#3) After removing floor tiles & cement layer. There was no urine smell. 욕실 바닥 타일 제거 후 소변 오줌 냄새 없었다.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • This is what it looks like after removing the floor tiles and cement layer. There is no urine smell. 바닥 타일 및 시멘트층 제거후 모습이다. 소변냄새는 나지 않는다.
    I put my nose to the floor and smelled it... It smelled like cement (so... it smelled like dirt), but it didn't smell like urine. 바닥에 코를 대고 냄새를 맡아보았는데.. 시멘트 냄새(그러니까.. 흙냄새 비슷한 냄새)가 났으며, 소변냄새는 아니었음
    It took about 2 months to solve the bathroom urine odor problem. 화장실 소변 냄새 문제 해결하는데 약 2개월 소요되었다.

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