, the cross in never made handle to the dagger!” Describes how during the Mexican American war of 1846, Americas war with Mexicos was unjust because it was covered by lies and concealed by ulterior motives, that even in Italy when they wage war, they call it what it is and never bend the corners, nor to give Christian aid to any wars of conquest or aggrandizement, yet Americas war with Mexico was exactly this, and used Christian principles to justify the most unjust, demoralizing, and costly wars on record to which there is no legal or moral justification, and could only be justified in darker ages and amongst savage nations, alike that one day it shall be punished for this great crime. -war with Mexico Reviewed, Abiel Abbott Livermore American peace society 1850
if we were to also count the presence of Italian contingents, then we also take into consideration the Franco-German war, the Greek war of independence and the Balkan war specifying that for the Franco-German and Balkan wars it was a success while the Greek war of independence did not go well against the Turks
non ne abbiamo perse mica tante, le abbiamo buscate nella seconda.. questo si, ma nella prima, nella guerra civile spagnola, nelle guerre coloniali(a parte qualche episodio, battaglia, no) con la turchia abbiamo vinto a fine 800. il resto abbiamo fatto coalizioni con vittorie di coalizione.
@@Centurio_1 Yes, but technically no: in 1943 Italy surrendered to Anglo-American forces and was invaded by Germany. Then between October 13 1943 and May 2 1945 the Kingdom of Italy, which has as its temporary capital Brindisi, changes sides and declares war on Germany: a war called the Italian War of Liberation, fought mainly by bands of partisans but also by the official Italian army
@@ErosEvose It was a civil war whitin a invasion. There was a load of italian conscripts and volunteers on both sides, no sense would be made out of counting a italian vs italian massacte
The information about the Turkish War of Independence is not fully accurate. Italy supported the Turkish rebels, not the Ottoman Empire. France initially supported the Ottomans, but then signed a peace treaty with the rebels and began supporting them. The UK supported the Ottoman Empire. The rebels were victorious and therefore it was indeed an Italian victory, but the information you have is still inaccurate.
Unfortunately it didn't show the battles between Brazil and Italy, probably one of the countries that gave the Italians the most work but Italy is amazing
It does, they were part of WWII and Brazil actually helped Italy (at least the part of Italy that would become the Italian republic). During WWII Italy broke in two and entered in Civil War, with the northern part being occupied by Germans, Brazilians fought in Italy but not against Italy
The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left"*...
Interesting, most people don't understand the market moves and tend to be mislead in facts like this and always depend on Money in the Bank very bad idea
ayo i think someone stole 2 of ur videos the British empire vs the united states and the brytanzine vs roman empire video one cuz i literlly watch ur videos to many time tht i remember it i think the name is flagquiz but i hope u see it :D
In Turkish war of independence Turks have won ( Italy helped Turks because entente didint keep their promise about giving Mediterranean Region to Italy) Istanbul occupation has ended at 6 October 1923 . In North Africa Turks have won but after occupation of aegean island had to leave because aegean islands were strategicly more important
From Hitler’s own words: “Others among the German leadership were less critical, most notably Adolf Hitler. In his address to the Reichstag following the conclusion of the Balkan Campaign, Hitler was complimentary to the Greeks for their "extremely brave resistance", but stated that given the Greek logistical situation, German involvement was not decisive in the Greco-Italian conflict: "The Duce... was convinced that a quick decision would be arrived at one way or another in the forthcoming season. I was of the same opinion." He stated that he had no quarrel with Greece (which he had acknowledged as part of the Italian sphere anyway) and that his intervention was aimed solely at the British as he suspected that they planned to set up a threat to his rear in the vein of the Salonika Front of the First World War: "the German forces, therefore, represented no assistance to Italy against Greece, but a preventive measure against the British." He further noted that by the beginning of April the Albanian campaign against the Italians "had so weakened [Greece] that its collapse had already become inevitable", and credited the Italians with having "engaged the greater part of the Greek Army." [251] In his private correspondence in April 1942, Hitler said: "It is equally impossible to imagine what might have happened if the Italian front had not been stabilized in Albania, thanks to Mussolini; the whole of the Balkans would have been set alight at a moment when our advance towards the southeast was still in its early stages."
Different Versions:-
Soviet Union:-th-cam.com/video/JDDHJLg-QsE/w-d-xo.html
United States Version:-th-cam.com/video/UNhhaZHEiQs/w-d-xo.html
France Version:-th-cam.com/video/0g_zLmtvGMY/w-d-xo.html
United Kingdom Version:-th-cam.com/video/SN6rz_u0kSs/w-d-xo.html
Russia Version:-th-cam.com/video/XhYw7qPvhaU/w-d-xo.html
Germany Version:-th-cam.com/video/rddLltxyM30/w-d-xo.html
Italy Version:-th-cam.com/video/fvRCnnUdRnc/w-d-xo.html
Spain Version:-th-cam.com/video/43t4_hRR1XY/w-d-xo.html
Portugal Version:-th-cam.com/video/T61grO6XyfE/w-d-xo.html
Brazil Version:-th-cam.com/video/_CVO27AhS2E/w-d-xo.html
Turkey Version:-th-cam.com/video/ZXSc5Gd87PA/w-d-xo.html
Indonesia Version:-th-cam.com/video/aR7JaksoJb4/w-d-xo.html
I had the first comment tho
Già iscritto in passato. Tanto amore dall'italia!🇮🇹❤️🇪🇺
Già iscritto 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
Mi sono iscritto adesso
I m subscribed now
Love frome Italy
Everyone talking about the inefficiency of the Italian army for ww2, when even in that war Italy fought bravery, and after that look how many war Italy fought and won
Purtroppo, finché fai tutto bene, nessuno ti critica, ma appena fai un errore stanno tutti lì a dire che non sai fare niente, mentre invece dovrebbero pensare alle LORO guerre perse.
Most of them were colonial wars or uprisings
@@apo5895 first world war, the crimean war, all the war of unification against Austria-Hungary are not colonial wae
@@lucanoarianoproductions3273 ae
Italy: actually won a lot of wars
Everyone: *iMpOsSiBlE*
@@imacolonelinbf2975 your father aren’t white period
Spain to! France to!
If you were to include the Roman Empire you'd find that Italy's military history is a lot more impressive than you think.
@@sigma_frenchie4075 Italy is its descendant
Roman Empire is Italy. It was founded in Italy and the principal region/state was Italy. I don't understand why you foreigners want to delete our history
it is already
@@sigma_frenchie4075 romans were italics, Italians of today are italics, maybe someone from the North descends from Germans, but italians are descendants of the Romans.
The rest of the Latin countries are descendants of romans too, but not as Italians, like Greeks are descendants of byzantine.
The problem would be how to represent all the medieval wars since Italians were divided into smaller states and fought a lot against each other. Sure when it was one or various Italian states against a foreign nation (think the battle of Lepanto) you could represent it as a war Italy was participating to, but the various wars between Guelphs and Ghibelines where Italians where on both sides? Or wars between the Italian marine republics.
Nobody realize that this country unified and started the colonial mission later than everyone, and yet was able to reach such levels.
You mean switching sides more than romania
@@gamerdrache2.02 Not funny, not true. So its just bs.
@@gamerdrache2.02 and losing to the greeks
@@gamerdrache2.02 it's not funny
@@panzerkampfwagenvi8265 and winning ww1 against an empire and taking Lybia from Turkey
Everyone is underestimating Italy but:
- Fighting against Ethiopians were different. They had modernised European weaponary, using the advantage of mountainous region and guerilla warfere to ambush the Italian forces. Not including that the Italians had to maintance their supply lines and survive the Ethiopian's Hit and run tactic. They aren't some oogs tribes like the Zulu, smh.
- Italy was a young Imperialist nation. During the 1860s to the 1900s, Italy didn't really involve in any war, simply because they couldn't. Most African Tribes already got colonised even before the "Scramble for Africa". Italy wasn't rich like UK, France or Germany. Going to Africa was already a trouble for them so going to Asia would be a nightmare.
- Italy wasn't ready for both WW1 and WW2. Their young, inexperienced military cannot compete against veteran forces of the Germans or the Austrians. Same thing applies for WW2. Mussolini planned to join ww2 in 1945 but Germany rushed 5 years earlier. Infact, Mussolini was focusing in prospering Italian economy and their military reforms were just begun.
- Italians lost many battles and wars, yes. There are many reasons for that. But you can't deny that the Italians soldiers fought bravely on the battlefield and achieved countless of victories.
No in Ww1 did well and won against germans and austrians on piave and grappa. The ww2 is the only problem
@@historyofitaly4364 In realtà se studi bene i retroscena vedrai anche qualche chicca nella ww2, ad esempio quando Napoli sì liberò dall'invasione tedesca bloccandoli a Nord, dove c'è stata una gran resistenza
@@aled.9658 sisi assolutamente, la resistenza italiana ha liberato 128 città da sola e catturato almeno 80.000 prigionieri tedeschi secondo le stime alleate. E comunque l’Italia fascista o partigiana nella ww2 ha fatto parecchie cose eccezionali che però vengono volutamente trascurate
@@historyofitaly4364 Uno dei detti più veri secondo me è proprio che la storia la fanno i vincitori..
@@aled.9658 nulla di più fastidioso è quando noi italini veniamo volutamente trascurati. È uno schifo, abbiamo la storia più bella del mondo (non me lo sto inventando ogni articolo o ci mette al 1 posto o sul podio) e nella ww2 abbiamo avuto numerose vittorie e invaso molti paesi ma no dobbiamo sempre essere maltrattati ok
Im italian, and finally, the name and honor of my country has been restored after years of people on social media telling me how bad my country was in wars
See again what countries Italy won and what were the coalitions...
@@vasilisvlachos4521 ok and??
@@vasilisvlachos4521 We're still waiting...and?
@@vasilisvlachos4521 we are still waiting so... AND?
We were the best for centuries... i am not surprised some people are still butthurted Roman Empire is our staff lol
As Italian I have to tell you that Italy became a Republic in 1946. So it’s wrong to use in your time line the Italian monarchist flag after that year.
La vera italia è quella monarchica, il resto è fuffa
@@carloclemente8026 insomma, sotto la monarchia abbiamo visto i nostri momenti più bui
È un ending alternativo, dove negli anni ottana si è rifatto il referendum, e ha vinto la monarchia
@@VaduzLmao mi piace
@@gamename00 non è vero, solo durante le guerre abbiamo visto i momenti peggiori. Ma la monarchia è quella che ha unificato l'italia, senza l'attitudine ad aspettare che qualcuno si assuma la responsabilità tipica di qualsiasi apparato repubblicano. Io non sono contro la repubblica, ma non sopporto il garantismo e l'inefficacia di qualsiasi ente pubblico. Basta vedere per esempio alla lotta alla mafia, i poliziotti fanno, la magistratura con i suoi 50 gradi di giudizio e i suoi premi per "buona condotta" a persone che fino a ieri uccidevano senza scuproli rendono vano ogni tentativo, invece sotto la monarchia (e ad onor del vero sotto il fascismo) il prefetto Mori con il pugno di ferro e i metodi poco ortodossi è riuscito ad addormentare il fenomeno mafioso e a trasformarlo in una squadra d'azione a servire il fascismo.
1:43 Turkish Independence War is defeat for Italy and other countries. For another example, looking Soviet Revolution is successed and after that, USSR was born as a result. Like that, Turkish Independence War is successed for Turkish and as a result, Republic of Turkey and other +30 countries were born after that. This conclusion is a fact, can be approach like that.
formalizing the kingdom supported the Ottoman Empire but had given funds and weapons to the Turkish liberation front, that's why it says that Italy has won.
@@lambelet2990 but if you attention to the sides, Turkish National Movement represents Republic of Turkey, that against fallen Ottoman Government/Empire in de facto. I know and understand what you mean but there is a logical mistake in here.
@@burakyldrm6727 yes I know, the publisher of the video did not specify that Italy was officially on the side of the European coalition but actually supported your country, if you wanted to be correct Italy had to be marked together with Turkey.
Listen we win stop make excuses
@@Class_D7453 won what?
People are saying: "but the Turkish indipendence was an Italy defeat", in fact, if you see, Italy was secretly helping the Turks, so yeah is an Italy victory
No It's not. When the French and Armenian forces defeated at Southeast of Anatolia and Greeks advance stopped at Sakarya (Battle of Sakarya) Italy is understanded they will not win that war. And they retreated from Anatolia.
Actually they didn't lost anything. Man or Equipment. So it's kinda victory.
So Italy should be aligned with Turkey not with britain and greece
@@gllmll7227 officially it was helping the Greece, but secretly it was on Turkish side
I understand what you mean, but there is a logic error here. Italy should have been shown next to Turkey.
There are still some stereotypes about italian army due to WW2, but overall in 150+ year of activity they actually didn't do bad. They suffered some bad defeat but also won some brilliant victories like against the ottoman empire. Overall, gg
I think it's not that much a case of sucking at war (despite bad commanders during WW1/2), but just that Italy didn't have yet the necessary industry and economy for those two wars, being so close to most major powers of the time.
Italy managed to reach that industrial/economic status (overall comparable with Britain and France) after WW2, a bit too late for the majors conflicts of the first half of the 20th century.
Yeah, I also think the main reason Italy performed so badly was because it has practically been fighting non stop for 10 years, from 1935 to 1945. In 1935-1936 they attacked Ethiopia, from 1936 to 1939 they fought against Spain and in 1939 they conquered Albania. Compared to Germany who had years to prepare for WW2, Italy had spent a lot, really a lot of money on these military campaigns. Mussolini and his staff were pretty much aware of this, and in August 1939, when Hitler asked Italy to join him against Poland, the Italian HQ thought that the Italian army wouldn’t have been ready to fight until 1946-1947. At best, if you really want to push it, 1943. Thing is, due to the previous wars Italy lacked a lot of raw materials, so Italy could have even been the most industrialized nation on earth, but if you don’t have anything to work with…
@@quinvos57 well said… please tell me that you are not italian 🙏
@@quinvos57 EXACTLY...finally someone gets it right...they were completely depleted by the time WW II started, add to that the backstabbing Germans were the ones that dragged them into WW II by breaking the Pact of Steel giving Italy 3 years to prepare. AND, their Empire was larger than the Nazi's.
The Ottomans had to deal with the Balkans and gave Libya to Italy. Italy did not win a major victory in Libya
3:22 are we going to ignore he is using the Czechoslovak flag instead of the Yugoslav flag?
It’s also now Czech Republic flag
I think they're the same flags
@@JewelMuncher no, they’re not the same.
He used Italian Monarchist flag, Old UK flag in modern war and upside down Poland
@@fuzekkj dude Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic used the same flag. We have the same flag since our country was formed in 1918
Love to our ancient brothers from greece 🇬🇷❤🇮🇹 Sadly he didn't include your ancient wars just like with greece, but still u guys are great fighters
Haha Italy go brrt
@@atrashlemon7735 Examples? Italy did that yes, but not in Greece
@@atrashlemon7735 what you say is false, the Germans did this.
Hi and thanks 🇮🇹
@@atrashlemon7735 source?
I know you hate us a lot, Italians.
But I truly love your country and culture, we have to move forward and not looking back of our history.
Like we did with Germany, love you Italia from France 🇮🇹🧡🇫🇷
Latins Brothers ✝️
No One hates French people, It Is All about football healthy rivalry and nothing more. Ciao from Italy😘
@@albertoderosso9574 Wait until you visit us British people then you will see France is hated a lot
@@kingbread5808 Im Sorry for them, time spent hating Is wasted time to me🤣
No one really hates France (Except for jerks), is only... Rivalry, like in football, or in wine.
I personally love South and Central France (they are such a nice guys) but I found north France, especially Paris, cringe because most of them think they are superior than everyone (maybe because they are more germanic than latins, but dk)
I'm proud to be italian
Il partito?
@@ildiodellebertucce8361 no
Viva il nostro popolo
@@ildiodellebertucce8361 il partito Fascista
@@NicoliPazzo w il duce
Thank u for this vid, I’m Italian and I didn’t know about some of this wars
Italians are true warriors, and unmatched in hand to hand combat or mano a mano. ancient italian soldiers started the roman empire witch later expanded to other warriors within europe to join the roman empire. And lets not forget, The american special forces are currently training in italy learning from special op italian soldiers, in the italian alps, learning all about warfare in the snow.
Hai ragionissima 🇮🇹🦅🖤🏴
Stay Strong and be Proud of our Great Civilization and History!
From Russia with love!
''Our ''or ''your'' ?, just asking don't be mad please.
Grazie Russia , sei vera Amica
love russia from italy
@@Giovis968 Beh,ma forse la Russia ci bombarderà
man i hope we dont nuke each other
Italy performed very well in the First World War but no one ever talks about it, it won the war first on 4 November 1918, paying the price for a lot of deaths and defeating the Austrians. many even think that the Italians lost the First World War but Italy had an important role in the victory of the Entente in WW1
thank you so much for this video, being Italian I really appreciated it. we are a strong and competitive state, everyone talks about ww2, where we didn't do good things, but somewhere else, we are a very strong state, with a lot of victories in war
The past doesnt matter what matters now is the corruption and debt in the italian state
@@atrashlemon7735 every country has its own problems
@@atrashlemon7735 probably your country is far corrupt and full of debt's and are you talking about italy
@@atrashlemon7735 your usa has already paid the 24 trillion american debt printing money will always go bankrupt you guys just like in 2008
@@atrashlemon7735 acid lemon
We can say Italy was the "united states" of the ancient world with Roman empire. Then obviously, as physiological in all civilizations, there was a decline.
If we talk about united Italy since 1861 there have been sensational defeats, but also great victories that have rekindled pride. I can mention the victory over the Austrian Empire in the First World War. Which represents the symbol of united Italy, let's say.
More like the "united states" of the medieval times in the peninsula, quite young for any big projects
It was more than the united states basically romans conquered the entire known world lol
In WWI there was the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, not the Austrian Empire.
Rome was better then Usa for sure lol
@@bluesoul7163 imagine still using youtube the app made by usa
There have been more Italian victories than defeats, this is the important thing. 🇮🇹
Tanto tempo fa mo nn valete una sega x sempre..
@@السيدبدر-ن5ج neanche il tuo paese arabo
@@السيدبدر-ن5ج beh non è carino dire a tutti gli italiani in Afghanistan o i veterani di guerra in Jugoslavia o Iraq che sono delle sege
@@السيدبدر-ن5ج dopotutto hai ragione, essere la settima potenza mondiale e 3 economia dell'unione europea è davvero da paesi falliti
@@السيدبدر-ن5ج hai ragione, è proprio da falliti rompere le pelotas alla 7 potenza mondiale e non ricordare che il proprio paese ha una monarchia assoluta nel 21esimo secolo e che si mantiene solamente con il turismo e il petrolio.
As an Italian, I would have preferred that Italy had not waged any war in the period 1922-1945.
Me too. And until now I Wish Italy was neutral.
If but Mussolini didn't go to war in ww2 i think we would have a better economy and less memes on the internet. This is what happens when you put your poitical belief above logic
@@andreatom2669 nah we would probably be memed about being neutral and getting invaded by germany.
@@SediAgameRbaD i doubt that, how can you use tanks on the alps???
But in the end, you allied with us, and then you also won the war with us
During ww1 there was 24 divisions of Arditi special troops.
Arditi was tasked by the objective of taking enemy trench and never retreat until reinforcements arrived.
They was specifically trained to fight till they died in combat. And it was voluntary service.
Now, 24 divisions of volunteers ready to fight the war till they die and never retreating.
And you call this "being cowards"?
The cowards are those that misrepresent the Italian war record.
@@spaniardsrmoors6817 indeed my friend. Well said.
Thank you
Funfact: the majority of Italian missions and wars during the republic period is still classified. That means that we don't know where Italy fought and against who during the last 70 years. Some leaks I read years ago said Italian army were deployed in more or less 40 different countries around the world but you know it's illegal (even for journalists) to take pictures or videos of the Italian army, so....
Sappiamo benissimo dove sono dispiegate le nostre truppe e gli assetti terrestri, navali o aerei che siano. La cosa cambia quando si parla di forze speciali di cui si conoscono solo le operazioni più famose in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia e Balcani. La segretezza riguarda loro e le azioni di combattimento a cui hanno preso parte le nostre truppe regolari negli ultimi 15 anni, poichè delle operazioni combat in Iraq e Somalia sappiamo già abbastanza. Dei bombardamenti aerei in Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan e Libia si sa ma ci sono voluti anni per scoprire le cifre e dettagli sulle operazioni.
@@lorenzo4408 Mi sono ricordato solo ora del tuo commento.
Non è vero che in genere si conoscono tutti gli interventi militari italiani (che siano prima o dopo l'Afghanistan). O meglio, si conoscono gran parte delle operazioni più famose a cui hanno partecipato ma è tutto molto offuscato dalla politica di segretezza tipica italiana (che ci accompagna dal dopoguerra ad oggi). Della controguerriglia in Somalia, dell'intervento militare terrestre nei Balcani (i CC stavano a prendere a fucilate e distribuire dolciumi, secondo la stampa), degli effettivi scontri contro l'ISIS, delle operazioni nell'Afghanistan occidentale, del post-Nassyriah, le diverse operazioni per la liberazione degli ostaggi italiani (uno conosciuto di persona, recuperato dal GOI nel 2015 se non ricordo male) durante la guerra civile libica, per fare qualche esempio, si sa poco e niente. Mi ricordo anche l'assoluta impossibilità di trovare (al di fuori di qualche documento leakato) l'utilizzo delle FREMM in Libia contro l'ISIS (insieme alle operazioni post attacco missilistico libico...chi ci crede che abbiano interrotto l'intera mobilizzazione senza motivo?) o le operazioni in Congo (ci sarà un motivo per cui hanno cercato di rapire l'AMBASCIATORE italiano?). Anche del ruolo del GOI nella crisi dell'Achille Lauro si sa poco e niente, se non che l'intervento doveva essere inizialmente eseguito da DUE incursori, poi portato a 12 su pressione USA.
Non sapere il background, gli effettivi, il numero di perdite, la logistica, le tattiche e le strategie utilizzate, il turnover delle truppe, il supporto locale ecc non può dare neanche minimamente un'idea di come e dove abbia combattuto l'esercito italiano.
Etichettare le operazioni militari in cose generiche come "peacekeeping" o "supporto" o "advising" è tipico del modo di agire nostro. Si evitano polemiche e si evitano giustificazioni col pubblico. Ma si perde anche tanta credibilità a livello internazionale.
Se invece tu hai delle fonti certe (quindi non discorsi da forum o blog), ti prego di scriverle così che possa informarmi. Perchè adesso come adesso, in inglese, italiano e francese non ho trovato praticamente nulla.
italy: actually won a lot of battle, with an army composed by braver soldiers who died for their country continuing to fighting on battlefied until their last breath.
people who don't konw nothing about history: "ItAlY CoWaRdS"
They got foreshadow by ww2
really nice video, but you forgot to change the Italian flag after 1946!!
It's so fascinating that Italy used to be effective before Mussolini's dictatorship.
we just lost ww2 but ok
@@tetrapack.mantovano he join in the ww2, this is his mistake
@@ilsocialattivista5278 You mean he join in 1922?
@@airuinshypergg1712 no he joined in 40’
While Mussolini held lot of power the king was still an important figure and many senior officers had ties with the royal family (like the infamous Badoglio) and couldn't be removed
For all the Turks spreading dis information...The Italo-Turkish or Turco-Italian War (Turkish: Trablusgarp Savaşı, "Tripolitanian War", Italian: Guerra di Libia, "War of Libya") was fought between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ottoman Empire from 29 September 1911, to 18 October 1912. As a result of this conflict, Italy captured the Ottoman Tripolitania Vilayet, of which the main sub-provinces were Fezzan, Cyrenaica, and Tripoli itself. These territories became the colonies of Italian Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, which would later merge into Italian Libya.
During the conflict, Italian forces also occupied the Dodecanese islands in the Aegean Sea.
No one has such misinformation about that one Italian boi, but let's talk about how they couldn't get in the ports and had to force deal by pressure of Western allies because of the certain Balkan wars that just started while the trapoli campaign lasted still?
@@hououinkyouma6136 What are you talking about turkeyBOI?
in 1912. However, the vagueness of the text, combined with subsequent adverse events unfavourable to the Ottoman Empire (the outbreak of the Balkan Wars and World War I), allowed a provisional Italian administration of the islands, and Turkey eventually renounced all claims on these islands in Article 15 of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.[11]
@@hououinkyouma6136 Turkey was outclassed by Italian army and navy, they didn't win anything of consequence...NOTHING.
Love World
From Italy 🇮🇹🤝🌍🌎🌏
3:23 this is flag of czechia😂
Yugoslavia is Czechia! :D
@@dr.dutosvarc no yugoslavia isn’t Czechia😅😅😅
Yes I am from czechia
@@karlosinho8955 já vím. Jen jsem poupravil frázi "Kosovo je Serbia" :D
@@dr.dutosvarc jo takhle tak moje chyba 😅
Amo l''Italia 🇪🇬❤🇮🇹
Bri we are waiting for Turkey 🇹🇷. Love your videos keep going ♥
dude already done check out decording data
Yapamaz .çünkü Türklerin kurduğu 100 den fazla devlet var
For the WWII:
Good soldiers
Bad generals
3:20 that's not the Yugoslavian flag that's the Czech one
Technically, Italy should be on turkish Side on the turkish independence war since they did support the National movement secretly because the lands that Italy was promised to get, were given to greece. You can see this in wikipedia too
It is an incomplete list, because contemporary Italian military history under the tricolor flag began in the Napoleonic era.
The Italian armies of the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Naples participated in several Napoleonic campaigns, in Spain, Germany and Russia in 1812.
Subsequently, the Kingdom of Sardinia which would later become the Kingdom of Italy in 1861, also fought the First War of Independence (1848) against the Austrian Empire (defeat), the Crimean War (1855), against the Russian Empire (victory), the second war of independence (1859) against the Austrian Empire (victory).
The army of the Kingdom of Sardinia was the same army that later became the unitary army in 1861 but already in fact it was fought with the tricolor flag in the name of all of Italy.
Also missing is the first Italian civil war, the so-called "Brigandage War" between the regular troops and the brigands of southern Italy (1861-1865) (Victory).
Go back in time, the institution of the "King of Italy" starts right in 476 AD.
grazie italia per tutto🇦🇱🇮🇹
Non sappiamo nemmeno noi cosa avevamo, sempre meglio la relazione con voi che con la Slovenia
In realtà non è che siamo stati i primi trai santi durante l'invasione in Albania😬
In realtà i fascisti in Albania sono stati come i tedeschi in polonia
Shqipeeee 🇦🇱
reminder this is not including the many glorious centuries of Roman victories resulting in the greatest empire in the world
03:21 the flag of "former Yugoslavia" actually is that of "former Cecoslovacchia". 🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿
Sorry, but I have to ask you: what were your references for the flags? There are some major errors with those, especially the one at 3:27.
Overall, great video! You really included every war of my country in a cool way
Now I understand why all countries wanted Italy divided in little states, because united Italy is unstoppable in war💪🏻💪🏻⚔️🛡️🔫🚀💣 true sons of Rome!!!!!!! 🔱
When you go over to the side of the enemy and pretend you have won, you are invincible
@@karolm476 Yeah? Let's test your history, when it happened?
@@Th3K33p3r In 1943
@@karolm476 Do you realize that Italy was in the first and only civil war ever had, and was split in two, right?
@@Th3K33p3r But because of that, they are on Wikipedia as the winners of World War II
What does the shield mean?
And also in the war of Kosovo you used the czechia flag for Yugoslavia
Good video though
If you mean the shield on the Italian flag it's the symbol of house Savoy, the family of the kings of Italy, they abdicated and got exiled after ww2 so modern flag doesn't feature their symbol anymore
@@gabriele3665 Lo so, intendo quello scudo che c'è ogni tanto vicino al nome delle guerre
@@Kndrx_ the shield that is near to the names of the war
@@simonestroppiana4529 bruuuuh non ho manco letto il nome e presunto fossi straniero
@@gabriele3665 non preoccuparti
😍😍I love you so much Italians 😗🖤🇮🇶🤩🇮🇹
I’m Italian and I say yes my wars where pretty intense
@Europia History make an Portugal version please
Italy's Flag was different after 1946 , Btw apart from first half of WW2 and some African conflicts Italy always had a Great Military 🇮🇹🇮🇹❤
2:10 perché la nave si chiama achille lauro?
It was the bravery of the Italians to win them wars not its army strength so that tells a lot about the italians
Ehm. Italy is the 11th most powerful country in the world from the military point of view, even over germany.
Italy Is 3 Power army in Europe
@@totoriinaa8145 I’m not talking about now I’m talking about their military history also most european nations don’t take part in having a strong peacetime army
1:44 Let me put it into the mind of the person who did this. Who won the Turkish War of Independence?
The Turks, the Italians were officially on the entente's side but secretely supported Turkey.
@@francescosantambrogio6421but the winner is Turkey
@@Emirhan-fo4ny Yes, It is what I said. In this video, he should have shown Italy on the side of Turkey in order to avoid any confusion.
I didn't know Indonesia fought in Iraq. Pozdrowienia z Polski 🇵🇱
2:05 of course I read sussy order
When the italians are sus
@@nicola.innocenti funnily enough tonight I even had a dream where an "amongus like demon" kept screaming SUSSY at me. It was pretty weird
Why is polands flag version of countryballs in 03:29?
imagine a legion of 10,000 rocky marciano. these were our ancestors. strong and hard as boulders. Then over the centuries we have become a people of artists, musicians. we repudiate war because we have done too much in the past. we want to be a country of painters, sculptors, architects etc. those who boast about wars is a sad person.
The VLORA REVOLUTION picture, picturing the VLORA ship, is incorrect: it refers to something happened the 8 of august 1991, during the Albanian revolution. In fact, during that day about 20.000 Albanians crossed the Adriatic sea heading Bari on that single merchant ship, called VLORA
When Albanians invading in Italy by the illegal immigration
@@vikingmusicindeed432 none of this. They are our brothers from the other side of the narrow Adriatic sea, escaping from war
@@alessandrocazzato865 hahahaah fake news! Your brothers builded Mafias there and your state thrown them in the bottom by shootings their boats
@@vikingmusicindeed432 you should give us a fact check of your statement. I'm waiting
@@alessandrocazzato865 the facts are everywhere! How many Albania's in are jailed and gangs? Also you are an Albanian, i have been in Italy and i never met someone who liked them
My God all this turks in the comments, Italy in the war didin't fought one battle and have no interest in doing so after WW1, same can be said of France and the UK, the mith of turkey defeting five nations is completley bs, ps italy supported the turks
Read about cilician campain. French army were defeated in urfa, antep and maras. After that their forces never recovered. French even cried for compensations. Brits just used the greeks as cannon fodder but greek army was just shit. British forces were trapped in istanbul. They had to negotiate with ataturk for a peacefull retreat of the british forces. After that the greeks went swimming.
And then we have Italy. Masters of switching sides.
WW1 pacts with germany and Austria. Oh no war is not going well bamm backstab.
WWII well mussolini and hitler buddies. Oh no war is not going well. Bamm switch sides.
Independance war Turkey: oh no war is not going well. Ah Turkey we support you man.
@@ayhanozturk1801 bruh masters of switching sides...kust to say but tuekey joined ww2 when europe was liberated...anyway italy didnt pussied out infact after ww1 italy wasnt in good relation with former entante and during the anatolian crisis the italian occupied territory was peacefully ceded to the tuekiah national movement in exchange for the guarantee of turkey to not claim the italian colonies in the agean sea...to be fair italy even secretly supported the turks of chadtaturk
@@ayhanozturk1801 We utterly humiliated Turkey in the war of 1911-12, so shut up
0:01 wtf why is switzerland highlited?
Thats not entirely switzerland
@@SmashingCapital almost all toh
You should have included the battles from 2000 BC/BCE-1865 AD/ACE.
Why there is Kingdom of Italy's flag on Iraq and Libyan Civil wars?
1:42 I am pretty sure they lost the Turkish Independence
The Turkish gained independence so basically yes you have right btw😂😂
@@pietrodauria7022 yes, pretty much common sense if you know
Lmao italians secretly helped the Turks in their independence... So no, we won
Yes...and Not. I mean, officaly Italy is against the Turkish indipendence... but in reality, in secret the turks were helped by Italians for a matter of rivalry between the entente Powers, especially France.
Actually italy won the war even if they lost antalaya, italy had kinda bad relations with the entente powers since the missrespect of the london pact by the former Allies, soo they secretly helped and made a pact with the turks, in fact italy ceded antalaya but the agean colonies wich were a turkish claims
Love to ancient friends like Greece,Italy And Egypt :-)
And Mussolini ruined our kill strike
For Italy they show the naval ensign (1861-1946) not the National flag.
Figured the Italian war reference might be interesting:
“Even in corrupt and degraded Italy, the cross in never made handle to the dagger!”
Describes how during the Mexican American war of 1846, Americas war with Mexicos was unjust because it was covered by lies and concealed by ulterior motives, that even in Italy when they wage war, they call it what it is and never bend the corners, nor to give Christian aid to any wars of conquest or aggrandizement, yet Americas war with Mexico was exactly this, and used Christian principles to justify the most unjust, demoralizing, and costly wars on record to which there is no legal or moral justification, and could only be justified in darker ages and amongst savage nations, alike that one day it shall be punished for this great crime.
-war with Mexico Reviewed, Abiel Abbott Livermore American peace society 1850
if we were to also count the presence of Italian contingents, then we also take into consideration the Franco-German war, the Greek war of independence and the Balkan war
specifying that for the Franco-German and Balkan wars it was a success while the Greek war of independence did not go well against the Turks
It did well
non ne abbiamo perse mica tante, le abbiamo buscate nella seconda.. questo si, ma nella prima, nella guerra civile spagnola, nelle guerre coloniali(a parte qualche episodio, battaglia, no) con la turchia abbiamo vinto a fine 800. il resto abbiamo fatto coalizioni con vittorie di coalizione.
Its so best i sub you 😘
3:26 why Czech republic flag?!
1:17 per l'italia, per il Re! Sempre avanti Savoiaaa!
Ma anche no
@@ruskygelovich5469 ho messo il minutaggio apposta; in quel momento viene mostrata la prima guerra mondiale
Devi mettere le "
1:37 Italy won the Turkish War of Independence?
Italy has secretly helped the Turkish national movement
@@potentesignoredellepioppe7260 Italian empire and some allies occupied ottoman in ww1 and lost
@@thee2815 Yes, but Italy, fearing that Greece would become stronger, helped the Turkish movement against the allies
Good video bro (am Italian) the only thing that you should remove the savoy simbol from the flag after ww2
3:17 Yugoslavia had flag of Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic?
What about 2000 years of Roman history?
He was speaking of the contemporary Italy, the Roman Empire is totally another thing
Will upload whole Roman history in few days
*sees USS Iowa as picture for Italian Invasion of Albania*
Ah yes, accuracy
The important is the message
What is the music's name
Turkish Independence
Italy in the video : We won the war!
Italy in real war : We lost
Italy help Turkey
@@radec5166 oh thanks for the information
3:12 wait a second... That's Czech flag bru-
I think the Italian liberation war from 1943 to 1945 should also be counted
Italy lost and the american-british force won
@@Centurio_1 Yes, but technically no: in 1943 Italy surrendered to Anglo-American forces and was invaded by Germany. Then between October 13 1943 and May 2 1945 the Kingdom of Italy, which has as its temporary capital Brindisi, changes sides and declares war on Germany: a war called the Italian War of Liberation, fought mainly by bands of partisans but also by the official Italian army
@@ErosEvose It was a civil war whitin a invasion. There was a load of italian conscripts and volunteers on both sides, no sense would be made out of counting a italian vs italian massacte
"italian liberation"? What a non-sense word
@@Courdelion Italy was invaded by Germany after it became a neutral country.
3:21 that was flage of ches repuplic not flage of Yugoslavia!!!
The information about the Turkish War of Independence is not fully accurate. Italy supported the Turkish rebels, not the Ottoman Empire. France initially supported the Ottomans, but then signed a peace treaty with the rebels and began supporting them. The UK supported the Ottoman Empire. The rebels were victorious and therefore it was indeed an Italian victory, but the information you have is still inaccurate.
What's the music?? Please it sounds so epic!
1:42 is wrong
@yeetus fetus bro are you blind
Unfortunately it didn't show the battles between Brazil and Italy, probably one of the countries that gave the Italians the most work but Italy is amazing
It does, they were part of WWII and Brazil actually helped Italy (at least the part of Italy that would become the Italian republic). During WWII Italy broke in two and entered in Civil War, with the northern part being occupied by Germans, Brazilians fought in Italy but not against Italy
The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left"*...
Investing in crypto is the best way to earn financial freedom
I could invest in Crypto but always got confused by it’s volatility in nature
Interesting, most people don't understand the market moves and tend to be mislead in facts like this and always depend on Money in the Bank very bad idea
It's nice to hear people discuss about investment, because investment always beat cash
@@xavi3690 That won't bother you if you trade with a professional like Mr smith.
Turkish Independence War and you are saying victory. Damn bro u high ?
ayo i think someone stole 2 of ur videos the British empire vs the united states
and the brytanzine vs roman empire video one cuz i literlly watch ur videos to many time tht i remember it i think the name is flagquiz but i hope u see it :D
Lol, we performed better in 160 years than some countries in entire centuries
Non so quanto si possano definire guerre, quelle in Libano, Iraq, Afghanistan e Libia...
In turkish independence turkish national movement won 4 wars others won only 1 wor the Kütahya Eskişehir
When it says Italy vs Ethiopia and Mahdist Sudan it should say Italy vs Abyssinia because Ethiopia was then called Abyssinia
Every time I meet someone who says that Italy was defeated by Ethiopia I will link them this video.
In Turkish war of independence Turks have won ( Italy helped Turks because entente didint keep their promise about giving Mediterranean Region to Italy) Istanbul occupation has ended at 6 October 1923 . In North Africa Turks have won but after occupation of aegean island had to leave because aegean islands were strategicly more important
but what are you saying, the war in Libya was won by the Italians, with difficulty but it was won by the Italians without a doubt
One error: Turkish Independence War: DEFEAT!!!! 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🤘🤘🤘🤘
1:47 the Vlora battle was won by Albanians it wasn’t inconclusive
Albananian cope
21 victory
5 defeat
We are strong
Where is Greco- Italian war ?
From Hitler’s own words:
“Others among the German leadership were less critical, most notably Adolf Hitler. In his address to the Reichstag following the conclusion of the Balkan Campaign, Hitler was complimentary to the Greeks for their "extremely brave resistance", but stated that given the Greek logistical situation, German involvement was not decisive in the Greco-Italian conflict: "The Duce... was convinced that a quick decision would be arrived at one way or another in the forthcoming season. I was of the same opinion." He stated that he had no quarrel with Greece (which he had acknowledged as part of the Italian sphere anyway) and that his intervention was aimed solely at the British as he suspected that they planned to set up a threat to his rear in the vein of the Salonika Front
of the First World War: "the German forces, therefore, represented no assistance to Italy against Greece, but a preventive measure against the British." He further noted that by the beginning of April the Albanian campaign against the Italians "had so weakened [Greece] that its collapse had already become inevitable", and credited the Italians with having "engaged the greater part of the Greek Army."
In his private correspondence in April 1942, Hitler said: "It is equally impossible to imagine what might have happened if the Italian front had not been stabilized in Albania, thanks to Mussolini; the whole of the Balkans would have been set alight at a moment when our advance towards the southeast was still in its early stages."
Do Turkey version
Already Did, check on Decoding data
@@europiahistory6999 yes but i mean from 1071 to 2021
Yes for sure !!!
@ᴛᴜʀᴋɪᴄ ᴇᴍʀᴇ •𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰 🐸
@@europiahistory6999 the Ottoman Empire